tale-of-two-new-kings · 8 months
well Thank you!! Nice to see another bloke with strange hair!
Pardon me as I'm still getting my footing in this whole 'posting' arrangement-
{He tried writing on me with literal ink and quill-}
well thankfully your voice- {speakers-} worked for you to alarm me about that-
[ Initializing connection . . . . ]
[ . . . . . ]
{ Bzzrt! connection completed! }
Amazing! Much obliged Zepher. Now.. um... now what do I?-
{ Just speak-zz, and I will ~transcribe~ whatever you wizh, Your Zzzighness! }
Alright! Well, a good evening to the people of 'Rotumblr'- am I pronouncing that right?- I am- okay, very good-
My name is... Tax! Just call me Tax. I am ever so thrilled to explore this- uh {app!} yes, this app! And discover more about the people who parruse this space!
... ... {is that all?} Is there more that needs to be said?? {No! no, eh-he, I'll get that bzz- posted right away...hooboy}
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tale-of-two-new-kings · 8 months
[ Initializing connection . . . . ]
[ . . . . . ]
{ Bzzrt! connection completed! }
Amazing! Much obliged Zepher. Now.. um... now what do I?-
{ Just speak-zz, and I will ~transcribe~ whatever you wizh, Your Zzzighness! }
Alright! Well, a good evening to the people of 'Rotumblr'- am I pronouncing that right?- I am- okay, very good-
My name is... Tax! Just call me Tax. I am ever so thrilled to explore this- uh {app!} yes, this app! And discover more about the people who parruse this space!
... ... {is that all?} Is there more that needs to be said?? {No! no, eh-he, I'll get that bzz- posted right away...hooboy}
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tale-of-two-new-kings · 8 months
"A tale of two new kings" - [Blog lore]
{3,000 years ago; Across the newly formed plains that were carved during the fights of gigantic, ravenous beasts that once filled the land. Stood tall atop a large jagged edge of raised ground and rock; was one of two legendary guardians of said land; a greatly large maned-wolf, it's fur a mix of crimson and navy, bearing gold armor of the Shield of the Fighting Master. And sat on it's back was it's most trusted person; a fair skinned boy, 16 years of age with fluffy blonde hair and eyes like sapphires, dressed in attire befitting of the highest rank. The boy and his trusted partner stood up straight and firm as they meticulously scanned their surroundings. The boy's expression harden and focused. But nothing could prepare the boy in red as the sound of pounding paws and a flash of blue would soon whiz by him followed along with a "Last one there's a rotting exeggcute!" shouted in a playfully teasing tone. The force of the wind carried by the swift movement caused the boy to tumble forward on his partner's back- his navy cape flying forward over his head. "Augh-pft-" The boy sputters as he fumbles to push his cape back over him, and as soon as he does, he shouts back at the passing figure in a annoyed, flustered tone. "Ugh- Tarax! This is supposed to be serious!?" That flash of blue came from none other than the other legendary guardian of the land; a similar great maned-wolf with furs of pastel cyan and pinks. Bearing golden armor of The Fairy King's Sword which was sheathed to it's side. This mighty beast also had it's own partner riding it's back that had thrown a look back at his compatriot, but all that he got in response was a head of short wild purple hair thrown back in laughter. The wolf's rider; Tarax, was a dark-skinned boy, also 16 years of age, with eyes like golden fields of wheat or honey. He hunkers down close to his mounts ears and says "Come on ol' girl, lets show those Slowpokes why we're kings!", The wolf responds with an excited growl before unleashing a resounding bark that flattens the tall grass around them; clearing their surroundings.
In a matter of moments the sounds of a second quad of wolf paws join in the race; as the quartet bound towards no real destination. The cyan wolf is far in the lead- when there's a sudden rumble and about 30 feet away the ground cracks open to reveal a Dynamax den. "Rex, look out!" The boy in red shouts from behind. The cyan wolf harshly skids to a stop- its sharp black claws digging deep in the dirt. The sudden stop causes the boy in blue to flip and roll forward off its partner's back, his own back hitting the grass with a 'thud'; after a garbled "ugh-" before taking in what just occurred. He gradually starts giggling as the adrenaline continues to course through his veins. The boy in red approaches and stops at a safer speed before hopping of the magenta wolf and rushing to his friend. "Rex! Tarax, are you alright?" he asks, only to be met with his friend's trailing off laughter, "Ehehehe~ Yes, yes I'm fine Lance". Tarax says with his forearm slung over his eyes to block out the bright sun. The boy in red; Lance, stands up a bit straighter and places his hands on his hips; giving an exasperated look to his lax partner. "I warned you to take this seriously." Lance lightly scolds. "Bah- You have lost your sense of fun mate-" Tarax immediately responds as he moves his arm off his face and limps it on the grassy ground under him. Suddenly Tarax feels his knuckles hit something and it breaking upon the hit- like glass? All four seem to notice the sound, "What was that?" Lance manages to ask first, "A cluster of stars again?". Tarax sits up, and leans over to where his hand had landed; moving away long grass to reveal a... flat piece of black glass, and other welded materials; it's backing a golden hue- yet it weighted nothing like what he thought metal would be... "...What is this?"
[TLDR this is just how they find the phone- was not expecting this to be this long lmao. Asks are now open :]
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tale-of-two-new-kings · 8 months
"The tale of two new kings" - [Intro. post⚔️🛡️]
[All OOC (out of character) posts and tags will be made in brackets like this one. All basic DNI rules. Anons allowed; if your rude or spam you will be blocked]
[Hello! My name is Deerly and my main blog is @deerdeardarling where I mainly post about my Pokemon Chosen AU, which this blog is apart of! As well as all of my other hcs & aus. This blog is specifically around my version of The First Two Galarian Kings! who were only crowned a year ago.]
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[These two are Tarax (right) and Lancelet (left)! They are the original Chosens of Zacian and Zamazenta and are around 16 years old. Tarax is very spry and tries to be uplifting and positive even in times of uncertainty; while Lancelet (or just Lance) is more reserved and quick witted (this. will very likely not show well in my writing. cause i am not smart lmao)] [Note: I'm gonna try to use like. ye olde speak but really no guarantees. Really this is all just for fun and so I can share my ideas. Also blog lore will be in another post after this one initial one]
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