estellaster · 24 days
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they should have a gun-to-the-throat kiss
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incorrect-eloasis · 1 year
Maca: you’re such a pussy
Zulema: I am what I eat
Saray, slamming a hand on the table: ONE DINNER! CAN WE HAVE ONE GODDAMN DINNER?!
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allorphanalllost · 1 year
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thenajwanimri · 1 year
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alexzilver · 1 year
Zulema Zahir has a praise kink.
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scorpionquxen · 1 year
✨ Macarena y Zulema ✨.
cc psd by calisources ᕗ devianart
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rozthedirector · 2 years
"only those who are forgotten die. i think i will be remembered."
you are remembered, zulema zahir🦂
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lovehotladies · 2 years
She's a crime
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nighthawk0913 · 1 year
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   Balance is the key element of religion to lions, as, to them, everything has an equal and opposite: the sun has the moon, the heat has the rain, and the predator has the prey. Because of the wide array of elements to the natural world, there are many deities that represent and are said to control them. The only place that does not have balance is nonexistence, as there was before Neeyr created existence, but even nonexistence itself is balanced by that of Neeyr's creation. The concept that everything in the world exists in a delicate balance drives the ideals and lifestyles of the lions, who believe themselves to be created in the image of the gods and placed in the world to maintain that equilibrium. Lions view themselves as the keepers and caretakers of the world, preventing the chaos that would come from any shift in the natural order.
   But not all of the lions' stories are about gods. They also tell stories of great heroes and terrible monsters, triumphs over evil, and tales of supernatural powers. While most of these stories exist as personifications of a phenomenon or emotion, some lions believe them to hold a grain of truth, and the names of heroes will be invoked in hopes of earning their favor. Stories of gala(angels) and kiru(demons) are also told, and some are revered so highly that they may as well be gods in their own right.
List of Gods, Spirits, and Notable Monsters
Neeyr - God of Creation, first deity, is omnipresent and has no set gender, primordial god
Dira - Goddess of the Dawn and Dusk, protector of the innocent, controller of the afterlife of the same name, primordial god
Votara - Goddess of the Day, punisher of the wicked, controller of the afterlife of the same name, primordial god
Ozna - Goddess of the Night, overseer of the righteous, controller of the afterlife of the same name, primordial god
Dreyus - God of the Sky/Sky Father, primordial god
Daeghom - Goddess of the Earth/Earth Mother, primordial god
Sehul - God of the Sun, Leadership, Nobility, Light, and Power, protector of kings
Zurena - Goddess of the Moon, Peace, Balance, Darkness, and Knowledge, protector of lionesses in childbirth
Ulreus - God of the Sea, Water, and Rivers
Drosyn - Goddess of Plant Life and Fertility
Ulbus - God of the Wet Season, Healing, and Rain
Bixtris - Goddess of the Dry Season, Disease, and Drought
Somnum - Bringer of Death, gala of death
Olo - Weaver of Dreams, gala
Aetis - Sender of Thoughts and Motivation, gala
Xolotini - Prince of Flowers, nature spirit
The Desert King - Spreader of Deserts, Drainer of Life, kiru
Bouros - Spirit of the North Wind
Synir - Spirit of the East Wind
Dirlos - Spirit of the South Wind
Enthos - Spirit of the West Wind
Marsin - First gala, fell from grace and became the first kiru
Aidon - Gala, the one who will defeat Marsin forever and become the god of the new world
Creation Myth
   In the beginning, there was nothing, only an infinite emptiness, and within that emptiness, there existed a single god: Neeyr, both male and female, both light and darkness, both nothing and everything. Lonely in this vast void, Neeyr created, from parts of himself, children. From his claw, he created Votara, goddess of the day, and from her, the first light was born. From his left eye, he created Ozna, goddess of the night, and she existed in contrast to Votara's light. To bring balance to his daughters, Neeyr took a lock of his mane and transformed it into Dira, goddess of the dawn and dusk, to bridge the gap between Votara and Ozna.
   But the world was still nothing, and Neeyr was bored with it. So again, he took a part of themself, several hairs from his pelt, and tossed them through the cosmos. From them, Dreyus was born, god of the sky, and with his birth, existence sprung into being. Dreyus and his three sisters travelled the cosmos together, eager to create more in their new kingdom. But soon Dreyus suffered from the same plight as Neeyr; he was lonely and desired someone to love. So he set about creating himself a mate, one equal in glory and splendor to himself. Through his efforts, Daeghom was born, and she became his bride. From the love between Dreyus and Daeghom, the world was created, with her as the land itself, and Dreyus as the sky overhead.
   The first children born from Dreyus and Daeghom were Sehul, the sun, and Zurena, the moon, and they travelled around their parents' creation, watching from above. After them came Ulreus, god of the seas, who covered the world in life-giving water. Next came Drosyn, goddess of plant life, who blanketed the world in green plants. Because of their efforts, the world became ready to hold life. Dreyus and Daeghom then set about creating the creatures of the world; everything from colossal thunderers to tiny crawlers. But the newly created world was missing something; someone to watch over it. Sehul and Zurena noticed this, and proposed to their parents to create an animal in the image of the gods, one who would be their earthly heralds and keep the world in balance. Dreyus and Daeghom gave their approval, and Sehul and Zurena set about creating the first lions.
   Sehul created male lions, sculpting them from rigid clay and blessing them with great strength. Zurena created lionesses, building them up from the fertile mud of the riverbanks and blessing them with fantastic speed and grace. The first lions were then instructed to watch over the land as its benevolent lords, protecting it and keeping the land in balance in the name of the gods.
The Gala and the Kiru
   In the days before the world existed, the gods simply resided in the celestial plain where they ruled. Among the stars, they existed unchallenged in their divinity. But this meant that everything was unchanging, as the gods could bend their surroundings to their wills. Gradually, they grew bored; what good was creation if they had nothing to do with it? The gods thought for many years, pondering for a solution. Eventually, their endlessly brilliant minds concocted a solution. From a stream of glittering stardust, Dira crafted the first galas and named them Marsin and Aidon.    The galas' form was marvelous, for they looked as their creators did. From their backs, a vibrant pair of feathered wings grew to allow them to soar across the celestial plain. The gods were amazed by Dira's creation, and each desired to create for themselves. From the work of the gods, countless gala were born into the celestial plain. The gala served the gods as one would care for an ailing loved one, endlessly praising the gods and loving them more than anything else in creation, becoming their first subjects. The gods adored the gala, loving them as they would their own children.    But trouble soon began to arise in the celestial plain. With the creation of the world, the gods began adding to it. Marsin could only watch, as he did not have the ability of creation himself, something that made him terribly bitter and envious of the gods. Angered at this perceived slight, Marsin gathered a following of fellow gala, manipulating them into believing that they could take the power of creation from the gods and use it as their own, then they could be the ones to create such splendor and grace. Most turned away from Marsin's message, not wishing to betray their beloved creators, but many others did not. With his followers, Marsin rebelled violently against the gods, attempting to slay them and take their great power for his own. A great battle was fought between the gods and Marsin, but after much chaos and destruction, Marsin's forces were defeated by the faithful gala, led by Aidon. In rage at Marsin's ungratefulness and treason, the gods stripped the rogue gala of both their divinity and their powers, banishing them from the celestial plain, never to be able to return.    Enraged by his defeat, Marsin vowed revenge on the gods. In the absence of his divine power, Marsin became filled with darkness and hate. He and his followers became the first kiru, evil creatures of the shadows and eternal enemy of the gala. The kiru rallied under Marsin, rejecting their divine forms for those of horrible shades. Unable to reenter the realm of the gods, the kiru took to tormenting their creations. Lurking in the darkest shadows, they bring famine, war, murder, and all terrible things that can happen in the world. But they are countered by the gala, who bestow blessings and perform miracles. The gala and kiru still battle for control over the world, keeping the balance between good and evil. While mortal lions are usually unable to see them, the gala and kiru can reveal themselves to them. It is through their interactions with mortals that both possessions by kiru and prophecies delivered by gala come to be.
Creation of the Seasons
   In the early days of the world, there existed only one season, a constant period of lush greenery and plentiful food and water. There was no worry of waterholes drying up or food becoming scarce, as animals had no need to eat yet. All life thrived in this paradise. In the glory of the world, Ulreus and Drosyn bore two children, Ulbus and Bixtris. Ulbus was like his parents, spreading prosperity wherever he went, but Bixtris seemed unable to do the same. The young goddess caused plants around her to wither, and caused illness in the creatures that she drew close to. Believing herself to be cursed, Bixtris was angry that she could not spread the same joy as her family. In her anger, she decided that if she could not do good unto the world, she would instead oppose her family's benevolence.
   Bixtris spread dry grasslands far and wide, drying out sources of water and bringing horrible heat waves with her as she went. Ulbus noticed his sister's deeds, and combatted her with heavy rains that would return life to the barren stretches that she would leave in her wake. Bringing themselves in opposition to the other, the two siblings began to fight, causing great destruction across the land. Seeing the damage done by the two siblings, Daeghom was angered and hurt. The primordial goddess rose in a rage, ordering that the two siblings form a compromise and put aside their differences.
   Ulbus was at first unwilling, angry at the ruin Bixtris had caused, but eventually he was swayed. The two siblings agreed to split the year in half, with each sibling alotted time to reign over the earth. When Ulbus rules, the rains sweep across the lands and life is plentiful, but when Bixtris rules, the world is dry and barren, with great heat ruling over the land. When the time comes for the ruling sibling to step down, the other takes their place and reigns over the land for their half of the year, the other taking residence with Daeghom beneath the earth.
The Three Afterlives
   When the creatures of the earth were first created, death did not exist. Every creature was eternal in their place in the world, and they never grew old nor died. But a problem arose when the world grew to have too many animals. With countless creatures who would never die, populations grew so large that the very earth itself was having trouble sustaining them. Dreyus and Daeghom agreed that something had to be done, or everything in their creation would be at risk. Ozna, Votara, and Dira met to discuss how best to solve the problem. The three goddesses spent many days trying to find a solution, until Ozna finally suggested something that could work. The problem was all creatures being eternal, as immortal and ageless as the gods. If they were stripped of that ability and allowed to fade away, the animal population would be stabilized; the old and weak would die and the young and strong would take their place. The three goddesses agreed on the idea, and used their powers to create Somnum, the gala of death, who would come to guide the souls of dead creatures to the afterlife.    But the problem began once the first creature died. No animal had ever died before, and none of the gods could decide what should be done with them. The three sister goddesses fought over which of them would take the soul of the deceased, as each desired to be the one to rule over the dead. As more creatures died, the goddesses were increasingly confused over which of them should be granted control of the dead. Many creatures with many different lives entered the domain of the dead, but the three could not decide what to do with them. As the problem grew worse, the three godesses went to Neeyr to ask what should be done.
   Neeyr observed the souls of the deceased creatures, dividing them into three groups; the righteous, the wicked, and the innocent. To Votara, went the wicked. She would punish them with her fiery rage for their misdeeds for all time. To Dira, went the innocent. As they were too young when they died to be understood as good or evil, they were gifted to the kind Dira, who would protect them and care for them. And to Ozna, went the righteous. As creatures who lived noble lives and acted as they should, they were rewarded greatly. Under the control of Ozna, the righteous souls were transformed into the first stars, always shining overhead as a reminder to all to act justly and treat everything with respect.
Times of Day
   Once the three afterlives were established, Votara, Dira, and Ozna drew closer to the world to watch over its creatures. Under each of the three sisters, the sky was different. Under Votara, the sky was bright and blue, and there was light across the land. Under Ozna, the sky was dark and speckled with stars. And under Dira, the sky was painted with a thousand colors, eternally at dawn or dusk.
   But problems arose when the three goddesses clashed with Sehul and Zerena. Ozna refused to allow Sehul to pass over her part of the world, as his radiant light blinded her eyes. Similarly, Votara refused to grant Zerena passage over her part of the sky, worried that she would block out her light. In the parts of the world under eternal daylight, animals could not sleep, and under the eternal night, plants could not grow.
   The animals cried out their grievances to the goddesses, and the three converged with Sehul and Zerena to find a solution. Since both Votara and Sehul were radiant and bright, they agreed to cross the sky together. Zerena and Ozna also agreed to travel together, as Zerena's gentle light did not harm Ozna's eyes. Dira bridged the gap between the two realms, ushering one out and the other in.
   The three realms began to spin around the world, with Votara and Sehul appearing during the day, and Ozna and Zerena appearing at night. When the day grows weary, Dira brings the dusk to allow Votara to rest. Similarly, when it is time for Ozna to rest, Dira guides the first light of dawn over the land.
Phases of the Moon
   While travelling across the sky at night, Zerena is responsible for watching over the nocturnal activities of the creatures below. One night, as she passed over a vast and lush grassland, something caught her eye. Below, there was a lioness, travelling alone across the savanna. She was so beautiful that Zurena was smitten with her right away. The entire night, she watched her from above, and once the dawn drew near, she descended from the sky to meet with her in the form of a mortal lioness.
   Her name was Kyagi, and Zurena was swiftly enamored by her. Kyagi was fascinated by her as well, having no idea that she was a goddess. The two of them spent the day together, but when it came time for night to come, Zurena did not wish to return to the sky. Confused, Ozna searched for her. Upon discovering her on earth, she sent Sehul to retrieve her. The sun god descended to earth in a mortal disguise and sought out his sister, ordering her to return to her place in the sky. Confused and thinking Sehul a threat, Kyagi readied herself to defend Zurena. Angered by her impudence, Sehul dropped his disguise, revealing himself in all his heavenly glory, his light blinding Kyagi.
   Zurena was enraged and refused to return to the sky, demanding that Sehul heal Kyagi. Sehul instead offered a compromise. Zurena was needed in the sky as the moon, but he could see her love for Kyagi was strong. He promised to heal Kyagi as well as make her immortal on the condition that Zurena return to the sky. She would be able to descend to the earth every month for three and a half days to be with her love, but the rest of that time, she must remain in the sky as the moon. Zurena agreed, and Kyagi was healed.
   Every month, Zurena shifts through various forms as her time to descend to earth grows near. She is entirely in the sky during a full moon, her paws out of the sky during a gibbous moon, half of her body during a half moon, and only her tail remains during a crescent moon. During a new moon, she is allowed to spend time on earth with her love, and the moon does not appear in the sky. Once her three and a half days on earth are up, she returns to the heavens, gradually appearing as the moon again.
The Origin of Dreams
   Long ago, in a pride called the Shimmering Valley, a lion named Olo lived. Olo was a creative and imaginative lion, who loved telling stories and creating art to go along with them. From the celestial realm, Olo caught the eye of the beautiful gala Aetis, who descended from the heavens to meet with him. The two fell deeply in love, but because Aetis was a divine creature and Olo a mortal, they could not truly be together. Aetis urged his lover to come to the stars with him, and the gods would transform him into a gala so that the two of them could be together for eternity. But Olo did not want to leave his family or the world before his time, though he still wished to be with his love.
   Using his divine power, Aetis created the first thoughts, which he sent into the mind of his beloved Olo, so that the two would never truly be apart. Throughout Olo's life, other animals gained the gift of thought as well, and loved Olo as the one who had brought that gift to them. When the day came that Somnum came for Olo, Aetis was there to greet him in the stars. For the first time, the two were able to properly embrace and feel the other's love. Aetis kept his vow and Olo was ascended into a gala alongside his lover.
   Together, the two act as guides for all creatures. Aetis guides their minds during the day, motivating noble actions into being. Olo, on the other hand, guides them in the night, through dreams of grandeur.
The Eclipse
   With the sun in the sky during the day and the moon in the sky at night, the two don't often interact. But as the two gods both watch over the creatures of earth as they pass through the sky, their knowledge of all creatures' nature is all-encompassing and complete. They know everything about every creature, including their sins and misdeeds. While it is not often that an animal that is wicked enough to draw both of their attention exists, but when one does, something incredible happens.
   When a truly wicked and evil creature lives on earth, both Sehul and Zurena agree that the animal must be done away with to prevent any more pain from being caused. The two will then converge in the sky, meeting together to discuss what should be done to smite the evil in the land. When they meet, Sehul's light clashes with Zurena's darkness, forming a bright ring in the sky and shrouding the world in shadows. The eclipse is meant to act as a warning to the wicked that, if they don't mend their ways, the gods will rain their fury upon them and drag them to Votara personally, where their evil will be punished forever.
The Prince of Flowers
   Xolotini was the youngest son of a great king, who ruled over a massive kingdom that spanned over a huge and lush grassland. As the youngest of the king's 15 sons, Xolotini was never in line for the throne, but the prince was fine with this, preferring to focus on the beauty of the natural world and creating wonderful works of art that would honor nature properly. Now, the young prince was extremely handsome, and stories of his good looks spread far and wide. Lions and lionesses alike came flocking to Xolotini's pride to ask for his paw in marriage. But Xolotini desired none of them, having only one lioness that he loved. She was Parvotl, daughter of a tyrannical king. But the tyrant king refused to give her up, never wanting her to marry.
   The prince pined for her from afar, and the two met under the cover of night in secret. Parvotl, wanting to be free from the hold of her father, fled her pride for that of Xolotini's father. This enraged the evil king, and he sent a terrible sandstorm to punish his daughter and the lion who stole her away from him. Knowing what must be done, Parvotl attacked her father, striking the tyrant king down. But she was terribly wounded in the process, and as she lay dying, Xolotini wept for her. He cried his pain out to the world, praying to Drosyn not to let Parvotl fade away. The goddess answered his prayers, transforming the dying Parvotl into the first flowers. Her graceful form became long, slender stems, and her fur became the soft petals. Upon Xolotini, Drosyn placed the task of spreading Parvotl's beauty far and wide. He would wander all the lands of the world, spreading the flowers in his wake so that the whole world would know of Parvotl's sacrifice. Her beauty and grace would live on forever in this form, and she would grace the world until the land itself was no more.
The Hero Elbris
   Long ago, alongside the creatures of the world, there lived monsters. Some of the monsters followed the command of the gods, acting as powerful allies and friends, but others were evil to their cores. One such monster was the Desert King, a massive firebreathing creature that had been created by Bixtris. The Desert King was taller than any other creature in the land, standing taller than ten thunderers. He looked like a lion in form, but his fur was dark as soot and his seven eyes redder than blood. He had the tusks of a squealer, the horns of a grunter, and a venomous no-legs for a tail. His fangs were larger than any gnasher's and his claws sharper than any leaper's, and he used them to consume the life of any animal in his domain. The terrible creature lived in the Great Northern Desert, where no water or plants existed, and even the gods could hold little power over him. In his greed, he spread his barren kingdom far and wide.
   The creatures of the world greatly feared the Desert King, as any caught in his domain would surely meet their death. As the desert spread into the grasslands, the animals were horrified, and many fled south to escape the King's grasp. In the Desert King's hunger to conquer, he spread his arid lands into the home of a lion pride. Like all other creatures in the Desert King's lands, they met their end. All except for one. A single lion called Elbris escaped the death of his pride, and swore revenge on the Desert King, promising to defeat him and avenge his family. Elbris went to the Reflection Pool, a place sacred to Zurena, and called upon the gods for help. The gods heard his call and descended to earth, each bestowing a gift upon Elbris that would aid him in his quest against the Desert King. From Zurena, he received a cloak of darkness, which would allow him to sneak into the King's territory undetected. From Ozna, his eyes were blessed to be able to see the Desert King's weak spot. Votara bestowed her blessing upon his claws, making them capable of killing the monster. And from Drosyn and Ulreus, he was given a magical fruit containing a powerful rainstorm, which he must break open after the King was defeated. With the blessing of the gods, Elbris set out to challenge the Desert King.
   The monster was colossal, but Elbris's blessed eyes could see his weak spot: the large eye in the center of his forehead. While the Desert King could not see Elbris because of Zurena's cloak, he could sense him, and he spoke. In a great and terrible voice, the Desert King offered Elbris to join him, and he would be spared when the desert consumed the entire world. But Elbris was not swayed by the cruel monster's words; he would avenge his family, and all other animals that had been consumed by the Desert King's greed. When he saw he could not win over Elbris, the Desert King attacked, swiping at the air and trying to crush him. Because he could not see Elbris, the Desert King listened for the sounds of his voice and footsteps. Elbris was smart, however, and knew the King could hear him. Taunting the huge monster, Elbris whipped the Desert King into a frenzied rage, making its movements erratic and unplanned. Infuriated, the Desert King roared, demanding that Elbris reveal himself and fight him properly.
   Elbris was not foolish however, and, using his blessed claws, leapt for the monster's seventh eye. With Voltara's magic, his claws burst into flames as he landed a blow on the monster's forehead. Upon hitting the monster's weak spot, its body split into four pieces. From each of these, a new spirit was born. Bouros was born from the first piece, and represented the cold northern wind. Enthos was born from the second, and represented the gentle west wind that brought the wet season. From the third came Dirlos, who represented the warm south wind. And from the fourth and final piece, Synir was born. Synir still held the powers granted to the Desert King by Bixtris and represented the east wind, which heralded the coming of the dry season.
   Elbris then cracked open the magical fruit granted to him by Drosyn and Ulreus, and from it erupted a powerful rainstorm. The water that fell from the blessed clouds had magical properties, and where it touched the barren ground, grass greener than any other sprouted from the sand. Massive patches of land that once fell under the Desert King's control became lush grasslands, and animals returned. Grateful for Elbris's help in defeating the Desert King, the gods granted him a single wish. Elbris wished to be reunited with his family, and the gods carried him up to the stars, where his family and friends awaited him. Together, they can be seen as a cluster of stars in the sky, named the Elbris Cluster after the great hero.
   The animals of the land praised Elbris's heroic actions for many years, and told stories of him to their children, who then told the story to their own children. Animals experiencing extreme hardships will often invoke the name of Elbris in hopes of being able to prevail over their troubles, as Elbris did over the Desert King.
Twilight of the World
   There will come a day one day when the balances of the universe are tipped to an extreme from which there is no return. The first sign of the Twilight is a great roar heard from the sky; it is Neeyr's dying breath, and he will return from the nothingness from which he came. From there, the kiru will rise from the shadows to continue their battle against the gods, and they cause all the plants in the world to die and all water to dry up as they destroy Ulreus and Drosyn. The kiru and gala will meet in battle on the earth, and their great power will rend the land and create mountains that reach all the way to the heavens. When this happens, Sehul and Zurena descend to earth to escort all of the animals away from danger and to the safety of the three goddesses above, but are lost to the kiru in the process.
   With the animals off of earth and safe, Ozna and Dira ascend to another plain of existence while Votara stays to fight. Eventually, all of the gods fall, and all of the kiru and gala as well, except for one of each. Marsin is the final kiru, and he desires to make himself the god of all existence. The final gala is Aidon, and, with the power of all the fallen, he will defeat Marsin and cast him into the infinite void, where he will be trapped forever.
   As the last creature in existence, Aidon absorbs all the power in creation and becomes the sole god of the new world. From there, he will rebuild creation and create an eternal paradise free of suffering and evil.
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kianga-eu · 9 months
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I've been doing the Shirt Cut Meme again (previously) with my patron's characters. Here are the first three featuring Varius (@chaz-targrin-gw2), Warrick Ashblood (@taleofwarrick), and Zurena Snapbark (@legionnaireintraining).
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straywyvern · 1 year
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My first art party event…. Omg…..
This was so fun ehe >:3
I’ll be posting more tomorrow but here’s 3 I’ve made so far!! Pls let me know if u know who belongs to who :D
• Slei belongs to @sleidog !!
• Teekzi belongs to @leafofkudzu !!
• Zurena belongs to @legionnaireintraining !!
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incorrect-eloasis · 1 year
Macarena: what’s that look?
Zulema: what look?
Macarena: THE look. The look you give me when you didn’t tell me everything about the plan and next thing I know I’m getting shot at.
Zulema: well if you knew what look it was, why did you ask?
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allorphanalllost · 1 year
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thenajwanimri · 1 year
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ilovedtoohard · 2 years
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Queiro un amor silencio como este
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rozthedirector · 2 years
Zurena: A Fight
"You selfish bi--Would it kill you to be responsible and tell me where the fuck you are so I don't have to worry about your safety all the time?" Macarena yelled as she got out of her bed.
It had been a month since they started working together. There were unpleasant things which found them rather quickly on the business side of their relationship. In less time than they expected, their photos began to be posted at every police station, again. It wasn't something they weren't ready for. Yet, it would require them to change the rules they set in their own housemates policy. That was the exact issue they were caught off guard. Ferreiro absolutely hated it.
Zulema rolled her eyes while closing the door behind her. "My phone was on silent," said coldly and sighed.
"What were you doing, huh? You were gone when I woke up, it's been almost a day now that you dared to come back!"
"So?" She took off her black jacket and threw it on the cracked chair.
"So? Have you lost your mind, Zulema? Do I have to explain to you as if you were a kid?" took a step towards her and stood right next to the counter.
"You're being ridiculous," she said while taking off her top. She was in no mood to listen to her yelling when already dealing with a headache. Obviously, she was always ready to argue, but at that moment all she wanted was to change into her clothes, squirm in bed and get some sleep.
Flinging up her arms in anger, "I'm being ridiculous? You're the one who fucks everyone that comes your way!"
"Jealous?" Zulema asked with a smirk, half-naked.
Macarena averted her gaze and stared at the walls for a few seconds. "Yeah, jealous," she scoffed. "Sure, it has nothing to do with thousands of people who want your head on a platter."
The brunette turned around and continued to undress herself, ignoring the green eyes on her. She had the chance to mock her, but she was too tired for it. Calmly said, "I am not holding you away from having fun, though. You choose staying here every single night."
Macarena laughed, was in surprise to hear that. She wasn't going to let her divert the subject and play the innocent.
"Oh shut up! I don't give a fuck about you 'having fun'. Your stupid actions affect me, too. So if you're going to spend your nights with strangers I have to be sure that you're not exposing us!" She took a step back, was about to get into bed but then turned and said; "I thought someone came after you. I sat and waited for your fucking call just to be sure that you were okay. The next time you decide to go out at least remember sending a fucking message to me. And I swear to God, if my life gets in danger because of you, I will gladly pull the trigger without blinking an eye!"
"As two women wanted all over the country, don't you think our lives are already in danger?" She put on her shirt and looked at the blonde. The amusement of thinking she had won this fight appeared in her eyes. "What's keeping you from pulling the trigger right now?"
Macarena took a sharp breath. She knew that it was pointless to argue about something Zulema didn't intend to understand. It was a lost case at the moment, early in the morning. The discussion would of course continue, as it always does. So why not do it in a more reasonable time, thought to herself.
She grabbed her jacket that was hanging on the wall and looked right into Zulema's eyes.
"I am responsible for the things that happen to me on account of my business. Let alone being mad about it, I couldn't be more determined to make you face the consequences of your actions," looked up and down her face, a smile showed up in her lips. "I brought the danger myself after all."
Macarena slammed the door with a loud bang. She had nowhere else to go, but lying in the middle of the lawn seemed more appeal than being stuck in a tiny trailer with Zulema. Couldn't even bear to hear the voice of that woman whom she had been waiting to see all day. Life, as funny as it was...
She wore her jacket and climbed the ladder up. There were two sunbeds facing opposite directions. Sat down on one and closed her eyes, inhaling the fresh air that came with the new day. She left the burden on her shoulders, let the pink wind caress her face. She needed some alone time with the rising sun.
Macarena squinted her eyes as the bright sunlight greeted her. It took a few minutes for her eyes to get used to it and wake up properly. The first thing she noticed was the blanket over her. She for sure did not take it with her when she stormed out of the caravan. Someone must've been thoughtful about her sleeping on the roof at these cold spring nights.
She smiled at herself. An actual, heartwarming, showing her dimples kind of smile. It was silly but it was something. It was her way of apologizing, her way of showing care. Settling with less than words that come from the heart of a person wouldn't harm anyone. She rolled her eyes at herself for the thought of it. Sure thing she was still full of rage. She's always wanted her to admit that she's wrong and have a hold on herself for once. There was more way to go for that but this could be the start. It was a genuine act and it was the first time she did it. She was trying or I'm over-analyzing this, she thought.
Either way, she couldn't be more glad not to get a hypotermia out there for such a stupid reason. She tried to lift herself and heard her bones crack. Sleeping there indeed wasn't her best decision.
Zulema was spreading some butter on her toasted -on the pan- bread when she entered the van. Her big eyes flashed up to her for a split second but went back to her job in her hand immediately. Macarena took off her jacket and threw it onto the chair close to her. She didn't know what to do as the older woman was standing right in front of the counter. She had to come up with a quick way to ignore her but the other spoke, wasting no second.
"I see you finally had some sleep," she said in a cool tone.
Since they started to live under the same roof, the blonde had never gotten a full night's sleep. She'd wake up and play with her phone, watch the moon or go out to smoke. Obviously, she left her insomnia circle -a group of people with black circles underneath their eyes- as she agreed to this job. It wasn't doing any more help than giving her "nightmares" from her deepest desires in her three hours of sleeps anyway. Zulema, on the other hand, had been having second thoughts on teaming up with the person who had trembling hands and caffeine addiction.
Macarena put her hands on each sides of her hips and raised her eyebrows. She looked at the wet raven hair of hers and let the lavender scent which filled the tiny space up get into her skin. "And I see you finally decided to wash your ass," she said.
Zulema smiled and tilted her head. She'll give her that one. It was her first time taking a shower in their caravan. She would always be clean, wear clean clothes and smell perfectly fine, so the blonde had to come up with her own answers. The older was aware of that accusing, but there was no need for Macarena to know the truth.
She watched as Macarena stepped closer and got her mug. She filled the kettle with water and turned it on. They both stared at the tale wall for the whole minute that it took for water to boil. They couldn't move or say anything. It felt like the air around them had suddenly disappeared. As the little tick sound was heard, Macarena sighed in relief.
"It's my third time of saying this," Zulema started, "but you're burning your coffee."
"It's instant coffee, you're supposed to make it with hot water," Macarena responded in a cold, mocking way.
"That is true but still, you're making it bitter. Just let it steam off for a minute, it'll taste better."
"Maybe I like my coffe burned," Macarena shrugged.
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