#zoraxis oc
asking-sabretooth · 8 months
“ yes ? what is it ? ”
Alias ; Sabretooth
Real Name ; UNKNOWN .
Pronouns ; He / Him
Age ; 38
Height ; 5’10” (177 cm.)
Hair ; Black
Eyes ; Green
Notable Features ; Heavy bags under the eyes . No visible scars .
Interests ; UNKNOWN .
Notes ; A Zoraxis operative who has only been theorized to exist prior to now. It is advised to take extreme caution when interacting, as his threat status has not been evaluated. Affiliation with Zoraxis seems hesitant, perhaps even unwilling.
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strictly no nsfw .
all art posted on this blog is either made by the admin (atlas) or commissioned w/ crediting .
no bigotry, admin & muse are both part of the lgbtq+ community. alongside this, topics such as ableism or racism will not be tolerated.
no shipping will be established on this blog, muse is aroace.
in-character asks are okay and encouraged.
like with my other blog, @asking-baskerville , don’t be a dick .
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heycerulean · 2 months
hey yall i might've just created a new IEYTD oc so. im subjecting you all to this. hear ye hear ye, lore rambles,
-/-/-/----------------- ;ZRXS.ARCHV.OI;;R228; ;CLEARANCE;3;AUTH.ACC; MATTHIAS K. ISLE - OPERATIVE MERCURY MATTHIAS KASTEL ISLE, henceforth referred to as Isle, is a CLASS 3 Zoraxis Operative under the RESEARCH AND INTELLIGENCE department. Basic facts about Isle are; - He/They - 26 - American (South Dakota, born in Sioux Falls) - Completed the PRaCRA (Pattern Recognition and Cognitive Reasoning Assessment) with a score of 228/230 (S) - Completed the IRaDTA (Interrogation Resistance and Damage Tolerance Assessment) with a score of 43/82 (2-3/5) - OLOT (Overall Loyalty Over Time) Score is at a steady 8.7/10 Isle is currently working under ARCHIVIST SILAS KAYS of the RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERROGATION division. Isle's preferred weapon is the CBJ-MS. Isle is not predicted to become a problematic operative in the future, despite his friendships with more unstable operatives. Isle is currently NOT expected to die. APPROVED BY: ARC. SILAS KAYS sig. and print below;
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thesilvervicar · 5 months
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bluisp · 7 months
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Most Competent Zoraxis Operatives (OC Concepts)
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tacos-and-doodles · 9 months
Hey guys I'm super bored so I wanna make some headcanons and stuff like that. But who?
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Anyone passing by the office would hear the following:
“Why would you contact a Zoraxis agent, for God’s sake?!”
“I missed him. I just wanted to see if he was okay.”
“What if you had been compromised?! The last time you were there, you almost-“
“Don’t. I know I made a mistake, but you don’t need to remind me of what happened last time.”
“Just remember that I might not be around to save you next time…”
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yourlocalzombie · 7 months
So. A lil silly goofy
Title: I Expect you to Die: Reborn in Ash
-> agent Phoenix has gone rogue, aiming to destroy both The Agency and Zoraxis at any cost.
Songs: Reborn in Ash/I Expect you to Thrive
Reborn in Ash Chorus:
It never ends, the cycle continues
I'm their favorite pawn to use
It's the end of the ruse
It's the end for all of you...
I'll leave you without
And watch how it crashes!
I'll burn it all down
And be Reborn in the Ashes!
Reborn in Ash Bridge:
So what will you do without me?
The pin in all of your schemes...
I Expect you to Thrive Chorus:
You've done it all, made zoraxis finally fall
The doctors, the liars
We've all heard the wake-up call
We've paid the cost, we have reached the top
Agent, you always survive.
Now, we expect you to thrive.
Camilla's Backstory (my version of Agent Phoenix):
As a young child, Camilla Esposito spent time moving from foster home to foster home. Eventually taken in and raised by the agency, she was trained from a young age to be a top agent. Though succeeding, Camilla resents both the Agancy and Zoraxis for taking her life away from her. She has stayed with the Agency, seeing it as a lesser evil, but as it becomes clear that Zoraxis targets her directly, her resentment grows.
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mothman-is-a-cowboy · 10 months
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hiiiii so guess who made an ieytd oc :)
Her code name is banshee and she works for zoraxis :D
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the-dumbest · 7 months
You want more IEYTD headcanons?! No? Well too bad!PT2
In this episode a little more on family!
I had decided to give Phoenix one of those family’s with a large amount of kids, Phoenix is the 6th of 11 kids-
They are all named after some sort of bird as are his parents and I’ve got a list if you want me to post the list lemme know
Not many of the siblings have designs as of rn the only ones who do are the parents the eldest twins which both look like their mother as well as Phoenix twin sister Dove as they both look identical to their father.
Speaking of their dad the story for him is very complicating and the one raising Phoenix and his siblings wasn’t their real dad? I’ll get into all that another time but their not dad was a huge ass.
Phoenix used to get along very well with his twin sister when they were younger but since dove was their not fathers favorite and he wasn’t very fond of Phoenix they slowly drifted and things got more tense before Phoenix ended up running away around the age of 15 where he joined the EOD.
Since I have no clue what the timeline is I’m makin my own Phoenix first mission taking place in the first game of the series was shortly after he had ran away and joined the EOD at the age of 16 before his transition and the events of spy and the lier taking place post transition at the age of 21 and the events of cog in the machine as well as the at home mini game he was 22.
It took him a very long time to heal from falling from the Zoraxis tower, it didn’t help instead of letting the agency know he wasn’t dead and getting help from the medic he made the genius decision to just go home and take care of himself. Which is where Lawrence ended up finding him.
Back on the track of family so far we have not created anything for Lawrence tho we have a small bit for Juniper.
Originally my friend came up with this whole plot that he came from a wealthy family and that his parents were dead and stuff, then I decided to replay spy and the lier and listened to the radio for the first time.
Of course it tells me his parents are very much alive and he came from as he put it a “simple” family and he’s from Evansville Indiana-
So as a counter I have come up with the plot if he lied to Phoenix about his family because he cut them off due to them not liking how the game was making him act like a dink and he feels horrible about it now that he let the fame get to his head and it blew up in his face, he used the they’re dead thing so Phoenix wouldn’t try and find them.
For some side character family’s and fun facts Maple was originally planned to be Specs biological daughter that her partner gave up without her knowing. As cool as that plot would be i am autistic and it made me sad so we decided against it.
Maple also got her name from her adorable maple syrup brown eyes.
Z and Roxana were raised together by a single father not because their other parent had left, their father is a aro man who wanted kids but didn’t want a partner so they’re both test tube babies.
I’ll eventually make a post explaining the full backstory of my Zoraxis but you get one bit of info for now, they are in some way related to Phoenix. Only time will tell how :)
Part 3 will be just some random little fun facts about the characters and less lore based
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depression-soup · 9 months
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icecreampizzer · 4 months
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Presenting a compilation of all of my IEYTD OCs so far! They have their own plot going on but idk if I have the energy to talk about that here and now. I already made a post about Black Mamba so they get to have one (1) pic only. Here's some introductory blurbs I wrote for them under the cut!
Mina Magpantay is an aspiring detective with unshakeable determination, even if the situation gets rough. She enjoys solving mysteries and playing in escape rooms. She's also socially adept and enjoys bonding with people. After the Peacemaker fiasco, she has vowed to keep her eyes open for any slip-up Zoraxis tries to make again. Unfortunately, her curiosity ended up getting her involved with a very dangerous operative, after an agent tried to protect her.
Franz Marshall is a very serious agent whose first priority is the safety of everyone involved. Her time in the field changed her worldview a hundred times over, and her disdain for the Agency is almost as intense as her disdain for Zoraxis. It only got more intense after Dr. Prism left, as she was all for her Robot Agent project. She wanted to return to the field after her handling agent got extremely injured, and she vowed to finish their mission. Whatever it takes.
"Dr. Schaden Freude" is a graduate student who's starting their supervillain career early by applying as a part-time assistant in Zoraxis. They're clever, observant, and strangely friendly. They're starting to be more aware of how Zor treats their subordinates, though, and they have...some notes. But it's not like they have the power to argue with them anyhow. As an assistant they ended up being given the task of handling Mamba, despite their lack of experience in being a support agent.
Operative Black Mamba is the fruit of Zoraxis's obsession with the one and only Agent Phoenix, with the express purpose of creating a perfect rival to the Agency's greatest weapon. The problem is that this clone had the gall to build a personality of her own, fueled by her own confusing emotions and motivations, to the point that she's becoming more of a liability than an asset. They still keep her around though...but maybe she's one slip-up away from being discarded completely.
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heycerulean · 7 months
forget agent ocs it's zoraxis handler oc time -/-/-/- Nixie "Support Agent Tethys" Astakos Agent Handler and Oceanographer Place of Birth: Wasilla, Alaska Nationality: American Date of Birth: February 27th, 19XX Height: 5'6 Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Blood Type: O Dom. Hand: Right Status: Alive Catch Phrase: "It's called a fun personality, not an iron deficiency." Flavor Profile: Salty Fav. Color: Rust Zodiac: Pisces MB Type: INTP-T Weapon of Choice: Calligraphy Pens Although Tethys might not be an agent themselves, they're still someone the Agency should take special care to work around. Their agents tend to be some of the most talented in Zoraxis, and Tethys's utilization of the knowledge they have access to is nothing to be underestimated. They're known for their love of water and oceans in general; Tethys usually operates out of Zoraxis's underwater bases, and has had experience overseeing said bases. They moved to overseeing agents a couple years ago, and the impact they've made as an agent handler is certainly noticeable. Tethys has also been reported to have the ability to 'breathe underwater', although that fact came from an Agent who died shortly after, and their words on that transmission weren't exactly clear. Overall, Agents are advised to bring in Tethys to Agency bases if possible, and shoot on sight if not. Although they might not be the worst of problems Zoraxis has to offer, they're still someone to be careful of and watched closely.
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neurotonic · 2 months
I know you’ve already gotten OC asks but I would love to hear you ramble about Mamba more pls -thesilvervicar
HEHE don't worry, I enjoy getting OC asks :] MAMBA... my very first ieytd oc. They're kind of silly. I'm just gonna do some bullet points for my random thoughts:
They absolutely Despise the stray hair strand they have. No matter how much they try to push it down, it keeps standing up. They've given up completely on trying to get rid of it.
The fangs, mouth, and hair were some...unforeseen side effects from the whole cloning thing they did. It's still unclear How that happened but they really like it.
Mamba likes their Zoraxis coworkers. It's...not really reciprocated with the sole exception of Schaden. Everyone else in Zoraxis knows that from the moment they existed, they've been a total failure in Zor's eyes, for the sole reason that knock-offs never exceed the original. They tolerate Mamba's presence because, as much as Zor doesn't like the project, she's still indestructible and thus not that easy to get rid of.
Mamba's considerably thinner than Phoenix...Probably from the whole cloning procedure, and the fact that she's not getting as much food in Zoraxis.
On that note, she has . no life outside of Zoraxis. Unsure if she resides in one of the Zoraxis HQs or if she crashes at Schaden's place at one point. But yeah she doesn't do much else. Maybe she reads some of his college books.
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thesilvervicar · 4 months
Decided to finally share one of my IEYTD OCs, Operative Lindwyrm. Hero Forge ref for now while I get to drawing her, file info under the cut.
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Name: Lydia Hunter/Operative Lindwyrm
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: September 12
Age: 23
Height: 5’6”
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Blood Type: B
Dom. Hand: Right
Flavor Profile: Sweet
Fav. Color: Purple
Zodiac: Virgo
Weapon of Choice: Discretion
Status: Alive
Catchphrase: “It’s nothing personal, just part of the job.”
Lindwyrm had a fairly average, but comfortable life. All it took was one bad week to plunge her into financial distress. She was laid off from her office job, walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her, then found that he’d run off with the rent money. In her frantic job search, she found a position with Zoraxis. By the time she realized they were an evil evil corporation, it was too late to just quit. Even if it wasn’t, the benefits were just too good.
Lindwyrm is cautious, and does her best to avoid displeasing her superiors. While she does question her orders sometimes, she’ll ultimately follow through with anything that will keep her alive. She’s convinced that she’s stuck with Zoraxis until it collapses, but claims that it’s still better than living on the streets or working at Walmart. Lindwyrm has become somewhat desensitized to violence and death, having witnessed so much of both, and isn’t afraid to get a little blood on her hands. Caution should be taken with her, especially if she’s armed and cornered.
-Her favorite holiday is Halloween. Her proudest achievement so far is winning the annual Zoraxis Halloween costume contest.
-She is greatly insecure and susceptible to praise.
-She has a crush on John Juniper but knows he’s way out of her league.
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dr-roxana-prism · 3 months
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ieytd oc! this is the first one i got from that dream i mentioned in an earlier post. this is winston nil, a high-ranking zoraxis operative who specializes in doing zor's more... dirty work
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