ask-ii-drfizz · 1 month
The signs are clear bud
I only went out to dinner with him ONCE. that doesn't mean I'm-... Well, yes. I like men. but not him.
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alexturntable · 2 years
Hi, I am very much in love with this new video. There are a lot of different references, but the first one which immediately struck me was René Magritte and North by Northwest. Hitchcock. Also the end the spinning images reminded me the first machine which made moving images. But there are so mamy more. Love this video
Omg you’re right!! Look even the colours match!
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Also the machine is called zeotrope apparently and it does look similar!
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meret118 · 4 months
In this video, Disney Imagineer (theme park designer) Lanny Smoot, who will be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, demonstrates a new invention: the HoloTile floor. (At 3:07)
Smoot is an important inventor with over 100 patents, who has worked at Bell Labs and Disney.
Wikipedia notes some of his accomplishments:
At Bell, Smoot was known for his work on early development of video-on-demand and other video and fibre-optic technology. He anticipated a future where anyone could broadcast video. At Disney, Smoot's accomplishments include the drive system for the Star Wars BB-8 droid, interactive zeotropes for facial animation of objects, eye imaging for superhero masks and helmets,"Where's the Fire?" at Innoventions (Epcot), many Haunted Mansion special effects, virtual interactive koi ponds in Hong Kong Disneyland, Fortress Explorations at Tokyo DisneySea, "Power City" in Spaceship Earth (Epcot), and lightsabers for the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser experience. Other patented inventions include new ride technology and glassless 3D displays.
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mothytheghost · 8 months
headcanon design things for inanimate insanity characters!!
Mostly small animals but yeah
Fan- Northern cardinal
Mephone4- Lunar Moth
Test tube- IiI pika (please look them up holy shit)
Mephone4S- red wasp + Fire ant
Mephone3gs- praying mantis
MephoneX- Scorpion
Mecintosh- Grandaddy long legs + Black widow
Blueberry- Crow + Raven
Steve Cobs- Chinchilla (FUCKIN DUST ROLLER)
Zeotrope- Fruit Bat (flying puppy)
Knife- Wolf
Nickel- Fox
Microphone- Fennec Fox
Pickle- brown bear
Goo- jellyfish
Cabby: hamster
Taco: pangolin
Soap: Squirrel
Trophy: bull
Yin yang - shark
Tissues- flying lemur
Marshmallow- Snub nosed monkey
Bow- pink fairy armadillo
Apple: cat
Tea kettle: koala bear
Lifering- leafy seadragon
Ballpoint pen: Buffalo
Springy- Milk snake (you saw what I did there?)
The rest I haven't figured out on lol
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k00279452 · 2 years
Moving images seminar
After watching this seminar I am now motivated to incorporate some sort of moving image process into my project .
I like how the moving image is an exploration of movement of a subject like a figure moving or even flames .
I found it fascinating learning about the different types of methods ,thaumatrope ,phenakistroscope, zoetrope , paint on class , sand sketching , silhouette stop motion and the simple flip book.
I liked the idea of cut out animation as it abandons the concept lifelike movement. It’s very much surreal.
These processes are very laborious. Which adds to the significance. I think I would not enjoy the tediousness of erasing and repainting 12 images to end up with 1sec of a film (I know I wouldn’t as I experimented with stop motion previously )
The zeotrope seemed doable as it’s a loop of images . I found it interesting that to be able to view the clip being presented , there must be strobes of light to prevent a it being just a blurr.
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k00265221 · 2 years
Moving Image Seminar (03/11/22)
Today I watched the 4 part seminar on moving Image animation by Yvonne.
Here are the notes I took while watching it :
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I found this seminar very helpful, especially since I am doing stop motion animation at the moment. I didn't realise how much the animator had to keep in mind while filming - such as the pace of the film or the scale of the set. This seminar allowed me to create a reminders list of elements that I must control and consider before , during and after making the animation (Lighting, audience, tone, etc)
The seminar looked at 4 different methods of moving Image, all of which I had seen before but I was unaware of there proper names such as the zeotrope, the thaumatrope and the phenakistascope. I may try to experiment with these different methods in the future as I want to explore the media of stop motion further.
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refrigerantgases · 6 months
The 11 Best & Most Affordable Eco-Friendly Refrigerants
Refrigerants assume a fundamental part in aiding coolers, coolers, cooling units, and fire concealment frameworks capability.
Tragically, these substance compounds were known to be harming the climate previously. Be that as it may, present-day forms of refrigerants are intended to be more eco-accommodating.
This guide will inspect the best eco-accommodating refrigerants at present accessible. Notwithstanding, before we get to our rundown, it merits analyzing what refrigerants are and the way that they were created.
What are Refrigerants?
Refrigerants are remarkable mixtures sold in a fluid or vaporous state. They are intended to promptly ingest heat from the general climate and cool it.
When utilized with other hardware, for example, evaporators and blowers, refrigerants can give cooling or refrigeration, making them fundamental in fridges, coolers, cooling units, and fire concealment frameworks.
Are Refrigerants Eco-Accommodating?
Refrigerants were first evolved in 1840 to make ice in ice machines. They were then adjusted for use in cooling frameworks.
Early refrigerants were known to be combustible, and it was only after 1928 that non-combustible chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants were presented. Among these was the hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) R-22, which turned into the standard refrigerant utilized in AC frameworks.
R-22 kept on being well known for a long time until researchers found that chlorine in CFCs and HCFCs was harming the ozone layer.
Specialists then, at that point, dashed to make all the more harmless to the ecosystem refrigerants that could be used so that the non-eco-accommodating ones could be gotten rid of, prompting the advancement of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and hydrofluoric-olefins (HFO).
HFCs are flawed and are accepted to add to an unnatural weather change. Nonetheless, they don't influence the ozone layer straightforwardly, making them generally eco-accommodating contrasted with prior ages of refrigerants.
As the name implies, HFOs are produced using hydrogen, fluorine, and oxygen and have zero ozone-exhausting and extremely low Earth-wide temperature boost potential. These characteristics make HFOs the most harmless to the ecosystem refrigerants accessible today.
The Best Reasonable Eco-Accommodating Refrigerants
There are numerous cutting-edge eco-accommodating refrigerants accessible as of now, including:
R-134a or Tetrafluoroethane is a well-known refrigerant utilized for various cooling applications. It is unmistakable for the particular blue chambers it is bundled in.
This HFC has zero ozone-exhaustion potential and contributes very little to the nursery impact (GWP of 1300). Subsequently, it tends to be utilized as an unadulterated refrigerant or in blends.
R-134a was at first evolved to supplant the R12 refrigerant utilized in vehicle cooling frameworks. It is likewise a fantastic trade for the R12 and R500 utilized in coolers.
R-134a likewise works well in medium-temperature frameworks for private and business structures.
R-152a or Difluoroethane is another zeotropic HFC like R-134a. Its zeotropic properties mean its synthetic structure continues as before, whether in a fluid or fume state.
This refrigerant likewise doesn't harm the ozone layer. It has a low Earth-wide temperature boost Potential (GWP) like R-134a.
R-152a is likewise known for its amazing compound and warm steadiness, moderate combustibility, and low poisonousness. It tends to be promptly utilized in parts, gear, joints, and oils intended to deal with R-134a.
This eco-accommodating refrigerant's release pressure is around 30% lower than R-134a's release pressure.
R290 is a refined refrigerant-grade variation of propane.
It was at first presented as a trade for R22 and R502 and today is utilized in low, medium, and high-temperature refrigeration applications. It is likewise generally utilized in cooling.
R290 is a hydrocarbon and doesn't harm the ozone layer, making it more secure to deal with than HFCs that are hazardous when presented to the skin or breathed in.
R290 likewise has a low Earth-wide temperature boost Potential (GWP of 20). It fills in as a brilliant substitution for R134a utilized for fridges and R404a utilized for coolers.
R600a or Isobutane is a characteristic refrigerant that has been utilized for a long time. It is used in numerous applications and is a phenomenal swap for R12, R22, and different HFCs and CFCs.
R600a is utilized for geothermal power age, modern refrigeration dehumidifiers, drink gadgets, candy machines, and spray splashes. This refrigerant doesn't add to ozone consumption and has a somewhat low GWP of 3.
This eco-accommodating refrigerant is combustible yet securely utilized in present-day homegrown fridges. It has low working strain. Clients ought to try not to involve this compound in air-cooled fridges or huge portion-filling fridges.
R404a or Pentafluoroethane Trifluoroethane Tetrafluoroethane is a HFC refrigerant that comprises a mix of R125, R134a, and R143a.
It is oftentimes utilized for low and medium-temperature refrigeration. It's normal to see stores utilize this refrigerant in the refrigerated items segment. The vehicle business additionally involves this refrigerant for refrigerated transportation.
R404a was intended to supplant both R-22 and R-502 in business cooler hardware. This eco-accommodating refrigerant doesn't add to ozone exhaustion. In any case, it has a generally high GWP of 3922, meaning it is an exceptionally strong ozone-depleting substance and ought to be utilized for circumstances not appropriate for different refrigerants.
It ought to be noticed that R404a is as of now being deliberately gotten rid of in the UK and EU, including a broad prohibition on the offer of new cooling and refrigeration hardware that uses this compound.
R-407c or Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane is a non-azeotropic refrigerant that comprises a mix of R-32, R-125, and R134a. This cosmetic implies its synthetic piece in the fluid state varies from its fume state.
R-407c was planned as a substitute for R-22. It is utilized in medium-temperature applications in chillers and cooling gear.
This eco-accommodating refrigerant doesn't add to ozone consumption however has a moderate GWP of 1774. R-407c is known to have a decent energy effectiveness proportion and a moderately low pressure.
R-410a or difluoromethane pentafluoroethane is a zeotropic refrigerant. It is a 50/50 mix of R-32 and R-125 utilized in different intensity siphon and cooling applications. It is recognizable due to being sold in rose-hued chambers.
Honeywell first created R-410a in 1991 to supplant R-22. It was immediately embraced for private and business cooling units in the US, Europe, and Japan.
R-410a turns out just for gear that has been explicitly intended to deal with it since it requires a higher working strain than different refrigerants.
This eco-accommodating refrigerant is ozone-accommodating yet has a respectably high Earth-wide temperature boost Capability of 2088.
R-413a is a zeotropic mix of R-218, R134a, and R600a. It is an HFC refrigerant intended to trade R12 for direct extension cooling frameworks and medium to high-temperature refrigeration frameworks.
This compound is additionally utilized in vehicle cooling frameworks, refrigerated versatile compartments, show cupboards, chilled cold stores, and homegrown fridges. It has zero ozone-exhausting potential however a moderate GWP of 2053.
R-413a isn't combustible in that frame of mind under surrounding conditions. Be that as it may, it might become combustible when set under tension with air.
This eco-accommodating refrigerant is a superb decision for business applications where R12 is being eliminated. It tends to be utilized in direct-development refrigeration and cooling units without adjustment.
R170 or Ethane is a characteristic refrigerant reasonable for extremely low-temperature applications.
It is non-poisonous and has zero Ozone Exhaustion Potential and a low GWP of 10. Nonetheless, this compound is exceptionally combustible, so it isn't appropriate for refrigerant frameworks retrofitted for fluorocarbons.
R170 is utilized as a trade for R13 and R503. It very well may be utilized in its unadulterated structure or in the wake of being blended in with another lower-temperature refrigerant.
R170 is additionally viable with ordinary ointments utilized in the refrigeration business. Notwithstanding, R170 chambers should be put away from fire, direct daylight, and direct intensity sources to forestall fire risks.
R-744 or carbon dioxide is a characteristic refrigerant utilized as a feasible trade for R404A and R134a in super-low, low, and medium-temperature refrigeration utilizes.
This refrigerant has acquired fame throughout the years for its amazing properties. It has zero Ozone Exhausting Potential and a low unnatural weather change Capability of 1.
R-744 is non-harmful and non-combustible. Nonetheless, clients ought to be wary about involving this refrigerant in encased spaces as it might uproot oxygen and cause suffocation.
R-744 is likewise more energy-productive than HFC refrigerants and has a low-pressure proportion, prompting superb volumetric effectiveness.
This refrigerant has high working tension, meaning the parts and parts that use R-744 will more often than not be small in size and require an unobtrusive generally speaking charge.
R-717 or Alkali is another normal refrigerant. This compound is likewise a regular family and assembling substance broadly accessible.
R-717's properties make it a superb eco-accommodating refrigerant for business and modern refrigeration applications. The compound is additionally broadly utilized in marine and maritime applications.
Alkali is regularly used in huge-scope freezing in business plants. It is frequently called "anhydrous alkali" since it contains next to zero water. It makes an extraordinary refrigerant since it is 3% to 10% more productive than HFCs and CFCs.
Smelling salts have zero ozone consumption potential. It likewise has a dumbfounding GWP of 0, making it one of the most eco-accommodating refrigerants out there.
In any case, it is profoundly harmful and combustible, restricting its purposes to explicit applications.
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k00289234 · 6 months
Experimental Animation Workshop
This morning I did the experimental animation workshop with Yvonne. First, she showed us more old-fashioned methods of animation, like the zoetrope, the thaumatrope, the phenakistascope. We also looked at flipbooks.
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We also watched an animation made by William Kentridge. It's a chalk and charcoal drawing of a man pacing back and forth while the pages change.
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After that we started working on our own animations in relation to our projects. I talked to Yvonne about the map I'm making out of fabric and string, and how I could animate the process of it being made and the string travelling through it.
I had already made some of it but I talked to Paul Gardiner about it and he said he could help photoshop the first few frames of the animation so that it looks like it,s being started from scratch.
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I had originally chosen orange and pink string to represent the two journeys, but Yvonne pointed out that the colours might be too similar, especially so close to each other, so I'm going to change them.
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AUGUST 2023 - Personal Project - 'REVERSE ZEOTROPE' Experimenting with deconstructing the moving image. 3D to 2D and back to 3D (there is a print version of this posted later in the blog). A video taken from a moving bus with colours and shapes blurred by the rain and condensation on the window. The video was then broken down into its individual layers, edited and recombined to create a moving abstract 'image' of colour and forms of the streetscape.
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Finalizing And Deciding on a The Screen Play Narrative For My Chosen Animator
My Chosen Animator is Winsor Mccay
(Third Draft)
It was a boring morning at Cleary business school. The teacher was writing things on the board with the white chalk as the young Winsor McCay watched, bored out of his mind and eager to escape this hell. His mind wandered off and he found himself staring at the pencil in his hand, which he was flipping around before. He suddenly got an idea, as a light bulb lit, floating over the top of his head. He had a mischievous smile, then grabbed the light bulb out from the air, for later ideas he told himself, then held the pencil tight and quickly drew something on his book. The teacher was still teaching business ethics and whatnot before a splash of water washed over her. She quickly looked around, wet and all. Then she saw a pair of animated cartoon fishes, swimming in mid-air above her, spitting water at her. She vigorously tried to shoo them away with her book, and while she was distracted, Winsor was not in his seat. He jumped and vaulted through the closest window, beside his desk, and landed on the grass outside. He looked around and saw and ran around a corner. He grabbed the light bulb he took before and the bulb's light flickered to life in his hand as he got another idea. The pencil was still in his hand, and there was still enough space to draw something bigger.
There in the distance, you could see the Cleary business school, nothing out of the ordinary you might think, until a tall bed with long jelly-like legs suddenly walked from behind the school and made its way towards the city. Winsor was sitting on top of it and his arms spread open as if he could dream himself flying. The bed made its way towards the city with a billboard on top of a building saying, 'Welcome to Detroit.' The people down below pointed at the bed with their mouths opened in amazement. Winsor waved at them and noticed a gigantic long-necked dinosaur walking through the city, a dinosaur that was taller than most buildings. On top of the dinosaur was a little man named Little Nemo. Winsor waved at him and Little Nemo waved back. They all looked happy and walked towards the art school.
There was a sudden knock at the door. Winsor stood at the door, pressing the doorbell. The sign on the door said, 'John Goodison.' the door opened, and stood in the way was a tall man, who crossed his arm and smiled down at Winsor and his companions who stood at his side; Gertie the Dino, Little Nemo, and the two flying fishes. Then so with Mr. Goodison's help, Winsor sat at a desk with countless art supplies. Then suddenly with quick arms and fingers, he drew like crazy, making the papers fly everywhere; some stacked themselves, some turned into paper airplanes and flew or folded into origami birds and starts flapping their thin paper wings. It took years, but it was worth it. Now, you would see a tall building in new york, with a neon light saying, New York Herald. And there through one window, you could see An Adult Winsor McCay, smiling down at his work. He finally set down his pencil, taking a breath of relief. Oops, it's 6 PM. He stood up and a walking coat hangar helped him to put on his coat before, he stood at the window, animated birds now flying over his head and desk. He took a last step forward and then fell. He fell out of view, but sooner you could see him sitting on top of a flying hot air balloon. You would think that basket where the pilot would normally ride but Winsor was actually on the top of the balloon, sitting comfortably, staring at the horizon.
Just as you would zoom out, you would notice the whole world is inside a Zoetrope, spinning in place, and that Zeotrope would turn into an award, with writing on it, 'Winsor McCay Award.' Then you would see that the award was awarded to someone, someone who was as good as Winsor McCay at Animation.
The End
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backlinkguru265 · 1 year
Gaz r407c
R407C, the refrigerant for residential air conditioning
R407C is a ternary mixture, without ozone, composed of HFC-32 – HFC-125 – HFC-134a; it was developed as a replacement for R-22 (HCFC-22) in air conditioning and refrigeration applications.Gaz R407C is a zeotropic mixture which, unlike azeotropic fluids, varies its temperature during the evaporation or condensation phases, for a given pressure value; R407C has a low slip T (temperature) and corresponds to 5÷7°C.However, it is important to charge the installations only using the refrigerant in the liquid phase and not in the vapor phase; charging gas in the vapor phase would in fact lead to an alteration of the initial composition of the refrigerant, resulting in potential damage to the installation and/or a deterioration in the performance of the installation.
Applications:Gaz R407C is mainly used in small residential and commercial air conditioning installations.
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Residential air conditioning
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ask-ii-drfizz · 1 month
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k00277044 · 1 year
Animation research ☆ Zeotrope
I wanted to meander from researching 3D animation as the industry has lost my interest in it and focus on other types of animation you don't see very often. A technique I find fascinating are zeotropes. Originally, "frames" were drawn on the inside of a cylinder, and as it spun the animation took place. Modern zeotropes have been made in 3d, on a flat circle and on vinyls.
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k00280550 · 2 years
Moving image seminar - by Yvonne Sweeney
I found this seminar very interesting and I learnt many new ways of creating animation.
Here are some of the questions Yvonne suggested to ask yourself when planning out your stop motion:
- Consideration: making something educational or for entertainment
- Using audio and colour
- What emotion are you trying to portray ?
- Landscape, square or portrait ?
- Where are you directing light ? Is it fast moving or slow ? What types of editing can you use?
- Can make something fast to build up drama in a scene
Motion toys:
Thoumatrope: piece of card moved with string
Pheanakistascope: looping images in 12-16 frames. Action happens over and over. The viewer spins the disc and looks at a mirror to see
Zeotrope: drawings change a little bit from frame to frame. Drawings placed into the rotating disc.
Stop motion artists:
Patrick Jenkins paints on glass. He says “Let it have imperfections”. Chalk on board. Letting previous drawings show through
Lotte reiniger makes silhouette cut out animation. Her first full length animation film was made in 1923-1926.
Terry Gilliam - cut out animation. Uses cut outs from magazines, old photographs etc. He makes simple stories with quick movements. He sometimes makes the characters bounce up and down instead of move their legs to walk. He suggests cutting the figures apart to be able to move the head or arm etc around for them to move.
Micheal Rover- “current”. Flow of movement with a current of people walking on fire.
Caroline Leaf- Makes sand animations by moving around sand on a light box.
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u-n-u-s-u-a-l--m-e · 2 years
Now playing Liam Gallagher - C’mon You Know, Zeotrope pressing
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