#yyyyowza one down many to go
clumsyclifford · 2 years
BELLLAAAAA!!!! kahfhriejjsnfkrklekej-@/&$(&:@/@3&$; <- me when you are alive on tumblr dot com YAYYYY. so glad to see you alive and well!! omg luke hemmings look alike at camp… sounds very cute… also yeah ross lynch’s arms mhm i’m . uh. yeah i think im gay and then i see ross lynch and a select few other men and im like Damn this do be bisexuality. i want to eat him (in a completely non-sexual way tbh. see example below via a stolen meme from twitter that i labeled. love that meme it truly exudes so many emotions i could never put into words). im glad camp is going well even if it’s exhausting <33 hmm let me offer life updates. i went blueberry picking with my dad that was fun. i don’t like raw blueberries tho so the next few days will be filled with Blueberry Baking Galore. if u have any good blueberry recipes i am taking recs and am currently in the process of freezing. so many blueberries. oh a fic i posted in like. march me thinks?? reached 225 kudos WOOOO the power of hella active fandoms. would be willing to drop a link (literally created a whole new ao3 account a few months ago Just to post fics for this different fandom) if you would ever like to read it despite it definitely not being a fandom you’re in. and also could provide context because my god do you need to know so much lore if you’re reading it out of context im realizing as i look back at it. the rituals are so intricate. anyways im rambling no thoughts head empty it’s almost 9pm i woke up at 5:30am and am running on like 4 hours of sleep. now i will go continue freezing blueberries also im watching the cubs game they’re currently winning in the bottom of the 8th. ok LOVE YOU BYE MWAH.
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hello bella. yes the luke hemmings lookalike and i are very good friends now actually so that worked out nicely. im glad we agree on the topic of ross lynch's arms and also him in general
blueberry picking sounds fun!! i don't know any recipes but im sure you figured out something cool n fun to do with them. i love intricate fandom rituals and if you drop a link i would b happy to try and enjoy it with zero context whatsoever bc i think it would be funny
i did see that the cubs beat the orioles last night (obv that wasnt the game you were watching when you sent this like two months ago but) so congratulations on that !!!
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