#yungyu au
woonhakist · 11 months
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synopsis — all throughout summer, you had fallen on your knees, burned in the sun, and scraped your body, but nothing had hurt you more than yungyu did.
pairing — lee yungyu x gn!reader
genre — angst, slight fluff
warnings — mentions of minor injuries, mentions of blood
word count — 1.0k
notes — this is a surprise gift done out of sheer impulse for omi (@minkkumaz) ! also, this is my first written AND angst fic, so any feedback would be appreciated ! hope u all enjoy ! (inspired by august by taylor swift)
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it was as if you could still smell the salt air, as if you could still feel the sun beam onto your skin. back when he was all you wanted, and there wasn’t anything you needed more. there was nothing that could compare to each word and touch that you shared with him, nor was there anything that came as close to you as yungyu did.
you could still feel the time you were twisted in your bedsheets with him, tangled in his limbs. the sun couldn’t beat the heat that you felt creeping onto your skin, and no breeze compared to each breath of air you shared. you became the closest you could be, and your lips nearly grazed his. you could still remember the words that he whispered into the air:
“are you sure?”
you’d never been more certain in your life, and you’d never take it back. the soft press of his lips onto yours, to the slow thawing of your feelings; both were more than you could ever ask for. it was something you’d never regret, even as you laid in that same bed weeks later, yearning to feel his lips just once more.
you could still see his back beneath the sun, wishing you could write your name on it. at that point in time, you still hadn’t spoken about the days after summer, days in which his sunkissed skin would dull. you could still feel the twist in your expression—the curiosity you had to satisfy.
“will you call when we’re back at school?”
you’d never been more confused in your life when his only answer was a smile. his silence spoke no words, and his grin spoke even less. you remembered making the quick decision to leave it alone, and to stay trapped in the delusion—one where you thought you had him.
then, as quick as it came, august had slipped away, lessening into a moment in time. you were lost in the memory of your misery as september came, and yungyu left. he had given you no warning before he disappeared, and from late august to early september, all you could do was miss him.
as you sobbed beneath the same bedsheets his scent lingered on, you tried to find comfort in the vivid memory of yungyu rushing towards you the moment you fell, hushing your pained sniffles. you remembered his shy smile as he bandaged your cuts, leaving gentle touches along your skin.
your tears could only flood out more, and your skin had absorbed them, just like it did with the rays of the sun. you had remembered the day you forgot your sunscreen, and once the consequence of your mistake caught up to you, yungyu was there. you remembered how he smeared aloe vera on your sunburnt skin, quietly laughing at your slip-up.
unlike then, you couldn’t feel any joy in your pain. it stung, similar to when you’d snagged your skin on a tree branch. then, just like every other occasion, yungyu had come to your aid. you had hissed when he applied the ointment, but he had assured you that it was for the better.
each time you had gotten hurt, yungyu never failed to be by your side. you had believed that—after he fractured your soul—he’d be back to pick up the pieces. you had waited for him, hoped for a call—yet all you got was your unread texts. it was then that his silence finally spoke, and it told you that he was never yours to lose.
you were desperate to let it go—all you wanted was to settle. you figured that wanting should be enough; it had to be enough. yungyu wouldn’t want to give any more than that, so you couldn’t get any more than that. you thought it was as simple as counting to ten, but you simply weren’t able to get it through your head.
you were still stuck, stuck believing that yungyu wouldn’t leave you stranded. you thought that he was bound to come back to you, bound to reignite your summer passion. you weren’t ready to accept the reality, even if you knew that your protective dam of wishful thinking was bound to collapse.
by the time school started, most of your scars from summer tucked beneath bandaids, smothered in aloe vera, and treated with ointment had healed. each trace of your summer had gradually disappeared—save for one wound.
it bled as if it were a fresh cut, yet maroon tears had spilled out of it for weeks. you found that nothing could mend the gash that yungyu had torn into your heart, and you could still feel the sting—only worsening once you caught a glimpse of him.
you watched as he walked into the classroom—heard as he talked with his friends. his smile reflected the sun, and his voice radiated purity. you could never stay mad at him, even if he made your heart ache. you’d always find room to forgive, but you’d never forget all of the memories he shattered.
you knew you had to let go, but you couldn’t find the heart to. you’d sit there gluing the fragments of your summer together until the end of time if you had to. you didn’t care if you needed to pick up the pieces that he wouldn’t; you would do it a thousand times if that meant you’d have at least one chance out of a billion to have him.
part of you still wanted him to want you just as much as you needed him, even if that was all but possible. part of you still believed in the love that never lived—the love that was never true. part of you still lived for the hope of it all—lived for him. part of you was him, even if you ever wanted to believe otherwise.
you stared at the boy who took a piece of you with him, and replaced it with a void that could only chant his name. yungyu had seated himself at a desk near yours, his friends surrounding him. he took in the room, and you followed his gaze as it darted around the space—until it landed on you.
you tried to see in his eyes what you held in your own, desperate to find something, anything that could be more than your own want—but as his eyes left yours without a second glance, he inevitably slipped away into a moment in time.
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© woonhakist 2023
52 notes · View notes
minkkumaz · 7 months
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in which nine students become locked away with zero escape, no idea of their past memories or what the outside world has to offer for them. trapped, with the only way out being to kill one another. there's just one rule, don't get caught.
SETTINGS mentions of killing in graphic detail (obviously). WC 3.0k
00: welcome to eternal academy
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walls enclosed the remains of the room, creating a tight vacuum seal around what was once your own body. stirring awake from your forced slumber, the unrecognizable interior only added to the sum of your confusion. the desk where your head had just rested upon was warm, a contrast from the frigid temperature you felt from the goosebumps on your arm.
a simple gaze around made you aware of the trophy cases leaning against the wall closest to you,. it was  crowded with shiny medals and prizes with a label you perceived from afar. your figure stuttered as the heels of your chair suddenly squeaked against the floor, granting you room to wiggle away from the desk.
dragging your tired feet, you approach the case to analyze it further, not believing your eyes quite yet, still drowning in sleep. a golden plaque caught your attention first, engraved with the words ‘most prized academy across the world, eternal academy.’
the air was knocked out of your lungs upon your moment of realization, swallowing down the rest of your shock nervously. you were currently cooped up in eternal academy, home of the ultimates. there was not much of an explanation for if you were wrong, so believing in these whereabouts was the best option you had. 
eight students had been scouted recently for their progressing talents, assuming to peak in their highschool years, with the exception of a lucky ninth. in this scenario, you were that lucky ninth. you would be more anxious if you knew exactly what was going on. maybe it was a trick, a custom that was special to this school. 
kidnapping students and placing them in a random area? you quickly ignored the stupidity of that idea, more worried about the idea of escaping.
you walked over to the tall door on the opposite end, rattling the doorknob slightly . it didn’t crack immediately, requiring a little bit of strength. using the palm of your opposite hand to push, the door opened, introducing a long hallway with other unexplored rooms. the silence could be sliced smoothly with a butter knife, yet before you could hear your own thoughts, the sound of footsteps crowded your ears.
peering around the corner came a boy with dark black hair and blue bangs, eyes lighting up after seeing a warm body.
“h– hey ! are you okay?” the boy yells from across the way, rushing to approach you.
“i think?” you question yourself, still unsure on the status of your emotions, “do you have any idea about what’s going on here?”
finally face to face with you, the boy takes a moment to catch his breath, “i have no clue exactly, but i’m so glad there’s another person here.”
“me too. i just woke up in that room right there, and to be honest, i’m still feeling a little tired.” you frown, rubbing the side of your arm in an attempt to battle the cold.
“i woke up not too far from here, just around the corner. my name is lee seungheon, by the way!” he bows slightly, holding out a hand to you.
you take it gratefully before introducing yourself as well, “my name is y/n, i should’ve introduced myself first.”
“no worries, i’d understand if you’re a bit shaken up, this situation is really weird.” he reassured you, “the only thing i remember before this is coming to eternal academy for the orientation.”
“right!” you gasped, “that’s also what i last remember doing. i’m here as the lottery student– or i guess ultimate lucky student?”
“i heard about that, this school has never done something like that before. i guess we’ll be seeing each other in the halls after we find out what’s going on?”
“maybe we will, though i’m not sure how all of it works, i’ll figure it out sooner or later. this school is huge.”
“and mysterious, apparently. oh i’m the ultimate rapper by the way, it slipped my mind and i almost forgot what i’m good at.” he laughed apprehensively.
“sounds cool, but i don’t blame you.” you smile fondly, “let’s walk around for a bit and maybe we’ll find some other people?”
“let’s go that way, i already looked around the area i was coming from.”
you nod at seungheon in agreement, letting him lead the way in front of you. the atmosphere felt a lot less suffocating with another person by your side, making you glad that you had met him in such dire conditions. 
as you walked down the hallway, you noted how it was spacious and well - lit, with high ceilings and pristine marble floors that gleam under the soft, warm lighting. portraits of notable alumni lined the walls, each one a symbol of achievement and success. 
a familiar thought in the back of your mind resurfaced. the idea that if you weren’t trapped in such an odd circumstance, maybe you could appreciate coming here a little more. would you be just as significant and important as the figures on these walls? 
“do you think that we’re supposed to go to the spot where the orientation was meant to be held?” you think out loud.
seungheon stops in his tracks for a moment before turning to you, “you’re completely right! what if we’re late?” he begins to panic, causing you to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“we’re fine, they can’t blame us anyways. this is all so uncanny.” you mumble, “if i remember correctly, the meetup destination is in the gym.”
“the gym? i’m not going to pretend like i know where that is, do you know?” he furrows his eyebrows.
“i guess this is the part where i take an educated guess…” you dart your head around you, searching for any sign or determining factor. casting a brief look around the intersection, you point at a bright, scarlet colored double door. “let’s try there!”
the two of you hurried towards it, each taking one of the handles in your hand. exchanging a glance, you did a mental countdown before creaking open the door. a sliver of light shone through the crack, only gradually getting brighter until you could finally see what was inside.
rows of chairs were neatly arranged, facing a stage at the front. each chair is meticulously placed, forming a sea of an unsettling red color. the gym floor is polished to a shine, and the walls are adorned with banners and posters, proudly displaying the words ‘welcome to eternal academy.’
seven heads shot in your direction, an uncomfortable tension flowing towards you and seungheon. you gently shut the door you came through, letting yourselves into the vast gym. from the small crowd, a voice spoke, echoing against the walls.
“are you the last two people that are supposed to be here?” his voice was calm, but his face looked cold. 
“oh ah– i believe so. that makes nine of us, doesn’t it?” you stammer, feeling uneasy with all these eyes on you.
“great! we were all just getting to know each other before the orientation started!” a more cheerful voice announces from behind waving at you to go talk to him.
you quickly acknowledged the remaining students prior to speaking to this new face, with a shy seungheon following closely behind you. “hello, what’s your name?”
“i’m cho yoonsung, the ultimate moodmaker!” he beamed in an extremely friendly manner, “i hope we can get to know each other well.”
“moodmaker? that’s such an interesting ultimate.” seungheon notes, more intrigued than ever. 
“i know, right? my goal is to brighten everyone’s mood a little bit, since that’s always what i’ve been good at.” he pouts, “though i don’t remember exactly how i woke up here, i don’t want anyone else to worry.”
“you’re awfully upbeat for being in a kidnap scenario.” you quirk an eyebrow, but yoonsung only smiles in response.
“people always say i’m upbeat in every scenario, i guess i can’t really help it all that much.” tells you before being interrupted by another boy with glasses coming up behind him.
“hey, you guys are the final two of the bunch! i’m yang minho, it’s nice to meet you both.” he says, wrapping an arm around yoosung's shoulder.
“oh, hi! it’s nice to meet you too. since we’re sharing ultimates, what’s yours?” 
minho scratches the back of his neck, hesitating before he shared his talent with you, “i’m the ultimate swindler.”
“is that just a fancy way to say you’re good at deceiving people?” seungheon asks innocently.
“something of the sorts, but you can trust that i’m not lying.” his outward demeanor seemed friendly, convincing you that he couldn’t be as bad as his ultimate sounded. after all, no one can necessarily control what traits they’re born with.
“um, so– have you guys spoken to the rest of the people in the gym?” you wondered, “it seemed a bit tense once seungheon and i got here.”
“we’ve made small talk here and there, enough to know everyone's names and ultimates at least. you should go see for yourself.” yoonsung suggests.
“then i’ll go introduce myself to the rest of the people. you can join me if you’d like, seungheon.”
“go without me, i’ll hang in tight for a bit with yoonsung and minho.” 
immediately embarking on your mini-mission, you advance towards two people sitting nearby. as you walk closer, you take into account the ipad they both seem to be looking at. clearing your throat, you attempt to gain their attention. 
“ah, hi! my name is y/n, the ultimate lucky student. what’s your guys’ names?” you announce awkwardly, waiting for them to look up at you.
“yungyu, you’re seriously not good at this game at all, you made me lose my spot!” one of them complains.
“dude, you’re the one with the natural born talent. plus, there’s no checkpoint!” the other one whined, urging you to feel like you might’ve interrupted something.
“don’t mind yungyu, it’s kind of hard to surpass the ultimate gamer when you can only play basketball.” he teases.
“jaeyun, can you actually choke?” the boy supposedly named yungyu told him, “anyways, sorry, we were just playing a game. how’s it going, y/n?”
“it’s definitely going. i just wanted to get to know everyone else a little before the orientation started.” you confess.
“well, it’s good to meet you then.” jaeyun reaches out to shake your hand respectfully.
after pulling away, you look around to see the remainder of people in the gym. there were only a couple more people you didn’t recognize, yet one caught your eye for a little longer, “have you guys met that boy over there?”
“the one with the suit or the one that looks like a wizard?” yungyu looks in the direction you’re hinting at.
“the one with the suit.”
“oh, yeah. that’s jung haemin, he’s the ultimate prince.” jaeyun teaches you, “his demeanor seems cold, but i’m sure he’s not that bad.”
“how bad could he be if he’s friends with the harry potter doppelganger?” yungyu kidded, “but when i talked to him, he was a little bit rude.”
“good to know, then.” you looked over at haemin once more, accidentally making eye contact that sent shivers down your spine. deciding it was best not to approach him, you averted your gaze swiftly.
before you knew it, another boy was approaching your group, flicking his hands like he had just washed them, “the bathrooms are kind of ominous, don’t you guys think?”
“i haven’t been yet, who are you?” you ask politely.
“ji myungho, ultimate all - rounder.”
“jeez, that sounds like all the ultimate talents combined…” you say, feeling overwhelmed, “that’s cool!”
“thank you, but it’s nothing really!” myungho began to feel shy, taking a seat next to jaeyun, “you must be the student that got in through lottery, congrats by the way.”
“does being an all - rounder come with psychic ability?” you remarked, sitting down as well.
“the magician never tells his secret, but maybe that’s kyungmin’s job.”
suddenly, a spotlight flickers to life in the center of the stage before you can get an answer, and a mechanical whirring sound resonates through the chamber. everyone dies down into silence, including yourself, the room dimming down to emphasize the light in the middle. anxiety washed over you within seconds.
from the darkness emerges a towering figure, an unsettling amalgamation of a cute teddy bear and a menacing robotic presence. its body is half black, half pink, with a giant red eye for a right eye and a malevolent grin etched onto its face. 
the bear approached a microphone stand, planting it’s paw on top of the head to check for volume, “testing, testing! alright let’s get things rolling!”
“what the actual fuck is that?” jaeyun muttered under his breath.
as the bear steps into the light, the room is bathed in a red glow, casting eerie shadows across the walls. the bear's mechanical voice, at once cheerful and malevolent, fills the room. it speaks with an unsettling sing - song tone, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.
“ah ah ah! do you kiss your mother with that mouth, gamer boy?” the squeaky voice talked back, “it’s rude to strangers, let alone your headmaster!”
“headmaster? really?” you heard haemin scoff from a couple seats behind you, “you must be joking.”
“that’s right, your fluffy, cuddly, super amazing headmaster, minkkuma!” 
“this could not get any weirder…” you think out loud, looking over at seungheon and sharing a concerned expression.
“dear, i’m under the firm belief that things can always get weirder.” minkkuma laughed, “welcome, class of two thousand one hundred, to your orientation for eternal academy!”
“two thousand… one hundred?” you all said unanimously.
“you caught me! such a gifted pair of students we have, too bad there isn’t more of you!” minkkuma frowns, “but two thousand one hundred is only an estimate, i’m sure you’ll start dropping like flies sooner or later.”
“what the hell is that supposed to mean?” minho shouts, getting slightly agitated.
“it is the schools duty to house you all for the rest of your lives. ” minkkuma paused, “but don’t look so down! while there is no physical way to escape from the confines of eternal academy, there’s always an alternative!”
“all i’m hearing is words coming out of your mouth! why are we here and how do we get out?” seungheon shouted angrily.
“kill.” minkkuma states blankly, “stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, crushing, hacking, drowning, igniting—how you do it doesn’t matter. you must kill someone if you want to leave, it’s as simple as that.
the room trembles with the weight of those ominous words, and the expressions on the faces of the assembled group shift from unease to sheer terror. kill?
“come on now, just tell us something fun about the school and how we’re going to have a great time here.” yungyu seethed, “that’s what orientation is for, right?”
“i’m sure your time will be splendid! you have all the living materials to stay here for the rest of your life,
but if you really can’t handle it, just make sure you don’t get caught spilling blood.” minkkuma bubbled.
“no one in their right mind would ever kill…” the boy alongside haemin said, presumably being kyungmin, the one person you did not meet yet.
“i’ll choose to ignore that, because one of you skeptics definitely will. i can assure all of you that this is far from a joke.”
a pervasive sense of anxiety and paranoia begins to seep into the group. everyone starts to eye each other with suspicion, wondering who among them might become a perpetrator in this killing game. friendships formed earlier now seem fragiler and fragiler, as no one can be sure who to trust.
some of the individuals begin to panic, their breathing quickening, and their hearts racing. their faces contort with fear, and they clench their fists or clutch their chests as they grapple with the horrifying reality of their predicament.
“i bet your brain juices are leaking like a faucet! the feeling of hope could soon be executed into being an inescapable despair one murder later.”
“this is fucking sick.” minho gripped tightly onto yoonsung’s shoulder, while he on the other hand looked like he was about to vomit.
“sick? you think this is sick? don’t flatter me, minho, you’re just my student!” minkkuma giggled, “this deafening tension is music to my ears.”
“don’t play with me, you stupid bear!” minho yells.
“playing is for children, yet from this point forward you guys will only grow, exceeding much more than what you thought you were capable of.” minkkuma commented, “and as a welcoming gift, i have digital student handbooks for all of you! these hold all of the regulations in detail, as well as the mapping of the school. isn’t that just fun?”
“how can we be having fun right now after all you’d just told us?” yoonsung cried.
“don’t be such a debby - downer! aren’t you supposed to be the ultimate moodmaker?” minkkuma’s smile only got devastatingly larger, mocking yoonsung.
“anyone wouldn’t be themselves after being trapped with no free will.” myungho added.
“who said anything about not having free will? i just implied that you guys couldn’t get out of here to see the outside world! doesn’t mean i’ll cuff you up and force you to live off of raisins i picked off the ground, that’s kind of illegal.”
“are you really trying to bring legality into this?” you sneered, “i want to go home.”
“home is right around the corner! your dormitories are mapped in your handbook, and each one has a cute little nameplate made by me! i hope you find these living arrangements up to par.” minkkuma reported, pointing his little paw in wherever direction, “and that just about wraps up the ceremony, hm? you’ll all live here for eternity unless someone kills and doesn’t get caught. then the rest of you die. simple simple simple simple!”
with one last goodbye, your so - called headmaster disappears, leaving everyone in a pile of their own mushy confusion. the announcement that minkkuma made had casted a dark cloud over your lives, and the straining in the room serves as a constant reminder that you are all now trapped in a deadly game where trust is in short supply, and survival is the only goal.
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OMI welcome to the dangan universe muahahah
© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz !
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yushipie · 4 months
Fluff:💌 Smut:🔞 Coming soon:👀
haobin x reader 🔞
haobin x reader 🔞
ricky: 👀
gunwook: 👀
Fantasy boys
corruption kink 🔞
First date 👀💌
cuddling w gyurae 💌
first time 🔞
academic rivals 🔞
Sub Hikari
Jealous Hikari (⚠️) 👀
myungjae: 👀🔞
hikaru: 👀🔞
Academic rivals to lover's pt 1 💌
Boys planet
haruto maeda
first time w reader 🔞
Kamden: 👀🔞
jay chang: 👀🔞
zihao: 👀🔞
Yungyu social media au 💌
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8turning · 1 year
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i write drabbles, reactions, MTL's, scenarios, imagines, au's, long fics, short fics, and ficlets.
i write fluff, angst, and crack / humor.
admittedly, i'm not the best at writing angst and likely wont write such of my own accord. but, upon request, i'll do my best to put out what you're looking for :]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀NOT WELCOMED
please refrain from spam-liking my fics! this will cause tumblr to believe my account to be a bot and will result in my account getting shadow-banned (aka, my works wont be discoverable through tags. contacting tumblr to resolve it is a *massive *hassle).
this blog is strictly sfw. no mature or suggestive themes will be tolerated.
8turn. ateez. enhypen. p1harmony. seventeen. tomorrow x together. xdinary heroes. xikers. zerobaseone. other groups/idols of my interest.
05 liners and younger
8turn : yungyu, seungheon.
enhypen : niki.
p1harmony : soul, jongseob.
xikers : junghoon, seeun, yujun, hunter, yechan.
zerobaseone : gunwook, yujin.
member x member or any kind of member x oc.
self harm/harmful actions to reader and/or member.
hybrid/furry/ a/b/o.
unhealthy/unwarranted jealousy. toxic relationships, cheating (and similar themes).
"large" age gaps (anything 3+/-3 years i don't feel comfortable doing personally).
lowercase is intentional.
all writing is fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only. nothing stated about an idol should be taken as fact nor should any scenario be seen as truth. this is all for fun :]
gn ! reader blog (unless started otherwise in fic).
ask box is always open! feel free to send anything in or just say hi :]
i do not allow any form of plagiarism - this includes but is not limited to: copying, translations, alterations, modifications, or inspiration-taking. my works are protected.
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woonhakist · 11 months
THE ERAS ft. 8turn
a series of 8turn taylor swift songfics
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the way i loved you (ji myungho x gn!reader) bittersweet
your current boyfriend was near perfect, but he could never set your heart ablaze the way myungho did.
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august (lee yungyu x gn!reader) angst, slight fluff
all throughout summer, you had fallen on your knees, burned in the sun, and scraped your body, but nothing had hurt you more than yungyu did.
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sweet nothing (cho kyungmin x gn!reader) angst, fluff(?)
never in a million years would you imagine letting kyungmin go, even if you needed nothing more than to do just that.
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© woonhakist 2023
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minkkumaz · 7 months
𓂃 opening euphony.exe . . . [8TURN: OUR EUPHONY]
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in which nine students become locked away with zero escape, no idea of their past memories or what the outside world has to offer for them. trapped, with the only way out being to kill one another. there's just one rule, don't get caught. PAIRING 8turn boys + reader (romance tbd :3) GAMEMODE danganronpa despair au TAGLIST send an ask to be added!
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PROLOGUE ꒰ welcome to eternal academy
CHAPTER ONE ꒰ 01 the difference between hope and despair
꒰ 02 lights out
꒰ 03 what was once here becomes gone
CHAPTER TWO ꒰ 04 tbd
꒰ 05 tbd
꒰ 06 tbd CHAPTER THREE ꒰ 07 tbd
꒰ 08 tbd
꒰ 09 tbd CHAPTER FOUR ꒰ 10 tbd
꒰ 11 tbd
꒰ 12 tbd EPILOGUE ꒰ graduation day
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OMI though halloween is long behind us i wanted to put out what was supposed to come out on halloween LOL was super busy, but this is gonna be my biggest priority to hopefully accomplish before christmas :3
© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz !
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minkkumaz · 9 months
in which you slowly fall in love with lee yungyu over text messages.
PAIRING lee yungyu x fem!reader TAGS texts. school au. kinda humor (depends how funny u think i am). minor cussing. ft. my doodle of yungyu. OMI NOTE i've been wanting to do texts for awhile and i feel like it's good for me to start now since i probably won't be posting fics for awhile (not bc i'm on hiatus or anything but everything i have planned is very LONG).
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© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz !
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minkkumaz · 10 months
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sometimes it felt like you were in a completely different world than yungyu. others called him bad, but you could hardly believe that. everything inside of you wanted to figure him out.
PAIRING lee yungyu x fem!reader WC 2.3k TAGS classmates to lovers. school au. bad boy yungyu. minor cussing. OMI NOTE this might be one of my favorite things i've written.. ever? i'm so soft for gyu, and his bad boy persona honestly takes the cake i don't know. this plot kind of reminds me of 'she fell first, but he fell harder.' also i might've snuck a ddlc reference in here w my multifandom ass..
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immortality is a concept that defines eternal life, incapability of dying. and while in your world it didn’t exist, word about him never died. there were always rumors, people telling you that getting involved with him would ruin the perfect idea of yourself. despite this, it only intrigued you more.
school was alway the main source of gossip and other immature problems, half of it being completely untrue. word spread like wild fire, even when it didn’t make sense. so why was everyone so sure that lee yungyu was this bad influence? there were times when it was best to stay behind and not involve yourself in the uproar.
though you couldn’t help but stare, unable to figure him out. the corner of his mouth crinkling whenever he smiled, how he’d always do a peace sign when posing for photos. for the most part, maybe it was less about figuring him out, and more about just admiring the boy.
a stupid class crush wasn’t something you’d admit to, he never talked to you; and your closest friends convinced you that you must’ve been a lucky one. 
but out of the corner of his eye, he always saw you staring. it wasn’t a secret to him that there was this odd curiosity peaking out of your skull. if anything, it was the final push to get him to talk to you.
it was an early morning, the trees outside were beginning to bloom this april. you always thought it was the prettiest time of the year, pink and white flowers littering the long branches. a lot of the time, arriving to classes early gave you a sense of responsibility.
the air was calm, and you could focus better on any assignments you might’ve missed the night before. there were a few stragglers here and there, making the classroom less empty on these occasions. yet you appreciated when it was just yourself.
today was no excuse. all of your things were sprawled out on your desk while you busied yourself in your notebooks. responding to questions that were left unanswered on your worksheets, planning out the rest of your day, and listening to the soft knocks on the door in front of you.
wait, knocks on the door in front of you?
the knob turned slowly as lee yungyu poked his head inside to search around. not a single teacher was in sight, though there was a cute girl sitting at one of the desks, staring at him wide eyed. his expression softened upon seeing you with all your stationary spread out.
he let himself in, letting the door quietly shut behind him. at first, you were confused why someone like him was in school at this hour. wasn’t being super late with some comedic timing apart of his whole brand? it was new, but you tried to act like you weren’t shocked.
resuming what you were originally doing, it was in your best attempt to ignore the boys presence. clicking the end of your pen, you continue to scribble nonsense on your paper. though it became almost impossible as you heard the sound of a chair dragging across the floor.
looking up from the desk, his dark eyes met yours. but in retrospect, he was nothing near intimidating up close. he sat himself down and smiled at you before he spoke.
“hi, you must be y/n, right?” your name flowed off his tongue perfectly, sending a small shiver down your spine.
“ah.. yes. you’re lee yungyu.” you respond shyly.
“oh? so you know me as well then.” yungyu smirked, crossing his arms atop the table.
“well, you’re nothing short of infamous in school.” you mention, making him quirk an eyebrow.
“word gets around too quickly here. the school year barely started.” he sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“there isn’t much else to expect from our classmates. i could only imagine what you’ve heard about me.” 
“i’ve heard nothing but good things.” he told you, “you’re too innocent to get yourself into any trouble.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you question.
“nothing! i was just saying.”
“you know, we’re not strangers anymore. so how about friends?” he proposes out of the blue.
“huh? why so suddenly?” you tilt your head like a lost puppy, only earning a light laugh from him.
“i’ve seen you staring at me. it only made me more curious about you.” he admits, making your heart drop to your feet, “it’s cute.”
“i said what i said. so, friends?” 
“okay, friends.” you agree hesitantly, tapping your fingers on the desk.
“great. how about you come with me to yoonsung hyung’s party in the woods tonight and hang out? heard it was gonna be pretty cool.” he asks.
“yoonsung? as in student council yoonsung?”
“that’s him.”
“i didn’t think he threw parties like that.” you mumble, thinking about the responsible boy.
“are we talking about the same yoonsung? he loves planning things, and i’d like to say we’re pretty close.” he tells you, picking up one of your pencils.
“that’s interesting then.” you comment, “i didn’t know the two of you were friends.” 
“you must not have been stalking me hard enough then.” he jokes, drawing little stars on your notebook.
“i’m just teasing you. you don’t have to be so tense around me. though i am shocked you agreed to hang out with me.”
“i didn’t exactly agree to anything yet, yungyu.” you claim, erasing his stars.
“i know you’re going to say yes to me.” he looks at you intently, almost as if he’s trying to brainwash you into agreeing.
“maybe if i could get this work done by the end of the day.” you grumbled.
“boring. what are you working on anyways?” he picks up your paper to read the print, it was a rough draft of something you were writing.
“the writing homework we were assigned yesterday. i was just trying to finish it up but i haven’t liked what i’ve made so far.” you groan, snatching the paper out of his hands
“if you try so hard to make things perfect, you won’t make much progress. just write things down and fix it up later.”
“that.. that is actually pretty inspiring. aren’t you supposed to be some bad guy?”
“what did you want me to do? rip up your paper and tell you how shit of a job you were doing?” 
“okay, i didn’t mean it like that–”
“y/n!” a voice called out to you, sounding very obviously distressed.
two girls appeared in the classroom, sliding the door open with ease upon seeing you with yungyu. they look almost scared for you, and after the short conversation you’ve had with your new friend, you see no reason as to why. 
you glance back from your friends to him, and all he does is grin at you. ‘that’s my cue’ he mouths silently, barely peaking a whisper.
he sits up from his seat while the girls rush towards you. in the middle of this, he takes his hand and swipes your pencil pouch on the floor, watching as all the pastel highlighters and pen scatter on the floor.
“see you tonight, y/n.” he slings one of his backpack straps over his shoulder, leaving you with your friends.
“what were you doing hanging out with him?” one frowns, kneeling down to help pick up your things.
“if he was bothering you i can tell a teacher! he’s bad news..” another one whines, squeezing your cheeks to make sure you’re okay.
“i’m fine guys, don’t worry.” you mutter, sliding out of your chair to gather the remains of your materials on the floor.
“i hope you didn’t let him convince you to go to that party.”
“our y/nnie is too kind to turn someone down, but it’s for your own good..”
was all of this for your own good? their words were like knives, only deepening the cut of curiosity. everyone called him bad, but you could hardly believe that. the past thirty minutes were living proof that there was so much more to him.
regardless of their words, you felt determined to go with him to that party. there was a high chance it would help you figure out who he really was behind this twisted persona people made of him.
the forest was dark and empty, only a small beacon of light in the distance that you walked towards. there was no saying why you let a boy you had only met mere hours ago lead you through the towering trees. 
leaves crunched below your hesitant feet, the only evidence that a living body has been through these depths. the grip yungyu had on your hand was almost enough to be scared of him, but it was mostly reassuring. he just didn’t want to lose sight of you.
as the party grew near, sparkling string lights weaved their way through the branches. they glistened in your eyes like stars. the chatter of people grew more audible, and before you knew it, the scene overwhelmed you.
food, drinks, a boom box, and a multitude of your classmates all gathered to have a fun time. your first party didn’t seem as scary as your friends drawn it out to be, and his presence didn’t make it any less intimidating.
“this looks fun, come on.” he pointed out, taking you farther into the crowd. 
“there’s so many people here.” you add, making your way through the large group of party - goers.
“wouldn’t expect much less from yoonsung. he knows everybody.”
you replied with a nod, still holding onto his cold hand. there was a small spot amongst everyone in the middle, where you both stayed put. 
people were dancing along to the music, similar to the way the flowers swayed against the wind in the spring time. suddenly, he unlaced his fingers from yours and placed them on his shoulders, snaking his own around your waist.
“do you dance?” he says quiet enough only for you to hear.
“ahm.. not really, i’ve never been good at it.”
“then follow my lead.”
“oh– okay!” you stammered, making him giggle at your obedience.
“eager, aren’t we?” he mentioned casually, “you know that i’m bad, yet you’re spending the night with me.”
“you’re the one that invited me out, stupid.” you pout, looking away from him.
“but you still couldn’t keep your eyes off of me, could you?” his hold around you tightened, pulling you closer to him. a blush crawled its way across your face.
“it wasn’t even like that!”
“what do you want from my world anyways? you’re just a good little girl.”
“and you’re supposed to be a bad little boy? that’s what you act like, but i don’t buy a second of it.” you argue playfully, “and even if you were like that, why do you want to hang out with me?”
“jeez, picking a fight with me already? i’m bad, but definitely not little.” he bites his tongue.
“not a fight, just trying to figure you out.” you admit, letting your tone turn slightly serious.
“what’s there to know when everything you’ve heard about me is probably true anyways?” he scoffs.
“that you make girls run away sobbing? that you graffitied the principals car over break? that you used to be some kind of bully?” you reply, “or maybe do you have feelings like everyone else and just don’t know how to handle them?”
“god, that got deep.” he laughed nervously, “you might be the realest person i’ve ever met.”
“you’re not so bad, you know.”
“not so bad? you barely even scraped the surface, it’s not something i have to try at. you on the other hand..”
“i’m not trying to be bad, yungyu. i’m hanging out with you because you’re my friend now, right?”
“from stalkers to friends to lovers, sounds like some weird fanfiction.” he teases.
“when are you gonna let that go?!” you grumble, letting your head fall forward into his chest.
“i’ll let it go whenever we get to that last part.”
“pfft.. what…?” you try to play it off.
removing your head from the spot on his chest, he’s already peering down at you; glancing from the plump of your lips back to your eyes. he moves a hand to place on your crown, gently forcing your head to tilt upwards to look at him.
and from all the things you’ve heard about yungyu, the one true thing was that eye contact with him could kill. it made you squirm in your spot against him, feeling a weird tension in your soul.
“you have a thing for me, it’s kind of obvious.”
“oh my god don’t say that out loud! it’s already weird that i’m here with you” you squeal, covering his mouth with your palm.
“so you’re not denying it?” his words are muffled.
“why do you always say such confusing things?! i don’t know if i like you yungyu, we’ve barely been talking for a full day.” you take your hand away with furrowed eyebrows.
“you know, you influenced me to pay closer attention to you. i guess you could say it gave me the crushes, i just wanted to see if you’d admit you had them too.” he confessed.
“you’re crazy, gyu.”
“am i really, though?” he muttered, tilting your chin to angle himself inches away from you. 
it made you freeze up, a weird whirlwind of emotions floating throughout your stomach to make you sick. there weren’t enough synonyms for flustered that you could think of, but you didn’t pull away.
why didn’t you pull away?
the answer was that you couldn’t, after scrutinizing him for months, he was finally in front of you where you wanted him. and that made you realize how simple everything was, laid out perfectly after playing your cards right. 
he was a person, and people are weird. they’re compelled to do crazy shit, and yungyu wasn’t an exception, you understood this.
when you didn’t flinch, nor wiggle in an endeavor to escape, he closed the small gap between you two. it was only a few seconds, not a single person nearby paying any attention. but the spark you felt was so real.
“wanna admit it now?” he smiles, pulling away from the heat of your lips.
“in your dreams, lee yungyu.”
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minkkumaz · 10 months
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no matter how hard seungheon tries, the hole in his heart grows deeper as you feel almost unreachable. small mistakes that grow into awkward situations. but he just doesn't know how much you like him too.
PAIRING lee seungheon x fem!reader WC 2.6k TAGS adults dni. friends to lovers trope. school au. fluff. mutual pining. crying. angst if you squint. cussing. they're extremely clueless. like very clueless. OMI NOTE this series keeps producing bangers i literally could not giggle any more right now. i'm sososo proud of this so i hope all the minors (adults pls get out u weirdos) in the 8turn fandom are fed.
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a void deepened in the confines of seungheon’s body, inching closer and closer to his soul. as if a foreign substance called love crawled its way to strangle him when he was most vulnerable. this feeling was constantly recurring, consuming him whole.
seeing the way your lips perked up into a fond smile when you heard a funny joke, throwing your head back in a fit of giggles. the crinkles on your forehead appearing when there’s a math question you don’t quite understand. it was impossible to look away.
of course, the endless teasing from his hyungs never faltered, but in a way he was too entranced to care. every emotion he felt was worth it to continue seeing you exist. the only shame being the mixed signals you sent. being unable to determine if the touch of your hands was a delusion, or if the spark existed.
every move he made felt like another mistake, staring hopelessly into your clueless eyes. it wasn’t you’re fault that you couldn’t catch on, but you weren’t completely oblivious. you felt it to, but random incoherent babbles came out instead of a clear ‘i like you too’
“why haven’t you just told her yet instead of trying to drop hints?” yungyu questioned, snapping seungheon out of his staring contest with the door.
“it’s not that easy dude. you’ve never had a girlfriend before, let alone a crush!” he whined, burying his face in his hands.
“you’ve never had a girlfriend either! i’m just saying if she hasn’t picked up on anything you should just flat out tell her.” yungyu suggests, ruffling the boys hair.
“i’m better off asking minho or haemin for help.” he groaned in annoyance.
“trust me, they’re going to tell you the exact same thing. take it or leave it.”
seungheon rolled his eyes, throwing a worn out eraser in his friends direction. the two boys had always been close, basically embodying a brotherly - like bond. when he wasn’t with you, he was stuck to yungyu’s side. though when all the fun passed by, he knew gyu meant well. 
the weight of staring at the door, hoping you’d pop in soon, was slightly lifted off his shoulders for the mere second he was distracted. love influenced him in mysterious ways, almost making him feel silly. was this love, or an idiotic perception to mess with his head? despite this, he appreciated the first conclusion a bit more. the sound of a door sliding open interrupted his thoughts suddenly.
when you saw him, your face visibly lit up. an award - winning smile appeared on your lips as you entered all the way into the classroom. you were slugging around a heavy bag on your back, looking as if you could almost topple over. stumbling in your black mary janes, you rush to seat yourself in the empty desk next to him.
“heonie!” you inhale and exhale quickly, dropping your backpack on the floor next to you and practically falling into your seat.
“good morning, y/n!” he greets you, mood immediately much brighter after seeing you, “why such a load?”
“it’s the first day of school! and i might’ve gone overboard with school supply shopping this year?” you shrug, “but look at all these cute pencils!”
you unzip your stationery pouch, pulling out an assortment of colorful led pencils with different patterns and little animals. one of them had a cute panda with puffy cheeks on the side, with a little charm to top it all off.
“here, i got this one for you.” you take his hand suddenly, placing it in his palm. your touch was warm, sending fireworks up his arm.
“for me? i already went school supply shopping, y/n, you really didn’t have to!” he fidgets with it in his fingers.
“well yeah, but i have a matching one!” you hold out another animal themed pencil in front of his face, “see? now it can be special to you.”
“thank you then!” he grinned sheepishly, clicking the end of it to watch the led protrude from cone at the top. 
“y/n, why didn’t you get me a cute pencil?” yungyu complained jokingly from the other side of seungheon’s desk.
“get a grip yungyu, you know i like heon more than you.” you scowl at him.
and on the other side of the spectrum, you and yungyu had a playful rivalry. everything was light hearted one hundred percent of the time, feeling the need to fight for seungheon’s attention. while he knew it was all friendly, his breath grew unsteady and his face began to burn at your words. 
“ouch.” yungyu smirked, giving seungheon a very dramatic wink before trying to go back to whatever he was doing. 
“ask yoonsung for matching stationery or something.” you recommend him.
“maybe he’ll get us some pens on top of that, better step up your game–” the loud blare of a school bell cut him off, initiating the start of classes.
turning your head from him, you took out the rest of your supplies and notebooks just in case you needed to write anything down. the rest of your classmates did the same as the teacher followed in shortly. you nudged the side of seungheon’s leg with your shoe, making him look in your direction.
‘lunch later?’ you mouthed sweetly, making him nod happily in response.
class was always a bore, long lectures giving you the most insufferable headaches ever. the teachers voice being toned out by any thought that decided to surface in your brain. each student almost looked like they were going to pass out, first days of school were like that sometimes. it was either basic instruction that you’ve already heard hundreds of times, or a review quiz.
what you mainly looked forward to in the day was lunch, like many others. this was when you got to spend most of your time with seungheon during the school day. your stomach fluttered with joy (and hunger), getting flashbacks to times when you’d sit closely to share a meal.
everyone filed out into the hallways, rushing to get to the cafeteria in time for the best food options. grabbing your backpack, you rustle through your things in search for your lunchbox. yet alas, that attempt was proven worthless as it was nowhere to be found. a groan left your throat, making your friend look over.
“did you forget your lunch at home again?” seungheon asked you, standing up from his desk.
“bro yes, how come i always do this?! that’s so lame i packed something so yummy too..” you grumble, begrudgingly slipping your arms into the sleeves of your backpack.
“jeez how can you be so adorable sometimes.” he said under his breath.
“you better be whispering about how to solve my lunch problem.” you quirk an eyebrow.
“i’ll just buy you lunch, so don’t worry about it.” he offers.
“aww heonie.” you cheer internally, “you’re too cute. i’ll make sure to pay you back tomorrow, pinky promise.” 
“no it’s fine! i uh– enjoy taking care of you, so really, don’t even think about it.” he acts casually, despite his marathon - winning heartbeat.
“ah.. thank you then.” you say flustered, darting your eyes to the floor.
awkwardness soon surfaces, covering the two of you in a blanket of silence. both of your heads were reeling, trying to comprehend what flirting was and if that conversation was anything close to that. naivety often caused problems between emotional teenagers, and you were no exception.
he enjoyed taking care of you, those words rang through your head like an insufferable telephone. maybe he cared for you more than you perceived him to.
“right, let’s go before they run out of your favorite.” he breaks the tension in the air.
“wait they have my favorite today?” you perk up.
“wouldn’t want you to miss it.” he walks in front of you towards the door, leaving you to catch up behind him.
running over to meet his side, the two of you make your way down the halls to ease your hunger. you’re shoulder to shoulder with him, arms bumping together occasionally, sometimes pinkies. to you, it was mundane being this close to seungheon, but it made you feel like you needed to scream into a pillow.
the cafeteria was bursting with conversation, everyone with their established friend groups and a few lonely stragglers. still following closely behind the boy, you quickly grabbed lunch and sped off to your designated spot with trays in hand.
it was a secluded place, close to the field but not far from the school. shaded off by tall trees, leaves threatening to fall from the branches and be replaced with pungent flowers. you sat criss cross on a bench, flattening your skirt with the palms of your hands appropriately.
“i’m so hungry i could eat a whole building right now.” you rip off the plastic covering your utensils, crumpling it up and placing it under your tray.
“hey slow down, or else you’ll choke.” he cautions as you dig into your food.
“worried you’ll have to pull a heimlich on me?” you say with your cheeks stuffed.
“well i don’t want to but if i have to.” he furrows his eyebrows, making you giggle. 
“you’re dumb heonie, i won’t die in front of you. i’ll probably look funny and that’s embarrassing.”
“the thing you’re worried about isn’t dying, but looking weird?” he laughs, “you’re really pretty either way, that shouldn’t be much of a concern you know.”
“pretty..?” your breath hitches slightly, the tips of your ears already beginning to burn up. 
“uhm– yeah i think you’re–” he swallows, “really pretty–”
“seungheon!” a voice yells from behind him, appearing to be an eager yungyu with minho attached to him.
“i’m going to go to the bathroom real quick!” you squeak out, excusing yourself hurriedly to the bathroom. he lets out a defeated sigh.
the interrupting boys drew closer to you and seungheon’s spot at the bench, confused why he looked so out of it, and why you were walking away from him in panic. a hand landed on his shoulder reassuringly.
“why the long face, seungheon? are you okay?” minho asks, worry lingering in his tone.
“this is just stupid. i can’t keep pushing this down any deeper.” he frowns, “but why do i keep trying if i can’t reach her?”
“what happened exactly?” minho wonders.
“i– i called her pretty and then she rushed to the bathroom out of no where.” he runs a hand through his hair.
“maybe she just really had to pee?” yungyu tries to comfort, earning a light punch on the arm from minho.
“i don’t even know anymore. i am genuinely desperate to know what it’ll take to finally be with her.” 
“telling her straight up is what will probably work the best right now seungheon..” minho told the distressed boy.
“see, i told you!” yungyu added.
“are you guys.. completely positive that will work. because otherwise this feeling is going to consume me whole waiting for this thing to start.” he pleads with his friends.
“positive.” they both say simultaneously.
“okay, fine. then how do you guys suggest i do it?” seungheon gives in.
“whenever she comes back from the bathroom, just say you have something to tell her and lay it out. no use waiting anymore.” minho proposed a plan simply.
“i’ve seen the way she looks at you seungheon, i promise she’ll like you back.” yungyu pat seungheon on the back.
“alright.” seungheon said hesitantly, “you guys better get out before she gets back, or else she’ll think i’m plotting something.”
“aww that’s my little underclassman.” minho pat his head.
“dude don’t be corny..” yungyu gives him a disgusted look, minho mirroring it almost exactly.
“just go! i think she’s coming back.” seungheon swats them away, visibly paranoid.
they trot away quickly, leaving seungheon alone with his thoughts. everything he’s imagining gets notably louder as he waits for your figure to appear back around the corner, borderline hallucinating any movement. this wasn’t anything he’s ever done before, you were his first crush after all.
and because of that, maybe there was more pressure to see whether you reciprocated his feelings or not. first loves never seemed to go away no matter how hard anyone tried, and he doesn’t want to have to imagine you absent in his life. 
once you finally do come back, his stomach is doing somersaults, and his heart palpitating. theres still a slight blush on your face when you sit down on the creaky bench, soon meeting his eyes once you’re fully settled down.
“hi, i’m sorry if i took awhile!” you brush off, twiddling your thumbs together, “what did minho and yungyu want?”
“oh! it’s not that important but um, i wanted to talk to you about something.” seungheon brings up, hands shaking slightly in his lap.
“of course, whats up?” you respond nervously.
“for the longest time, you’ve been one of the closest friends in my life.” he started, “and the last thing i would want is to ruin anything between us.”
“are you saying you don’t want to be friends anymore..?” you almost choke out.
“what? oh my gosh, y/n, no! well, yes but–” he pauses, reaching over your trays to take hold of your hand, “i like you a lot. and it’s kind of been killing me every time i drop a hint that goes unnoticed.”
your lips part like you’re about to say something, but no words come out. instead tears begin to well up in your eyes and your bottom lip quivers, making it painfully obvious that you’re about to cry. a droplet falls from your eye, immediately making seungheon’s eyes widen in horror.
“y/n! please don’t cry i– i didn’t know you were going to react like this i’m so sorry!” he raised his hands to cup your face, wiping your under eye to rid it from any tears.
“seungheon..” you sob out, leaning into his palm, “i didn’t think you were going to like me back.”
“why wouldn’t i like you– wait what?”
“i thought you were just being nice this whole time, i had no clue how to react and– i wasn’t sure how to make it obvious that i liked you.” you sniffed, “that’s why i got us pencils, they even had little hearts next to the panda..”
“and i thought i wasn’t being obvious.” he smiles at your words.
“i’m kidding. god we’re so stupid aren’t we.”
“maybe a little bit.. but you’ve had me teetering on the edge all day! first you say you liked taking care of me, then you bought me lunch, then you called me pretty?!” you mentally facepalm.
“at least thank minho and yungyu for knocking some sense into me, i was probably going to walk you home next.” he remembered the rest of his plans he had in stow.
“you can still walk me home today..” you stammer, head still resting in the comfort of his hands.
“i wouldn’t plan on having it any other way.” he sighs with relief, stroking away any remaining tears.
“there is one thing we’re missing though!” you mention suddenly.
“bro was i supposed to get you flowers..?” he gasps, moving his hands away to dig for a makeshift gift in his backpack.
you bring his head back to you, placing a soft peck on his lips. it was something new he’s never exactly felt before, but he wouldn’t have it with anyone other than you.
“now we are official. that’s how couples solidify things, right?”
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© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz !
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minkkumaz · 9 months
the melon chart is over tiktok and twitter! im pretty sure if u search up “boynextdoor charting melon”. but on tiktok theres a translated version by @/sunghanbinna .. it was made 6 days ago and the view count is 441.2K, the cover video is sungho :))
the videos so cute <3
AND OO smau ideas,, for short lil smaus okag okay.
SO! (i sorta looked back on them all and they mostly seem like short fics instead of texting hcs.)
sungho: readers walking around the park when this random guy wouldnt stop tryna talk to them!! reader ends up telling sungho and he arrives SO fast. #iloveprotectivemen
riwoo: riwoo who sends pictures to s/o saying, “this reminded me of you :)”
jaehyun: reader finds a unnamed bouquet outside their front door, tells their bff jaehyun over text. (jaehyun pretends to be shocked, even though he sent the flowers). little does jaehyun know the reader has those doorbells that record cctv on what happens outside their house!
taesan: reader falls asleep on facetime so he texts the reader sweet words and just re-confesses his love all over again (hes WHIPPED!) before he also sleeps. (dw he’ll definitely stay on facetime!)
leehan: “leehan would you love me if i was a deadly fish virus..” (aka. would you love me if i was a worm)
woonhak: playing game pigeon with him! loser has to treat the other one to a icecream date >_<
all: bonedo boys as the readers bff, but each member has their own route(?) like for example, lets say the reader is crushing on woonhak so they tell jaehyun,leehan,sungho,taesan & riwoo abt it!!
reader: guys omg woonhak literally looked at me he wants me so bad.. 😭🙏🙏🙏
riwoo: ?
jaehyun: oh..! okay!! yeah 😅😅😅😅😅☠️😅
myungho: hear me out on this. playing hard to get myungho, who acts uninterested whenever the reader texts him.. but recently hes been smiling a lot more on his phone whenever he sees the readers texts pop up on his notif bar!!
jaeyun: okay so, yk how when jaeyun replies to fans, his replies r just rlly funny?? IDK IF YKWIM cause i see him responding to fans and hes just so unserious LOL, but like one day sassy jaeyun and sassy reader sass eachother to no end and end up goin viral on social media for their cheeky interactions LMAO
minho: stop okay omg how about like before minho posts on twitter/instagram he asks the reader which photo they like the most >< I wanna compliment and hype him up so bad hes so GRGDHSJDJ
yoonsung: texting haemin as a joke about confessing to yoonsung with those omlette rice ketchup writings, but accidentally sending the text to yoonsung instead LMAO
haemin: his reaction when the reader buys him manchester city soccer tickets!! i wanna spoil him so bad TT
kyungmin: HIGHSCHOOL AU SNEAKING TEXTS IN BETWEEN CLASSES. theres a cellphone ban at school but he just cant resist!!
yungyu: honestly im 100% sure u have many brainrots of texting yungyu so its up to u!! but personally id love to see yungyu commenting under the readers latest insta post going like, “im better than ur bf” “give me a chance” even tho the readers already dating him. YK?
seungheon: during a 8turn concert, that the reader can’t unfortunately attend, they watch it live on like tv and the reader ends up texting seungheon during the whole performance and just gushing abt him, so like a few hours after the performance he checks his phone to see like 500+ msgs full of adoration and compliments. (he ends up getting teased by all the members hehehehehdiei)
OVERALL ANY OF THOSE IDEAS CAN BE FOR ANYONE!! when i imagine things i like to label a person on it so it can feel more real to me ><
STOP BECAUSE WHY DO I ACTUALLY WANNA DO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE IDEAS HELLOOO fuck ur actgually so smart i'm sweating a little bit.
omg i don't even know what to respond with to all of these they're all so interesting AGHH AND THEY'RE SO FITTING
i must say i would absolutely CLEARRRRRRRRRR woonhaks ass on wordhunt like i'm genuinely the best wordhunt player known to man (debatable)
i also have to comment on the yoonsung one though THAT'S SO CUTE i lovelvoelovleioeol LOVE the trope of accidentally confessing to idols over text like i swear i eat those up for breakfast lunch and dinner, i probably will do something like that LMAOO
AND YES YUNGYU OMGAKJSHBFSKJHBF stop i just published some yungyu texts im probably gonna do an ot8 ver of slowly falling in love like i love that trope too its so ><
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minkkumaz · 8 months
it feels like its been awhile,, (its only been a week.) since i interacted ^^;
how have u been?! i hope all of yungyus insta posts have been making you jump up and down with happiness LOL
a little confession, i always delete tumblr off my device when i go to school. I worry someone will recognize the app and find out im an avid fic reader.. but i forgot to redownload it for a while..
had to backtrack on what happened w/ the bonedo series u were working with; ill be excited when november rolls around!! an extra month to prepare for all of that angst.. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, IM SO EXCITED FOR THE HALLOWEEN IDEAS U HAVE COMING UP!! whatever u write will exceed all of our expectations (as they normally do!!)
hopefully you were able to recover from ur sickness!! stay healthy omi, dont force yourself to write <33
i've been good, and yes all the yungyu photos he's been posting have had me jumping for joy :,3 i literally have changed my pfp on discord multiple times hes just such a cutie.
AND ME TOO ! i used to have notifications on all the time but i turned them off and have gotten so secretive over my phone ever since i started my little tumblr career. i used to be super into fanfiction over quarantine with my other interests, but i only got back into it out of curiosity when i started liking kpop! then it only spiraled from there. my first story ever was a coffee shop au for seungmin hehe. i had such a crazy seungmin phase, and i have so many old stories for him that i haven't published!
and yes i feel so bad for putting them on hiatus but all of them will probably be around 6k words, and it has intimidated me so bad i haven't wanted to work on them! so i might just gradually release them for awhile, just know at least ONE of them will be released in january. so sorry abt that btw i know you were looking forward to them :( but i do have an idea up my sleeve for october so atleast one thing will be spooky themed aha.
i've recovered well from my sickness just a little cough :) i'm gonna focus on school for a bit, as i hate forcing myself to write! writing is something that is supposed to be a fun hobby to make me happy, and if i force myself to get stuff out i won't have fun anymore. but trust me, ill get back in my groove eventually, just waiting for thanksgiving and winter break LOL
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