misswoozi · 1 year
omg good question. i think the little dances wouldn’t be intentional, she’s just having fun making the girls laugh and being kkabyul™️ but then she notices taeyeon kinda *nervously laughing* so she decides to ask just to tease her a bit and see her flustered when trying to answer after being caught off guard
In my head, this is happening at a cute Halloween party (or costume party of any kind) at one of their houses. It's not a huge party but there's enough people that Taeyeon kinda hopes she can just hide in the crowd and nobody (Yuri) will notice her cheeks turning red. But Yuri is too attentive for that lmao she sees the standard reaction she gets from the other guests but the Big reaction Taeyeon is trying to hide
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444names · 1 year
quenya dictionary BUT including "a"
Abled Ablemo Abluisty Acapta Accomen Acilcuma Acing Actuië Adget Adilvess Admenstre Afflosee Agracandy Ahanië Ahtlent Ailman Aingë Airableng Alath Alcal Alirey Altyelp Ambassart Ambuimba Anedle Angwebody Antiphy Apessëa Apsings Aptorsaff Aquanas Aquencath Arada Arathon Aratyer Arsed Arting Artion Artië Astalmang Astilamëa Asubsed Atentlyëa Athwata Atúlë Aucar Aucarmary Aughta Aughtlya Auresind Avalta Avowtië Bealessë Beasang Beasë Beateb Berquat Berya Biteafect Blamálit Bodaith Bremota Briandu Broat Bunta Cando Carisse Carna Carrië Cartenya Cartië Cenesta Chela Cimairë Cinya Clercaus Comminda Commita Commoldan Conna Cousta Covema Covélat Crecholya Cuppar Curday Címarë Daing Deass Deavë Definwa Delazell Depairmo Dilmary Dimasamon Dincarout Disequëa Drandë Dumpenta Duresta Eadve Eally Eatiens Eationook Efrantamn Elanya Elumma Ennalware Epardir Epeanda Erparn Essilya Ethienta Etivenna Exallan Excenotal Excitorda Exilya Expearë Facirnip Facluing Fadve Faitil Falmë Fancation Fancë Faniquess Feard Fingway Finward Flazing Foamelawa Foamenta Foroya Franëa Freaken Freardë Freas Freptar Frundale Frustaint Geastë Gleary Gloodya Graiav Graita Gressaut Halaitëa Hamáya Hannausco Hannemna Hanwáman Haset Hattëa Hecirya Helenta Heloya Hemamma Hewormana Hildalm Holirëa Holmarta Honarily Hoomba Hornorya Huntrage Hyald Hyaranwë Hácouncan Höandimpa Hútaletér Ilday Imaquë Incliang Inday Inderairs Ingaine Insica Isheavinë Ishenta Jagenwa Kintant Kisentar Knoicalda Lahtië Laidiald Lamel Lantata Larmë Larron Later Latery Laurcharë Lehtando Lenfinake Liand Liffal Limínaty Linarinya Lindilya Lindóman Lirnake Litta Lortaquë Loundar Lucatta Lumbeass Lvair Lwactima Lámaht Lócarë Lónahta Lúval Macentë Magennarl Maick Mairden Marklima Marnift Mascosed Maucinca Melptalië Mengilina Metelenya Millegati Mingwata Mortrang Mulya Muriarai Mámassë Mísibleal Nableper Nabsee Nalson Naniser Ncirceace Ndare Nestar Nilas Nilúval Nimar Ninah Ninday Niquina Nista Nnact Nounarcer Ntass Numate Nyang Nyartint Nárinda Násano Návalë Návanca Nécarë Nílan Nímallo Nírëa Nútally Ohtamna Ohtara Ohtasaus Ohtirenta Olmary Onfinyals Ordua Ormage Ormaircë Oucast Oundarië Ovatte Overa Pahtat Painë Paitya Parae Pasight Pastal Pastalma Pationgë Peadfal Peasta Peraillë Plando Plumba Postast Pourlantë Powdrotal Pralst Promba Proura Pultaita Qualoya Quant Quanya Quata Quilamn Quinga Quiruca Quácilma Rabowelpë Rafornëa Ragurya Ratchins Reamath Reass Refustata Ritëa Roccald Rompetya Ríminanua Rívëa Rónable Rúnal Sacintalë Sainta Santa Saran Sarne Sartata Sauya Selya Semmya Senda Septhas Silista Simbarla Simenela Sista Sitëa Skina Smorta Solaimna Solba Sonwa Soottam Spassë Spast Sperta Spica Splimallf Squenta Staireem Stesca Stoltar Strand Styalma Suenta Suloiang Sumilahta Suruxamo Swainë Sélamba Sírëa Taitëa Taldays Tamat Tamblera Tancelaze Tarama Tarhar Tarting Tatcent Teabled Tenga Teral Terimand Thala Theastro Tionda Tionga Tivang Tolawaim Tolba Tolda Tolindar Trasta Trautled Tremnaht Tresta Triand Tuapoll Tulëa Tumëa Turayed Turëa Twinan Twinca Táratile Témang Tóquenta Töande Túrager Túriand Uatfore Uitëa Ulasta Undumater Undúnalam Urauya Ureenast Urmina Userlima Vablenta Vagives Vaitë Vancelpë Vands Vantiord Vappled Viguager Vínar Warra Warroro Warth Welar Welatal Welsan Wesheata Whiral Whounta Wifissina Willya Wisiryane Yameta Yanory Youndas Younna Yousauya Yulta Áranar Ólartion Úcanië Úligrairë Úmaminda Únatelday Únater Únórëa Úrinailan Úvacur Úvoura Úyari Úyawessë
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daecons · 4 years
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◌。* ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴛᴀᴇʏᴇᴏɴ ᴅᴀʏ!
ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴜꜱɪɴɢ, ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ
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fox-rainbow · 4 years
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Aniôrraseiô Yuwre e Teionimidá
•Disponível em Spirit Fanfiction.
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youngtiffany · 6 years
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flirting 101 by kwon yuri
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saranghaeyul · 6 years
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We’re blessed with YulTae, but there are two people who aren’t happy. 😅😂
Lol. I miss our American girls.. 
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
“I’m not her!”
Taeyeon drew short, all anger evaporating in an instant at the sound of her girlfriend’s choked yell. She whipped around, seeing Yuri backed against the wall, hugging herself.
“I’m not her. I can’t ever be her. But you chose me! Shouldn’t that count for something?”
With her eyes burning from unshed tears, Taeyeon approached her girlfriend, gathering her hands in her grasp. She longed to draw her into her arms, but didn’t dare at the moment.
“I swear this isn’t about you, baby,” she murmured, willing Yuri to see the truth in her eyes. “I love you. You’re the most important person in the world to me. No one could ever replace you.”
Yuri’s chin trembled, unable to look away from Taeyeon. “Then what is it? Please… I need to know.”
The tears escaped, tracing down her cheeks in burning rivers. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, trying to calm down enough to just breathe.
“I failed Jessica. I failed Tiffany. I failed Seohyun and Sooyoung. So what happens?” She paused, roughly clenching her eyes shut. She couldn’t break down yet. Not before Yuri understood. “What happens when I fail the others? What happens when I fail you?! What happens when I’m left here all alone, surrounded with nothing but my mistakes?! Wha-… I…”
Her mouth worked, but she couldn’t force herself to speak past the tears anymore. Her head dropped, and she pressed Yuri’s knuckles to her forehead, trying to derive what comfort she could.
Yuri crumpled, feeling herself start to cry as well. She had had no idea what Taeyeon had obviously been feeling since the split. All she had known was that Taeyeon had been ignoring her, constantly referencing Tiffany. Now that she knew…God, she felt horrible for being such an ass.
“I’m so sorry, Tae…” she murmured, pulling her in close and stroking her hair. She was shaking like a leaf, obviously doing her best not to bawl. “Listen to me, okay? I’m never going to leave. As long as you still want me here, I’m not going away. I’m with you. Now until forever.”
Taeyeon lifted her head, pausing only just long enough for Yuri to see her watery smile before she was surging forwards, pinning Yuri to the wall and savagely taking her lips. Yuri moaned, fingers tangling in Taeyeon’s hair.
Taeyeon pulled back for a second, breathing heavily into Yuri’s neck. “God I love you so much,” she breathed, sounding almost disbelieving.
Yuri panted for breath. “I love you too, unnie…”
Taeyeon huffed out a laugh, nipping at Yuri’s throat as she snuck a hand under her waistband. Yuri moaned throatily, her head knocking back against the wall. She writhe under Taeyeon’s touch, whimpering needily.
Yuri’s hands tried to reach for Taeyeon’s shirt, only to get smacked away. “None of that, baby. Be a good girl for unnie, alright?”
Yuri moaned, almost blacking out in pleasure. With how riled up she was, it took barely any time at all before she was squirming on Taeyeon’s fingers, desperately grasping Taeyeon’s shoulders, trying to keep from falling.
As she tried to catch her breath, Taeyeon smirked, nibbling at her ear. “Ooh, baby… we’re only just getting started…”
Yuri grinned, despite how breathless she was. “Bring it on!”
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lqsnsd · 6 years
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jellovee · 6 years
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The only difference is that 10 years apart.
Simple but it means so much.
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misswoozi · 1 year
yuri seeing that taeyeon is avoiding eye contact so ofc she has to ask "taeyeon-ah, does it look good on me?" (at this point even taeyeon's ears are red lol) and since it's yuri she does a silly dance so that the little rabbit tail shakes
BLUSHING ALL THE WAY UP TO HER EARS 😭😭 that's our little anxious bisexual queen!!
The question now: Does Yuri notice right away how flustered Taeyeon is? Are her follow-up questions and little dances innocent or is she trying to get an even bigger rise out of her because she thinks Taeyeon is cute when she's embarrassed?
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tynkook · 6 years
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yultae 4EVA
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kurarizu · 6 years
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inaquarium · 6 years
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baby and mom
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faiize · 6 years
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snsd-520-9forever · 4 years
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D - 7 YulTae❤Black White 好久沒看到兩人的合照了 自帶亮度九+黑可樂 0309#yultae  生日快樂#sonyeoshidae  永遠在一起#soshi @girlsgeneration @taeyeon_ss @jessica.syj @515sunnyday @tiffanyyoungofficial @hyoyeon_x_x @yulyulk @sooyoungchoi @yoona__lim @seojuhyun_s#snsd#GG #GirlsGeneration#taetiseo#TTS#소녀시대#태티서#少女時代#太蒂徐 #FOREVER9#OT9#sone#소원#SHY#JTS#taeyeon#jessica#sunny#tiffany #hyoyeon#yuri#sooyoung#yoona#seohyun#520#사랑해#我愛妳 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PexGGhXL6/?igshid=1ncy00c9c1euo
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kwonyuri · 6 years
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    you’re my jewel and my miracle;     we’ll be best friends forever. 🌹
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