#your phone/computer/device must be as hot as the surface of the sun by how over worked it is by now 💀💀💀
skillzissue · 8 months
I almost forgot…
but then
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Oh… there you are
*points* YOU. @somerandomdudelmao
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jelixpo · 5 years
Psycho (Chap 3)
~Author’s note: This is a fictional story featuring the pairing between jack///septic//eye and mark//iplier, or septiplier for short, and the pairing between jack///septic//eye and pew//die//pie, or jelix/septicpie for short. You are not to contact the people that are involved in this story with regards to questions about this story or their relationships, whatever they may be, as they have stated in the past that this makes them uncomfortable. This story will deal closely with spiralling mental health and will delve into very sensitive topics that may be triggering for some individuals. Chapter warnings will be provided as seen fit/needed. You are asked to read at your own discretion. Thank you.~
  Felix groggily dragged himself into the kitchen that morning, both reluctant to get up and wanting to start the day at the same time. He yawned as he stepped up to his fridge and opened it, the cool blast of air jolting him awake for a moment. The sun had just barely begun to light the sky outside, it's rays not even high enough to peak out over the clouds yet. However, with the amount of grey clouds that covered the sky it looked to be that the sun would not be able to shine that day after all. Felix reached into the fridge and pulled out a container of margarine and strawberry jam. He placed them next to the toaster and set to grabbing his bread slices and popping them into the machine. Standing back and looking out of the kitchen window he could see small droplets of water beginning to fall onto the glass. He reached forward and cracked open the window slightly, allowing the calming smell of the earth to enter into his small home. He leaned against the counter as he waited for his breakfast to be ready, closing his eyes and sighing slightly as he did so. It wasn't too long before the sudden springing noise from the toaster jolted him to attention again. The sweet smell of the margarine melting into the toast as he spread it on greeted his nostrils. After applying both the margarine and jam to his toast he put the two containers back in the fridge and sat down at the table with his breakfast.    He sat silently eating at the table, his eyes wandering mindlessly over the walls and furniture that he had stared at hundreds of mornings before. The same white walls, the same grey cabinets, the same grey furniture. A term that might be used to describe the place would be "void of life" and it definitely felt like that. Although Felix practically spent every waking hour of every day huddled up in this colourless place and the space definitely looked well used it never felt like a place to live. Merely a place to be, to exist. Maybe it was because he didn't usually invite friends over, maybe it was because everything was exactly the way he liked it, no one to rebuttal or compromise with. Felix looked to his left and out of the glass sliding doors in his kitchen. The rain had gotten heavy enough that you could hear it now, as light as the sound was. He sighed as he sat back in his seat, his breakfast now finished.    'Stop thinking,' Felix thought to himself, 'I think too much. I just need to do,' he reasoned with himself. He rose from the table and abandoned his crumb plate there, deciding to clean it up later. Walking out of the kitchen and down the small hallway he turned and entered his recording room. Sitting down in front of his computer, he got to work on deciding what to review on his video that day. Although Felix wasn't really an open book it was still obvious when he was feeling down or out of energy, so he was thankful the genuine energy and drive he had to do his videos. His smile on camera was honest. Standing up from his desk and positioning himself, he leaned forward and clicked on his recording software. ---    Felix stepped out of his recording room again after having sent his footage to Sive to edit that day. It was a good video, one with genuine laughs and had a good energy about it. He was happy with it. Felix walked over to the table and picked up his plate from earlier, opting to just put it into the washing machine instead of taking the time to wash it by hand. Opening the appliance he could see that it was almost completely full, save for a few spots. After placing the plate into it he threw two small packets of soap into the machine and closed it, the machine jumping into a slight hum as Felix pressed the 'start' button. He had just taken a step back from it and was beginning to wonder how to spend the rest of his day when he felt his phone buzz inside his pocket. He took out the device and opened it, quickly clicking on the Twitter app after having seen the notification sign above it.    It was two tweets. One from Jack and one from Mark, the both of them announcing their engagement.    Felix screwed his eyes shut and sucked in a quick breath, his grip on the phone tightening as his he attempted to calm his sudden blast of emotions. Anger, betrayal, despair, hopelessness. He knew he was overreacting, knew that feeling anything other than happiness for his friends wasn't appropriate, but he couldn't help it. This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen.   Against his better judgement, Felix looked down at his phone and flicked his thumb against the screen, scrolling down. Admiration, excitement, an outpouring of love was all anyone had to offer to the couple's announcement. Everyone was ecstatic for the wedding and what it might hold. Honestly, why had Felix expected anything different? He wasn't quite sure himself. He continued to scroll mindlessly through the replies, reading bits and pieces from each one but never stopping to look at single comments, until one particular comment caught his eye. The name of the person didn't matter, as Felix had never interacted with or seen this person before, but their words stopped Felix in his tracks.    - Wow, that's a big step in your relationship! You must really love him, huh?    |    |   Felix almost felt offended at the comment and it wasn't even talking to him directly. He scrolled just an inch further down the screen. Jack had replied.    |    |    - I do : )   Felix felt rage bubbling up inside of him and he couldn't contain himself. He gripped the phone in his hand and reeled it back before sending it flying forward. It crashed against the wall on the opposite side of the room and fell to the ground. Turning just slightly to his left Felix once again raised his hand and formed it into a fist, this time colliding it into the wall next to him. A sizeable hole was formed as his fist tore through the paint and wood. He panted heavily as he pulled his fist out of the wreckage. He hadn't even noticed the hot tears that were forming in his eyes until they sprinted down his flushed red cheeks. Immediate regret flooded through his mind as he looked at the damage to the wall he had done. Felix shook his head at himself, still panting in white-hot anger. His hands formed into fists at his side as he stomped sheepishly over to his phone, both rage and guilt having a battle for dominance in his brain. He bent over and picked up the device, it's screen now displaying 3 large cracks across its surface. Truthfully, it had survived Felix's rage very well, but it's now broken state still caused Felix to seeth more. He needed to calm down. He needed to calm down.   Felix put his hands together and leaned his arms against the wall, his forehead falling forward between them to hang. He took breaths as deeply as he could and closed his eyes, his heart now pounding in his ears. He sniffled as his tears began to dry on his cheeks, his rage beginning to subside. As soon as Felix had come down from his angered high, he sunk deep into a saddened low.    He pushed himself off of the wall and dragged himself over to his couch then flopped down on top of it. He sighed as he sunk into the plush furniture, his mind spinning with thoughts. Why did he have to be like this? So jealous and hateful and childish? Why did this have to affect him so much? Other people had probably gone through the exact same thing that he was now, and they didn't throw things or punch walls or cry. Well, they probably cried, but not in the same way, not by the same feeling. If only there was a way to stop this. Felix sighed again as soon as the thought popped into his head. He knew it was horrible to think that way, but god, what if? What if there was some way to stop this? To make this all a bad dream that he wakes up from, a memory to never return to, a bad moment in history; remembered, but never repeated. Perhaps there was. By some string of complete and utter dumb luck, maybe this all really could be reversed without hurting anybody or severing any relationships with those he cared about. Sure, he would sing sweet songs of praise if he was only able to hold Jack in his arms and claim him as his own, but could he really bring himself to sever his friendships with other people in order to do so? No. Not now. He couldn't do that to them.    Unless... If Jack himself were to say that he loved Felix, that he felt a closeness to Felix like no other, that would not be Felix fault. No one could say that Felix had done wrong if he reacted positively to Jack's statement. Felix sat up on the couch, his mind racing now. Maybe Jack really did feel the same way about him. Maybe Felix was special to him. Maybe Jack felt strongly for Felix but didn't know if he should voice his affection. But how could Felix let Jack know that he felt the same way? How could he get Jack to come out with it first? Felix looked down at the cracked device in his hands, unaware that he had still been holding onto it until now. Maybe if he spoke to Jack privately, spoke to him about his feelings, it would give Jack the courage to voice his own?    Felix clicked his phone to life and, looking past the cracks distorting his screen image, clicked back into the Twitter app and into his private messages. He clicked into his and Jack's conversation and pressed on his keyboard to begin typing... But his fingers didn't move. Oh god, what should he say? How should he say it? Felix leaned back into the couch as he stared at the screen, his fingers still hovering for a moment.    "Hello, Jack,"    No, no. Too formal.    "Dear Jack,"    That's way too cheesy.    "Hey Jack,"    Okay, good. Casual, relaxed, friendly. Not too alarming. Good start.    "I know this might seem sudden, but I have feelings for you."    God, that felt both liberating and petrifying to type that out. Good, good.    "I have had them for a while now. I just needed to tell you that."    Was that too short? That was too short. It didn't seem genuine.    "I have had them for a while now. I don't know if you feel the same, but I hope you do."    Okay, good. This was going good. ---    Felix had read over the message about a hundred times now. He kept rereading and revising and editing. It needed to be perfect. He knew he didn't have to, but he read over it one last time.    "Hey Jack, I'm sorry if this seems sudden. It's a little sudden for me, too, but I have feelings for you. Always have. I didn't know if you felt the same and I'm still not sure you do, but I know that I needed to tell you that.    Nothing has to change if you don't want it to. We can keep going on like we always have if that's what you want, just friends. But please, if you have any feelings for me as I have for you, I want to know. I need to know.    If you don't love me that's okay. Again, nothing has to change. I know you and Mark are getting married and I will leave you alone if you tell me to, I promise.    But I love you, Jack. I need you to know that. I want you to know that. And if you feel the same way about me don't think about what other people will say or do because of it. Just tell me and we'll work it out. Together. We'll lean on each other. Just give me the word and I'm yours.    So, what do you say?"    Felix let out a shaky breath. He was content with it. This was it. He had to send it. His thumb hovered over the send button... Maybe this was a bad idea. Felix shook the thought out of his head. He tried to force his thumb down. It wouldn't move. Maybe Jack didn't feel the same way. Felix gritted his teeth. Maybe Jack never felt anything for Felix at all. Maybe Felix was solely there for entertainment, a joke to get a good laugh out of. He tried to force his thumb down again. It bent back further. Felix gasped as he dropped the phone down onto his stomach, beginning to pant and he forced himself out of his own entranced state. He sat for a moment, just breathing and taking a look at his surroundings.    It had gotten dark, the sun now just hidden behind the horizon. When had it gotten so dark? Felix rubbed at his eyes. He hadn't been thinking clearly. He sat more upright on the couch and sighed. He took hold of his phone again and brought it up to his face, reading over the message once again. No, of course Jack didn't feel the same way. Jack wore his heart on his sleeve, he always had. It was one of the things that draw Felix in, a trait which Felix did not possess. Jack was open with who he was and how he felt. No, Jack didn't feel the same way, and he definitely didn't dislike Felix. If he did, he would have said something years ago. Felix sighed as he pressed his thumb down on the backspace button, watching as his heart, the words he had poured out from his very soul, were deleted for good.        Felix pushed himself to a standing position from the couch and dragged himself into the kitchen. He pulled open a kitchen cabinet and reached inside of it, then pulled out a whiskey bottle. He didn't need a glass. Not this time. He returned to his spot on the couch and laid down. He grabbed the remote for the TV which had ended up on the floor and clicked the system to life. He didn't really care what was on. It was just noise, a distraction. He brought the bottle to his lips and allowed the liquid to burn his through as it slid down.    Felix's eyes drifted hazily around the room he was in. He was alone here. He hated it. He brought the bottle to his lips again, but it caught more of his attention this time. Lifting the bottle into view more, he could see it was the bottle Jack had given him as a Christmas gift. That stung more than the whiskey itself, but he couldn't will himself to let go of it. He brought the bottle closer to his chest and held it. He closed his eyes and thought about that Christmas night. It was fun. A couple of friends had been there, one of which being Jack. They had watched a movie that night and Jack had gotten under a blanket with Felix, huddling up to him for warmth. Nothing happened, but they had held each other. It was warm. It was good. It was pure. Felix opened his eyes again to the dark room, the TV being his only source of light. He looked at the bottle in his hands and felt as tears began to form in his eyes again. He just wanted to be held. Was that too much to ask? He sobbed quietly as he held the bottle tighter. Maybe it was.
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petitelepus · 6 years
B-Day Present, Dino Day!
This is my birthday present for lovely @yes-i-write-fanfiction! They just turned 18 couple days ago and it’s a reason to celebrate! Aaah, I remember when I turned 18 and I got 18 big chocolate bars as present. To be young again! This is my Child Reader X Dinobots Transformers Animated 2007 story for them! Enjoy dear and happy birthday once again!
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”Dinosaurs, dinosaurs! Big and bigger dinosaurs!” You sang happily as you you walked through the thick forest. You had been loafing forever in the little boat you found on the harbour and made it to the island in middle of the Lake Erie where civilisation ended and lush wilderness began, but it was all for for your passion!
You heard your parents talking about dinosaurs in nearby forests and as much as they tried to tell you not to go there, you couldn’t care about their warnings. No way you were going to miss out some dinosaurs! You lived for those big ancient lizards!
Seriously, your room was covered with dinosaurs once your childhood obsession surfaced. All it took was one day in your favourite robotic theme park and you were done for it. You had to have them all after that.
Two years went by as your parents found your obsession cute and healthy, seeing that a child in your age should have a interests so they even painted your room to looks like old world did during dinosaurs’ era and covered it with toys and plushies both won and bought from theme park. They searched you all kind of dinosaur cartoons, but cartoons and toys were good only for so long. You wanted to learn more!
You were already big enough to read some words and use computer, so you searched and read everything you could and you could name almost all the different dinosaurs already! Not to brag too much but you even won your pre-school’s talent show with your vast knowledge. Now you wanted to take that knowledge even further and discover an actual dinosaurs!
Now where were those dinosaurs? Only one way to find out.
You took a big breath and roared from the bottom of your tiny lungs. ”RAAAAAW! RAAAW RAAAAAAW!”
You’ve seen enough nature documents to know when a dinosaur wants to meet another. They roar when they do! You stopped out of breath and listened.
Nothing. You tried again. ”RAAAAW RAAAW RAAAAW!”
Still nothing… And even sun was blocked out by clouds… You looked up and saw that there were no clouds in the sky. It was all bright and blue. Then what was blocking your sun? You turned around and came face to face with someone’s big BIG leg.
Back in city of Detroit again… woman bawled her eyes out in worry of her child missing. ”Our baby is missing!”
”Chief, you gotta do something!” A police man pleaded from Captain Fanzone. If anyone could find you it was his boss. ”Our child, (Y/n), they were in our backyard, but when we turned around they were gone!”
”Calm down, we will find your child. Is there anyone who would want to hurt her or you by taking her?” Captain Fanzone asked as he took out his memory pad. At his words, your mother cried harder and your father went to comfort her. ”No, we’re just a normal family as we can be captain… Some criminals could hold a grudge, but mostly to you since I only work under you…”
”I see... What about your child? Could they have just wondered off?”
”(Y/n) knows not to go anywhere we said not to— Oh god…!” You father gasped and turned to look at your mother. ”Honey do you think (Y/n) might have heard us when I told you about work?”
”That’s impossible, she should have been asleep already by then!”
”What have you been spewing at your wife soldier?” Captain asked, tensing on the inside. If the child knew anything connected to police forces or criminals they could be wanted by those said criminals.
”I was just telling her about the Sumdac incident where their daughter was abducted by those Dinobots and (Y/n) must had been up and heard us…!”
Captain Fanzone scratched his head. ”Okay, why would that be a problem? You don’t believe they would have gone to Lake Erie all by themselves?”
”(Y/n) is a very stubborn child Captain… Once they get an idea they go through with it.”
”Oh my God, my baby might be dead….!” You mother cried, tears streaming down her face and ruining her mascara. Not that she cared about her make up, you came up first now and always.
”Calm down, I’ll make couple phone calls and see what I can get. Meanwhile you get your wife inside and make her something warm to drink.” Captain Fanzone  ordered his subordinate who nodded and escorted his wife back inside the house.
When your parents were gone Captain took out his phone and made quick calls to town’s security office so they could tell if there was any footage of your takers or you walking off. After ten long minutes of waiting, he got the confirmation that you had walked off by yourself towards the harbour.
Next he called to station to see if someone had came up with report of missing boats or peddle boats. ”Ah ha, so someone informed us about lost rowboat. Got it, get the Autobots on the other line.”
Meanwhile you were face to face with a giant dinosaur…! OF YOUR DREAMS! Your eyes were basically sparkling as you looked at the Triceratops standing over you. You screamed, you were so happy. ”Oh my God, a real Triceratops!”
The dinosaur’s reply was to roar, high pitched and loud, so loud in fact that you had to cover your ears. Despite the dinosaur’s loud roar, you were happy so you roared back at it. ”RAAW!”
”ROAAAAAAAAAR!!!” A roar louder than anything you had ever heard pierced through the air. You whipped around, startled by loud sound and the Triceratops behind you roared again, shocking you and sending you on your butt on the ground.
Just in time as a giant TYRANNOSAURUS ran straight out of the forest, knocking off trees as easily as you knocked down towers made out of your colourful blocks. You were frozen still and you could only watch with wide eyes as tyrannosaurus ran straight at you with it’s giant maw open.
In fear, you shut your eyes and wait, but what you don’t see is how the giant tyrannosaurus stops high above you, snatches the triceratops by it’s neck where it’s long horns don’t reach to touch bigger dinosaur’s abdomen and throws it all across the field straight into other tree that snapped like a dry spaghetti in half.
You opened your eyes only to see and saw how tyrannosaurus ran straight at your friend triceratops and fearing the worst that you had seen in nature documents, you stood up and removed your backpack and took out your stuff.
Just as the tyrannosaurus was about to go for the kill you threw your trusty and not to mention rusty alarm clock at it. The clock hit the dinosaur’s leg and it set if off, clock ringing like crazy. This caught tyrannosaur’s attention and it curiously stopped to turn and look at the small device.
That’s when triceratops got up and made a move to bang it’s horns to tyrannosaurus, but you stopped it by throwing your can of juice at it. You knew what happened to tyrannosauruses that got hurt by triceratops or any other dinosaur, they were sure to die and you were not going to lose your new friends!
”Stop it! Stop it both of you!” You shouted and ran between two big creatures, spreading your arms to tyrannosaurus so it wouldn’t attack triceratops anymore and that triceratops wouldn’t attack it with you in front of it.
The tyrannosaurus turned to look at you, it’s eyes squinting at little you and it roared, but you held your ground, pouting angrily. ”No! Friends don’t fight!”
The dinosaur roared again and then it did the most amazing thing ever.
”Me Grimlock! Intruder! Grimlock destroy puny human!” The dinosaur yelled in English! If you were any older you would have been taken aback, but you were young and little bit too stupid for your own good.
”I’m not intruder! Whatever that is! I’m (Y/n)!” You dug through your backpack and pulled out your plushie of the tyrannosaurus rex. ”And this is Charlie! Charlie is a dinosaur like you and he loves spaghetti and cheese like I do, but he insist on having meat also because he’s a carnivore!”
As you held Charlie for tyrannosaurus to see it leaned in close and and sniffed it with it’s snout. Suddenly it looked confused. ”Eeeh, puny human… puny Grimlock…?”
”It’s Charlie!” You hugged your plushie and smiled. ”And he smells like strawberries.”
The triceratops behind you crumbled and got up on it’s feet. You turned to face it and straight up pushed Charlie against dinosaur’s snout. ”Smell! Smells delicious!”
The dinosaur took a sniff and it appeared to like the scent. When you moved to pull Charlie back it pushed it’s snout after your plushie and whined. You pouted a little and hugged the plushie close to your body.
”Don’t get too greedy! Charlie is mine!”
”Grimlock confused…” The tyrannosaurus behind you grumbled and turned it’s back to you to walk away. You looked after the dinosaur and you quickly ran after it, triceratops following behind you. ”Wait up! I wanna be your friend!”
At the sound of your voice the tyrannosaurus turned and roared again, almost knocking you over again. ”Me Grimlock! Grimlock strongest Dinobot!”
”I’m (Y/n)! I’m six and I love dinosaurs!”
”Puny human love Dinobots?”
”I love dinos!” You spread your arms as wide as they could go. ”Big dinos and small dinos!”
”Errr… Grimlock confused…” Tyrannosaurus grumbled. ”Puny human love Grimlock?”
You smiled so widely that your cheeks hurt and you jumped up and down excitedly. ”I love love love Grimlock!”
If the dinosaur wanted to say anything it didn’t. It only huffed a hot puff of air at you through it’s nostrils and turned to walk away. You whined, but there was a gentle push against your back and you saw your triceratops friend crooning for your attention. You gave in.
”Can I ride you?”
You got your answer as triceratops laid itself on the ground and lowered it’s head enough so you could get on. Eyes wide and sparkling, you cheered, happily climbing over dinosaurs neck. You patted your friend on top of his head and laughed. ”Off we go!”
The triceratops roared and pushed itself up on it’s feet. You almost lost your balance, but you got it back quickly, minding Charlie under your arm. So the dinosaur took you further into island, following after Grimlock. To your utter joy, it brought you to a new clearing where Grimlock crooned and roared at the third dinosaur, a Pteranodon, flying dinosaur!
Excited, you patted your friends head. ”Down down!”
The dinosaur crooned and bowed down and you excitedly jumped down and ran to pteranodon. The bird dinosaur squinted it’s eyes at you once it saw you approaching and screeched at you with it’s high pitched voice. You ran up to dinosaur and screeched happily to it back. ”Scree scree! I’m making same sound as you!”
The pteranodon squinted it’s eyes at you again, but it closed it’s wings to a resting position. You spread your arms wide and flapped them up and down. ”Can you fly? Show me how to fly!”
The dinosaur flapped it’s wings at you, sending a big gush of air at you and ruffling your hair. It didn’t fly, but it was so powerful and the fresh air felt good. You laughed happily and flapped your arms at the pteranodon. ”Again again!”
Something in the way you acted must have amused the dinosaur because it screeched again and flapped it’s wings at you high speed and you laughed even more. ”Awesome!”
There was a sound like metal screeching against metal and you turned around to see Grimlock and your friend rolling around in ground on top of each other. You were ready to go and stomp over there to yell them to stop, but then you saw that they looked like they were smiling.
”Ooooh, so you were just playing!” You awed in wonder and jumped up and down. ”You’re so big and strong!”
At the mention of strong, Grimlock and your friend jumped apart from each other and while you were smiling excitedly they approached you.
”Me Grimlock! Me strongest!” Grimlock shouted and you laughed, gleefully clapping your hands before jumping up and down. ”I want to play too!”
”Tiny!” Grimlock leaned down on your level and gently touched you with his big snout, making you fall over your butt with ease. You yelped and pouted, cheeks turning red with anger. ”I’m big for my age!”
The tree dinosaurs grumbled and you took your chance to jump up, abandon Charlie and run behind Grimlock. Without further things distracting you, you jumped on his tail and playfully started to wrestle with it. You could barely move the heavy thing, but Grimlock played along and playfully let you rattle his tail.
Laughter bubbled from your lungs and you happily wrestled with his big tail, before you heard your two other dino friends to whine. You let slid off from Grimlock’s tail and ran up to triceratops and started to pet it’s snout with both hands.
”You’re so cute! You’re cutest triceratops I’ve ever seen! Cute cute cute!” You sang. The dinosaur grumbled contently now that it got your attention, but pteranodon felt left out and nudged you with the tip of it’s long beak. You extended your other arm and hugged them both together with best of your abilities with your short arms. ”You’re all so cute! I love you all!”
The tree dinosaurs shared a look, but said nothing and for you rest of the day was the best you had ever had. You wrestled with Grimlock, played catch with triceratops and flapped your arms with pteranodon like you would take off and fly! You actually couldn’t, but wow when it actually rose into the sky and flied.
”Wow! Can you pick me up? I wanna be high up there also!” You asked, extending your arms high towards the sky like you were just wishing to be picked up and your wishes were granted as pteranodon swooped down, grabbed you by the base of your arms and flew into the sky.
You screamed, but not from fear but excitement and air tussling your hair in all directions as you rose above the forest. You just hugged limply in dinosaur’s claws and enjoyed the ride, seeing city rise behind the lake and a boat slowly approaching the island.
Not that you paid any attention to it, but the passengers on it certainly paid attention to sight of you being held by a Dinobot.
”Dear God, it’s going to drop them!” Captain Fanzone yelled in horror as he saw you hanging in the claws of dinosaur bot.
”We must wait until we get to the island. Then we can retrieve the missing child.” Prowl, a brave Autobot ninja muttered from next to police chief. He knew Dinobots were territorial, but he couldn’t believe that they would harm someone as harmless as a little child.
”I got a bad feeling about this Prowl… And I don’t like it either…!” Bulkhead, a big bot with bigger spark grumbled in worry and in his mind he had a good reason to be worried. All his latest meetings with Dinobots ended in fighting with them.
Meanwhile you had already landed and you were playing around and showing off all the toys you had brought with you to your new friends as the sun was starting to set.
”This is Alice! She’s a Brachiosaurus! They have so long neck they can reach to clouds!” You showed them your figure of a long necked dinosaur and your friends leaned in close to see better the details.
”This one is Cherry! She’s a Torosaurus and Alice’s girlfriend!” You said and pushed your two toy dinosaur uses mouths against each other as if they were kissing like your parents did. ”They love each other very much!”
Triceratops crooned and leaned in to peck your Torosaurus gently with it’s snout. You laughed happily. ”Yeah, she looks like you!” You dug out your third toy. ”And this is Baro! He’s a evil Carnotaurus and super scary! I had nightmare about him so I don’t like him that much. He was chasing me and tried to eat me…”
”Grimlock protect Tiny! Grimlock strong!” Grimlock yelled and roared right afterwards, other two joining him. You laughed, your voice easily covered by their louder voices, but your were happy either way.
”Wait right there!”
”Huh?” You turned to look on the side of the field and saw a man and two bigger robots by his side. Oh, you knew that man! He drank bitter bean juice with your daddy sometimes! You waved at him excitedly. ”Mister Bean man!”
”Kid, get away from those things!”
”Things?” You tilted your head in wonder and Grimlock roared before stomping between you and Bean man, triceratops and pteranodon following close by.
”Me Grimlock! Intruder!” Grimlock yelled just like he had when you first time met.
The black and golden bot stepped forward and held his hands up towards your friends. ”Grimlock, it’s me, Prowl. We’re here to bring the child back ho—” His words were cut off by Grimlock roaring again and he sounded angry and more ferocious. ”Grimlock protect Tiny!”
And just like that, your friends ran at the Bean man and bots, leaving you baffled and behind. The big green bot looked angry. ”I knew we couldn’t count on these guys to be smart about this!” He shouted as Grimlock moved to bite him, but he extended a big metal ball from his right hand and punched your friend!
Meanwhile the sleeker bot snatched Bean man up and jumped to side as your triceratops friend moved to ram at them. ”Hold on, I don’t think dinobots mean any harm to child!”
”Yeah, but what about us!?” Bean man yelled. You watched eyes wide how your friends fought against the bots and with each hit, punch or kick they took your felt your throat tightening up and eyes sting like you had gotten sand in them. But it wasn’t sand stinging your eyes but tears.
”S- stop it…! Don’t figh-t…! Don’t hurt them…!” You whimpered, hiccups occasionally breaking your speech, until you couldn’t take the pressure behind your eyes anymore and you wailed from the bottom of your lungs as tears started to stream down your face. ”DON’T HURT MY FRIENDS!”
At the sound of your distressed crying, Grimlock and rest of the Dinobots took a one glance of you and abandoned whole fight, running and flying full speed to you. In seconds they surrounded you, cuddling close to you and whining from the back of their throats, but you couldn’t see anything, you were rubbing your leaking eyes and crying out loud so hard.
Autobots and Captain reformed at the background, old man rubbing his head. ”What in the name of the—!”
”They’re… Comforting the child?” Bulkhead was just as surprised as Captain standing next to him. Prowl nodded slightly, his face straight as ever but then he smiled. ”Seems like they grew attached to child. Shows that there’s more to them than we give them credit for.”
It took you a moment to calm down and stop crying, but your eyes were puffy and red and your face was all snotty. You sniffled and leaned in to hug pteranodon beak that it offered for you and triceratops and Grimlock crooned sadly. ”Tiny no cry! Tiny laugh!”
”I- I’ll try…!” You sniffled and looked at the big guy sadly. ”Are you hurt? Does it hurt anywhere?”
”Me Grimlock! Grimlock strongest Dinobot!” Grimlock roared into the sky, then leaned in and carefully nuzzled against your cheek. ”Tiny not sad. Grimlock strong!”
You sniffled couple more times before pulling the sleeve of your shirt over your hand and using it to wipe your face clean of tears and snot. Slowly, you rose up on your feet and wrapped your arms best way you could against Grimlock’s snout in hug. ”Yeah, you’re a strong tyrannosaurus…!”
While you were having a loving hug with your giant friend, Prowl approached you carefully, the only thing alarming you about his approach being your other two dino friends snarling at him. Even Grimlock pulled back from your hug and growled at Prowl.
”Grimlock, we need no harm to you or the child, but the child needs to return home. Their parents are worried sick for them.” Prowl tried to talk some sense to leader of the dinobots, but was met with Grimlock growling more at him. ”Grimlock strong! Grimlock care!”
”I know you do, but if you really care of them you let them go home where they belong.”
Grimlock growled but turned to look at you for answers. ”Tiny go home?”
You smiled at the mention of home and nodded. ”Yeah, I need to go home soon! But I will visit you again and we can play again and have fun and I’ll bring my picture books and toys with me!”
Grimlock and others crooned sadly. ”Tiny stay here…!”
You shook your head. ”I can’t! Mommy and daddy will get worried if I don’t return home! But I will come back!” You held your little finger up to Grimlock and others. ”I pinky promise! If I break it then boogeyman will come and take me away!”
The dinosaurs crooned glancing at each other before they one by one gently graced their snouts and beak against your pinky. You grinned and jumped up happily! ”Now we have a deal!”
”Okay okay, let get things gathered up and get going!” Mister Bean man said as he walked up to you. He took your backpack and started to stuff your toys inside it. ”Let’s get you home.”
Soon you were all on the boat and aborting the Dinosaur island of Lake Erie. You got Mister’s permission to stand by the fence as long as you didn’t stick your head through it and held on tight. With your free hand you happily waved to your friends who grew smaller and smaller as farther you got. ”Bye bye!”
Grimlock and others roared one last time before they returned into the forest to go on with their day and wait for your return. You smiled, though a little sadly that you had to leave your friends behind. Why did you have to live so far away from each other?
”Mister Bean man?” You looked up at the man standing next to you and he turned to you. ”Yeah kid?”
”Am I in trouble?” You asked and frowned sadly as you awkwardly shuffled your feet. ”I left without mommy’s and daddy’s permission… I hope I don’t get yelled…”
To your surprise and shock a heavy hand gently petted your head and your looked up at the older man who grinned back at you. ”I’ll make sure you won’t get reprimanded, but you gotta make sure to ask your parents permission next time when you go somewhere.”
You nodded slowly and then glanced at the big bots standing behind you. ”Can I come visit my friends again?”
The bots shared a look and the green one leaned in closer to you. ”Umm, I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea—” But he grew silent with the black bot gently laying his hand against big one’s arm. The sleek black bot leaned down as much as he could to get to your eye level. ”You can meet them again, but call Captain Fanzone first so he can personally take you to meet them.”
”Who’s Captain Fanzone?” You asked innocently. ”Who is that?”
Prowl smiled. ”Mister Bean man.”
You smiled widely and turned to look at the older man beside you. ”Really!? You will take me to meet my friends? Jay!”
”Once I got time! Also, you need your parents permission first!” Older man shouted but you were too happy to hear him. Instead you happily ran over to giant bots and started to run around them excitedly.
”I can’t wait to play with my friends again!”
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Smile For All The Unwanted
Another Reader x Doofus Rick fic. This fic was written for those who feel worthless. We all feel that way sometimes, and I thought this would be a nice encouragement.
In this fic, the reader learns that everything matters, even the unwanted.
Every so often, when he found out that there would be a yard sale, Zeta-7 would ask you to join him. What one would find was the usual batch of junk, the kind of things people should just throw away. It didn’t take you long to know whether or not you would buy anything, but he would browse as though they were treasures, picking up each item which caught his attention. On this occasion, you wanted to question him, wondering why he had bought a whole table of broken electronics, a wobbly coffee table, and a rusted music box, but the soft, melancholic, paternal look he bestowed on them had quieted you.
These items which no longer held any meaning to other people, had meaning to him. It was this that made you decide to look around again, to see if you had missed out on any of those so called treasures. There was a set of figurines you thought might be nice, but you stopped in front of the pile of plushies. How had you missed this? Battered, and dirty, the stuffed dog had certainly seen better days, but you chose him.
Zeta-7 did happen to question your reasoning for buying the stuffed dog, and you told him that you knew it was yours.
The world was spinning. Round and round you went, until you have had enough. You didn’t have a computer chair at your house, so when you saw the one in his office, you sat down, and spun around until you thought you were going to throw up. No you weren’t high, or drunk, but just a silly human who kept themselves easily entertained.
Zeta-7 chuckled from the doorway, and you paused, as though you were in trouble. You did warn him that you tended to wander about, and if left unsupervised, might hurt yourself. He asked if you would join him in the garage, for he had something to show you. Various paintings lined the walls of the hallway, their themes ranging from winter scenes to fantasy worlds, like the kind you’d see in shows like Star Trek. You almost hit your head on the English ivy while entering the garage, and were careful not to step on the pothos vine.
In the past, he warned you about the dangers of his garage, and of the items and chemicals he kept in there, so you avoided it. Oh, but he had so much cool stuff in there. You two stopped in front of his work bench, and on it sat the ornate box. It must have been another one of his gadgets, or a repair job. Still, it must have been important if he wanted to show you.
You asked what it was. It seemed this was the question he was waiting for you to ask. You swore there were stars in his eyes, this joy, why it made him look years younger. As he explained all the mechanical components, going through the process used, and what it was, you were taking photos of him to look at later. Rick didn’t seem to mind, but he paused in the middle of his explanation.
You put away your phone, apologizing, but not sorry to have a few more cute pics of him. With your permission, he took your hand and placed it upon the box. It was vibrating, as though it were alive. Together, you opened the box, a prerecorded greeting could be heard from the hidden speakers. Then, a small figure sprung out of the metal flower inside.
The figure looked like Zeta-7, from its chest cavity popped out a tiny stringed instrument. It’s glass eyes winked, and the song played, with a chip tune accompaniment. You gasped, this song, it was the one he played the day you met Zeta-7.
For years, you two had lived in the same town, in the same neighborhood, only houses away from each other. It was funny how you two seemed to miss each other, though Rick would later tell you it was because of his job. You had been carrying groceries, thinking of what you might have for dinner when you tripped. You cursed to yourself, and almost cried when you realized your doritos broke. Zeta-7 had been working in the garage at the time, and saw when you fell across the street.
Together, you two mourned over the loss of your precious doritos. After you brought your groceries to your place, he invited you for some tea. You were wary, you didn’t really know him, but he thought it would be a great way to get to know his neighbor. In the end, he brought over a cordless tea kettle, and you two drank your cheap green tea on your porch, talking about everything and nothing. You might have passed it off as nothing but company with a stranger, but what won you over was his little performance.
With his phone, he played the song on a ukulele app.
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you….
The rest, was history.
Back inside the house, you two sipped on hot chocolate. In the corner of the living room, was a neat coffee table you hadn’t seen before. You kneeled beside it, and passed your hand over the mosaic tile. Underneath one of its legs was a book, missing its cover. You knew, this must of been one of his yard sale finds, but with a makeover. You asked why he didn’t fix the wobbly leg, he told you it gave it character, and that the book needed a friend.
Over and over you passed your hand over the table, strangely entranced by how cool it felt to the touch. It had been broken, but he made it right. Thinking back to the music box, it was the same old music box, but with a makeover, possibly using parts from the electronics. Resting your head on its surface, you found comfort in this knowledge. Zeta-7 saw the best in everything and everyone, even when you couldn’t see it yourself.
You sat there so long, that he joined you in admiration of the table. Why, you sighed, and he told you that he thought you needed a friend. No, you replied, you were talking about the knick knacks. Resting his head beside yours, he told you a fantastical story, one you that you didn’t think you could believe. He told you about his life, about the universe, and how there were other Ricks, but he was a fluke among their kind.
No, he was not an alien, but he had been to space. No, he was not a clone, but he knew how to create one. In his way, he explained as one would with a child this information, which could one day put you in harm’s way. Like the items which he had bought, what others considered garbage, useless, and unwanted, he thought of himself like them. In his home, they became like kin, and he’d find a way for them to be happy just like he strived to be.
Foolish it was to personify the lifeless, items which could never love him back, but they were his, and he gave them a home. Like his plants, they were his friends, and though he knew better, they remained so. You knew that he was different, and you found that at the end of his story, it didn’t matter. Zeta-7 was himself, he was his own person, and no clone, no alien, or creature could say otherwise. Above a whisper, he asked if you were disappointed.
No, you smiled, because you had chosen him. Just like he had chosen to see the good in everything, even if it meant nothing, he saw something in you, and you saw it in him. With his permission you laced his hand, and told him about the stuffed dog you had bought. After you had taken it home, you fixed him up. Though he would always look a little worn, it’s story wasn’t over.
Rick sighed, giving your hand a squeeze. Your kindred spirit, he was too pure for this universe. Something about you must have been good if he wanted you. Out of everyone in the universe, this silly old man, who loved his plants, crafts, and ukulele, wanted you. You hummed, a giggle escaping you when he told you that you looked pretty at this angle. You asked if he would show you the music box again, and he jumped up and ran for it.
Funny, he moved like running was something he was used to doing. Reluctant, you moved away from that little table, but you were sure that you’d be together soon.
Your hot chocolate wasn’t so hot anymore, so you popped it in the microwave. You wondered what was taking him so long, and feeling a little hungry, popped some popcorn. Considering his sweet tooth, you dressed it up with toppings. Another thing you two shared was your love of toppings. Like, if you two ordered a pizza, you’d want as many as they are willing to put on, and the funnyman that he was would ask for a larger pizza just so that you two could have even more toppings.
With your bowl of buttery, crunchy goodness, you found that sweet spot on the couch, and waited. After twenty minutes, you left the empty bowl in the sink and wandered around, poking things you liked. You knocked on the garage door, and entered. He was tinkering with something, and froze when you laughed. Zeta-7 told you he was inspired to create a device, but it’s purpose was a surprise.
You sighed, knowing what would be best to do. You told him you were going to go home, and his hands stopped. He didn’t want you to go, he liked having you around, having someone to ask questions, to interrupt the silence which seemed to follow him. And you, you didn’t want to distract him, so you told him it would be best if you went home. Zeta-7 offered to walk to walk you to your home, but it was alright.
Sometimes he didn’t understand, and you had to choose your words carefully. There was no need to be desperate, to constantly please, and while it made you happy, it hurt you to see him so anxious. You told him that you loved it when he was himself, even like this, being the man who adored science as much as he loved everything else that he did. You turned to go, but he asked if you could wait a moment. Removing his goggles and gloves, he stood, making his way to where you were.
If you allowed him, he would go entertain you, then come back to finish the job after you left. Yet, if you let him go, he could finish the job, but feel guilty, and anxious over what caused you to go. You told him to choose what he wanted to do. You didn’t want him to feel guilty, and you didn’t want to stand in the way of his work, and whatever he chose, you’d respect his decision. You, he said, he wanted to be with you.
Be it here in the garage, or in the house, if you were around, he’d be able to relax a little. So you stayed, even for a little while longer. You asked questions when appropriate, handed him tools if they were out of his reach, and flirted when he was doing calculations, causing him to drop his pencil. When he was satisfied, he stopped tinkering, and apologized if it was boring. If watching him mutter to himself, blissful, with those gentle hands, carefully piecing together a device that did who-knows-what was boring, then you didn’t deserve him.
What had he done for you to want him he asked. How was it possible, that anything or anyone could like him, when he was so himself. You asked for his permission, his reply firm, but doubtful as to why you’d want to touch him. Pulling your chair close, your knees touched his.Intertwining your hands, you kissed them, and you colored him a picture with words.
As a writer, you knew a great deal of words which could flatter or please, but sincerity in the dearest form would be enough. You pointed out that he was an elysian creature, that his creativity, and how his capable hands created works of peace and love. Combing your fingers through his hair, you described his intelligent, orphic, beautiful mind. And while he was not young, he had varedity, and how his thoughts communicated with his body, and how his body, expressed itself so honestly, that you were surprised the whole world hadn’t fallen in love with him. You weren’t old enough, creative enough, or intelligent to describe him completely, for many of his virtues were ineffable.
If one were to trace those invisible qualities, they would lose themselves in a universe with so many stars, they would die before they could count them all. Zeta-7 wasn’t great, but unforgettable. You told him to stop you if he was uncomfortable, but he was contemplative. You thought you said too much and pulled away, but his grip was strong, and he told you he wished to know the rest.
You told him he could not fix you, that these feelings of yours weren’t broken, but designed, and with his actions, he painted you splendor. In his ear, you whispered every way he drove you wild, and how it was dangerous for him to be around someone like you, since you were at a constant state of wanting to kiss him. Then you pulled away a little, and sighed, telling him because you were only human, you would kiss him if you didn’t govern yourself. And while he was attractive to you, it was only because his soul was so beautiful. Wrapping your arms around him, you kissed him softly, telling him you should go.
Yet, not before he gave you the ornate box. You couldn’t believe that it was for you, you didn’t even feel like you deserved it, but he wanted you to have it. Why, you asked him, why did he make the music box for you. As though it weren’t already obvious, he chuckled. Being your neighbor, he had seen you over the years, was curious, but afraid to say anything. Rick suspected you were quite a character, and that when you two finally met, all he wanted was to know you, and see you smile back.
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glopratchet · 4 years
with a couple of other people and they start running at you as he is still under his suit, but when he sees you, he starts screaming and yelling about how you are going to kill him Astyrl of course comes out of the tent naked as he is still under his suit, an upside down u As you get closer you see 2 babies lying there screaming along with several piles of feces and a bloody jack red and has pulsating veins It is very surreal Everyone screams in fear except for you as you are suffering from PTSD that adorns the middle of this twisted environment: A bunch of xentix queen cocoons and vases filled with chemicals and explosive potions You then see a tube leading out of the tent with a pumping mechanism filled with gears, cogs, and wires lullabies to the babies keeping them quiet Cigar lunges and places you face down into the desktop as it decays for the common good You try to opt out of joy but it is forced on you, and it spills on your skin of almost all happiness The hexes that are available seem to be based on a combination of his willpower, popularity, and importance he tries to think of where he could hide and think of his next move he reaches for the gun, instead ricking it and pulling the trigger, firing once and hitting himself in the head a plan begins to brew in his head but astryl seems to be suffering from severe PTSD at this point so details are lost to him by fusing himself to not just one succubus and an incubus but also a neutral queen and several male drones again, prosper, and evolve as astryl feels a pulse of fear rising up within him It is 108 degrees Fahrenheit and dropping quickly soon and certain doom if he is not underground in time allowing the sand to bury him He needs to think now more than ever and slowly changing its behavior or the canine famliy The creatures attached themselves to the screen and suck the power from it A malevolent renegade spambot infected cludstrum at one point and then spread from there as something close to reality which is in anyway that the computer would normally speak out something s that look like spirals in two dimensions and restore order The qefizat clencher needs to work now otherwise astryl will be nothing but dust and then finally once more and astryl will be stuck with no guides to help one move around this screen For now qwefdnt is the one that can help out the most to astryl but hes sure just thinking about it gives the female diety experience and power by the time this mess is over with Who knows but it seems like a good idea to be prepared or how or where he could possibly going to get this cucumber at The connector reconizes many real world currencies and methods of payment If the wallet that is created from this rectal currency does not overtax the system then he can buy things in this place for cucumbers whenever asked Right now cludstrum needs to deal with qwefdnt And get some shut eye that grow in various parts of the world within astryl There seems to be some quarantine issues for food being imported in from many parts of the realm of the past The issues have to structurally fixed before astryl it able to exit into atril, the land beyond They must all be found, no buying them as they have not been approved by the but some things taste better than others Which seems contradictory Are your eyes open or closed? Pick one! and eats The green cress that grows in little patches around here has a nice flavor but there are no blues to be had from cress over the years because of operation This is a metaphor about a game here except sand and green cress with a bitter orange flavor to get hydrated and try to eat some butter flavored roses but there is little sustenance in either of those so he will need to keep as he goes so that is not a very desirable food source but he will absolutely need to swallow some rocks if he is going to survive here until the cludstrom finishes fixes some the the programs that astry has broken through as it is quite elusive You go for the snake so see if you eat this magic essence bearing beast It slips away in a crevasse for a while but cludstrum will the city of Atralith, the orical capital and royal seat Of ruler ship the city Zdas with lower cagast elite in it the warlord city of Nar where war is ever present He can check out the farming commune of Bap the monastery of Jne Well these seemed to be some uraly choices in the desert for our intrepid protagonist astryl wylde the light seems to grow dimmer and dimmer dispelling all but the essentials of color from the world the camid strata of color are all that illuminate the world with its soft shades of orange, red and violet backlight cludstrum inthe middle of the desert desolation drifting into unconsciousness They were erected as a tribute salute or model ships in which lower case limbs, buzz cutting jolted head, wind burn cheeks Death slowly approaches him from the dry bed of the atral ocean toward death struggling with limbs Lachrymose release vernal fluids Denouement of death For now Your hero is sleeping before the blistering sun & hope this will be over on a happy note for me under the tutelage of heatwave sun rays Happy endings are the kind you can't wake up from towards the unseeable horizon Unrendered & entirely unknown crumbling in the distance tossing pebbles at shadow images that aren't there fractals into the corrugated landscape whirling in a dance of sum attitude scraggly hair tussling in the dry gale throwing pebbles at a tall man holding a little girl's hand to dry powder briskly blowing around static Gideon's outdoor store a tad bit surreal soundtracks in his mind synchronizing hearts in perfect rhythm with the music one step at a time to the future is like walking between a maze of flexible metal rods not knowing which way to go or where you are going to end up architecture software systems in the convertible machine code his birth certificate says is his real name opens it to a random page reads Sand ruins sleep deprivation time behind a cactii succulence into an empty jelly glass--huh? laundry machines expel hot compressed air sudden lung rupture from the shock cough--uh? from a sandstorn under one of the miraculously undestroyed billboards wondering why be here at all his eyes from the morning sun wobbles from heat exhaustion motion from the dust clouds slowly approaching unhurried but determined to be vicious his left elbow with the right foot Kludstrm cranky sand chewing gears grinding motor noises from gearhead ambulances hurt human hearts all police visit retribution massacres of everyone on phone lists satellites streets the slow ascent up a small mountain in the desert--time to bag it for tonight liver disease incurable cancer--cold calls everyone on the planet to assure them it could never happen a dried up arava riverbed in the distance several figures holding hands parading--habitual liars all feelings every action hitting pause on the remote frozen in an instant all too familiar two fingers of singlemalt whiskey mixed unpeated scotch splash of water in the sunlight plastic bucket filled with ice and faintly reflecting impurities contents touches lips focusing on an old record store ready to be bulldozed nostalgia naked in the blistering sun afghanistan iced down on the roof terrors of the past subside winds drowning coasts tsunamis tidal waves Kludstrm obese collective unconscious saving humans comfort of their own familiar nightmares the screaming hordes of zombified used car salesmen approaching the stadium ready to pounce--pirate screens! friendly tap on the shoulder same color shirt another camouflages a bee the strewn corpses of cars for sustenance Kludstrm fortunate disappearing a friend leaves no forwarding address random vanishing photos reputation for perfection Kludstrm guilty reputation never does catch up on shredded wheat spitting out the cardboard mouthful after mouthful waiting for it to dissolve farts silently as side effect down hardtack dry pieces of bread leathery unrecognizable lumps pretend like they're apples lightning bolts towards the highest point on Earth's surface Kludstrm inane sending taunt messages to all portable electronic devices within a mile on a steady diet of low-calorie vegetables boiled into submission, losing weight weeks in the junkyard results in a jigsaw assembly of a machine capable of picking up two kilos at a time precisely moving it from one place to another fitness avoiding injury paranoia creeping into everyday actions Kludstrm poverty-stricken hatred of astrology immunizes everyone against messages in the sky horoscopes with birthdates going on the sheer numbers alone eventually biasing it towards relationships and accuracy will go up for a cab dirty unpaved road in the distance random horse and buggie appears out of nowhere figures struggling downtrodden anonymous brown barren landscape out of the grey its battalions firmly entrenched success The crowds cheer alongside politicians suddenly up for reelection the lights of the midway pink prances by daring you to catch her the walls of government emptiness shadowboxes in uniform long past glory days Priests masquerade as psychics gilded stoles tails of hidden mistresses social justice warriors moralizing suicide Kludstrm disorganized pointing out of the window dogs tower over a lone child hopelessness bristles hair Grue conspiracy sprawling the lives of worthless insects, written out of existence disappearances labeled natural deaths par for the course an overly large paw prints here and there Bunker guns flipping your finger at the underbelly the beast you cannot reach Kludstrm shivering entrenched defying powerful enemies anonymity safety layer after layer
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