#you will rip my religious metaphors and my dog metaphors from my dead cold hands
t00thfull · 5 months
words you'll never pry from my mouth
i'd get on my knees for you; if you asked. i won't request kindness. i'd do it despite. despite. say the word, i'll worship you like god. please, say the word. i'd devote myself if you told me to. the line of fire is a bar i walk before you. i'd be a dog. loyal. full of teeth. i'd be a dog if you'd love me like a dog. lay out your demands and i'll fold at the waist, write out your list and i'll read it with needy eyes. on my knees. a god; a dog.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Caroline au (the stary herald)
N/A: The plan is in motion.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
How the X-men deal and organize their missions? Is not as mystical as Excalibur would like to believe, in fact, is all about to the technology named Cerebro which can connect all the mutants, however, only Jean or Psylocke, actually, it was something Professor X exclusively dealt in the past, but, with his premature vacation ("I´ll have to deal with family business, Scott, I trust the X-me to you") leave to new changes in the team.
However, the structured of each mission usually falls to Jean Grey´s organization, but, only for today, Dazzler is giving the orders. And to top all of that, she´s speaking as a member of the Pheonix´s cult, which, does bother Jean for some reason.
"X-men, I've got an important mission that needs our attention" her tone is serious, a huge contrast to her bubbly personality, as her eyes, still remain humans(not white and glowing like usually does when she´s being serious) and Longshot does not speak or let anyone interrupt her. "We´re needed in the city of Brimar now" she concludes and many are soaking this information.
Iceman looks at Rogue mirror her extremely confused expression to a tee. They never heard of such a place. "Is it European" sibilated Iceman to Rogue that only shurgs as everyone is confused as Rogue herself, well, not everyone.
"I know where Brimar is" Logan speaks in his grumpy tone and for once is not picking fights with Scott or trying to impress a bemused Jean Grey, instead, he recites a poem that´s not exactly cheerful. "In the deep, he slumbers waiting to exist. Dazzler, you´re taking us to the Brimar City, the lair of Chutlu" Logan explained and no one is seeing his point and even Scott asked what he´s talking about, which for this rare moment, Logan explain without trying to be super macho for Jean.
"Is a dumb urban legend as Dazzler´s firebird," and Logan ignores the nasty glare Dazzler and Longshot gave to him," however, that place is filled with religious nutcases that will gladly rip your skin off is means please their demented god, so, Alison, why in the hell would we go there?" his claws are ready as Longshot´s gun is too.
Dazzler closes her eyes and counts to ten in her mind, now, she understands what Jean Grey suffers every day (she gain a sympathetic look from the red hair) and speaks " A mutant needs our help. No one is forcing you to come, Logan, if you want to hide, then hide, all I´m saying is there´s a mutant needing our help and we must help...or else..." Dazzler paused dramatically and looks at Scott Summers "The Avengers will be right about us"
And this was more than enough to prompt Scott to agree in helping, Jean as well and Logan has no saying in the matter (now, he tries to impress Jean who has no time for that)
Longshot puts his gun down and whispers to Dazzler. "is that one of your visions...or is the plan?"
"I can only say this is a plan and only that" Dazzler replies and that´s enough for Longshot.
Kitty Pryde is looking at the void and the void looks back at her, and, that should be a cool metaphor, yet, all Kitty can feel is nothing. No fear. No anger. Just a desire to get this over with.
Cosmo and Jupiter are there as they promised, while, sadly, Jupiter can´t do much ''my patron is a dick'' is the only explanation given. Cosmo looks at the young woman with protective energy in his being.
"Kitty?" his tone is gentle as the young woman gazes to the magical dog in front of her. "Hey, Kiddo, I can´t ask for you to cheer up ´cause I know that´s not a cheerful task to do, however, I can say you´re not powerless as you may think. And...you can do this, Kitty" his tone is gentle as his snout rubs on her kneel prompting Kitty to level to his said cold snout to pet the magical dog.
"I just feel this is unfair. I´d not like this...god, if I can call as such" Kitty explained herself in those lines and no more was said.
"Yes, but, you have something squidboy will never have." Cosmo begins calmly "you have the question and that´s something he will never have"
And Jupiter takes this moment to speak now. "Sure, making questions is good and all, but, let´s try to not a philosophy with squidboy"
"Jupiter is right, we have a plan and you," Cosmo said kindly "can do whatever you want as long is in your mind" is a simple explanation that seems to help her mood.
"So, the plan is getting in, take the stone and not die?" Kitty summarize a very delicate plan in one line, well, the cat and dog nods and this is enough. Jupiter hops on the dog´s back(thankfully, the dog does not mind) and speaks in a low tone to the dog(a magical of them) "When you´ll tell me what´s your plan is?"
"When Eternity sings?"
"What´s that even means?"
And the conversation stops as Kitty opens the void to enter. Squidboy is many, many and many things but he´s not exactly careful with security...but...Jupiter feels that now they´re entering in the dog´s plot and he hates not knowing.
"Cletus, you've got a mission from our master" a woman wearing a dark robe covering her face entirely, only letting her face being seeing the light for one moment.
Carnage was playing with his new toy. A man who was making too many questions and to top of all had a funny name, this is Carnage´s favourite victim. As the creature rips the now-deceased man´s eyes for fun.
His tendril-like tentacle greets the woman by wrapping and lifting her from the floor. He could kill her any second, but, the woman is not begging for mercy.
"Your new target is the X-men. Our master desires their death, can you fulfil his wish?" and her emotionless voice is enough to make Carnage to let her go, is not fun if his victims don´t fear him.
"X-men? Sure, sure, I think Venom mentioned a thing or two about them" he speaks and them smiles maliciously "before I break his legs and eat it. So, rest assured, our master will have dead X-men in the menu"
The woman says nothing and leaves. Carnages serves no one, but, he sees benefits in offering a hand to Chtulu once and while, sadly, Carnage was never the one to pay attention in his surrounders, especially after he just ''break'' his toys. What a shame indeed, because the room is not as empty as Cletus/Carnage believes. ____________________________________________________________________
A woman with black robes leaves the dungeon-like room and is smiling happily as the fun is just about to begin.
"If anything, I´ll have fun at least, what the cat and dear Kitten are doing now?" the woman´s tone is grave and her smile falter "well, fine, dog, keep your secrets, it does not matter to me" the ''woman'' replied in a somewhat petulant tone.
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