#you think [redacted]'s gonna give me this kind of content?? absolutely not
thatsnotbuddies · 4 months
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reaperkaneki · 4 years
finished the finale ending and [redacted]’s ending which means that, aside from a couple bad ends and the best epilogues (saved thise for after), i’ve finished all the guys’ routes :)
i have to say, i really liked this game. it has pretty much every feature i ask for in an otome (except a flowchart, i guess, im very lazy so i prefer flowcharts to chapter select, but that’s strictly a personal preference):
- 5+ routes (i maintain that the absolute minimum for an otome is 4 plus a secret/true end), which piofiore hits almost exactly
- characters are adults who... uh, fanservice, thanks. i am looking disrespectfully. i can’t relate to teenagers anymore and it makes more sense for everyone to be an adult seeing as they’re established, distinguished, competent mafioso. it makes the setting more realistic and yeah maybe i wanna see ikemen flirting in adult ways, i have the right!
- i would say this game hits a good ground between character and romance and plot. it’s not as gripping and well paced and full of suspense as, say, cxm, but it has its moments. the plot is more there to prop up the romance than it is for itself, bht there’s a fair bit of interesting political/economic intrique and power struggles. it has a semi-enforced route order for a reason. i still think it was an odd choice to put dante as one of the first routes and gil as the last, seeing as dante’s the lore heaviest and gil is comparatively lighter and softer with very little conflict, but the last route directly branches off of his, i guess, specifically because of that.
- all characters change roles depending on what route you play. this is a good thing, as it means we see sides to them we wouldn’t see if they were, friendly or vice versa, but it also means that they can seem weirdly ooc if they’re an antagonist. (orlok’s route comes to mind, everyone was holding the conflict ball in that one...) still, everyone has the capacity to be reasonable in certain circumstances, and that helps to humanize even the side characters who sometimes seem to only be there to stir up conflict (like the twins, who as antagonists are creepy twin children who see murder as play, except actually they’re super cute and fun children who take a liking to lili... who also see murder as play).
- a wrap-up during each ending that tells us what happened to most of the major characters. sure, it’s all very well to end the route on a kiss or whatever, but, like, what happened, how did they finish resolving the situation? piofiore gives that for all of its full endings—best, normal, and bad, which i definitely appreciate. it also makes it more obvious the difference between the normal and best endings: it can all come down to a single choice (or two, or more if you’re shitty at games like me).
- short stories in gallery, which is extremely typical and also bare minimum but nonetheless appreciated. pretty much every otome has this or an epilogue, because, like, c’mon, gotta give the fans some sugar after the end of the route!
- speaking of sugar, post-best end epilogues! i haven’t played any yet because i’m Savoring them, but there’s nothing wrong with more fanservice and more detail on What Happened Next. if you’re counting, that means three pieces of post-best end content (the wrap-up after the credits, the short story, and the epilogue).
- actual, fleshed out bad ends that aren’t afraid to get Real Fucked Up—and bad end epilogues! the tragedy is real and it is palpable and maybe even delicious. or just plain horrible, take your pick. i wish more games had continuations of their bad ends! it’s so good!
- one big thing that pissed me off is how to get endings. the status indicator isn’t very helpful at all—it will pretty much only show differences once you’re locked into an ending :/ plus there are two stats for each guy, your typical affection stat and then a stat unique to each character. once again, no distinct indicator that this second stat even exists. the choices can also get oblique and counterintuitive; i must’ve gotten nicola’s bad ending like five times :/ this might be a bonus to some people, since it’s not just (click) oh that one didnt give me a heart icon, i’m gonna reload (rinse and repeat), it actually requires a little effort.
- [big spoiler territory] a secret character. i love secret characters. they’re great. their routes do vary wildly in execution—they’re usually either super rushed and short, and disappointing, or they’re the final true route—and i think piofiore hits in the middle. on the one hand, they made the antagonist a route, every otome game should make the antagonist a route if he’s a hot ikemen with an a-list voice actor. i love love love that (and honestly, most of the characters become antagonists in any route but their own, especially yang, who is by definition a card-carrying villain and once again, thank you oiofiore for this trash man’s route).
on the other hand, by virtue of splitting from chapter five of another guy’s route, and being a secret character who doesn’t show up as himself in any other route, he doesn’t get a ton of time to get development. he also falls victim to a lot of “traumatic past excuses murder” kind of tropes that are tired and gratuitous. (but seeing as the rest of the cast has probably killed even more people than him, i’m willing to let that slide.) i still genuinely enjoyed his romantic ending (helps that he’s, like, phantom of the opera meets count of monte cristo ughhh) and am looking forward to his epilogue :) [/end major spoiler]
all in all, good game! enjoyed, would recommend, has plenty of content for what it is. the darker themes are there, and it doesnt shy away from things like torture, character death, and such, especially in bad endings, but it wasn’t suuuuper dark (aside from the bad endings). it was pretty fun.
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pinkerhero · 5 years
answering these here because i don’t want to annoy twitter and no one interacts with me on here anymore anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hellevator - what got you into kpop?
saw an animation of [REDACTED] which led to dance practices which led to songs which led to seven months of Pain
grrr - what is a pet peeve of yours?
people sexualizing minors,,protecting kids is something i’ve been really passionate about since joining tumblr please keep kids safe
yayaya - what is something you are looking forward to?
sk’s comeback in february tbh i wanna have at least 2 years with them
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glow - decribe a talent you have or a skill you wish to acquire.
dancing!! i’ve gotten a lot better since i started this year and i wanna see how much i can improve!!
young wings - what song is your anthem? why?
THE SHE-RA AND THE PRINCESSES OF POWER OPENING YES!! we must be strong!! i wanna be a hero like her that’s why it’s cool!!
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4419 - tell me about your best friend(s)!
jesus is my lord and savior and life would be nothing without the spirit in my heart
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school life - describe the best teacher you ever had.
my drawing teacher this past semester is the best because he loved drawing so much it motivated me to do well for his sake and eventually my own
NOT! - what is a false assumption people usually have of you?
usually that i’m younger than i am but now apparently i look my age so i guess probably that i went to public school?? idk
district 9 - what is your favorite choreograph of any song?
I Am YOU by Stray Kids!! it’s the most difficult choreography i’ve ever tried to learn and i’m still working on it + hope to finally perform it next month!
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mirror - which idol are you the most similar to?
[REDACTED] from [REDACTED] because soft strong hero w/a video camera ;v;
rock - if you could travel anywhere in the universe, where would it be? why?
wherever my friends are who need me so i could give them hugs and help them believe everything will be alright
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awaken - describe your morning schedule.
train, dance, medication, shower, make my own breakfast, and clean the floors
grow up - share your favorite childhood memory.
when i went to build-a-bear workshop for my 14th birthday and made sierra my rainbow bear but also ofc when i got baptized because that was also the morning i had dropped my dog and caused permanent regular seizures but in the moment i was able to forgive myself somewhat and felt like God would help and things would be okay
3rd eye - do you believe in ghosts or supernatural occurrences?
yes!! don’t wanna mess with em though!!
mixtape #1 - do you regret anything?
of course not~ 8-)
WHO? - if you could ask one question to any idol, who would it be and what would you ask?
i could rest my conscience by asking [REDACTED] to apologize directly for things but that’d be a waste kind of so i’d ask chan from sk how he chose the members
my pace - are you athletic? what sport do you play?
yes i am!! american ninja warrior is a sport that i consider myself to be training for, and i dance a lot and perform sometimes so i think that’s a sport i practice, too!!
voices - do you play an instrument? what is it?
know how to play ukulele and some keyboard and guitar
question - what is something that stresses you out?
uncertainty; like if i don’t know when exactly something is going to happen, no matter how small it is, i get really worried about it
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insomnia - how much sleep do you usually get a night?
6 hours as of late! ideally i’d go to sleep at 10 or 11 and wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 hee
m.i.a. - tell me about an ex (best friend, s/o, anything works)
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awkward silence - are you an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert?
no one is one or the other, so ambivert
mixtape #2 - who is the biggest inspiration in your life?
on this earth?? uhhhh i don’t know, i’ve been inspired by a lot of people, but i look up to my friends and family and try to live my best life for them 8)
YOU. - describe your fashion style.
pink!!! used to be hyper-feminine, but as i grew more content with what i had, it changed. as long as it’s pink and comfortable, i’m happy with it and confident in myself. ^u^
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i am you - tag some content creators and mention your favorite creations of theirs!
AHHH i can’t do that honestly but i love all my artist friends and think that people who make fanart and gifs are super talented!!
side - what are some foods you h*te?
uhhh i can’t stand cherries or peanut butter or candy or bitter/sour/spicy things-
hangover soup - have you ever gotten drunk? do you have any funny stories?
nope!! never even been on anesthesia, so have i truly lived? i don’t know.
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get cool - what is your favorite summer activity?
D A N C I N G  as of this year wowie!! that’s gonna be so great next time too!!
n/s pole - tell us about your strongest trait and your weakest trait.
my strongest trait is my physical strength and my weakest trait is my over-sensitivity to everything!! 8-)
0325 - is there any date of particular importance to you? what is it and what happened on that day?
on october 14 2018 i finally listened to sk and wrote it down a few days later because i felt like it’d be important and it turned out it absolutely was stan substance stan stray kids
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mixtape #3 - what do you hope to accomplish in the next year?
meet sk- just kidding teehee i wanna make progress on my big script and put out the first part at first!! i put so much work into it over the summer and i’m gonna improve it and work on it more and more until i think it’s good enough and then i look forward to sharing it with the world!! \^o^/
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