#you see this is why oni got me so hard because the most lore important women are a low key bad person and a high key bad person
arolesbianism · 4 months
I may not be reading 90% of lob corp dialogue but I sure as hell will read tiphereth shit and cry my eyes out at 5 am
0 notes
gabriel-gabdiel · 3 years
【Draft】 Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 56: The Sanada Demons
To know more about the Sanada Demons (yes, they’re canon in the anime fillers, but not in the manga), just click here. They have pages for Ren, Zan, and Baku.
The rest of the chapters of my Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction are available here. Enjoy.
Back inside the moneychanger affiliate offices of the Minakatas...
The Faceless was able to fence and stab his way out of the small room where he couldn't kill that one samurai boy and his one sword-catching move. Hadome (Sword Halt), was it?
How exciting! He'd heard of samurai catching blades by their bare hands before, but he thought it was all hype and myth. Until now.
He couldn't wait to face off against that boy. 'However, first thing's first.'
The Faceless's duelist personality or disguise—John Rathbone—had specifically been parrying and thrusting with his trusty rapier against a trio of surprisingly strong ninjas.
Ah yes. Ninjas. Shinobi. The Japanese version of government spies or secret agents.
Even in an era where war was waged with guns, rifles, trenches, and bombs, spies and intelligence gatherers remain the most important weapon.
Especially all these shinobi before him who could fight in the most underhanded of ways.
The ogre, the snake, and the bat.
He couldn't quite explain it but somehow, the bat ninja handled him in close quarters with his distracting screams, the snake ninja whipped him from constant whip cracks from long range, and the ogre stabbed at him from afar with frightening accuracy using his war fork.
They intended to push him into a corner and triple team him from there.
The Faceless chuckled. As if.
"Was sort of gutless kenjutsssu (ssswordsmanship) is thisss? You're doing more running away than ssstriking! Fight like a man, coward!" said the lispy snake man ninja of the swordsmanship bible's impenetrable defense and elusive movement.
"This isn't kenjutsu. This is fencing," calmly explained Rathbone to the most violent and rambunctious ninja of the trio. "And this is a rapier. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Far better than a brittle katana."
He'd been through tougher battles than this. He survived entire wars and even accomplished more dangerous political assassinations that paid even more handsomely than this grudge his protégé had over the family that abandoned him.
More than a king's ransom (because he was paid for a king's head instead).
However, using his Tactical Wheel and his mind games, he was able to push them away and exit the room in order to pursue the escaping Minakatas.
Maybe even kill that other shadow ninja he faced off in the Minakata's East-West Fusion Mansion. Or kill the blade catcher samurai boy.
He was especially dangerous when he combined forces with either Kai Hidaka or Lucas Grant, which he supposed was what they were intending to prevent in the first place.
The pile of rubble and debris where Luke had been buried into then stirred.
The Prodigal Son was awake.
"Dammit. I'll be back," said Ren the snake ninja, who ran back in the room to deal with the strong, tall half-blooded swordsman with the bastard sword. "Take care of the gaijin for me!"
"Why is there only two of you now?" The Faceless mocked in fluent Japanese, knowing exactly why one of them had to leave. "I miss the other guy. Bring him back."
It was because the Prodigal Son was on the prowl, the Sanyoukai (Three Demons) of the Sanada Ninja Clan had to split off to prevent Lucas and Rathbone from joining forces and becoming more of a problem. They could even fight along with Kai Hidaka for good measure.
Kinta Minakata could handle either The Faceless or Grant alone. However, even he—the Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) and the Mimawarigumi Battousai—would be pushed into the corner himself when facing two or more Brigand Guild members at the same time.
"Are you sure you can take me on with only two of you? You need all three just to keep up," needled Rathbone further, who could now pick apart the occasional stabs and strikes from long distance that the ogre ninja did now that the snake ninja didn't put the pressure on with his constant whipping.
"Do we now?" said Zan the oni (ogre) ninja with the red ogre mask and war fork. "You sound full of yourself for a gaijin (outsider) piece of shit. If you truly can take us on, I better see it first with my own eyes. Don't just tell us about it."
Instead of echoing Zan's retort, Baku the bat ninja merely screamed what John could only describe as a banshee's wail at his face, distracting him enough to nearly lose his rapier from the hard parry he had to do against Zan's twin-pronged war fork.
Rurouni Yahiko
A Rurouni Kenshin Continuation Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
The foreign invaders of the Brigands Guild discover that it's not so easy dealing with the persistent warriors of Japan, particularly their noble samurais and their backstabbing ninjas.
Disclaimer: All characters used in this fanfic (save some others) are the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallup, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted material that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 56: The Sanada Demons
At the gates of the Minakata affiliate office...
Yahiko Myojin and Kaita served as Tatsuya Minakata's escorts, only for them to find out that the nearby stables had all their horses released and all the carriage drivers missing. Maybe even dead.
Dammit. Now what? Were they supposed to escape Chinatown on foot?
Whoever the Brigands Guild were, they really had it in for the Minakatas. Wait, what was he even thinking?
'Of course they have it in for them. Their leader or whoever is the bastard child they disowned and threw away along with his mother,' though Yahiko, berating himself.
This Takuto Minakata or Lucas Grant character kind of reminded him of himself.
Yahiko wasn't abandoned by his family or anything, but it certainly felt like the world abandoned them instead during the Bakumatsu.
Regardless, so many people were dying to save two of the V.I.P.s they were supposed to protect. Was this even worth it?
Kaita reappeared behind them and said, "It might be best for us to stay in the office after all."
"What are you talking about, Shorty?" asked Myojin.
"Yes. Why in Buddha's fat ass should I stay here where the assassins are?" demanded Tatsuya. "Let me out."
Kaita sighed. "There might be more of them outside and you're safer here because we have the Sanada Demons on guard."
"D-Demons? Are you out of your mind, you costumed freak?!" shouted Tatsuya. "This isn't the Edo Period! Spare me this talk of superstition and ninja lore! Get me the police and have those murderers arrested!"
This gave Yahiko pause. Wasn't Kaita one of the Minakatas' trusted ninjas? Why was he resistant to his advice? Why didn't he know about the Sanada Ninja Clan's Sanyoukai?
Meanwhile, while Ren kept the Prodigal Son at bay inside that room next to the main office...
Luke's body was already in rough shape before he got whipped and scourged like a criminal or a slave by the boa constrictor taxidermy whips of the creepy snake ninja.
It only got worse when he again went one-on-one and face-to-face with the snake shinobi.
Grant laughed. This guy again. He was a shinobi, wasn't he? What an annoying prick.
"For a snake-themed ninja, I'm surprised you don't use poison in your arsenal," Lucas said in remembrance of his fellow Brigands Guild member Cain Merrick.
"Are you a child? Just because I'm a sssnake ninja, it doesn't mean I use sssnake venom like some sort of coward!" scoffed Ren, getting angrier and angrier.
The Prodigal Son didn't know how to retort to that, mainly in light of how cowardly he though Cain was for using poisons, venoms, and toxins as his main means of fighting. He was every bit as underhanded as these ninjas.
Regardless, Ren kept whipping Lucas from afar and every time he got near, he used that technique again. A ranged attack that struck the ground that sent earthen debris with knockout force.
Grant managed to stab Ren once with his longsword, only for it to get deflected by the thick snakeskin hide of his leather armor. It was like trying to stab a helix of coiled snakes.
How did the snake man keep doing it? Wait.  It was like an extra-large whip crack. A whip produced the cracking noise whenever it traveled faster than the speed of sound.
The snake ninja combined his bullwhips (or snake whips) together to create twin whip cracks strong enough and fast enough to break the sound barrier and create a blast of air powerful enough to tear through the ground.
Essentially, Ren whipped his twin weapons together with resonating shockwaves from extra large whip cracks that their resulting combined air vibrations exploded like a peal of lightning that blasted through the ground.
Moreover, his snake armor probably kept him from tearing himself apart with his own whips and help him survive the bone-crushing force of his induced earth-shattering vibrations.
Impressive. The snake man's fighting technique was more straightforward than most ninjas he'd heard about, who were infamous for their dirty tactics.
Regardless, Lucas grabbed hold of his bastard sword (or one-and-half-hand sword) and started parrying the cracking whips away with strong one-handed swings so that he wouldn't get further ripped apart by them with its flesh-cutting slashes.
He then crossed his arms together and braced himself for the reverberation of air that tore through the floorboards and walls like consecutive exploding landmines. Or the dust storm version of a tidal wave. One after another.
'What a tough opponent,' thought Lucas. 'I thought murdering the Minakatas was going to be a cakewalk, but my brother found himself some decent shinobi for me to play around with. Thanks, Kagemusha.'
Lucas thusly split the shockwave in half by slicing his bastard sword into the floor so fast he also broke the sound barrier himself, thus neutralizing the attack with his own sonic boom.
"What the hell...?" yelped Ren. "SSStupid gaijin. Learn to accept a lossss and die!"
Lucas attempted to chop instead of stab the thick armor with his bastard sword, only for Ren to wrap himself in his snake whips, thus shielding him from the cutting power of the high-grade steel.
'Dammit,' thought Grant, his sword again bouncing off the snake ninja. 'He's devious like all the rest of the ninjas after all.'
The smirking Ren then jumped, twisting his body to unwind the whips around him. This resulted in a spiral of whip strikes that assaulted Lucas like a razor-sharp cyclone.
Lucas bathed in his own blood from the whiplashes. However, proving himself more cold-blooded than the dead reptiles Ren used for weapons, he managed to wrap one of the snake whips around his arm.
The way Ren fought reminded him of the way Kai Hidaka fought. 'You've seen one ninja, you've seen them all.'
He then pulled hard at Ren's whip, intending to catch him flat-footed so that he could chop him in half.
However, Ren stopped resisting and allowed himself to get pulled intentionally. He did a flying headbutt on the gaijin's noggin, who didn't expect the sudden release that snapped the whip back to him like a rubber band.
"Don't you dare underestimate Japanese ninjutsu, you gaijin piece of shit!" shouted Ren. He had the upper hand now! He'd become a hero of the clan for taking out this monster!
As for the double team of Baku and Zan against The Faceless...
These underhanded Japanese spies were up to something.
A little while ago, John Rathbone still feinted, countered, and landed with regularity against the Sanada Demons while he himself used his footwork to slip, parry, block, and outright evade their own attacks from high and low.
He kept making them second-guess his next move in the Tactical Wheel of Simple Attack, Parry and Riposte, Compound Attack, and Counter Attack.
However, the three also kept intercepting the riposte thrusts and counter slashes of his rapier to save each other. Whenever he zeroed in on one of them, the other two either blocked or countered themselves.
Now there were only two of them, which meant he could pressure them further to move back, allowing him to attack the Minakatas and fulfill his mission. The lack of a third man cut their offensive power by a third.
However, something strange happened.
His attacks kept missing. Every thrust and slash from various angles somehow missed or wasn't timed to hit its target.
It didn't help that his normally 20/20 vision blurred from time to time, like some sort of haze came over it.
His attacks missed before because of how fast both Zan and Baku reacted to his stabs even though he kept breaking his rhythm to keep them guessing when he was going to attack with his Beat Parry Riposte.
Rathbone did notice how Zan kept banging his war fork unto the ground in order to make it vibrate like a tuning fork. Did this help the ninja dodge his fencing attacks better?
But he already getting their timing down pat the longer they fought, thus allowing him to counter them as they charged, which made it harder for them to evade or sidestep.
Only for him to start missing during those vulnerable moments as well. His timing was off somehow.
His breathing also became more erratic even though he hadn't exactly burned out his stamina yet. He hadn't even broken a sweat, but he had trouble taking breaths.
He glared at the twin ninja demons. "What did you do to me?!"
"I was worried for a minute there," said Zan to Baku. "The gaijin has no concept of sakki (bloodlust) and how to read it, so I was worried for a minute there that his swordsmanship could deal with your high-pitched sound technique."
Baku chuckled. "Even if he can't detect bloodlust, his moves are all rhythm-based. Break his rhythm and his so-called fencing will end up like trash."
What did they mean by that? What was going on? They were doing something to him, but he didn't quite know what. Did they poison him or something?
No, wait. It was the bat ninja and his screams that were doing this to him! Whatever this was.
Baku kept distracting John with his high-pitched screeching. Or so the duelist thought. 'So it wasn't just a distraction...?'
Something about those sounds he produced was making him miss his Simple Attacks or Compound Attacks (attacks with feints or switching a missed attack to a parry or a different attack).
"Just a little more," said Baku to Zan. "He's on his way to self-destructing. Finish him off as soon as he makes a mistake."
Zan harrumphed. 'Easier said than done.'
Despite the fencer's exposure to Baku's screams that messed with his body in various indescribable ways, he kept following up his misses with ripostes in fluid succession, like he meant to miss to draw them out to another counterattack.
His misses also became hits, which forced the ninja sharpshooter with the war fork to hesitate and not overextend himself for a possible counterstrike.
'So this is western kenjutsu,' thought the sharpshooter ninja with a long-range weapon like Satsuki Sakaguchi. 'Fencing, was it? It's a legitimate bujutsu (martial art) in its own right.'
Rathbone frowned as a missed slash caused deeper and deeper cuts to appear on his body. They weren't yet lacerations, but he was missing more and more badly.
He could not afford having his ripostes or even his parries miss like this.
This was why he hated facing off against sneaky ninjas like Kai Hidaka.
Back to Ren versus Lucas...
Lucas reeled, his head throbbing with a splitting headache. 'Another sneak attack! Damn the Japanese...!'
Another snake whip sonic boom hit Grant like an earth-shattering landslide. Or even an avalanche.  However, he noticed that the repeated vibrations mostly traveled through the ground rather than in the air.
Predictably on the ground. Ren probably aimed his resonating whip vibrations directly back to earth for maximum impact, like the difference between a bomb and a shrapnel bomb.
The sonic boom shockwave probably traveled a shorter distance in the air compared to the path of destruction it left on the ground, the concussive force turning everything in its path into a landslide full of sharp rock shards.
Therefore, attacking in the air made more sense than attacking on the ground.
Lucas grabbed his bastard sword with both hands and leaped into the sky, gliding towards Ren while the shockwave harmlessly traveled below him.
The snake ninja ground his teeth enamel to powder and wrapped his snake whips around his body again, intending to protect himself from the sword chop he knew was coming then retaliating with his topsy-turvy whirling typhoon of snake whips afterwards.
However, Ren letting Lucas hit him at all instead of dodging then countering with his whips proved to be a big mistake.
Instead of the bastard sword bouncing harmlessly off of his snake-whip-covered body, Grant released enough extra torque from his two-handed sword swing to drive the snake ninja right into the ground.
Although the sword didn't cut through the snake armor, it broke Ren's arm and several of ribs by force of impact alone. He wasn't able to uncoil the snake whips in time, which would've torn apart the jumping foreigner in a typhoon of whips.
Ren struggled to get up, tied up in his own whips, looking the fool against this half-blooded rejected bastard son with the bastard sword.
Lucas exhaled deeply and grinned at the snake man. "That was a good fight. Because of that, I'll spare you. Get strong and maybe we can fight again!"
"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" spat Ren before turning the handle of his snake whips, which retracted a hidden toxin-tipped blade that he stabbed right into the foot of Lucas.
"Ow! What the hell did you do, you cowardly ninja piece of shit?" Lucas cried out in pain. "Also, what happened to your lisp? It's completely gone now."
"Shut up and die, basssstard!" said Ren, overcompensating with how long he drew his 'S' sound on that last word. "That hidden blade is tipped with poison. You're as good as dead now."
"Hey, I thought you said you didn't use snake venom!"
"IDIOT! I'm a ninja! Of course I lied!"
Uwah. Ninjas truly were the worst.
At the gates of the Minakata subsidiary office building...
The Fuuma Ninja Clan's Kai Hidaka was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Well, no. Not really.
Rather, he was stuck between Lieutenant Satoru Sakaguchi (with his recovering daughter by his side) on one end and Kinta Minakata on another end.
The choice to where he should go couldn't be more obvious, but he also had a mission to fulfill.
Even though Kinta was the more dangerous and immediate threat, he was also the Brigands Guild's biggest target.
Besides which, while murdering both of the weakest Musou Madden Ryu practitioners should help him survive in the short term, he didn't want a master swordsman like Kinta hunting him down for revenge like the Kagemusha that he was in the long term.
It was in his best interest to finish off the Minakata heir sooner rather than later.
Judging by how long his half-brother nurtured his grudge against their petty family—his whole life—this desire for revenge was probably in their blood.
Perhaps even in-fighting among family members too, seeing how soured the relationship between Kinta and Tatsuya was.
It was so bad that Kinta and "Takuto" felt more like family than nephew and uncle.
Hell, Hidaka was merely lurking outside and he could hear how much the two hated each other, judging from their shouting match (or rather, from Tatsuya shouting alone and Kinta curtly shutting him down every time).
In light of his fight-or-flight instinct screaming at him to find an avenue of escape, he willed himself to fight the Mimawarigumi Battousai instead, hoping against hope that either The Faceless or Lucas Grant would aid him sooner rather than later.
'Kinta-kun,' thought Satoru, holding his gasping daughter's shoulders firmly. 'Please finish that son of a bitch off!'
Back to Ren versus Lucas...
In sheer frustration, Ren attempted a whip crack at Lucas's face as he got up, but the blond swordsman caught it by his fist.
Lucas certainly looked like he was about to vomit. Or even shit all over himself.
As expected. He had his hidden dagger tipped with the concentrated "poison" (really, snake venom) of various local snakes all over Japan, like the mamushi that belongs to the family of pit vipers.
Stabbing a persistent enemy who survived Ren's whiplashes with the venomous or poisonous dagger served as the snake man's ace in his sleeve. His trump card. Typically, the stab site swelled and reddened with a blister.
The attacker then slowed down and fell ill, unable to continue fighting. Ren then finished the person off with either grave injuries and lacerations compounded by snake venom coursing through his veins, killing him slowly but surely.
Either that or Ren bit the bullet and just choked the bitch with his snake whips. His enemies either died by his own hands or by the venom he injected unto them.
Just as Luke was about to look like he was about to empty all the contents of his stomach unto the ground, he grinned and winked at Ren. "Just kidding."
The snake whip's tail wrapped all around Luke's arm.
"Jokes on you, asshole. One of the Brigands is an expert in poisons and toxins. He's helped me develop immunity to most deadly organic and inorganic chemicals for years."
From there, Lucas did to Ren was Ren did to Lucas earlier—he pulled the whip then allowed himself to leap along with the recoil or snapback of the taxidermy snake, hammering the injured snake man ninja's head with a devastating headbutt of his own.
Bam. Their heads smashed against each other with a heavy, sickening thud.
Ren felt his brain slosh inside his skull. Grant might've even cracked his noggin altogether, shattering his nose and drawing blood.
How strong was this kid?! He really did seem immune to the snake venom!
As expected of a Minakata spawn. Perhaps his bloodline from his father's side, the Grants, also had monstrous strength in their genetics.
Grant then gave Ren the coup-de-grace blow of driving him right into the nearest wall with a sword stab that finally penetrated through the snake armor, drawing blood.
What was worse for Ren was that Lucas had been planning for this final strike of his from the start.
The whole room soon collapsed all over the snake man, weakened by the numerous sonic booms produced by supersonic snake whips. The Prodigal Son had been baiting the snake ninja to blast him with shockwaves at strategic points of the room.
The final leap and blow then shook the room enough to make its already weakened and compromised foundations break and collapse directly on top of the ninja.
Before Ren knew it, it was already "checkmate" for him.
Back at the three-way impasse deep in the offices of the moneychanger building…
"You two don't fight like gentlemen at all. You're like savages instead," said John Rathbone to the animal-themed masked ninjas from the Sanada Clan with an upturned nose.
These honorless ninjas and their ambush-style attacks reminded John of the time when Britain colonized Africa.
Britain observed the rules of engagement against the African natives, declaring war on them and challenging them on the battlefield.
The Africans were supposed to engage them in battle on the trenches until a side won.
However, the tribes of Africa had no concept of how war was supposed to be engaged in the west and thusly ambushed the British camps without warning, like they would when they were fighting amongst themselves.
These Japanese natives, or at least their ninjas, were the same savages as the African natives. To them, all was fair in war or love.
Wait a minute. Samurais had bushido (the code of the warrior). Ninjas followed no such code of honor. They were so unlike their honor-bound samurai counterparts.
Both the oni (ogre) ninja Zan and John exchanged thrusts and stabs, probing each other's defenses.
Throughout the exchange, Rathbone noticed how Zan allowed his war fork to get parried by John's rapier, which made the unusual weapon vibrate like a tuning fork instead.
The demonic goblin ninja also only really attacked whenever he made his tuning war fork vibrate.
'Hmmm,' thought John. 'Curiouser and curiouser.'
Rathbone feinted a thrust one… two… three times at Zan and Baku, jabbing his undulating sword arm with motionless jabs of his rapier that went to and fro between the masked ninjas.
Like a pendulum on a Grandfather Clock.
He actually attacked the fourth time with a thrust but stopped himself short, intending to do a recovery afterwards as soon as either shadow warrior reacted and made him miss.
They barely even blinked. Their hair-trigger reflexes remembered him doing the same "ultimate" feint earlier to draw out attacks he could counter, so they weren't fooled.
They moved a half-beat earlier than John, intercepting his attack before he could do his recovery and counterstrike.
Thusly, The Faceless had his sword thrust parried by Baku's metal arm bracelets with hooks on the side and countered by Zan's war fork.
However, Rathbone himself sidestepped in time to turn the two-pronged stab into a slash that left a gash over his bodyguard vest.
Zan clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. He almost got the slippery fencer. John Rathbone was every bit as evasive and untouchable as a medieval ninja from Japan!
The two were about to follow up their own Parry Riposte with a finishing chain attack but stopped short when they heard the rumblings of the other room, followed by screams.
It wasn't Baku's screaming. Nor was it Lucas.
They recognized the voice. It was instead from their comrade, Ren the Snake Ninja with the taxidermy boa whips.
The bat ninja then told the ogre ninja, "I'm fine, Zan. Go help the Minakatas or Ren. The Faceless is mine. I've figured him out."
"Oh, did you now, Baku?" said Zan, the ninja with the red ogre mask and war fork. "All right. I'll be back to finish this gaijin off if you haven't killed him by the time I return."
Zan then made his exit, hiding himself in smoke bombs that Rathbone stabbed through regardless, only for his rapier to get blocked by Baku's hooked bracelets.
John harrumphed, stabbing repeatedly at the weaponless ninja to stave him off. "Do you really think you can take me on alone, you cowardly ninja?"
The grim bat-themed shadow warrior merely adopted a karate stance and said, "Come forward, gaijin (outsider). Get a taste of Yamato Damashi (Japanese Spirit)."
"You're delusional." Smirking, Rathbone murmured to himself, "Once more unto the breech, dear fool."
Baku then screeched like the legendary banshees of Irish folklore. A haunting, bloodcurdling cry that reached all the way to the pits of The Faceless' stomach. Or even the insides of his bones, right down to the bone marrow.
'Strange. Is his incessant, irritating screaming part of his trick?' thought Rathbone as he backpedaled from the bat ninja, only to end up back in his en garde position because Baku chased after him immediately.
What was worse was that John felt like vomiting until his stomach turned inside out the more he fought this ninja.
As sickening as these deceitful and sly cowards were when it came to their dirty fighting tactics, it wasn't enough for him to literally feel like puking in disgust.
Back at the front portion of the moneychanger affiliate office building…
Kai Hidaka threw himself at Kinta Minakata, hoping against hope that Lucas Grant wasn't too busy to actually handle his business with the goddamn Mimawarigumi Battousai himself.
Sheesh. Kinta was Lucas's half-brother, not Kai's. Let Lucas handle his own sibling. He (Kai) was not his (Lucas's) brother's keeper, after all.
Nevertheless, a strange thing happened.
There was something different about the Kinta that Kai faced today compared to the one he clashed swords with at Kaneda Minakata's Eastern-Western Fusion Mansion.
As usual, like in their first encounter, Kai had to scramble, duck, and sway his body like a lithe dancer in order to avoid the surgically accurate slashes and attacks of the infamous Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) of Shogo Amakusa.
Kinta's accuracy hadn't gone down. Not really.
Minakata merely missed Hidaka by hairbreadths or by a razor's edge, the fidgety ninja spurred by adrenalin and twitch reflexes to avoid the iaijutsu (quick-draw) sword strikes with the nimble elusiveness of a fly.
However, Kinta's hack and slash output had gone down drastically.
Even though Kai knew that Kinta favored accuracy over volume, the swordsman was nevertheless a lot more conservative with his attacks now.
Almost as conservative as The Faceless when he fenced under his John Rathbone persona. John barely ever missed because he never took a stab or thrust unless he was 100 percent sure he'd get the hit.
As though he was conserving his energy.
Wait a minute.
The eyes behind Hidaka's goggled mask narrowed as he let out a long exhale. 'Huh. So fighting Lucas had an effect on him after all. That boy is a persistent one, after all.'
Even Lieutenant Satoru Sakaguchi noticed something was amiss. 'Kinta-kun…?'
It was the lack of sword slashes and pressure that allowed the nimble Kai to feint an attack, only for him to shoot his rope spear in between the eyes of Satoru.
To be clear, the rope spear flew at longer distances compared to his rope darts, which he used for closer targets.
The flying acrobatic ninja figured out that Kinta was conserving his strength after going through the stamina monster that was Lucas.
When Kai first met the half-breed, he couldn't touch him with a bastard sword, a longsword, or even a shortsword. Hidaka was too fast and too nimble for the kid to take down.
However, like a hunter-gatherer caveman during the Stone Age, Lucas took down faster prey by tiring them out and pursuing them ceaselessly. Over and over. Like an unstoppable force of nature you couldn't outrun.
No wonder Kinta looked like he'd just run a marathon despite having not one mark or cut on him.
While under pressure, Minakata was also probably worried about the wellbeing of the Sakaguchis. He would've gotten the adrenalin rush needed to save father and daughter.
However, when Kinta himself was attacked, he let his guard down and became unaware of his surroundings.
Kai noticed as much when he fought the swordsman the first time. This went double now that he'd been tired down by the implacable Lucas Grant.
How ironic for the Sakaguchi Family to end up being the liabilities even though they were supposed to be there to protect the Minakata Family.
That split second of distraction and scrambling towards Satoru and Kyoko was the window of opportunity Hidaka needed to finish what Lucas had started.
Back at the rear exit of the moneychanger affiliate office building…
John Rathbone switched tactics yet again. He couldn't counter off of Baku's attacks, who patiently lay in wait and ambushed him in the darkness at every turn.
If one or two probing strikes with his rapier wasn't enough, then a complicated series of them—a truly Compound Attack—was in order.
Only problem was that Baku danced around the strikes with the same deft skill that Kai Hidaka, a ninja in his own right, did.
Even though the bat ninja was more of a projectile thrower than a weapons expert like Zan, he combined the rain of kunai (daggers) and shuriken (ninja stars) at John with karate punches and kicks.
John got nailed with a couple of punches that he had to take over the shuriken and kunai. He did this by experience, remembering how his own estranged son Cain Merrick would use bladed weapons to poison him and others.
The duelist scowled and narrowed his eyes. Was that what this walking freak show doing to him?
It was the screams, wasn't it? Baku was shrieking like a nimbus cloud of bats all this while. Shrieking like a bat.
In fact, Baku turned the tables on John, with him dictating the pace and forcing him to attack at every turn, only to block with his hooked arm bracelets, blind him with smoke bombs, or injure him with knives and metal shards.
They were chipping away at each other's defenses, but Baku had the upper hand. And the momentum.
Thankfully, Rathbone's uncharacteristic aggression with close-call near-misses (or near-hits, as the case might be) and follow-throughs served as his defense against a significant blow or counter.
"You'll never figure out what I'm doing in a million years," boasted Baku after nailing the fencer with an elbow this time, followed by a slash from his arm brace hooks.
Blimey, did Rathbone hate ninjas. At least ordinary thieves and ruffians were too unskilled and imbecilic to pull the wool over John's world-weary eyes.
Ninjas, on the other hand, thought just like him. Who knew honorless secret agents would have something in common with a gentleman thief like him?
Again, Baku hid in the darkness, screeched, avoided or blocked a myriad of ripostes and sword thrusts, and then kicked, punched, or threw Rathbone around like a rag doll in order to open him up to a fatal stab wound or slash.
Meanwhile, Rathbone couldn't hit him back himself. He always somehow missed by a nose hair or cilia.  Like his internal rhythm or reflexes were off.
Meanwhile, at the entrance of the moneychanger building, near the stables where the Minakata's carriage was parked…
"I found a horseman!" said Kaita, who popped out of nowhere with a previously escaping driver of the Minakatas whom he held at kunai-point (or ku-knife-point, as Gan would say).
"I found one of your horses!" said Yahiko, who held the reins of the beast of burden, pulling him back to the stables. Thankfully, this stallion wasn't too spooked or wild.
"There's a horse-drawn carriage here that hasn't been sabotaged or had its wheel axels removed!" confirmed Tatsuya Minakata, who was sweating bullets at this point. "Perfect! Let's go! I don't want to spend another minute at this hellhole!"
"Wait, we're just going to leave? Your nephew is still out there," pointed out Myojin, only for him to get taken aback by Tatsuya's glare. "Fine. You go home to Mommy with your personal ninja. I'll stay here and look out for your nephew."
With a sourpuss look reminiscent of someone biting into a lemon or smelling garbage, Tatsuya looked back and forth between Kaita and Yahiko before relenting, "Fine. We'll wait for my stupid nephew to come back."
The Sanada Ninja and the Tokyo Samurai exchanged looks. Should they have escaped with the uncle or were they making a mistake?
Yahiko took a deep breath. He'd deal with the consequences later. The cast was drawn. They'd made their decision, whether it was the right one or not.
They slightly regretted not escaping then and there when the doors, doorway, and door burst rather than swung open before them in splinters like a tinderbox.  
The kunai slashes and shuriken cuts were getting closer, sharper, and deeper. Death by a thousand cuts. Or maybe a million.  
A million bats shrieking, clawing, and biting at him in the darkness of the mansion.
Bats, huh? Baku even shot his kunai in order to snuff out the flames of every last candle and lamp in the moneychanger office building, thus covering them in darkness with the barest sliver of moonlight from the windows.
He really was bat-like. He wasn't blind as a bat but he didn't need his vision as much as a bat would.
A headbutt from Baku cracked The Faceless' mask but kept his own horrifying bat mask intact.
Aside from distracting him with loud screeches, Baku the Bat-Man might also be using supersonic screams to locate John's position every time.
He'd read about this before. Bats were able to exist nocturnally and move in low light through echolocation.
These animals screamed at high pitches then were able to judge distance or what they were flying through by the amount of time their screams bounced back to them.
In other words, it was possible that the Baku and Zan tandem were able to read through Rathbone's change of pace or sudden counters and ripostes off of the steady rhythm of his pendulum-swing jabs by their hair-trigger senses and superhuman senses.
Come to think of it, didn't Zan have a two-pronged war fork that could've doubled as a tuning fork? He might've used the vibrations from that fork as his means of sonar or echolocation.
Also, judging by the obliterating vibrations done by the snake ninja known as Ren, that ninja also probably used resonating whip cracks to create a sonic boom as his means of attack.
Ren, Baku, and Zan. They were animal-themed ninjas but they had another thing in common—their abilities based on supersonic sound and vibration.
Jesus Christ.
These goddamn ninjas were so unfair but their unfairness required a high skill level that you couldn’t help but bitterly laugh at it all.
They were consummate cheaters that would stab your back like the cowards that they were. They did anything to win.
"Kill all invaders! Protect the emperor from the barbarians! All hail to the Empire of Japan! Sonno Joi!" rambled Baku, his terseness disappearing as he smelled blood and went into a feeding frenzy against his prey.
Rathbone again did his strongest feint—an actual attack cut short then recovered into a different counterattack—but this time he was armed with the knowledge of how Baku was making him miss.
Baku again blocked with his arm bracelets in order to do an early Parry and Riposte of his own to cut off the follow-up Recovery Attack.
However, Rathbone expected that and countered off of that instead, swaying his body at an awkward angle and slipping from the arm bracelet guard in order to skewer the ninja right in his heart.
He felt vibrations in his body and a second later, he missed Baku's chest and merely left a flesh wound on it instead of a stab before getting kneed in the gut for his trouble.
Bloody hell. John winced and gnashed his teeth.
Why did he still miss? Baku was wide open! He fell for his bait! His supersonic trip-mine could only tell when he actually attacked instead of what sort of attack he'd do! It was perfect! Why did he fail…?
Wait a minute. Baku wasn't just using echolocation or his own version of sonar, was he?
'That was close,' Baku the Bat Ninja was forced to admit to himself. 'This man, The Faceless, is too dangerous to be left alive!'
John Rathbone—or rather, The Faceless—chuckled to himself. "I understand your secrets now, you Yellow Peril!"
"You don't understand a thing. Go back to the barbaric west where you belong, waito piggu (white pig)!"
In between the realms of the conscious and unconscious lay a subconscious Kyoko.
She'd almost been hung to death by the Brigands Guild ninja, Kai Hidaka of the Fuuma Clan.
A forgotten memory from her childhood surfaced as she swam between the converging seas of wakefulness and slumber.
It was one where she was insistently asking his grandfather about how dashing the samurai were when he was a child.
Were they as honorable, loyal, noble, and heroic as the hatamoto-class samurai they worked for were, the Minakatas?
To be more specific, were they as handsome and dreamy as Kinta Minakata? Or his silent but kind father, Azuma Minakata? Or even his scary grandfather, Toshiro Minakata?
Chuckling, her Grandpa Genzo Sakaguchi told her while she sat on his knee, "Not all samurai  are like Kinta or Azuma. They're more like politicians or policemen. Some good, some bad. Maybe even more bad than good.'
'Huh. So samurais were more like Grandpa Toshiro then?' was the question Kyoko had enough sense not to ask her own grandfather.
The old man then turned serious and said, "Samurais aren't what they're all cracked up to be, Kyoko-chan."
Kyoko tilted her head in askance. "What do you mean?"
"For example, there's such a thing as Uchi-sute."
"'Uchi-sute?'" repeated Kyoko. "What is that?"
"It's also known as kiri-sute gomen."
"Kiru… nani? Gomen? Eh?" Kyoko's blew her cheeks up like a chipmunk. "So? What does it mean, Grandpa?!"
This only made Grandpa Genzo chuckle.
Uchi-sute (To strike and abandon) or burei-sute (To offend and strike) were concepts dating back to the feudal era collectively known later on as kiri-sute gomen (The right to cut and leave).
They referred to an old Japanese expression about the right to strike or the right of samurai to kill commoners for perceived affronts. Samurai had the right to strike with sword at anyone of a lower class who compromised their honor.
"It's the right of a samurai to kill commoners if they were embarrassed by them," was how Genzo phrased it. "We live in a society where a military aristocracy had the license to kill another human being just because he's of a lower class than him."
Naively, Kyoko blinked and said, "But isn't it okay for samurai to do it? Are we not samurai?"
"Listen carefully, child. No one has the right to kill another, whether they're kings or paupers. The emperor himself or the village idiot. Murder is murder. You have no right to kill someone over a slight as though you're better than them."
Kyoko's eyebrows furrowed cutely. "So higher class samurai like Kinta-chama can kill me because I'm lower class than him?"
"The courts would rule it as self-defense, but no. He doesn't have the right to do it. You can defend yourself as a lower class samurai with a wakizashi, but the whole thing is bogus. If an affront has been committed, let everyone equally have their day in court instead of having samurai have the right to kill anyone who annoys them!"
Nonoko chided in the background, "Father, what are you teaching that poor kid? Sheesh. She's just a child."
Genzo cackled in an old mannish sort of way and told Kyoko's mother, "I'm teaching her about real life."
Earlier, just as Rathbone was about to finish off Baku, he felt the silent vibrations seep deep into his very bones, making his joints ache.
Aside from shrieks he and Baku could hear, the ninja was screeching sounds beyond the human range of hearing!
Humans could only hear sound waves between 20 Hertz (Hz) to 20,000 Hertz. However, sound waves below that threshold could affect any person.
Even if you sit in front of something producing a frequency of 19 Hz or infrasound level, even if you couldn't hear anything you could still feel its vibrations. Like how the deaf could feel sound even if they couldn't hear it necessarily.
At 19 Hz, humans could end up with wonky vision because 19 Hz was the resonant frequency of the human eyeball.
When exposed to 177 dB sound waves at 0.5 to 8 Hz, it can start messing with your lungs. Your breathing could end up erratic as your bones start shaking around.
Short-term exposure to such sounds could damage your joints even. Chronic exposure to them can end up resulting in visual impairment or outright nausea.
However, these effects to infrasound weren't uniform to all people exposed across the board. It'd take constant resonant exposure to the sound to mess with your internal organs, joints, or vision.
Besides which, it wasn't as if Rathbone was sitting still while getting exposed to the supersonic screeches. He dodged and moved around a lot, plus they were making a lot of other noises that covered the infrasound as well.
Baku was using his shrill shrieks for another purpose, its effects being more immediate than making Rathbone's various organs feel "funny" or "off".
There was also the fact that countering and hitting a target was all about having your body memorize a rhythm and timing in order to align your attacks to every last opening the opponent had.
Whether you were an expert marksman with a gun, prizefighter with thudding fists, or a swordsman with a sharp blade, hitting the target involved timing your shot, punch, or slash at the right tempo or rhythm.
If you were off by a hair or an inch, you'd still miss badly.
And this was all thanks to Baku's supersonic or infrasound screeches.
Like a singer who was off-tune, Baku kept hitting the wrong notes even though he was close to the right ones, creating a dissonant if almost accurate tune.
Over and over he kept getting away with it, but John was getting used to the rhythm of the bat. However, he couldn't achieve enough resonance in his counters to match Baku's rhythm, so he was the one who kept missing and getting his advance checked.
Baku's supersonic "singing" wasn't only a method of echolocation that acted like a trip-hammer or landmine on whether Rathbone was feinting or attacking for real.
The bat-man ninja sung a song of the damned that ruined Rathbone's innate abilities to discover and exploit the rhythm of his opponent, solve them like a puzzle, and open them up to counterattacks or ripostes.
It also set up a beat and tempo different but nearly the same as the rhythm of Rathbone's fencing counters. Like a terrible singer messing up a proper singer with his off-key singing.
So on top of having hair-trigger reflexes aided by superhuman senses and echolocation, Baku could also use his supersonic screeching to disrupt Rathbone's counterstriking rhythm.
A two-pronged attack if he'd ever seen one. Like the two-pronged war fork of Zan himself. Or like a classic pincer attack from Ancient Roman military strategy.
'Hmmm. Pincer, eh?' thought Rathbone with a growing smirk on the edges of his unseen mouth.
Satoru scrambled for his saber as soon as he saw the rope spear fly from behind the acrobatic ninja of the Brigands Guild.
He had set his still out-of-breath daughter down on a nearby statue in a sitting position while looking for an appropriate avenue of escape for the both of them as afforded by the appearance of Kinta.
Only for Kai Hidaka to have other ideas.
The ninja's flight-or-fight instincts went into full gear, attacking Kinta for fear of him countering him if he had attacked the Sakaguchis.
Only for him to use that as a distraction to attack the Sakaguchis anyway.
'He's slow,' thought Kai after the lieutenant deflected the rope spear with a sheathed saber, unable to draw his sword on time. 'He's easier to take down compared to the likes of the Kagemusha. He hasn't really changed much after all these years, huh? Still the weak link.'
However, as expected, Kinta leaped forward into action to save Satoru from harm even as Kai whipped his missed rope dart between the eyes in order to redirect it towards Satoru's shoulder instead.
"AAUGGH!" Satoru cried out, which stirred the half-unconscious Kyoko awake.
This was what Kai wanted. When he attacked Kinta in panic, he was the one at risk.
This time around, he forced the surgical-precise Mimawarigumi Battousai to attack him in panic instead.
Under his terms. In a very predicable manner. Open to ripostes of his own.
"You're wide open, Kagemusha!" said Kai as he threw multiple rope darts at Kinta, intending to ensnare him into his web.
Meanwhile, waiting on standby from the side was the "fish-hooked" Satoru, whom Hidaka could always tug towards him to use as a meat shield against Kinta's signature Full Moon Slash or Double Full Moon Slash (also known as the Blue Moon Slash).
To Kai's chagrin, the Mimawarigumi Battousai went above and beyond with his sword slashes.  
Like a lightning strike, his sword flashed and streaked across the air as it got drawn out in supersonic speed.
"Tsuanmi (Tidal Wave)," he murmured his words of malice, the glint of his blade becoming an afterimage of moonlight.
The first slash from the Waxing Stance—a Young Moon Slash—cut apart the first few strands of darts headed towards him before they could hook themselves into the ground on his flesh in order to form an ensnaring net.
The follow-up combo of the Waxing Crescent Moon to Waxing Half Moon (First Quarter) Slash came twice as fast as the first Young Moon Slash. These slashes ripped apart the ropes into confetti.
However, Kai anticipated as much. As expected of the man who went toe-to-toe against Gensai Kawakami of the Ishin Shishi's Four Butchers and lived to tell the tale.
Hidaka had seen this technique before from Kinta's fellow Musou Madden Ryu practitioner, Sho Kojima. He thusly knew how it worked.
The Tsunami was a series of slashes chained together from weakest to strongest that started slowly and went fast in the final few slashes. It worked based on momentum.
Its timing went 1 (pause) 2, 3, then 4567. Like how the turning tides started as a shallow low tide weak only to end up becoming a deep and strong high tide at their apex.
There were several ways to counter this.
The first was to block, evade, or counter the first few slow slashes in order to not fall for the rest of the even faster slashes. If he confirmed the hit, he'd do the rest of the combo.
Like getting out of the beach during the low tide to get to higher ground or far away from shore in order to avoid getting swept up by the waves come high tide.
However, the Mimawarigumi Battousai solved this by gauging the distance and doing the first few slashes on the rope darts before charging forward exactly to where Kai was  and executing the supersonic slashes like a building deluge of high-pressure waves.
Had he acted this urgently back when he faced off against his half-brother, he might have even killed him then and there. Maybe.
The second (more difficult) way to counter the Tsunami was this.
Using a "lifesaver" or boat against the upcoming tides in order to ride the wave.
"GET OVER HERE!" shouted Kai as he pulled and dragged Satoru towards the incoming whirling sea of steel.
Dragging him deep into the waters of Kinta's unstoppable tidal waves of doom.
In response to getting nearly hit to the heart by his rapier, Baku the Bat-Man Ninja sunk into the darkness further, blending into his environment and hiding his presence.
He opted to ambush John Rathbone at blind spots or while unseen, with his cloak helping obscure his figure. Slowly cornering the duelist swordsman until he had no where to hide.
Thusly, Rathbone had trouble with depth perception fighting in the dark with what little moonlight was out there. He couldn't see the walls, floor, or anything, so when Baku backed away from the light, it looked like he merely shrunk.
And whenever he avoided the light altogether, it looked like he got swallowed by the sea of blackness.
So The Faceless decided to adapt a new personality the same way a normal person would discard one set of clothes to another set in order to fit the occasion. It started by taking off his masquerade ball mask and swapping it for a different face mask.
A plain all-white porcelain face mask with no mouth and eye holes. The mask of another swordsman. A Spaniard swordsman, to be exact.
He unsheathed a hidden dagger in his person, dual-wielding an espada y daga (sword and dagger).
"Hola. (Hello). We haven't met yet, but I'm Fabian La Cerca. You are a dishonorable coward. Tonto de culo (Idiot of the ass). Prepare to die."
Baku harrumphed, unimpressed. "So you 'transformed' yourself from one colonizer to another? You're all the same to me, gaijin," said the bat-man ninja before letting out another one of his dissonant screams.
Its vibrations reached La Cerca to his very core like a loud, deafening rumble of thunder after a lightning strike.
They clashed weapons with each other. It was then that Fabian decided to talk. He was more talkative than his Rathbone persona for sure.
"I understand why Japan instituted the Sakoku (Locked Country) policy. You didn't want foreign influence to taint your culture before being colonized. Every neighbor of Japan had been colonized by western powers through religion or trade. Invaded and conquered by the superior civilizations."
As usual, like with Rathbone, La Cerca jabbed his sword and circled around blind spots whenever Baku decided to ambush him with hand-to-hand combat, grappling, throws, or projectile weapons.
Baku's perfect pitch went higher and higher until it seemed like the bat-man had lost his voice. But he actually didn't. The soundless scream vibrated through the air, beyond the scope of human hearing.
"The Tokugawas distanced Japan from the west, thinking them as a destabilizing force. And you know what? They were absolutely right. These colonizers used religious and/or brute force to divide and conquer pieces of east from themselves."
However, Fabian was able to feel the infrasound resonate—or rather, dissonate—into his internal organs. Like tremors from an earthquake or within a carriage going through a bumpy road.
Or an extra loud heartbeat that pulsed all over his veins, from the center of his body all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes.
"Spain got Mexico and the Philippines. Britain got Hong Kong and India while also humiliating China. Even a young country like the United States of America was able to humiliate the Tokugawas, making them lose face and instigating the Bakumatsu (End of the Shogunate)."
Baku intensified his attacks, covering his shuriken or kunai throws with his cape or his sleight of hand to make their trajectory less visible or predictable. The ninja also attacked from behind, forcing La Cerca to turn and pivot in order to delay his reactions.
"…Japan's justified fear of foreigners and all things foreign led to the persecution of Christians and the country under lock down, but this also resulted in your nation becoming weak and backwards while the rest of the world progressed."
Baku couldn't believe it. Even in the cover of darkness, this La Cerca version of The Faceless kept catching his ambushes. Like he could see in the darkness himself.
What changed from before? The effects of his infrasound shouts to Fabian's ear should still leave him disoriented and out-of-sync with his counters. How was he able to do counters now?
"In the world stage, Japan has been humiliated by the United States of America and Britain. You've been exposed as a backwards country with primitive technology. Japan could not defeat the U.S.A. Isolation has left you frozen in time."
The Faceless's joints had started to ache from all his exposure to the bat-man's infrasound screams, but Fabian kept pushing forward regardless. His pseudo-arthritis be damned.
Baku then realized something.
The infrasound screaming disrupted Fabian's rhythm and tempo. However, the dissonance was only slight and he merely missed by mere inches or millimeters. Sometimes by a hairbreadth or by a fraction of a millisecond.
Now that Fabian was dual-wielding two weapons, could use the first strike from his lead hand to gauge the distance and the second strike to his rear hand to make up for the miss.
Also, was La Cerca talking all this propaganda garbage in order to disrupt Baku's infrasound screams that kept messing the rhythm of his counters? Also, did he have echolocation abilities himself?
Or maybe he gauged when Baku was near by the growing effects of his infrasound screams were on him, notifying him of when to attack!
How dare he use his own screams against him! He was a clever bastard, that Faceless person. Just like Zan.
"However, resistance is futile. Thanks to the black ships of Commodore Matthew Perry, your country has opened up to reality. Ninjas and samurais are relics of the past. The bygone age of just 20 years ago now feels like it was 100 years ago, wasn't it?"
Baku's pivoting, camouflage, and ambush tactics paired with his sonar echolocation paid dividends, with him delaying La Cerca's reactions enough to occasionally hit him with punches, kicks, projectiles, or stabs with his hooked gauntlets.  
Fabian La Cerca answered by dancing around Baku in circles, chaining his attacks together, and reacting faster and faster, stabbing in the darkness and getting almost hits more and more.
A stab to the thigh later and Baku understood what had changed in The Faceless.
His Fabian personality was hitting his counters now despite being out-of-rhythm because every time his rapier missed, his dagger on his other hand allowed him to fill in the gaps where he'd otherwise be open.
His rapier indeed served as his range finder to hit his target despite being a second out of beat.
"Don't you get it? The existence of the Meiji Era is proof that the West won. You are now a colony of Western Superpowers," said Fabian. "You played chicken with the West and blinked. Now you're our bitch."
An attempt to pierce a cornered Baku's eye with his rapier that missed ended up becoming a dagger slash to the belly. However, the ninja had one more trick up his sleeve.
Baku the Bat-Man flew. Or rather, he jumped and glided in the air, with his cape serving as both his wings and his parachute. The ninja couldn't get cornered.
"How about that? All your posturing is for nothing, outsider. You can't even hit me now."
This only made La Cerca chuckle.
"You think just because you can tell when I'm attacking, you can counter me? Or fly away? Fine. I'll do you one better. I'll tell you exactly what I'm about to do so you can stop me better. I dare you to stop me."
"Just shut up and fight! You talk too much, you foolish gaijin!" spat Baku, who sunk into the darkness once more in order to hide his presence and attack at a blind spot.
Fabian then said, "I'm going to corner you, which will make you fly. I'll then stab you while you're in midair, unable to dodge."
And then he did just that.
La Cerca predicted the ninja would feint attacking from behind, only to fly above his head and swoop down as he turned around, stabbing him at the back regardless.
He figured that the ninja would do something as tricky as set up an obvious pattern to counter as bait for him.
Regardless, Fabian feinted falling for the feint and instead stabbed Baku as he flew. Just like he said.
"Now I'll fight you without the rapier. Just the dagger," boasted La Cerca. "I'm saving the dagger for a worthy challenger. Like that other ninja, Zan."
"DIIIIIIE!" cried the bleeding, desperate flying bat-man ninja, his gauntlets at the ready to block the dagger stabs, only for him to get run through with the rapier.
"Sorry, I lied," said the cheeky Fabian, driving the flabbergasted ninja out of the office entrance and into the exterior compound where Yahiko Myojin, Tatsuya Minakata, and Kaita were.
"This is Manifest Destiny. Bow down to your superiors, small fry! I am the Western Superpower!"
To Be Continued...
Remember the Sanada Demons? Yeah, me neither. Still, I'm going to attempt to squeeze out the best parts out of these infamous filler episode villains the same way I incorporated Shogo Amakusa as a major character in this fanfic.
That sounds on-brand for Rurouni Yahiko.
The trash talking of La Cerca is done as homage to the trash talking of Larry Bird, particularly when he told his opponents what he was going to do before doing it.
Danke, Abdiel
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