#you offer treat of value dog comes and is rewarded with good things
darkwood-sleddog · 5 months
Teaching recall…through hypnosis. Balanced trainers really will do anything other than offer treats as a payment huh.
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Is wheat bread safe for dogs? Bread should not be fed in huge quantities to dogs, and bread should not be the sole source of nutrition. A small slice of wholemeal bread, on the other hand, is acceptable and will not harm a dog. Many dogs prefer bread above any other reward.   If your dog has eaten bread and is acting strangely, call your veterinarian right away. Bread is something that most dogs, regardless of size, immediately develop an interest in. It usually begins as table scraps or as a one-time treat during training sessions.   can dog eat wheat bread - When masters and mistresses bake fresh bread in the kitchen, dogs are often the first to arrive. Bread's pleasant and tasty aroma draws not only humans but also our trusty four-legged companion. Dogs enjoy eating bread. Can a dog die from eating too much bread? While most breads are healthy for dogs, others can make them extremely sick or even kill them. If bread contains substances that are toxic to dogs, it is harmful. Wismer advises against eating sultana bread because, like grapes, sultanas can induce kidney failure in dogs.   Working animals like dogs were given baked items made from barley, spelt, and wheat even in ancient times. The dish was typically steeped in whey or served with bone broth and milk. In this way, the richness of the modest lunch was improved for the faithful companions, in addition to the taste. But, should dogs be given bread, or is it hazardous for them to consume carbs in such large quantities as those found in bread? Can bread make dogs sick? Dogs are usually fine with regular, simple bread. Bread rarely causes stomach distress in dogs unless they have a gluten or wheat sensitivity or have consumed excessive amounts. Bread is high in carbohydrates, which gives your dog an energy boost, but it is also a highly processed food. When it comes to bread, how much is too much for a dog? Bread, whether white or brown, is generally safe for dogs. However, bread is high in sugar and calories, which can lead your dog to gain weight and negatively impact their health. As a result, you should only offer your dog a small amount of bread as a treat. Is it possible for a dog to eat a loaf of bread? Bread is safe for dogs to eat in moderation, just like it is for humans. Plain white and wheat bread is generally safe for dogs, assuming they don't have any allergies, and it rarely causes stomach distress.   Is cheese harmful to dogs? Although feeding cheese to your dog is harmless, there are a few things to keep in mind. Cheese is high in fat, and if your dog eats too much of it on a daily basis, it can lead to weight gain and obesity. Even worse, it could cause pancreatitis in dogs, a dangerous and sometimes fatal condition. Is ibuprofen fatal to dogs? Ibuprofen is one of the worst offenders when it comes to the negative effects of this class of medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs and cats. In dogs and cats, ibuprofen causes renal failure. A single strong dose is sufficient. Is bread good for a dog's stomach? Choose a light diet instead of bread to soothe your puppy's stomach. For gastrointestinal disorders, the Merck Veterinary Manual suggests feeding a mixture of cooked white rice and cooked skinless chicken or low-fat cottage cheese, rather than high-carbohydrate, sweet white bread, which can promote flatulence. What effect does bread have on dogs? Bread is not suitable for dogs. It is devoid of nutritious value for them and is high in carbs. Giving your dog too much bread can result in weight gain. Furthermore, if your dog is fed a complete and balanced diet of high-quality dog food, it should obtain all of the nutrients it requires. What should a dog with diarrhoea eat? White rice, cottage cheese, yoghurt, cooked macaroni, or oats are mild, readily digestible foods, as are protein-rich foods like eggs or skinless chicken. Keep your dog on this diet until his symptoms subside and his routine
returns to normal. Is it acceptable to toast dogs? Toast is unlikely to damage your dog if consumed in moderation. Some pets, on the other hand, have wheat allergies or sensitivity to grains and do well on a grain-free diet. Toast is not the ideal food for your pet because it is low in nutrients. Are dogs allowed to eat scrambled eggs? Raw or uncooked eggs should never be fed to dogs. While some foods lose minerals when cooked, eggs' protein does not. Cooking them makes them much more digestible. Whether boiling, scrambled, or sunny side up, boiled is the greatest option for your dog.   Is it safe for dogs to eat peanut butter? Peanut butter is generally safe for dogs, and when consumed in moderation, it can be a good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins B and E, and niacin.   Owners should never feed their pets sourdough or yeast-based baked foods. Yeast and sourdough can cause stomach swelling in animals. In the worst-case scenario, if the ingredients inflate too much, the pet may die. As a result, pet owners should check the ingredients on bread and rolls packages or inquire with the baker. There is no fresh bread for dogs According to the devoted buddy, fresh bread smells delicious and should absolutely be on the menu. Unfortunately, fresh bread has a harmful impact on the health of dogs.   Fresh bread, like sour and yeast dough pasta, causes stomach bloating. This encourages the animal's body to produce gases. The gases frequently cause the dog pain and nausea. There have even been reports of gastritis after eating fresh bread in some cases. As a result, feeding fresh pasta to a family member may result in death. As a result, never give your four-legged buddy fresh bakery products (even as a treat). Make homemade dog bread It can be difficult to identify all of the ingredients in store-bought bread, or they may be incompatible. As a result, making the delectable food for your pet yourself may make sense.   To make dog bread, only a few items are required. You may make a crunchy and nutritious dog bread with the following ingredients, for example:   Liver  Egg  Wholemeal Flour   Bananas and herbs are also used in some baked items. This imparts a new flavour to the bread, making it even more appealing to the four-legged buddy. In addition, the loving dog receives additional essential nutrients, which help to strengthen and energise its body.
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And oh hey, on the topic of prison (and/or asylum) AU.... Was sitting here thinking about them (big shock) and what sort of thing might occur from MC bringing the lads a small gift of some kind. No doubt nothing 'big' - certainly not dangerous contraband - but I could totally see that after getting to know them for so long, there's a day where they mention missing some aspect of life that's just... easy to take for granted. Innocuous - maybe seeing something bloom in spring, or the taste of a small snack, or the feel of a favorite fabric, or some other tiny comfort.... that may be easy to hold/hide/appreciate without seemingly 'greater' consequence 👀 What sort of thing do you think the guys might miss/how it'd come up, and how might MC end up deciding to do a little something to just... make their lives a little brighter/reward how good they've been* (for MC)? ........ and how would the guys react~? (*note: actual good behavior notwithstanding lmao)
Poor nurse, she’s not really able to express much kindness in her job. She can’t get too cosy with convicted inmates. But, after a while, getting as comfortable as one can be with their personalities and routines... she might try and show a little warmth outside of her professional parameters. Stars know they need it.
Sans: Getting Sans a gift is an utter cakewalk. He’s a well-behaved and high value inmate, he’s already allowed various small luxuries on account of his low HP and friendly disposition with the guards. His ‘searches’ are usually just him being patted down, making a bad joke, then getting sent on his way. Passing something to him is a walk in the park. She often lends him books he can’t find in the prison library.
The thing about Sans is there’s not much he wants that he can’t immediately get- aside from Mc, of course. He’s already got enough guards under his sway to get anything he wants within reason... decorations, food and nice bedding, even a radio. But he doesn’t care what they give him, anything she gives him is what will become his most treasured possession; the books she lends get treated like holy scriptures. One time, she lent him something from her own home, and she didn’t realise there was still a bookmark in there... he kept it.
Honestly? He feels like the amount of time she spends talking to him is a gift. That’s the thing that he appreciates, that comforts him... that he really can’t get enough of. 
Red: A gift for Red will be much more difficult. He’s a problem inmate, and a focal point of gang activity and smuggling, he’s regularly searched and has most everything confiscated- even if it seems harmless. Unless it’s his clothes or prison-sanctioned books, it’s getting thrown out. It’d also take Mc a long time to get gifts for Red; she doesn’t want to do anything that he might see as flirting or preferential treatment. His ego is big enough already.
... But after a while... an offhanded comment about how much he misses being able to eat nice food, like a good fresh burger, hits surprisingly close to home to her. Mc buys a takeout burger on her way to work, hides it in with her usual lunch, and offers it to him when they’re alone together for his checkup. After that, it becomes a semi-regular thing... she’ll sneak in food for him, things like cookies, sandwiches, hot dogs, little cafe cakes- she’s surprised how tame the food items he misses are. She thought someone who used to be a bigshot gangster would want expensive shit... but its the basics that he really misses.
He keeps promising her that once he’s out, he’ll take her somewhere real fancy for a proper meal. She doesn’t realise how serious he is.
Skull: He’d be the most difficult skeleton to get a gift for. He’s under 24/7 watch in a totally bare room, after all, and any objects left in there with him will be discovered and removed. He’s not much of a talker, and it’s kinda hard for her to ask him if he wants anything because his usual answer is just a lovestruck “stay.”
So... she puts all of her gifts under the guise of experiments with the aim of making him calmer. She tries to get a variety of items approved for his room- photos/art (denied; could remind prisoner of pre-incarceration and induce rage), snacks (denied; could grant prisoner strength), pillows (denied; could be used to smother), soft blankets (denied; could be tied and fashioned into a weapon). Even a potted plant is denied.
Finally, after weeks of putting in requests, she gets permission to bring him a small stuffed animal. He treasures it...not only is it a gift from the love of his life, it’s a physical reminder that she’s real and will come back. Reality can slip, when you’re trapped in the same featureless room for hours on end... he often questions his unreliable sanity and memory. An object he can see, touch, smell- it’s a vital mental anchor.
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Beginner’s housing for a pet pigeon
We can go into the complexities involved in housing multiple pigeons at a later time.
Right now, we’re going to focus primarily on setting up for a single bird who is intended to be a companion animal.
The biggest problem you are going to run into is that the housing commercially available for birds is designed either to display a finch or a parrot.
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Finch cages make excellent hospital cages for pigeons, but that is their only useful application.
A Hospital cage needs to be small to discourage the bird from moving around too much and doing anything other than eating and drinking, so that their recovery, be that from disease or injury, can progress with as few delays as possible.
A healthy bird cannot tolerate this degree of confinement for long.
Parrot cages are huge and expensive, but too narrow for a pigeon to be physically able to use.
The bare minimum requirements for any cage a pigeon will be housed in for more than an hour a day is that it be two inches wider than the full wingspan of the bird at the narrowest point, to allow their wings at least an inch of clearance on either side.
They are cliff nesters that don’t roost on branches. Round perches hurt their feet, so they need either flat platforms or square perches.
Pigeons cannot climb the way parrots can. They can only walk or fly, and they cannot comfortably fly if their wings will clip into things like hanging toys or ramps.
So they tend to prefer their enclosure be as uncluttered as possible.
Socialization is best done outside the enclosure, so that’s where most of the toys should be.
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Dog kennels set up like this one above are kinder to both the pigeons and the wallets of their care taker than pretty much any indoor bird cage available.
A Labrador sized (usually marketed as a “Large”) kennel will fit bird about homer sized and smaller.
Larger breeds or breeds with longer flight and tail feathers will need a larger size as a base line.
These are very simple to modify.
The nest box is a bunny/ferret corner litter box, about $8-10 at most pet shops. Easy to clean and comfortable.
The perch is a garden stake cut to length, about $5 from the garden center at Walmart or a hardware store like Lowes or home Depot.
Honestly, if I had this to do over, the birds would get a wider, shallower food dish.
Pigeons are ground foragers. It’s easier for them to eat comfortably from a shallow dish than a deep one.
The water dish can be as deep as the pigeon can reach the bottom of.
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This is the upper level of a ferret nation Double modified for my first breeding pair of Lucerne waaaay back before my loft was built, when I had a grand total of four breeding pair of pigeons and 16 pairs of Ringneck doves.
This one also has a garden steak cut to fit as a perch.
Their nest box is a large dog bowl full of timothy hay.
Notice that this enclosure has a single hanging bell toy exactly at standing head height for the birds, well out of the way of their wings.
This probably looks unbearably spartan, especially if you come form a parrot back ground.
Remember that pigeons cannot climb and will not fly in a space where their wings may bump into clutter.
The cage for an indoor pet pigeon should serve the same function as the kennel does for an indoor dog:
That is NOT where the dog lives!
At most, it’s where they sleep at night, and where a puppy stays when they can’t be supervised until they’ve learned the house rules.
Pigeons are absolutely smart enough to learn house rules just like a dog or cat.
And pet pigeons are happiest when they have the freedom of motion to exercise, play, and interact with their human flock mates at will.
While they can free fly an entire house, a single bedroom is enough space for most breeds to move around happily.
Pigeon proofing is pretty simple.
They aren’t capable of chewing like parrots, so no need to worry about your electrical chords being damaged and your bird giving them self a nasty shock.
They can’t damage wood or drywall or fabric by chewing.
Pigeons don’t eat plants, but do like the feel of ripping them and will use strips of leaves as nest bedding, so house plants may need to be protected by glass covers.
Things displayed on shelves in the room or rooms the pigeon will have access to need to be heavy enough or well enough wedged in that the bird can’t pull them down if they land awkwardly on them or push them off if they bump into or try to squeeze past them.
Papers need to be stored where they won’t be scattered by the wind that their powerful wings kick up in flight.
Any crevices too high or awkward for you to easily clean need to be blocked some how.
Poop is simple.
The poop of a well fed, healthy pigeon with a good diet should be round and solid enough that it can be easily picked up with a square of toilet paper or a tissue when wet or vacuumed up when dry.
Once you know your bird’s favorite perches, you can make clean up even easier on yourself by laying down puppy pads under them that you can just change out as often as needed.
Once a pigeon has mastered the house rules, you can do away with the cage entirely.
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This is the feeding station we set up for Ankhou and Bird-bird.
On the little feed tray for cats were the feeder and waterer with oystershell offered free choice from a dish between them.
Pigeons are one of the very few animals that recognize their reflection in the mirror as a a reflected view of themselves, instead of another bird.
Most like to practice dancing, strutting, their sweeping charge, and bow-cooing in front of mirrors, so those are excellent enrichment for them.
Being cliff nesters, bricks are simply the most comfortable thing for a pigeon to stand on.
Strutting back and forth on the rough surface in front of a mirror will help them keep their claws blunted.
The bricks are holding down a crinkle sack for cats, laid out flat. 
Pigeons love noise stims. Particularly crinkly, jingly, or chiming.
The noise it made made dancing in front of the mirror extra fun on the crinkle mat.
The dead keyboard serves a similar function.
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This beans box from Walmart full of straw served as Bird-Bird’s nest box.
She laid eggs fairly regularly, and slept in there most of the time.
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Ankhou was a man of simple tastes. 
This baby doll blanket on the nightstand at my bedside was where he slept at night.
Social bird was social and wanted to be as close as possible to us at all times and involved somehow in everything we did.
Pigeons like to take baths, and our free flying pet liked to be offered the opportunity to take one when we showered, but did not like to actually be in the shower with us.
So we got him a little pyrex casserole dish about as long as he was that stayed on the side of the bathtub and made a habit of filling it for him before we got into the shower.
Anhkou didn’t care much for forage pans or puzzle toys, but many pigeons do and they are very simple to make.
A pan or tray with a few fists full of straw, paper strips, sand, or a mix of all three with a high value treat like Safflower seeds sprinkled in to find mimics the way rock doves would forage for seed in the wild.
Puzzle feeders for pigeons are as simple to make as crumpling a sheet of paper with a few high value seeds inside.
Pigeons love crinkly sounds and tugging on the crumpled paper or blowing it around by flapping at it will reward them with a few spilled seeds and a fun noise.
The little wicker balls for kitties with a jingle bell inside complete the holy trinity of stick-texture, shiny, and jingly, and many pigeons love to kick, peck, and toss them.
They like to pick up and shake and toss bread ties with a small jingle bell fastened to the end.
Bird-Bird’s favorite toy was the bell intended to go on a kittens collar. 
She liked to strut around with it holding it by the loop by which it was supposed to fasten and very softly jingling it.
Q-tips with the cotton tips removed and toothpicks with blunted or clipped ends are basically pigeon Legos.
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Miniature wind chimes like this little angel and her harp are fun auditory stims too.
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If you can swing it (ha!), pigeons enjoy swings, as long as the perch is flat.
Experiment with your birds and see what kind of enrichment they enjoy. ^v^
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actualbird · 4 years
nobody asked but pat gill is so fucking hot to me and im going to tell you why im attracted to him | a 2.3k word long post where i hold you, dear reader, hostage
[SCENE: You, the reader, are tied to a wooden chair in an empty room with nothing but a small table and a projector. You pull at the ropes that tie your hands together behind your back, but then the door opens and I stroll in. I am dressed in a full black suit and am also wearing shutter shades. I am also holding a powerpoint clicker. The fancy ones with a laser pointer in them. You shudder in contempt for you know that you are about to witness a horrible lecture.]
Hello, reader. I know you know why I’ve brought you here. I’m here to discuss something very important to you. Don’t look at me like that, it is important, I swear. I am here to tell you why I find Pat Gill hot.
[I switch on the projector. My presentation slides flash to life on the wall. Behind your back, you locate the feel around the knots tying your hands.]
This is not a presentation where I will convince you that Pat Gill is hot. No, I wouldn’t prescribe my tastes onto anybody, that’s not nice. What I will do is explain in horrid, vivid detail why I myself find Pat Gill hot. 
Like everything I do, I cannot dive in without first setting up some kind of framework or system of analysis. What I am trying to explain is how I find another person attractive, and that has thus pushed me to make the AHG Criteria, a criteria made up of the three principal characteristics of a human which makes me attracted to them and is also, coincidentally, the sound I make when I see images of Pat Gill. 
The AHG Criteria refers to the following:
Appearance: the most shallow but noticeable of characteristics. Here, I will explain just what it is about Pat Gill’s perceivable flesh prison that gets me so upset in an attracted manner.
Humor: I love a funny human and humor theory is one of my side interests. Here, I will dissect two specific instances of Pat Gill’s humor, bringing in references and related literature, in an effort to explain why his sense of humor is stellar.
Good at presenting things: I am very attracted to competence, but one skill I hold in very high regard is the skill of explaining and conveying information. Here, I will analyse Pat Gill as a communicator.
So let’s jump right into it. 
Pat Gill’s Appearance is, frankly, an anomaly to me. This is not to say that anything about his appearance is strange, but that, quite honestly, as handsome as he is, he’s basic. He is white, he is tall, he is thin, he has black hair and a slight beard (though currently he is sporting more of a moustache, which I’m still into). At first glance, one wouldn’t pay him much attention. I sure didn’t, until I watched more and more videos of him. I sure didn’t, until I realized.
His Appearance is basic, but his vibes, which I am including in the criteria of Appearance, bring his Appearance to life. Pat Gill looks a little unapproachable, with his resting sad face; but, when he smiles, he is so shameless and happy. Pat Gill looks like somebody you’d see leaning on a wall outside a bar, looking up at the sky, and you wonder just what he’s thinking about---wonder if you could get lost in his thoughts. Pat Gill looks like somebody friendly--- once his resting sad face gives way---somebody who would help you pick up your stuff when you bump into him and the contents of your bag spill out. Pat Gill looks like somebody who would use his goddamn turn signal. Pat Gill looks like somebody who would pet many dogs, as many dogs as he physically could. Pat Gill looks---
[As I prattle on, your fingers explore the knots behind your back. In your mind, you are mapping out the knot’s shape and orientation, thinking about how to undo them. When you tune back into my voice, the slide on the projector has changed and I have shifted topics.]
Let’s move onto the next criteria. Humor.
Paul McGhee in his book Humor: Its Origins and Development brings up Göran Nerhardt to define humor as “[...] a consequence of the discrepancy between two mental representations, one of which is an expectation and the other is some idea or percept” (McGhee 14). Nerhardt’s definition of humor is one that relies on incongruity: wherein there is an element that is not in accordance with the other elements. An incongruous element is one that is not the expectation, and in this subversion of expectation, humor is achieved. What is funny in a humorous situation, is then, what is unexpected to a certain degree. Humor, and the reaction to it, is due to the recognition of the incongruous. 
Despite this incongruity, there is still an internal logic to anything humorous. This internal logic is different for each humorous situation, and consists of everything within the situation; the set-up, punchline, characters, etc. It is this internal logic that allows for jokes to “make sense.” It is that internal logic that helps us get from one element to the incongruous element, realize their relationship, and thus find the whole thing funny.
Incongruity and internal logic are one of the many characteristics of humor, and they are the ones I will be focusing on. With those definitions in place, let’s talk about what you’re here for: Pat Gill.
Pat Gill is a funny guy. If I tried to analyse every single instance he was funny, I would never shut up. You wouldn’t want that, would you?
[You shake your head no. God, no.]
Right, so I’ll just be focusing on two instances of his humor that stuck out to me (originally, I wanted to discuss three, but then I saw that the length of this post was getting kilometric, so I cut it down to the essentials), these of which I think is a good marker for the kind of sense of humor he has.
The first one is my absolute favorite tweet of his:
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This tweet is, at first glance, a lot. Pat Gill doesn’t wait for the punchline to be incongruous, he throws incongruity straight at our faces with the opening line, and one may think that that’s a bad move. Not necessarily. It’s just a ballsy one. It’s a move that doesn’t spoonfeed the audience with the internal logic, you have to work for it. As you read through the tweet, the internal logic starts to come through the incongruity. The literal dramatic situation of the tweet is a persona talking about the good state their nemesis is in. The language of the tweet keys us in to the kind of Medieval vibe, like a scheming duke in the hallways of a castle. The punchline comes after the last comma. The monolog of the nemesis’ good fortune will be interrupted by the persona’s attack on their life.
This tweet is an example of the bedrock of many of his jokes. He doesn’t give a damn if he makes sense or not. He will throw you into the deep end of the joke and it is up to you to tread the water. However, if you do manage to keep afloat, his internal logic will bring you to the punchline and, thus, satisfaction.
[Your fingers have been working on the knots steadily as I speak. You try your best not to react as you start to feel something give way, and you keep working quietly.]
The second instance of humor I want to discuss is the Solid Snake Skincare Routine dialog he wrote and performed with Brian in episode 8 of Gill and Gilbert. The full transcript is as follows:
Pat (as Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid): Colonel, how do I know which moisturizer to buy, and how do I know it’ll match my skin type?
Brian (as Colonel from Metal Gear Solid): Unfortunately Snake, there’s no way to tell for sure. Certain retailers will offer samples, but in most cases, it’s up to you to purchase a product and try it out.
Pat: Sounds expensive.
Brian: It is, Snake. And the cost disproportionately affects women.
Pat: Women?
Brian: Societal norms in the west dictate that a woman’s value is tied to their appearance, and the thing every woman has…
Pat: Skin!
Brian: Right.
Pat: So, we expect women to attain a higher---So, we expect women---women, to attain perfect skin, and we also expect them to pay for it?
Brian: All while paying them less for doing the same jobs as men.
Pat: So Colonel, that means…
Brian: Yes, Snake. It is imperative that you give your money to women.
Pat: Right.
Like the tweet discussed before, Pat Gill shoves incongruity in your face immediately. Solid Snake, super cool spy dude (?? I don’t fuckin know anything about video games) talking about skincare. He expects you to keep up, and if you do, you are rewarded by a surreal yet lovely conversation between Snake and Colonel talking about the intricacies of skincare, but then things get really interesting. The topic shifts to the societal expectations of beauty and how it ties into womens’ experiences. This isn’t a grand woke moment or anything, but it is a surprising shift in subject that is perfectly in tune with the internal logic of the conversation. The punchline is amazing, giving all your money to women, yet it is also written in a way that does not imply that women are the butt of the joke. The butt of the joke here is the surreal vibe of the conversation as a whole.
This dialog builds upon the bedrock of Pat Gill’s humor: he isn’t afraid to go places. This is something that is apparent in many of the Unraveleds that he writes (Dark Souls Bosses is a very good example), he brings in real issues, makes the jokes funny, but never treats the marginalized or the victims of these issues as the butt of the joke. In Susan Purdie’s book The Mastery of Discourse, she remarks that to joke about a certain topic, to make something the “butt of the joke” can degrade this topic and bring it down lower, in the process shifting the power to the joker instead (Purdie 59). Pat Gill is aware of that power dynamic and never jokes at the expense of those who are struggling. He instead makes us laugh at characters, at situations, at surreality.
[The knots tying your hands are almost undone. You just need to bide your time. You’re so close to escaping from this thirsty pseudo intellectual motherfucker]
The last criteria I need to discuss with you is GreatAtPresentingThings. 
Pat Gill has done a lot of presenting. For this, I will be analyzing just one of the many videos where Pat Presents Things, my favorite among his “X is Y because of Z” videos, “Why Bloodborne and Muppets are the exact same thing.”
I’ve talked about this video in a previous long post analysis about Pat Gill, but let me talk about it again. Pat Gill, on camera, brings up an absolutely bonkers fucking thesis: that the horrible monsters in Bloodborne are similar to the Muppets because of how they use character design. 
Pat Gill, as a presenter, is very lovely to listen to. The cadence of his voice is not only extremely relaxing and makes me feel like a tranquilized zoo animal that Pat is talking to very gently about video games, but his voice is also very easy to follow. There are many voices on the internet, and I have a bunch of sensory issues, so a lot of the time, even when I want to listen to somebody, I just can’t because of how their voice grates at my ears. Pat Gill’s voice is not that. It is of a good speed and good vibe that not only puts me at ease but makes me want to listen.
Pat Gill uses gestures. This is most apparent in this video, where he does that cute thing when he says Shape, Movement, and Texture. Here are screenshots of it because it’s so fucking cute, what the fuck.
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I know, I know, what do gestures have to do with presenting things? Well, if you told me “shape, movement, texture”, six minutes later, I wouldn’t fucking remember any of those. But with these gestures, those words do stick. When words stick, the explanations behind those words stick as well. When words and explanations stick in your mind, congratulations dude, you just learned something! Pat Gill when talking, and whether it is scripted like this or unintentional like a random gesticulation, the movement catches my attention and I become a more rapt listener.
Honestly, I could go on and on about Pat as a communicator and---
[Before I can speak, you bolt upwards from your chair, finally having gotten the ropes loose. Quickly, powerfully, you grab the projector from the table and smash it over my head. I stumble and fall to the ground, and you look down at me as your chest heaves.
As I slowly lose consciousness, you hear me say, softly, but with so much fervor:
Thanks for reading! 
(Read my other unhinged analysis essays at actualbird.tumblr.com/tagged/nobody-asked-but. If you have a suggestion for an unhinged analysis essay I can write, send me an ask!)
McGhee, Paul E. Humor: Its Origin and Development, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1979, pp. 1-41.
Purdie, Susan. The Mastery of Discourse. Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1993.
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outputcat9 · 3 years
Choosing the Right Pet Supplies For Your Animal Friend
Closely watching the health care trends of the day, Pet Supplies announced today that it would acquire another forty previously closed Pet Valu sites across Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia by the end of January... The acquisition follows the announcement last month by Pet Supply Monthly that it was reducing the number of stores it had in the U.S.. In addition to closing locations in California and Nevada, it now has locations in North Carolina, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. The closings come as Pet Supply Monthly reported in January that same store sales were falling for the first time since 1996. Pet supply retailers have been reporting a tough time in competing with online and discount pet retailers for the business in today's consumer-driven economy. It's important to remember, though, that many consumers shop at multiple outlets and are shopping "between" stores today due to the difficulty in locating specific brands and types of supplies they need. For this reason, it is highly important to focus on choosing your pet supplies based on what you'll need - not on price. You can get the best value for your dollar and increase your family's level of loyalty by taking the time to shop around and make sure you're getting the best deal. In addition, by offering great deals, Pet Supply Stores allow you to increase your profit margin by not having to pay the hefty mark-ups on name brand products. When considering purchasing your animal treats from a Pet Store, there are several items to consider. Among the most important are making sure that the Pet Supplies you purchase are formulated for your particular pet's size and breed. Also, make sure that they are safe for your animals and that they are a good match for your lifestyle. Finally, ask yourself whether or not the Pet Supplies will be a good fit for your budget.
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For example, dog collars and leashes are often too large for small breeds and too short for long-haired breeds. This can pose a safety risk for your animals as well as create additional challenges when it comes to training. On the other hand, large pet collars are often too long for even medium-sized dogs and too short for long-haired cats. Consider purchasing a collar that will be right for your pet and help create an easier time training while maintaining a stylish appearance. Along with dog collars and leashes, there are several other items that you should consider purchasing for your animals. Remember, your animals are your family and you want to provide them with the best in care and quality pet products. Keep in mind that you may have more than one type of pet (cat, dog, rabbit, etc.) and you may need to carry multiple treats with you if you plan to take several animals with you on vacation or if you plan to adopt multiple animals. Additionally, you will want to make sure you have quality pet supplies for your animal friend's bedding. The ideal bedding is one that is fluffy but dry and easily washable. In order to ensure that you have a great bonding experience with your animal friend, make sure that your animal bedding is attractive and fun, and you will reward your animal friend with plenty of cuddles. pet supplies distributors canada In addition to dog and cat collars and other pet accessories, you will also need food and water dishes for your new pet. You can find food and water dishes at most pet stores, but make sure to choose durable, stain-resistant dishes that will keep your pets healthy and happy. When it comes to toys for your dog or cat, it is best to choose those that are safe for them to chew on and that will prevent them from biting or scratching things. If you have any questions regarding the toys you buy for your dog or cat, ask a pet store employee. Finally, making sure you have the right pet supplies for your animal friend is highly important to ensuring a wonderful, secure and long life together. Your animal friend will thank you for choosing the right pet supplies for them, and you will be providing them with quality care and companionship that they will enjoy for many years. So be sure to start your search for the perfect supplies today, and you will be amazed at how easy it is to find everything your animal friend needs! Good luck, and happy shopping!
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songofclarity · 4 years
I pity Xue Yang don't get me wrong I think he absolutely earned his ending, but he was a teenager (at least in the novel). A child that had not finished growing mentally when he committed his first crime and it's possible with the right kind of support he could have seen the error of what he did and came back from it but that's wishful thinking. He met the Jin clan who turned him into their personal killing machine, a text book psychopath. What a short pitiful life.
Hello, Anon! Since I wasn’t sure what inspired this ask, I've been mulling over it for awhile, because Xue Yang! Gotta admit, I enjoy him immensely as an antagonist even though I have a tangle of feelings and thoughts about him. So I’m going to try to iron some of them out since you brought him up!
Short version is I agree with you! Which makes me want to tread through why it is true. (And it’s a long tread so fair warning for under the cut!)
Because it was indeed a short, pitiful life. But then, he was perhaps the most pitiful character in the series. I'm hesitant to write any characters off as psychopaths, however, since this is fiction and that undermines his experiences and choices and the story he is meant to help tell.
Xue Yang was an an orphan growing up on the street. No parents, no money, no goals in life, no purpose in life. Already a very depressing start made worse by how incredibly self-aware Xue Yang is of his situation when he tells his story. Considering Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Xue Yang isn’t looking any higher than the floor.
And then he was seven years old when he was used and abused by adults in positions of power. No one came to save him like Jiang FengMian did Wei WuXian. He has no one like Meng Shi who wanted nice things for him or a woman like SiSi who looked out for him like they did for Jin GuangYao. Xue Yang had only himself, so it makes sense that he grew up to only care about and understand himself--and by the time he makes a “home” with Xiao XingChen and A-Qing, he’s too far gone to mend his ways without serious intervention.
An intervention, absolution, or redemption might all indeed be wishful thinking, if only because that is a work of labor and love. Either someone needs to find value in Xue Yang as a person worth redeeming or Xue Yang needs to find a sense of security and self-confidence in himself that precludes the need to do murder from some point onward. Xue Yang has been ruined and ruined himself to such a degree that surely any attempt to “save” him would come across as an insult, would make him feel inferior, and might just make him more aggressive.
Sadly, even though he did very horrible things, monstrous things, the tragedy is that he was encouraged and empowered and effectively trained to do them. Before he was picked up by the Lanling Jin Sect, he was just an angry delinquent. He bullied street vendors, destroyed property, made a name for himself with general violence, but there is no hint or insinuation that he killed people yet. That happened later. That happened after he met Jin GuangYao. And we know Xue Yang wasn’t thought irredeemable when he first joined the Jin because of Nie MingJue:
Nie MingJue frowned, “Xue Yang of Kuizhou?”
Jin GuangYao nodded. Xue Yang had been infamous ever since he was young. Wei WuXian clearly felt Nie MingJue’s brows knit even tighter. He spoke, “Why are you wasting your time with such a person?”
Jin GuangYao, “The LanlingJin Sect recruited him.”
He didn’t dare to protest any further. Excuse being that he needed to care for the guests, he scurried to the other side. Nie MingJue shook his head and turned around.
(Ch. 49, Exiled Rebel Scanlations)
Nie MingJue lets it drop. Nie MingJue is ready to see Xue Yang executed on the spot when his mass murder crimes come out, but not now. Xue Yang is a concern, but so was Jin GuangYao. Nie MingJue is trying to big-brother Jin GuangYao into following the right path, so if the Jin recruited Xue Yang, maybe he, too, is on a better path now. Nie MingJue will realize this isn’t true later, and he’ll pay with his life for being the only one who tries to protect the common folk, which includes all the other innocent Xue Yangs out there who are poor and at risk to harm, but I digress.
Xue Yang still got what was coming to him, but it really was just the pitiful end to a pitiful life. He was treated like a dog, grew up to be feral, was not properly retrained, and then had to be put down. Did he have choices in the matter? Technically yes, but then he’s a still child when the Jin begin to use him.
Jin GuangYao, "Will you be free the next few days?"
Xue Yang, "Won’t I have to do it no matter what?" (Ch. 118)
Xue Yang isn’t unaware of his position on the hierarchy.
He was used by Chang Cian, because there are no consequences for abusing and maiming orphans. There’s some textbook psychology for little Xue Yang from Piaget and Erikson that I won’t get into, but the fact is an expectation as simple as ‘I do a task and get rewarded for the task’ resulted in him being beaten and maimed does a lot of distortion to both expectations in life and self-confidence.
He was used by Jin GuangShan, because he grew into a defensive and spiteful teenager whom people always looked down upon. He’s gone feral, but give a dog a warm bed, clean clothes, protection, and a new toy called the Stygian Tiger Seal to play with, and he won't bite the hand that feeds him.
He can be trained to bite everyone else, too, and definitely he wants to. He’s so quick to feel slighted, to wanting to avenge himself, that even Jin GuangYao, the master of self-pity, takes notice, such as when Xue Yang first meets Xiao XingChen and Song Lan:
Jin GuangYao mused, "They didn’t really do much to you, so why the anger?"
Xue Yang spat, "I find these fake, conceited people the absolute most disgusting. That Xiao XingChen was clearly not even that much older than me, poking his nose into other people’s business—annoying. And he started giving me a lecture. And that Song guy.” He sneered, “I only brushed past his arm, so what was with that look he gave me? Sooner or later, I’ll dig out his eyes and shatter his heart. Let’s see what he’ll do when that happens." (Ch. 118)
This might have grown from the seven year old who was minding his own business, promised candy for a task, and then grievously injured. This is aggressive self-defense. This is ‘I will hurt them before they hurt me.’ He’s looking for threats. Because did he know Chang Cian or the man who received the letter were going to hurt him? No. And he’s making sure no one hurts him ever again.
And yet.
He was used by Jin GuangYao, who understood Xue Yang the best as they walked side-by-side, as Jin GuangYao showed him kindness, gave him advice, offered him everything. Then once Jin GuangYao got what he wanted out of him, once what Jin GuangYao had helped make Xue Yang into was more a liability than a boom, Jin GuangYao told the cultivation world he was getting rid of him.
We aren't told what happened next, but I do have to wonder about the timeline. Xue Yang helped Jin GuangYao murder Jin GuangShan, Jin GuangYao announced to the cultivation world he was going to get rid of Xue Yang, then the next we hear about Xue Yang is that he is found, half-dead, on the side of the road by Xiao XingChen. Was Xue Yang one of Jin GuangYao's victims who got away? I wouldn’t be surprised since it fits Jin GuangYao’s methods, but that Xue Yang doesn’t storm the gates in revenge leaves room for doubt. But then a dog that has been severely beaten would know to stay away until he’s recovered, and we know Xue Yang, after he is found by Xiao XingChen, becomes distracted by this new domestic situation instead.
I also want to point out Xue Yang’s courtesy name: Xue Chengmei. I admit i don’t know the full background of when or how these Chinese names are given, but my current assumption is it was given to him by the Jin. The translations I’ve seen include "to help fulfil the wishes of others" (Exiled Rebels Scanlations) and also "help others do good deeds" (from the modao-zushi fandom wiki).
As Jin GuangYao was the one to bring him in, it’s possible that he was the one to explicitly name him. And this, to me, presents Xue Yang in the most pitiful light: Xue Yang was Jin GuangYao’s second pearl to his father. Jin GuangShan wanted a demonic cultivator and Jin GuangYao found what was needed to please him, to try to win him over. Xue Yang was not brought and kept at Koi Tower for self-improvement or self-growth. He was brought in as a useful tool. He was brought in so Jin GuangYao’s wishes could be fulfilled.
So Xue Yang's life is something that is meant to be used by others. It's no wonder he goes absolutely feral and delights in the macabre and abuse of others -- because physical power, the power to hurt, is tthe only power he understands. By the time he leaves Koi Tower he's a rabid dog with no place to belong, beaten once again by a trusted master, and harboring feelings of resentment and hatred in his inferiority. So when Xiao XingChen arrives and helps him, it’s another nice warm bed, new clothes, and new toys to play with in the form of Xiao XingChen and A-Qing's blindness.
But what of interventions? Of teaching him to do better? Remember that Nie MingJue tries to guide Jin GuangYao with good advice at their first meeting, and Xiao XingChen also tries to guide Xue Yang, by advising Jin GuangYao, at their first meeting:
Right after, [Xiao XingChen] turned his gaze towards Xue Yang, "However, even if he’s still at a young age, as he has taken a seat amongst Koi Tower’s guest cultivators, it’s still best if he learns restraint. After all, the LanlingJin Sect is one of the most prestigious sects. It needs to lead by example in many aspects." (Ch. 118)
The Lanling Jin Sect needs to lead by example -- but they don’t. Jin GuangYao has the power to be a good person, but he won’t. And Xue Yang pays for it. Everyone at Yi City suffers for it. Xue Yang doesn’t learn restraint and Jin GuangYao mirrors back what Xue Yang wants to see: someone like him. Jin GuangYao humored his macabre practical jokes. They sentenced innocent people to die together, showed their true faces to each other, and committed a most horrific fratricide together. Xue Yang was having fun, he was feeling powerful, and he didn’t feel like he had to stop when he met Xiao XingChen, whom he hated at first horsewhip-lash. Xiao XingChen can’t look down on him if Xiao XingChen is brought down to his level. It’s only a human tongue in that tea. It’s only Shuanghua in some dude’s chest. It’s hilarious, Xiao XingChen, you should see your face!
It’s nothing more than a child playing with a toy. Of course Xue Yang would end up destroying the one good thing he accidentally stumbled upon. Jin GuangYao had showed him kindness too, and looked how that turned. No one had ever done something out of charity and kindness for him, so how was he supposed to recognize it for what it was? The answer is he couldn’t, it was impossible, and then he spent the next ~7 years trying to get Xiao XingChen back and still it was for all the wrong reasons. Does he hate? Does he want? Is it love? Is it spite?
But Xiao XingChen had bandaged his wounds when no one else had. Xiao XingChen had given him the candy no one else had.
The last piece of candy Xue Yang held onto for all those years without eating...
A short, pitiful life indeed.
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expertdogtraining · 3 years
10 Important Things to Teach Your Puppy
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1. To Know and Love His Name
What’s in a name? Well, nothing if your puppy doesn’t know it. Teach your puppy his name by saying it and immediately offering something fun and rewarding. Many times, puppies are used to hearing their name said in an angry tone, so they learn they better head for the hills when they hear it. Make sure to associate his name with positive experiences.
2. To Come
You can start preparing your puppy for this command even before you start training. Teach him that coming over to you means lots of fun, whether in the form of tug games, food rewards, meals, or belly rubs. You’ll be building a balance in the “come when called” relationship bank so that when the inevitable time comes when there is an emergency and you need your puppy to come to you, he will.
3. To Let You Grab His Collar
Many puppies have a “fight or flight” fear response when someone reaches for or grabs their collars. Your job is to create a puppy who has an expectation of an awesome reward when his collar is grabbed. Do this by practicing looping a finger through his collar and following it with a high-value treat or a game of tug.
4. To Like Life
Some puppies are easily scared or skeptical, especially during the fear period that usually occurs between 4 and 6 months of age. The best thing to do is to pair potentially scary experiences with something rewarding. But do this carefully. For instance, if my puppy were afraid of skateboards, I would not go into a skateboard park and offer treats there. He may become so stressed out that he won’t eat. Instead, I might drive to the same park but stay in the car with the window rolled down and feed high-value treats to desensitize him. At that distance, I know he’d be comfortable enough to take food from me. Over time (as in many sessions, not one long period), I’d gradually decrease the distance. Never force your puppy into a scary situation or punish him for anxiety.
5. That Nothing is Free
Teach your puppy that he can have his meals, treats, toys, and playtime by earning them through playing training games with you. It’ll move training forward and strengthen your relationship with your pup. Also, dogs are contra freeloaders, which means that they derive greater joy and value from working for things they love, rather than getting them for free. Tip: Ditch the food bowl and instead spend 10 to 15 minutes getting your puppy to work for his meal by practicing basic cues. As rewards, offer him kibble or spoonfuls of canned or homemade diets.
6. To Love the Crate
Your puppy will need to nap often. You can help him understand that his crate is the perfect resting spot and a fun place to hang out by reserving certain treats and toys for him to get only while in the crate. And instead of crating your puppy only when you go to bed or leave the house, put him in there for small amounts of time when you’re home, too.
7. To Trust People
Teach your puppy that good people bring good things. My student Elizabeth coined this phrase for something that I encourage all my students to do. Whenever she goes to the house of someone who has a dog, she brings the dog an extra special, high-value treat (cleared by the owner, of course). If the dog has training, she asks for a sit. If not, calm behavior earns the treat. It’s an effective way to create an optimistic dog who trusts strangers and knows to work for treats.
8. That You’re His Best Friend
My dogs love other dogs, but they love me more. That’s because I taught them to find me more rewarding than most anything else. Work on that skill while allowing your dog to socialize. You’ll know you’ve succeeded when he can come when called even if he’s in the middle of interacting with other dogs.
9. “Go to Place!”
Prevent jumping on guests and door dashing all with one command. Early on in training, I pair the sound of a doorbell to a reward for when my puppy runs to a mat. By teaching this, I acquire a strong “go to place” behavior, all cued up by the sound of the doorbell.
10. To Learn Self Control
Learning how to go from excited to calm on your command is an invaluable skill for a puppy. A great way to teach this is through playing tug. If you’ve not properly taken the time to teach this game, I would do it today. Like, now! You won’t regret it, and everything else you teach will become stronger and more functional because of this game. Also, you’ll never again have an issue asking your dog to sit when he’s excited because guests came to the house
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darkwood-sleddog · 3 years
Do you have any tips on how to reward recalls? Like urgent ''Holy Crap Come Here Right Now'' recall reward VS a more relaxed recall reward I guess would be the best wording? Also I love your dog sledding videos they give me serotonin
Do you mean how do I reward for that kind of recall? I’m not a dog trainer by any means, just a person that trains my own dogs but this is what I do for the Moots:
For a more relaxed recall (non-immediate, more of a “this way” or “follow me” type of behavior) I use vocal praise and attention, low value food reward occasionally and then the dog is immediately released to run again. It’s important that the dog understands that recalling does not = the end of fun time. And changing up the type of reward and value of the reward can keep them guessing and coming back to check in and see what you have to offer.
For a more immediate recall my tone is more firm. I start with a leash loose and call the dog’s name and then add my recall word when the dog is near me in a low distraction area. Dog is rewarded the second they pay attention. I like using “party” type rewards for this (give the dog several high value treats not just at the same time, but one after another and generous affection. They’ll be held either with collar or re attached to the leash for a short time and then released again. Eventually I’ll work to long line and increasing distractions, occasionally giving a tug to the dog to indicate the behavior and eventually they’ll wean off that. High value rewards are very dog dependent. Slash likes ham, Sigurd & Zombie like turkey. Peanut butter is a big favorite and so is cheese (getting squeeze tubes of cheese/baby food made for toddlers has been a game changer for winter time high value rewards, my behaviorist is genious). I think high value rewards (be it the treats you carry or the ability to keep running free, both of which are incredibly enticing to my dogs) in ADDITION with genuine praise is an important partnership. Sometimes you won’t have treats or the ability to let go to run again in an emergency situation and our dog associating our genuine praise with other good things like treats and rewarding behaviors is important for times like those, they’ll be more likely to respond in those emergency recall situations. But my dogs, as sled dogs, are VERY used to vocal only praise.
Overall I really enjoy the primitive dog friendly methods laid out in THIS article by Couch Wolves (although I start my recall work much earlier than maturity...however my dogs do tend to relapse during their adolescent phase so I don’t work or expect anything regarding to recall at that time. I find they build more bad habits like ignoring me and it is really easy for them to self enforce those bad behaviors. I pick recall back up when they have their brains again and it’s worked better for me this go around with Slash as he is much more engaged and responsible than Sigurd for example).
I am not an expect by any means and I feel more secure hiking in public spaces with my dog’s leashed. I hate the idea that my pack of 75, 86, and 104 pound dogs would barrel up the trail and come across a young child, small dog, reactive dog, or person who is afraid of dogs (especially in woodland areas like mine where the trails are very tight and winding).
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
I'll state from the beginning that the images below display the sort of sweet synchronicity to which only love can give life:
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MaAndPaShipping is the best ship, and here are five reasons why:
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1. It Made James
Like the boy do yer? Ever felt the slightest tingle of warmth at the mention of his name?
Well get down on yer knees and give thanks to his mother and father for gifting him to the world!
Where would we be without their remarkable commitment? Could James have grown into the dandified dream boat of your desires if deprived of the safety provided by his parents?
Had they not brought him up, he'd be dead, The Dog of Flanders fantasy made reality. If miraculously he survived, foraging in the wild is not conducive to a foppish personality.
Is that to yer fancy? No? Then let's have a little respect. The luxury Ma and Pa gave enabled his macaroni tendencies to reach such heights.
Their love created him! How can it not be celebrated?
You lot would ship Jessie's parents but you can't, because she has no dad, and I don't suppose you'll ever assent to his obvious identity of Windy Miller, although 'Jessie Miller' has a wonderful ring to it, so what can be done?
Should a Pa Jess be conjured for the purpose, he still buggered off, didn't he? Where's the allure in a faithless git?
I can't comprehend the obsession with Ma Jess. As soon as here she's stiff, and what is there to remember but coercing her daughter into eating snow?
Hey, I named her. What more do you want from me?
I'd rather have the living, visible ancestors, if you don't mind.
Yeah, says the history fanatic.
Why not make the most of the chances offered, and follow a devoted couple whose love made a difference to your existence?
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2. Canon!
There are many ships which I find repulsive for involving depravity, or absurd as the subjects haven't met, or don't inhabit the same fictional universe.
Video et taceo: I see and I say nothing.
Neither does anyone. Forcing decent folk in to incest, bestiality etc. is quite alright.
Perverted ideas are left alone, but woe betide a Rocketshipper, because that's offensive.
It may be the only original ship left standing, with proper evidence and sanctioned by Nintendo, but no, it's fair game for undermining. People pick at your arguments, quibble constantly and NEED to register their objections NOW. You MUST be made aware of opposition. You're not to be permitted your views the way those with twisted tastes are indulged.
Why, out of tens of thousands of combinations, does making Jessie and James an item provoke hostility?
The strength of negativity actually serves as validation, for why be so concerned if it's an impossible relationship?
However sick they are, I'm not anti any ship. I can't muster sufficient interest to do it, and if I scroll on, I forget. I certainly don't attack those responsible.
Anti-Shipping is inherently nihilistic for promoting loneliness. They aren't against Rocketshipping through wanting Jessie and James to be with someone else, as an alternative is not readily available, so the outcome of it is neither finding a companion.
MaAndPaShipping attracts no sourpuss silliness, for 'tis canon beyond question. There's nothing about being 'just friends' when married with a son.
How's the state of your O.T.P.? Not looking too clever I expect, and what's your contribution: wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying?
Cast it off! None of that longing is necessary in these quarters, as MaAndPaShipping is a fait accompli.
Hallelujah! Wallow in that Love!
Don't you yearn for at least one ship that all of us accept by default, to the extent these aristocrats are spoken of as a single unit?
Across the internet, Ma and Pa are bracketed as 'James's parents', never 'he' and 'she', always 'they', barely counting as distinct characters. That's how undeniable the love is between them. Sheer indifference has awarded it a blessing from everyone.
Of course, now I've drawn attention to it the moaning will start, but we all know a spoilsport when we see one.
If they had any legitimate complaints they ought to have mentioned 'em before this piece highlighted the marriage!
Except it won't have occurred to 'em previously, proving the eternal, indissoluble quality of MaAndPaShipping.
You get good value with this one.
Find a post referring to Ma and Pa as individuals and I'll have written it, for that's what you call ironic.
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3. It's a Fine Rocketshipping Proxy
I was at primary school when Pokémon hit the West like the bright, bearded meteor it is, atomizing all competition for a child's attention.
I have shipped Jessie and James before I knew anyone else did it, unaware shipping was even a thing.
There are other pairs where I think: 'That seems to fit', but it's incomparable to what I feel for them.
It is part of me. I bleed it.
I have shipped it longer than most Tumblerries have dwelt upon the earth.
I used to believe, what with the hints and manga finale, that this resolution was  inevitable, and all I had to do was wait.
Well I've been patient for two decades now, thus when I look at the modern incarnation, and realise it's no nearer to that goal, and instead is further away, waiting starts to wear a bit thin.
I resent the lack of appreciation shown to the fans by the cretins in charge, how any meagre shippy inclusion is done not with an interest in deepening bonds, but with the blatant cynicism of moulding us into performing monkeys dancing to their manipulative tune.
I dislike being treated like a sea lion, expected to clap me flippers at the wave of a fish, or as a panting dog begging at top table, where, because they're desperate to maintain the status quo, every scrap flung down from above now comes with an Anti-Ship kick in the teeth, just to be sure nothing progresses. Not whilst the franchise can still be milked for all it's worth.
I have lost faith Rocketshipping will happen. What passes for Pokémon today carries not the remotest indication of any intention on the so-called writers' part to finish it that way.
Even if it did, it's not my Team Rocket, it's those skeletal, gargoyle bastardisations. My Jessie and James never got the reward they deserved.
I'm somewhat in the market for a replacement. Beneath this loathsome carapace of acid and ice beats the tender heart of a true romantic, and it must have an outlet!
Shipping Ma and Pa provides a certain spurious relief, because it's as close as you can get to Jessie and James without it being them, both biologically as his parents, but they're so similar to the duo it counts as proof in itself.
Holy Matrimony! is prime Rocketshipping territory, not merely the balloon lift, but many slight additions are as important, like the haircuts matching.
Ma and Pa are therefore Jessie and James in the past, present and future:
The past for representing Jess 'n' Jamie gone Victorian, and we've all wondered how that'd turn out.
The present as it's there right now, absent of suffering the shameless whims of morons to get what you want. 'Tis yours to savour.
The future as a glimpse of Jessie and James once married with children, and they agree:
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That's how they play it given the opportunity!
What, James in blue, for his and Pa's hair, and Jessie wearing purple, like Ma's, with a red shawl for her own, and Ma Jess's orange earrings to copy the beads?
• Money!
• Bun!
• 'Tache!
• Classy pad!
• Fancy gear!
• Pampered pet!
• Identical cups of Earl Grey!
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4. Original Blend
Ma and Pa have only got two fans! We care more than the entire fandom has in twenty years!
Rocketshipping art is ten a penny, so why not display a pioneering spirit, sharpen up those pencils and be inspired?
Let your mind expand and marvel at the possibilities of these unchartered territories, and I'll reblog it if it's nice.
Pay attention to the condition of it being nice. I'm not putting up with any old toss.
Real Ma and Pa is what I want too, not those Sinnoh coffin-dodgers.
It's never been done! Every drawing breaks new ground!
I don't like fan fiction, but I wouldn't say 'no' to that either. Recall the 'nice' stipulation again.
Come on, be the first amongst your friends and get ship shape!
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5. It Gives Us All Hope
Suppose your favourite amour one day became canon: you imagine that's the end of the matter?
Well it ain't.
Between Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Gary and Tracey, there are three-and-a-half out of fourteen parents (Flint doesn't count as a complete man) and one out of twenty-eight grandparents, and that's not enough!
If the series drew to a close with your beloved couple apparently walking into the happily-ever-after, there's no guarantee it'll endure. In fact, the odds are they'll split up within a few years and leave another generation to fend for themselves or starve.
That's right, so don't presume the final episode is all you need to worry about. Can you rest easy knowing it'll go pear-shaped once the camera stops rolling?
It's futile soothing one's worries with:
Oh, but they know what it's like to be alone. They'd never inflict such stress on their children.
Oh really?
Look at that poor showing of grandparents. Either Pokémon has a system reminiscent of the sci-fi film Logan's Run, where everyone over thirty is vapourized, or these disappearing maters and paters were themselves victims of abandonment.
I bet when they settled down, they thought it'd be different for their kids, they'd make sure of it, but no, off they went down that same route of feckless self-indulgence, and that's being kind assuming they intended not to repeat history.
Depressing eh? What's the good in any of us surrendering to romance, real or otherwise, if love is but a mayfly of emotion, and all dreams are doomed to die?
Then Ma and Pa arrive, and suddenly the storm clouds part for a ray of heavenly light.
It's not only that they made the effort in what was probably an arranged marriage and have stayed together from youth, it's that they've stayed together when no one else has, which augments its value.
When separation is commonplace, sticking it out becomes rarer and rarer as any belief in the sanctity of wedlock erodes with every failure.
If they didn't bother, why should I? What's the use when it won't work?
Once that idea enters your head, it's over, and your gloom-laden attitude fulfils itself.
Society is collapsing about Ma and Pa's ears, but they persevere nevertheless, refusing to buckle under the turgid malaise engulfing the arrogant and weak.
It's bloody beautiful, man!
You may suggest an environment of supreme wealth erases normality, and to their class and time period divorce is still taboo, so they don't really have much of choice but to remain wedded.
Ah, but it's not as if they simply tolerate one another for appearances, or carried on for the sake of their son (which is more than anyone else did besides), not when he walked out on them.
They've been married longer than James has lived, so at least eighteen years (don't all squeal at once), and they're still blissfully contented!
They hold hands!
They use terms of endearment like 'dear' and 'my precious'!
They were made for one another!
They work as a team!
They want the same thing for James!
It could bring a stone angel to tears it's so beautiful!
See what success can be achieved when you try? When you endeavour to love the one you're with and make yourself worth loving in return?
Better that than chucking 'em at the first sign of trouble.
Ma and Pa is such an irrevocable union even the despair of losing their only child failed to tear 'em asunder, and that'd defeat many, but not this husband and wife.
Be grateful, for it means all is not in vain.
It doesn't have to be misery and pain: love can last despite the pressure of a wretched, hollow culture bent on self-destruction. Your ship might just succeed too.
God bless 'em for keeping the magic alive!
Why do I have the presentiment that I'm going to regret encouraging support?
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yogeshsharmadigital · 4 years
5 Simple Ways to Get Your Dog to Pay Attention
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Do you find yourself trying hopelessly to get your dog’s attention? Does “in one ear and out the other” sound familiar? Or does your dog find it easy to listen to you until he sees the dreaded mail carrier? Whatever the case, it’s important that us owners are able to capture and hold our dog’s attention. Just imagine the consequences if our dog ran onto a busy road and was not able to listen to us calling him back!
In this article I will cover 5 simple tips you can apply immediately to help your dog become more attentive.
1. Brain Training
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Brain training is a super effective way to increase your dog’s ability to pay attention to you!
Many of the games in my Brain Training for Dogs course are designed to improve your dog’s attentiveness. One of my favorites is “The Airplane Game,” which you can access for free. In this simple game your dog will learn the following important skills:
How to pay attention to you on command.
How to maintain focus on you despite distractions – unlocking the pathway to super obedience.
How to use his hidden intelligence to figure out puzzles.
Enter your e-mail below to instantly receive free access to “The Airplane Game,” which you can start playing with your dog right away!
Free Brain Game!“The Airplane Game” will dramatically improve your dog’s ability to pay attention to you. Simply enter your email below to receive 100% free instant access.Watch me and Einstein complete this game:
2. The “Smacking Sound”
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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a noise we could make at any time to get our dog to immediately pay attention to us? Well, fortunately for us there is, and it’s called the “smacking sound”! But before we can harness its power, we need to teach our dog that this particular sound = food.
I make my smacking sound, then immediately give my dog a treat!
To do this, with your dog in a quiet room, make a smacking sound as though you were kissing the air, then immediately give him a treat. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing when you give him the treat (so long as he’s not doing anything bad like tearing up the sofa), the idea is simply to show him that whenever he hears the sound, he gets treats. After doing this for a while, you should notice that your dog looks at you for his treat whenever you make the sound. With continued practice, you can start using the smacking sound in everyday life when you want to grab your dog’s attention!
Keep in mind, however, that the smacking sound may be less effective at times when your dog is too worked up. For example, if he has seen something outside that he reacts strongly to, your sound may go unnoticed. One remedy for this is the “Look at That” game found in my Brain Training for Dogs course. In “Look at That,” we will work specifically on teaching your dog to pay attention to the smacking sound despite strong distractions.
Einstein Says: Don’t like using the smacking sound? No problem! You can replace the smacking sound with any other sound you like, such as a whistle or a pop. Just make sure the sound you choose is loud enough to be heard in busier environments, and that it is a sound you can make yourself.3
3. The Importance of Incentives
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Slices of plain cooked chicken are high-value treats. They can be used during particularly challenging training sessions.
How would you feel about the idea of working without getting paid? This is exactly how our dogs may feel when we ask them to perform mundane tasks without rewarding them for their efforts! That is why incentives are so important in dog training.
There are many different types of incentive, but food rewards are the most common. These rewards are given to a dog whenever he successfully performs a certain action. So let’s say we just started teaching our dog to “sit” for the first time. When he sits successfully, we would reward his effort by slipping him a doggy biscuit or piece of kibble. Now, the next time we ask him to sit, he will be eager to do so because he knows that he will get something tasty in return!
In the Brain Training for Dogs program I cover techniques which allow you to stop giving your dog a treat every time he successfully performs a certain action, and also introduce other forms of reward.
4. Reward Voluntary Check-ins
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I reward my dog for voluntarily checking in on me in the yard.
When you are out in the yard with your dog, how often does he pay attention to you? Most likely, not very much, as he’s far too busy exploring the world with his powerful sniffer. Maybe it’s time for a little change…
Make it a habit when you are out in the yard to bring along some high-value treats (e.g. plain cooked chicken slices). Keep these treats handy in a pocket or treat bag. Now every time your dog happens to walk within arm’s reach of you, praise him and extend your hand to offer him a treat. If you do this often enough, positive reinforcement will work its magic and you’ll soon notice your dog checking in with you more and more. This is great news, because it means he is learning that you are worthy of his attention!
5. Right Place, Right Time
Choosing to begin training sessions at the right place and time can play a big role in whether or not your dog is able to pay attention.
It’s best to avoid training your dog when you first come home from work and he is all eager and excited to greet you, or when he’s all hyped up and bouncing off the walls after mealtime. Instead, wait until your dog is calmer and more capable of focusing, and use these times to your advantage.
You may also want to avoid training a new behavior in an environment where there are lots of distracting sights, sounds, and smells (e.g. the yard), as this makes it harder for your dog to stay focused on you. Instead, try training in a quiet room at first. It’s also a good idea to avoid rooms with windows if your dog is easily distracted by things he sees outside.
LEARN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOG HERE: https://bit.ly/2UiT301
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Seller Closing Cost Calculator
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Marketing a residence can be a long and also stressful procedure, whether you're doing it in a seller's market or a customer's market. Understanding exactly how to offer your home quick regardless of the housing market problems can guarantee you obtain the most from the sale. If you are considering selling your home in 2020, here are the top ideas for marketing your home quickly:
Connected: How to Market Your Home: Steps and also Tips-- Infographic
1. Deal a Reasonable Rate Setting the appropriate price for your building is just one of the best pointers for marketing your house quickly. Take a look around the neighborhood to see how much comparable homes (realty compensations) have actually been cost in the last couple of weeks or months. Carrying out a CMA will help you to establish the right price for your location. To conserve money and time, consider employing a good real estate professional to research local building values.
2. Enhance Your Aesthetic Appeal When it comes to home marketing, first impressions are very essential. A few curb charm tips for any kind of house seller are to make certain your grass is trimmed as well as the landscape design is well done. Your outside wall surfaces and your driveway must likewise be as neat as feasible. Improving aesthetic charm is among the important suggestions for marketing your residence.
3. Understand Your Home's One-of-a-kind Offering Proposition When thinking about tips for offering your home, consider what makes your residence attract attention. Does it have a bigger substance than neighboring homes? Is it closer to the train station or shopping mall? As a home vendor, make certain to capitalize on the special marketing factor of your residence.
4. Depersonalize the House If you have stayed in the residence for some time, you possibly have a great deal of memories and also history in it. However, if you want to market it quickly, you will require to depersonalize it. Put away all the personal junk and also ornaments prior to enabling a potential building customer to check out the house.
5. Remove Bad Odors Remove nasty smells that could switch off possible buyers. A few of the advised tips for home marketing are to clear clean containers and also drains pipes, obtain the carpeting cleansed, get rid of old furniture, and also create enough ventilation. You can also consider developing pleasant smells making use of fresh brewed coffee or baked bread.
6. Cost the Right Time The most effective seasons for selling a home in the US housing market 2020 will certainly be summertime and springtime. Whether in San Francisco, Miami, New York City, Boston or Washington, several family members like relocating during these seasons before the new academic year starts. On top of that, the weather in such periods is more helpful for residence watching.
Connected: When Is the Best Time to Market a Residence?
7. Make Minor Repair Works Your condo, multi household residence, townhouse, or single family members residence does not need to be perfect in order to offer. Nonetheless, you require to make small repair work to different locations of the realty residential property. This could be faulty circuitry, a leaking toilet, an opening in the fencing, or discolorations on the ceilings as well as walls.
8. Take Expert Photos Among the most effective ideas for selling your home is to accompany your listings with wonderful photos. Take into consideration working with a professional digital photographer to take images as well as even video clips of your house. You can also use prospective purchasers online scenic tours online.
Save expenses in other places by detailing your home completely free in the Mashvisor Building Industry.
9. Discover the Right Realty Agent Working with a realty representative will help Seller Closing Cost Calculator much quicker. The representative ought to be versed with housing market patterns for the area and able to organize your house expertly. He/she should also want to promote your building on all platforms.
10. Do Away With Mess Clutter in your house will certainly delay possible purchasers. When selling a residence, it is important to remove all the unneeded items from the exterior and interior of your residential or commercial property. For example, one of the pointers for selling your residence is to eliminate some furniture from your areas to make them appear extra sizable.
leading tips for marketing your home quicker in 2020
11. Stage Your Residence Hosting is essentially establishing your residence professionally to make a strong impression on home customers. This could even imply renting out furniture for showing the home. If you do not have the experience, employ a professional home stager. If you would like to know just how to organize your house for marketing, a basic search on Google will reveal wonderful hosting pointers such as including mirrors to make small rooms look big or smaller touches like adding fresh blossoms to a space.
12. Deal Some Extras One of the methods of obtaining one of the most for your residence when selling is to offer a couple of additionals. As an example, you could offer to pay closing expenses or use a transferrable home service warranty Seller Closing Cost Calculator . This will certainly make your residential or commercial property attract attention from the competitors.
13. Add Some Features One more among the wonderful suggestions for selling your house is to make the home unforgettable by adding custom styles such as a new roof, an exterior pool, a new outdoor patio or personalized home windows. This will not just enhance the home's looks, but additionally boost the house value.
14. View Your Pet dogs Having your pet cats, pet dogs or parrots around when showing your residence is a major house offering blunder. Potential buyers could get delay by pets that are noisy or spirited. Besides, some people dislike pet fur.
15. Focus on the Kitchen The kitchen is just one of one of the most vital parts of your home. Take into consideration spending a few bucks to renovate and also upgrade your kitchen. Change countertops, buy new cupboard equipment, as well as include some expensive devices.
16. Light It Up When it involves tips for offering your residence, do not forget about lights. Good illumination is among the main things customers try to find in a house. You can make the most of the light in your residential property by cleansing the windows, eliminating the drapes, lowering greenery outside your windows, and utilizing high power level light bulbs.
17. Deal Financing Alternatives Some of the potential purchasers looking at your home will certainly not recognize the funding alternatives available to them. Among the most effective suggestions for marketing your residence quickly is to use possible customers flyers with two or three home mortgage alternatives. This will certainly reveal them just how affordable your residential property is.
18. Offer Rewards The potential customers visiting your residential property will possibly be hungry. Providing them a beverage and also treat will make them intend to stay about longer to check out the house and ask inquiries.
19. Be Adaptable with Residence Provings Because potential customers have different timetables, being versatile with your provings is one of the most effective tips for offering your residence. This might mean permitting people to check out at weird hrs when they are readily available. Do not be also rigid and miss a sale.
20. React Fast to Acquisition Offers When someone makes an offer on your property, you require to respond right away. The majority of purchasers are impatient as well as don't like being compelled to wait. If you wish to release a counteroffer, do it without delay.
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Dog Instruction Wintertime Ideas
Last thing a dog operator or canine lover want is to see a canine harm - particularly in street mishaps. It is not only nerve-racking for the injured canine, but for individuals who are included in the scenario.
When making use of Puppy training pads, you ought to always be all set for a treat. Canines will do the identical point more than and over once more when he receives a reward. Consequently, to make the training even a lot more successful, you ought to usually give your puppy a treat following performing the right point. But if not, then do not give him a treat. Rather, continue with the process of coaching.
If you want success in coaching your dog, you should make sure that your puppy has a great exercise degree all through his life. Dogs are not meant to just lay around. To have an pleasant existence, they require to be in a position to get out and operate and function. Make sure your dog gets a lot of walks; perform with it at the park, or even look into enrolling it in an agility course. Maintain your dog nicely entertained and you will get rid of many of the frequent issues, this sort of as chewing on shoes.
Be cautious when it comes to little balls or children's toys. Numerous Dogs love toys they can tug of war with, so be very mindful not to encourage your puppy to grow to be possessive about this sort of toy. This can inspire bad habits like foods guarding in afterwards life, depending on your puppies temperament or breed.
Breast Pumps - must you are steering to breastfeed, you'll want a pump. I rented mine by employing the medical center, which saved me finances just simply because teat pumps are not cheap. utilizing the rental I obtained a package offer of model understand new sterilized accessories. should you are in it for that extended term, acquire a pump that functions a palms-free of charge bra. You'll value possessing your arms equipped to keep out other concerns whilst pumping.
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One solution you can think about is Secrets To Train A Puppy. Tricks of Coaching A Canine is presently 1 of the best offering dog training shoreditch goods on the Web. It is previously know as Sit Keep Fetch.
However, there are numerous niches apart from make cash online. The only difficulty is that if you do not know how to select the right area of interest, you will not be capable to make any money let on your own a fortune.
Ever built Quinzhees, Dugloos or Igloos? Do you know what these are? Discover how to develop them March 13, 2010. They'll cover trenches for tents and tarps as effectively. Visit The Rocky Mountaineers for additional info.
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drferox · 6 years
How do you feel about the way Greencross is seemingly trying to build a monopoly of vet practices in Australia? Concerning, or not as alarming as people think it is?
Mate, I have many potent, insider opinions about GreenX and the rise of corporate medicine. I have been considering writing on this topic for a while, but now seems as good a time as any.
But first, full disclosure of where I stand within the veterinary industry. I am an associate veterinarian, which means I work in a practice but don’t own it, and I work two jobs. My full time job is in private practice owned by a single vet who actually works there. My casual job is at an emergency center, owned by GreenX. I have also done relief work at a GreenX clinic.
And frankly, the more I work for GreenX, the more it makes me cheer on worker-owned co-ops.
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GreenX is just one of the multi-practice corporate vet chains which are popping up not just in Australia, but overseas. GreenX is just the largest and is actually on the stock exchange. You can buy shares in GreenX. That means GreenX is accountable to its shareholders and expected to make a healthy profit.
GreenX owns large numbers of vet practices across Australia, but also owns all the Animal Emergency Centers, all the Petbarn brand pet stores, an external veterinary diagnostic laboratory, at least one crematorium, a number of specialist hospitals and runs the admin side for at least one university teaching hospital.
It also currently operates a ‘Healthy Pets Plus’ program, where for just $450 a year you can get free consults, and is working on bringing out its own pet insurance line.
How are you feeling about this? A little uneasy?
I have concerns about a monopoly, because in my neck of the woods GreenX owns the 4 closest 24 hour emergency vet clinics, in addition to all the others around the city, so I don’t really have much of a choice where to send my patients. They also own quite a lot of the general practices in my local region, so that’s hard to compete with.
For a few years there, they also sent a letter to my boss every year offering to buy his practice. Just a form letter, which I assume they sent out to lots of practices in a similar way.
They pay for all their vet employees to be Australian Veterinary Association members, which grants us all a voice and vote in relevant matters, but not to receive the Australian Veterinary Journal. I don’t know whether GreenX gets corporate discounts for signing up so many members. This makes me uneasy because Banfield in the USA, which is owned by Mars, financially rewards its employees for taking up leadership positions with the various representative organizations over there. Which means if it ever comes up, corporation is paying for a lot of people to be there if an important vote ever comes up…
I mean, I’m not a conspiracy nut, but I’m not exactly happy.
But that is the corporation side, the people on the ground are not the corporation. They are by and large decent vets and nurses hamstrung by the corporate rules they’re obliged to follow. For some this works out fine, particularly in their early years. They have a structured training plan and can see where to advance in the corporation. It provides a willing buyer for a practice owner who might otherwise have been unable to receive the price they were seeking (another issue for another day). It has removed some of the management stress from vets in many clinics and dispersed it, allowing a pool of locums to be drawn from to fill in absences.
Doing so has added a lot of middle management and a lot of red tape. They are frequently recruiting at industry events, and promoting their chain at events like the Dog Lovers Show.
Working on the ground as one of their casual emergency vets I am profoundly dissatisfied. Considering we are supposed to be a top of the line intensive care clinic some of my complaints and concerns have included:
The introduction of Healthy Pets Plus robbing the clinic of its emergency consult fee ($165) and crediting only $10 to our ‘income’ for that month.
Then having the gall to turn around and say that because we are not making as much money this quarter as we used to, our budget is reduced.
Not offering staff a worthwhile wage to do night shift, so unable to retain them very long.
Not paying emergency nurses anything above the award wage (minimum wage for the industry), even if they have been employed at that practice multiple years.
Nowhere to advance unless you pursue a position in management.
Not granting even a cost of living pay rise (in line with inflation) despite meeting expected profit targets for three years.
Telling employees they are not allowed to discuss their wages with each other, which I’m pretty damn sure is illegal and is definitely shady.
Not paying superannuation properly.
Not paying vets and nurses in management positions their backpay in a timely manner.
Making it ridiculously difficult to access your payslips to see if you were paid properly.
Needing to get approval months in advance to order extra stock for busy times of year
Watching the sheer stress of being a manager at these clinics wear good people down to the bone or brink of madness.
Once GreenX has bought into a practice, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of them.
Acquiring a practice and promising ‘nothing will change’, that all the things we like will stay the same. Only to change those things, slowly, over the following 3-5 years to match the other clinics in the chain.
Mandatory tea break.
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I have also listened to management-types of GreenX make arguments for having unpaid internships in general practice for newly graduated veterinarians, for 12 weeks.
And just about lost my banana over it.
Unpaid. For Twelve weeks. Straight after graduation where they’ve qualified as veterinarians.
Oh hell no.
Interns typically get paid less anyway, and a new grad vet wage isn’t all that much. But they wanted to pay nothing for the first 3 months.
Why? Because new graduate vets are not profitable at the start, they typically cost the practice money as they get themselves established. Everyone knows this, it’s part of the deal when you take on a new grad.
Having to work 3 months straight out of uni for zero pay is insane, it’s almost murderous, and it’s simply evil. This plan was ripe for abuse.
It was also vocally shouted down at the PANPAC conference where it was suggested, thankfully, but these are non-vet, corporate types of people trying to run a series of vet practices for profit.
I just want to be the friendly neighborhood vet on the corner, you know? Just local, quality service where I can get to know the pets over time, and schoolkids aren’t afraid to bring in an injured bird if they find one in the playground. To be part of that community.
And this is what most vet practices have been. You own your job, you don’t need to make a massive profit, just enough to keep doing what you want to do.
But now GreenX has shareholders. The business owners are not on the ground with the rest of us. I have concerns and I don’t like it.
That is not to be negative to those working for Greencross, the boots on the ground that are probably not being treated as well as they should, but need a job to keep the lights on. For some the structure suits them. For some it’s just a job. It is the team on the ground that is the only reason I started working for them in the first place, and stayed.
But do I wish it was something other than GreenX? Yes.
UPDATE: I’d like to contribute in this discussion some ‘advice’ that was shared on Facebook. Members of this particular group are warned to be careful what they post as it’s not a private group and anybody can take a screenshot, so I think that’s fair game.
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I do not like this. I do not like this at all. I can’t even tell if it’s satire or trolling, because it’s too close to the truth.
Not only does it make it look like it’s now all about the money (which it is, for the shareholders) it reduces veterinary medicine to a numbers game. By this metric, a ‘good vet’ is one that earns $300 per consult, and twice as much of their billing comes from lab fees as consult fees. They also admit almost a third of their consults.
Doesn’t matter if clients like them, if they solve cases or achieve good medical outcomes. All the qualitative stuff is gone, just the dollar values.
(Oh, and if you meet those metrics, you’re in no way guaranteed to get a pay rise. From experience).
Now it is entirely possible to meet those metrics just by working your cases appropriately and seeing a lot of them, but thinking like this pushes vets, especially young vets who want a pay rise so they can afford their own car, home, etc, to be thinking of the dollars and not the animal or client as they practice.
Maybe I am old fashioned or a dying breed during the rise of corporate veterinary medicine, but I am profoundly uncomfortable with this. Worse, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, and a strong feeling of this is not my veterinary medicine.
I am heartened to see most of the comments on that thread from angry, like-minded vets insulted at being reduced to ‘trained monkeys’ and focusing on these metrics instead of patient outcomes and client satisfaction, but as GreenX picks up more and more young vets, training them to fit its mold, I am afraid of more of them being modeled into what GreenX wants, or becoming disillusioned and leaving the profession early.
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robertsnavely · 5 years
New Port Richie Pet Grooming Business For Sale
BBF – 8940-296287 — Absentee run pet grooming both in store and mobile units, self service pet wash, pet sitting. Family owned and operated for 10+ years, database over 8,000 customers and located in a perfect area with multiple new homes being built and growth to the area. Owner willing to finance qualified buyers.​
Annual Sales: $250,000
Owner Benefit: $55,000 (on only 20 hours/week)
Asking Price: $139,000
Cash Down: $75,000 
–> Pasco County Business for Sale <–
.  10 Ideas to Expand your Pet Grooming Business
As you consider this pet grooming business for sale, it might be useful to consider some marketing ideas that have worked for others and inquire if this company has ever tried them. (And even if they have, they might work quite differently once you put your own spin on them. Life changes all the time, especially as an area grows.  Some things that didn’t work before may well now as the market matures.)
If you are a frequent reader of the blog, some of these concepts will be familiar to you.  that’s because I believe that they work in a variety of retail situations, and that it is good to keep in mind the fundamentals, like
Customer referral Program.  Give your current customers an incentive to refer their friends.  Maybe a discount on a next service, or a perk not usually available.  The more fun you make the referral, the easier it is for your customers to follow through.  This is the fastest and most enduring way to build a business.  don’t forget to have everyone leave you a positive review online!
2.  Update and Improve the current website. Most consumes are looking for new businesses on their phones.  Is the website mobile-compliant?  How is it optimized for search?  Does it have the right language and tagging so that the business comes up in “near me” searches and questions about <city name> pet groomers?  Plus, a fresh, clean website with large images and snappy copy makes the business seem alive and thriving.
3.  Socialize.  Marketing online doesn’t stop with just the website. There are social sites that need to be fed. Are you customers on Facebook – then the cute puppy videos and rogues’ gallery of fluffy clean animals needs to be updated there a couple of times a day.  If it is Instagram or Twitter or… NBT (the Next Big Thing) you need to be there. The good news here is that this business is both highly visible and extremely appealing!
4. Expand The Menu of Services.  See the gift box, er box, on the right hand column. (If you’r eon your mobile, it will be lower down)
5. Network with similarly aligned businesses.  Vets, Boarding places, Dog Parks, Adult Ed, etc.
6.  Community Events – how can you fit in and add value?
7.  Promotional Products that your customer will use to carry your logo around for you.
8.  Special contests, Giveaways, Promotions – often seasonally related, but there are all sorts of holidays…and some can create an unusual amount of buzz.  Who would have thought that Talk Like a Pirate Day would take off?
9.  Frequent Users Plan – aka Customer Loyalty Program.  And again, how you reward your customers is entirely up to you.  An original idea might be a special treat that the dog likes best, that only you as its groomer knows.  Or a varying gift box along the lines of a Bark Box.
10.  First Timers Offer. You will see hairdressers offer a coupon or glaze/treatment as an “extra” for first timers.  For pet grooming there will be something similar.  Consider a skin conditioning or a special treatment that would normally be an up-sell.
The Cost of Starting Your Own Pet Grooming Business
A new pet grooming business can run to $50,000 to get it up and running. This includes the business license, the lease or building and the equipment.  If you are hiring people to help or technicians, that is an additional expense, as is the inventory.  
Then there’s the cost of making mistakes as you learn what works in the area.
Probably simpler just to buy an existing business, no?
The Pet Grooming Business is Booming
According to Ibis World, an international statistical research consultancy, over 123,900 businesses are currently operating as dog groomers and boarders in the U.S. with an average growth rate of 8%. 218,674 individuals are employed in the grooming industry alone.
The American Pet Products Association publishes statistics annually that estimates 2019 spending at $75.38 billion.  This constitutes growth of 264.5% since 2001.
Actual Sales within the U.S. Market in 2018
In 2018, $72.56 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S.
Breakdown: Food                                                         $30.32 billion Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $16.01 billion Vet Care                                                   $18.11 billion Live animal purchases                             $2.01 billion Other Services                                         $6.11 billion
Source:  https://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp
Don’t most people own a dog?
47% of all pet ownership is of dogs, says the American Pet Products Association.
Stay Nimble
To compete with the ecommerce trends in your sector.
Amazon recently emailed all Prime members trial discounts on all Subscription and Discovery Boxes.  Magazine subscription they’ve been doing for a while, but this was the first time I noticed the Pet boxes.  There are a lot.
Bark If You Want Some
PupJoy Dog Day Box
The Dapper Dog
This means there is opportunity here.  You can capitalize on it too.  What can you put in a box and either deliver or have available when the pet comes in for the next treatment?  Or maybe the box is a monthly treat box and gets delivered anyway?  After ll you have the van, and most of your customers are local?  It simply gives you a way to set your business apart.
Call Dave DeCamella for more information and a Non-Disclosure Agreement to hear more about thisPort Richie Pet Grooming Business for sale.
Source: https://buysellbizfl.com New Port Richie Pet Grooming Business For Sale published first on https://buysellbizfl.com/
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lisafreman · 5 years
New Port Richie Pet Grooming Business For Sale
BBF – 8940-296287 — Absentee run pet grooming both in store and mobile units, self service pet wash, pet sitting. Family owned and operated for 10+ years, database over 8,000 customers and located in a perfect area with multiple new homes being built and growth to the area. Owner willing to finance qualified buyers.​
Annual Sales: $250,000
Owner Benefit: $55,000 (on only 20 hours/week)
Asking Price: $139,000
Cash Down: $75,000 
–> Pasco County Business for Sale <–
.  10 Ideas to Expand your Pet Grooming Business
As you consider this pet grooming business for sale, it might be useful to consider some marketing ideas that have worked for others and inquire if this company has ever tried them. (And even if they have, they might work quite differently once you put your own spin on them. Life changes all the time, especially as an area grows.  Some things that didn’t work before may well now as the market matures.)
If you are a frequent reader of the blog, some of these concepts will be familiar to you.  that’s because I believe that they work in a variety of retail situations, and that it is good to keep in mind the fundamentals, like
Customer referral Program.  Give your current customers an incentive to refer their friends.  Maybe a discount on a next service, or a perk not usually available.  The more fun you make the referral, the easier it is for your customers to follow through.  This is the fastest and most enduring way to build a business.  don’t forget to have everyone leave you a positive review online!
2.  Update and Improve the current website. Most consumes are looking for new businesses on their phones.  Is the website mobile-compliant?  How is it optimized for search?  Does it have the right language and tagging so that the business comes up in “near me” searches and questions about <city name> pet groomers?  Plus, a fresh, clean website with large images and snappy copy makes the business seem alive and thriving.
3.  Socialize.  Marketing online doesn’t stop with just the website. There are social sites that need to be fed. Are you customers on Facebook – then the cute puppy videos and rogues’ gallery of fluffy clean animals needs to be updated there a couple of times a day.  If it is Instagram or Twitter or… NBT (the Next Big Thing) you need to be there. The good news here is that this business is both highly visible and extremely appealing!
4. Expand The Menu of Services.  See the gift box, er box, on the right hand column. (If you’r eon your mobile, it will be lower down)
5. Network with similarly aligned businesses.  Vets, Boarding places, Dog Parks, Adult Ed, etc.
6.  Community Events – how can you fit in and add value?
7.  Promotional Products that your customer will use to carry your logo around for you.
8.  Special contests, Giveaways, Promotions – often seasonally related, but there are all sorts of holidays…and some can create an unusual amount of buzz.  Who would have thought that Talk Like a Pirate Day would take off?
9.  Frequent Users Plan – aka Customer Loyalty Program.  And again, how you reward your customers is entirely up to you.  An original idea might be a special treat that the dog likes best, that only you as its groomer knows.  Or a varying gift box along the lines of a Bark Box.
10.  First Timers Offer. You will see hairdressers offer a coupon or glaze/treatment as an “extra” for first timers.  For pet grooming there will be something similar.  Consider a skin conditioning or a special treatment that would normally be an up-sell.
 The Cost of Starting Your Own Pet Grooming Business
A new pet grooming business can run to $50,000 to get it up and running. This includes the business license, the lease or building and the equipment.  If you are hiring people to help or technicians, that is an additional expense, as is the inventory.  
Then there’s the cost of making mistakes as you learn what works in the area.
Probably simpler just to buy an existing business, no?
 The Pet Grooming Business is Booming
According to Ibis World, an international statistical research consultancy, over 123,900 businesses are currently operating as dog groomers and boarders in the U.S. with an average growth rate of 8%. 218,674 individuals are employed in the grooming industry alone.
The American Pet Products Association publishes statistics annually that estimates 2019 spending at $75.38 billion.  This constitutes growth of 264.5% since 2001.
Actual Sales within the U.S. Market in 2018
In 2018, $72.56 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S.
Breakdown: Food                                                         $30.32 billion Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $16.01 billion Vet Care                                                   $18.11 billion Live animal purchases                             $2.01 billion Other Services                                         $6.11 billion
Source:  https://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp
Don’t most people own a dog?
47% of all pet ownership is of dogs, says the American Pet Products Association.
Stay Nimble
To compete with the ecommerce trends in your sector.
Amazon recently emailed all Prime members trial discounts on all Subscription and Discovery Boxes.  Magazine subscription they’ve been doing for a while, but this was the first time I noticed the Pet boxes.  There are a lot.
Bark If You Want Some
PupJoy Dog Day Box
The Dapper Dog
This means there is opportunity here.  You can capitalize on it too.  What can you put in a box and either deliver or have available when the pet comes in for the next treatment?  Or maybe the box is a monthly treat box and gets delivered anyway?  After ll you have the van, and most of your customers are local?  It simply gives you a way to set your business apart.
Call Dave DeCamella for more information and a Non-Disclosure Agreement to hear more about thisPort Richie Pet Grooming Business for sale.
Published first on https://buysellbizfl.com New Port Richie Pet Grooming Business For Sale posted first on https://buysellbizfl.com/
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