#yoon myung joo
wolha · 4 months
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Did you smack me on the forehead yesterday? You did, right? That's why! There was a handprint on my forehead!
LIKE FLOWERS IN SAND 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 2023—2024, dir. Kim Jin-Woo
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namjhyun · 5 months
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Jang Dong Yoon and Lee Joo Myoung for Allure Korea December 2023 promoting the kdrama Like Flowers In Sand.
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baeinhyuks · 4 months
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kdramatelier · 5 months
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If I'm close to you like this, you can see the reflection of yourself on my eyes. I can see myself on your brown eyes now. No, I can‘t..
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thecountesstribe · 2 years
I'm just gonna say it.... if they push this love story line between that asshat Kwon Min Woo and our 🌻 spring sunshine Choi Su Yeon🌻 they're absolutely gonna ruin a good show for me. I hate him too much. Maybe if he had a redemption arc in the beginning and was genuinely a good person I would've understood but he's scum! Our girl deserves nothing but the best!!!
Anybody saw what's happening to attorney Jung?!!! He's sick!!! Episode 13/14 better not be his send off episodes. I'm in shambles... he's apart of the sunshine protection squad, please don't let anything happen to him. I refuse to accept him as a loss!
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Side note: I'm obsessively gonna go look for those hats Junho and Young Woo were wearing during their protest and buy em. My love for the ocean and marine life (especially whales) are living for this show😭
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mandoreviews · 2 years
I don’t normally post about TV shows, but I’ve been watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo on Netflix and I can’t stop thinking about it! I’ve never watched a K-Drama before, but I’m absolutely hooked and have saved a bunch more to my Netflix list. Let me know if there’s another one I should watch!
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xbethelight · 2 months
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Like Flowers in Sand 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 (2023)
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naturalcolor · 4 months
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lgbtally4ever · 3 months
A lovely and sweet, easy-to-watch, relatively short, touching, well-acted, #KDrama on #Netflix, really should be watched.
The lead actor, is really wonderful, as is the entire cast!
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He bulked up for his role as a wrestler in this series.
He, and his costars, are so likable, and strong, and the story, moves at a perfect pace. You’ll recognize many of the actors in this drama.
Very sweet, charming KDrama. Watch it—you won’t be disappointed. I smiled and laughed almost all the way through it. And it touches your heart, all throughout.
Costars actress, Lee Joo Myung
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khuantru · 4 months
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This show is surprisingly good!! It's got a lot of heart.
I binged episode 1 - 11. I think episode 12 is the last after seeing the teaser trailer for it.
Episode 10 is my favourite, the end scene where all friends are reunited again cracked me up. "Du sik is the daughter of a legendary fighter.. but she's not a girl.. she's ugly" - HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
K show: Like Flowers in Sand
Platform: netflix
Lee Joo-myung (이주명) Jang Dong-yoon (장동윤)
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flowerofevil · 2 years
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namjhyun · 28 days
DRAMA REVIEW | Like Flowers in the Sand (2023)
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I want to give proper value to the production team because technically speaking this is a wonderfully made story, with lot of attention put into the detail. The first thing that caught my attention was the sound mixing, which easily created a slice of life vibe, set in the rural location. There's almost no soundtrack use during important scenes, choosing the surroundings over it. The sound of the ocean, the cicada, a dog barking. It all completes the story.
The characters wear barely any make up, their clothes are something any of us would wear during the summer, which goes perfectly with the lack of interest in superficial aesthetic.
The drama lives and dies with the performances. The actors are the heart of the story and they deliver on creating a close-knit society in the small town their characters all grew up.
At first, I thought I was in for a slice of life sport story about friendship, love and overcoming personal struggles but to my surprise there was a murder mystery thrown in the middle.
I understand why the writer of this drama used this troupe to point out some toxic behaviour from society, our prejudices and the damage gossip can do to a person's life. Sadly, I think the main story suffers from it and deviates of its strongest points which is the relationship between the six main characters with each other.
Overall, this is a very quiet and rustic story with some solid performances but easily forgotten among many others dramas that have done this before and better.
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angelsvoice1love · 2 years
Oceans of Emotions (part 1)
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You stood outside the operation room, waiting praying that all your co-workers were okay. After the hostage situation that was taking place, you were trying to be a doctor but your mind wasn't in it.
Manager Jang: Dr L/n, is okay. They'll be okay. He said, as he rubbed your arm.
Y/n: I know. I'm just worried about them. What if he does something stupid...and someone innocent gets hurt?
Manager Jang, didn't say anything as he just gave you a side hug where you instantly laid your head on his shoulder.
Manager Jang: Just think positive Dr L/n.
Y/n: Thank you, Manager Jang.
Time skip
Everyone came out of the operating room savely, as they came out you sighed in relief. As they all stood in front of the cops, you turned your back and headed for the break room.
Once you were there, you sat on the couch were you released the tears that were kept in all the time of the hostage situation.
Your face in your hands, as you cried. You didn't even notice the couch sinking in, you stopped as you looked up seeing Dr Kang.
Dong-Joo: Y/n?
Y/n: Dong-Joo? You said, smiling as you hugged your best friend.
You started crying again, feeling a wave of emotions running through you.
Dong-Joo: It's okay.
Y/n: How is it okay? You, Seo-joon, In-bum, Teacher Kim, Miss Oh, Dr Nam and Mr Park were held hostage...how can it be okay? I was so worried that Manager Jang had to keep me calm in all of this.
Dong-Joo: At least just go for a walk to clear your mind, and take a breath. Please, do it for me.
Y/n: Okay. For you. You replied, as you got up and headed outside.
Once you were near the park bench, you sat down and looked over the scenery when you saw Dr Do approaching.
In-bum: Hi.
Y/n: Hi.
In-bum: Can I join you?
Y/n: Sure. You said, as In-bum sat down. You know what...on second thought I think I sh-
In-beom: Y/n, please. He begged, as he took hold of your hand. We need to talk.
Y/n: Why? There's nothing to talk about.
In-beom: There's plenty to talk about. He replied, as he got up.
Y/n: Like what? Are you implying we need to talk about the fact you broke up with me?
In-beom: Y/n-
Y/n: If you are then let's talk. Yes, yes I'm extremely mad at you...heck I might even hate you for what you did. You hurt me, and for what? All because daddy Do found out that you were dating me? You yelled, not knowing Mr Park heard it all, the entire conversation.
In-bum: Y/n, I never meant to hurt you...i just-
Y/n: Save it. We may work together, and be colleagues, but that's it. From now on, my personal life to you, is blank...you'll never hear anything of my life outside or inside the hospital. I only allow you to keep my phone number, since we use it for the hospital too. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work.
Leaving In-bum alone, you walked back to the hospital, tears leaving your face as your emotions took over you yet again. On arrival, Mr Park, stood with a cup of warm tea in his hand offering it to you as you came to a still.
Mr Park: I thought you'd like some tea after your walk, to warm you up.
Y/n: Thank you, Eun-Tak-...sorry I mean Mr Park.
Mr Park: Don't be,you can call me by my name. He smiled, looking at you. Would you like to come over after work? I made some kimchi fried rice last night, and I have plenty left...it would be the perfect end to the horrible day.
Y/n: I'd like that. Thank you.
After work
You sat in Eun-Tak house, laughing at the Korean drama on the TV that you were watching with him.
Y/n: Oh...hahaha, this...this is great. Thank you, for inviting me over tonight Eun-Tak this is what I needed.
Mr Park: I'm glad your happy.
Y/n: Eun-Tak...about today and what you heard, I think I should explain-
Mr Park: Y/n, you don't have to.
Y/n: I want to. I need to explain the situation...at least my best friend will know what happened.
Mr Park: I'm your best friend?
Y/n: Yes...to me you are.
Mr Park: I'm all ears. He said, as he took your hand in his.
Y/n: Okay. So, I'm-beom and I started dating in college, we were happy and had your standard relationship. Our relationship was still going strong, when we were working at the same hospital where his father's the precident. Anyway, after a while, I'm-beom toom me on a romantic date one night...to the beach. It was so beautiful, there were candles lit saying will you marry me...i was in such shock that I barely heard him ask me. So...finally I said yes, and he kissed me while sliding on the ring and it truly was a beautiful ring and I still carry it with me to this day. I don't know why, but I do. Anyway, after a while his father found out we were engaged and had an outburst of rage, he yelled at I'm-beom and said that he had to break off the engagement or else there will be many consequences and regrets. There were quite a few people who heard it in the hospital, even me. And I really thought I'm-beom would choose me, but he ended up leaving me saying that his future is more important than I am.
Mr Park: Y/n, I'm sorry.
Y/n: Funny thing is, I thought I was going to be part of his future. Turns out, his career was more important, which came to this. That's why we fought today...he wanted to reconnect, and be friends again. H...how can I be friends with him after all the hurt he caused me?
Mr Park: In my opinion, you don't have to reconnect, or be friends again but forgiving him is a way of letting go of the past.
Y/n: You think I should?
Mr Park: I do. May I see the ring?
Y/n: Yes. Here it is. You said, as you lifted the necklace from your neck.
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Mr Park: It's beautiful.
Y/n: It is. W...would you mind if I left early? I need to do something.
Mr Park: Of course. Mr Park replied, as he got up and followed you to your car. I'll see you tomorrow at work, please do drive safe and let me know when you arrive home.
Y/n: I will Eun-Tak. Thank you, for a lovely evening...and for listening to everything I had to say. You said, as you placed a kiss on his cheek. Your truly an amazing friend.
Mr Park: So are you.
Smiling, you said your last goodbye as you drove to the place that was on your mind. On arrival, you knocked on the door and to your surprise it was I'm-beom who opened the door.
I'm-beom: Y/n? What are you doing here this time of night?
Y/n: I wanted to talk to you.
I'm-beom: Come in-
Y/n: No. I won't be long...i just wanted to give you this. You said, as you gave him the engagement ring.
I'm-beom: Y/n, I gave this to you-
Y/n:I don't want to keep it. I...i need to give this to you in order to move on from the pain, I felt for so long. I know the reason I hated you, was because you hurt me...and I couldn't get over the fact that the man I loved more than anything was gone. Now I know, that in order to be able to work together and being coworkers, I need to let go of it all. And this...this ring symbolizes it all, all the emotions.
I'm-beom: Y/n-
Y/n: I forgive you I'm-beom. I do. I was upset when I saw you at the hospital, and learning of you joining the staff, but now I want us to get along again and be friends.
I'm-beom: I'd like that. He replied, as he took your hand in his, placing the ring back in your hands. You can forgive me, and move on, doing all the things you just said. But, I want you to keep this...not as a rememberace of the bad memories, but to remember the good ones we had together. I would love for you to keep it y/n...please.
Looking at I'm-beom, you turned around and pulled your hair to the side showing I'm-beom that he cod place the necklace with the ring on your neck. He gently put it on your neck, his fingers softly grazing your neck which made you shiver slightly.
I'm-beom: There.
Y/n: I'll see you tomorrow at work then?
I'm-beom: Yes. He replied, looking into your eyes.
I'm-beom knew he still had feelings for you, but he couldn't cross that line. He wanted you to be in his life, and if it meant he had to stay your friend he was willing to pay the price.
3 Months Later
You were all at a new years party, drinking, dancing, playing games, and much more. You were talking to Dong-Joo, talking about how he and Seo-joon and how their relationship is going so well. It pleased you to see how happy he was, smiling he gave you one last hug before running off to his fair beloved.
You stood on your own, until I'm-beom came over to talk to you, both of you talking like nothing ever happened between you both.
Time skip
You were sat down on your bed by I'm-beom, both very drunk after the party. He took you home, as he was being a perfect gentleman and friend even though he was drunk himself.
Y/n: Beom? You asked, using his nickname. The nickname he hasn't heard, for so long.
I'm-beom: Yes?
Y/n: I...love...you. You said, as you pulled him in for a kiss.
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I'm-beom didn't hesitate to kiss you back, all his emotions and yours were resurfacing.
I'm-beom: Y/n...i...never...stopped...loving...you. He said, between kisses.
Y/n: Then show me...show me how much you love me. You said, as he kissed your neck.
Nodding his head, he took off his tie, pushing you down on the bed as he hovered over your body.
Next morning
The sun shone in your face brightly, making you groan, as you shifted feeling something press against your back. Eyes shooting wide, you sat up seeing I'm-beom laying next to you.
His chest was exposed, for you to see all his abs, frowning you looked down to see you were naked causing you to scream.
Y/n: I'M-BEOM!
I'm-beom shot up sitting, facing you instantly as he saw you were both naked.
I'm-beom: AHHH!
Y/n: Why are you screaming?
I'm-beom: AGH...my head. He said, as he held his head. What happened.
Y/n: Really? What happened? It's pretty obvious. We both slept together, and judging by both our headaches we were both drunk when it happened.
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kdramatelier · 5 months
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mofartumb · 2 years
Review dan Sinopsis Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area (2022)
Review dan Sinopsis Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area (2022)
Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area adalah serial drama Korea yang dibintangi oleh Yoo Ji-Tae, Kim Yoon-Jin, Park Hae-Soo, Jeon Jong-Seo, Lee Won-Jong, Kim Ji-Hoon, Jang Yoon-Ju, Lee Hyun-Woo, Kim Ji-Hoon, Lee Gyu-Hoo, Im Ji-Yeon, Kim Sung-Oh, Park Myung-Hoon, dan Lee Joo-Bin. Drama sepanjang 12 episode ini ditayangkan Netflix. Berikut sinopsis dan review drama Korea Money Heist: Korea –…
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k-star-holic · 6 months
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The Dress Code that only Jang Dong-yoon couldn't deliver?...explained "heartache" (Sand Flower)
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