#yoga for pcos to get pregnant
yogagurushailendra · 2 months
Yoga for PCOS To Get Pregnant
Yoga For PCOS To Get Pregnant focuses on specific yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques that target the reproductive organs, reduce stress, and promote hormonal balance. The Yoga Guru incorporating these practices into your routine, you can support your body in overcoming the challenges posed by PCOS and create a conducive environment for conception.
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womenhealthcare2 · 1 year
Trying to Get Pregnant - A Miracle Comes From Fertility Yoga
For millions of years, yoga has been presenting medical advantages to people. Yoga is about bringing the mind and body together, and various postures work on different organs to balance the flow of energy and reduce stress. Yoga impacts the mind waves and the heartbeat rate, making a singular more solid and loose.
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Despite attempting numerous methods, you are unable to conceive despite your desire to do so. After putting in a lot of effort, spending a lot of money, and getting nowhere, you might be so let down and exhausted. You want another new strategy that can be more helpful for both your attempt to get pregnant and your unwinding to decrease the pressure during this period: yoga for fertility. You will find a lot of interesting information about this one-of-a-kind method in the following article.
Fertility yoga was created from the essential standards and customary stances of yoga. By reducing the effects of stress and reducing feelings of being out of control, it can help you increase the rate at which you conceive. Scientists have demonstrated that yoga is one of the most effective treatments for infertility because it has the potential to increase overall body strength and improve breathing and blood circulation. You will feel the primary physiological advantages of yoga following whenever your first practice. Yoga can also be done two to three times a week to increase your chances of getting pregnant and stimulate ovulation.
Assuming you are thinking of taking up pregnancy yoga classes, you ought to likewise notice to pick the appropriate kinds of yoga which can give a great impact on your fertility. You can select one of the following kinds: yoga for couples, Kripalu yoga, and hatha yoga, all of which emphasize gentle posture, meditation, and breathing exercises to achieve mental and physical balance. Particularly, yoga will likewise assist you to work on intimacy and closeness with your partner.
Before beginning yoga, you won’t have any problems if you get used to doing exercise or other activities. However, if you have not exercised on a regular basis, you should first seek medical advice. You can start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the amount of time you practice and the difficulty of this sport. To avoid soreness, you can begin your yoga practice with gentle movements. During your attempt to conceive, you will experience greater relaxation and comfort if you are patient enough to engage in daily yoga practice.
Regular yoga practice will teach you how to manage stress and restore mental balance. To get the best results when trying to conceive, combine fertility yoga with healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle, and other relaxation methods.
Original Source: Yoga to get pregnant
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itsthebethblogever · 12 days
Water fasting: why, when, and how?
Though I am no nutritionalist, I have compiled just a quick outline of what my water fast consisted of as well as some of the reasonings behind doing it, and the aftercare. I was inspired to do a water fast after hearing many female friends of mine talk about how much they loved it - how they felt their most creative and energetic, some even claiming to feel an euphoric high. During my Vision Quest back in October 2023, I also did a 3 day water fast; however, that felt different, as I was less focused on the health effects and more on the spiritual side. As I remember the lack of eating being way easier than I thought, I was hopeful that doing it again would prove to be the same result. Spoiler alert: it totally was.
To give my body a break to allow itself to clean and purify itself. Our body begins to burn white fat into brown fat, stem cell growth is stimulated, our dopamine system gets a reset, diseased cells get a chance to be flushed out while white blood cells increase and have time to do their reparative work.
Ancestrally, when we would go on a hunt, this is a period where we would not be eating. This would allow us to be lighter, more agile, and put us into a more focused state. Then, in the spiritual sense, it gives us more space to dedicate our energy towards something else. Cultures and religions worldwide practice fasting for various reasons - Yom Kippur, for example, is the Jewish day of atoning for our sins. Growing up, the decision to fast was always optional (and then encouraged after you had your bar/bat mitzvah (age 13 for boys and in some communities, age 12 for girls). After I had my Bat Mitzvah, I chose to fast as I wanted to be a part of what the community was doing. This day was spent home from school and usually doing homework with my friends at temple while services were going on. Because of this, I know doing a 24 hour fast is totally doable, and many people report the first 24 hours is the hardest. I can attest that to be true - this is the first day where you wake up and think “aw man, my stomach just grumbled and I can’t do anything about it”. This is when you reach for some water, use that to fill yourself up, and find something else to do to distract yourself.
After my bleed, before ovulation. Can also be done after ovulation as long as it’s finished before bleed time. When I don’t have much to do so I’m not stressing about needing energy.
I found Dr. Mindy Pelz on YouTube when looking up advice for how to fast as a woman and am now a fan of her podcast, The Resetter Podcast. Here is a video where she explains when women should fast. I like it because she has visuals and is very clear and concise! Then, if you want more detail, I’d recommend this podcast where she is interviewed and talks about the benefits (she says that it has helped women who had been struggling with fertility to become pregnant! And help heal people with PCOS!), do’s and don’ts of fasting, and what goes on in our bodies hormonally.
The first day was when I thought the most about food. Day two was pretty breezy, I’d say the easiest of them all. I woke up feeling quite energized! My theory is that I feel like my tendency to eat at night makes my body get less rest as it sleeps. This meant waking up with a fully charged battery made me feel much more rested! On the third day, I was getting more head rushes if I got up too quickly, and did not feel as energetic. Every morning I stuck to my ~half an hour morning yoga/pilates practice as my exercise, and was doing minimal walking besides that. I had some goals for what I wanted to do with my time, like finish a few projects, practice guitar, meditate, then my evenings were spent reading or chatting with the people at the campsite where I was staying.
It is recommended to decrease the amount of carbohydrates you eat three-four days before the fast so your body already gets used to burning fats for energy (instead of carbs). Though, I did not do this. Take my advice, I don’t need it! Hahahaha. Anyway, from Monday until the evening of Wednesday, my water fast looked like this:
* morning cuppa: herbal tea (I chose ginger and lemongrass) with a capful of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and a few teaspoons of MCT coconut oil
* water
* black coffee with MCT oil
* water
* water
* water
* herbal tea
Water fasting makes it sound like you can ONLY drink water, when in reality, the emphasis is keeping yourself in a fasted state. This means your blood sugar does not rise and your body can go into ketosis, where it burns fats as fuel instead of carbs. This is why Vinnie from Jersey Shore ate just the pepperoni and cheese off the pizza that one episode - he did not want to break his state of ketosis with the carbs of the dough.
Truly another big reason I wanted to fast is because I love the extra time it gives me in the day. It feels so spacious to not have to think about what to eat, cook it, eat it, clean up… because that’s actually a large portion of the day if you eat three meals! Instead, any time I feel hunger, I take a swig of water and the moment passes. I love knowing how optional food is, as well. This helps when I am going about my day and feel hunger arise. If I can survive three days on water, it makes any other time in my life pale in comparison! It lowers my anxiety about eating since I know what I am capable of.
After the fast, it is recommended to eat mainly broths and soups for the first 48 hours. The idea is to remain in ketosis for longer, so stick to proteins, fats, and cooked vegetables (steamed or boiled so the fiber is easier for your body to digest). Introducing fruits and carbohydrates comes in later.
I broke the fast with:
First: half cup of water, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.
Second: one cup of bone broth*
*I love “Best of the Bone” brand here in Australia. It’s about $30 AUD and lasts me around two months. All I do is heat up some water, pour it in a mug, scoop out about a half tablespoon or so of the concentrated broth, and stir it in. Best way to coat the intestines to prepare for food and it is sooo delicious! I’ve tried every flavor and can say my favorite is the bio-fermented coconut, lemon myrtle, Tumeric, and papaya leaf one.
Third: boiled broccolini with an organic beef hamburger patty*, kimchi, avocado, and goat cheese. I boiled the broccolini then sautéed it with some coconut oil, salt, and pepper. Everything I served with a bit of ghee** on the side.
*Note: I do NOT recommend breaking the fast with beef like I did. After doing more research, I would have stuck to a more lean kind of protein, like fish or egg or chicken, as I think my body freaked out with the beef. For vegetarians, pea protein was specifically recommended. I actually had painful diarrhea and believe it was either the meat or the goat cheese that my intestines were not ready for. Whoops. So please, learn from my mistake :-D
**This is the first time I purchased ghee for myself - I had had it before in small amounts to test and see how my stomach reacted (I am lactose intolerant, not very sensitive though) and always felt fine! It’s like butter as it’s made from cows milk, but has a lot less lactose. The reason is because its made by melting butter, separating it into liquid fat and milk fat, and then they toss out the milk fat so just the pure fat remains.
How did it feel to eat for the first time in 3 days? INCREDIBLE. It felt so different to be so intentional with choosing every ingredient. Another thing I loved was that I knew exactly what was in my body, so that if I ate something that made my stomach feel funny, I could repeat the same meal and take out an ingredient to experiment. This is a great blank slate to test for intolerances!
As I said before, something I ate did not agree with me, so later I tried just eating goat cheese to see if it was that, or the hamburger. The goat cheese felt fine, and later since I’ve eaten a hamburger happily, so it could have been too much, too soon.
For the next days, I had miso soup with a boiled egg, kimchi, and whatever random vegetable I had boiled with it (one day it was a carrot and a seaweed snack pack, another a squash, another a sweet potato) for breakfast, lunch was quinoa with smoked salmon, avocado, and cooked random vegetables (spinach, bell pepper). I actually didn’t really eat dinner the first day, I just had more broth and snacked on some fermented goodies like olives, kimchi, plus guacamole. The second night, I had two bananas with cashew butter inside. For break the fast recipe inspiration, I found this website (I love it for its clear visuals and concise information, can you see a pattern?), so feel free to check it out and borrow from them! Their tofu, protein powder, and chia seed pudding is now a favorite of mine - I had never thought to blend tofu!
Hopefully this has inspired you to give a prolonged fast a try! It has helped me to be more conscious about what I am eating and slow down to think: what do I actually need? Also, I liked aligning it with where I am in my cycle, as anything I do that helps me tune in with my body makes me feel more cyclical and empowered.
Feel free to share your stories and reactions with me! If you know something from your lived experience that you think would be beneficial to add, I’d love to hear it and add it to this post :-)
Lots of love to you and your beautiful body!! Xx
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kavyashreshta · 2 months
The Path to Pregnancy with PCOS: What You Need to Know
While PCOS can bring a set of challenges and make it difficult to become pregnant, Due to irregular menstrual periods, PCOS causes infertility. There are various natural remedies available in ayurvedic treatment for PCOS to improve the chances of pregnancy. Here are some strategies to consider:
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Balanced Diet 
Regular Exercise
Yoga Asanas
Manage stress levels
Regular Health Monitoring
For more detailed information get in touch with dr. sharda ayurveda. Stay informed Stay healthy.
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chaitalitrivedi · 4 months
How Does Being Overweight Affect My Fertility
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Couples troubled to conceive for more than a year (without protection) may have no idea what is causing them infertility. Is it being overweight? Living a poor lifestyle? Having hormonal issues or other genetic factors. There can be many reasons that can affect your fertility, but being overweight can be the common reason among many. As per recent studies, obesity is the cause of fertility complications in 6% of women who have never been pregnant before. Obesity affects fertility by changing the way a woman’s body stores sex hormones. If you are planning to get pregnant and facing complications, seeking consultation with a gynaecologist is a must.
To make this blog informative, we have gathered insights from Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital’s top gynaecologist in Mumbai. By taking references from these insights here we will discuss how being overweight can affect your fertility and what is the solution to treat it well. So, let’s start by understanding the ideal weight for conception.
What Is The Ideal Weight For Conception?
The ideal weight for conception usually depends on how tall you are, as your body mass index (BMI) is a number that is calculated on your height and weight. The healthy BMI range is between 18.5 and 24.9. Adults with a BMI between 25 and 29 are considered overweight, and a BMI over 30 alters your risk of being obese.
Connection of Overweight and Infertility in Women
Having an unhealthy weight can affect a woman’s fertility by causing the following:
Menstrual Disorders: Being overweight disrupts hormonal balance and increases insulin resistance, causing menstrual disorders. Excess fatty tissue produces estrogen while affecting the perfect balance with progesterone.
Hormona Imbalances: Being overweight troubles women’s fertility by causing hormonal imbalances. Excess weight leads to overproduction of estrogen and upsetting the hormonal balance.
Complications with Ovulation: Excess weight can cause insulin resistance, impacting the normal release of eggs from the ovaries. Thus, having a healthy weight is essential for supporting regular ovulation and overall reproductive health.
PCOS- When obesity contributes to Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), it can negatively impact your fertility by leading to the formation of ovarian cysts. Hence, managing weight through a healthy lifestyle and consultation with a gynaecologist is recommended to address PCOS.
Obesity can also trouble the other fertility solutions you look for, such as In-vitro fertilization, ovulation induction and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
What Happens When You Have A High BMI During Pregnancy?
In case you get pregnant with a high BMI, the risk of complications can be increased, such as:
High blood pressure
Gestational diabetes
Thrombosis (blood clots)
You will also be offered an induction or caesarean section at the time of delivery in case of high BMI.
What Risks High BMI Can Lead To A New Born Baby?
Having a high BMI can increase the risk of:
Still Birth
Premature Birth (When a baby is born without being fully developed)
You should know the higher the BMI, the greater the risk is. Try to bring down your BMI to reduce the risk of any complications before planning to get pregnant.
However, dieting is not recommended during pregnancy as you might cut out the essential nutrients your baby requires. That is why it is suggested to lose that extra shed before planning your pregnancy. However, getting stressed won’t take you anywhere if you fail to find an effective solution. Seeking the best gynaecologist can help you to plan your treatment effectively. Moreover, there can be various reasons for being overweight. Let’s read on to find more.
Common Reasons For Being Overweight
Eating fast, processed or food with high calories
Eating in large proportions
Not doing yoga and exercise
Not following a healthy diet
Genetic issues (obesity running in the family)
Drinking too much alcohol
Other than these, there can be medical reasons for the weight gain mentioned below.
Medical Reasons For Weight Gain
Medical reasons for weight gain can include:
Underactive thyroid
Type 2 diabetes
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Poor mental health causes emotional overeating
What Are Some Tips For Losing Weight?
The best tips for losing weight are:
Maintain a healthy, balanced and calorie-controlled diet.
Try to be physically active by doing activities such as walking, jogging, or swimming for at least 2.5 to 5 hours per week.
Eat slowly and try to avoid overeating.
Set realistic goals
Avoid excess salt and sugar.
Avoid sitting for long periods before, during or after your pregnancy.
Though we know these tips can only help to an extent, looking out for the solution when you are planning for a pregnancy may require medical attention. So let’s look over the various treatment options available to manage infertility.
Laparoscopy Surgery a Treatment Option to Manage Infertility- It is an advanced minimally invasive procedure. A small incision is made in the stomach through which a thin tube fitted with a camera and light at one end is inserted. It aids in visualizing the unusual changes inside the abdominal or pelvic organs. To assist surgeries, a laser device may be connected to the laparoscope. In some conditions, a sample of affected tissue may be collected through a laparoscopy technique and sent to a laboratory for a biopsy.
Why Is It Done?
Laparoscopy can be performed on any conditions related to fibroids, infection, cysts, etc. It can be conducted to remove fibroids, cysts or adhesions drilling in the ovary (for PCOS patients).
Connect With A Cosmetic Gynaecologist In Mumbai!
Suffering from being overweight and facing complications to conceive naturally? If your answer is yes, it is high time to decide and seek medical attention by consulting a top-notch gynaecologist. One such Doctor is Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best cosmetic gynaecologist in Mumbai. With her incredible 25+ years of experience and high patient success rate, she has successfully helped thousands of women have successful pregnancies. So, to take a step forward to make your parenthood dream a reality, connect with her today by visiting Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital!
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blueorpinkuk · 6 months
Tips for Better Reproductive Health
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Reproductive health maintenance is critical to general health. Despite being a vital component of total well-being, reproductive health is frequently disregarded in day-to-day activities. There are crucial actions you can take to support improved reproductive health, regardless of your plans to create a family or just keep your reproductive system in good working order.
We'll look at some advice suggested by the experts of the Early Gender Detection Test Clinic of the UK to protect and enhance your reproductive health in this blog.
Frequent check-ups:
To monitor your reproductive health and address any issues, schedule frequent check-ups with your healthcare practitioner. These check-ups may include gynecological or urological exams.
Safe sexual behavior:
Adopt safe sexual behavior to lower your risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy. 
Sustain an appropriate weight:
Obesity or underweight might have an impact on your reproductive system. 
Exercise frequently:
Maintain a healthy weight, enhance circulation, and lower your risk of diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by engaging in regular physical exercise.
Control your stress:
Prolonged stress can harm the health of your reproductive system. Engage in stress-reduction practices including yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness.
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Avoid smoking and strong alcohol use:
These behaviors can impair fertility and raise the possibility of pregnancy problems. 
Restrict caffeine:
If you're trying to get pregnant, it's best to restrict your caffeine intake since it may negatively impact your fertility.
Get adequate sleep:
To guarantee that your body can heal and restore itself, aim for 7-8 hours of good sleep per night.
Know your monthly cycle:
If you're trying to get pregnant, knowing your menstrual cycle can help you track ovulation and improve your chances of conception.
Maintain proper hygiene:
To avoid discomfort and infections, practice excellent genital hygiene.
Seek expert counsel:
Don't be afraid to seek advice and support from a healthcare practitioner from the Baby Gender Blood Test Clinic of the UK or a reproductive specialist if you're having problems becoming pregnant or if you have concerns about your reproductive health.
Therefore, we conclude that maintaining reproductive health is crucial as it is a crucial component of overall wellbeing. You may improve reproductive health and raise your chances of reaching your reproductive objectives by obeying the advice of this blog. Make your health a top priority, and seek medical advice at BlueorPink Clinic if you have any particular questions or concerns regarding your reproductive health.
Also Read: The journey of pregnancy- Every Mother-to-be Must Know!
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Navigating Fertility Challenges: Expert Guidance for Your Journey to Parenthood
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If you’re on the journey to parenthood and facing challenges in conceiving, consulting a Gynaecologist in Dubai or your Obstetrician is a crucial step. Fertility issues can be daunting, but there are proactive measures you can take to enhance your chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. At Health Connect Poly Clinic, our Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Majida AlMaarof, is here to guide you through this journey. Let’s explore how you can resolve fertility problems and increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy.
1.Embrace a Healthy Diet:
A well-balanced diet is essential when trying to conceive. Incorporate dark green leafy vegetables and fruits into your meals. These foods provide your body with essential nutrients and minerals, including folic acid, which is crucial for preventing birth defects. Additionally, consuming healthy fats in moderation can reduce inflammation in your body and improve fertility. Choose complex carbohydrates and limit highly processed carbs to prevent blood sugar spikes, insulin resistance, and potential ovulation issues.
2. Consider Supplements:
Start taking folic acid supplements (400 mcg per day) before conception. Ensure your vitamin D levels are adequate; sunlight is an excellent natural source of this vitamin.
3. Lifestyle Adjustments:
Quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and reduce caffeine intake. These substances can negatively impact fertility and pregnancy.
4. Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is vital for enhancing ovulation and reducing the risk of pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes.
5. Exercise Moderately:
Engage in exercises you enjoy, such as walking, aerobics, or swimming in moderation. Avoid strenuous or exhausting workouts that could potentially affect fertility.
6. Stress Management:
High stress levels can hinder fertility. Manage stress through activities like meditation, yoga, and staying hydrated.
7. Track Ovulation:
Monitor your ovulation cycle to identify the most fertile days. You can use home kits, measure your basal body temperature, or observe changes in cervical mucus. A pelvic ultrasound at our clinic can also provide valuable insights into your ovulation.
8. Investigate Irregular Periods:
If you experience irregular periods, it’s essential to determine the underlying cause. Hormonal tests, ovarian reserve assessments (AMH), and evaluations for conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or high prolactin levels can help diagnose and treat these issues, improving your chances of getting pregnant.
At Health Connect Poly Clinic, we are committed to supporting your journey towards parenthood. Dr. Majida AlMaarof and our dedicated team are here to provide personalized care and guidance. If you’re ready to take the next step or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 04 554 7335 or 052 218 9240.
Following these tips and seeking professional guidance will help you on your path to a successful pregnancy. Your dream of starting a family is within reach, and we are here to help you achieve it.
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oziva · 7 months
How to Cure PCOS Permanently: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that affects many women worldwide. While there is currently no known cure for PCOS, it can be effectively managed through a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and ongoing care. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to manage PCOS symptoms and improve your overall health while addressing if you have searched "how to cure PCOS permanently."
Understanding PCOS
Before diving into management strategies, it's crucial to understand what PCOS is and how it affects the body. PCOS is characterized by a range of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne, and insulin resistance. It's also associated with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and infertility.
PCOS cannot be cured, so if you search “how to cure PCOS permanently” then you will realize it. However, it can be managed effectively to minimize symptoms and improve quality of life.
Lifestyle Changes
Healthy Eating:
A balanced diet is crucial for managing PCOS. Focus on whole foods, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, as they can exacerbate insulin resistance, a common issue in PCOS.
Weight Management:
Maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess weight can help manage PCOS symptoms. Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of your body weight can lead to improvements in hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity.
Regular Exercise:
Engaging in regular physical activity can help improve insulin resistance, promote weight management, and reduce stress. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.
Stress Reduction:
High stress levels can worsen PCOS symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring you joy into your routine.
Adequate Sleep:
Prioritize quality sleep, as it plays a vital role in hormone regulation and overall well-being.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol:
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can worsen PCOS symptoms and increase the risk of complications. Quit smoking if you smoke and drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
Birth Control Pills:
Oral contraceptives can regulate menstrual cycles, reduce androgen levels, and help manage acne and hirsutism.
Medications like spironolactone can help reduce the symptoms of excessive hair growth and acne by blocking the effects of androgens (male hormones).
Metformin is a medication often prescribed to improve insulin sensitivity. It can be beneficial for women with PCOS who have insulin resistance or prediabetes.
Fertility Medications:
For women with PCOS struggling with infertility, fertility medications such as Clomiphene or Letrozole can induce ovulation and increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Permanently managing PCOS involves a combination of these lifestyle changes and medications. However, it's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.
Long-Term Management
PCOS is a chronic condition, and long-term management is essential for maintaining good health. Here are some key aspects of ongoing PCOS management:
Regular Check-Ups:
Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your PCOS and overall health. These visits allow for adjustments in your treatment plan as needed.
Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels:
If you have insulin resistance or are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. Lifestyle changes, medications, or insulin may be necessary to manage diabetes effectively.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight:
Continue to focus on weight management to prevent the recurrence of PCOS symptoms. Consistent healthy eating habits and exercise are essential.
Birth Control:
If you're using birth control pills for symptom management, discuss your long-term birth control options with your healthcare provider if you have family planning considerations.
Ovulation and Fertility:
If you're trying to conceive, work closely with a fertility specialist who can monitor your ovulation and recommend appropriate treatments or assisted reproductive technologies.
While there is no known "cure" for PCOS, it can be effectively managed through a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and ongoing care. The key to managing PCOS is addressing its underlying hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and associated symptoms. Remember that managing PCOS is a journey, and it may require ongoing attention and adjustments to your treatment plan. By following the recommendations outlined in this guide, you can significantly improve your quality of life and long-term health. Consulting with a knowledgeable healthcare provider is crucial to developing a personalized and effective PCOS management plan tailored to your unique needs.
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cystercarepcos · 11 months
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS have hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their overall health and appearance. PCOS is also a common and treatable cause of infertility.
Can you get pregnant with PCOS ?
Yes. In women with PCOS, the hormonal imbalance interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries (ovulation). If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant. Your doctor can talk with you about ways to help you ovulate and to raise your chance of getting pregnant.
Five Major complications of PCOS.
MISCARRIAGE: Women with PCOS are three times as likely to miscarry in the early months of pregnancy as are women without PCOS
PREECLAMPSIA: Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure has been normal. Women who have chronic hypertension can also get preeclampsia.
PRETERM BIRTH: Preterm birth is when a baby is born too early before 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. Having PCOS was associated with greater odds of having a singleton preterm delivery
CESAREAN :Pregnant women with PCOS are more likely to have C-sections because of the pregnancy complications associated with PCOS, such as pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. Because C-section delivery is a surgical procedure, recovery can take longer than recovery from vaginal birth and can carry risks for both the mother and infant.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES: It usually occurs during the second and third trimester. Gestational diabetes can cause problems for both mother and child, but the risks can be reduced if identified early.
What are the chances of getting Pregnant with PCOS?
Although it is not hard to get pregnant, 70% women with PCOS struggle to get pregnant. This is likely because they aren’t ovulating, are ovulating sporadically, or don’t have enough progesterone naturally to support pregnancy in its early stages. Getting pregnant with PCOS involves some of the same steps that women without PCOS should take for a healthy pregnancy.
Have your weight and body mass index (BMI): Your BMI shows whether you have a healthy body weight and how much of your body composition is fat. If you are carrying extra weight, talk to your doctor about how much weight you need to lose before you get pregnant.
Start a healthy diet and exercise plan: Get into the habit of choosing healthier food choices and being more active.
Track your periods.: This helps you make a better guess about which days of the month you are more likely to get pregnant.
Check your blood sugar levels: Your blood sugar levels are important in getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and even in your baby’s future health.
Having a healthy lifestyle is of utmost priority to get regular periods and ovulation, that is helpful in getting pregnant.
When it comes to PCOS, having a healthy and balanced diet can only help to alleviate symptoms and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.
✓ Eggs with lentils, spinach, and avocado
✓ Foods that are high in fiber like apples, berries, and grapes
✓ Whole oats or oatmeal
✓ Fish with brown rice and green vegetables
Yoga for PCOS:
Yoga has been shown to be especially effective in improving fertility and PCOS. It helps restore hormone balance, and can even help increase blood circulation to the pelvic region.
Ovulation induction:
For those who after weight loss still are anovulatory or for anovulatory lean women, ovulation induction to reverse the anovulation is the principal treatment used to help infertility in PCOS. letrozole and clomiphene citrate is the first-line treatment in sub fertile anovulatory patients with PCOS.
In vitro fertilization:
If medications and Fitness don’t help you get pregnant, your doctor may recommend IVF treatments. Most women with PCOS have a 20 to 40% chance of getting pregnant with IVF treatment.
Metformin in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:
The state of evidence on the efficacy of metformin, used either alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, by examining three outcomes: ✓ovulation
✓live birth
Using all available evidence, this meta-analysis suggests that metformin increases the likelihood of ovulation and, in combination with clomiphene, increases the odds of both ovulation and pregnancy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
For more information, check out
How can CysterCare medical providers help you with fighting PCOS and Infertility?
Our diagnosis procedure (if requested) includes a thorough medical examination on the effects of PCOS on your ability to become pregnant. Our gynecologists along with our extremely skilled nutritionists, fitness trainers, psychologists will be able help you conceive, by beating the odds posed by PCOS and its associated symptoms. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free consultation and embark on the journey to reverse this PCOS and start your blissful pregnancy journey!
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yogagurushailendra · 3 months
Yoga For PCOS To Get Pregnant
Manage PCOS symptoms by performing Yoga For PCOS To Get Pregnant. Yogaguru Shailendra is the best Yoga Guru in Noida offering professional classes that mainly focus on women and man facing Menstrual problems, PCOS/PCOD, Fibroids, Endometriosis, and infertility by reducing anxiety, improve hormones, and improve metabolic markers
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The Importance of a Heart Healthy Lifestyle When Infertile
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Finding out you have infertility can be a blow to anyone. Knowing that your plans of how you would build your family will need to change, that you’ll likely need to undergo the stress of treatment, can be overwhelming. But for those struggling with infertility, there are other concerns to take into account – namely, heart disease.
While heart disease and infertility may not seem related at first glance, there is a strong correlation between those who struggle with infertility and then go on to develop heart disease later in life. But what are the connections between heart disease and infertility? Here, Dr. Walid Saleh, fertility specialist at SIRM Dallas in Dallas, Texas discusses the underlying link between heart disease and infertility and how those struggling with infertility can minimize their chances of developing heart health issues later on.
Getting the Full Picture
In some cases, infertility is caused by an underlying health issue and can signal a predisposition to developing a chronic illness later in life. For example, men who are infertile in particular have been shown to face an increased risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and substance abuse issues in the future. For most people who have been trying to conceive without success, the extensive testing done during the infertility workup is one of the first glimpses they get into their overall health. These tests provide patients with valuable health information – including their current overall health and predisposition to future chronic diseases.
PCOS & Heart Disease
PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility in women, with most women who have the disease facing difficulty in becoming pregnant without outside help. It causes menstrual issues, problems with ovulation, hormonal imbalances, and a litany of other health issues. But PCOS doesn’t just impact a woman’s reproductive health – it impacts her heart health as well. Women with PCOS tend to have higher rates of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a higher risk of diabetes – all of which are considered major risk factors for developing heart disease.
Living a Heart Healthy Lifestyle
So what can men and women struggling with infertility do to minimize their risk for heart disease? Dallas Fertility expert, Dr. Walid Saleh, suggests that patients live a heart healthy lifestyle. While some individuals are predisposed to certain conditions, making healthy lifestyle choices can help mitigate your chances of developing heart disease.
Some heart healthy lifestyle choices include:
Maintaining a healthy weight
Eating a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats
Enjoying regular exercise
Minimizing stress through activities like yoga, journaling, or a gratitude practice
Avoid smoking
While there is a link between infertility and heart disease, the fertility testing many infertile men and women undergo can provide them with valuable information about their general health. Schedule an appointment with one of our fertility specialists today by calling us at 972-566-6686.
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womenhealthcare2 · 1 year
4 Reasons You Should Try Pregnancy Yoga
During these physically demanding months, pregnant women and their unborn children benefit from pregnancy yoga which aids in a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Another name for pregnancy yoga is prenatal yoga, and it involves light stretching into poses that improve flexibility, ease tension, and alleviate pain. Additionally, it may help you get a better night's sleep and strengthen the muscles involved in the delivery. Prenatal yoga is a safe, low-impact form of exercise that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
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If the mother ensures that her metabolism and circulation are in good condition, the fetus’s development will improve. Pregnancy yoga, which keeps the mother physically fit and active during a time when her body naturally needs to be flexible, is one such method. Yoga additionally assists ladies to cope better during the course of labor. A pregnant woman will stay healthy and active throughout her pregnancy if she diligently practices yoga at home under the direction of an expert. Additionally, yoga helps a woman maintain her strength throughout childbirth.
Stress Reliever: Stress can be harmful to a developing fetus’s health. The body produces chemicals because of stress. A fetus’s brain may be affected by these hormones, such as cortisol, which alter the activity of neurotransmitters. This may raise the risk of attention deficit disorder, personality issues, and depression, according to researchers.
The practice has been displayed to assist with decreasing stress, both during and after pregnancy. The additional benefit of prenatal yoga classes is the ability to focus on the breath and quiet the mind while practicing it as exercise during pregnancy. It has been demonstrated that this reduces blood pressure effectively and promotes relaxation as well as stress relief.
Sleep Enhancer: A California investigation discovered that ladies in their second trimester who start a care-based yoga program- – one that consolidates contemplation with yoga presents – experience fewer sleep disorders. Pregnant women in India also have higher melatonin levels after practicing prenatal yoga for three months. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep patterns and enhances well-being.
Baby Builder: It has been demonstrated that Baby Builder Prenatal Yoga helps to maintain a healthy birth weight. It may also help prevent fetal growth delays, as The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reports. A Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences study found that a baby’s heart health can be improved through regular yoga practice.
Because exercise increases circulation, more oxygen is delivered to internal organs. This means that a woman who is pregnant is also getting more oxygen for her baby.
Reduces Pain: In a study that was published in the Midwifery Journal, women who took part in a prenatal yoga program reported having fewer aches and pains than those who did not. They also seemed to be better able to deal with the pains of labor and delivery thanks to yoga.
In preparation for giving birth, many of the poses in prenatal yoga gently stretch the pelvic muscles. Additionally, this helps alleviate the tension and soreness brought on by increased pelvic pressure and weight gain.
Above were the benefits of yoga after getting pregnant but sometimes conceiving a child can be challenging at times. Experts attribute infertility to high levels of stress. Careers, relationships, homes, and a myriad of other commitments all contribute to high levels of stress in the modern world. Yoga also helps in conceiving people who have been dealing with PCOS/PCOD. 
PCOS can contribute to infertility in women because it can disrupt ovulation, the process by which a woman’s ovaries release an egg each month for fertilization. In PCOS, the ovaries may not regularly release eggs or may release them infrequently, which can make it difficult to conceive. Additionally, high levels of androgens (male hormones) in women with PCOS can interfere with the development and release of mature eggs.
Fertility Yoga can be a helpful tool for managing the symptoms of PCOS and potentially improving fertility. Certain yoga poses and practices can help reduce stress, improve insulin sensitivity, and promote overall health and well-being, all of which can help manage PCOS symptoms and potentially improve fertility.
Original Source: Pregnancy yoga classes
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Finding Hormonal Harmony: The Holistic Approach to Female Hormone Disorder Treatment at Dr Gupta Functional Center
As a woman, your hormones play an essential role in your overall health and wellbeing. Hormones act as chemical messengers that regulate many functions in your body, such as your metabolism, mood, and reproductive system. However, when your hormones become imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including fatigue, weight gain, infertility, and mood disorders. If you are experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, it is crucial to seek treatment from a qualified healthcare provider. At Dr Gupta Functional Center, we specialize in female hormone disorder treatment, using a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of your hormonal imbalance.
What Causes Hormone Imbalance in Women?
Hormonal imbalances in women can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Age: As women age, their hormone levels naturally decline, leading to menopause and a decrease in estrogen and progesterone production.
Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in your body, leading to imbalances and health problems.
Poor diet: A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to hormonal imbalances.
Environmental toxins: Exposure to toxins in the environment, such as pesticides, plastics, and chemicals, can disrupt your hormone production.
Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis, can cause hormonal imbalances.
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Women
Hormonal imbalances can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the type and severity of the imbalance. Some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women include:
Fatigue and low energy levels
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Mood swings, depression, and anxiety
Irregular periods or heavy menstrual bleeding
Hot flashes and night sweats
Hair loss or thinning
Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
Infertility or difficulty getting pregnant
Low sex drive
Skin problems, such as acne and dry skin
At Dr Gupta Functional Center, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. We take a comprehensive approach to female hormone disorder treatment, starting with a thorough evaluation of your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors. Our team of healthcare providers will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your hormonal imbalance.
Treatment Options for Hormonal Imbalance in Women
There are many different treatment options available for hormonal imbalances in women, depending on the type and severity of the imbalance. Some of the most effective treatments for hormonal imbalance include:
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT): BHRT is a type of hormone therapy that uses hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the body. This treatment can help restore hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms of menopause, PMS, and other hormonal imbalances.
Nutritional counseling: A healthy diet is essential for hormonal balance. Our team of healthcare providers will work with you to develop a nutrition plan that supports hormone balance and overall health.
Lifestyle modifications: Making changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly, can help restore hormonal balance.
Stress management: Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to a variety of health problems. Our team can help you develop strategies for managing stress, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.
Supplements: Certain supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and magnesium, can help support hormonal balance.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This treatment can
For More Info: candida overgrowth functional medicine
Autoimmune Functional Medicine
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divawomenshospital · 1 year
PCOS and Infertility – How To Get Pregnant With PCOS
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Polycystic ovary syndrome often known as PCOS is a kind of syndrome in women that affects the hormone level in their body. Infertility and PCOS are common in women but this is a condition that tampers with more than just your fertility. It has been identified in the survey that up to 12% of women in India have difficulty getting pregnant due to untreated PCOS. This ratio can be bigger because many women don’t even know that they are having PCOS as it is not diagnosed correctly. For your information, having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant but it might be trickier and you might need to take some extra careful steps to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. There are so many options for the right medication and you must consult the best fertility counselor in Ahmedabad to experience motherhood. Also, if you are facing complications in getting pregnant, then must visit Diva Women’s Hospital, as we offer ovulation induction drugs.
What is the Treatment of PCOS?
Getting pregnant with PCOS involves some steps that are needed to be followed by the women to have a safe and healthy pregnancy:
Following healthy lifestyle
Women need to have healthy lifestyle routines to avoid pregnancy complications and menstruation issues. This is because many health issues occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle pattern. Women with PCOS require special care and they must adopt a healthy diet and regular exercise to reduce the upcoming complications of getting pregnant. You can also consult the best OB/Gynec near you or can chalk out a diet plan from a dietician or nutritionist. After all the efforts, if you still are facing the same issue then here, you need to consult an IVF specialist. You can also practice yoga daily to get relief from stress and anxiety.
There are various medication treatments that are useful in treating PCOS while reducing the complications that can occur in pregnancy. PCOS can affect your reproductive system and therefore, timely treatment and proper medication are required to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Many infertility specialists suggest that Clomid treatment, metformin treatment, and Letrozole treatment are the best for women with PCOS and this also helps them get pregnant without facing any complications. All these three treatments help in balancing proper blood sugar levels which is highly essential in getting pregnant. This is because women with PCOS experience fluctuation in blood sugar levels as it changes how their body uses insulin. Birth control pills can also be consumed by women with PCOS as it helps in balancing estrogen and testosterone levels.
Fertility Help
Even after all the efforts and adopted changes, if you still are facing complications in getting pregnant then here you need to take fertility help. There are several fertility help options available due to advanced medical technology such as IVF, borrowing eggs, or surrogating. Women can go for these options to experience healthy and safe pregnancies and to experience motherhood. In-Vitro-Fertilization often called IVF is a treatment in which women can get pregnant artificially where eggs from the woman are taken and combined with the sperm taken from her male counterpart. If a woman is not able to produce healthy eggs, then she can borrow eggs to get pregnant. Moreover, if the woman can produce healthy eggs but can’t hold a pregnancy, then she can opt for surrogacy treatment. If you are looking for ovulation induction drugs, then don’t look further and visit Diva Women’s hospital today.
PCOS symptoms and complications
Women with PCOS may face difficulties in getting pregnant due to a disturbed menstruation cycle. Some major symptoms of PCOS involve:
Having bleeding for longer than usual
Light bleeding flow than usual
Not getting your period on time
Very heavy periods
Severe acne and pimples
Facial hairs and extra hairs at other body parts
Fewer eggs released
Small cysts or bundles of fluid
You might face some health issues, if you don’t get treated properly for PCOS, like:
Type 2 diabetes
Sleep Apnea
High cholesterol
High blood and sugar level
Heart disease
No one knows the reason why women get PCOS and what caused them to have this condition. But if this is diagnosed on time and treated properly while having all the precautions and following a healthy lifestyle may help women get pregnant. This will also prevent health complications that can occur in women due to PCOS. If you are trying to get pregnant with PCOS, then you only need to follow proper medications and treatment. Visit Diva Women’s Hospital and talk to our fertility specialists, they will guide you efficiently to treat PCOS while facing minimal complications.
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How to Increase Fertility in Women?
Eat well... Create a nutritious diet plan
We all know that a pregnant woman must consume nutritious food to provide a healthy environment for the baby in her womb. However, did you know that certain foods can help boost fertility?
A diet rich in calcium, iron, complex carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc – an essential prenatal vitamin – can help you become more fertile and conceive more easily.
Maintain a healthy weight
Several research findings indicate that being overweight and underweight can affect the chances of pregnancy. According to statistics, approximately 12% of women experience ovulatory infertility due to being underweight, while 25% experience the same fate due to obesity.
Whether your body fat percentage is low or high, it can increase your cycle, making it harder to get pregnant. Consequently, control your weight so that your BMI (Body Mass Index) is in the normal range of 18.5 to 24.9.
It's also a good idea to consult with a nutritionist or dietitian or use a fertility wellness service, so they can help you create a personalized diet plan that includes foods that promote fertility and help with weight loss.
Exercise daily to stay fit
Along with maintaining a healthy weight, you need to include regular physical activity in your routine. According to research, moderately active women have higher fertility rates than sedentary women.
However, remember not to overdo it. High-intensity workouts can increase your energy levels, which can harm your fertility. The best thing you can do is take a brisk evening walk of about 5000 steps.
Use yoga to reduce stress
Stress is inevitable in our modern life. On the other hand, chronic stress is a problem that needs to be addressed. Stress increases cortisol levels in the blood, which can interfere with ovulation.
Meditation is one of the most effective stress-reduction techniques, but it's not for everyone. Incorporating yoga into your daily life is another viable option. There are specific yoga poses designed to help with fertility.
Understand when you ovulate
You are most fertile during ovulation, 12 to 14 days before your period starts. This is the most likely month for you to conceive. You are least fertile during or a few days after your period, and it is very unlikely (although there is a slight chance) that you will get pregnant during this period.
As a result, if you have regular periods, you can use a mobile app or calendar to help you assess your fertility.
Consult your gynecologist
Fertility starts to decline as you age, especially when you're around 30. If you have been trying to conceive for several months, make an appointment with your gynecologist. An infertility specialist can help you diagnose and address underlying problems like hormonal imbalances or PCOS that affect your chances of pregnancy.
Take prenatal vitamins
According to some studies, 20% of ovulation-related infertility is due to a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Prenatal vitamins are a type of multivitamin supplement that provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals every day before and during pregnancy.
For example, folic acid is a B vitamin that is one of the most popular fertility vitamins because it not only helps your body prepare for pregnancy but also helps your baby's brain and spine develop.
Avoid alcoholic beverages and quit smoking
There are many things to avoid when trying to conceive, but alcohol and smoking are at the top of the list.
Alcohol can disrupt your menstrual cycle, making it harder to get pregnant. The same is true of smoking. You may be aware that smoking is bad for your lungs, but it can also harm the developing eggs in your ovaries, cause blockages in the fallopian tubes, and even cause ectopic pregnancies.
Stay hydrated... Reduce your caffeine intake
There is a lot of research showing the health benefits of moderate caffeine consumption. However, this is a strict no-no for a woman trying to conceive. Several studies have found that excessive caffeine consumption can lead to frequent miscarriages. According to other studies, just 500mg of caffeine can delay pregnancy by 10 months.
Caffeine can also cause dehydration in some people. Without adequate hydration, the production of cervical mucus will decrease, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg. As a result, it is important to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
Take some time out
About 30% of all women with infertility report stress, anxiety, and even depression. These negative emotions do not promote proper biology for pregnancy.
Consequently, try to find time for yourself when you can relax, especially if your work is stressful. If you can't handle your anxiety or depression on your own, you should consider going to a counseling session.
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roshini · 2 years
Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Disease
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. It is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs in huge numbers and as time passes it becomes a cyst in the ovaries. It is characterized by multiple small cysts in the ovaries and makes the ovaries enlarged which leads to increased production of androgen and estrogen hormones that cause multiple bodily issues. About 10% of women are suffering from PCOD. Due to the production of a higher amount of male hormones, it might cause women to skip their menstrual cycle which makes it difficult to get pregnant and if PCOD is not treated it gets into a syndrome which is PCOS.
In Ayurveda, PCOS is associated with Kapha Dosha, all three Dosha’s play a vital role in the menstrual cycles in females and the main function of Vata is helping in the movement of follicles. PCOD is due to Kapha blocking the path of Vata and Pitta Doshas and Kapha also affects digestive disorders due to these toxins accumulating in the body and the cysts are due to the accumulation of impurities and toxins in the body
Symptoms of PCOD
The symptoms of PCOD are:
Increased androgen levels- excessive male hormone causes various physical manifestations like facial and body hair growth and male pattern baldness
 Irregular menstruation (Oligomenorrhea)- You may experience irregular periods or delayed periods as there is an abnormality in the maturation of eggs
Obesity- PCOD leads to weight gain
Skin darkening in the neck, groin, or under the breast
Oily skin which leads to acne 
Mood swings
Infertility- It is due to irregular or delayed or failure in ovulation. The increase in the level of male hormone prevents follicles from maturation and releasing the eggs, this causes delay or failure of ovulation.
Causes of PCOD
Family history
There is a 50% chance that a female can get PCOD if her immediate female relative is suffering from PCOD and as you grow older PCOD might lead to type 2 diabetes.
Insulin resistance
About 70% of women with PCOD have peripheral insulin resistance. The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin that helps the body to use sugar from foods for energy but due to insulin resistance the cells can’t use insulin properly and the body’s demand for insulin increases.
 Lifestyle and Weight
A sedentary lifestyle may lead to obesity which may worsen insulin resistance and the symptoms of PCOD. Food habits like eating junk food may also cause PCOD.
Treatment of PCOD
PCOD cannot be cured but its symptoms can be managed as there is an ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and PCOD.  Uttara Vasti is the most effective treatment and it helps in purification and clears the Aartava Vaha Srotas, pacifiers vitiated Apana Vayu and improves follicular maturity.  There is also ayurvedic treatment for hair loss. Along with these treatments, it is important to maintain a diet that includes less amount of carbohydrates and lifestyle modification by exercising daily. Low-intensity exercises like yoga are done to manage the symptoms of PCOD.
For one to manage PCOD a holistic approach to Ayurveda should be taken. Tatkshana Ayurveda Hospital, which is one of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Bangalore helps to ensure good health where we not only recommend supplements but also guide you with a proper diet with lifestyle changes and authentic medicine prepared by our experts. Tatkshana, an ayurvedic treatment centre not only helps you in PCOS ayurvedic treatment but also has ayurvedic treatment for obesity and there is even ayurvedic treatment for hair loss.
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Get in touch: 📞+91 77601 04333 | ✉ [email protected]
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