#yippee ! the tag i used it again man its been a time
ickypuppi3 · 4 months
thinking about steve getting kinda, sorta. jealous. that billy’s been with other guys while he, himself, has no experience in that area.
maybe it’s as they’re hanging out in steve’s room, a couple months or so into them fooling around and. they’re just lying there, on the bed. steve staring at that mark on his ceiling from when he threw a baseball in fourth grade only for it to come right back down and give tommy h a black eye and billy, well.
billy’s just talking. telling steve all about his- past endeavours. about those guys under the boardwalk and his friend who kissed him and stuck a hand down his pants when they broke into some dilapidated house to smoke shitty weed and that other guy who really knew what to do with his fingers if you know what i mean, stevie and.
steve can’t stand it anymore ‘cause. it sucks to think someone’s made billy feel better then he has, than he knows how to, so. he just-
“show me.”
it’s too sudden. too loud. even over the mixtape billy gave steve a week ago with the excuse that steve needs better taste.
and billy just sits there, eyes bugging out as a tinny guitar riff bleeds into the quiet of the room ‘cause. “what?”
and steve flushes a little. shrugs. “show me. teach me or whatever.”
“how to-”
“how to make you-” steve pushes his hair back. tries to make his voice sound a little less desperate. “i wanna make you feel good.”
and billy’s feeling kinda awkward himself so. he grins at steve. leers. drags his eyes up ‘n down. “man. i gotta put more effort in here. i mean, if you didn’t already know i was feeling g-”
but steve’s not having it.
“i wanna make you feel good. better than-” a pause. “those other guys.”
“you-” billy’s eyebrows shoot up. expression somewhere between incredulous and cat-who-got-the-cream. “you’re jealous.”
“jealous. ha.”
“you are.”
“i’m competitive.” steve levels him with a stare. nods once like that’s gonna make his point stick.
“uh huh.”
“it’s totally different.”
“right.” billy grins, unable to help himself. “so.”
steve sits up. on his knees. leans forward, one hand on the bed beside billy’s waist and the other inching its way up beneath the hem of those shorts steve has a love hate relationship with.
“teach me.”
and it’s billy’s turn to flush. freckles fading beneath pink as steve’s index finger rubs circles just south of his hip. let’s out a stuttering breath that ends in yea’okay as he reaches up to pull off his tank. teeth making little indents in his bottom lip as steve stares.
and steve’s a good student, right? well. maybe not in class but. with billy laid out all pretty under him, touching. talking, well. steve’s pretty sure he could get himself an A+ on listening and attentiveness alone.
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astro-inthestars · 2 years
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petrichoravellichor · 4 years
Subway Stop Smiles
(Read on Ao3)
Ship: Garth/Kelly, Garth & Jack (platonic)
Rating: G
Tags: Alternate Universe, Dentist Garth, Toddler Jack, Fluff, Singing in the Subway, Disney Songs, Brief Mentions of Oral Hygiene, Meet-Cute, Kid Fic, Pre-Relationship, Implied Future Garth/Kelly
Summary: While playing guitar at a subway stop, Garth meets a lost little boy, Jack, who is looking for his mother. Turns out Jack's mother, Kelly, is everything Garth has been looking for as well...
Word Count: 1,616
Written for @spnfluffbingo (square filled: Child AU) and @spnrareshipbingo (square filled: Kelly). 
On his days off, Garth liked going to the subway station near his apartment and playing guitar for tips.
It wasn’t that he was strapped for cash; in fact, things at the dental practice were going great, so much so that he’d recently hired a third assistant and a fourth receptionist. Still, talking to patients about strategies for improving oral hygiene and scraping the plaque off their teeth did little to feed Garth’s hunger for creative endeavors, so that’s where his stints in subway came in.
(Plus, he used the extra money he earned to buy some wicked cool prizes for his young [and young-at-heart] patients: going to the dentist, he reasoned, was a lot more fun if you got to leave with a bombass yo-yo that flashed bright colors when you spun it or your very own copy of Where the Wild Things Are.)
Today had been a good day. Garth had arrived at the station a little before nine in the morning; it was now just after twelve, and he’d already managed to net around fifty dollars, enough to buy at least a couple new bits of swag from the novelty toy store a few stops away. He’d just bent down to put his guitar back in its case when he heard a wail and looked up to see a train pulling out of the station and a young boy sitting alone on the platform.
The boy was small, maybe four or five, and he was crying and clutching a stuffed dog. The few people that still milled about the station were either ignoring him outright or casting him furtive glances that clearly said they’d rather someone else deal with the situation.
Garth frowned. People, man, he thought, shaking his head. Acting like a crying kid’s the end of the world. He snapped his guitar case closed, then headed over to see if he could help.
“Hey, bud,” he said, smiling. He squatted at the boy's side. “You OK?”
The little boy sniffled and looked at Garth with large, watery eyes. “I want my Mommy," he said in a small voice.
Garth looked around at the mostly deserted station, but now that he’d approached the boy, no one else was paying them any mind. Whoever the boy’s mommy was, she didn’t seem to be around.
Little man must be lost, Garth realized with a pang. Let’s get him found. He turned back to the little boy, sympathetic. “Aw, I’m sorry you can’t find your mommy,” he said, then added, “It’s OK, though: I’m actually a Professional Mommy Finder!” Garth held out a hand. “My name’s Garth. What’s your name?”
The little boy regarded him warily, his only response to wipe his eyes and hug his stuffed dog closer.
Right, stranger danger. Garth chewed his tongue thoughtfully for a moment, then gave the boy another smile. Time to go stealth. “Wait!” he said, raising a finger, “Don’t tell me, let’s see if I can guess it!”
He sat back on his heels, assuming an expression of deep concentration and scratching his chin; a few seconds later, he snapped his fingers and pointed at the boy, excited. “Asmodeus! Your name is Asmodeus, isn’t it?”
The little boy scrunched his face, confused. “No.”
“Oh snap!” said Garth, smacking his forehead. “Did I say Asmodeus? I meant Balthazar.”
That earned a smile. “No.”
“Darn. OK, how about...Crowley! I bet it’s Crowley.”
The little boy giggled and shook his head. “No-o!”
“Well, why not?” demanded Garth, grinning. “Crowley’s a great name! In fact,” he said, leaning forward to whisper conspiratorially, “I bet it’s even better than your name!”
The little boy looked indignant. “Is not!”
“Why? What’s your name?”
Garth chuckled. Bingo. “Jack,” he repeated, nodding. “You’re right, that’s a much better name! OK, Jack, let’s go sit over here,” he pointed to a nearby bench, “and we can talk some more. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” Jack agreed. He followed Garth over to the bench, setting his stuffed dog down on the seat before climbing up to sit with his legs dangling off the edge.
Garth sat next to him with his guitar case on his lap, folding his arms across the top and leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands. “So, Jack, where did you last see your mommy?”
“On da twain," said Jack, who was busy situating his stuffed dog in his lap.
“On the...” Garth glanced over at the empty track. “The one that just left?”
Jack nodded. “Yeah.”
“Why aren’t you with her, bud?”
Jack held up his stuffed dog. “I dwopped Wolfie,” he said.
Garth nodded, reaching out to shake one of the dog’s stuffed paws. “Hi, Wolfie, nice to meet you. You too, Garth!” he added in falsetto, causing Jack to giggle again. “OK, so you dropped Wolfie. Where'd you drop him?”
Jack pointed at a spot on the ground a few feet away. “I comed back to get him," he said.
“You got off the train to get Wolfie?”
“Without your mommy?”
“She put da gwocewies on da seat,” explained Jack.
“Oh, she was putting the groceries on the seat?”
Now we're getting somewhere, he thought. “Okay, so she was busy, and she didn’t see you get off. Then, after you got off, the train left.”
Jack’s lip twitched; he looked like he might start crying again. “Yeah...”
“Hey, hey, it’s OK,” Garth said quickly, in the reassuring tone he usually reserved for anxious patients. “I’ll bet your mommy’s on the next train back. We’ll wait right here for her, ’kay?”
Jack nodded, and Garth smiled. “Cool beans. In the meantime,” he said, setting his guitar case down on the ground and snapping it open, “you wanna hear a song?”
They sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Down By the Bay”, and “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”, and they were halfway through “Hakuna Matata” when a train pulled into the station.
“'It means no worries for the rest of your day-ay-ays!'” sang Garth, strumming out the rhythm. “'It’s our problem free philosophy—'”
Garth looked up, and his jaw dropped. Hakuna ma-wowza...
The voice had come from a pretty brunette woman wearing a green sundress and a straw-brimmed hat. She had a grocery bag over each shoulder and was rushing toward them. “Jack!”
Jack’s face lit up, and he scrambled down off the bench, Wolfie falling once again to the ground. “Mommy!”
Mamma mia, thought Garth dimly. Jack, bud, no offense, but how do you walk away from her?
The woman knelt and swept Jack into an embrace. “Thank God!” she said, pressing a fierce kiss to the side of Jack’s head before pulling back, hands resting on Jack’s shoulders. “Jack, baby, you can’t do that. You have to stay with me when we’re on the subway, OK?”
Jack nodded, looking contrite. “I sowwy, Mommy.”
“I know, just—” she let out a shuddering breath and pulled him in for another hug; as she rested her head on Jack’s shoulder, her light green gaze flickered over to Garth for the first time.
Aaand it’s go time. Garth cleared his throat and tried to rein in his thoughts, which were currently galloping around his head like wild, heart-eyed horses. He raised a hand to his mouth for a quick breath check, then disguised the motion by smoothing his hair. Yippee-ki-yay, mamacita.
“Hi!” he said, standing...only to nearly trip over his guitar case. He steadied himself at the last moment, managing a cheerful "Meant to do that!", then picked Wolfie up off the ground and headed over to Jack and Jack’s apparently super-hot mom. “Careful, bud," he said, holding out Wolfie with a smile, "you dropped someone.”
Jack beamed and reached up to take the dog. “Gawf singed songs wif me!” he said, hugging Wolfie to his chest and turning to look at his mom.
The woman studied Garth for a moment, then gave him a slow smile. “Gawf, I presume?”
Garth chuckled. “Guilty as charged,” he said, then held out a hand. “I also answer to ‘Garth’, though.”
“Garth,” the woman repeated, smile widening. She reached out and clasped his hand in hers. “Thank you for taking care of Jack. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
Just let me look at that smile for a second longer, thought Garth, and we’re even. Then he remembered he was supposed to answer out loud. “Oh, uh, don’t worry about it,” he said, hoping he didn’t sound as bashful to Jack’s mom as he did to himself, unless maybe she likes bashful? “All in a day’s work, Ms....?”
“Kline,” the woman said; then, with a twinkle in her eye, added, “I also answer to ‘Kelly’, though.”
“Mommy,” interjected Jack, pulling at Kelly’s dress, “can Gawf eat wunch wif us? Pwease?”
Garth felt a surge of affection for the little guy; still, he didn’t want to press his luck—truth be told, it didn’t usually last this long—but before he could respond, Kelly beat him to the punch.
“Only if he wants to,” she said, and her smile...Garth was a dentist, he knew smiles. Hers was different: in less than five minutes of acquaintance, it’d become his favorite. “We were going to eat at Benny’s a few stops away,” Kelly continued, nodding over her shoulder at the incoming train, “if you like Cajun food and want to join us.”
Garth had no idea if he liked Cajun food, but he definitely wanted to join them, and maybe have a chance to see if Kelly’s laugh was as gorgeous as her smile. He had a feeling it probably was.
“Yeah,” he said, smiling. “Count me in.”
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor: The Dark World (2013)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, at least four times.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Four (23.52% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
Surprisingly dull.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Darcy tells Jane about the scientific anomaly. They check it out together. They pass when Jane reappears. Frigga instructs Jane. To be honest, I forgot to notice if they actually passed once Jane came back to Earth, but it’s ok because we already confirmed that the film achieved multiple passes anyway. There were definitely some.
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Female characters:
Jane Foster.
Darcy Lewis.
Male characters:
Erik Selvig.
Odin is encouraging Thor to have a relationship with Sif, aka his One Female Friend. What a cliche. It comes to nothing in any direction and I don’t know why they bothered to even mention it.
They bother to give Frigga something to do (ever-so-briefly) in this movie, just in time to kill her off. Nice.
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They spent so much time having Thor and Loki trade quips while they’re escaping Asgard, I straight-up forgot that Jane was there. Bad editing, y’all.
Erik is ~crazy~ and then he sees the convergence is happening and he’s spontaneously better and it’s all just very...poor.
Thor’s whole take-the-aether-to-Svartalfheim plan goes astronomically badly and I feel like they kinda...gloss over that. He and his buddies all commit treason, they deliver the aether straight to Malekith, and Loki DIES (as far as Thor knows, anyway). It’s just kinda weird that they don’t take a moment to be like ‘wow, really fucked that one up’, y’know, lean in to the emotion a bit, give it some weight? I feel like they played Frigga’s death like it was the more desolate moment, which is nonsense from both a narrative perspective, and in terms of character (since the audience is three films in with fan-favourite Loki, as opposed to this being Frigga’s second appearance but the first in which she actually did anything (recall in the first film she was not actually given a name, let alone anything to do)). Whatever. 
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I’m not gonna linger overlong with this one, because there’s really not a lot worth saying. For the ladies, I will say this: I think all four of them have more utility in this film than they did in the first Thor. Jane is less prominent than last time, but she gets to do more than just talk excitedly about science this time (though for the middle portion of the film, she is rendered a damsel and spends a lot of time either unconscious or just weirdly silent and being totally forgotten by narrative and audience alike (pro tip: reaction shots of all involved parties are important. No one is ever just hanging on the sidelines of a major action event doing and thinking and responding to nothing). Nevertheless, she gets to actively participate in science-ing a way to win the day at the climax of the film (using Selvig’s tech, admittedly - I can’t give points to any aspect of Jane’s handling in this film without also adding a caveat), and at least that’s better than standing around yelling and wringing her hands over Thor? It’s something.
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When I say Sif had more utility this time, that’s...maybe an exaggeration. She had about the same amount as last film, really: she does at least one (1) thing in her function as ‘one of Thor’s group of friends’, and she gets at least one (1) scene where she has a personal conversation of some description with Thor so that the film can play with the possibility of using Sif as a love interest. It’s not a thrilling effort, and I can’t pretend that there’s any real evidence of a character there, just a placeholder standing in until someone with an actual personality shows up to take over (it doesn’t happen). Darcy continues to be that mix of fun and annoying that only sometimes works as comic relief, but at least this movie gives her some minor action to perform (getting Selvig out of the psychiatric facility) as opposed to just tagging along being chatty for the sake of it all movie long. It’s not much - and frankly, Selvig’s whole storyline is useless - but at least it allows anything at all to be happening on Earth while Jane and Thor are away. It’s...something.
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And then there’s Frigga, who, as noted, is briefly given something to do so that the film can shore up some meagre emotional capital in order to buy a fancy funeral scene and some tasty manpain for our Asgardian royals. Yippee. An inordinate amount of attention is given to the death of a relatively minor character with whom the audience has been given little opportunity to forge an attachment, and while it works fine enough at that point in the film, the fact that the movie never reaches that same tempo again is egregious. Normally, the primary emotional intensifier in the film is the event which prompts the final act, but this movie misplaces that event way early with Frigga’s death and then Thor’s treason-plan which ensues; there’s a whole other action set-piece on Svartalfheim and ANOTHER (much more major) character death, and THAT is what spurs the final act of the film, but it is handled in a much more low-key (pun not intended) fashion, with very little response from the characters past the immediate moment. After Loki’s death, there’s no evidence that Thor is particularly bothered, there’s no indication that he’s emotionally driven to avenge his brother (or his mother, now, because we already spent that arc) by defeating Malekith at last, and there’s no hatching of a reckless Hail-Mary ploy to beat the bad guy, they just kinda...go and plant some gravitation rod thingies. Wowzer. The primary emotional intensifier of the film happens at the half-way point with Frigga’s fridging, and there’s not nearly enough fuel in that to keep the story running to the end. 
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Essentially, this is the problem with the entire film: it has no emotional cohesion, and that renders events that should feel compelling/exciting/original perfunctory and empty instead. It also has the same problem as the first Thor in that the majority of the characters feel flat and fairly meaningless as individuals, existing more as plot devices than anything else, but unlike the first film this one doesn’t even muster a good villain plot (Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith has presence, but he isn’t given anything dynamic to work with, he’s literally ‘evil, because’. Also, I’m annoyed that they had Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Malekith’s lieutenant and failed to do anything cool with him as a character, he’s just The Muscle (who is also ‘evil, because’)). The adventure to Svartalfheim is the best part of the film because it has the sense of escalating stakes that the actual final act lacks, so it’s the only time that the tone of the film feels like it’s on-track, plus it is notably the only time that the narrative utilises Loki (fan-favourite character and easily the best asset from the first film: you kinda want to lean in to that - the other best character from the first movie, Heimdall, remains woefully underused this time around). Once Loki is out of the picture and Thor’s not real worried about it and the characters on Earth are fooling around with planting a handful of itty flimsy spikes in Greenwich to disrupt the cosmic alignment of the nine realms (who knew it was that easy?), the film lapses into the same old predictable beats with no emotional core, and while there’s some basic fun in the portal-hopping of the film’s climax, there’s no sense of any genuine jeopardy for any of the characters, nor is there a clear idea of what they actually have to do to beat Malekith or how that can be achieved, so the action isn’t building toward anything more defined than ‘super-powered aliens whaling on each other’. As the MCU already learned (but evidently, failed to internalise) after The Incredible Hulk, just having rubber characters bounce around breaking stuff and being invulnerable until it becomes convenient for them to stop does not a good finale make. Well. At least this movie isn’t as ridiculously contrived as Iron Man 2? It’s less fun, though, and for all its spectacle, it’s not even as good as the first Thor movie, and considering how very generic that film was? That’s a dire conclusion. The MCU track record for sequels is presently, not good. Just you wait, though - we’re about to have an exception to the rule.
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 8
Pairing: JDM x OFC (RPF)
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus
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   We could have ended up having sex that night, but we didn’t.  Instead, Jeffrey had to drive my drunk ass home (I basically polished off the whole bottle before the lights came on) and tuck me into bed before curling up beside me himself. I woke up the next morning from him throwing his heavy fucking arm over my stomach, causing me to jerk up and rush to my bathroom to hurl. ​
​   “You alright, hun? Need anything?” He called from the other side of the door, sleep heavy in his voice. I responded by heaving again, to which he replied, “Take that as some Tylenol,” with a chuckle.    Once my guts were out of my stomach and my teeth were brushed, I stumbled, still half drunk, out of the bathroom and fell back into bed with him. He held out a glass of water and handed me four little pills. I downed them all, followed by the water, before setting myself up against the pillows next to him. “Sooo….” I started, finger picking at an invisible spec on the side of the glass.    "Yup.“ He sighed, turning onto his side to face me, “You’re back to dealing with me again.”
   A grin spread to my face as I sat the glass down and swatted him on the shoulder, “Ass.”    "Go ahead, get it out of your system, pretty girl.“ He stuck his tongue out at me and I lunged forward to bite it.    Jeffrey groaned in pleasure at the pain and gripped my hips to roll me over on top of him, deepening the kiss while doing so. His tongue pushed past my teeth and danced with mine, sucking on it in a teasing manner, coaxing a whimper from me as he tightened his grip on my waist. We kissed for what seemed like forever, making out like teenagers while rolling around in my sheets, both of us fighting for dominance over the other. He had just moved his lips down to my jaw and neck when we were interrupted by a loud knock coming from my front door.    "You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.” I grunted, retching myself out of his grasp with a loud huff and pulling myself from the bed to head to the source of the interruption.    "I swear Jensen if that’s you I’m gonna-“ I pulled the door open to reveal Misha, bright smile on his face like it wasn’t 10:30 in the morning.
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   "Your smile is hurting my head. Stop it.” I grumbled as I walked away from the door, leaving it open for him to enter and close it behind him.    "Goooood Morning, Sleepy head,“ He sang, bouncing around me like a woodland creature, "How was yourrrr evening?”    "She drank an entire bottle of Crown” came Jeffrey’s rasp from the doorway of the bedroom, scaring the shit out of Misha.    Holding his hand to his chest in surprise before recovering, he said, “Ha! Well, sounds like her. I wondered if I’d find you here, Jeff. Jensen’s been trying to call you both.”    "Phone’s dead.“ We both said in unison, earning us a suspicious grin from Misha.    "Sure. Okay. Anyways, he sent me over to check. Now that I’ve checked, who wants to go to breakfast?” Misha was bouncing around my kitchen at this point, opening and closing my refrigerator repeatedly.    I showered and changed into a pair of yoga pants and a slouchy crop top, threw my hair into a messy bun and avoided looking in the mirror as I wiped the remaining mascara from under my eyes. Misha commented on how shitty I looked as I pushed on a pair of flip flops and grabbed my keys. “Just for that, you’re paying, dick bag” I said as I locked my door.    "I’ll pay for whatever you want, baby" Misha teased before he smacked my ass playfully, earning him raised eye brows from Jeffrey and a glare from me as we exited the building.    Surprisingly Misha allowed Jeffrey the passenger seat as we crawled into my car.    "So, Ky, me and Vicky had a question for you,“ Misha started, learning forward between the two seats from the back.    I sighed, “yes, Misha, I will show you how to eat your wife’s pussy again,” teasingly patting his head without looking away from the road.    He smirked while raising an eyebrow, nudging Jeffrey’s shoulder “you think you can handle this one, old man?”    Jeffrey quirked a dom eye brow of his own before bringing a hand down on my thigh with a smack, “I think I’ll be alright, Collins”    I glared at him through the corner of my eye before shifting my gaze expectedly to Misha through the mirror.    "Its looking like this is gonna be the last year for Gish, girl.“ he sighed, finally getting to the point. "What?!” I exclaimed, turning slightly in my seat towards him.    "I knowww, but I just don’t have time for it anymore. Neither does Vick. So, we were hoping, since you were there at the start, you’d be apart of the finish” Misha let his gummy grin show while he tilted his head lovingly.    Jeffrey squeezed my thigh for encouragement. I huffed a fallen piece of hair out my eyes. “Fine” I said with a roll of my eyes as I pulled into the restaurant.    "Yippee!“ Misha rejoiced, leaping forward to kiss my cheek dramatically, rewarding him with another look from Jeff.
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   Breakfast consisted of me downing 4 Bloody Mary’s before the food ever even got ordered, earning me looks from the server as well as Jeff and Misha. Once the food came, in between stuffing his face with pancake and eggs, Misha and I discussed the plan for the final Gish season and what he wanted to achieve with it. Naturally, we both wanted it to be the biggest and best since the beginning, with the best winners trip and prizes. We set up a conference call with Darius and the rest of the Gish team for the following week and were discussing new item ideas when I felt Jeffrey’s hand on my thigh under the table, earning him my attention away from the conversation.    "Look at you, I told you you could get back in it.” he chuckled, beaming at me with pride. I gave him a small nod and adverted my eyes to the plate in front of me and picked at a piece of strawberry.    "She actually thought she didn’t do any good in the world, Mish. Can you believe that?“ Jeffrey continued before taking a sip of his coffee. “Said her work was ‘no big deal’”    "The greatest scavenger hunt the world has ever seen is no big deal, eh squirt?“Misha feigned offence as he clutched his hand to his chest. I rolled my eyes. "I’m not that big of a part of it, guys. I just help”    "Not this time, girl. I’m going to be so busy with conventions and filming that you and Darius are gonna be doing a lot of the grunt work. Which brings me our next question.“ He took a sip of his own coffee as his eyes flicked to Jeff for a second while I squinted my own lids at him with my straw in my mouth, "I’m going to be needing an assistant.”    "That’s not a question, Dmitri” I popped my eyebrow up in suspicion, already guessing at his ‘question’    "Yes or no? You know you want to. Plus, I hear Jeff is doing some conventions with us this year.“ He tilted his head towards Jeffrey who nodded in confirmation, hopeful look in his eye.    I glanced between the both of them as I sucked the rest of the liquid through my straw, “You two are teaming up on me, aren’t you?”    "What? Me? No” Misha said over dramatically while Jeff took to whistling a tune while adverting his eyes around the room. I sighed. “Let me think about it. Get me another drink.” I ordered.
   Of course I said yes, and by the end of the month I had quit the club, packed all my stuff, and Misha moved me out to L.A as soon as Gen had Odette. Misha had paid for me a little one bedroom studio apartment near his house and even let me pick out my own furniture. I spent my first two weeks there helping him and Darius sort through submissions and setting up the registry, helping Vicky with the children so she could fulfill her own responsibilities with everything, and generally getting used to the complete and sudden change in my life.    Everyone at the club was upset that I was leaving, and Andy himself promised that anytime I wanted to come back that my promotion was still guaranteed. Leaving Dallas was bittersweet but there was something about being so far away from everything that had happened was calming and peaceful. Working for Misha was easy, especially since he had always been one of my really close friends since the day that I had met him. Rob of course was in the same city as well and the first week there he helped me unpack everything and took me out to show me around all his favorite places in the city. Jensen was proud that I had taken the job, as him and Jared and the girls always encouraged me to continue on with Gishwhes, it had always been Anthony that didn’t allow it. He had hated the idea of me doing anything but worshiping him.     Jeffrey and I talked every day again, mostly through texts but he did manage to call me almost every night. He was on a convention tour for all of April and May, May being when  I would be on tour with Misha. We had to miss his birthday but he was scheduled for appearances at 3 cons that Misha would be attending, plus one that would be in Los Angeles the only weekend Misha and I  had before heading to Vancouver for filming to start there and Jeff would be heading back to Georgia for The Walking Dead. We hadn’t seen each other since he left 2 days after Jensen’s birthday, and I couldn’t help but notice how frustrated my heart was making me feel.  
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   "I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Gorgeous.“ He rasped into the phone the night before Misha and I’s flight to the first convention they had together, “Feels like it’s been forever,”    "2 months tomorrow, Mr. J” I confirmed as I lay sprawled over my couch, TV playing idly in the background.    "Never again, I’m not going this long ever again,“ He grumbled, squirming around in his hotel bed. He was scheduled for an early call for V.I.P preview Thursday where as Misha was just Friday through Sunday.    "I’m sure your over exaggerating, hun. Go find a fan-girl.” I teased, ignoring the ache in my chest that was my feelings for him.    "Pffft" he spat with a chuckle “You know you’re my girl, right?” My heart pinged at his words and I was speechless momentarily. I quickly recovered and cloaked my anxiety, “I bet you say that to everyone.” “Just you wait and see, little girl. Just wait” he chuckled with an asphalt tone. “Wait and see what, Mr. J?” I grinned, my own voice altering slightly.    "Don’t do that to me, now, woman. Not the time,“ he scolded, but I could hear the smile in his tone. “You’re in bed, aren’t you?” I giggled, seductiveness still light on my tongue.    "I’m not in bed with you, though, tease,“ He groaned, rutting himself against his mattress.
   I was still half asleep as I guided an equally exhausted Misha through the maze of hotel hallways towards the greenroom by the hand. Our flight had landed at 5:30 in the morning in Phoenix and we had to wait for an our before our driver was able to locate the correct terminal to pick us up in. By the time we actually got to the hotel there was no time for even a nap, so we had both quickly found our room to shower and change. I had been able to muster the energy to make myself presentable, since I was going to be seeing Jeffrey. I had braided my now platinum blonde tresses (the purple had eventually faded enough it toned my whole head almost white.) into low pig tails, paired with simple black winged eyeliner and lashes with dark lipstick. I wore my oversized black Always Keep Fighting shirt and a pair of shorts with my high-top Chuck’s. I finally was able to locate the correct doorway and pulled us both in, Misha immediately collapsing by into Jensen’s sleeping arms on the couch closest to the door. It was barely 8 am and everyone was still half dead.    I was pouring myself a cup of hotel coffee when I felt his long arms wrap themselves around my waist, accompanied by his scruffy beard nuzzling into its favorite place on my neck.    "Too long.” He rasped, us both inhaling each others’ scent at the same time. I leaned back into his chest as I sat the cup of coffee on the table in front of me before raising a hand to his neck to hold him in place. He placed gentle kisses all over my neck before turning me in his arms to face him. He looked down at me for a moment as I raised myself to my tip-toes and pulled him to my lips. He squeezed me tight as I parted my mouth, his brows furrowing into the sensation of having our arms around each other finally. He couldn’t help digging his fingernails into the exposed skin around my waist as I whimpered at the taste of his tongue. I’m pretty sure we could have stayed like that all day if it hadn’t been for Rob clearing his throat behind us, trying to get to the coffee maker.    "Glad to see you two are on better terms,“ He teased with a giggle, taking the cup I had started working on and finishing it the way I liked it for me before working on his own. I took the cup from his hand with a smile before leaning over to kiss him on his cheek in hello.    "We’re getting a long a lot better you could say, Rob” I replied with a raised eyebrow.    Jeffrey threw an arm over my shoulder and bent down to nuzzle his scruff into my temple with a scrunched nose, earning another laugh from Rob as we walked over towards the couches. Jensen had finally stirred and was sitting upright now as we approached, rubbing his eyes, with Misha’s head in his lap, the man still deep in sleep.    "Good to see you, bubz” I said, leaning over to kiss his head before falling onto the couch into Jeffrey’s arms. With a shake if his head he huffed, “you two are stupid.” “You’re stupid” I retorted, nuzzling closer to Jeff.    A young brunette girl with a volunteer shirt poked in her head into the room, “Hey guys, Misha’s morning panel starts in 20 minutes. Mr. Morgan, you have photo ops at the same time.”    "Thanks, sweetie" Jeffrey replied, making the poor girl blush a bright red before she could duck out and hide.    I pried myself out of Jeff’s arms and headed back to the coffee maker, knowing Misha would need some strong tea if they planned on him not being a total ass to the fans. Jared stumbled in and threw himself onto Misha, causing the sleeping man to jerk awake suddenly with a yelp    "Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty" Jensen sang as he ruffled the mans hair while Jared dug around for a comfy spot.    "10 more minutes" he grumbled as he wrapped his arms around Jared’s back. I rolled my eyes.    "Mish, wake up, you have a panel soon.“ I warned, leaning over to knock his head with the palm of my hand. His eyes fluttered open and his brows furrowed in irritation as he looked at me.    "Meh” he whined, finally re-positioning Jared in order to climb out from underneath him. I extended his tea out, which he accepted with a sigh.    "So who are you gonna be following around today, Ky, your boss or your boyfriend?“ Jensen snickered, taking a sip from his own cup of coffee.    Jeffrey and I both tensed at the word, neither of us had discussed what we actually were yet. Sure, he had referred to me as his girl, and the pictures from the airport at New Years were still circulating around the internet, but nothing had been set in stone. Of course I hadn’t even been interested in anyone else, despite my flirtatious nature. I craned my head up to look at Jeff, and he looked down to me with a small smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. Thankfully Misha cut in with his own agenda,    "I actually need her with me for my panel, gonna be talking about Gish and stuff” He explained with a nod of his head before taking another deep swig of tea. “You’re not gonna pull me up on stage, are you?” I whined. “Possibly.”
An hour later I found myself sitting on a bar stool next to Misha. On stage.    "Um, I have a question for Kylin, I love that your doing Gish this year. What are your goals that you want to accomplish with the last hunting season?“ A teenage girl had asked, referring to the scavenger hunt. 
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   "Awh, Thank you! Well, Random Acts and Gish have always set out to accomplish great things. My goal is to make this season the best ever and have the name live on through ya’ll. Ya’ll are the ones that make this happen. Sure, Misha, Darius, and I and the other volunteers put literal blood sweat and tears into it, but it is you, the participants, that make it what it is. I want this last hunt to inspire everyone to continue to make a difference. To have people come up to me in 20 years and say 'Thank you, Random Acts and Gishwhes made me who I am today.’ That’s my goal for this season, and so far, it seems like we’re gonna crush it.” I smiled to the fan as everyone applauded. Misha wrapped an arm around me and leaned his head into my shoulder.
   "Not many people know this, but Kylin helped create Minion Stimulus, the original Random Acts, when she was just 17. She was apart of the first Gish event in 2011. She was the one who inspired me to continue doing it when I felt like we were failing. This girl right here,“ He tightened his grip around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head, “Is truly amazing, and I’m so thankful to have her back with me for the final go around. Her and Vick spend literally 18 hours a day between the two of them going over registration, items, ideas, submissions, everything, they literally do everything, to make this the best it possibly can. I am so thankful.” Tears had begun to well up in his eyes, causing my own to spring forward as he pulled me in for another hug.    The crowd cheered again and I waved once more before saying good bye and ducking back behind the curtain. Rob and Rich both had been listening and engulfed me in hugs, followed by Briana and Ruthie who accompanied me back to the greenroom so I could wait on Jeff.    "I’m jealous, love. Look at him.“ Ruth nodded to the couch where I hadn’t noticed Jeff had been sitting. He was staring at me with that smirk on his face and I couldn’t help the heat rising to my neck.    I giggled as I left her side to skip to where Jeffrey sat, flopping down beside him. He wrapped his arm behind the back of my seat and wound his finger around a piece of hair as he looked down at me.    "You’re amazing, you know that?” He drawled lowly, his voice raising goosebumps as I shook my head. “Whatever” I argued,    "I listened to what you said, girl, don’t play coy with me.“ He chuckled as he brought his nose to my ear, "I know better.”    I scoffed lightly at him while looking at my hands in my lap. I could tell he rolled his eyes as he moved his hand to crook a finger under my chin to force me to look at him. “You’re amazing.” he repeated, kissing my cheek, “You’re passionate.” He moved my face to kiss the other cheek. “You’re inspiring.” He kissed my forehead.    "And I can’t believe you’re mine“ he growled in half a whisper, making my heart spasm before leaning in to finally kiss my lips. "I am?” I asked meekly, my breath faltering as I met his eyes.    "If you’ll have me.“ He said, leaning back to lace his hand that wasn’t wrapped around me into my fingers.    I looked into his eyes as I let his words sink into my soul. I could feel myself falling for him, slowly but surely, and it was slightly overwhelming. The feeling of safety I felt when I was with him was undeniable, and I had never had anyone besides my family try to encourage me the way he did. No one, not even my family, took the time out of their day, every day, to check on me, but Jeffrey did. He knew I was broken and hurt and fragile and crazy and he still wanted to be apart of my life. At the same time though I was terrified. Terrified of him realizing that I’m not all that I’m cracked up to be, of how truly broken I believed I still was, and of attempting to be apart of his life. I knew his world was busy and he was constantly somewhere new, around thousands of beautiful women with established careers who were prettier, nicer, more mature, and better suited to fit him. The idea of him getting tired of me flashed across my mind as I looked down to stare at our hands. What if he saw what Anthony saw, the stupid immature girl who cried over everything and couldn’t do anything right?    He must have seen the scenarios playing out across my face because he leaned his face back against mine, his scruff pressing against my cheek as he rasped into my ear, "Stop overthinking. Let’s just have some fun.”    I smiled weakly at him and nodded as he moved his lips away from my ear to give me another kiss on the mouth before pressing his forehead to mine. I sighed, trying to get my emotions in check.    "There she is! I figured I would find you two here.“ Misha bellowed as he suddenly entered the room, followed by Rich, Rob, and Matt.    "Hey guys,” I said, looking up to greet everyone as they piled themselves around us.    "Ky, you’re gonna sing tonight at karaoke right?“ Rob questioned as he sat criss-cross on the floor in front of me. "Errr. No. Why would I do that?” I scrunched my face    "Because you have the voice of a fucking angel?“ Rich interjected, pointing at me as he joined Rob.    "You hiding something from me, sweetheart?” Jeffrey chuckled, squeezing my shoulder “No. I just only sing in the shower.” I excused    "Bullshit. She’s sang during SNS before a few years ago. Fans loved her. Some said she even sings better then Jay.“ Rob explained.    "Well then, darlin’ you’re gonna have to let me hear you.” Jeffrey grinned as he watched the blush creep up my neck to my ears. I sighed again, defeated.
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   Later that night I was standing in Ruth’s hotel room while her and Kim tied me into my corset.    "I can’t believe I’m being forced to do this.“ I muttered as Ruth threw her knee into my back and pulled on the cords. "Shut the hell up, lady, suck it in!” Kim encouraged while laughing her ass off.    "Your boobs are being ridiculous. Jesus. There. Done.“ Ruth huffed as she finished tying the knot in the back.    I looked in the mirror, pleased at my appearance despite my nervousness. The theme had been Henry the VIII and his wives, and all the ladies of the cast and myself were dressed in suffocating corsets and long skirts and crowns. Kim and myself had fake blood donning our necks, symbolizing Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard. Once everyone was in costume we stood in front of the mirror taking selfies until someone banged on the door.    "Ya’ll better hurry it up, ladies! The party’s starting!” I heard Richard call from the other side as I reached for the knob and wretched it open.    "Jesus, Kylin, don’t you look delicious” Richard smirked as he licked his lips, eyes immediately focusing on my chest squished into the tiny purple bodice. He was dressed in a pair of tights with a cod piece and a fluffy medieval coat. I rolled my eyes, “We’re coming.”    The girls and I all squished into the elevator, which was difficult due to our petticoats and skirts all dragging behind us. Richard ushered us all out of the lift and whisked us to the entrance of backstage, over to where all the men of the cast had congregated.    I was speaking with Brianna about her pretty crown when I felt his presence against my back. Bri’s eyes flicked behind me and a smirk caught her lips as she dramatically bowed, still focused on the man who had wrapped a strong arm around my waist. “Your highness.” She quipped as she lifted herself up from her curtsy.    "Queens" his gravel voice trailed its way down my neck and into my spine as I turned to face him.    He was dressed in worn leather and chain-mail, an out fit similar to the one I had seen on my brother during an episode of the show. He wore a crown with fake jewels on his head, and looked like the definition of a King. He of course, was playing the role of Henry VIII, and my knees went weak as his gaze drifted from my own crown down to where my cleavage heaved its way out of the top of the corset. A growl mumbled out of his mouth as he squeezed me closer and leaned down to kiss me.    "Enough of that.“ Jensen grumbled as he reached for my arm to tug me away, “The shows about to start, get it together.”    I rolled my eyes at him as Jeffrey laced his fingers into mine and shot me a look that said we would be continuing later. Rob and Rich started the show, and pretty soon we were all on stage laughing and dancing with the fans. 
   Jeffrey and I had never discussed how we were going to act in front of the public, and I really hadn’t thought about having to be in front of the fans at all, even after starting to work for Misha. I had always always managed to stay out of the way of the cameras and fans, but here we were in front of hundreds of people. He didn’t go over board, but did dance behind me the entire time with his hand in my hip, the fingers on the side not facing the crowd digging in enough to leave bruises.  He would rasp the the lyrics he knew to whatever song would be playing and we laughed and laughed, and danced and drank until we couldn’t anymore. His eyes went wide when Robbie and I belted out the words to the song one of the girls had picked, earning him a slap on the shoulder and a laugh from Jensen. He said something into Jeff’s ear that I couldn’t make out, but Jeff nodded feverously with a grin in response, eyes darting to me in excitement. The feeling in my gut told me my brother was planning something, but I knew by now to not try to figure it out, so I just let it slip my mind with the distraction that was the party.    Once everyone had gotten back to the hallway  where are rooms are located, Misha drunkenly approached Jeff and I, who were equally wasted, and clasped his arms on each of our shoulders.    "I'mma need you to take the little one tonight, Jeffy.“ He slurred tiredly, "Gotta call my woman.”    Creation Ent. had suckily placed me in the same room as Misha, while everyone else got their own rooms, stating that it was cost efficient and they didn’t know I was coming when they did booking. 'Whatever’    "I think I can handle that, Collins,“ He grinned as he tightened his grip where our fingers were laced together and winked at me.    I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes at Misha as he ducked away from us to bolt ahead to our room. He slipped the key card in and with a two finger salute he rushed in and closed the door with out giving me the time to speak up.    As happy as I was to be around Jeffrey, as ecstatic as I was that he called me his, I was still nervous about the idea of what might happen being finally alone in a hotel room with him. Sure, we’d rutted around on each other at the club two months prior but after that everything had been put on the back burner. It’s not like I’d been with anyone else, not including the attack. Which was another thing that heightened my anxiety to the point where my palm started sweating in Jeffrey’s as we walked down the long corridor towards his room.    "Something on your mind, sweet pea?” He asked when he noticed me worrying my lip and staring at the way my heavy skirt swayed as we stepped. I snapped out of my trance instantly, “Huh? Oh, nothing,”    He gave me a sideways glance with a knowing smile on his lips, but let it drop as we approached his room number. He pulled out the key and slid it before opening the door wide for me to enter first, “M’ Queen” he drawled with a small  bow and a smile.    "Your Majesty” I giggled, giving a curtsy myself before walking past him and the through the door frame.    We kicked off our shoes immediately, both of us letting out a sigh at the relief. I pulled my hair to the side and attempted to work at getting the knot behind me attached to my corset before Jeffrey stopped me. “Here, let me help.”    My nerves instantly shot right back up into my throat as I felt him behind me, fingers working the tangle of cord apart. I grasped my chest with both hands to keep it in place as he undid the laces while slowly leaning down to let his beard brush against my bare shoulder. I closed my eyes and tilted my neck for him, enjoying the way the scruff always felt.    I opened my eyes when he was finished with the strings and started to turn me around to face him. He reached for the front bottom of the corset that I held against my chest and pulled it away from me, leaving me bare against him in nothing but the deep burgundy gowns skirts. My breathing hitched and my chest heaved as I looked up to him to see his dark brown eyes grow incredibly darker.    "So gorgeous.“ He rasped as he let his hands run up my rib cage to my shoulder blades, then back down the curvature of my back. My hands were resting on the chain-mail on his chest and I lifted it up to find it was connected to the hem of the shirt he was wearing. Frowning slightly, I lifted that up too until he pulled it off his shoulders. 
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   "Mmmm” I sighed as my lips quivered against his bare flesh for a moment, pressing myself against him to feel his skin. He wasted no time reattaching his hands to me as he lead me backwards towards the bed. He laid me down, kicking the pants he’d been wearing off as he did so, leaving him in just his black boxers. My lip continued to shiver as he laid wet open mouth kisses to my stomach and his hands ran up my legs under the layered skirts, pushing me further onto the bed up to the pillows. He created multiple wet spots up my stomach to my chest with his mouth, my hands grasping at the skin of his biceps and shoulder as he sucked hickies into my flesh. He moved one hand off my thigh and out of my skirt to bring it to my right breast as his lips enclosed around the nipple of my left. I couldn’t stop the whine that escaped my throat as my back arched into him, seemingly on instinct. He squeezed my thigh harder where his hand was as he lifted my leg to hook around his waist, pushing the fabric up on my stomach as he ground down against the white lace and cotton that was my panties. He pulled his face away and lifted off of me back onto his haunches to run his hands up my thighs again, growling as he pushed my skirt up further to reveal the wet-stained fabric beneath. His hungry eyes darted to mine for a second before he dove back forward to wedge his face into my neck, sucking and biting his way around me as he dug his extremely hard center into my core.    I was a moaning, whimpering mess when he finally snaked a hand behind my back to work at the zipper of the gown, pulling it enough to be able to get the skirts over my hips and onto the floor. We were flush against each other now, save for underwear, and I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began as we rutted our bodies up against each other and shifted our hips with every groan. He eventually couldn’t stand it anymore, I don’t think, because drifted his lips back down and hooked his fingers on my waistband and kissed the flesh being revealed as he pulled them down.    I ran one shaking hand through my own hair and the other through Jeffrey’s as he looked up at me from the most vulnerable position someone had had me in in months. He must have sensed my nerves because he slowly started planting kisses anywhere his mouth could reach, avoiding the more intimate areas until the last possible second. He used his fingers to gently pull apart my folds before lowering his eyes to it, a low indescribable vibration coming from his throat as he did so. I sucked in a breath as the heat in between my legs shot sparks through my eyes, blurring the vision of him as he finally stuck his tongue out and rolled it against my clit.    "Fuck" I grunted as my nails dug into his scalp, earning me a moan from him that sent vibrations through the heat that stopped my breath.    He continued to roll his mouth around my wetness as I writhed below him, his hands rubbing my body and massaging my breasts, never staying in the same place for too long. He was exploring, I could tell, and with every caress I found a new way he drove me wild.    "Don’t stop, please,“ I begged as I felt the tingling sensation I was chasing grow and grow as he lapped his tongue with twists and turns around my heat. His strong hands were gripping my hips now, attempting to hold me in place as the final strands of composure were cut and I slipped over the edge. My body bucked up against his face as the pleasure took over my ability to control it. He moved one hand lower and rubbed a finger through my folds, pushing into me with the intent to prolong my orgasm. That’s not what happened.    Pain seared through me as I let out a scream of agony, all pleasurable sensations wiped out by the burn that spread through me suddenly. He quickly retracted from me as I pulled myself away from him at the same time, sealing my legs shut and pulling my knees against my chin as I cowered against the headboard.    "Oh god, Ky, I’m so sorry,” He apologized instantly, guilt splayed across his face as he reached for me. I cowered again, away from his touch, and he retreated with a sigh, knowing I needed space for a second. He sat cross legged on the bed with his head in his hands, silently beating the shit out of himself for pushing me too far.    The burning slowly died and I blinked through the tears a few times to regain my focus. I looked to him, sitting as far away on the bed as possible, and broke down. 'How is he supposed to be with me when I’m this broken? What’s wrong with me? I can’t even do that right anymore?’    I was so busy in my own thoughts that I jumped again when I finally saw him move in front of me, he had stood up to pick up my panties and one of his shirts for me. With a nervous hand I took them from him as he sat back down on the edge of the other side of the bed. I slipped the clothes on quickly before curling back up in my former position.    "I’m sorry.“ It was me who was apologizing now, squeaked out through a broken sob.    He instantly turned his head to me with a confused look on his face, brows furrowed, “What?”    "I’m sorry I’m so broken I can’t even have you touch me the way you want to.“ I whispered before choking again.    He pushed his hand out on the bed slowly, offering it to me, "Darlin’, this is not your fault. I’m sorry I pushed you. I should have never done that, and I for damn sure wasn’t trying to hurt you.”    I looked from his hand to his face as tears seemed to pick their ways into his irises. “Hold me?” It came out of my mouth as a whimper.    He scooped me into his arms before I could blink, holding me close against him as he moved the blanket and sheet back and curled us both up underneath it. I pawed at his chest, nuzzling into his neck like a kitten as my tears finally dried. He cradled my head as he placed gentle, loving kisses into my hair as he slowed his own heart rate to the sound of mine. “Thank you, Jeffrey.” I whispered as I breathed in his calming scent. “Anytime, Sweetheart.”
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