#yip yaps
grahamcrackerpup · 2 years
i am here to remind people (since it's November) that the holiday known as Wolfenoot exists, it is on the 23rd, and it is my favorite holiday ever aside from Halloween!!
in case you guys don't know what it is, Wolfenoot is a holiday to celebrate canines by eating meat (or any kind of feast really) and a moon looking cake and little gifts get left for those who are kind to canines!! it was actually started by a kid in new zealand and it's just the coolest!!!
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thefoxandthebrush · 7 months
Astarion's little wave when you walk up on him arguing with the necromancy book has me KICKING MY FEET
it was followed by him confessing he's a vampire, which was so shy and cute... My durge blinked and went "MY friend... we've known. I may have a scrambled brain and it took a ten-day BUT I FIGURED OUT BEFORE NOW "
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hidingcoyote · 15 days
splints communicating w me like a fucking adult and not projecting and lashing out when in one of his rare somber moods. actually having emotional maturity and being open w me, no passive aggressiveness or guilt tripping involved.
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meowydoe · 7 months
”Never ignore your gut feelings!” my gut feelings tell me that Freddy Fazbear is outside of my door at night
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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koboldgirltummy · 8 days
Hey did you know it costs zero dollars to not be terrible to trans women? Wild right? It costs literally nothing to give us some basic respect and not shove us under a microscope and track our every action and overly moralize about it.
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dexidoodles · 1 year
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Yip!! 🦊
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dragongirltongue · 5 months
So many of yall have taken propaganda against anarchists to fucking heart on this website and it shows.
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grumpygryphon · 8 months
Kobold Krazy II: The Yippening is now live!
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My latest Kobold pins project is now on Kickstarter. There are 9 pins to choose from in total with 3 new designs. All these pins enjoy a discounted price during the campaign which you can find over here. I ship worldwide with the exception of Germany (I'm sorry, your recycling legislation is a paperwork nightmare for a small business like my own).
As someone who used to get most of their campaign traffic via Twitter I'm in a bit of a tough spot, so boosts are appreciated more than ever.
Let's introduce all the kobolds you can choose from!
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We also have some stickers that are part of the campaign. All backers who pledge for a pin will receive this sticker as a freebie. This vinyl sticker with a shining gold effect is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
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grahamcrackerpup · 2 years
when you're not getting enough attention
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thefoxandthebrush · 5 months
going through my saved fics seeing if any have updated and SQUEALING when I see one has 🤩🤩🤩
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hidingcoyote · 3 months
been having revelations abt my mental health and past experiences lately, which has been. hard to swallow. to put it lightly. imagining splints being there to help me learn to cope is helping, though.
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meowydoe · 7 months
Me (about to get away with murder) :
The heartbeat under my floorboards :
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ozwuv · 5 months
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Happy birthday dearly detested
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koboldgirltummy · 5 months
If you don't support the kobold union the kobold union will find you!
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pookielious · 2 months
Traiteurs,Renée and Doc Roe
In ep 6 bastogne gene talking about being cajun and his grandmother who was a traiteur,this seems like the thing in passing that had to do with doc roe being a doctor himself but I feel like this is more deeper then just him (which ofc it does represent him in many ways) talking about it in passing and infact is more to do with Renée, the nurse he meets in the same episode
Firstly we should talk about what is a traiteur an traiteur is a cajun/creole faith healer, being a traiteur is passed down in the family and is seen as a gift from God by most
The first time we see Renee she's of course helping and 'healing' people at the aid station along with Ana and another medic. This is where he and Gene first start to become friends and she gives him chocolate , the next time we see them both sit down and talk about their stories Ana and why they were there. Gene noticed her hands stained and bloody and points out that she's a great nurse and that he could see that from how he hands look, Renee retorts this but gene says that it's a gift from God just like how a traiteurs gift of healing is seen as a gift from God by most.
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Later on in the epidode its chrismas eve and a bunch of bombs landed in bastogne, gene had went back to get help for another injured man and found the aid station renee was in blown up, by a direct hit to it. (Assuming it's cannon to the show) before renee died she ended up getting 7(ish) men out of the aid station before it eventually collapsed and killed her
Gene finds the scarf she always wore on he head and made it back to the front lines and back to heffron ,heffrons hand was cut during the chaos and while getting gene out of his foxhole and Gene offers to fix it up for him,the only sort of bandage he has on him is the scarf, Eugene reluctantly tears the cloth in 3 and uses it as a bandage for heffrons wound, I like to see this as Renee's final act of healing, despite it not being her herself healing someone it his her scarf, the last part of her that roe has left that he uses to heal someone just as she did when she was alive, it's Almost like it's her healing from beyond the grave
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