underdoghero · 1 year
A very belated Merry Christmas to @ygreczed on Tumblr! I was your Secret Santa for this year’s secret santa hosted by @ina11secretsakka2022​ and I'm very sorry this is a few days late. (Long story short December has NOT been a kind month and after various happenings in my family that I don't feel like discussing, I'm sorry to say writing became my lowest priority and I had little to no motivation.)
I can really only write the Ares/Orion cast so I’m very thankful you picked two I actually knew well OTL. I hope you like it!
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time-speculo · 2 years
What about 12 and 29 for the music asks thingie ? 👀
[ 12: a song from your preteen years ]
That's when i got into vocaloid actually- looking for these hit me with the nostalgia beam, anything from Project DIVA too tbh
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Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder
[ 29: a song that you remember from your childhood ]
GOD MY PARENTS PLAYED THIS SO MUCH, and i found it in my dad's computer again and then was told everytime i would wiggle my infant ass and go "la maladie de bouger bouger"
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Bouger Bouger - Magic System
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jei-rifni · 1 year
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Whats this? I finally gave in and made a Destiny 2 DBH au? Yeah. I did. (Ima call it D2+DBH for short)
Bits of the designs (mostly Connor) are inspired by @ygreczed-3 ‘s TRGATSA au which I think is super cool (big fan of magic stuffs) thank you again for letting me use your design as inspo!
ANYWAY the idea is that everything is the same except the fact that Exos look like Androids. Exos creation by the darkness and Bray’s nonsense is still part of it (considering making Kamski as Bray, but i haven’t fully thought of it since who would be Elizabeth and all that yknow) so this au isnt very planned out yet, it was just mostly because I wanted to make Connor and Nines into some warlocks (I WILL MAKE MARKUS AND KARA AND THE WHOLE SHABANG LATER) so yeah the way Exos work in this is instead of just how fully and properly is in Destiny, Exos in this au work the same way as original, but they all have specific models instead of the different variety like in the game. So there would be lots of people who look the exact same because they are Exos, of course hair colour and eyes and such are different but overall theyre the same. So, say Kara right? AX400, thats one of the models, and thats what she looks like. Theres alot of other people who look like her, just like how in original DBH theres alot of her model. And the D2+DBH au Exo models, unlike the proper Destiny 2 Exos, were built with specific purposes, and Bray (Kamski..?) selected the person right before turning them into an Exo to see what model they’d fit best
Example, Kara was a simple woman who didnt come from a good family, so she left it to volunteer for Bray’s Exo experiment. Bray saw that she was nothing but a simple woman, and made her the average AX400 model. Simple. Just like her
Connor and Nines were friends when they both decided to volunteer for Bray’s experiment. They went by different names at the time, but neither of them in the present can remember anything. (Connor as a human being name Bryan would be kinda funny, and Nines would be Richard when he was human) Connor and Nines were part of the RK line, Bray made them specifically for helping humans with “detective” work and such so their pre-programmed minds are more intricate and aware, but with the Vex invasion at Bray’s Exoscience facility, they had to fight alongside Myrmidon’s, Trojan’s, TR400’s, TW400’s and WB400’s and a bunch of others as extra support. Hence why their numbers are 51 and 87. Thats alot of times to be reset. They remember nothing of their friendship. Or even eachothers existence. And when Connor woke up (previously 50, now awaken as 51) he was a guardian. Later on Nines will follow up and join the guardian crew (little funnies, Nine actually woke up as a guardian on his 86th reset, but he messed with some Fallen by accident and they learned to reset him, making him new again just as he was beginning to learn the light properly. His Ghost was not happy about it) Connor and Nines meet at the Tower and because theres not many RK models walking around (especially since most of them died during the multiple wars and their bodies were used up during the Vex attack at Bray’s facility) they easily noticed eachother like “oh my god, another me model, that’s something you dont see everyday” and it seemed they clicked easily like old friends. (I wonder why hmmmm)
Thats all I got for now. To the folks that know nothing of Destiny, or know nothing of Detroit Become Human, feel free to ask me. I know all i said probably sounded like nonsense to the other if you didnt know what even one side of the content was. Have a good day
I hope to be able to explain this better in the future, because this probably was frustrating for you to read with my bad explanation :(
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sobashahzadi · 1 year
words from a very wise man 
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I love the ina11 community here on tumblr so very much 
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@enyaane -
@inazumaelevenarchive -
I really really hope I didn’t miss anyone, lemme know if I did and I’ll try add you in, I only went off of my following and followers list- though I am aware that there’s a lot more people lol which I would be happy to add in
for those who don’t know the looped rainbow is a symbol for autism
also someone who’s better than me at discord pls make a server for us (EDIT- a server is currently in the works so dw we'll have it sorted eventually)
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irisviel101 · 10 months
I was tagged by @jubileen (thanks!!!)
Take this test https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/characters/ and share your top ten!
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 84%
Will Byers (Stranger Things): 82%
Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers): 80%
Kes (Star Trek: Voyager): 80%
Prairie Johnson (The OA): 80%
Beth March (Little Women): 79%
Dobby (Harry Potter): 78%
George O'Malley (Grey's Anatomy): 78%
Buster Bluth (Arrested Development): 78%
Charlie Kelmeckis (The Perks of Being a Wallflower): 78%
Yeah, uh, no clue who ay of these guys are. Except Dobby. If someone could tell me what this means, I'd really appreciate it.
@sky-of-dusk @mach-speed-spin @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @misfitmiska @enyaga @ygreczed @wildechild17 @voidix @qloof and anyone else who would like to try.
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misfitmiska · 2 years
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I finally made more content for the actors AU! This post is centered around Jun because I just think he’s neat. :3
So here’s my interpretation of him and some character dynamics based on other people’s headcanons. I’m specifying my interpreation because obviously, we’re not all going to have the same voices for these characters (for example, @ygreczed’s version of these actors act more like realistic teenagers/young adults than mine, who have more exagerated and cartoony personalities). The idea here is not to create a well defined universe with set characters, the idea is to have fun and inspire one another! ^^
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ygreczed · 24 days
I haven't read something so good as the Suinima Pendant in a really long time. I love your drawings, your characterisation is pure golden and I'm so invested. I've shipped KidouFudou all my life and this is really good stuff for my sore heart. Thank so you much for drawing this :))
Thank you so much !
I too ship Kidou and Fudou for practically a decade now (and WOW I feel so old all of a sudden), and I still find new ways to explore their dynamics and relationship. They are high-quality characters, and Inazuma Eleven, the original 3 seasons, really exploited them so well.
Not to unashamedly self-promote, but I'm writing a KdFd fic right now, and if you enjoy complex KdFd and slow burn, you might enjoy the reading 🤭
(If you wanna check 👇)
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luniaczek1308 · 1 year
I wanted to write it for some time. Since the The last of us series became extremely popular and appreciated, I would like more people to get to know another work from this universe - The Last Of Us : Believe In by amazing @ygreczed, for fans of Akio and Yuuto paring. The story of Kidou and Fudou in the world of post-apocalypse. A wonderfully devoted atmosphere and realities of the game. Long, exciting, incredibly detailed and full of huge emotions. Written in French, but one click right mouse button and can be changed to each language, so this is not an obstacle. For me it is one of the most beloved stories with my OTP. Thank you Ygrec for this brilliant story!
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jenanimus · 5 years
I FEEL YOU FOR THE ART BLOCK SWEETIE ! It sucks... Hope you'll find inspiration again very soon ! I'd love to request Haruna wearing a lovely dress... Or if you're trying to get out of your comfort zone, could you draw Haizaki ? If I can give you a tip, go and look for poses references on Pinterest, maybe it'll get you inspired ! ❤
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here is our princess,haruna
i really hope you like it! the dress you sent was very complex so i tried my best to draw it , tysm for requesting tho it means a lot!
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yulicchi-x · 6 years
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Dear @ygreczed , I love you and your art! yours, Fudou Akio. 
You’re one AMAZING and very talented artist and I enjoy everything you publish! Your arts are making my day, along with the stories you’re writing. I’m always impressed and inspired by them. So I wanted to do this quick cosplay of Fudou at home (Ah, sorry I don’t have a Kidou with me TT^TT ) so I can show you that the characters you’re drawing are enjoying it as much as we, the fans, are! Thank you for sharing your work with all of us and thank you for creating it in the first place! We’ll always be here to support you because we’re all one big Inazuma family  ❤ P.S. I was planing to do this for your birthday, but since I don’t know the date I thought I should post it today ^^
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realruney · 6 years
Another Verse - Sakuma Jirou
Thanks so much to @inazuma11memes for tagging me-and also to @ygreczed for doing this awesome thing in the first place!
Ah I hope I do everything properly XD We’ll see how it goes I guess? Never done something like this before haha. I’m so sorry for taking so long to do this ahhhh forgive me X3
Word: 10-apocalyptic
Description of the AU: Based off Fallout. Worldwide nuclear war ravaged the earth and left it broken and dead over a century ago. Few people managed to survive when the bombs hit, but some managed to take shelter. Now, the population is sparse, but a few people have managed to band together and make lives in the wasteland of what once was. However, the present world is one of kill or be killed, and it’s full of dangerous people who only look after themselves. Anything goes, because there are no laws. Still, within this dangerous world, some believe there is still hope.
Name, Nickname, Age: Sakuma Jirou, N/A, 20
Job, occupation: He’s part of an organization trying to unite the ravaged country. He travels around, searching out people and settlements, but he’s also the gun in the event that someone needs to be taken out for the greater good.
Physical description: Eyepatch over his right eye due to an injury gained when he was younger. Smudged with dirt and covered in scars and the occasional injury. Wears torn, plain white shirt and jeans under makeshift armor pieces made of whatever is available; leather, metal, etc.
Character’s story: Sakuma was lucky to be born in one of the larger settlements, where life is a bit easier to live. He first truly saw the outside of his settlement when he was 13, and it changed him forever. A group came and attacked his settlement, kidnapping him and some of the other children in the process. The only reason they were saved was because their settlement launched a counterattack. After seeing the bloodshed that happened that night, he grew the resolve to help people as much as he could, so that the world in which they lived could become a little bit better, no matter what that meant he had to do. He set out when he was 18, was discovered by an organization who shared his views, and he never looked back.
Other: N/A
Again, I’m really sorry it took me so long! Please forgive me @ygreczed :’3
Let’s see...how about I tag my daughter @producktions ?
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
Helloooow ~ If you're still doing the drabble thingy, can I ask for a 26-"Do you hate me, too ?" with Kidou x Fudou (or Fudou x Kidou I love both) ? ♡
send a number and a pair for a drabble || not accepting26. “Do you hate me, too?”
“This sucks,” he let an exaggerated sigh out, keeping his gaze down and hunching over. He had taken a seat on one of the benches in the nearby park, finally able to let that out. No one was around to hear him complain, but he wouldn’t care if anyone did.
His luck had took a turn for the worse. Just when he thought things were looking up, Fudou had been forcefully kicked out of his apartment for some stupid reason. He could have sworn he did his best to actually keep his home in good condition, do whatever that ass of a landlord told him to. But, he guessed that just didn’t matter. All that mattered was him getting the hell out of that place before that old man kept to his empty threats of calling the police on him.
So, he left. But having nowhere to go, he just wandered around until he wound up here. He’s glad he did. The park was quiet, peaceful, not many people around. The apartments were noisy, so the change was welcomed.
Or it was until he could begin hearing the nagging voice of Kidou in his mind. He ended up recalling the time Kidou had been willing to offer a place for him to stay, that he had a spare room in that luxurious home of his. Fudou had denied it before he even finished his offer. It was generous, too generous, he didn’t like it. If he accepted, he felt he’d need to pay him back, rely on him, and god he wasn’t in a place to do so much for him.
(Even now he wonders if he should have taken it, at least he wouldn’t have been kicked out- no he’s pretty sure he’d be threatened more at Kidou’s place for the stunts he’d pull to get underneath his skin just for the hell of it.)
Instead of mulling over him, he tries to get his thoughts on finding a place to stay for the night. He could always just find a place outside, motels were alright but so damn expensive. Fudou rests his back against the bench, running a hand through his hair as he tries to find a solution to his problem.
His head turns slightly to the side, looking over to the passerby, Kidou. He lets out a sigh to the sight of him, so much for trying to be comfortable.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Kidou. Guess today’s my lucky day.” He doesn’t bother to hide the sarcasm in his tone.
“You could just say hello like a normal person…” Kidou mutters as he shakes his head. “Anyway, what are you doing out here?”
Fudou rolls his eyes. Nosy as ever, isn’t he? (Not really, its an acceptable question he’s just not in the mood to give a truthful answer.) “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Kidou stares at him for a moment, waiting on giving him an answer. He decides to take a seat beside Fudou, much to his dismay as he was enjoying taking up space on this bench of his.
“Well,” he starts once he’s seated, “it looks like you’re currently trying to find a place to stay.”
Fudou immediately shot up and stared at the other. He couldn’t be a mind reader. How the hell did he find out about this so soon? As much as he could deny it, he’s pretty sure his reaction would have given it away. “How’d you-”
“I passed by your place a few minutes ago,” he answers, as if he already knew he’d ask that. How annoying. “The landlord informed me of his…decision to kick you out.”
“That bastard,” he snaps, shouts. He had blabbered about that to Kidou and who knows what else! The last thing he wanted was Kidou to end up worrying over him and his current living conditions. He’d never hear the end of it from him!
“Agh! I hate that stupid bastard! I hate everything!” It’s a frustrated outburst. He just wants to go and get his mind all off this now. Just forget about today and move on.
“Do you hate me, to?” Kidou asks suddenly. Fudou turns to look at him, still annoyed and angry at everything. He tried reading his expression, but it was difficult with his mouth pressed in a thin line and those stupid goggles always shielding his eyes.
“Eh?” He raised a brow. “Why’re you asking something stupid?”
“Well, I am part of everything. I just wanted some clarification if you hated me as well.”
“Hmph. I thought you were supposed to be some genius. Can’t even tell what’s an exaggeration.”
“Oh, but it sounded genuine, especially right now. And you know…I still haven’t gotten an answer yet.”
Fudou glares and huffs, crossing his arms. “For that, I’ll say yes. I hate you, Kidou. You and your nosy ass.”
Kidou only grins to his response, it seems things had worked out to his benefit. “Good to see your in a slightly better mood, Fudou.”
“Wha-” He cuts himself off. He was being a distraction. Just what he wanted, needed. That ass. Fudou ends up roughly nudging his shoulder. “Don’t think that this means I’m going to end up accepting your help to.”
“You’re not? Not even for just one night?”
“…Just one night.”
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uraberika · 6 years
Hiiiii ! Hope you're fine ! ~ I'd love to know what you have to say about Kogure x Haruna for the ask meme (yep, I decided to be ORIGINAL and not ask for kdfd... even though I hope someone is gonna ask ahah)
Hello!!^^ I’m fine thanks, hope you are too! Awww, Kogure x Haruna is so cute (and I just realized that someone already asked for KdFd and I forgot to do it T-T oops... but I’ll do it when I finish the asks in my inbox)
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versaHaruna. It happened right after she got her new glasses. She was too busy staring at the floor while walking, trying not to trip over (because wow, the floor is sure wavy in these new glasses) that she didn’t see the sign. Nor the door. Kogure will never let her live it down. For the next two weeks, he seizes every opportunity to tease her about it.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside themHaruna. But she quickly erases them as soon as she has to leave. She thinks it’s a cheesy thing to do but can’t help drawing the hearts anyway.
Who starts the tickle fightsHaruna, because Kogure is very ticklish. She found out about this (and seemingly only) weakness of Kogure’s accidentally, but now she uses it to get Kogure to do what she wants. Like, if she orders Kogure to go and do the washing up and Kogure refuses, she attacks and Kogure usually surrenders in the first 5 minutes.
Who starts the pillow fightsKogure. They have hours-long pillow fights late into midnight until they finally settle for a draw and both collapse onto the bed, falling asleep immediately. 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smileHaruna. At these times she would always reminisces about their first meeting, their first date or whatever happened to them in the past. Haruna likes to be nostalgic like that. 
Who mistakes salt for sugarHaruna. It’s not her fault though because Kogure always switches the labels of the two jars just to prank her. Though she gets super angry if she finds out she has to drink her green tea with salt in it.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morningKogure. This time, not on purpose. Nevertheless, Haruna is cross with him and he spends half a day apologising to her. He had learnt it the hard way that a sleepy Haruna is a dangerous Haruna
Who comes up with cheesy pick up linesKogure. He comes up with them in attempt to amaze Haruna but she just giggles gleefuly whenever he says one. Somehow Haruna is unaffected by cheesy pickup lines and it was one the most shocking things Kogure had learnt about Haruna during their relationship.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical orderHaruna. She just adores books, reading and the smell of libraries.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking browniesBoth. 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasionKogure. He knows Haruna loves them so he usually buys one or two whenever he is at a store. They serve as a great apology gift as well.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a penKogure. He usually draws cat whiskers on Haruna’s face when she’s sleeping. schi-schi-schi 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacationHaruna. She loves collecting magnets (and stickers and stamps and stationery - she’s just a collector like that)
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazinesHaruna. She says it’s just natural journalist’s curiousity but Kogure knows that actually, she enjoys them. He thinks they are stupid though but helps her fill the questions in anyway. Then they both laugh at the impossibly wrong solution they get and make inside jokes about it for a whole week. 
send me a ship
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chibineko-akio · 7 years
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I could resiste after saw the glasses @ comic 😅💖💖💖💖💖 @ygreczed
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Swing for the Fences
Ch 2: The Big Leagues
Making it to the Major Leagues was strange to say the least. He was hardly the youngest person to have done it though. It was still an odd feeling to have people treat him like he had accomplished something huge. It was just math, anyone could do it. Even then, it still didn’t feel real until he was standing on the pitcher’s mound beside their manager. Despite finishing a degree before signing on; professional baseball was not where he thought he would be at this point in his life. The opportunity had been too unique to pass up though, so he had agreed. He knew he was fidgeting because Jeffery kept giving him the side eye. He was nervous. This team was well balanced and everyone on it had been doing this for so much longer than him. He was worried about embarrassing himself. Nothing said “Team Rookie” like making an absolute fool of himself on his first day. He put his hands in his pockets and tried to keep still. He could do this, he had earned his place on the team; just like everyone else. His age didn’t matter, he could handle this.
He was caught up in his head enough that he didn’t notice the captain and secondary pitcher had joined them already until Jeff nudged him. He snapped back to attention and when his eyes landed on the captain, he decided that he probably couldn’t to this, actually. At the very least, not without being severely distracted. When everyone was ready, Jeff introduced them. “Hank, Gavin, this is Connor; our new pitcher.” He began and gestured to each of them respectively, “Connor, this is Hank, our relief hitter; and this is Gavin, our secondary pitcher.” Connor nodded and then paused for a moment. It seemed like he should have been the secondary since he was the rookie, “It’s nice to meet you both.” Hank gave him a pleasant smile, “Welcome to the team kid.” “Yeah, welcome and all that.” Gavin said and he looked like he would rather be anywhere else. “Right.” Jeff cut in before things could become too uncomfortable, “You two know the drill, lockers and then practice.”
The mention of the locker room made Connor a little uneasy, but he would figure something out. It was that or face ridicule from the press and probably get removed from the team to save face. Hank’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts before they could bury him. “How does it feel to be a Tiger now kid?” He asked, and the endearment from anyone else would have annoyed him, but the way Hank said it made him smile. “Pretty great.” He replied with a grin, “I’m still settling into the fact that this is real honestly. Given the statistics around going pro; I didn’t think I would be one of the lucky ones.” Hank laughed at that, “Yeah, it’ll be like that for a while. I’m sure you’ll get adjusted as soon as all the press buzz wears itself out.” Connor hoped it would happen soon. Before they drug him out of the closet just to have something new to talk about. He didn’t want to be the latest news story or someone who made “history”, he just wanted to see how his career would pan out. When they got to the locker room Connor took a deep breath before following them inside. Hopefully nothing would go wrong today.
The welcome and introductions passed with a lot more touching than he would have liked. He wasn’t the biggest fan of physical contact. He eventually managed to slip away to change. When the made it out onto the field and regrouped it didn’t take long to get started. They ran through warm ups and then a couple of mock up games. He was doing great while he pitched; but when it came time to switch sides all his confidence went out the window. His pitching stats were probably the only thing that got him this far. He couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a bat if he tried. No amount of practice had ever seemed to help him, and today wasn’t any different. Hank even went so far as to change who was pitching to see if that would help, and it didn’t. When practice finally came to a close Connor wanted nothing more than to just get out of there. Hank caught up to him on his way out of the locker room and his heart sank. Of course he would want to talk after Connor bombed practice like that. Today probably marked the end of the shortest career in MLB history. It was fun while it lasted he supposed.
“So where did you learn to pitch like that?” He asked and Connor’s relief made it feel like the world was falling out from under him, “Not many people have that kind of ball control.” “I find it’s all in the fingering.” He said sarcastically and winked at Hank once he had collected himself, “All jokes aside; it’s grip control and a bit of math. I have a photographic memory and a love of physics.” He watched Hank’s eyebrows take a hike toward his hairline, “So you do math on the fly? I didn’t realize pitching took that much thought.”  Connor shrugged, “If you want to be accurate more than just lucky it does. Most pitchers rely on strength and batting patterns that they’re familiar with.” He explained, “I don’t have that luxury, so I use numbers instead.” “Huh,” Hank mused. “Want to talk about it over drinks sometime?” The question caught him off guard enough that he laughed, “Sure Hank.” They exchanged numbers and Conned grinned at his phone up until he noticed the time. He was going to be late to meet with his brothers. He excused himself and rushed for his car. Maybe this season was going to be a good one after all.
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edgarvaltinas · 7 years
Everybody Loves Somebody
I was tagged in this by @revivedandabandonedkids. Thank you so much~~~ 
Rules : This is something like a tag (?) : you have to choose an Inazuma Eleven character you like and then you select between one and three pairing(s) you kinda like or think it’s logical, and explain why you think so. Also you must pick out THE ultimate ship involving your character, the best one, THE true pairing etc… (and explain it too).
/!\ you can’t choose a character which has been chosen before ! (Unavailable:  Kidou, Fubuki Shirou, Fudou, Touko, Hakuryuu, Midorikawa, Tachimukai,Tsurugi, Suzuno ) /!\ please tag only one person ! /!\ mention me so I can see your post :)( @ygreczed )
Alright lets get this show on the road!! ((Note that a lot of my reasoning for most of these have to do with my headcanons as well as canon)) 
Everbody Loves Fideo! 
Edgar loves Fideo (Friendly Rivalry) 
I have a headcanon that these two have had a rivalry that has been in their family for two prior generations. Their grandfathers met on the battlefield during the Great War and their fathers were aggressive rivals during their days playing pro league soccer. This rivalry ended up passed down to these two when they were just little kids but unlike the former cases, these two are on much friendlier terms with each other. They constantly encourage and support the other and no matter how heated things can get on the field, they will always put aside their differences off the field, maybe by sitting down and enjoying some lunch.
Endou loves Fideo (Platonic Love)
These two soccer dorks were made for each other. Both of them have so much in common when it comes to not only the sport that they live to play, but many of their approaches in life. Both of them are incredibly steadfast and driven to the point where it is almost ridiculous. It’s these similarities that made them not only great rivals, but the best of friends. I imagine that even years in the future these two get together just to spend the entire day playing soccer.
Angelo loves Fideo (Brotherly Love) 
Fideo is just like a big brother to Angelo, he looks up to Fideo and respects him more than anything. He has his absolute faith in him, and it shows when Mr. K shows up and the rest of the team turns on Fideo. Angelo is the only one who remains hopeful and never gives up on Fideo. I like to think that Fideo is one of the people that Angelo goes to first whenever he needs advice or just needs someone to talk to. He knows that Fideo will always be there for him and vice versa. 
But Fideo loves Blasi (Romantic Love) 
These two would probably be lost without each other. They have shared secrets with each other that no one else in the world knows, some of them very painful secrets. Fideo was the person to help break down Blasi’s walls and show him that he didn’t have to be afraid to trust and let other people in. And in return, Blasi became the anchor that keeps Fideo grounded and helps prevent him from getting in over his head. They love each other absolutely and unconditionally. ((Ugh I have so many feelings for these two its literally hard for me to put into words but I did my best))
Anyway um….I’m not really sure who to tag here
Mmmmmm…. I’m think I’m gonna tag @gouenji420blaze hope you don’t mind! ✌🏻
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