#yes calling out yall specifically too 🤨
goldenalbum · 8 months
genuinely cannot stress it enough that some of you need to go touch some fucking grass. the amount of shit ass takes i see on the daily about how jungkook is a disappointment, sellout, not creative, etc just because he dared to sing some adult songs he didn't write is actually fucking baffling. are you well? like are yall okay??? when is the last time you saw sunlight? you wont find it with your head up your ass. 🙂
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leossmoonn · 2 years
stefan and your daughter being a literal clone of lily from modern family where she just keeps making sassy comments and doing borderline evil things to her dad's relatives like shading elena about her failing marriage when she tries to comment on her momma or literally playing downright evil pranks on damon when he's just existing and while stefan tries to do everything in his power to stop that satan's spawn he's lowkey proud that she turned out to be a girlboss like you and not a blonde himbo like him 😭😭
Again I love when you guys mix tv shows. It’s my fav part abt (specifically) Stefan concepts
I’m pretty sure bc your child is literally from hell (Damon’s words) Damon has said to put Annie in a cage or smth. “That thing cannot be let out.”
Annie’s like “and like you should? I have heard so many stories and you’re the real animal here.” She then will like throw a book damon maybe has in his hand and is like “go fetch doggie”
I hate Damon personally so writing that filled me with lots of joy
One time when Elena was crying to you and Stefan abt her marriage, Annie walked in and was like
“Maybe you’d be happier if you weren’t blind and realized that Damon is stupid.”
You both are like “Annie Lillian Salvatore! That was very rude and inappropriate. Apologize to Elena right now.”
Annie just shrug and says “the truth hurts” then walks away like a baddie (bc she is)
Elena is like “what a brat.” Then you become defense bc only you can call you daughter a brat “excuse me? You know, she’s actually right.”
Now stefan has to step in to be the peace maker 😭 poor baby.
One day you and Stefan have a talk while making dinner while Annie is at a friends.
“Have you talked to her?” You ask. “Yes, but she doesn’t listen. She’s too much like you,” he sighs.
You’re like 🤨🤨 “excuse me mister? Last time I checked, you’re the real diva in this relationship.”
“Oh, yeah? What about the other day when Damon was trying to make plans? You walked all over him and somehow managed to bring his short comings into it.”
You’re just like 😈 “and? He deserves it.”
Stefan just sighs and shakes his head. He looks up to the ceiling and says “please whoever is up there, if we have another child, let it not be the spawn of satan”
Lol but in all seriousness yall love Annie and think it’s absolutely hilarious. But sometimes she can go too far
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