#yes I'm tagging it
bunytime · 1 year
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clyde saying "bro" and "dude" to stan is something that can actually be so personal
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lloydfrontera · 7 months
javier realizing how much he cares for lloyd, how deep his loyalty to him runs, how ready he's to lie down his life for him, not because he's the son of his lord, not even really knowing exactly why he feels like that but just being absolutely certain that lloyd is his friend and he can't allow anything to harm him
And yet, why am I trying so hard to protect him? He had no way of knowing. But one thing was clear. It was a very simple matter. I want to protect him. Lloyd is my true master in my heart. Lloyd was his friend. And now, Javier wanted to protect Lloyd. He would sincerely protect him with everything he had.
he doesn't even know why!! he just knows that lloyd is his friend and his true master in his heart and that's!! more than enough for him to decide he's willing to put his life and everything he has in the line to protect him!! i'm just!!
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smad-lesbian · 1 year
The plot of Heathers in one image
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sorry to be a bitch but I just got this comment on chapter 4 of My Sweetest Downfall on AO3 and it pissed me off
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I was confused because I meticulously researched pregnancy milestones for this fic, so I checked, and the mention of the 'baby bump' is when the reader is five months pregnant, not two months pregnant.
i know it's stupid but it pisses me off that this person decided to tell me they weren't reading my fic anymore because of their own poor reading comprehension
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getvalentined · 11 months
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ejunkiet · 1 year
*cracks fingers* I’ve been out travelling for a bit, but I’m back and leaving comments on fic again >:3 I have a backlog....... so many tabs.... thank you redacted fandom <3
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tsareviich · 4 months
me about eugene and vasily: i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men. they consume my every waking thought.
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dtaegis · 10 months
i think my puff girls should be JACKED, not only buttercup. like imagine the ruffs trying to show off and the puffs humiliate them by just standing in the room
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mxflintoldblog · 2 years
Men will watch 15 marvel movies about white men punching people but as soon as the movie it's about a woman or a black man than it's the worst movie ever made. At least black widow is entertaining. I wanted to shoot myself when i was watching endgame.
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keepsmagnetoaway · 4 months
X-Men First Class 6 (April 2007)
Jeff Parker/Roger Cruz
This issue finally gives me - and only me - what I want from an X-Men comic that revisits the 60s originals...a bunch of references to my beloved beatnik cafe.
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Yes! YES!! Coffee A-Go-Go lives! Zelda is still canon! The X-Men being weird misogynists who don't understand human relationships is still a thing!
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Most importantly...Bernard lives!
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Computer, enhance.
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Bernard, the incomprehensible beatnik poet-in-residence! This joke in this panel is there specifically for me. Thankyou, Jeff Parker.
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Anyway, this issue sucks. It's a Skrull issue - the five cool teens who are also hanging out at the coffeshop, with whom the X-Men attempt to flirt, are actually Skrulls, trying to do false flag stuff. Skrull issues are bad almost by definition: the "he was a Skrull all along" plot is just deeply uninteresting, and this one has a final twist where one of the background characters was also a secret Skrull all along - one the other five Skrulls didn't even know about - to tie up some further loose ends, which is even weaker. But I don't even care. Coffee A-Go-Go! Bernard! Zelda!
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What the fuck is Jean doing with her hair, though.
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softichill · 3 months
Trying this again since my last one was missing so many
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endversewinchester · 6 months
Ok but like how do you really feel about fem!Sirius? bc I’ve seen you talk about it before but you never elaborated past you not being into it personally.
Do you want me to make it long, anon? Let's make it long.
First of all, I want to say having headcanons is fine. We all have them. If I sat here and decided today that Sirius is a latino man, whose family became rich for mining black gold in Brazil and that decided to invest in his education by sending him to england due to the superior educational system, then that's me having fun with something that is close to me, and that I would personally enjoy. In that sense, headcanoning Sirius as gay, trans, feminine, androgynous, genderqueer, etc is fine. It is not for me personally, but people are allowed to crave that sort of representation.
So when does it become a problem?
I don't know how deep into marauders fandom you are, if it's just here on tumblr or if you have other accounts in other websites, so let me give you an idea of what I've seen in these past few months.
People being shamed/pressured for not using she/her pronouns for Sirius.
Fem!Sirius truthers harassing/taking screenshots of fanart to make fun of artists that draw him as masculine.
The extreme fetishization of their girl!Sirius, to the point where it is creepy (this is a 13-17yo teenager they're talking about).
The shift of wolfstar into extremely feminine Sirius x extremely masculine Remus, essentially turning them into a cishet couple (which is blatant homophobia, as these characters are nowhere near that in canon, and so the need to turn m/m as close to m/f as possible is a clear dislike of masculine gay men together).
People getting attacked for preferring Sirius to have a closer style to canon (this is a punk-rock guy we're talking about).
People getting attacked for using masculine actors for Sirius on their video edits.
I think you got my point. This headcanon stopped being a harmless, self indulgent headcanon and it became extremely toxic, entitled behavior. I'm not the only one who noticed this. There's many videos on tiktok getting thousands of likes right as I answer your ask of people who are fed up with this and just want to enjoy the character they know and love without becoming targets. I agree with them.
So there you have it, anon. That's what I think past me "not being personally into it"
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The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog]". (This post shows how to do it on browser and on mobile.) You need to do this with every sideblog. (Note: The option in settings might not appear if your app hasn't updated yet. You can still opt out via browser.)
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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corgiteatime · 9 months
I love seeing people call whatever is going on between Astarion and Gale as "toxic old man yaoi."
Because if you told them about it, Gale would look sad and say, "Toxic is a bit of a strong word. Everyone in this group has their own issues and-"
Meanwhile, the 200+ year old vampire shaking with rage behind him would shriek, "OLD?!?!?!"
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 month
hello, sexiest man alive committee? yes I'd love to nominate Lou Wilson and Brian Murphy for attempting to speed-write an actual in-universe 300-word essay in 5 minutes of real time as Fabian and Riz posing as Fabian with complete earnest and a 120 percent commitment. both this effort and the incredibly smooth hand-off in the middle of it was maybe the most attractive thing i've ever seen a man do
yes it's a dungeons and dragons show. don't put me on hold. hello
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 3 months
Danny ends up a doctor like his parents, just not the type of doctor they were expecting.
Danny becomes an archeologist.
He couldn't help it! Most of his friends were dead people, some from as far back as ancient Mesopotamia! He automatically knew every dead language by virtue of being a ghost! The way his friends talked, he wanted to know more about their lives. So he goes looking and makes a name for himself.
He becomes a well known archeologist. As a grad student, he works for the Drakes, even babysitting their son, Tim. He goes to Janet's, and later Jack's, funeral, offering to take Tim in, which the boy is grateful for but declines in favor of a bio-uncle. Eventually, Danny discovers the remains of an ancient cult in the Middle East.
Ra's learns that the remains of the original League of Shadows has been uncovered by a group of archeologists. Originally visiting the dig site to ensure the group doesn't discover any traces of the modern-day League, he finds himself intrigued by the young Dr. Fenton leading the dig. He's smart and bright and the first person in 400 years that can speak Ra's birth language. He becomes fond of the good doctor, even more so when he discovers that Danny's a conservationist and is skilled with a Xiphos (all Pandora's doing). How strange that their spars often end up with them retreating to Danny's tent to be alone...
And then Danny invites Tim Drake to visit, worried about the boy being a teen CEO with no breaks. Tim agrees.
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