#yes I'm an idiot for forgetting to watermark. I know
xalonelydreamerx · 1 year
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It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.
They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. [...] But all this is not why I couldn't look away.
I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.
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muffincryptid · 1 month
Hi there, let me introduce myself!
My name is Mag, but I've gained many names on the Internet over the years. These names are: Ammo | Biscuit | Fish | Exotic | File(s) | Forgotten | Cryptid | Pancake | Gaming
I use he/him pronouns and I'm trans female to male (FtM.) I'm pansexual and polyamorous (happily taken. <3)
I am the creator of the StarFall UnderTale AU which is currently in the works. @official-starfall for anyone who wants to check it out!
I'm just a guy on the internet who's a bit too dumb for society plus rambles and forgets things. Oh- and a multi-fandom idiot. Some of the things I like are: UnderTale (duh), FNAF, various animes, Slime Rancher, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Splatoon, Terraria, Subnautica, TF2, SCP, and a lot more (that I'm most likely forgetting.)
Do not interact if you accept...
Probably more that I can't think of...
What will you find on this blog?
First and foremost, types of content:
I will mostly post art, oftentimes the finished products but I might end up posting sneak peeks as well. I also, from time-to-time, post writing blurbs, which often are created using a prompt and not related to any of my written works. I also might post a meme or two, or a few pictures I took. I also tend to reblog some things, if they're important or if I absolutely love and adore that post.
Second of all, the contents of my content (if that makes any sense?):
Most of what I draw is going to be Undertale-related. You're especially going to see a lot of skeletons on here, since I draw those the most.
You'll also see a lot of original characters (OCs) here.
I sometimes draw humans, but not nearly as often as skeletons.
On occasion I'll draw a furry or some object heads, but it depends.
Collabs, commissions, and other art stuff?
Collaboration pieces: I am alright with doing collabs! But ask me first
Commissions: Usually they're open, but at the time of me making this post they're closed due to mental stuff and being swamped with art work <3
Character Adopts: I do make some from time to time, so you might spot one or two floating across my blog. I upload a version with a watermark to my blog but when someone buys the character I will send them a version without said watermark. I will reblog the post and mention it has been sold. (Note that I use Venmo.)
Fanart: I'm a-okay with fanart of my characters, but unless I personally know you, please ask first, I'll most likely say yes! (Keep it clean though.)
Request Drawings: I'm fine with drawing requests (via ask box) but don't expect anything fancy or top tier... It'll most likely end up as a sketch (whether colored or not.)
I think that's all? Oh- and if you made it to the end of this post, thanks! Have a lovely day :]
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bargainmatinee · 2 years
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The Batman
Let's get this out of the way first...Robert Pattinson is fucking awesome. While Michael Keaton will always hold a special place in the hearts of fans everywhere, I still maintain he was a much more effective Bruce Wayne than he was Batman. Probably mostly because he always looked so awkward in that unforgiving, immobile suit. Val Kilmer was just fine, but we don't have enough to judge him on. And we won't even mention George Clooney (although technically I guess I just did). Then there's Christian Bale. No doubt, Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy is the high watermark by which all Batman flicks will be judged. But fuck, man....I don't know about you, but despite the brilliance of those films, that fucking ridiculous growling voice that Bale put on still bugs the shit out of me. Oh, and then we had Batfleck. Poor Ben never got his own solo movie, which is fine with me. Batman v Superman sucked a fat dick.
Which brings me back to Pattinson. Like most, the announcement of his casting took me by surprise. Isn't he the sparkly vampire from those Twilight flicks? Man, this sounds like a bad idea. Then I saw "The Lighthouse" and realized...oh! This guy can fucking ACT. That movie was dark and disturbing, and I was no longer worried about "The Batman." And now that I've seen it, I'm prepared to say that Pattinson is the best Batman we've had. I need to clarify, I don't think he was a great Bruce Wayne, but to be honest there wasn't really much of him out of costume in this flick anyway. He doesn't growl like an idiot, he's menacing as hell, and I just loved the shit out of the costume. It seemed like the most practical version of the batsuit we've ever seen. Badass boots, body armor, lack of rubber and nipples...fuck yeah.
As for the movie itself...um, yes please. This felt more like a detective serial killer drama like "Se7en" than it did a superhero flick, which is fine with me. The three hour runtime never felt bloated or dragged, and flew by pretty quickly for me. Zoe Kravitz was a perfect Catwoman, an unrecognizable Colin Farrell has some great bits as the Penguin, and the Riddler....oh my. This is where the serial killer part comes in. Forget everything you ever knew about the Riddler. Well, don't forget about the riddles, because that's still a thing. But no longer a goof in a green suit parading around like a moron, Paul Dano puts on a gimp mask and just goes full on terrifying creep. Outstanding.
I also want to note that a lot of reviews have pointed out that this version of Batman FINALLY plays up the fact that the comic book version is the "World's Greatest Detective" and we get to see much more of that in this one. While this is true...well, I don't want to spoil too much, but while I agree we get much more of that this time, I want to see it pushed further in the next one. Him playing detective makes so much sense in the context of this script but he still comes up a bit short in the end. I can't say more without spoiling things, but I definitely have feelings about just how effective his detective work was here.
That minor shortcoming aside, I can unequivocally (thank you predictive text for handling the spelling there) say that this is pretty close to the best version of Batman you can get. I loved it to pieces and I want more. And even though I earlier pronounced R-Pats as the best version of the Bat yet, I'm not quite ready to say this is the best movie of the bunch. Recency bias makes it easy to say this is better than "The Dark Knight," but is it really? Or are you just high on it because it's so new? I really don't think I'd be able to answer that one without the benefit of more time. But no matter what, it's at least definitely in the conversation to decide what the best Bat flick ultimately is.
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