#years ago on my first read i didn’t like the alpha kids as much bc they didn’t feel like they loved each other as much to me
demonicimagery · 1 year
homestuck reread: i actually like dirk a lot more this time
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sterekficrec · 3 years
Lost fic masterpost 2.0
This is the new masterpost list for lost fics we haven't found ourselves yet and we need some help with finding. This list contains all asks that are asked after May 31st, 2018. If you asked us something before that date and it hasn't been answered, please check out our Last Chance Asks post first, if it isn't on there feel free to send us the ask again.
If you know what one (or more) of these are then let me know through an ask and mention the number.
Thanks in advance for all your help :)
Hii! I'm looking for this fic I read a while ago, it was on ao3 and kind of short I think.. Stiles catches Derek smoking weed naked, and it involves shotguning.. I remember it had embeded images of shirtless Derek(or some model who looks like Derek more likely) sitting on the floor by the bed.. Hope somebody knows this, I really want to find this :'(
Hi! I don’t know if you can help with this but I’ve been looking for a fic everywhere. Stiles is older than Derek and Talia brings him in to help Derek through his rut or heat. I can’t remember much else. I hope you can help!
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic where stiles thinks Derek doesn't find him attractive Derek doesn't get hard, and Derek thinks that stiles doesn't want him because of this and there's just hella miscommunication?
Hey I was hoping maybe you could help me find a fic? All I remember was that is was like a retelling of season one but Stiles was older and an FBI agent?
Hey there! I wanted to ask about a fic I read some time ago. It’s sort of au. Stiles doesn’t live in Beacon Hills anymore but helps out Deacon and him and Derek meet when he helps out Dereks pack with something. He’s a witch or something like that. I’m sorry for being so vague and in one of the cases Derek gets possessed by a demon, who kills people by dehydrating them. And Stiles gets the demon out of him. Have you guys recced anything like it? I really want to read it again. Thanks :)
Hey!!!! So I was wondering if you could help me find this sterek fic?? They are married and they have a few kids I think mpreg. It has a lot of chapters and in one of them their daughter I think her name may start with an l goes to a dance with a vampire, Derek isn’t so sure ab it. And one time stiles has to go on a trip for work or maybe a retreat with Scott and Derek has to console there few month old, as he hasn’t been away from stiles. Please please!!
I was wondering if you’d be able to help me find a fic? Derek and Stiles are on a date and they have Cora with them. When they’re buying tickets, the person at the ticket counter flirts with Derek and assumes he’s chaperoning a date between Cora and Stiles. I think Stiles yells oh hell no and then kisses Derek?? I wish I could remember more, but that’s all I recall..
I've been looking for a certain nsfw fic where someone "gives" Stiles to Derek as a birthday present, I'm pretty sure Stiles is tied up in a hotel bed or something like that. Thank you so much in advance 💖
Hello! I read a fic once and I cannot find it again and I would really like to reread it. Of what I remember the sheriff is an alpha and dies and Stiles has to take over and the sheriff left a lot of debt. So Stiles starts to sell off chunks of land and works a ton of jobs to try to pay it back.
Hey, I’m looking for a fic where Stiles is a spark, but he’s hella freaking powerful because when his mom died he kind of tried to bring her back, but it latched onto his baseball bat? I think Lydia is actually the alpha of the pack, and Laura and Cora are alive (I think the rest of the Hales are too?). Derek was like, literally married to Kate for a while and then they divorce and Stiles and him break into her house and totally trash it. Help????
I was wondering i you could help me find a fic (i'm desperate), the only thing i can remember is that derek keeps a 20 dollar bill by his door in case any girl scouts come by, but they never come because the moms think he's some kind og bad guy. Stiles meets a girl scout mom and konda confront her about it (and by confront i mean like really yell at) i think it might have been a slowburn fic Thank you:)
I've been looking desperately for this fic where Stiles gets Emissary/Druid training from Deaton but eventually Deaton refuses to teach Stiles anymore so Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in search of another teacher he leave sometime before the alpha pack he finds a teacher and travels a lot but eventually returns Beacon Hills after a few years very powerful helps them defeat somthing and eventually hooks up with Derek.
Hi please if u could help me this sterek fic? Both derek and stiles were deputies . Derek was new there and parrish like stiles which made Der jealous . I dont remember much but help ..
Hey I was hoping you could help me find a fic? It's been a while since I've read it, but I know it was based around the sacfricial killings, but they were being used to resurrect some people I think? It was magic!Stiles, and at the end he kinda changed the spell to resurrect the Hale family instead? Sorry I can't remember much else, but I know I really enjoyed it and I can't find it at all. It would mean a lot if you found it!
Hello. Love this blog helping find fics for other people some of which I’ve read and loved. I’d love if you could help me find a fix where stiles, Jackson, Erika, issac and Boyd are selected to be seventh to the hale family. Mr. Harris is the servant and the living family is Cora Derek Laura Peter and the grandmother. Stiles of course is Derek’s servant and finds the truth out about his forgotten pass and what he is to Derek’s. Changing him Erika and issac into werewolf’s. Hope you can find!!
Hello! I was wondering of you could help me find a fic. From what I remember, Derek comes home (from college I think) for the first time in years, and finds that his family loves Stiles, who he has never met. They hate each other in the beginning. Thank you for any help you can give, and thank you for all you do for this amazing fandom! :D
hi!im looking for a sterek fic that has stiles staying in beacon hills as a supernatural doctor? and then he gets an email from derek that says that derek is hurt. stiles also has a bunch of journals full of information about the pack. and them stiles has a really bad leg injury. and the sheriff is dead. stiles listens to either mozart or bach to calm down, i can’t remember. please, help me. sorry if my descriptions are a little messy, im stressing over it bc i want to reread it. thanks.
i’m trying to find a fic where the pack accidentally wishes on a shooting star about stiles, and they wake up in this alternate universe where stiles doesn’t know who they are and he’s being brought in by deputies, && they find out that stiles is a mage of some sort in another pack, i’ve been trying to find it forever. also thank you!
For the prompt you asked: what about Stiles going crazy trying to plan the perfect Christmas party with the pack but everyone has a different religion or belief and Stiles is squishing a little of everything in there, the party wont even be on Christmas eve but in a different neutral date or smthng. And obviously since most of the pack is still busy with school(or college?)he ropes Derek into helping with preparations. Obviously they end up making a big mess out of everything. they also fight a lot untill Derek snaps and Stiles realizes that Derek's only problem with Christmas is he misses his family so much(and the only reason Stiles wants to party it's bc it makes him remember his mother)And the pack arrives at the new Hale house to find them like that, depressed and with a burnt out dinner in the kitchen, ligths popped and tree destroyed. And it magicaly snows in that moment(or maybe it's Stiles?)
Hi, sorry for my bad english. I’m looking for sterek fic. I know I read it in AO3. I don’t remember much but almost in the end Stiles and Chris are arguing because all the stuff his family did. How bad Stiles was tortured by Gerard and I think Stiles was pemanently injured in one ear and one eye. And also Chris was yelling that he killed his father and Stiles said in the end it didn’t mather because He was damage forever. I really hope you can help me.
hi, so i was hoping you could help me find a sterek fic where stiles and derek are childhood friends, and stiles is pining after him but derek and paige are dating, and stiles gets jealous when paige is sitting in his seat and almost has a mental breakdown? i think stiles starts ignoring him, and derek realizes that he no longer sees paige as his future mate but stiles. thank you!!
Hi, Sterek fic I can't find. With Stiles drowning, bc of himself or feelings being too much, Derek notices and saves him, and the Derek warms him by turning into his alpha form? Stiles really like shifted Derek. Thank you guys! :)
Hi I was wondering if you could help me find these 2 sterek fics where: 1. Derek and stiles are on a stakeout looking at a bank I think when someone approaches the car and Derek pulls stiles into his lap and stiles begins to question his sexuality and if Derek likes him. 2. God I can’t believe I didn’t save this one but I can only remember a scene in the fic where stiles and Derek were at a drive though movie theatre and they were kissing and it was all about Derek self healing. Pls help.
Hey I'm trying to find this fic on archive that I read before but I can't seem to find it. If you don't do this sort of thing sorry in advance. But if you do all the teenagers are alive and Stiles is getting bullied by a group of douches so the pack challenge them to a series of games. Girls vs girls and boys vs boys. They win of course. Anyway if you know of this fic please let me know
I need help finding a fic pls. Stiles meets Derek young (around 4ish) and they're soulmates (Derek knew when Claudia was still pregnant). There is def an age gap. Stiles grows up knowing Derek is his mate, and tries to mate with him, but because they spent so much time together while he was young, stiles's wolf develops quicker than it should and goes into heat, so they try to separate them. Mama S. and Hale family is still alive, and theres an alpha/alpha mate convention at some point. Thanks!
hey! i'm looking for a fic where stiles is living on the east coast working for the government and then he saves somebody's life by recognizing that the agent was walking into a trap of a vampire coven so he starts working with this supernatural sector of the government (and people named jessica and jason i think) and gets sent to a national council thing and reconciles with derek and the pack after having left beacon hills and stuff
Hi! ❤️ thank you so much for taking the time, I was just hoping someone could help find that sterek fic where it’s established relationship, and stiles works for a company because he came up with a famous slogan for some type of candy/food and the company rlly loves him, at one point goes on a business trip where someone tries to have an affair and stiles is like WHUt NO and goes back to Derek immediately feeling guilty even tho he was 100% loyal? Thank youuuu ❤️
Hello! I love this blog a lot , keep up the good work. :) I was recently reading a fanfic where stiles is kidnapped by jennifer and she uses derek’s semen in a spell to make the “werewolf messiah”. Can you help me find it?
I am looking for a fic. Derek is the alpha and he and stiles get together and cook meals. First Boyd is added to the group and then Isaac. Isaac becomes a foster of Boyd's parents. Then Erica is added. They give Erica the bite after discussing it with her parents. Please help
Hi! Looking for a fic where Stiles is bitten by a fox at the zoo, changes into an actual fox, which means he’s terrified of the werewolves, including Scott and Derek. Derek has to lure him out with a trampoline (definitely inspired by that video of a fox on a trampoline). I looked everywhere I could think of but no luck :/ hopefully someone’s heard of it! Thank you!
Hi! I’m scouting the internet for an old sterek fic I read once where stiles and Allison bond over the summer after s2 and in a drunken mistake Allison gets pregnant but it’s not romantic? I can’t find even a trace of it anywhere but I VIVIDLY remember it
Not a fic Rex but could you help me find a fic? It’s been months apon months since I have read this fic but it’s a sterek fic and stiles was kinda of controlling and would never be a good bf to Derek so they never did anything derek wants to do only stiles. And I remember they talked about it and were getting better and Derek asked to go on a hike to show stiles this pond or something idk for sure and stiles almost says no and it’s angsty and amazing.
Hi! I've been looking for a fic that I read a while ago, I don't know if it's been deleted or not and I don't remember it clearly. But from what I remember, at some point Derek stayed with Stiles and his dad in his wolf form because he was traumatized and felt like he was inconvenient to everybody? Sorry I'm not being very clear but if that rings any bell... Thank you!
hi! There was this Sterek fic form Isaac's POV where he was Stiles' PA and he really shipped him with Derek, but all the other two do is fight-- and in the end, he finds out they've been married for around 5 years. Do you know it's linked, by any chance? :)
Hey! I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find this Sterek fic and was wondering if you could help me? All I remember is that Stiles is pregnant, him and Jackson are really close friends, and something about ‘is Thursday a good day to tell your ex you’re pregnant?’. Thank you so much if you could help! ❤️
Hello! Okay so I have my been here in a while, but I've ran out of fics to read. And I'm not sure if you guys are still active. But do you guys have some where Sterek start dating, but it's because one of them like the other and the other one thought, "why not?" But they end up falling for the other. Sorry I know this is too specific. :/ but thank you!!!
I'm looking for a fic that Stiles was invited to Derek's wedding to Julia/Jennifer, but it turns out he was magically controlled to go along with everything so she'd have control of the pack???? Eventual sterek.
Hiiii! I'm wondering if you can help me. I read this fic forever ago and it was a supernatural FBI type situation. Stiles was magic and sold potions on the side (I know to at least Ethan). Deucalion was selling drugs that were killing people. I remember that the drugs made you hover in the air before you died and Stiles got drugged (also pretty sure he was a suspect). Derek was an agent. Thanks in advance!
Hey I'm really sorry to bother i am looking for a fic were stiles and derek are in a long term relationship but derek starts to neglect stiles so he decides to leave for a new apartment and derek realizes how much he has been missing. thank you i hope you can help me
Hey! So I’m looking for 2 sterek fics that might have been deleted but I’m not sure. The first, someone is poisoning the wolves to makes them shift, and stiles and Derek get locked in a cage so that Derek would kill stiles. The second one, the pack goes to college, but Derek breaks up with stiles to keep him safe, and stiles starts taking pain killers. The Alpha pack shows up, but at the end Peter tries to kill Scott or Derek to become an alpha again. Any idea? Thank you!!!
Hey I'm looking for a sterek fic and going out of my mind because I cant find it! All I remember is that they had at least one kid together and in the epilogue or sequel or something they were having a family dinner where their college age oldest daughter was bring home her boyfriend to meet the family. And I think the younger brother was non-binary of some sort and they were worried how the boyfriend was going to handle that. And werewolves existed but still a secret. Thank you in advance!!
Im sorry i might be stupid but i cant find the askbox, im looking for a fic where stiles and derek are mates and there might be a abo dynamic, derek knows they are mates before stiles is born because he meet Claudia while she i pregnant, they start of young in the fic but get older as i goes. I must have been an explicit one. Sorry for any inconvinience
Hi! Looking for a stereo college au where stiles is obsessed with Greek mythology and even got a tattoo of it. Some internal homophobia in there too. Thank you in advance!
hi! i am looking for this sterek fic i read last year I think. Stiles and Derek are both in college and Stiles is crazy about greek mythology - has some of the stuff tattooed on him. Derek is kind of closeted and maybe a little internally homophobic but is crazy about Stiles. Stiles has some Dark Things that happened to him back in BH.....Eventually Derek gets him a ticket to go to Greece? Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
I think these two are asks for the same fic, if not I seperated them in a. and b. so let me know the latter if they are not the same.
Hello, sorry I have another ask. I'm looking for a fic where werewolves are known and the hale family is alive. Stiles has to spend time with every member of the pack to determine compatibility I think? They all dislike him. Laura hates him because they had a previous encounter and she bruises him. It's a sterek fic I think. Thanks!
there's a fic i read years ago about stiles and derek both being accountants and working together. i think stiles was a new employee? possibly a student/graduate? sorry i dont have much information, its been years since i read it and i just randomly thought about it but cant find it
Hey! I swear I got this Fic from y’all but I cannot find it now for the life of me. It’s a college AU where stiles rushes fraternities on a whim and meets Boyd. Boyd is a legacy for Derek’s fraternity and joins them, Stiles ends up rushing and joining Scott’s fraternity. There’s a whole bunch of pranking that ensues including Stiles stealing Derek’s pledge paddle... it’s a fantastic fic but I can’t find it
hi!!! i was wondering if you know the fic where the pack finds actual wolf cubs and decides to raise them??? i remember it being a WIP and the wolves names were sköll and haiti (?). btw: i love this blog so much 😭😭💝
hi! I’ve been looking for a fic where stiles (for a reason that I forget) pretends to be gay and ends up dating Derek while still pretending to be gay and then actually falls for Derek in the end. I can’t seem to remember what it’s called and I really wanna reread it. Hope you can find it!
Hi, I’m wondering if you could help me find a fic. One where Derek had to sacrifice his love for Stiles to keep his family alive (some sort of curse on him to make him fall out of love) and magic!Stiles does everything to break the curse? If you know it please help
Hi! I’m looking for a Sterek fic on Ao3 where the day after Stiles and Derek finally go forward in their relationship this random ass guy shows up, claims he’s an old friend of Derek’s from New York and convinces the whole pack, minus Stiles, too. From what I remember he used their names to place a spell on them to control them. Derek attacks Stiles then kicks him out of the group, Lydia shows up and helps Stiles break the spell because she’s queen, and they get the guy arrested. Plz help?
Hey guys no pressure but theres been a fic stuck in the back of my head for months and I can’t find it. What I remember is that the pack are in a bar when a siren does a siren thing and everyone in the bar is under his spell and it was something d&s could resist only because they were truely in love. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, English is hard for a dyslexic
Hey!! First of all...... thank u so much this is always so helpful..... Second of all, I can’t remember the name and hopefully you can help?? It’s Sterek, it’s not an AU. Derek leaves and moves to Montana? Colorado? Something like that and coincidentally Stiles ends up going there for college and slow build???? And knowing these boys, some Angst™️
UGH!! Can you help? Stiles goes to stay with Derek in Brazil?
HELP, goin crazy looking for fic I wanna reread, Remember tons specific odd details. Listing them w/ hopes someone knows what I'm taking about! ABO adjacent, Stiles heat is called a wetting, Stile's dad gives his hand away only cuz its good alpha Derek, marital/mate tradition w/ fancy ornate bathtubs, Stiles has skirt w/ embroidered list of his skills on it, Derek bad a verbalized emotions. Regency era. Stiles has a miscarriage w/ lot of self blame. Issac is Derek's ward since he's a kid. Aaah?!
Hello I'm trying to find a fic where when Stiles was young (and with the help of Lydia or Scott) did a spell to never find his soulmate. Like it was: he will have blue eyes, no green and brown; he will be strong enough to lift a car; he will play cello. The point of the spell being to not find him. Later he meet Derek and freaks out because he is perfect (multicolored eyes, werewolf strength...). Please help me find it! Thanks
I am looking for a fic that starts with Stiles and Derek researching but then Stiles gets turned on and him and Derek end up hooking up. It's a 5+1 fic
Hi! Can you help me find the fic where Stiles, Sheriff and a few other people from town were held hostage by werewolves(?) but also some humans I think and they were planning to escape but stiles said they should stay put. And at the end or towards the end Derek bursts in as a full wolf and stiles has to talk him down so he’ll shift back and the people who held him hostage know him as one of the most dangerous in the Hale pack.
Hi Mod(s)! I am currently looking for a fic about magic Stiles. I don't remember any of the pairings, but I vividly remember a conversation between Stiles, Allison, and Lydia. To prove that his magic is real, Stiles sets his lacrosse stick on fire. Allison is prejudiced toward magic and says that Stiles could probably light a house on fire, and Stiles responds that he could, but then he would die of organ failure. Thank you for your help! I appreciate the time and care you put into this blog!
Hey, thanks for all you do. Do you perhaps know a fic that is basically a rewrite of season 1 but Stiles has a dog, and Derek gets jealous of the dog, honestly I've been searching everywhere for this
I have a question
all I can remember is Alison is matriarch of the hunters, Stiles is sassy as fuck... I think he was magic. I believe there was a coffee shop showdown where Alison didn’t realize that Stiles was there... I can’t remember if it’s a recent fix or something I stumble across finding new docs to read.
Hello! I've been trying to comb my way through your blog and searching google but I haven't been able to find the fic I've been looking for so I hope you can help me (and I hope I'm not missing the post and making a duplicate)
The story is a sterek fic where Derek goes to stiles for help because hes developing a sexual problem and only trusts stiles to look up the answer. Stiles find out it's likely a mate thing and suggests derek figures out who hes been spending a lot of time with. Derek checks out and crosses off each of the pack before settling on Scott (because of his scent, thinking its what's triggering the response), turns out its stiles and that stiles has a very active libido and that's what's causing Derek's problem.
I swear I had it saved but I can't find it in any of my bookmarks. So, any help you can provide at finding the fic would be super helpful! Thank you!
hi, hoping for some help finding a fic? from around 2015 - sterek (either established couple or they got together during +), there's a big bad that mind controls or possesses Derek and makes him stab stiles. then in the next part stiles trains with the argents and they're still trying to fight the big bad. there's an OC that stiles is jealous of bc she is able to bring Derek out of the mind control/possession when he wasn't able to. that's everything I remember. any help is appreciated! thanks!!
There is this fic that I cannot remember the name of. It’s a very slow burn where stiles and Derek once they decide to be together, wait until 18 for kissing (before that they do Eskimo kisses) and then to like 21 or something for sex. It’s really sweet and cute and stiles is understanding of his trauma. It may have been a de-aged derek, cursed, bonded, or fake/pretend relationship? If you know, I will love you forever and ever +1.
I'm looking for a long Teen Wolf fic. Here's what I remember.
Stiles left to join the FBI. Cut ties with Beacon Hill. Never looked back. Becomes an FBI wunderkind.
On behalf of the FBI he goes to some werewolf or Supernatural Council event with his unit. It's a complete surprise the Beacon Hill pack is there, they're all cold shouldering each other. Everyone has grown into their own, and the pack is beyond thriving. Derek is some high muckity muck.
Scrooby doo mystery plot stuff, ends in Sterek.
It's long and has some time stamp sequels.
Does this sound familiar? I've been looking for it to reread.
I’ve been looking for this one sterek fic where stiles has a crush on Derek and Derek is like in high school while stiles is still a kid. And like stiles comes over to the Hale house to hang out with Derek and he catches Derek making out with a girl (maybe Kate) and it breaks his heart.
Hi :) I’m looking for a fic where Stiles and Derek fake being in a relationship when Derek has to go to some werewolf retreat. Stiles learns magick and can see strings that run between…mates, maybe? I think there’s also a toddler named Luca running around. Idk I remember reading this YEARS ago and would really like to find it again🥺
Hey. I was wandering if you knew of a fic that’s kinda oldish. But stiles and Derek meet and they’re like mates or soulmates or something. Anyway stiles pack which is like Scott, Allison, Lydia, Danny etc have been cursed by a witch and I thinks they’re getting their power drained or something? They’re lived are in danger and Derek helps coz Stiles is his mate. Possible chance they’re all at college
hi! I am looking for a sterek fic. stiles works two jobs and is really tired driving home one day and accidentally rear ends derek (who is a cop?) who then comforts him when he freaks out. it is abo au and the pack are included. thanks in advance!
Do you know a ao3 fanfic about sterek where stiles just presented as an omega and gets taken by the government to be the omega in dereks military group?
Hey I was wondering if you could find this fic for me? I’ve been looking lol night and I can’t find it anywhere. I know it’s on AO3 if that helps at all.
So it’s a royalty au and pretty much Derek is a werewolf and he invades stiles kingdom under peters orders but when Derek gets to the palace stiles father isn’t there as stiles has hidden him and he ends up marrying stiles and stiles is like tricky and stuff and there’s one scene where they are in the garden and dereks soldiers end up in a field of wolvesbane and gets really sick and stiles goes in to save him and he gets really mad at his guards for letting the wolf just walk into it. And Peter is bad and intends on killing derek and stiles realises this and tells him and Derek ends up killing him. I think it would be classified as enemies to lovers? I hope that’s enough info to go off of
Thank you so much in advance I really appreciate it if you find it!
Hi I have been looking for this fic for literally years, all I remember is that stiles and allison had a kid together years before when they were both on the outs from the pack in LA, but they come back and scott and allison end up together again, and derek left beacon hills for years but comes back and settles but keeps leaving and stiles is upset—eventual sterek of course—and there’s something big going on supernaturally? And stiles gets intense migraines? Honestly it’s been so long I could have imagined this haha but I will be so grateful if someone has heard of this! Thank you for all you do!
Hi there! I read a fic a looong time ago and unfortunately, I can't find it. What I remember, is that Stiles and Derek move out of Beacon Hills and also get their own dog. I also think at first Stiles was on his own and he moved away for himself, not necessarily bc he was pushed out of the pack, but that may have been in a different fic and I'm just mixing them up. So sorry for being so vague! I hope you may be able to find it
hi! i'm searching for a fix where the pack goes on vacation and derek and stiles have to share a room. basically stiles thinks that derek doesnt like his scent and leaves the windows open and they freeze their asses off lol. i think it was in a cabin or something in the woods.
Hiya! Not sure if you’re still taking SOS Fic Searches. I cannot for the life of me remember anything more than a sterek fic with stubborn Derek / Stiles where Jackson asked Stiles out on a date on Valentines Day knowing Derek would be jealous, but when Derek doesn’t step in immediately, after the “date” Jackson texts Stiles “you’ll thank me for this” and then kisses him on the porch and Derek wolfs out and chases him — thus allowing for them to discuss their feelings and get together (but also keep it a secret from the pack for being assholes and making group chats without them)
i’m looking for a fic that starts with stiles and derek getting into a fender bender. it’s in a universe where everyone registers as a dom, sub, or switch. stiles is a sub and derek is a dom. derek works with scott. after the accident stiles brings derek cookies and brownies at work. derek is some sort of officer or something that works with dom/sub rights or something?? there’s a protest which stiles goes to and it gets violent and at another point someone vandalizes where derek works. stiles and jackson are friends and jackson coaches lacrosse. i’m sorry if this is vague but i appreciate the help!
I'm trying to find a fic and I'm hoping you can help- I've read it before but can't for the life of me find it on Ao3, and it's killing me! It's one where Stiles is magical, Scott pretty much goes insane- and there is a super amazing scene towards the end where Stiles winds up magically taking Scott's wolf away and giving it to Melissa, who lovingly embraces it. It was a great read that I could have sworn I bookmarked :(
Hi! I’m not sure if you can help me find a lost fic. But I thought I’d give it a shot and ask. I read this Sterek fic within the last couple of months and i remember very little unfortunately. Basically I remember that stiles was allowed to sleep in dereks bed and Derek was acting like that was no big deal, but everyone else in the pack thought it was a massive deal because wolves and scent and stuff and I remember one of the women in the pack was pregnant but no idea who. This is so convoluted and I’m sorry. If you can’t find it no worries! Thanks!!
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bae-science · 3 years
it’s t-t-t-t-time for another newt bae-science fic rec extravabonanza! same rules, same boys, same bullshit! let’s get into it:
a beginning; a second chance by @dykesword
other newt and i have a long and intricate ritualistic battle to become the alpha newt, but i gotta give credit where it’s due. if you like to annotate your books for fun, this fic will give you a looooong comment you’ll want to write, and for good reason! there’s a lot of really well done metaphor and character detail in here, while still keeping a very soft, melancholy but with a hopeful edge tone. and also, like, the care and detail in which newt’s mental state in the aftermath of the precursors’ abuse is depicted is so so good, and delightful to read
husbandly duties by @kingeiszler
i am soooo biased with this one bc technically it was made for me but GODDAMN it’s good. this shit has everything: gottlieb trio sibling dynamics, vanessa in giant femme earrings, hermann yearning, newt and karla infodumping together, newt’s terrible and accurate gaydar, gay crime, the newmann dynamic and why it works boiled down to its bare essentials, pride and prejudice glasses touch, and neon green acrylics. required reading for the vanessaverse
Say That Again by @robertfrobisherslover
WOOF. if you like mutual pining and lack of communication from men with rocks for their emotional processing centers, and guncle (gay uncle) newt and hermann and KILLER artsy sex scenes, and themes of words unsaid in a story about LANGUAGE..... oogoogogoogouhufug. the writing style is clear and well paced, i LOVE little mako’s scene she’s such a cutie, and there’s like. a line. that’s a play on the whole “it’s always been you” trope. that lives in my mind rent free forever.
speak right to my heart without saying a word by @thekaidonovskys
i’m just gonna paste the comment i left on it here, because that sums up what is so absolutely incredible about this fic the best:
so sometimes you stumble on a piece of fiction that you add to your little collection of stuff you would show a person if you wanted them to understand a part of you that you can't quite explain eloquently, or it would take too long, etc etc, and i've never really found something like that for my autism until now, which, like, poggers. and i'll be as straight up as i can while still being the biggest lesbian in the great state of ohio (not a hard feat but alan invented computers so i love continuing on the autistic tradition of being a living miracle), the chameleon effect hit me like a mack truck. catholic school in the deep south is the most potent and effective form of ABA therapy imaginable :/. so sometimes i wonder what i would be like if i didn't have such a strong ability to pass, and here's where we finally get to the part of this comment where i just vomit compliments at you: you nailed it. you got it. i don't know if you're on the spectrum, but either way, well fucking done. trauma therapy research talks a lot about healing fantasies, which are fantasies, usually in the form of daydreams, that abused/neglected/traumatized/etc people create that directly address a struggle they have and take the form of a scenario in which that struggle is helped in some way. it could be an abusive parent repenting and showering them with the love they never had, or someone finding them during a panic attack and somehow knowing how best to comfort them without having to ask, or being intimate with someone and having a scar or physical deformity they've been shamed for be given attention and care. and i think you have created the ultimate perfect healing fantasy for autistic people, or at least those with """"high functioning"""" autism. it has a character who is visibly and undeniably on the spectrum having the pain and trauma going through life like that causes being acknowledged and validated, they are purposefully paid attention to because person b genuinely likes them and wants to understand and respect who they are and how they function in the world, and thus get The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known as well as the eventual rewards of being loved, person b makes a genuine effort to help teach them social skills in a way they can understand and learn through and is there for them when these skills are being practiced, their space and boundaries are respected but they aren't infantilized or thought of as an emotionless robot, and they receive love and comfort on their own terms not despite of but because of who they are, even specifically being asked not to change the way they are because that way is lovable. they are openly desired. writing is my fucking JOB and it's still difficult to put into words how much you got 100000% right about the dream with this fic. i have been in the EXACT and i mean EXACT same situation as hermann when he asked newt if it was his personality itself that made people not like him, because i deadass made a spreadsheet of all my personality attributes i thought could be preventing me from making friends in college, and then asked my fellow nd friend to see if there was anything i was missing. so i guess what i'm trying to say is that this amazing, and i'm bookmarking it and putting it on my next fic rec post, and maybe one day way way in the future if i ever get a partner i want to explain the whole autism thing to, i'm gonna have them read this.
The Facts With Newton Geiszler, PhD by what_alchemy (NSFW)
storytime: i read this fic a few years ago, completely forgot the title and author, and ended up thinking about the part where hermann admits to having fucked a trailer hitch when he was a teenager, at least once a week. last november, i say to my friend samara on twitter, head of the BSHCU (buttslut hermann cinematic universe), hey this seems like something you’d have read, do you remember a fic where... and samara says FUCK i do know what you’re talking about lemme find it. so if the fact that i have been looking for this fic for like, two years, and that it contains a moment so iconic all i had to say is, “hermann says he fucked a trailer hitch” and she IMMEDIATELY knew what i was talking about, does not convince you to read this... go back to catholic school i guess.
Feeling Blue by TempusPetrichor
fics where newt goes back to work as a biologist, especially a xenobiologist, post pru are really interesting, and usually have something neat to say about recovery, how it isn’t linear, how it often involves us returning to things we love for comfort, etc. this one sure does! some good emotional and physical h/c, LOVE the use of the ghost drift, and it’s always fun to see post pru fics use dialogue very obviously taken from dbt, trauma-specific therapeutical texts, and anything that shows the author has experience with, or did their research on, ptsd therapies.
You’re Everyone That Ever Cared by KlavierWrites
you know a fic is good when it’s an only 9k slowburn and still manages to reach infinite regress levels of are you fucking KIDDING GO TO THERAPY. newt “acts of service” geiszler may have a little misplaced misogyny due to his broken woman-centric gaydar. as a treat. the fucking. post-drift scene where hermann subtextually screams “LOOK IN OUR BRAINS YOU FUCK I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU I JUST HAVE AUTISM AND CAREER IN STEM DISORDER” is soooooo. god just hermann in general in that scene is great. if you like classic mid 2010s era newmann, ghost drift romance, and good ole mutual pining, this is a treat.
Baby, You're Hotter than my Bunsen Burner by SkySongMA
moronosexual hermann representation is something that can actually be so personal
Times of Stress by RadioMoth
the boys are processinggggggg. man what a good, quick and powerful punch to the gut. if you like post-pr1 catharsis and physical h/c, AND are the one friend that likes to comment at the end of the movie that hey newt got beat the fuck UP, check this one out.
black tea by @faggotcas
okay first of all, god fucking tier url, lee. second of all, food as a love language is my SHIT. i love the very slow relationship development here, where you see them making a genuine effort to get along and that in turn leading to feelings reigniting. it’s such a sweet little moment of a fic, with a nice atmosphere and tone to fit it
now here’s the part where i usually drop my latest fic, but i haven’t written one this month because i’ve been busy launching an audio drama! you can find it here, it’ll be right up your alley if you like cryptids and gay scientists and enemies to lovers and good ole americana, but since this is a newmann post, i’m gonna recommend the pacific rim audio drama duology i did a while back! part one is called conversations from the brink, and it’s a little slice of the pr3 we better fucking get from streaming that godawful looking anime. love and lesbians to everyone ❤️
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
F, K, N, S, T
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
From Come Back to Me, Part 2 of the Picture Perfect Series, the end of Ch. 18: Nightmares, Monte Carlo, and Our Tradition
“I'm going to make you very happy. I promise.”
Tony grinned and kissed Loki's forehead. “Save it for the vows, kitten. Now, go.” He lightly pushed Loki away. “The sooner you go, the sooner you'll come back to me.” Loki slung the garment bag over his shoulder and grinned softly at Tony. “What?”
“Do you know those are the exact words I said to you the night before you left for winter vacation when we first got together?” Tony thought back to that night: the rain falling outside Loki's window, the scent of the tea Loki had been brewing when he walked in, lying completely naked in his dorm bed. “Oh, yeah…that was the night you first gave me a —”
“Yes, I remember that,” Loki interrupted, turning a light shade of red. “And you gave me your Black Sabbath shirt that night. Your favorite."
Tony hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans. "Where is that shirt?"
"At home, in my dresser with my other things," Loki answered with a small smile.
"You kept it?" Tony asked, obviously surprised.
Loki felt a sudden rush of emotion and had to look away. "Of course I did. I never wore it after we…" He cleared his throat and set his eyes on Tony. "But I carried it with me everywhere I went. You were always with me, Anthony. Always."
Tony's eyes started to sting and he laughed it away, but the laugh came out stuttered and nervous. "Jeez, I should marry you."
"You already did," Loki responded almost proudly. "Good night, love."
"Wait." Tony stepped forward and Loki paused, glancing over his shoulder. "I said my part. You didn't say yours." Loki fully faced him, that faint line appearing between his brows. "Consider it our own tradition," Tony explained with a half-shrug.
Understanding, Loki raised his chin. "Say it again."
Tony fought not to smile too widely and moistened his lips. "The sooner you go…the sooner you'll come back to me."
Loki set his eyes directly on Tony's, slowly nodded. "I will always come back to you. Remember that."
I was going to pick their wedding vows, but this spoke to me more. When I wrote Dark Side, I had no intentions of writing a sequel, much less a trilogy. But people demanded it and I kind of wrote the whole thing on the fly, by the seat of my pants from start to finish. This is the night before their wedding in Monte Carlo (tho they’re already legally married in New York) and Natasha (Loki’s BFF) and Sif (Loki’s ex and mother of his son) told them they couldn’t spend the night together. Since the rest of the wedding is pretty non-traditional (no groomsmen for either, only a ring bearer — Loki’s 4yo, Sebastian — and a nondenominational ceremony) they reluctantly agreed. I liked harkening back to the first fic, especially bc by this point they’d both been through some shit, separately and together, broken up, got back together, Loki had a freaking kid and Thanos made an appearance— they deserved something a little cheesy and extra sugary. :)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
probably the one I wrote for the last prompt of the 100 ways to say ILY challenge. I actually hesitated to write it, then I hesitated to post it. And it was my first time writing the pairing of Bucky/Tony. They were a couple in a LDR, feeling disconnected, and meeting up after a long time apart. It’s told from Tony’s POV, and he’s an anxious mess who thinks it’s all his fault and Bucky’s finally realized what a loser he is, but for some reason, he’s not dumping him quickly. They eventually talk about it, realize it’s just not working for either of them, and they decide to break it off while they’re still friends. It’s angsty for me because I literally wrote my own breakup into a fic.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
yeah I wish someone would take my notes for the Maleficent/Loki fic @vikishus and I came up with years ago and just write the damn thing for me. I would love to write it, but I have zero time and fantasy isn’t in my area of expertise.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m a sucker for friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, rekindled relationships, and that whole thing of Person A being a giant asshole to everyone until Person B comes along and they turn into a giant puddle of feels and Person B is the only one Person A is *not* an asshole to.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I actively avoid alpha/omega fics, daddy kink, and any kind of torture porn stuff. I have no issue with people writing it at all. I just don’t like to read it.
Fic Ask Meme
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bangtanficrecs · 5 years
Lost & Found Batch #20
Can’t start up the blog again without posting the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read quite a while ago and if you can help me i’ll be forever grateful... it was about namjoon having powers and accidentally causing damage, so seokjin (who was a kind of a social worker assigned to him) sent him to live with yoongi as a way to make up for his “crime”. Yoongi was also magical and lived isolated from society. If I remember correctly hoseok was also guilty of something and sent to yoongi with namjoon. Sorry if it’s too vague, but that’s all I remember
2) Hi, I decided to give this a try though I think the fic may have been deleted because I just can't find the fic anymore. Basically its ot7 and the main character (Jungkook?) took the boys to meet his mom. The author had the boys super athletic, tall and in college;they were also from Texas. Jungkook sadly had to deal with homophobic classmates. It was a one shot I believe.
Hey, Momma by CaridwenAngetueur1
3) hi!! i’m trying to find a yoonmin fic i read a while ago, where yoongi lived in this small town and had an apothecary and jimin would come and sing in the town centre, and yoongi would give him something for his nerves before he’d go on stage. i remember jimin would glow and light would shoot out from him when he sung. it was a completed fic on ao3, i can’t seem to find it. thank you so much for your help!!
4) Hello! If you don’t mind helping me, im looking for a jikook fic i can’t seem to find again on ao3. Its a time travel, canon au where present day bts where in japan and Jungkook had went through a shrine? He ends up in the past with younger!bts and acts as like a cousin to Jungkook until they can figure out how to send him back. I remember there being a scene where younger!bts miss their flight to help older!jungkook get back to the future? If you need more details please let me know. Thank you!
5) Hello! I'm looking for a vmin fic where flowers literally grow on Tae and he's really insecure about it and gets depressed. It's super soft and fluffy and the entire thing is pretty much just Jimin taking care and comforting him. I'm pretty sure it's a one-shot and that they are the only two that are explicitly brought up. I love it so much and I hope that this isn't too vague.
6) hi idk if any of u can help me find this fic but imma try: its an au in which kids go disappearing often and i can only remember that one day taehyung is one of them and jungkook takes it up on himself to find him bc he firmly believes that he isnt dead yet. not sure bout this but i also think tae got kidnapped to get tested on? and seokjin is one of the doctors in that institution??? this fic is written by a fanboy as far as i can recall and had a reallyyyyyy hard to remember title sigh 😔
kotov syndrome by wormkun Note: The fic is locked and requires an AO3 account to view
7) Hey so I read this fic a while ago but no matter what i search, i can't seem to find it. Namjoon was a depressed ?college student? and he wrote songs that he only showed to his friend Jimin. He and Jimin go to a coffee shop where Yoongi works and yoongi keeps leaving notes to RM on Joon's coffee cups, but namjoon doesnt' know who RM is. I think it turns out Jimin had been posting Joons songs and yoongi recognized his voice and wanted to encourage him. NJ writes always and almost attempts suicide
8) Hello, I was wondering if you could help find this fanfic I've looking for forever. It's an ot7 relationship fic ( I think it's jimin centric). it was still not completed. The summary was something like taehyung asking jimin if he wanted to be in a relationship with them and jimin saying No. Because technically he already knew they were all in a relationship and he felt betrayed that he was left out for so long. There is something about a creepy sasaeng fan too. I would really appreciate it.
Last to Know by Meadow_Wanderer
9) Hi! Im looking for an au fic where Jungkook was depressed, and was with V who had anger problems bc of past child abuse. Jhope didn’t like Jungkook bc of something about his dark past involving his sister who I think was raped and died. I also remembered RM having a tattoo and being an ex member of a mafia group. He blew a gas station up, and Jin thought he died but he came back, and they had sex on the window. JK attempted suicide as well but Jin saved him. Thanks!!
10) I'm searching for a vminhope fanfic. It was I believe an A/B/O one. It was on aff. Hoseok was a berserker, Jimin was a beta and Tae was an omega.
11) Hi!!!!! I've been looking for this one fic forever. It's about jungkook who's an art student and jimin and taehyung are cops who look out for him. Jungkook talks a lot about suicide and he's a university art student. I think one of the art projects in the fic was a corpse painting with flowers. Jungkook also stole from a convenience store and when jimin and Rae caught up to him they noted he had a red beanie in his pocket. Thats all. Thank you!!!
12) There was this fic where Jungkook was lonely and lived alone in a hut on the woods, and he saw Jimin in a club took him to that hut and Jimin tried to run away but Injured his leg and had to stay. It's wip, and now i can't find it :( help please?
13) i'm having trouble finding a fanfic about taekook, where jungkook finds taehyung in a lake (or any body of water), and it turns out that he's from past times. he shows taehyung around present day, and taehyung at one point dresses up as a cowboy. jungkook gives taehyung's peepee the big succ, they get caught by the police, but they run away. from my memory, that's where it ends, or there may be more to it. even tags from ao3 to jog my memory will help.
14) I read this Taejin fanfic a while ago and now I can’t find it, all I know about it is that Taehyung was in some way abused and Jin brought him to his home, also that Jin had a twin brother, also it had many chapters, if you can find it I’ll be very grateful!!!
15) Hi! I read a yoomin fic in ao3 when I was new in the Fandom and I can't find it anywhere, I remember it being angst, mostly Yoongi's pov, it was set in the I need you era and Yoongi played the piano for jungkook's dance, I also remember Jimin struggled with eating disorders and alcoholism and that at some point they had a big fight when jimin came home drunk in a random cab d
16) Hi! I can't find a fic I read few years ago, so I was wondering if you could help)) It was Taehyung/Namjoon fic, and Namjoon hired him as his fake ex-boyfriend so that his friends (Hoseok and Jimin if I remember correctly) would stop asking him to go on dates or smth like that.
if it bleeds by wertstoffhof (roachprince)
17) Hello! I’m hoping you can help me find a fic, it’s a mental hospital one where all the members apart from jin and namjoon are in the mental hospital and another member (maybe jungkook) arrives and it turns out jin is making up their diagnosis because he thought they’d want to stay longer. If that’s too brief i can remember specific bits but i couldn’t find anything on your tags, thank you! Jin is a sort of like a therapist who looks after them and namjoon is like the manager of sorts i think
Seeking Heaven by fullofsuga
18) Hello, hope you're well! I was wondering if you could help me find a Jihope fic that I've been looking for forever! Jimin was friends with Taehyung and didn't know the rest of the boys until he was added into a group chat. I remember that Jimin worked in a shop that was broken in to, and that Taehyung didn't want Jimin and Hoseok to date? I think the chapter titles were all days of the week as well - thank you!!
19) Hey do you know the name of this historic au fic where Yoongi is a chaebol and I think he buys Jungkook from his abusive dad to be his servant? I remember he teaches him how to read and even gives up his money just to be with jungkook and becomes an author
tear the moon from the stars tonight by euphoriae
20) Hi! I'm looking for a YoonMin fanfic that's a pretend/fake dating au, where Jimin was at the grocery shop and his ex suddenly came up and started teasing/mocking him? Then Yoongi suddenly came up behind him and started pretending to be his bf? Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for the bother!
21) Hey! I've been looking for this fic forever (i've tried every tag on ao3, god help me). It's a v/yoongi fic where tae is really into public sex and yoongi too, but yoongi is shy at first. there's a scene at the beginning where yoongi is on a date with a girl and he goes to the bathroom to masturbate. at the middle they both are in a restaurant with 2 other people (from bts, i can't remember which members) and tae touches him. at the end tae masturbates yoongi in a restaurant/karaoke booth?
Hands-On Learning by pornographicpenguin
22) Hi! Looking for this multi chaptered abo fic where Yoongi is a omega and kookie presents as an alpha during practice and triggers yoongi's heat. Later on jin and joon become mates but it's mainly about yoonkook slowly getting together... Idk if that's helpful but it's driving me crazy because I can't find it
23) Hi, I'm looking for an old jin/yoongi fic that had a magical element in it I read a while ago and need a little help. Yoongi is an underground rapper and he always passes by this shop. One night after a gig he actually stops in front of it and goes in. Jin runs it and gives him a drink. (I think its tea but idk) he also gives him a muffin or cupcake. At the end jin tells yoongi he was looking for love and that's what led yoongi into the shop.
24) Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read a year back. It has Jin as an assassin and he saved the maknae line from abuse and stuffs and they fell in love with him. And he also has a relationship with Suga
25) Weird fic I read but I want to see if more came out. Anyway it's super weird, bts is the a werewolf gang and they go to a party for the higher ranking alphas. There they meet an omega of a high ranking alpha and then more stuff happens that I can't remember. I just thought of it randomly and I wanted to see if you could find it. It's okay of you can't I appreciate the help either way.
26) Ok color me corrected if you manage to find this fic, but I can’t seem to remember anything about it. It’s a red string of fate/soulmate au but I CANNOT remember the pairing. I think it was canon divergent, they lived in the dorm together. I remember that the string was actually tangible and the pair would always trip over it. Thanks haha
27) I am looking for a fic I read ages ago. It was jikook, they were in high school. Jk is really rich and loves taking photos one day he sees jm and is compelled to take a photo of his bright orange hair. Tae sees the photo and hires jk so take photos of jimin as he never sees him smile. Jm is very poor, he is freinds with joon and tae I think. Jin is jks brother. Jm initially gets mad at jk but eventually they become friends and fall in love. There was some past stuff with taegi too I think.
Imperfectly Perfect by whenIseeUsmile
28) Hi. I'm looking for a fic on ao3. It's a historical royalty au and I think it's yoonmin. I think it's incomplete too. Yoongi is a prince and his brother is JK. Jimin and Jin are spys from a neighbouring kingdom that's on the verge of war. The last chapter I remember has the castle being invaded and the royal family being killed, there may have been a fire. I hope you can help
Death In Disguise by pikachoi
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Good Omens:A First Foray
The First Impressions of a Viewer with No Context
I knew a good chunk of the plot because at first I honestly wasn't going to watch it, so I didn't really shield myself from any spoilers on tumblr.
That being said, I was hooked right from episode 1. I went into it thinking I was gonna be all over Crowley (given my other favourite characters in most other franchises) but the first time Aziraphale smiled I M E L T E D. SO PURE AND SWEET Also when "Aziraphale" was said I had a moment of 'oh. that's how you say that' Also the earth and my mom share a birthday. When Nanny Ashtoreth showed up I KNEW I was gonna need more content of her. Wife 100%
The fact that, try as they may, Zira and Crowley are completely incompetent and really only matter in the last like 16 minutes before the end of the world is really great. It's like watching a show that's about the really interesting side characters you get to see for 2 minutes and WISH you got 6 hrs of. Thank you, Neil.
Ep 2 we get to meet Newt and Anathema and omg I love them. I need Anathemas wardrobe ugh. And newt??? disaster Newton Pulsifer??? he's a mood. Not totally sure how I feel about their relationship but I love the contrast of "hey we just met like an hour ago and we're dating now thnks" to "we've known each other for 6000 years but there's no way he likes me the same way? side note, isn't it funny how the world is always emitting a low buzz of love my dear?" "ngk"
Agnes is amazing and I love how sassy she is. 10/10. I love how Aziraphale is not at ALL concerned about being shoved against a wall by Crowley. Like not one bit. He's like "oh finally, it's only taken you 6 millenia" honestly same
Ep 3 gives us the 30 minute cold open who's only purpose is to show how these two kept coming back to each other for 6 millenia, no matter how the last meeting may have gone. Here are a few thoughts:
Crowley has very pretty hair. Also I could 100% see by this point how these two have been gay for each other since day 1. Er rather day 7? Golgotha Crowley is v pretty and learning later that those are traditionally female garments was a treat. That scene was otherwise hard to watch, and they definitely thought so as well. The globe theatre was really fun to watch, I love Shakespeare. Sadly, Hamlet reminds me of my awful 10th grade English teacher. she ADORES that play. So thanks,  Aziraphale.
I'd seen the church scene and "you go too fast for for me in MANY a gift,  but hearing them was OOF. Michael Sheen didn't have to go so hard on that line but OH BOY DID HE EVER. I may have cried.
I honestly didn't realize that the intro didn't play until the middle of the episode until I rewatched it??  like that completely flew over my head.
THE BANDSTAND. THE E M O T I O N. AZIRAPHALE WAS SO HURT. he was so torn because so much of him still wanted to believe in the good of heaven, but his heart (or the angelic equivalent) had long ago sided with Crowley. When Crowley came back and asked him to run away to Alpha Centuri??? UGH. that dude instantly assuming they're gay? same. same random dude. same. And omg Crowley praying??? to God??? he cares about humanity and it SHOWS. By this point I was REALLY relating to Aziraphale. His reluctance to stray from what he knows and was told reminds me so much of myself. that A n x i e t y.
the end of episode 4 and into episode 5 HURT. the bookshop? "I lost my best friend"? The fact that Crowley was ready to give up and wallow drunkenly through the Apocalypse because continuing on or running away held no meaning if he didn't have Aziraphale by his side. I cried. On the other hand, defiant Aziraphale? "Angels can't posses people" "Demons can..." YES BBY STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!!! FREE THOUGHT BABEY!!! Now: Shadwell and Tracy. Shadwell is hilarious and I love him, end of story. He's just so... out there. crazy dude. Madame Tracy on the other hand? AMAZING. her actress (I can't think of her name and I have a REALLY ONE TRACK MIND) absolutely KILLED it. AMAZING. The seance?  That dude who WAS JUST LOVING EVERY SECOND? Loved that so much. still cracks me up. When they first get to the airbase and Crowley compliments his dress and Aziraphales like OwO like fellas they gay.
1970s crowley... the mustache... "Can I hear a Wahoo?" Hastur... love him... "What's a computer" part of me wants to think he's just fucking with Crowley because who wouldn't but also he's so deadpan and yo I can't read expression AT ALL.
Love the fact that Crowley was ready to yeet off to a far off star system light-years away, but at the same times like "you expect me... to go to TADFIELD? In this weather??? Maybe I should drive but I mean, have you SEEN the TRAFFIC Angel? And now the M-25s on fire. Great."
Hastur going from on top of everything and tearing Crowley down to panicking because YOU'RE DRIVING TOWARDS A WALL OF FIRE.
snek eyes :3c
"Young man your CAR is on F I R E"
ALSO the horse people getting lost is peak entertainment. Honestly the horsepeople are great. War? Gorgeous. Famine? Love him. He's got style Pollution??? They're amazing, and also THEY THEM PRONOUNS BABEY. that made me v happy bc I just got used to usin em myself uwu. D E A T H. He knows his aesthetic yall. love it.
suppose nows a good a time as any: THE THEM.
I didn't really like Adam at first, he seemed a bit snobby. he's grown on me now but... ngk. Wenslydale was an instant fave. he's adorable. love him. Brian? total mess. super genuine. Great kid. PEPPER. she's great. she's sassy. she's gonna go far in life. all together, they're a tight knit group and I love them and they're all my children now thabks. and the parallels to the horsepeople? p e r f e c t
Alrighty Episode 6!!!
The beginning terrified me. All this time I was rooting for Zira and Crowley to finally get their happily ever after and yknow how most media is nowadays. There's a reason Fix-it Fics are so popular. So the beginning of the episode scared me. Also Beelzebub 💖
I love the Them vs The Horsepeople. "I believe in Peace, bitch."
I didn't even realize til later that that was Aziraphales sword. didn't even catch that line.
When Beez and Gabriel showed up? THAT DUMB SMILE OF GABES? I really hated Gabriel. The way he treated Aziraphale REALLY rubbed me the wrong way and I just did not like him one bit.
W I N G S. PRETTY WINGS. also didn't even realize that what Crowley did was STOP TIME. LIKE WHSOHDOEBE WHaT? ??
 "it burned down... remember?" uuggghhh kill me with how soft and gentle he's being!!! he knows that bookshop MEANT something to Zira hdoehekdn
T H E B O D Y  S W A P
the caught me COMPLETELY off guard... at first. I was completely unaware right up until "crowley" was attacked. I caught that little "Tickety boo" and I paused screaming like CROWLEY WOULD NOT SAY THAT IN THAT SCENARIO NO WAY THAT IS N O T ANTHONY J CROWLEY W H A T 
The heaven scene solidified my then hatred for Gabriel. I like him now but oof that scene he's still VERY punchable.
Crowley: Nearly threw hands with the Archangel Gabriel
The Hell trial. So Extra. Asking for a rubber duck? iconic! "Michael, dude!" oh mood.
when they switch back and it's all revealed? G l o r i o u s. They played each other so well!!! honestly props to Michael and David, their acting was PHENOMENAL.
The ending. A happy ending. The amount of love with which Zira says "to the world" killed me. I'm dead now thanks to that. I'm typing this from the grave,  that's how powerful that line is. Honestly, knowing next to nothing going in was kind of wild and my crazy reblogging spree actually got some of my mutuals to watch the show which is pretty neat. Going back through 3 more times now, Aziraphale definitely resonates with me the most. I actually have a small blurb I wrote on the positive effects he's had on my perception of myself in terms of stimming.
All in All this show hit me in a way I did NOT expect it to, and I'm glad I found it when I did. I was at a point where I was kinda feeling like I'd never really have a fulfilling relationship because of my asexuality, and then I found good omens. I def read the characters as ace while watching it and it was amazing seeing two characters who can love each other fully, without the need for anything explicit. The show was an instant fav and I'm trying to find a physical copy of the book (that I can afford) so I can read the original text. This is a story that's going to stay important to me for a very long time, I can feel it.
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jujywrites · 5 years
WIP Challenge
I got tagged by @kikithedeceiver to do this!
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Here’s the thing. I don’t have many separate WIP files; most of them are in one huge doc. and most of the separate wip files are... pretty dead? but ok whatevs. under a read more since it’s long...... and my ego won’t let me skip snippets hjkhkhk thanks for the idea Kiki
From my main miscellaneous folder:
50 Grades of Steele. 1 and a half chaps of a role-flipped 50 Shades of Grey rewrite (i haven’t read the books so I extra don’t care about the characters lol). why do i still have it i’ve lost interest.... *side eyes her entire wip ecosystem* ...Then I see my interview subject, seated at her desk.
"Mr. Grey. I'm pleased to meet you."
And I stop breathing. [end CH1]
[open CH2) I forgot to mention something: I exaggerate occasionally. But I'm not now. I literally stop breathing for a few seconds. A thousand thoughts are racing through my mind, which doesn't help my chest stop seizing, but the main problem here is that Anastasia Steele is quite possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Fanfic idea masterlist. my most active file and where I keep most of my WIPS, unless they get too “large”. Organized by fandom. lotta stuff i keep passing by & may as well be dead but don’t wanna delete. here’s a zero-draft snippet of probably the next chapter of my G-rated yukyoru fic collection
He grabbed a pillow and placed it to his chest, grabbed her arm, and yanked her to him, praying his idea would work.
Seconds passed and he didn't transform. He put his arms around her gingerly. Should he try to immobilize her or would that make it worse?
She made the decision for him. "Mom," she sobbed, clutching him with an iron grip. "N-Need to help...!"
His stomach dropped to his shoes.
Thudding footsteps announced Yuki's arrival. "What's wrong?! Honda-san--"
He didn't say "What did you do?" The thought raced by and Kyo said, "Grab a pillow and help me!"
As Yuki positioned the pillow and himself without having to ask, Kyo said, "She won't wake up. I don't know what to do!"
"Night terror," Yuki said tightly. He was too close but it almost didn't matter. "Not much you can do besides wait."
MayxWard BDSM fic agents of SHIELD. mix of notes and actual writing. kind of a half AU. Melinda climbed into the driver's side and buckled in, then started up the car. "If you've not ridden on the left before you might have motion sickness. It's normal. Just close your eyes until—" She paused as she looked at him; his hands shook so much he couldn't manage the seatbelt. "Here, let me."
"Thanks," he muttered with a sigh, looking rueful.
Modern AU Zelink. What it says on the tin~ Teenage-ish Zelink, with a mash of supporting characters from other games. another mix of notes and fic. Link wasn't sleeping tonight. Tonight was the night he'd been planning for and awaiting for weeks. He was going on a quest: the quest to meet Princess Zelda. 
She wasn't really a princess, of course. That was just her nickname. Zelda Nohansen was Hyrule's sweetheart, the most sought-after young actress in the movie business. And Link had fallen in love with her the first time he'd seen her, two years ago in a tiny theater in Kakariko.
PMMMfic homumado. Madoka Magica. AU, been around since about an hour after I finished the series (5 years yikes, still gotta watch Rebellion). Homura's time power still somewhat involved, but Mami's an adult, everyone's at a boarding school (I think?) where ~things aren't as they first seem~ and Madoka has mysterious powers and night terrors. just notes at the moment.
SoubixHitomi.  Loveless. 3 unfinished/dead first-person Shinonome-senseixSoubi snippets, all of ‘em spicy.
yvy abo. Yuri On Ice. Yuri (Katsuki!!)/Victor/Yuko(!!?!), my attempt at. well. omegaverse(!!!!!!!). orignally started as part of a “bad YOI fic” bigbang and now I’m taking it seriously dgdgfg. Alpha Yuko. “Please, please stop,” she whispered, like saying it aloud would make any difference. But the pressure in her head kept building. Her limbs had begun to itch restlessly.
And Victor wouldn’t let go of her hand.
With the last scrap of her control, she straddled him quickly and kissed him awake.
Even in half-sleep he arched to meet her, and when he opened his eyes sapphire blue had already turned stormy with lust.
yvy canonfuturefic. Yuko-focused following of canon, or: how canon can I keep YOI while still rareship OT3ing it. She and Yuri fall in and out of love, in between falling for Victor. Victuri is still my life I swear   
“You have got to watch this,” she tells Yuri. She watches Yuri’s face instead of the video, having seen it at least forty times by now.
Yuri’s eyes transform into beacons of awe, and Yuko swallows around her rapid heartbeat, breaths coming too short. She sees everything she’s feeling and more on his face. She remembers that she loves him, that he’s real and here and more important than the beautiful boy on her phone who’s trying to pull her under to a scary new world.
ZnT ot3 bdsm AU. Zankyou no Terror, 9/12/Lisa. mix of notes and fic, not just PWP. in heavy need of editing bc a lot was inspired by a non-spicy book.
“But it’s not just me. It’s everyone. You need everyone because you have no idea how to need yourself. Or even how to be yourself.”
“You’re wrong.” The force and volume of her voice shocked her and pushed her onward. “You and Touji. I don’t need anyone except you and Touji! Because you both taught me how to be myself-- no, how to find that on my own. I know exactly who I am, and that me isn’t complete without both of you!” She could feel the tears streaming down her face, yet somehow her voice didn’t waver. She felt so full of conviction she could burst into flames. “Don’t you understand, Arata? We’re all meant to be together.”
From my SnK folder:
Cave of the Crystal Maiden (working title). Aruani. Modern AU. MMORPG shenanigans with a dollop of magical realism/supernatural. Just notes. @portraitofa-girl suggested “meeting online” and it’s been there literally for years oh lord im sorry. no fic yet, just notes.
Falling Anthem (working title) Modern AU Levihan, art student Hange and young professor Levi. just notes. fic one in a planned series. also has been years ;_;
Raindrops and Soft Steps. Jearmin. unsurprisingly, modern AU. One morning, when Jean looks out of his bedroom window, he sees a boy dancing across the street. In the street, to be exact. There wouldn't be anything unusual about that, Jean supposes, except it's raining cats and dogs outside.
In my IAMXfic folder (fff i almost skipped this):
2ndPOVCalberto (DO NOT CORRUPT WITH HET) ChrisxAlberto? not much to say?? yes i know they’re real people??? which applies to everything after this oh my god *crawls under desk* Of course she knows; she is annoyingly perceptive when it comes to romance. The only thing preventing you from asking her (like a fucking lovestruck teenager) if Alberto likes you back is emptying that beer bottle. By then the only thing on your mind is ordering another.
CalbertImmi. i can’t even keep my poly shit outta RPF ahaha omhg Imogen has a conversation with her lover's lover. (AlbertImmi, sequel to...) Imogen finds herself in an unenviable position. (emerging CalbertImmi)
Alternate summaries (CC POV, first fic?): Chris loves two people. He doesn't want to choose. Chris has fallen in love a few times in his life. But he's never fallen for two people at once. (Chris also isn't good at choosing.)
ChrisxJ. several self-insert fics bc CC is just that powerful, apparently. haven’t looked at the file in a long time,,,,,
He started calling people to the stage with him, and one by one, my row emptied.
"Come on, yeah, come on," he was saying, waving his hand in an inviting gesture and grinning like a little kid. "Hey, you want to?" I did a double take.
"Me?" I mouthed, pointing at myself just to be sure. He nodded, smiling wider.
So it was that I walked unsteadily down the ramp and waited in line, feeling like I didn’t belong there. Soon I was next in line. What would I say? What would I do? I was sure if I opened my mouth I’d either burst into tears or faint.
Genderswapped IAMX sci-fi. The sci-fi was inspired by a word prompt, genderswapping by my own brain. (play spot the Immi lmao) Across the aisle, Sam rolled his eyes. “Leave Chris alone; she’s nervous.”
“And put on your own seatbelt, Johann,” shouted Jess, two seats back and in Sam’s aisle.
Patrick turned  to look at Chris. “Subspace travel is a bitch,” he said simply, and turned back to his book.
“Oh, I feel much less nervous now,” Chris said with a sardonic grin. “How do you know that, anyway?”
"I'm not exactly what I seem to be." He didn’t look up.
Chriimmi (While I Was Gone inspired). Chris/Imogen, inspired by scenes from Sue Miller’s While I Was Gone.
"You really ought not to do that, you know," he said softly.
"Do what?"
"Sneak up on me."
My eyes slid from his face. "I didn't mean to. It just... happened."
"Mm." I glanced back at him; he wore a lopsided smile. "Not that I minded." The tension was so strong the air nearly vibrated with it, yet I held my tongue, terrified that I was the only one feeling it. He took a breath, deep, nearly rising on his toes. "No. I didn't mind at all." He took my hand, circled his thumb over the back. My breath caught as I felt it, as I watched him looking down at our hands.
Chriimmi bathtub dream. dream inspired Chris/Immi smut.
Chriimmi twitter. twitfic plus some, inspired from an actual tweet iamx made that i’m still not over. 
@ imogenheap Come sing your lovely lyrics with us in London. @ IAMX misses you. CCx
ChrisxImmi main. grab bag of Chriimmi I was too lazy to put into separate docs.
“What do you think?” She grinned, twirling.
He cleared his throat. “Ah, I-Imogen, what are you wearing?”
“Well, I didn’t want to clash with your theme…  Janine helped me. Does it work?”
Scandalously short skirt, midriff-baring top, knee-high boots.
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? You’re trying to fucking kill me.”
Her grin only widened, even though a blush had started.
Fic edit chriimmi ver. yeah. editing someone else’s original fic to be chrimmi. either never posting or editing the frick out of. ~_~
He kissed her neck, whispered into it, “I love you.”
Imogen laughed. “Bollocks,” she said lazily.
”I do!” Chris protested. She looked down at him, nestled on her shoulder. He looked back, open, a little adoring. “I fell in love with you halfway through the show; I sang every note just for you.”
”Oh, please. You couldn’t have seen me.”
”No,” he said. “But I knew you were out there… I knew it had been you the minute I saw you backstage.”
Hospital Chriimmi. In which my guilty feeling over RPF are even worse bc of the inspiration ^_^U “Ms. Heap. What a pleasant surprise.” It’s surprising, how well she remembers his voice.
“Mr. Corner, what have you got yourself into?”
“Oh, just a bit of lingering insomnia. You know how it is.”
She takes a seat in the chair near his bed, crossing her legs. “Well, I’ve certainly had a sleepless night here and there, but I’ve never ended up in hospital from it. So no, I don’t suppose I do know.” Her tone is light, but her smile has begun to crack.
ImmixChris genderbend smut. the my secret friend video is... fertile material. have not actually written the smut yet.
...he saw us as characters– we put on those clothes and become separate from ourselves, removed. Whereas I simply felt like myself in men’s clothes, and instead of feeling what He felt for Her, I just kept right on feeling what I felt for Chris, amplified to a distracting level.
ReluctantdommeImmixSubCC. ...shrug emoji? notes and uh. visualizing.
Vampire Chriimmi. based on a dream. smutty. inspired by True Blood so wow that’s old.
From my Markipairings folder:
demon dream. markiplier self insert...... ughhhhhhhh o///o
"You can have me," I tell the creature. "But this one," I jerk my head toward Mark, "comes with me. He's mine, you see." A bold proclamation to make, but in the moment I know that the truth in those words surpasses everything I've ever said. He is mine, and saying the thought out loud fills me with courage. He squeezes my hand, two short and a long one so strong I think he might break it.
I know we’ll win.
DommeJujY. same as above, same as the next four. smutty.
Fight team AU. i forget where i got this one from. vaguely inspired by loveless i guess.  The first clear thought I had was, He shouldn't have gone ahead of me. The second one was, I should have been able to protect him. But these came later, after the rage went away, after I hugged him and apologized, after I bandaged him…
Gaming meetcute. i win some contest or whatever to secretly tagteam w/ Mark. stuff happens and yeah......
The adrenaline surges through my veins as I take in the scene. Mark's avatar is flailing around, backed into a corner by some Eldritch Abomination and holy shit, the graphics in this game are amazing.
"This is not good, I can't move, I can't move…"
There's a voice in the back of my head screaming to shut the game down, to get that horrible thing off the screen. I ignore it.
Markinpanties. .......smut.
shifter-slight sci-fi AU. shrug emoji.
I looked up from the ground and saw I was heading straight for a brick wall. There was no time to slow down. I braced for impact...
It didn't happen. I opened my eyes and found myself in a café.
Looking behind me, I saw a door. On impulse I walked over and opened it; the tree-lined street I could see through the glass was indeed there. No brick wall to smack my face into. Bewildered, I turned around and looked for a seat, choosing one near a window.
Gouldiplier~. master doc of ficbits of my cracky mccrackship, MarkiplierxEllie Goulding.
I check my phone during break time again. My selfie has been liked and retweeted thousands of times, and I shake my head in disbelief; I don't think that will ever stop surprising me, deep down. To make things even better, Mark's liked it! I'm in the middle of a happy jig when I realize there's a text from him and a squeak of joy slips from me.
hellooo gorgeous
looks like you're having fun. Hope the shoot's going great! <3
I quickly send a reply. it has been. Be glad when it's done tho. Missin u lots xo
Markipicbunnies. fanart of Mark for Gouldiplier insipration. photographer au. 
"Ms. Goulding, I'm really not sure about this…"
"I produce pictures that are intimate because I'm an intimate being, Mark." Ellie looked at him directly, a hint of a smile shaping her lips. "Deep down, I think you are too. We just need to draw you out a bit."
showersexgouldiplier. WELP. IT’S SMUT.
Also I have folders for my 2010/11 nanowrimo novel that are kinda still WIPs but also kinda not
i’m gonna tag.... @kippielovesyou @kiridork and @mistergrass and anyone else who wants to do this can too :3
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
How Henry Spoilers Define Daryl’s Arc
Okay everyone, let’s talk about Henry spoilers! These were officially leaked about six weeks ago, and I’ve been wanting to post about them since then. I didn’t get around to it before the holidays, and I’m just now getting back into it, as you know.
***So, if you hadn’t figured it out from that first paragraph, I will be discussing spoilers in this post! Don’t read if you don’t want to know. You’ve been warned!!!***
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In info from the spoiler site reads thus:
“The information on Henry is evolving. He escapes the Whisperer camp sometime in episode 15 and heads back to the Kingdom. This is when he will encounter Alpha, but it looks like he will not survive and will likely end up on a pike.”
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As I told my group when these surfaced, man I hate it when I’m right. At least, when it’s about something depressing.
Here’s the thing: if you look HERE, I predicted that Henry might die by the end of the season. And it was a very casual prediction. I just felt like in episode 6, they were focusing a lot on the Carzekiel family dynamic and how devoted Carol and Ezekiel were to their son. It just felt like a tragedy waiting to happen. And then there was Henry’s promise that he’d be back for the fair. Yeah, probably not gonna happen, y’all.
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But then in THIS POST where I talked about predictions and possibilities for Daryl’s arc (because he’s going to be looking for Henry, much like he looked for both Sophia and Beth) I said I no longer believed Henry would die. Sure, it’s a possibility, but I thought it was more likely that Daryl would find he and he’d represent Daryl finally finding someone and getting redemption in that way.
Nope. Nada. Poor Daryl can’t catch a break. Yeah. Totally sucks. For everyone.
So what does this mean? Well, let’s discuss.
First off, you know how I keep saying I don’t think Ezekiel will get his comic book death. Of course we won’t know for sure until the Whisperer arc is over and he hasn’t died (I.e. it could still happen at any future point) but for me, this is pretty much confirmation of that. Zeke isn’t getting his CB death. It’s going to Henry.
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As depressing as this is, TD should also look at it from a foreshadowing fulfillment stand point. Once again, THEY DON’T SAY THINGS LIKE THIS WITHOUT FULFILLING THEM! We really should have guessed this outcome from this line. We’re all just too optimistic and want to think our beloved characters will live. And for the record, most people assumed this pointed to Ezekiel’s comic book death. They threw a twist in by making it Henry’s instead. Yet another thing TD has been correct about.
And what’s the last thing Daryl said to Beth? “Go up the road. I’ll meet you there.” Beth’s last words to Daryl: “I’m not gonna leave you.”
More foreshadowing: 
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This already made sense because Carol lost Sophia and Michonne lost Andrei. But once again, CALLBACKS ALWAYS DOUBLE AS FORESHADOWING! The proof is in the pudding, folks.
Not to mention, the kids around Carol pretty much always die. Totally sucks for Carol, and we wanted to believe she would get to keep Henry. And to some extent, she did. She had six good years raising him from a young boy into adulthood, but it still sucks that she’ll be burying yet another child.
(Remember when I said Carol might cut her hair again after a tragedy? Still remains to be seen, but I’d be willing to bet this is the tragedy and the short hair will return after Henry’s death.)
Henry/Beth Parallels:
I know people are going to worry that, what with all the Henry/Beth parallels we’ve already seen this season, this shows that Beth is dead, just as Henry will be. Please don’t let that worry you. Let me show you why, despite the parallels, it’s not the same thing.
In fact, I’ve gotten several comments on my picture posts showing Henry/Beth parallels by people who are obviously NOT TDers, who see the parallels and say things like, “So Henry is going to die, too.” 
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And I understand where that comes from because they think Beth is dead so parallels between her and Henry make them think he’ll die too. Now he will, and that’s not the best thing for TD because people will be able to point at that as a way to prove Beth is dead. But, check it out: In my predictions post, I said if Daryl looked for another person who dies, that would be three searches for a rule of threes. But I realized I was actually mistaken about that. If we include Rick, this will be Daryl’s 4th search. 
1) Sophia 
2) Beth 
3) Rick 
4) Henry. 
And that simply means the rule of threes doesn’t really apply here. (I could get into intricate details and MAKE it fit 😉 , but it doesn’t apply in the way I was thinking of when I wrote that post.
But that made me think of another…pattern, I guess, for lack of a better word. One we couldn’t have seen before knowing about Henry’s death. Henry’s arc, at least in how it turns out, will be exactly like Sophia’s. Putting parallels aside, it will turn out MORE like Sophia’s than like Beth’s. The reason being that we will see Henry’s remains, just like we did Sophia’s. So in both cases, while the missing person wasn’t found while they still lived, or in time to save them, they were SORT OF found, but only after death. Sophia came out of the barn. Henry, I’m assuming, will be on a pike. *winces*  Beth and Rick, by contrast, we never saw bodies for. They simply disappeared. And Rick, at least, we can prove is alive. So she’s more like Rick (alive) than Sophia/Henry (dead).
That begs the question: why all the Henry/Beth parallels, then?
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Well, as per usual, @thegloriouscollectorlady had some amazing insights about this and how it shapes Daryl’s arc. Hence the title of this post. Let’s start by talking about what the spoilers are saying about the Whisperers:
“This whole Whisperers situation and conflict is going to be more complex than the comics. We think there’s more going on and we may be in for some surprises.”
That just SOUNDS like something that might include Beth, doesn’t it? But more than that, we’re already foreseeing a lot of possible parallels between Grady and the Whisperers. We know Henry goes looking for Lydia, because he likes her. We don’t know much yet about the confrontation between him and Alpha that leads to his death, but if it’s something about him wanting to free Lydia, who’s a prisoner to Alpha, well, doesn’t that sound a whole hell of a lot like Beth trying to free Noah from Dawn, just before being shot?
So we’re thinking we may see some powerful Beth/Henry vs. Dawn/Alpha parallels when all this happens.
Also remember that Whisperers have rape culture, just like Grady did. The leadership dynamic is also strikingly similar (female leader, males are second in command, people not treated well, and leadership held through sheer force and brutality.) So Whisperers = Grady 2.0 and that’s Beth’s story. What better way to reintroduce her than through this similar dynamic? We always said what she learned from Grady would be important moving forward. And the Whisperers, more than any other villainous group we’ve seen since S5, are shaping up to be EXACTLY like Grady.
Not to mention, in the CBs, TF finds Alpha just before finding the heads on pikes and she’s brandishing a bloody machete. So the red machete may reappear thru the Whsiperers, which may be the point of the RED MACHETE miniseries. If Beth is with the Whisperers, Legs may still be her, but the point may have been to show the audience how the red machete went from Rick to the Saviors and eventually to the Whisperers.
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And that becomes interesting too (seriously we could spin in a million different directions with this) because Rick got the red machete from a bad group (the Claimers) and now, if it’s in Alpha’s hands, it may eventually pass to Beth, who’s so heavily paralleled with Rick.
So the Whisperers are kind of like the Claimers 2.0. (We also see this because in the trailer for 9b, Lydia tells Daryl he’s more like one of them, the Whisperers, than like one of Michonne’s group. That’s a whole lot like what Joe Claimer’s argument to Daryl was.)
But I digress.
Okay, so what does this mean for Daryl? Why parallel Beth and Henry so closely? First, it’s important to note that ONLY Daryl and the audience is aware of these parallels. Maybe that seems obvious, but Carol secretly watched most of Daryl and Henry’s interactions, right? But she’s not relating it to Beth in the slightest because Daryl and Beth were alone on the road together. So we, the audience, can observe these parallels, but in terms of characters, they ONLY mean anything to Daryl.
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That’s important because this is going to reopen a very raw, unhealed wound for him. 
For Daryl, looking for Sophia represented finding a place for himself in the group, and also reliving his childhood because no one looked for him. He was strong and saved himself. In 9x08, Aaron also says fear stops Daryl from letting people get too close to him. Fear of failure. When he loses someone he’s searched for, he blames himself.
Both Beth and Denise recognized this fear in Daryl and called him on it. (Beth in Still bc since Sophia, he never lets anyone get close; Denise because he isn’t handling his shit and it’s stupid.) It’s not Daryl’s job to actually save them, but rather to try and save them. They generally have to save themselves. But Daryl can’t see that. He can’t see beyond his own failures to save people he cares about.
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Daryl has to learn that he can’t save people directly. He can give them the skills to save themselves, but they have to choose. And this is what’s always happened. He gave Tina meds to help her survive, but she did something stupid by walking up to two walkers and getting herself bitten. Daryl gave Dwight and Sherry the opportunity to be saved, but they chose to go back to Negan. (This messes with Daryl’s head, by the way, because he can’t understand why someone would choose not to be saved. He simply can’t comprehend that level of stupidity.) He gave Denise the opportunity to go on the outside and learn to protect herself, but she still died. And of course, he gave Beth the skills to survive on her own, but she has to save herself.
Again, this was @thegloriouscollectorlady’s insight into Daryl’s arc, and it’s fantastic! Because he can’t see beyond his own failures, this is not something he ever has or ever will learn. At least, not on his own. When he couldn’t save Rick, he started living on his own in the wild. 
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The only way I imagine he’ll learn this is by Beth’s return. Not only will he see that he was never gonna be able to save her—she had to save herself and did—but he’ll see that he gave her the skills to survive, but it was up to her to use them. I think he’ll finally start to comprehend this, and maybe it will even be a matter of her telling him. She pointed out his emotional stumbling blocks to him before in Still, and he realized she was right and then proceeded to move past them. He hasn’t had that kind of break through since he lost her in S5.
So, in short, with spoilers of Henry’s death, we’re starting to understand why the parallels between him and Beth are happening. It’s going to be the final straw for Daryl before Beth finally returns and he learns what he needs to learn in order to be the person—maybe even the leader—he needs to become.
Another interesting parallel:
Apparently, Henry will get so close to the Kingdom before actually being caught and killed that he can see the lights from the fair. This is like Andrea (who got close enough to prison to wave at Rick before being captured, which leads to her death) and Beth (almost got her out of Grady but  got shot at the last possible minute).
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I should probably touch on Carol’s arc since Henry is her son. I won’t go into much detail, but let’s just say we’re hoping Carol deals with Henry’s death in a healthier way than she did with Sophia’s. Still mourning, of course, but not devolving into the person that burnt David and Karen alive.
Notice I said, we HOPE that’s what will happen. Honestly, I’m not convinced. We saw her burn the Saviors in 9x01, which was a close parallel to her burning Karen and David in 4a, so that might foreshadow her returning to that mindset. 
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She may also end up taking Michonne’s CB arc at some point. If that doesn’t mean much to you, don’t worry about it. If it does happen, it probably won’t be this season, so I can talk about it later.
Finally, I want to mention one more detail. Then I’ll shut up. I promise. I’ve had a lot of people this season asking me what the point of killing Carl was when Henry seems to be taking all his arcs, and is roughly the same age. Well, Henry’s impending death pretty well answers that question.
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1. Carl wouldn’t have survived much longer. It’s not like they killed him off and then gave someone else his arc (Henry) and kept him on for multiple seasons. If Carl had kept this arc, he simply would have died this season rather than last season.
2. It has to do with how this affects Carol and Daryl. Obviously this will drive Carol and Ezekiel’s arc in a way Carl’s death never would have. As for Daryl, well, it just wouldn’t have been realistic for it to be Carl. Carl would never have left Alexandria, Michonne, and Judith behind to become a blacksmith’s apprentice at the Hilltop. So then Carol would never have asked Daryl to protect him, and the rest of Daryl’s impending arc would have been kaput. See what I mean? It just wouldn’t have worked if it had been Carl, so they gave it Henry, and it appears it will end relatively quickly.
So yeah, just wanted to point that out for the people who’ve asked. It’s not a hating-on-Carl thing. It really is a serving-the-story thing, which is what Gimple told us back when Carl died.
Thoughts on any of this?
Special thanks to @thegloriouscollectorlady, @wdway, @bethgreeneisqueen, @lilly.loop, and @frangipanilove for contributing their thoughts to this.
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allisonbaelfire · 6 years
Triggered Destiny
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Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Reader Summary: (Soulmate AU!) After you parents died you moved to Beacon Hills, to start new a new life. But in the moment you were in High School, you felt something you never felt before. 
Word Count: 4,076
Requested by Anon (1): hi! your page is amazing keep it up. Can I request a Stiles Stilinski one where the reader just moved to BC and she's on the dead pool being worth five million but all seems to be a mystery? Thank you so much and if you dont feel like it thats fine!
Requested by Anon (2):  Hey! 💕 can you write an imagine with theo where he is dating with reader and he is obsessive with the reader ? Like really obsessive. Not the illness level but you know what ı mean 😂 And you can add a little over protective and touchy theo. I hope you can write. If you cant its totally fine 💗 love you
Authors Note: I’m sorry if this should’ve been a Stiles x Reader where they fall for each other and happy beautiful stuff. I had this in my mind and it wouldn’t go away, I hope you’ll like it anyways. - In this Story, was Theo already introduced in the show in Season 4 but everything that was in 5&6 already happened.
Edited by @nas-marie-loves-u ♥
“I’m happy to welcome you to our high school Y/N. If you need anything, just tell me.” smiled the principal, Mrs.Martin.
“Thank you so much.” You nodded and exited the office.
You strolled through corridors on the hunt for your classroom. You wondered if it was the right decision to move to Beacon Hills until you aggressively made contact with someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologized to a guy with brown hair. His books fell to the ground as but instead of lifting them, he stared into your eyes. “Are you alright?” You asked as you grabbed his stuff.
“Yes.” He replied, taking his stuff and still gazing into your eyes like he was searching for something in them. “Sorry, I’m Stiles. Thiswas totally my fault.”
“I’m Y/N,” You introduced. “and no, I should’ve looked out and stopped sticking to my thoughts. It was nice to meet you.” You departed and continued on with your search.
You paused again after a few steps. It felt as if someone were watching you and now, everything around you became warm and comfortable. Your eyes scanned the corridors and landed on a man leaning against the lockers watching you.
He seemed puzzled, as if he had felt the same energy you felt. The feeling grew more intense and you turned around quickly to go further without anyone seeing your eyes.
You eventually found your classroom and quickly sat down in one of the empty seats. It was just you and few students, so the class wasn’t full yet. You tried comprehending what happened a few moments prior and why you almost lost control for the first time in years. The first period bell rang and the rest of the students flooded in. You didn’t recognize anyone until the guy you last saw in the halls jostled in and stared at you as if he had noticed something.
Your first day at Beacon Hills High School quickly came to an end and you were more than relieved when you finally arrived home. Still, for some reason you started to feel watched again even though you were alone in the house. And since your parents were dead and you didn’t know anyone, nobody would have thought to come over.
You went through the whole house with an urge to find something unknown to you. After browsing every room and being sure that only the stress of the past few months was causing you to go insane, you headed to the bathroom to throw some cool water on your face. It was then when you looked into the mirror that you noticed your glowing red eyes.
Something hasn’t been right since you've been to the school. You haven’t lost control since you became an Alpha a few years ago and you believed that moving away from your parents' home into a new city would be easier to forget the deaths and to stay in control.
But you were wrong.
The urge to search for something became stronger until you shifted into your wolf form and jumped out of the window into the woods.
You didn’t know where you were running as you hadn’t memorized the woods of Beacon Hills yet. However, you couldn’t stop. It felt like you had been running for hours.
You paws carried you further into the forest until you saw a familiar face standing near a bridge. You growled but the man wasn’t fazed. He took small steps towards you. You didn’t understand what his intentions were and took the form of a protective stance that was ready to attack.
“I’m Theo.” he introduced. As he spoke you, felt the familiar feeling you had earlier consumed you. The man knelt down to your level, his eyes switching into a glowing yellow. “Theo Raeken”
You don’t know how he discovered that you were a werewolf; your mother always said no one would decipher the difference from a normal wolf to your form. Maybe he felt the same as you but did Theo know you were the girl that stared at him in the hall this morning, running away from him?
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You walked closer to him, showed him your eyes, and let him touch you. The warm and comfortable feeling grew as he touched you. You felt safe and bonded with him. Was this what it felt like looking for a pack?
When you found out about you being a born wolf, your mother explained  everything. But she never mentioned that an Alpha would look for a Beta or would feel what you felt towards Theo. Instead, she explained that a Beta would come for an Alpha and not the other way around.
You heard a crack behind you and the tranquility disappeared. You looked at Theo and started to run away.
“Damn it.” Theo growled as he watched you run away.
“What the hell was that?” he heard the voice of Liam whisper.
Theo moved over to the tree where he could make out Liam and Stiles’ scents. “What are you idiots doing here?” He asked.
Both boys revealed themselves to Theo but Liam was the one to answer his question.“Watching you.” Stiles lightly hit him.
“I noticed you were a bit off today and the glare you gave the new girl. I knew you still couldn’t be trusted and now we see you have an accomplice.” Stiles hissed with Theo smirking. “What? Is she the one writing the deadpool? Do you help her?”
“I don’t know who she is.” Theo responded. “Neither do I know who is writing the deadpool and if you haven’t noticed I’m on it as well but you on the other hand—” he crossed his arms. “Are not. If you’d excuse me now, it’s late and I have school tomorrow.” He made a move to leave but stopped. “But one thing: leave her alone.”
BHHS - Lunch a few days later
“I knew he couldn’t be trusted and you wanted to give him another chance!” Stiles argued with Scott.
“Why did he help us then?” Scott asked. “He needs a pack and who the hell was the white wolf?”
Stiles wanted to answer but noticed Theo walking up to you. “Maybe he wanted to help but now he wants to save his own ass and flirt with the writer of the list.” He responded, staring at you as you smiled at Theo.
“What, Y/N?” Liam chewed his sandwich. “She’s the nicest person around, even after her parents deaths.”
“Liam has a point there. You haven’t spoken to her since her first day even if she’s in the same class as us. Y/N is really nice and Malia even likes her.” Scott elaborated. “Lydia will decode the third list and then we see if she’s on it or not. Then, we can think about what we do but until then, we leave her alone. She has enough on her plate already.”
You stayed in your home for some time to assure you had self-control over your true self. And to avoid Theo. You thought about what happened and searched for explanations in some of your parents' books but came up with nothing.
After those few days, you decided that you were ready to face the world again. So, you headed to bed early for school the next day.
As you shut your eyes, you heard a crack from. You feel like your eyes went red as you quickly got up and stealthily made your way down the stairs.
You couldn’t trust your eyes once downstairs. The light in your living room was on and although you could only see a strangers back, you knew who it was. That familiar feeling surrounded you once more warm and comfortable feeling surrounded you. Theo
He smiled but you growled again. “Okay, don’t freak out. I was worried about you.”
“You don’t know me. How did you even get into my house?” You hissed. “What do you want?”
He walked closer to you and even when you looked like you wanted to rip his head off, it wasn’t how you currently felt.
“To be honest? I don’t know. I needed to see you.” Theo grinned. “I know it sounds crazy but I know you felt the same in the school, in the woods, and I know what you feel now.”  
So he knew who I was and he feels the same, you thought.
He tried to come closer but you stopped him. “Don’t” You took a couple steps back. “If you know me, then you would know that I don’t have control.”
“You have no control because you don’t know why you felt the way you did.” He responded.
He made you feel comfortable in a ways you couldn’t explain. Every word he spoke was like a melody you could listen to all day. Your body told you to relax but your mind was clear: you didn’t know Theo. You didn’t know what was going on and you had to stay away from him.
“Have you ever heard about soulmates?” he asked, trying to read your puzzled glare. “I know it sounds crazy— it is crazy but my grandma told me about it. I never believed it either but I can’t bring myself to stay away from you. I just need to be by your side.”
For a second you thought about his words. But then you let out a faked laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Soulmates?”
You marched up to him so you were now right in front of him. He was taller than you but you couldn’t have cared less. You wanted to prove a point to him and yourself. Your eyes started to glow red and you growled at him, trying to bring him to subjugate. You never had a Beta until your parents died. You were one yourself, but your parents taught you what you could be an Alpha. It didn’t work.
“Don’t worry you didn’t do anything wrong, it usually works that way.” Theo said once he realized what your attempt was. “But it doesn’t work around your soulmate.”
He gently took your hand in his. In that moment, your heart began to pound faster and than images of Theo ran through your mind. You closed your eyes to see them more clearly. You saw his past, all the things he had done, all he was but it didn’t frighten you. What scared you was that you saw his future too, a future with you next to him.
You opened your eyes and gazed at him. “What was that?” You breathed heavily while a tear rolled down your cheeks.
He pulled his hand out of your grip. “I’m sorry you had to see this. I’m not that person anymore.” Theo took a few steps back with a scared expression. “I should go, this was a mistake. I could endanger you.”
Your mind tried comprehending the glare he held. He was referring to his past, of course, and while you knew that you should be staying away from him because he was dangerous, you felt safer with him than without.
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Theo stared out of your window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful with the sun gently touching his face. When you you touched him, you didn’t only see his past and future but you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and placed your hand on his face so he could look at you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself say but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you, trying piece together the meaning behind your words. “I-I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money. I’m on it. So there are a lot of people who are after me... and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” Theo was trying to deter you. But you could see that he was afraid of what you had seen. He didn’t want you to judge him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
You saw him looking out of the window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful as the sun gently touched his face. as you touched him you didn’t only see his past and future, you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and touched gently his face to make him look to you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself saying but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you and tried to understand your words. “I- I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool, with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money, I am on it. So there are a lot of people who try to get me.. and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” 
Theo tried to deter you. But you knew that he was afraid of what you saw before. He didn’t want you judge about him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
LYDIA’S HOUSE  - a few weeks later
“I knew it!” Stiles said as he studied the third section of the Deadpool.
Liam was confused. “Y/N is on the list, so she couldn’t have made it.”
Stiles thought for a moment because Liam seemed to have a point. “What if this is just to make us think she didn’t write it?”
“That doesn’t make sense...” Lydia responded. “The list was there before Y/N moved here.”
“But she was just one town away from Beacon Hills.” Malia interjected.
Stiles nodded. “Thank God someone gets my point. And did anyone else notice that the bad, big, black wolf kinda moved into her house? They’re planning something.”
“To be honest, I noticed that they do everything together. It really seems like they refused to be separated... and I don’t think that this is because he has a crush on her. He seems to be obsessive when it comes to her.” Lydia added. “And he stopped hanging around us.”
“Thats the only thing that isn’t bad actually.” Stiles shrugged.
Scott didn’t want to admit it but ever since Stiles informed him of what happened in the woods with Theo, your absence, and you only focusing on Theo... you were now on the Deadpool. Stiles was right, something was odd.
Scott shot Stiles a glare for him to understand that everyone got his point.
“Okay fine. Theo and Y/N seem to care about each other a lot. So what if, we trick them? See what happens if they think that something happened to one of them?” Malia suggested.
“Like what, telling Y/N that her doggy got hit by a car?” Stiles sarcastically suggested.
“That’s actually a good idea. We’d get her out of his sight.” Lydia replied with Scott nodding. “I can call her and tell her that something happened to him while you get Theo away from her.”
It didn’t take long before the pack put their plan into action. Liam and Scott caught Theo before he went to see you. Malia and Kira watched your house while Stiles and Lydia waited in the hospital.
After Lydia called you, she informed you that someone had attacked Theo and he was in a coma at the hospital. After that, you sped to the hospital.
When you arrived, Lydia caught you. She waited until you followed her into one of the hospital rooms and blew Wolfsbane in your direction. Your eyes glowed red and you growled at her. She didn’t know if it would work, as she had no idea what a creature you were, so she threw Mountain Ash at you. It didn’t take long because you fell to the ground unconscious.
Stiles entered the room as well. Lydia told him what happened and he understood why Theo stopped being around Scott, trying to get into the Pack. He already found one.
Theo was annoyed as he stood in front of your door. Scott and Liam tried everything to keep him in school until he was tired and angry. He entered your house and called after you but there was no reaction. He anxiously ran all over the house searching for you but came up unlucky. You were gone. Theo blamed himself for putting you in harm's way and being needed to get to him.
He tried picking up your scent when he exited your house but found nothing.
He was lost on what to do. After half an hour, he felt something. He felt you. Since he moved in with you, your bond with each other grew stronger. You weren’t really a couple because you wanted to get to know each other better. However, you couldn’t be without one another. You both learned a lot about the bondage of the soulmates and that you could find each other no matter where and when. If one was in danger, then you could feel what the other one felt.
Theo started to cough. In his mouth it tasted like wolfsbane. He put one and one together and knew that someone must’ve poisoned you but what they didn’t know was that he was coming for them. He would kill them in a rush if they’d have touched you. You weren’t a couple but he couldn’t deny that he was falling for you hard. He followed his feeling and ran into the hospital.
“Shit.” Kira said as she noticed in which direction he ran. “How did he know?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Call Scott and Stiles, I’ll follow him.” Malia replied and went after him.
“What?!” Stiles yelled into the phone. He hung up and shot Lydia a worried glare. “You stay. Take her into the basement—” he commanded as he pulled off your jacket to get your scent. “—and I’ll get Theo on the roof. Tell Scott where I am and please, please do for once like I say.” Lydia nodded and Stiles kissed her head and left the room.
It didn’t take Theo long to reach the hospital. As soon as he walked in, he searched every room for you. No matter who tried to stop him, he didn’t give up. Until he found your smell. He went up the stairs to the roof and saw Stiles with his jacket in his hand.
“Looking for your Alpha?” Stiles asked as he saw Theo throwing your jacket in his direction.
Theo growled. “I don’t know what you’re up to but if something happened to Y/N I’ll rip your head of with my bare hands.”
“Don’t be so mad wolfie.”
Theo stalked towards Stiles. Stiles knew Theo could do what he had threatened him with a few seconds ago but he wasn’t afraid. To be honest, Stiles didn’t care about him. He knew an idiot like Theo wouldn’t be able to have that much money to pay all the hunters, who killed the supernatural. Stiles just wanted to protect his friends, find out who wrote this list of deaths. And you were his prime suspect.
Stiles grabbed Theo by the collar and pushed him against the fence. “Tell me why Y/N is doing this and how do I stop her?! I swear I’ll kill her myself if thats necessary to save my friends ” He yelled at him but Theo looked confused. “It was pretty smart of her to play the new girl and putting you both on her list but you can’t trick me!”
Theo now knew why he was here. Stiles thought you were the one who wrote the list and opened the hunt for supernatural creatures.
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“Now listen super officer—” Theo started, switching their positions with Stiles against the fence. “Y/N has done nothing but saved me, giving me a home and to be a better person than your precious pack.”
Theo noticed that the door which he entered to get up here opened again, “Leave him alone, Theo.” Scott growled behind him.
Theo smirked. “Only if I get her back.”
“Then tell us what we want to know.” Malia clenched her teeth.
Theo released Stiles and shoved him down to the ground. He faced the others. “Y/N didn’t write the list. She’s not the one who’s trying to kill us all. Her parents where on that damn list and they got murdered. She was born a wolf and became the Alpha after they died. She moved here because her parents grew up here. Y/N wanted to be close to them again.”
Stiles got up and moved next to Scott, “Let’s say we believe you, why are you two a pack and why are you so obsessive with her?”
“Scott should know that, if he remembers his lost love...” Theo answered calmly but no one understood. “She’s my god damn soulmate. It’s more than just having an anchor to stay under control. It’s like you can’t breathe without the other.”
“My mother told me about that when I was little.” Kira remembered. “The bond of wolves. It’s like a triggered Destiny.”
“—But he isn’t even a real wolf.” Stile replied.
“A part of him is and he’s a strong one. Its possible that he’s telling the truth... and if he does and what Lydia said is right and she is an Alpha, we don’t want to be here if she finds out we separated them. They can’t control themselves when it comes to their soulmates.” Kira stated, suddenly scared.
“Too late.” You growled behind the pack.
“Damn it.” Stiles said looking at you. “What have you done with Lydia?”
Liam was nervous as he saw your eyes in a glowing red. “You weren’t so scary in school.”
You made your way towards Stiles and pushed him aside to see Theo smirking. Your anger disappeared the moment you saw him. You calmed down and ran into his arms. He embraced you and was relieved as he felt you. You looked at him and gently touched his cheek, smiling at him and kissing him for the first time.
The kiss felt more intensive than your first touch. This time you just saw the future you two would have together. You felt everything he was feeling and he felt yours too. You knew you were in love with him and that you wouldn’t survive if anything would ever happen to him.
You stopped your kissing and turned around to the confused McCall Pack. “Lydia’s with Scotts mom. Lydia wasn’t so stupid and tried to attack me again. I’m a true alpha like you Scott, wolfsbane doesn’t knock us out for long.” You smirked. “And what Theo said is true. My parents got killed by hunters and Lydia told me that I’m on the list as well. I’ll— We’ll help you find them.“ You looked at Theo who wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. “But I’d test my patience again. Liam is the only one of knew who knows me a bit and how nice I can be but next time you try to separate us I’ll kill all of you.”
“I’m sorry, we were afraid.” Scott replied, he was ashamed about what he and the pack had done the moment Theo mentioned Allison. And as he saw you two together, he knew you both weren’t lying. If something like soulmates existed then Allison was his once. “I’m glad you both found each other.” Theo and you smiled. “Stiles...?” He looked at his best friend.
“I’m sorry I thought you two wanted to kill us all even when Theo really tried to kill us once. I think I'm biased.”
The others of the pack also apologized to Theo and you which you accepted and went home. After a few days, you and Theo could even sit down with them and work out a plan together how you would survive the death list.
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boo-cool-robot · 6 years
Lesbian X-Men Slice of Life AU
hello I finally typed out all my character notes for the AU that lives in my head where everyone is a lesbian :
Maxine “Max” “Magneto” Lehnsherr, age 27, probably
Looks: Powerclashing stud with big douchey mirrored sunglasses, hair in a dumb pompadour thing, lots of freckles, very tall
Dumbass/incompetent lesbian, world’s stupidest butch
Part time freelance repairwoman, part time mutant vigilante. Not very good at either. If you want something unstuck from your metal appliance, she’s on it, but if anything complicated needs fixing, the insides will fall apart a day after she has it back to you. Looks great in the tool belt tho
Hasn’t been to the doctor in like 15 years. Has several broken bones that healed crooked. Orders hormones off the dark web (not the real dark web, she can’t work that)
Absolutely in love with Charlotte Xavier and very annoyed about it
In bitter enemies with Logan for some unspecified reason. (Logan doesn’t remember why so this is entirely one-sided)
Charlotte Xavier, age 25
Looks: White as hell, stocky, hair in wavy bob, frumpy sweaters, a million bags hanging off her chair at all times (there’s a flask in at least one of them)
World’s stupidest femme
Working on her third degree because she’s rich and a genius and depressed
Is reading your mind and thinks you’re boring
Only hasn’t gotten punched because people are hesitant to hit a girl wheelchair user (more fools them)
Semi-benevolent dictator of all the local lesbians
Constantly starts hobbies and then drops them after a week
Keeps trying to get Raven to move back in with her, has yet to succeed
Extremely in love with Max Lehnsherr after she saw her do massive property damage
Raven, Logan, Emma, Darwin, Alex, Angel, Hana, Jean, Ororo, Scout, Kitty, Jubilee, and Laura under the cut because this is crazy long
Raven Darkholme Xavier, age 20
Looks: Blue because fuck you, trying out some different clothing styles through shapeshifting though
Aura of anger
Ran away from home
Is really good at sabotage, really Max Lehnsherr could take some tips
Showy but actually a very private person
Genderqueer and refusing to tell Charlotte about it
Has very cool clairvoyant girlfriend, also refuses to tell Charlotte about that
Jamie “Logan” Howlett, age ???
Looks: BIG MUSCLES, BIG HAIR, very short. Either has lots of plaid or wears the same flannel all the time, it’s hard to tell.
Adopted a daughter about a year ago, probably? In any case a tiny girl showed up and follows her around everywhere
Constantly has cigar in her mouth, but doesn’t light it since she got Laura
Freelance handywoman, but actually competent
Reluctant friends with Charlotte Xavier, calls her Chuck all the time
Is learning Spanish through a course at the library
Remembers almost nothing from before 3 years ago
Emma Frost, age 26
Looks: Tall as hell, hair that she dyes blond, constantly psychically projecting the image of her wearing a white corset at everyone but in reality she’s wearing much cooler suits
The alpha femme
Is running a pyramid scheme for fun
Used to date Charlotte Xavier. It was a terrifying time for everybody.
Almudena “Darwin” Munoz, age 23
Looks: Cool and neat, short natural hair, occasionally A Rock
Works part-time at the coffee shop while she’s in grad school, is basically the manager
Over the nonsense of all the people she insistently refers to as Alex’s Friends
Occasionally teleported away by her mutation
Dating Alex Summers, is probably going to marry her eventually and she’s okay with that
Alexandra “Alex” Summers, age 22
Looks: Messy blond hair, straddles the butch-twink ambiguity line, looks like a juvenile delinquent but from the 50s
Everything dropout
Bike messenger who works insane hours bc she needs to take care of her kid sister who has a TBI!
Honestly kind of a jerk
Angel Salvadore, age 22
Looks: Dark hair she chopped short a couple months ago, 1 million backless shirts (obviously)
Slam poet and camgirl, total night owl
The only one with good social media
Has done radical actions with Raven Darkholme
Semi-ironically trying to seduce Emma Frost
Hana McCoy, age 21
Looks: Plaid but the nerdy kind, recently got buff but doesn’t know what to do about it
Extremely anxious, technically a genius
Completely devastated about being recently dumped by Raven Darkholme
Will probably never figure out that her friendship with Charlotte Xavier is bad for her
Jean Grey, age 17
Looks: Tall and freckly, big windbreakers and short shorts, just got her first Gay Haircut
An Angsty Teen, but she’s transitioning AND developing her telepathy/telekinesis/pyrokinesis at the same time, she thinks she’s allowed to be angsty
Actually very athletic but it’s a secret
Best friends with Ororo Munroe
Wishes Charlotte Xavier would stop giving her advice
Ororo Munroe, age 17
Looks: Floppy lil quiff of silver hair, extremely cute homemade punk outfits
Burned through her angsty phase quick, is very well-adjusted
Class president at school. Keeps plants in her locker that she waters with her powers
Has cool punk girlfriend, Yukio
Keeps trying to convince Jean to start a band (none of them play any instruments)
Sophie “Scout” Summers, age 16
Looks: Polo shirts, dorky red visor
Not only allows but encourages people to call her Scout, and that’s everything you need to know about her
Class treasurer
Was blind trained when she was younger and didn’t have her visor, still retains some habits
Has big obvious crush on Jean Grey, dropped all her books the first time she saw Jean after her Gay Haircut
Thinks Charlotte Xavier is mentoring her, BIG MISTAKE
Katherine “Kitty” Pryde, age 13
Looks: Big curly hair, dorky cat sweaters, glasses she refuses to wear because she already has braces, c’mon
Captain of the middle school math team, making her the only gay around who can do math
Has written fanfiction, but will only let Logan read it (Logan absolutely does not understand any of this)
Went to the school dance with her best friend Illyana
Thinks Charlotte Xavier is a jerk
Jubilation Lee, age 12
Pixie cut, bubblegum, constantly wearing shorts
Chirpy sk8r boi
Making a lot of money selling slime to other kids in her grade
Laura Kinney, age 6?
Looks: Small for her age, sunglasses
Constantly climbing on chairs and counters to spring up onto Logan’s shoulders for rides
Doesn’t talk
Does stab
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Fic Search #179
180327. Hi! I’m looking for this fic where the main pairing is krisho. All the members are mentioned in the fic and everyone except krisho are hybrids. They all work in a cafe, I think and Suho never misses work but he gets sick and has to go home and all pf the members are worried especially Chen, I think. I’m pretty sure it’s on AFF. Thanks!
-retracted by original asker-
180331. Hello so I've been looking for this fanfic and it's a Sekai fanfic and it's on aff and it's about Jongin who's a alpha and a Jongin is an undercover cop who is sent down to take down Sehun who is an Omega who is a powerful mafia boss and their relationship is extremely rocky but they end up being mates and I'm not sure if that's a good enough explanation
180402. Firstly, I really admire your work on this blog! <3 and secondly, I could really need some help to find a fic that I can’t seem to get out of my head -.- I’m pretty sure that it starts with chanyeol and his niece moving next to sehun. they first meet in i believe a coffee shop where sehun works and once they realize they are neighbors get to know each other more. It ends at chanyeol’s parents’ house where Sehun comes to visit and they confess. It might just have disappeared but pls help :)
180404. @kookies-jams-x Hi! I’m looking for a fanfiction/ fanfiction series where in Baekhyun and sehun are kids of two other Exo members (I believe it’s kris and suho) and in one of the one shots Baekhyun is lost out in the snow and Chanyeol brings him home, it’s on livejournal ,, I’ve been looking all day and I haven’t managed to find it yet!  Thanks for your help and sorry for the vagueness!
180404. i know this is messed up but pls help quench my thirst: “bbh & pcy broke up & bbh went to a bdsm club/bar & became a pole dancer there. he was one of the gems in that bar & was named something I couldn’t remember. pcy got fucked up and became a sadistic dom, ksoo helped him & they all thought it was a good thing to let bbh handle him since bbh is good with pain too. pcy doesn’t know that bbh is his sub and he was sadistic af he whipped bbh until he bled. bbh shouted his name and that’s why pcy stopped”
180410. @elderparkchanyeol  Hello~ I was wondering if you guys know of a mama/dystopian chenbaek au? Baekhyun got his powers from a meteor thingy and Chen is a scientist trying to study his powers to figure out how they work. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are also main characters and they have powers. I think people with powers have special IDs bc their government doesn't like them. thanks!
8. Don’t Mean No Harm But, thanks xiubokki and @kittyxiufanwoman!
180411. @ohxehunf hi! i've been trying to find this one xiuhun fic i've read ages ago in aff. it's actually abo and i think sehun hired minseok as his heatmate (??) to help him through his heat. oh and the only line i remember is sehun's answer: "you're spicy as fuck" when minseok was talking abt his ex & the reason why they broke up loli think it was deleted but just in case anyone knows where i can read it again, it would help a lot! thankss <3
180412. @selullipop Hello good day!!  i want to ask a fic; an ABO au specifically a hunhan fic where hunhan is mated and then because of a tragedy (i think luhan was attacked by a bounty hunter) but he was alive and the consequence is that he was lost and cant find the way home to sehun and he ended up living with humans. i forgot the title so pls help me thank youuu and god bless your blog ♡ 
180413. @m-ira1485 Hi guys! I'm looking for a chanbaek fic i read a few years ago on LJ (i think), chanyeol was a time traveller and could only spend 260 days or something in one place before waking up in a new time. i think he was working in a cafe with baekhyun and didn't know how to tell him but baek knew the whole time! I also remember at the beginning chanyeol woke up on a beach and suho found him and let him stay at his house.. but i read it a while ago so it might have been another member 😅 thanks so much!
180417. @jaegzb Hey awesome people! I can’t sleep rn because I keep thinking what the name of this fic where kris is in the basketball club while suho is in the volleyball one? I think it’s high school au So about my ask on fic search #179. There’s a more detail that I remember, krisho ended up having sex in the locker room I think after suho teach kris some volleyball things or movements. And I also remember, when suho graduated his parents came and kris there bringing him a bouquet of flowers. And his mom or his dad I dont remember tell suho to go to his boyfriend after she saw kris            
12.  Leave Me Not, thank you @the-sarcastic-mrs-know-it-all !
180417. @cheesebakedrice Hi admins! There's this fic I've been trying to find >< - it's about kyungsoo who likes jongdae and he gets in with their group of friends chanyeol and baek(I think..?). Yeol and ksoo get rly close and yeol falls for him but ksoo only likes jongdae? There was a scene at an amusement park and when jd found out ksoo was using yeol he got rly angry. It's end chanson tho. Thank you!!
8 notes · View notes
beast-bae · 7 years
Sterek Fic Rec (last updated 21.2.17)
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.Hey :) because I’m always searching for new sterek fanfics on tumblr and I love seeing Sterek Fic Recs  I decited to make a post with all of my favourite (can I get this word even bigger? bc I love those fics to death!) Sterek fanfics. 
I will continue updating it ;) and I would really appreciate it if you could send me links to your favourite Sterek ffs <3 
All of them are on Ao3! Also all of them are complete (except for Home by  TheTypewriterGirl but there is only one chapter missing )!!
Also there is no specific order!
Also I try to find the authors on tumblr so you can visit them <3
This is gonna be a LOOooOOoONG post
Have fun reading :)
Prince Among Wolves by  tylerfucklin (Deshonanana) | 101k, Explict | kid fic |
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable. 
Home by  TheTypewriterGirl  | 160k, not finished yet 17/18!! |  @stiles-and-the-sourwolf |
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Move a Mountain by  ZainClaw | 69k, Explict | road trip/biker fic | @zainclaw |
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
my wings a hurricane by  kellifer_fic | 20k | dracon fic | @kellifer-k |
Stiles had been like any other kid growing up in the era of dragons. He'd watched the cartoons, the news stories, had the lunch box. When his screening at Beacon Hills High had come up negative, he'd been disappointed but unsurprised. His positive results were returned three years too late for it to be in any way convenient or cool.
Or, the one where they ride dragons.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill | 32k | time travel fic | @mirrorkill |
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Sweeter Than a Cherry Pie by  kitsunequeen | 5k | pretend relationship | @stilesbansheequeen |
When Cora asks Stiles to be her pretend boyfriend for a New Year's family dinner, he figures he can do a friend a favor. When he hooks up with an incredible guy, Derek, the night before, only to wake up alone in the morning, he supposes he can handle that too. But when he shows up at Cora's house and Derek turns out to be her brother, well... that's a bit of a bigger problem.
Hale of a time by  jamesm97 | 3k | halebait!stiles | 
Stiles knows that his werewolf family are acting weird around him, not that that's strange they are werewolves after all but they don't know that he knows they are. They seem to be getting progressively touchy feely as his 16th birthday approaches.
HALEBAIT! STILES STILINSKI - where all the Hales are attracted to Stiles, but only one of them is insanely in love & lust with him
Settle down by  wearing_tearing, whatthehale | 153k, Explict | mpreg!!| @hoechliniseverything ( whatthehale) @dylansneck (wearing_tearing) |
Stiles is a struggling author barely making ends meet.
Derek is a successful architect whose biological clock is ticking.
Enter a surrogacy agency, two packs, and a particularly sticky and toe curling heat week and you get a match made in heaven.
Stilinski’s Home for Wayward Wolves by  owlpostagain | 35k | 
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
I Was Present While You Were Unconscious by  CharWright5 | 19k, Mature | @kitstiles |
Stiles had often thought about how he'd meet his soul mate, the literal muscular man of his dreams. He just didn't ever imagine finding him on Facebook where a friend had shared a news article about a werewolf John Doe in a coma after a car wreck four hours out of town. And he also didn't expect to bond and fall in love with the guy's family before ever saying two words to him out loud.
But Not With Haste by  uraneia | 21k, Explict | x-man AU |
It's been years since Derek escaped from the hunters who killed his family and bound him in his human form. He travels solo, never staying in one place, keeping under the radar--until a skinny, smart-mouthed kid stows away in the back of his truck.
Four months ago Stiles's first kiss put his best friend in a coma. His dad gave him a couple hundred bucks and a hug and told him to run. By the time Stiles witnesses the cage fighter known as Wolverine take out a shotgun and its wielder with his bare hands, he's got a plan. He knows there's a school in New York for kids like him. All he has to do is get there.
OR, in which Derek is the werewolf version of Wolverine and Stiles is Rogue and the plot of X-Men progresses accordingly, with a few notable deviations.
Cornerstone by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen |
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
just to know your name by  bibliosexual | 3k | @bibliosexxual |
They're about fifteen minutes into the Skype call on Tuesday night when this guy wanders straight out of one of Derek’s wet dreams and into the frame, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and a tight grey Guns N’ Roses tee. He’s lithely muscled, with a cute upturned nose and some of the most beautiful bone structure Derek has ever seen. Derek can see his nipples through his shirt. He feels all the blood in his body rushing to his dick.
“There should be a note about that on page nineteen,” Scott is saying, distantly, while Mystery Guy yawns adorably, nose scrunching, and runs a hand through his messy hair. He looks like he’s totally oblivious to Scott’s webcam, or to Scott. He looks like he just woke up. He looks like something out of an underwear ad, or softcore porn.
Mystery Guy bends down, thigh muscles flexing, and starts digging through Scott’s dresser drawers for a pair of sweatpants. Scott doesn’t ever turn around. He just keeps talking about… something. Something unimportant.
Mystery Guy has a mole high up on the back of his right thigh and Derek wants to lick it.
Bite Down Hard by  KuriKuri | 26k, Explict | @authorkurikuri
For a moment, Derek can’t breathe.Because moles aren’t the only thing marring the pale skin of Stiles’ neck. Oh no, that’s –– that’s a bond bite. A bond bite which Stiles definitely did not have yesterday, and which appears to have roughly the same dimensions as Derek’s own mouth.Shit.
(Or: In which Secret Service Agent Derek Hale accidentally gets bonded to First Son Stiles Stilinski. Oops.)
Tangled Up In You by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 105k, Explict | BDSM! | @sterekbros
Something is missing from Stiles’ sex life. Maybe it’s the fact that none of his partners share any of his kinks. While doing laundry over Thanksgiving break at Berkeley, Scott finds a flyer adverting, “WALK ON THE WILD SIDE! LET US TAKE YOU INTO THE DARKNESS AND BRING YOU SAFELY OUT AGAIN! EXPERIENCE PLEASURE AND PAIN AT THE HANDS OF ONE OF OUR EXPERIENCED, DISCREET PROFESSIONALS.” Stiles thinks it’s his kinda thing, but doesn’t have the money to pay for a session. Scott offers, only if Stiles refrains from telling him all about his kinky needs, so Stiles agrees. Enter Derek Hale, professional dominant. Stiles has his first session with Derek and can’t get enough (plus, Derek is HOT and Stiles just wants him all for himself).
It’s a Schlong Story by  floatingstark | 33k, Explict | ex-porn star Derek | 
"Do you like him?"
"Of course I do, he’s great!"
"Then what is the fucking problem?"
"My dick!"
Ex-Porn Star Derek Hale has a lot of issues but Ice Cream Parlor Owner Stiles Stilinski is not one of them.
I Might Be A Fool by  prettylittlementirosa | 35k, Explict| College AU |  @bisexualbcky
The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings. He may be painfully hard but that doesn’t mean he’s not also ready to strangle Derek for having the audacity to act like this is something that’s happening to him, not something that is almost entirely his fault. So when Derek let’s out what must be his hundredth long-suffering sigh, Stiles snaps.
(or the one that was supposed to be a GRΣΣK AU but is mostly just a study in the gratuitous and inconsistent use of punctuation)
Expiration Dates by  KaliopeShipsIt | 227k, Mature | mpreg! | @kaliopeshipsit 
When 13-year old orphaned Derek Hale tests positive as a male carrier, his newly appointed guardian and uncle Peter uses his influence to make the test result go away, aware that in their deeply carrier-phobic society his nephew’s status could prove to be the downfall of the family company.
16 years later Derek is pressured into firing eight months-pregnant Danny Mahealani, creating a publicity scandal that, as the Equal Rights for Carriers movement gains more and more ground, results in an unprecedented media outrage targeted towards Hale & Argent Publishers.
A very reluctant Derek finds himself forced into defending his company’s prejudiced views on national television, facing off in heated debates against Stiles Stilinski, a guy he happened to have a one-night stand with months ago and has been pining over ever since. Stiles is a disgruntled former Hale & Argent employee, a staunch supporter of the ERC movement, he hates everything Derek stands for … and, courtesy of an expired condom, he’s also, unknowingly, the father of the child Derek wasn’t even aware he could carry in the first place.
Between Dusk and Dawn by  impalagirl, wilddragonflying | 19k, Mature| vampire fic | 
He's in the middle of a crowded bar when he smells it. For the first time in fifty years, Stiles Stilinski's mouth begins to water, and he's suddenly on high alert, twisting in his seat to scan the room with sharp eyes. Of course, it doesn't take long to spot him. He's as gorgeous as ever, tall and broad with dark hair and light eyes. He's wearing glasses this time, and damn, he looks good with a beard. Stiles had almost forgotten that; it's been so long since he's seen him with more than yesterday's stubble.
Marks and Mics by  DLanaDHZ | 70k, Mature | Soulmate AU | @dlanadhz
Hale siblings Derek and Laura have been hired to run security for Stiles Stilinski's music tour. Business as usual, except someone is trying really hard to prove they're incapable and hurt Stiles. Derek finds himself curious about Stiles' bitter attitude and a strange illness that plagues the singer. And on top of that, Derek's soulmate remains elusive.
I Hunt For You With Bloody Feet by CharWright5 | 200k, Explict | SoulmateAU Stillinski Twins | @kitstiles
“Mates don't always mean happy ever after.”
When twenty-year-old born omega werewolf Stiles Stilinski received that cryptic email from his twin brother—who'd been missing for two years exactly—in a language the two of them had made up, his drive to find Stuart is doubled. The search leads him to Oak Creek, the most secured and heavily fortified city in all of California, where he finds that not only is his brother dead, but also the literal alpha of his Dreams in Derek Hale—who just happens to be his twin's Mate and the main suspect in Stiles' eyes. Despite an agreement to fight mutual feelings, the two are still drawn to each other as they try to solve the case themselves, uncovering a plot that goes deeper than the murder of just one wolf.
Hidden Omega by  Akinasky | 107k, Explict | College fic | 
As Stiles leaves for college, he must hide who he really is and then he meets his roommate and likes him ... a lot only there is no chance for him to fill the needs that Stiles has as an Omega. Then he also finds his Alpha, Derek Hale (of course) and they all struggle to find their way and learning more about the special aspects of being an Omega and trying to have a unique relationship that will never be typical especially with Stiles, pushing and bossy Stiles as the Omega.
Fucked Up Like You by  damnfancyscotch | 38k | @damnfancyscotch
The boy was dirty. Very dirty. Most likely from the trap he’d been found in, the leg snare Derek figured, even though Peter hadn’t mentioned what type of trap it was. Mud dried and flaked off in patches on his left forearm, caked into the front of his sleeveless rough-hewn tunic and threadbare pants, up from his bare feet all the way to his knees, a dark streak painting the right side of his neck and continuing up into his clumsily cut brown hair - clearly he’d done it himself with a knife and perhaps no reflective surface, though judging by his appearance, a pond or puddle could have done just fine for him. Derek realized a lot of the spots he assumed to be mud were actually moles that dotted all along the boy’s skin.
Derek watched as the boy studied him back in silence, sitting with his arms wrapped tightly around himself. He stared hard at the crescent-shaped insignia picked out in silver and green sewn onto the dark gray fabric over Derek’s heart, a slight frown wrinkling his brow. The boy had to know about the Hales if he was part of the Argent pack.
“What’s your name?”
“St… Stiles.”
I Could Be Long Gone by  idratherwrite | 26k, Explict | A/B/O-Dynamics | @ashleighblogs
Humans alphas and betas are used to treating human omegas like objects. Stiles and his father have managed to hide for years the fact that Stiles is an omega. When Stiles arrives at Beacon Hills he meets one Scott McCall and his friends and family, who are hiding an even bigger secret.
It's almost everything that Stiles wants.
Baking My Way Into Your Heart by theSilence | 178k, Mature | College AU | @effinlemon |
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
A Princely Claim by  kaistrex (weishen) | 40k, Explict | Royal Stiles | @kaistrex
In a world where werewolves die if they’re unable to Claim their mate and to refuse them is classed as murder, Alpha Derek Hale makes his very public Claim for Crown Prince Stiles of Beacon. The Royal Family are left with no choice but to accept, no matter the Prince’s imminent marriage to Princess Lydia of Kanima, to whom he’s been betrothed since birth. After having already faced the future of one loveless marriage, Prince Stiles is determined to make things with Derek work.
Kaleidoscope by  Vendelin | 54k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles spends a year before college working at the all-night coffee shop in town. It's nice and quiet, until one dark and brooding Derek starts coming in every morning, ordering coffee so strong that it should not be fit for human consumption. Ever. Stiles tries not to be affected by the mystery guy, but it's not like anything else happens around here, so really, what did you expect? And when he's already in too deep, he realises he might even be in way over his head...
Play Crack the Sky by  WeAreTheCyclones | 122k, Mature | Rock Band AU | @wearethecyclones
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Grey Rainbow by  LoveActually_rps | 13k, Mature | @loveactually-rps
“Stiles?” Derek glanced at Stiles’ sleeping form. He didn’t even twitch. Derek continued. “If we…” his lips curved in a fond smile, fingers moving to smooth the creases of Stiles’ eyebrows, his voice coming as whisper. “... as in, you and me - If we get a chance someday… any day, to be together, y’know? I wouldn't mind you wooing me with flowers and all that cliched romantic shit. And you can even flirt with me. I approve.” He gazed at Stiles’ calm face for a long while before drifting off into quiet slumber with the sound of Stiles’ soft snoring in the background.
[aka, after pinning for his best friend for four years, Derek learns his teenage crush is easy, but his life isn’t]
Animal Instincts by BlueRunawayMoon | 262k, Explict | 2nd part is NOT FINISHED | @
Things are not going well for Stiles. Not only is he drifting from the pack, but he cant sleep and hardly eats, and its never been more clear to him that being a human leaves him at a major disadvantage. As if things weren't bad enough, he and Malia are on the rocks, and then there is the fact that Derek wants to kill him, of course. Derek, who he dreams about every night. Derek, who is losing control of his inner wolf, when said wolf seems to want Stiles dead.
But because Stiles is the universe's bitch, a new, terrifying and seemingly unbeatable monster arrives in Beacon Hills, and the pack have no idea how to stop it. When people start going crazy and attacking others, the Pack learn the creature is involved somehow. Now, with Stiles life in jeopardy, they must find a way to cure him before its too late.
Slow burn with lots of sexual tension and build up.
*There is a Stiles/Original Character pair up, but end game is Sterek. Pinky promise :) *
Strong Alpha, Strong Pups by  Snare | 7k, Explict | A/B/O -Dynamics | @4fuxake​
Omegas are weak. Stiles is an Omega, but Stiles has magic. Stiles is strong.
Stiles is strong, so Alpha needs to be stronger. Strong Alpha, strong pups.
Stripped & Polished by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 77k, Explict | 
Stiles is 17 and he’s sick of being a virgin. The last two and a half years of trying to get laid by every guy in the school (both straight and gay) haven’t worked out and the time he came onto his long time crush Jackson Whittemore blew up in his face. That was it. He was going to go out to a club and find someone to fuck him and they would be just as good as anyone else he was trying to have sex with. He goes to Jungle to scope out his prospects.
Just to See You Again by  MellytheHun | 15k, Explict | @loserchildhotpants​ 
A sterek college!AU where writing student Stiles specializes in love letters, runs a blog about it and can be commissioned to write love letters on behalf of lovers who are at a loss for words.
He makes some cash, he’s good at what he does (especially when he gets to be a little more explicit in his letters), it pays for his textbooks and that’s all he’s really looking for and life is fine. That is, until someone anonymously commissions him to write a love letter to mathematics student, Derek Hale.
Reach Out by  weathervaanes | 20k, Explict | @weathervaanes
Or, In Which Stiles Falls in Love Twice...With the Same Person
Stiles sees the flyer on his very last day at Beacon Hills High School. It’s hanging, unassuming, in the hall near the front entrance along with bulletins and other flyers, advertisements, posters for free student concerts, but the fact that the word “sex” is written in a font two times larger than the rest of the page catches his attention.
It’s an advice hotline for a whole range of things, from teenage angst to how to deal with your parents telling you you’re adopted and a whole mess in the middle. Stiles thinks it’s funny, though, that they offer advice on sexuality and sex education. It makes sense on the one hand, since high school sex ed does jack shit for actual learning, but anyone who really wants to know stuff has an infinite source of knowledge right on their phone—the internet.
So it starts off as a joke.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by  grimm | 118k, Explict | @coyotoqueens
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
One life stand by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
Can’t rely on me by  Littleredridinghunter | 116k | 
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
247 notes · View notes
bangtanficrecs · 6 years
Lost & Found Batch #16
Here’s the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I read a fic awhile back and I lost it :( . I know for sure it wasn't completeled, and it was taekook, with an ABO thing basically what happened was taehyung was forced to live with jeongguks pack bc other packs are after him bc he apparently can have kids as an Omega and namjoon and Jim and jeongguks parents and the head of the pack and taehyung and jeongguks start to fall in love but taehyung gets injured at some point so they stay in a safe house away from everyone???
2) There was this fic where every member was a shifter werewolf but jimin was human and he was paired with yoongi. And i remember him being friends with tae, also there was namjin as a side pairing, jimin moving to a village or something, they were going camping... this is all i can remember i hope you can help me find it 🙏🏻
light side of the moon by themelonlord
3) hello! i’m looking for a ff on ao3. i’m pretty sure namjoon is a producer, in once scene hes recording a song for an indie artist and he and another member have a convo, they had just gotten in a fight im prT sure. the artist that’s recording then says “you two should date” as theyre walking out or something like that, and namjoon says be quiet. the artist that was recording has an american name for SURE. i’m prT sure its namjoon and yoongi? ik its vague, sorry :( i appreciate your hard work!
4) there was a taekook fic where one of them was an anroid/ cyborg kind of thing and they kept him in a huge room. he was a really smart boy until he died and then he got turned into a cyborg? he had a traumatic past and died after remembering it(?) then they re- made him outside the room. that was vague but i read it a reeaally long time ago (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ) pls find it for me! thanks in advance!
5) I can’t remember the name of this one doc I read a year ago. I think it was jikook? Anyway, it was a soulmate au where any physical pain you felt your soulmate would feel too. Jungkook selfharms with a lighter, and Jimin feels his pain.
6) Hello, I’ve been searching for this fic for a while, it’s namjin, and I think it’s a one shot. Namjoon is really clumsy and having like a bad day and meets barista Jin and clumsily flirts and Jin gives him his number on a coffee cup in the end? I’ve tried a lot of googling I just can’t find it!!!!
7) Hey sorry to bother you but I've been searching on my own forever now and can't seem to find it. It's a taegi fic where yoongi is a wolf and tae a photographer. Yoongi warns tae to leave or there will be consequences but he doesn't. Yoongi ends up having to save tae and they run away but the alpha bit tae so he also becomes a wolf and yoongi has to teach him how to control it and in the midst of it goes into heat. If you know what fic this is it make me very happy!
8) Hi!! I love all your recs, and I was wondering if you'd be able to find this fic for me? It was a yoonkook fic where yoongi buys lingerie for kook I think and also yoongi really likes canned coffee?? Also at one point they go to stay at a cabin. As far as I can remember it's not an automated so they're still in bts?? Sorry its not much to go off but thankyou !!
good as gold by cyphertonic
9) hello!!! i was wondering if you know the name of a yoonseok fic? yoongi is being like a brat when they’re about to have sex and hoseok gets tired of it so he moves away and he makes yoongi edge himself until he falls asleep. hoseok also starts dirty talking to him and degrading him and yoongi starts crying bc hoseok says something along the lines like he’d “rather fuck someone else”. i’m not sure if this was enough detail, but thanks in advance! (-:
On The Edge With You by superrunnaturall
10) Hi, do you know the namjin fic where Jin has an eating disorder. Namjoon comes back from being away, notices Jin has gotten skinnier and finds out about Jin’s ED when he discovers a bag of wrappers in his closet? I think it was a one-shot. Thank you!
11) Hello! I've been looking for months for this one fic. It's where jungkook has these vivid dreams about a car crash. Same nightmare but it recurs. And then they basically act out the accident, but jungkook freaks out and saves them. I think it was jin/jungkook but it could also be ot7. Please help me find it!
I don't know the name, but I know more info about the fic in Lost and found Batch #16 (the 11th ask). Jungkook keeps having nightmares about the car getting hit by a truck and going over the side, into the water. He always wakes up right before "dying" because his seatbelt was stuck and Yoongi couldn't get it to open. One day they're in the car and Jungkook starts having a panic attack because of the premonition so they pull over. Then the group finds out that the accident happened further up
12) Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a tic I read on ao3 a while ago! It’s was a yoongi/hoseok fic. I remember it was really long and a slow burn fic with lots of kissing. I remember they shared an apartment that they had just bought and the author had a this whole thing where they said “the point is their apartment is shit” and old it kept saying things like that. I also remember yoongi’s Dog was in it. Sorry I’m not very good at describing things
kiss me hard before you go by 777335
13) Hello, I can't find that fanfic where jimin sent a video to jungkook where jimin and taehyung was doing the do, and in the end of the fic jimin was saying "I won". Please help
I Can't Even by handintheshot
14) I’m looking for this fic where Yoongi is a radio host or smth and if I remember correctly so is Namjoon. There’s so relationship drama between the main ship (I forgot which one it was ;;-;;) and I’m pretty sure Jimin plays a significant role?? Sorry this is super vague T-T
The Dokkaebi Podcast by amanofpenrose
15) Hi, I really need help to find a fanfic of mainly about jikook couple that I’ve read a long time ago. I think it is completed either in the year of 2016 or 2017, I can’t remember exactly. So, basically, the setting in the space, in which Jimin helped Jungkook. Fast forward, Jungkook is allowed to stay and then become the youngest squad to explore the space etc. The story is told in present and past as jungkook and Namjoon are captured by rebels for five years. Side ship includes yoonjin
16) I've been trying to find a jin/yoongi fix that I read a while ago. I believe it was two chapters but not very long. Yoongi walks by jins shop each day but realizes he never noticed it before. I believe he smelled the baked goods and went in. Jins cat loved him. In the end basically jin tells yoongi that he is a witch and that he cast a spell to find love and yoongi is who walked through the door. Thanks in advance for the help! 😊😊😊
17) hi ! I was just wondering if you could help me find a fic? it's jin x jeongguk where jin is jeongguk's new neighbour and i'm pretty sure it follows jeongguk growing up and forming a crush on jin, or it might stay where theyr'e at the same ages; and all else i rmember that is noteable is that the first time they kiss or even get a little handsy it's in one of their cars and jeongguk c*ms in his pants bc he's just a teenager / inexperienced. thank you !
18) Hi! Could you help me find that fic where jimin is the top student in their Uni but he's more envied by the people bcs he's unmated yet he's always scented by Taehyung. But then JK comes in and chim falls for him? I remember a part of the fic where chim was about to be assaulted by a rogue wolf (alpha?) but then JK comes to sort of rescue chim. Thanks :)
19) I'm really desperate. I'm looking for a Taekook au where Taehyung is an art major and is assigned the theme of love. His childhood wasn't very warm as his parents are rich but didn't really take care of him. He meets Jungkook at a café, love at first sight, and gets an idea to fall in love with him to pass his class. Jungkook approaches him later bc he needs money and Taehyung uses him as a model. Jungkook is a reluctant business major that wanted to go into photography.
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