#yeah logan is a classist
asocial-skye · 11 months
people who hate gilmore girls characters because they're classists are so fucking funny to me because that entire show has classism baked into it. it's like you all just forgot how the maids are treated in that show.
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thelilylav · 7 months
Ok finally got to the bridesmaids episode in gg and uh... why exactly do people defend Logan? To review, he: is a dick to an old friend of Rory because of an assumption he makes about their relationship that doesn't get confirmed until well into the dinner they're having together, then when Rory confronts him about being an asshole (which, yeah, he was being a classist dick that entire time) he tells her, "everyone's doing something," and when this causes her to spiral about her life direction, he makes it seem like she's blaming him after she didn't even mention his name, and then yells at her for bruising his ego and storms out of the bar, doesn't reach out to her afterward, sleeps with his sister's friends, waits for Rory to find out that apparently they're broken up from said sister, and then never tells her that he slept with people while they were apart. Yes, Rory says they're broken up, AFTER the phone call with his sister. Before then, there was no clarification, and she has every right to be upset that he slept with people while they were still together! He never reached out! He is a twenty-one-year-old by the time this is happening, there is no reason he can't reach out to clarify and make sure he isn't hurting Rory. And why wouldn't he clarify, if he supposedly loves her so much? I really tried to like Logan, even though I knew him being from such a wealthy family would irk me, but he's not even decent to the one person he's supposedly reformed for and I'm just supposed to sit here and let people blame Rory for the whole situation? No. He's an adult. They agreed to a relationship. You want to sleep around because you think you've broken up? Confirm that you broke up first.
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abla-soso · 1 year
It's wild for me to see folks cheering for Shiv's "you don't deserve me and never can" comeback at Tom. Y'all didn't see how she meant it in a classist way?? That this was Shiv's classism rearing its ugly head??
This was not a GirlBoss reaffirming her self-worth against someone who tore it down. That was a tragically pathetic, almost childish attempt to lord something over the person who stroke her down.
She was trying to hurt Tom where it hurt the most by affirming his deepest fear: that the social hierarchy is real, inflexible, and it determines people's worth. That he's always gonna be "inferior" to her because of his class and his inability to climb the social ladder.
If you wanna look at it from a strictly "sexual marketplace" analysis, then yeah sure, Shiv is the "catch" here. She's a gorgeous, sexually captivating, relatively young woman. She has certain personality traits that make her sexually attractive and valuable.
But Succession's writing is deeply critical of this capitalistic marketization of human attraction and bonding.
Shiv doesn't even affirm her self-worth in this way.
Shiv has enough sense to realize she's not a better person than Tom.
But Logan's abuse inforced this classist worldview on her and she's tragically stuck.
Cheering for her at that moment is no different than cheering for Kendall to be a killer and win the CEO position. Y'all are missing the entire point of Succession's writing.
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flock-of-cassowaries · 6 months
I’m having a deep think right now about the overlaps and the differences between the appeal of fascism, and that of libertarianism.
On one level, this is because I am writing a Sucession fanfic, and trying to get into Roman’s head.
But on another level only reason I’m even writing Succession fanfiction is that I identify with Roman, and that is in large part because he is a queer person who is philosophically in the thrall of his terrifying conservative father, whose love he desperately craves.
And once upon a time, that used to be me. And I feel deep and abiding shame about that.
(Not the sexy kind of shame. The devastating kind.)
But as I delve into philosophical discussions of fascism and conservatism (and honestly, I have not yet delved the deeply), I’m starting to realize that maybe I have less in common with Roman, and more with Connor (if we leave out his weird S3 white-nationalism dog whistles about the evils of onanism).
I’m basing a lot of this on the first chapter – which is all I have read so far - of “The Reactionary Mind” by Corey Robin; which I came upon via the source list for the linked YouTube video.
[link to “Endnote 2: White Fascism” by Innuendo Studios, on YouTube.]
Robin (if I’m understanding him correctly) posits that the end goal of conservatism is fundamentally Fishstick fascistic, and that the real animus driving political conservative movements is always the desire of the privileged to remain above those the existing social order oppresses.
I have certainly voted for, and carried water for, conservatives (a fact of which I am, again, deeply ashamed), but I don’t think that was ever the real appeal for me.
I’m not saying I didn’t internalize beliefs that were (I now realize) racist, classist, ableist, and elitist; but I don’t think that was ever the main draw, so much as a side effect of reading the goddamn National Post every fucking day
But for me, I think the main appeal of conservatism was the illusory promise of total self-sufficiency, and of being impossible to further hurt. It was the libertarian lie, bound up in the same nihilistic appeal as the Nine Inch Nails song whose hook is “Nothing can stop me now, cause I don’t care anymore.” (‘Piggy’ is the song.)
In this respect, I think I had more in common with Connor; I was also the discarded child who grew up to think of themself as “a flower that grows on rocks and feeds on the insect that land inside of it.”
Honestly, that soliloquy (from S4E2) could’ve been me at thirteen.
I felt rejected and shunned by the world, but I was also rapidly becoming aware that I could use my looks and intelligence as currency (just a Connor uses his literal currency as currency).
It was only when I was 21, and ended a long relationship, and found myself with no one to turn to, and no idea who I was, that my father swooped in to be my new best friend; and that’s when I became more Roman-like in my fawning attempts to appeal to him.
But I think Roman truly believes that his father is better than him, whereas a much more significant part of me always knew my own dad was a false prophet.
I think the world reaffirmed this belief in Roman, because his father has been so successful, and I think his father, concerned with legacy, has been much more active in fostering this mythology than my own father was.
(My dad would tend to just willfully ignore that l existed for several years at a stretch, if I was acting too cringe [i.e. not stereotypically conservative-lady feminine enough] for his conservative sensibilities; something I am assuming that Shiv could probably relate to.
The scene where Logan tells her he wants her back in the fold was very similar to what my father did with me when I was 21, and I glowed just the same way she did.)
But yeah, I think an internalized belief on Roman’s part that his father truly is better than him, and a desire to “be as good” as his father in order to redeem himself and overcome this inadequacy in his person, really feeds into Roman’s affinity for fascism / conservatism.
And I think that belief structure is with him in that bathroom with Mencken, unacknowledged and subconscious, and even more insidious than his conscious priorities of wanting to win points with Logan, and maaaaaybe wanting to be pushed to his knees and have a fascist phallus (a fascllus? I’m going to hell) thrust upon him.
Anyway, if anyone ever reads this, feel free to suggest some books / essays / videos to my reading list.
So far, in addition to the above-mentioned Cory Robbins tome, I am planning to actually finish “The Ur-Fascist” by Umberto Ecco, and to at least dip into “The Dialectic of Enlightenment” by Horkheimer and Adorno, and “The Authoritarian Personality” by Adorno.
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usuallydeepcoffee · 1 year
Mr. Rogers and Succession? 👀👀
I mean, you have to admit that the juxtaposition of Steve, the humble son of an immigrant, a guy who owned one pair of (too-big) nice shoes, and the Roys, whose entire shoe rack is probably worth more than the GDP of a small country, would be hilarious.
There are two, scenarios I humbly offer:
Steve in the Roys' world:
(non-powered AU), where Steve is the young, hot partner of a very rich New York billionaire genius (Howard or Tony, take your pick). He's into arts and mostly involved in charity work, so the Roys figure he's just another Willa, but then he turns out to be a pretty good strategist.
Lol, I imagine the Roys would be embarrassing themselves trying to court the Starks, like they did with the Pierces.
(also I just love imagining Steve and Willa gagging anyone who comes near them with some quip about them being gold diggers. Two queens discussing how to maximize their joint slay and all)
2. The Roys in the mcu:
I mean. Imagine the narrative ATN would pull out their asses once it is confirmed that Captain America is actually WWII Steve Rogers. About Steve being a true patriot, standing for the Good Conservative American Values™. The way they'd be trying to get an exclusive interview post-Chitauri attack.
Again they'd probably try to court him because even though he doesn't have money (not like they do), he still has status and influence just by being an American symbol.
(that and they'd probably need his permission to make content about Captain America. Maybe even a ride named after him in their parks)
Lol. Logan would try to imply that they have soooo much in common, both immigrants, both hard workers. Steve has a good sixth sense tho, so he probably takes one look at him and turns his heel.
The cringe from Kendall would make me want to curl up and die. "Yeah man, I could uh, hook you up with some uh, modern pieces. Rothko, Mondrian. I have a couple in my pad in Brooklyn, I could uh, give you one. For free of course. Consider it uh, a thank you for your service"
Roman, oh boy. Can't even think about all the harassment innuendos he would throw Steve's way. Comments about him having all of David's Michelangelo's proportions (and consequently wondering about his dick).
Shiv is probably the one who almost fools Steve into believing she's the most normal but then says something in a terribly classist way and down the DNI list she goes as well.
Con becomes a WWII history buff for the occasion and talks about idk, Goebbels' pubes or something equally disgusting he won at an auction online.
Steve calls Nat and begs her to come and get him with the excuse of an Avenger-related emergency.
And when that inevitably fails, the Roys start a smear campaign against Steve: Captain America getting chummy with ex-Russian spy Natasha Romanoff. Workplace affair or treason?
They probably pop off a couple of bottles when Steve becomes a fugitive.
And then once Sam shows up with the shield and the suit. Oh my god. That might be what actually kills Logan Roy in that verse.
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scorpio-karma · 4 years
Would Vicki have been more interesting as a newborn vampire than Caroline?
Now I’m going to preface this by saying that I don’t hate Caroline. I did enjoy watching her character, but I also saw where her functionality ended which was about the end of season 2, maybe mid season 3.
So I saw a version of this question on reddit and it got me thinking. First about the fact that Vicki was always a character who was meant to die, so as result they did put much care into her characterization. And second, what characterization was actually put in to Vicki as a character. 
Now she was never really all that liked and even by me  but I remember reading this comment about that did change my perspective.
Vicky. Alcoholic, unemployed and irresponsible mom which basically makes Vicky the main breadwinner of the family prior to her death. Deals with it in a bad way via drugs. Tries to keep her brother from it and supports him. Was nearly raped by Tyler Lockwood (remember she kept saying "no" and he kept on going? Yeah, that's sexual assault) but Jeremy was thankfully around to stop it. Treated like dirt everywhere she goes and has no support system other than her brother (who is younger and she wants to protect in her own way). Compare her to Elena: lost her parents but her aunt Jenna was infinitely kind enough to take her and Jeremy in (meaning that Elena did not have to drop out and become the main breadwinner), from an affluent family, her brother might have gotten into drugs as a result of parents' deaths but so far he's sticking to the non-lethal stuff (mostly weed), and has the unconditional love and support of family and friends. Honestly, I kept on wondering why people were going all "poor Elena" like she was the only orphan in town and nobody ever did anything for Matt and Vicky. Honestly, I was waiting for someone to make a comment on the classist double standard but nobody did.
Vicki to most people was kind of an annoying character who had no direction so her death wasn’t really that sad, in that none of the audience was mourning her. But her death did have impact. It added stakes, stakes that essentially disappear because of Caroline. She was the first newborn Vampire that we saw (I can’t quite remember if Logan was turned before or after this) and was the audience’s first experience with bloodlust, heightened emotions, and all those “bad” things that come with becoming a vampire, but most of all the short life span one could have if they didn’t get this in control. She was part of the reason why we all feared for Caroline’s life when she turned at the beginning of season 2. That she’d lose control and have to be killed because she would be “irredeemable” which in hindsight is ridiculous logic. The only reason Vicki became “irredeemable” and needed to be killed is because she tried to kill Elena, meanwhile Caroline actually killed someone and no one (besides Bonnie) batted a lash. 
But anyways, had Vicki not died, had she been the one that they took a chance on, I think it might have been more interesting. Now Vicki is a mess of a character for I guess random reasons because like I said before they didn’t spend too much time on her characterization. What we do know is that she had a crush on Tyler. Though she was the older sister she acted a lot more like the younger one. She was in love with Jeremy, or rather being treated with respect for the first time which does add a nice layer to why she does some of the things that she does. She’s stereotypically what happens when everyone treats you like trash--she doesn’t know how to accept kindness. And she’s selfish, although I wouldn’t exactly call the desire to live selfish, but she does put her own wants and needs before others by putting them in danger by being around her. Which plays into her other and most prominent quality which is she’s impulsive. And I think that would have made her a bit more interesting a newborn vampire and would have been better at illustrating the struggle.
By the end of season 2, actually by the middle of season 2, Caroline had pretty much mastered being a vampire which is why everyone says she’s better as a vampire than human. And due to this the stakes of becoming a vampire severely reduced. No longer did you really fear them becoming an uncontrollable monster that needed to be killed and by the time Elena becomes one it’s almost not a big deal. Elena does struggle, but like Caroline by mid-season it’s not much of an issue and her “struggle” becomes a Delena plot device to the point that I actually do wonder if she was really having issues or was it the sire bond because she has no issues with control after it’s broken unless you count the “hallucinating” thing which I don’t.
Vicki built this presidence with vampirism and turning that deteriorates (along with a lot of other lore in this universe) because it’s made out that the only people with controls issues have the “ripper gene” which is flimsy at best since Stefan is the only one who has it despite the fact that Lily does too, but shows none of the traits. 
Then there's the dynamic with the Salvatores. Caroline and Stefan do have a nice friendship, but with Vicki's background as an addict I can't help but think of the possibilities of how her and Stefan relate to the other, but even better, them back sliding together. Think season 6 humanityless Steroline, but actually good and in season 1. I don't know about you, but I found Stefan hella boring in the first season until the Miss Mystic Falls episode and he almost kills Amber Bradley. Now this is a symptom of the bigger problem of Elena hindering characters, but it would be great to add some good character moments along the way.
And then there's what she could have added with Damon. Now I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, Damon's treatment of Vicki was one of the few things he did that made sense, especially when using the "it's what vampires do" excuse. He feeds on her, when she keeps surviving his attacks he decides to invest in her and turns her, and all their sexual encounters were consensual. Literally all the vibes they wanted for Damon's character were achieved with Vicki without all the unnecessary rape.
And then last, but not least, there's the added dynamic with Matt. He could still go full vampire hatred and it would be so much more nuanced with Vicki alive than with the noncommittal version with her dead. He could go full Gordon Walker from SPN and there might be a point to keeping Matt around.
In conclusion, Vicki was a character who's potential was wasted, and once again, a character with more relevance than Caroline. Seriously, so much screentime was wasted on her.
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keeloves · 5 years
Top 10 Characters that deserved better.
10 Alexis Glenn from Famous in Love
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Despite my problems with this character I wasn’t very pleased with her treatment on the show Famous in Love. Yes I know she was a snob and behaved like a jealous bitch but I felt she had some redeeming qualities about her. For one thing I would have her accept the fact she was bisexual and not have those run of the mill lame excuses as in “I don’t like labels” bisexual isn’t a bad word. I also would have her apologize to Paige for how she treated her and maybe they can get along but they don’t have to be besties. Another thing I didn’t like was her being used by Jake and then being dropped like a hat just because things didn’t work out in his favor. No one deserves that. I also felt she deserved better than to be used by Ida. I would love to give Lexi a redemption arc.
9. Milah from Once Upon a Time.
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Even though I didn’t really care for Milah, I felt she deserved better than to be killed by Rumple twice. The first time having her heart ripped out and crushed literally and then being thrown into the lake of lost souls. I felt she had remorse for leaving Baelfire/Neal behind. I honestly felt she could have given Belle advice on how to leave Rumple and they could have become friends or something. Anyways she deserved to move on from the under world not be thrown in a lake of lost souls.
  8.Belle French Once Upon a Time
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I am convinced that Adam and Eddie hated Belle. First off why did they keep her in a relationship with a man who lies to her, manipulates her and has told her multiple times he won’t change. Yet here she is going back to this man again and again. She kept going back to Rumple and even enabled him. She was once so scared of him that she felt that her child would be better off away from the father. Not only does she get lied to and manipulated she gets mind raped, raped if Belle and Rumple had sex in the fantasy world where Rumple was the Bright One. He even went so far as to stalk her and put a tracking bracelet on her to know where she was at all times. Belle always looked scared of Rumple and was always backing away from him. That relationship should have ended when Belle banned Rumple from Storybrooke. Nope she gets forced back in a toxic relationship and even Emilie De Raven said that she wouldn’t give Rumple as many chances. I know I have said this before but I am going to say it again. Belle should have been bisexual and go be happy with Ruby or OUAT should have introduced Prince Adam. Any one of those relationships would have been better than Rumbelle.
7 Logan Huntzberger
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I thought Logan was one of the most well developed characters on Gilmore Girls as in the original series. When we first meet him he was promiscuous and slept around. However, he was fully willing to commit to Rory and become the boyfriend she needed and wanted. He was allowed to grow and develop. All was going great with his character until the revival. He and Rory are both cheating with each other on their significant others and Amy seem to make Logan resort to his fuck boy ways. I am sorry to Matt Czuchry who had to play a digressed character and props to you for making Logan likable despite the way he was written.
6. Angela Moore Boy/Girl Meets World (Using the Collage because I loved the Versatility Angela had on Boy Meets World I did not make this Collage BTW) 
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I know I keep bringing her up but I can’t help it. I am so bitter that Girl Meets World committed defamation of a black female character. They bent and twisted the narrative to make Angela look like a villain and they also made her look like one more person that mindlessly abandon Shawn when that is not the case. She left to Europe with her father and she was going to come back and be with Shawn. Now in Girl Meets World she was just another person who abandon Shawn? No that is so disrespectful and this completely racist how she got treated. Also I don’t want anyone to come at me and tell me the treatment she got wasn’t racially related. Seriously look how  the other characters got treated as in the white characters got treated then look at how Michael Jacobs treated his only black female character from Boy Meets World. She was the only main black character period and all she got was paid dust. So yeah her treatment whether or not it was unintended was absolutely racist.
5. Hazel Alden Degrassi
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Degrassi literally had no idea what to do with this character. She was on the show for six seasons and only got one single story line about her Muslim back ground and we didn’t get that story line until season 2. She was there as a “main character” so Degrassi could pat themselves on the back for diversity brownie points. Andrea Lewis (Actress for Hazel) did the best with what she had tow work with but it wasn’t much. She was there to be Paige’s side kick and to help aid white character’s story lines. She honestly felt like the Christie to Paige’s Barbie. In fact here is a a link to an article on what Andrea had to say about her time on Degrassi read and enjoy. https://missandrealewis.com/2013/03/28/new-post-a-real-conversation-about-degrassi-tbt/
4. Audery from Descendants
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  I know she is a classist snob and I know she wasn’t the nicest but she didn’t deserve to have her boyfriend stolen from her be dumped in front of the entire school. She deserved to be a more fleshed out character. I mean I wouldn’t really like someone who put a love drug on my boyfriend stole him from me and then he broke up with me in front of the entire school. Anyways Audery deserved better and didn’t deserve to be humiliated.
3. Graham from Once Upon a Time
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I am so bitter how Once Upon a Time treated him. He was used abused and then killed off. Adam and Eddie still this day deny that he was raped by Regina.He had his heart ripped out literally as punishment for not killing Snow White. Regina’s ultimatum was basically “Do what I say or you die” and he literally has no choice because his heart in is Regina’s possession and now he is under a curse without his heart so he really has to do what Regina says without even being aware of the “Why” of the situation. This all changes when Emma comes to town and when he kisses Emma he starts to remember he is actually the Huntsmen. The moment he starts to take back control from Regina she kills him by crushing his heart. To me that is not even the worst thing about this situation its the fact that this issue is never addressed and Regina is never called out for raping Graham.
2 Mulan From Once Upon a Time
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I used this picture because my heart breaks for this gorgeous character. Mulan a bisexual Asian woman is paid dust and yes it is confirmed she is bisexual by the writers and it honestly feels like Adam and Eddie want to pat themselves on the back for the so called “representation.” Mulan arguably the biggest bad ass of the Disney Princesses was reduced to being an aid for white character story lines. She wasn’t allowed to have a love interest despite everyone around her got to have a love interest and she just kept getting screwed over. I am forever bitter about Sleeping Warrior. That ship had the best chemistry the best build up only for the writers to go the hetro normative route with Aurora. Then we had have been with Ruby and we could have gotten Mulan Rouge. That didn’t happen either. She deserved much better than to be a token character of color to only aid in white character story lines. The treatment of Mulan on Once Upon a Time and the treatment of Angela on Girl Meets World will forever leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
Finally Number 1 Dinah Laurel Lance’/ Black Canary/Black Siren
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I am forever bitter on how Arrow treated their most iconic female super hero character. In the comics Dinah Lance was her own hero, was a member of the Justice League and she helped co-find her own hero team called Birds of Prey. She helped people like Sin Lance (Asian character later white washed by Arrow) Helped Roy Harper through his drug addiction and morally centered and is one of the best hand to hand combat fighters. She is up on Batman’s level of hand to hand fighting. However in Arrow she is treated like shit, had a boyfriend who serial cheated on her with her sister, and now he is a dad a child where the baby momma is another woman he cheated with while he was with Laurel. The show had people gas light her and when she finally exploded all of a sudden it was her fault because god forbid she responds like a normal human to being treated like shit for no reason. Sara never apologized to Laurel she just went back to fucking Oliver again despite the fact that is why the Lance family fell apart. Laurel was told she was never good enough to be the Black Canary despite she is the damn Black Canary in the comics. She has helped out Sara and Oliver multiple times despite the fact they are the reason she had to deal with her family falling a part. The people on the show continued to miss treat her. Not once did she get an apology by Oliver or Sara she had to call them out first. Then after the horrible treatment, the gas lighting and mental abuse they show runners decide to kill her off for Olicity. Her dying words are about how Olicity and propping up Oliver and his relationship with Felicity. First off “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU GUYS DO THAT TO LAUREL’ 2 You damn well know how Oliver treated Laurel so you have some damn nerve to do that! Then you have Black Siren get knocked out by Felicity despite the fact she could get up after getting hit by a car on the Flash. Then you weaken her Canary cry when on the Flash it took out a whole building but on Arrow it barely makes the room shake. Then on the Flash great hand to hand combat skills only for her to be easily taken down by team Arrow. The thing that makes me most angry and bitter about this is that I know Katie Cassidy Rodgers actually did her homework on the character she was playing, I know KCR worked out for this role and she was so excited to be in this role. She even had costume design ideas for her Black Canary Suit and you kill her character off for shock value and you wait two episodes before to tell her that Laurel will be the one in the grave. This absolutely disrespectful to the actress and this proves how lazy these writers are.
Anyways this was my rant on characters who deserved better. I would love to know your thoughts.
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Jess is the Gay Subtext Gilmores Gay Meta
Jess within the Gilmores Gay subtext is Rory’s mirror.  He has a lot in common with Rory: a negligent father who left, a mother who relies emotionally on him or isn't able to deal with her trauma and can't express love in an entirely healthy way, who are both into reading as an escape and a career path, both of there parents get remarried and have another kid and there are also legally cousins. He's also gay in the subtext(link at the bottom for my mini post on that.)
I’m gonna talk about episode 6.8. In which Rory and Jess talk and he essentially awakens something in Rory that brings back a part of herself that she lost. He also meets Logan but that for later on.
In the scene Jess and Rory talk after not seeing each other for awhile:
JESS: Yeah, and I didn't think you'd believe it if I didn't show it to you in person. (takes out a book and give it to her)
RORY: Well, colour me curious. A book. (reading the cover) "'The Subsect'...written by Jess Mariano."
JESS: It's no misprint.
RORY: You wrote a book?
JESS: A short novel.
RORY: You wrote a book?!
JESS: And through a fluke, I got it to these guys that have a small press, and they read it. I don't know if they were high or something, but they decided to publish it.
RORY: You wrote a book.
Subsect sounds a lot like subtext huh? By this time in the show he's already kind of admitted he's gay.(ill put a link at the end of this for that) So he does reflect her.
But then he goes to leave and lo and behold they run into Logan. We already know that Logan is gay given other things(link down at the bottom) So we know all the people in this scene are gay so put that into context makes this make sense. I’m gonna link the clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnTsSPKyzG0.  Logan and Jess to put it plainly are eye fucking and Rory looks very umcomfortable:
RORY: No. Hey. When did you get back?
LOGAN: Couple hours ago.
RORY: Oh, I...I thought you were getting back tomorrow.
LOGAN: I thought I'd surprise you, Ace.
RORY: Well, I'm glad you did 'cause you get to meet my old friend, Jess. This is Logan, my boyfriend. Logan, this is Jess. He's in from out of town. (uncomfortable silence) Wow. That sounded so grown-up. We're at the age now where we say things like "in from out of town" and "old friend", 'cause when you're young, all your friends are new, and you have to get old to have old friends. (uncomfortable chuckling from Rory. Logan extends his hand to Jess)
LOGAN: How you doing? (they shake)
JESS: Okay.
RORY: We were just gonna go grab a bite to eat.
LOGAN: Great. Well, how about if we all go together. Is that okay?
JESS: Okay by me.
RORY: All right. Good. We were actually at a loss for where to go, so you actually saved us.
LOGAN: Call me superman. (at Jess) Why don't you follow us.
JESS: Sure. (Logan puts his arm around Rory's shoulders and stears her to the passenger side of his car. Rory is a bit uncomfortable with the gesture)
Two things to note, Rory refers to jess as her friend, and Rory is in the script said to be uncomfortable. Which confirms my earlier theory.
They got to dinner and this shit gets gayer:
GAN: So...what do you do, Jess?
JESS: Oh, this and that.
LOGAN: Describe the "this". Describe the "that".
RORY: He writes.
LOGAN: You write? Impressive. What do you write?
JESS: Nothing important.
RORY: He wrote a book.
LOGAN: Oh, you penned the great American novel, Jess?
JESS: Wasn't quite that ambitious.
LOGAN: So, what are we talking here? Short novel? Kafka length or longer? Dos Passos, Tolstoy? Or longer? Robert Musil? Proust? I'm not throwing you with these names, am I?
JESS: You seem very obsessed with length.
LOGAN: I'm just trying to get a picture in my head, that's all.
RORY: It's a short novel.
The use of length is homoerotic. Despite Logan being classist Jess is still flirting with him.
LOGAN: (at Rory) Any good?
RORY: I haven't read it yet.
LOGAN: Yet? Well, at least you'll have one reader. That's something.
JESS: Yeah.
LOGAN: You know, I should just write down all my random thoughts and stuff that happens to me and conversations I have and just add a bunch of "he said, she said"-'s, and get it published. You got a copy on you?
LOGAN: You should send me a copy.
JESS: Sure. And where do I send it? The blond dick at Yale?
Ok so again the use of dick is very homoerotic. 
Jess is upset of course:
RORY: Jess, wait. (he stops and turns to look at her) Jess, I'm sorry.
JESS: We shouldn't have done this.
RORY: He's just in a bad way lately.
JESS: He's a jerk.
RORY: He was. In there, definitely. I'm so sorry.
JESS: I read that guy the second I saw him. I should have begged off.
RORY: Well, I didn't want you to.
So he read him, implies that Jess know Logan’s gay. He’s figured him out sexuality wise.
Theres more:
JESS: No, no. I mean with you. What's going on with you?
RORY: What do you mean?
JESS: You know what I mean. I know you better than anyone. This isn't you.
RORY: I don't know.
JESS: What are you doing? Living at your grandparents' place, being in the DAR, no Yale...why did you drop out of Yale?!
RORY: It's complicated.
JESS: It's not! It's not complicated.
RORY: You don't know.
JESS: This isn't you. This, you going out with this jerk, with the Porsche. We made fun of guys like this.
RORY: You caught him on a bad night.
JESS: This isn't about him. Okay, screw him. What's going on with you? This isn't you, Rory. You know it isn't. What's going on?
RORY: I don't know. I don't know.
So Jess being her mirror is acknowledged when he says he's knows her better than anyone.
Jess leaves and Rory and Logan fight:
LOGAN: Look, I'm sorry I came back early. I really messed things up here.
RORY: Jess wrote a book. He wrote a book, and you mocked him.
LOGAN: I did not mock him.
RORY: He's doing something.
LOGAN: Good. Fine. He's doing something. Everybody in the world's doing something. More power to him.
RORY: I'm not. I mean, what am I doing? I'm living with my grandparents.
LOGAN: That's temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: Temporary can turn into forever.
LOGAN: You're not living with the Gilmore’s forever.
RORY: I'm palling with my grandmother and being waited on by a maid. I come home, and my shoes are magically shined. My clothes are magically clean, ironed, and laid out. My bed is magically turned down. I'm in the DAR? I'm going to meetings and teas and cocktail parties?
Rory is having realization about her life because of what jess said to her. The fights not over yet:
LOGAN: Again, temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: And wasting my time partying and drinking, just hanging out doing nothing.
LOGAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. (he gets up) Don't pull me into this.
RORY: I didn't say anything about you.
LOGAN: Yes, you did. Don't make me feel guilty for your drinking and partying. That's your choice. I'm not forcing you. When I ask you out, you can say no
RORY: It's all we do.
LOGAN: It's not all we do.
RORY: It's all you do.
LOGAN: Well, it's my prerogative, you know. You're damn straight. I'm gonna party. I'm gonna do it while I have the chance because come June, my life is over.
RORY: Oh, yes, your horrible life. Let's hear about it.
LOGAN: Got a week?
RORY: You have every door open to you. You have opportunities that anyone would kill for, including me.
LOGAN: No one's stopping you from making whatever you want happen. Go into journalism. Go into politics. Be a doctor. Be a clown. Do whatever you want.
RORY: It's not as easy when it's not handed to you.
LOGAN: Really? It's all so easy for me? (getting upset) I don't want that life. It's forced on me. You talk about all these doors being open? All I see is one door, and I'm being pushed through it. I have no choice. You try living without options.
Logan is stuck within a heterosexual playboy idea of himself that isn’t him. And so he parties to cope.
RORY: How hard are you fighting it?
LOGAN: I didn't tell you to quit Yale. You did that. I gave you one month, you went beyond that month, and it had nothing to do with me. It was all you. Now, you want to change? Change it, but don't blame me. Don't you dare blame me. You know what? Why don't you go off with John, Jack, whatever his name is?
He's not claiming responsibility because he's an asshole, but also he doesn't know how to be a boyfriend because he's gay. He's uncomfortable with Rory relying on him emotionally because he's viewing it as romantic and the gay guy in him doesn't like that. Rory's comment about him fighting is the text is noting his struggle with compulsory heterosexuality. Rory leaves and as we know she does break up with him and jess comments to her bring her back to herself. 
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