#yeah is me again reacting to anderperry fics
poetrybypuck · 2 years
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Fic name: Pobres poetas (a quienes la vida y la muerte persiguieron) by saturnewaves
ESTOY GRITANDO INTERNAMENTE @saturnewaves me imagino el sueño en blanco y negro como Roma de Alfonso Cuarón y escucho los susurros de Neil en la madrugada acompañados del sonido de las olas en segundo plano. Bien cinematográfico el asunto.
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richietoaster · 3 years
cut me through my skin
hello im posting a fic yaaay surprise!!!
read on ao3
words: 1,030
TW: blood, vomitting, vomitting blood (its a vampire/werewolf universe okayyy)
read unformatted version below:
“Are you crazy?! You can’t feed on Stan!” 
A hungry, black-eyed Eddie is pulled away from the staircase that Stan is unconsciously leaning against. Richie struggles to hold him back.
“Let go-! I just need a little bit more-”
“When does it stop? What, huh?! You’re gonna kill him. You’re gonna kill him. This is what happens when you start drinking Live blood, and Stan is trying to help Bill!”
Eddie looks over to where Bill is lying at the bottom of the staircase, currently trapped in a dream world. He slumps down on their flipped living room couch. “I-I know, I’m sorry- I just.. Richie, try to understand. I’m a goddamn vampire.. I need- I need blood to survive! And I thought that I could be different, be better, but I just can’t, okay? I’m not cut out for this, okay? Bill has us trapped in our house all because he can’t get his fucking ghostly powers or whatever under control.. And that’s not even the worst part! I’m starving, you’ll be turning tonight, and Stan is a human.” 
Richie apologetically looks away, and then sighs heavily, beginning to take his watch off. Eddie looks at him curiously. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m being brave.. For all of us..” Richie holds out his arm to Eddie, and makes a fist. “Go ahead,” he tries to encourage, but he sees Eddie hesitate. “Come on, Eds.”
“Wh-? No, I can’t.”
“Well, you don’t really have any other option.”
“Vampires don’t drink from werewolves,” Eddie says.
“Why? Do we smell or something?”
“Yeah, actually! We’ve always taken the smell as a warning.”
Richie rolls his eyes. “That- That’s a thing? Like a legit thing? Eddie for fucks sake, if this is some type of weird vampire-”
“What? No, it’s just something we don’t fucking do. We have never done that.” Eddie shoves Richie’s arm away, but Richie pushes back.
“I have blood, you need blood, and you can’t drink from Stan- at least without permission.. Listen..” Richie crouches down in front of Eddie, holding his face. “I’m strong, alright? I can handle it. You need blood to survive, those are your own words.” He holds out his arm once more, “just do it.. And before I change my mind.”
Eddie takes in a deep breath and nods slowly, hand clasping over Richie’s fist. He’s ready to sink his fangs into Richie’s flesh but immediately pulls back.
“Oh, come on-”
“It’s the smell!”
“I’m gonna fucking change my mind-”
“Alright, alright, give me a se- give me a second!” Eddie shakes his shoulders out once more and then lunges forward to begin feeding. 
Richie is shocked at how it actually doesn’t hurt that bad, but before he can start his thought process of how he feels about all of this, Eddie stops, giving a very specific look, and wipes a stray blood droplet from his mouth, “It.. it tastes different.”
“D-Different? Different how?.. Do you think it’s because of the movie theater popcorn from-” Richie doesn’t finish his sentence before Eddie is diving back in for more. He hisses in pain- or pleasure? No, he doesn’t really know, it’s somewhere in between. A mix. All he knows is Eddie is getting what he needs from this, and Richie is.. getting.. Hard? Oh. Oh fuck.
Eddie pulls back for the last time, “Oh, god,” he gets up to pace around the living room, “I need to walk away.”
“Was it bad?” Richie asks. “It was bad.”
“No! It was good.. Too good..” Eddie bounces on his feet as if he’s experiencing an adrenaline rush. “I’m tingling. Like all over. Oh, man, I’ve never felt more alive despite not actually being alive.”
“Okay, so we’re- so we’re glad we drank me?”
“It’s just- I barely even touched you!”
“Well, I’m assuming that’s a good thing-” as if Karma had second thoughts, Eddie is buckling over, beginning to gag. “Eds, you okay?”
Eddie answers by throwing up the blood he had just drank from Richie.
After a couple minutes of Eddie puking blood and bleeding from his eyes, Richie is holding a warm wet towel on his forehead. “What.. What the fuck was that? Was that like, an allergic reaction or something?”
“What? No, Rich. That’s because I fucking drank werewolf blood. I told you we don’t do that- and it seems like that’s why.. Maybe I can go ask Pennywise if he’s ever-”
“-You said you would never go back to him, Eddie.” Ouch. The whole name.
“I’m not going back to him. But he is my maker and if he can give me an answer about why your blood caused me to react like that.. Then I’d really appreciate it. Because just seconds ago I thought I was going to die.”
Richie grins sheepishly, “But you didn’t.”
Eddie laughs. “No, no I didn’t.”
“Do you regret it then? Are you still hungry?”
“No and no. I don’t regret it and my appetite hasn’t changed. I still feel full, surprisingly. Just don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.” Eddie leans back onto the wall, legs spread, and lets out a sigh. “It just seems like anytime we make progress of.. Of being normal, we’re thrown three steps back.” He locks eyes with Richie, they’re screaming “HELP!” And they both know it. Eddie chuckles dryly. “We’ll never be normal, though, will we? We’re always going to be stuck.. We’re always going to be monsters, aren’t we? I just.. I just can’t slip again.”
“Hey.. hey.. Don’t talk like that, okay? You’re a monster with morals. You didn’t choose this life.. But you’re trying to make the best of it, right? We’re all trying. You’ve got me.. Me and Bill by your side. And maybe even Stan, if he doesn’t completely hate you for drinking him nonconsensually..” Richie looks over to Stan. He’s worried about him and Bill, but there’s nothing he can do about their situation. “We’ll..” He trails off, slowly moving his hand towards Eddie’s, “We’ll figure it out, yeah?”
Eddie’s eyes follow the motion, and copies it, linking their fingers together. “Yeah.. we will,” he says. It’ll just take some time.
kept some of my og tags but added those who asked to be added in!:
@eds-trashmouth @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @s-s-georgie @tinyarmedtrex @are-you-reddie-for-it @richietoizer @richietczier @tk-strand @gczebos @your-mother-and-i-are-separating @derrylosers @thepurplepanther  @tastytozier @melkene @whysthatsofuckingfunnydickwad @its-stranger-than-you-think @legally-devorak @s-onora @becauseweredeltairlines @lifesucksheres20bucks @soooobr @itmovieunofficial @tomhollandslefteyebrow @sloppybitchreddie @iwantmybloodonyourhands @pinkmedusa6 @fandomluvgirl @kelthehuman @panikki @ahhhhgh  @eddiessecondfannypack @rainbowrabblerouser @stellar-alley @thoughtfullyyoungduck @k4spbrak @bi-bi-richie @bastardchildsbestfriend @sloppybitchreddie @yes-dillman-yes @missing-my-bones @eddiegaspbrak @punkassrichie @1rememberme1 @trashmouthbae @studpuffin @anderperries @plattitude @wishupontheecastiel @tinystarscapes @im-sam-fucking-winchester @softmikehanlon @wolfhardsgrazer
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