#yeah I'm filled with hope
captainofwonder · 6 months
They told you to fix a world they couldn't but you realized you can't fix it with the broken, maliced soaked blocks they leave behind. So you choose to a different way, one that embraces the world and its impurities but you keep a block because to forget is to repeat.
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
you ever write several hundred words of nothing but a character portrait of someone getting a bone crushing hug and trying to mentally deal with it in one single swoop of inpired writing and then step back and be like hm. so i'm a little bit touch starved maybe
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jils-things · 1 month
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by the lighthouse.
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vole-mon-amour · 7 months
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here and here
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Dave is a treasure.
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Went for a walk but instead of touching grass I started thinking of phones and man I'm so fucking Curious and Hyped to see the Roger route especially to see how different he is from his counterpart in DSaF.
After all, in that universe it really seems that the only thing that made Roger get his shit together after his wife left him and he dropped off med school and shit was fucking Dying and getting to now be Someone Else (see: Scott) but now everyone is already a phone so that possibility is off the table which makes me wonder, is this Roger just not miserable or is there a brand new thing that he found to get his life relatively together?
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despairforme · 2 months
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sleepinglionhearts · 11 months
Man, just saw a post about it, but renewed my frustration over work nonsense yesterday
Being like, oh, cool! It's disability pride month! We get to switch the displays in the store! I wanna make a really cool display right up front!!
Getting a cart to go start selecting books from our wide array of children's books, picture books, YA novels, adult fiction, nonfiction, etc that I know feature disabled characters and people and that I've seen sitting on the shelves for a while, our previous book buyer was always suuuuuper vocal about finding books w disabled characters, after all, representation just MATTERED SO MUCH to her,
And then being absolutely dumbfounded when we BARELY HAVE ANYTHING outside of characters w ADHD/Autism. MAYBE anxiety. PERHAPS a character has cancer. THE FAINTEST SUGGESTION of a wheelchair in one book. Huntington's? Question mark? In another? Conditions resulting in disfigurement/amputation? The concept could possibly exist in this book, uhh.. maybe...... anything else? Ha! Not on these shelves I fucking guess?!
Like.... we have a ton of books w queer rep! Different body types! Different skin tones! Teach your toddler about social justice! Transgender characters! Nonbinary characters! The alphabet but we're making it gay! At least one book, I think, with asexual characters! But no, we don't have our self-empowerment books anymore or the little guide to sexuality and disability, we have Buddhist monk advice for anxious people, but nooooo we DON'T have that cool book that talked about disability activism anymore, and definitely not in time for July!
I know she and I were at odds before she left, and I know my specifically putting "National month of..." prompts up on my desk calendar after she expressed it was "so difficult to find out what each month is the month of!" probably really irritated her, but I'm like. Appalled that she hadn't been ordering to restock for disability pride month since she always made such a big deal about having books like that in the store.
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mayathescientist · 6 months
I'm not gonna try to do less shitty takes of these, theyre quite old anyway..
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also I'm not going to explain this, at least in the post
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thefirstknife · 2 years
The God-Wave and the Witness
I've recently been seeing an increase in confusion in regards to the new lore from The Witch Queen about the Hive siblings, the God Wave and the new reveals that all of it was orchestrated by the Witness.
Some even go as far as to say that this was a retcon from how it was described in the Books of Sorrow. That is incorrect. The accusation of retcons comes from a misunderstanding of both old and new lore. I want to clarify this for people who might be genuinely confused. People were confused at the time of release as well, but I thought that with time, this would become clearer? Apparently it didn't and there's still confusion about it.
The new reveal in the cutscene with Ikora and the worm is here. The same dialogue is repeated in Resonant Fury Plate lore, but with additions that I will highlight:
—-It delays our desires so that it may seek its own. These frail siblings… will soon be claimed by the Light. Unless we claim them first. Our whispers were fed to a weak mind. But we have watched these siblings. These children of the king. They are brave minds. Clever minds. Ambitious minds. Yet unsullied by the weakness of aging that plagues their kind.—-
"Then what compels them to hear our whispers?"
—-Desperation. We will tell the most cunning sibling of a cataclysm. A prophecy… of great loss. We will feed her fear. Her pride. We will say… Young Sathona. The end is coming. A great cataclysm. A God-Wave. In the Sky… there is only death. But salvation… lies in the Deep. Lead your sisters down. Your cunning will spare their short lives. And you… will be reborn. The Witch Queen… Savathûn.—-
People seem to be interpreting this as if there was a retcon about which of the siblings first spoke of the Syzygy, aka the incoming apocalyptic event on the Fundament. In Books of Sorrow:
My father died afraid. Not of vile Taox or the Helium Drinkers, but of his orrery. He screamed to me —
“Aurash, my first daughter! The moons are different! The laws are bent!”
And he made the sign of a syzygy.
Imagine the fifty-two moons of Fundament lining up in the sky. (It wouldn’t take all fifty-two, of course: just a few massive moons. But this is my deepest fear.) Imagine their gravity pulling on the Fundament sea, lifting it into a swollen bulge…
Imagine that bulge collapsing as the syzygy passed. A wave big enough to swallow civilizations. A God-Wave.
In Books of Sorrow, the Osmium King learned of the syzygy from the worm familiar and then told Aurash, the eldest sibling, about it. Aurash became obsessed with it almost as much as the Osmium King, but didn't know when the syzygy would come:
I have to find a way to stop it. Before the God-Wave annihilates my species. If I could only get back into my father’s orrery, I could learn exactly when!
This is important. At this point, nobody knew when the syzygy would strike. Osmium King was later assassinated and his children had to flee. These bits are important.
You see, the Witness acknowledges that the whispers were first fed to a "weak mind." Aka the Osmium King. The worm familiar was first his and he was not able to fully understand the whispers of the worm and he never fulfilled what the Witness wanted. The knowledge of the syzygy is still coming from the Witness, via the worm familiar, first to the Osmium King. The Witness also acknowledges that it watched his children and that they are brave, clever and ambitious, but also desperate. The Witness shifted its words to them now.
The same Books of Sorrow chapter also has Aurash acknowledging that Sathona always has a clever plan and "mad ideas" that get them out of trouble. Weeks into their travel away from home, Aurash says:
But more and more we have come to rely on Sathona’s wit. She will go off to be alone (she insists she must be alone) and return with some mad idea — steer into the storm, throw down a net, eat that strange beast, explore that menacing wreck.
Somehow Sathona seems to manufacture good luck by sheer will.
Aurash doesn't know it at this point, and the readers don't know it either, but Sathona has taken the worm familiar. She is getting these "mad ideas" from the worm. She is not manufacturing good luck by sheer will, she is being led, by the whispers of the worm. Sathona reveals this in her own chapter in the Books of Sorrow, immediately following the previous one:
1. It was my father’s familiar. I ripped it from him as we fled. It is a dead white thing, segmented, washed up from the deep sea. 2. It’s dead, but it still speaks to me. It says: listen closely, oh vengeance mine…
She also specifies that everything she told her sisters to do was directed by the worm: she says that she "knows where to find secrets," "knows where vast slow things with long memories live," "knew it [the needle ship] would be there," and that she "knows its purpose" and "what happened to the crew." She also lies to her siblings and contradicts Xi Ro who wants to sell the ship. Instead, Sathona insists that they should use it to dive into the Fundament. This is in agreement with Aurash who wants to get into the ship and command it. Sathona says:
Aurash wants to open the ship and see if we can take command of it. I know this is the right thing to do. I know because I asked the worm…
Another important part is at the start of this chapter where Sathona specifies that at the point of her writing her chapter, they've been traveling for a YEAR:
This year of wild voyaging, these lightning nights and golden days, these forays into ancient wrecks and windblown flights from monsters: these are the happiest times of my life.
Next chapter of the Books of Sorrow also states the following (Sathona speaking):
“We three will die here, in exile. Taox will outlive us. And Aurash, brilliant-eyed Aurash, you will die of old age long before you have proof of your God-Wave, or any way to stop it.”
Why does this matter? Well, a full year after the death of the Osmium King and after a full year of traveling, Aurash still doesn't have either proof of the God-Wave or a plan to stop it. Yes, Aurash first heard of the God-Wave from the Osmium King, but didn't have proof, had no clue when it would happen and had no idea how to stop it or escape it.
For a full year of voyaging, it was Sathona who was talking to the worm. The worm was telling her all sorts of things, things that Aurash believed were just good luck that Sathona was manufacturing by "sheer will." For a year, the Witness was speaking to Sathona, giving her directions, telling her how to survive, where to find the needle ship, where the Worm gods live and to dive into the Fundament.
Obviously, in Books of Sorrow we didn't know that it was the Witness speaking through the proxy of the worm familiar. But we knew, from the Books of Sorrow, that Sathona, aka Savathun, was being given instructions on the syzygy, the God-Wave, where to find the Worm gods and how to reach them in order to escape both the God-Wave and their own mortality through that worm familiar.
It's really confusing to me why people think this is a retcon. Yes, Aurash, aka Oryx, was the first sibling to hear about the syzygy from the Osmium King. But Oryx didn't engage with the syzygy or the God-Wave further; he wanted to go back to their father's orrery to learn more and for a full year still had no new information about the God-Wave or how to stop it. Savathun did. It's directly explained in the Books of Sorrow that she spent a full year being fed whispers telling her where to go.
This was further clarified in The Witch Queen, but not changed. Nothing was changed, it was just expanded that in the year of Savathun being given instructions, the Witness was feeding her fear and her pride and telling her more and more about the syzygy. The Witness also fully mentions that it tried the same with the Osmium King and that it didn't work.
Simplified order of events from the Books of Sorrow: Osmium King acquires the worm -> Osmium King learns about the syzygy from the worm -> Osmium King tells Aurash about the syzygy -> Osmium King dies -> Sathona takes the worm -> Sathona keeps the worm a secret for a year while it feeds her information the siblings need to survive -> Sathona uses the knowledge gained from the worm to lead her siblings to meet the Worm gods
Simplified order of events from the POV of the Witness: Osmium King acquires the worm -> Osmium King learns about the syzygy from the worm -> Osmium King dies and fails to fulfil the worm's purpose -> Sathona takes the worm -> The Witness uses a year of Sathona's time to feed her information and additional knowledge about the syzygy because she's smarter than her father -> Sathona fulfils the worm's purpose
Had Oryx thought to take the worm from the Osmium King, then the Witness would've told him all of this. But he didn't take the worm. Oryx simply heard about the syzygy from the Osmium King, didn't have time to learn more before his death and then Savathun secretly took the worm for herself.
Oryx still spent time trying to understand the syzygy and the God-Wave and tried coming up with a plan to stop it, but he didn't have access to the primary source of information about it; the worm. Savathun had it secretly. Oryx even noted that Savathun was often going off alone and insisted on being alone and then returned with "mad ideas." Meaning, she was off alone to secretly commune with the worm.
This is communicated fairly clearly as a sort of an early mystery in the Books of Sorrow and then explained by Savathun herself in her own chapter (which she also starts with "My secrets").
I feel like this bit in the Books of Sorrow about Savathun secretly communing with the worm alone for a year is often ignored or missed or misremembered. It's very direct in how it's told, specifically about how she suddenly appears with knowledge about the needle ship and the Worm gods and insists that they should dive, while in the meantime, Oryx is despairing about not even having proof that the God-Wave is happening. So yeah, Oryx was first of the siblings to be told about the syzygy by their father, but he had no connection to any of the actual important information about it because Savathun stole the worm and kept it secret. As she does.
Also note that the Witness' speech never says anything about Savathun being the first to ever find out about the syzygy. In the extended version from the lore tab, it states that the first to learn was the Osmium King, who failed, and then the Witness moved on to influence his children. Due to Savathun stealing the worm in secrecy for herself, the Witness couldn't reach Oryx so Oryx was left with only what his father said, which wasn't enough. Books of Sorrow specify that it wasn't even enough to know the basics, such as proof that it's happening at all. Savathun was always the sibling with the most information on the God-Wave.
Another point that's vaguely adjacent that I want to address as well is that this reveal... didn't feel like a true reveal to me. I loved the cutscene and all, but the point of the cutscene ("The Hive were lied to") was an obvious reading of the Books of Sorrow. I didn't expect that to be contentious, even in-universe. Yes, obviously, Books of Sorrow saying that the Traveler is causing the syzygy is bonkers. Traveler doesn't destroy entire planets. The Darkness does.
Furthermore, the Darkness has been consistently depicted as having gravity powers. Where there's gravitational anomalies, there's Darkness. The connection between Darkness, gravity and the Fundament has become exceptionally clear once Last Days on Kraken Mare released which went into out first proper view of what the Collapse was like and what exactly happened. Specifically, it details how the Darkness warped the moon Titan, then released it, causing it to undergo a devastating tidal wave that destroyed the Arcology. My post from 10 months before WQ released that mentions the Fundament as the first recorded instance of Darkness using gravity to destroy.
Like, that is a direct parallel to the Fundament. When this released, it was the final nail in the coffin for what really happened with the God-Wave. I genuinely didn't think that this would be treated as a huge reveal for The Witch Queen. Like, obviously, yes, the Darkness did that to the Fundament and blamed the Traveler to galvanise the Hive into destroying it.
I still loved the whole full official reveal with an absolutely incredible cutscene that still gives me chills. I think revealing things plainly and in an accessible way for everyone is the best course of action for something so important, instead of leaving it to connections between lore books that not everybody will read. I really loved that this was finally fully explained, unambiguously, as was the whole story of how the Hive were tricked. It also curbed all the edgelord theories about how the Traveler is actually evil and the Traveler did that to the Hive.
This confuses me even fruther then when people are saying there's a retcon or that it's a contradiction. The lore around the Books of Sorrow, the Fundament, the Hive and their connection to the Darkness' lies (as directed by the Witness) is one of the most solid pieces of writing in the entire game.
It's the type of lore that has always been written so well and so clearly in line with other lore that it was really easy to take hints from it and understand where the narrators were deceived. Yes, the siblings were told by the Worm gods that the Traveler is causing the destruction of their home and they forced the siblings into an eternal pact in order to make them go hunt down the Traveler for all eternity.
Meanwhile, every other lore ever is showing that the Traveler is not the type to destroy anything and clearly the Darkness it the bad guy here so obviously, the Worm gods lied to the Hive. It's what made reading Books of Sorrow so tragic and ultimately, well, sorrowful. You're kinda expected to conclude that the Hive were the victims of their circumstances who were tricked by malicious forces into doing the bidding of someone else.
I'm glad The Witch Queen fully confirmed that and explained it so beautifully and tragically. It's a fascinating piece of Destiny universe history that ties the power and intent of Darkness across time and space, from the Hive to humans and beyond.
#destiny 2#hive#witness#darkness#lore vibing#long post#every so often i genuinely see this take#and often it's just people being confused. which is normal! there's a lot of stuff here#and books of sorrow are big and also old#but they're still relevant! and they help us fill in the blanks with this specific event#the new reveal worked directly with the books of sorrow. it didn't contradict them#i'm baffled to see people claim otherwise#you're fine if you just didn't know. that's expected and i hope anyone who didn't know understands things better!#my confusion is with people who claim to be experts and say this. especially books of sorrow enthusiasts#like i've seen self-proclaimed lore experts saying that this is contradicting books of sorrow#and no? it clearly isn't? like. it's right there in the chapters. savathun was always in charge of the worm familiar#oryx only knew what his father said#my guy didn't even have proof that it's real. meanwhile savathun was having secret zoom meetings with the worm for a year#it's actually adorable that he believed his sister is so smart that she was just manufacturing information and good luck for them#oryx vc: 'yeah my sister goes off alone and then comes back with strange instructions that make no sense. she is so smart :)'#savathun: 'get a load of this guy. i am talking to a worm bro. our father's worm! i took it! it's telling me things!'#honestly if they just listened to xivu arath none of this would've happened. absolute dumbasses (complimentary)
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Thank you so much for answering my question! I'm kinda new to fanfiction (not that I didnt know it existed but I literally have never seen or engaged with any until like a month ago lol) and so I just wanted to get your perspective on something I dont really understand yet. I'm autistic so I guess sometimes it's just hard for me to see/imagine characters as anything but how they are in canon, but I understand that it would be totally boring to write fanfic that only follows canon! I kinda see fanfic as that writers version of the character, like that's your specific version of Dabi and other writers have their versions of Dabi and maybe they're completely different 🤔 and I guess in my head it made more sense to me to just make a new character to make them exactly how you want and then you wouldn't have to worry about canon at all lol (because my mind wont let me see characters differently sometimes) but I get it now that you explained :) so if you dont mind me asking in your au's what happened differently in dabi/ touyas life to make him a sexual person? In canon I dont really see Dabi as a sexual person like he couldn't be bothered with relationships or anything sexual, like I almost see him as being asexual. So what kind of changed for him in your au's to make him more sexual and willing to have relationships? And thanks again for taking the time to explain for me, I really appreciate it 😊💕
hello again!! c: oh i’m glad i could help! <3 i mean, ultimately, just like all other fiction, it’s all personal preference. some people only like to read in-canon fic and some people only like to read AUs and some people like both, etc etc etc and it’s all totally and completely fine! i think you seeing fanfic as that specific writer’s version of a character/characters makes complete sense and, in a way, is also true—we are each expressing our own interpretations of him! so i absolutely get where you’re coming from there c: and i think your reasoning for being confused makes sense, too!
oh that’s a good question! unfortunately, i don’t have an answer for you, though, because i personally have always interpreted canon dabi as someone who would use casual sex (and drugs!) to try (and fail) to fill the gaping void in his chest. it is 100% fine if you disagree with me, and i will always encourage anyone to interpret any character however they’d like to. the beauty with art and fiction is that there’s technically no wrong answer to a lot of this stuff—if you personally see dabi as someone who is asexual, then he is asexual! if i see him as a sexual being, then he is a sexual being! we can have our own conflicting views on him and who he is, because he isn’t real, and he can be whoever we want him to be. does that make sense? let me know if you have any other questions or something seems unclear and i will try my best to further explain myself! <3
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How to tell I'm genuinely pissed: A Guide
So, I swear pretty liberally when I can, but the thing that's funny about that is a few years ago I would not have been able to. Due to my... intense Christian upbringing I wasn't able to bring myself to swear until maybe 4 years ago or so? First time I said shit on accident (which I may have just thought it, can't remember) I started profusely apologizing to God cause I was worried it'd get me a ticket to hell. All that fun stuff.
But the one thing that I've never been able to break out of swearing wise is not saying, "Oh my God," "Goddamn," or "Jesus Christ." Stuff like that. Mostly because of how one of the 10 Commandments directly says to not take God's name in vain, and because of that I can't bring myself to do it. So besides when I'm quoting something or reading out dialogue I can't ever bring myself to say those.
Except for just now, in which I have learned that anti choice assholes who try to make a point with a post that was talking about AN ONGOING GENOCIDE can make me actually say those.
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avvocarlo · 9 months
god I hate asshole 4wd owners
#i was in this little subdivision where you can grab some lunch or go to the iga/chemist etc#I'mwith a client walking back to the car#then i hear this bloke's voice like HEY HEY!!! HEY!#so I'm looking around at the sound a bit confused but figured maybe there was a parking or give way type issue with the cars#i then see this bloke walk up to a qml car (pathology organisation with the cars usually doing the in home samples)#taps on their window and is all OH so you like to be in a rush huh?? with that I'm smiling but seething and ready to attack you kind of tone#he's this sorta wiry 30s bloke with the cropped beard and dickhead hair#you know the type that there's a million of here and a good amount are total pricks. he looked short too. Manlet rage#and it's a lady in the car who looks pretty small idk what age but she'd obviously be feeling uncomfortable#I'm looking at what is happening and he's yelling at me WHAT ARE YA LOOKING AT#i go 🤨 he yells it again louder so i just give him the finger and keep walking#idk what he said but it was the all OH Yeah OF COURSE kinda vibe. like everyone against me I'm always right type etc#not sure what he did after that but the QML lady went to the qml office and i saw sorta saw him pacing around angrily#like for all i know there's a reason behind all of this but nahhhh there's so many dipshit blokes like that here#rage filled 4wd owning tradie types that think people owe them the world#anyway i hope he didn't persue the lady or someone else after i left
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onlyblackcoffeez · 5 months
yeah so next time i'm at ois's i'll definitly see if he'd let me try another of his meds just to see whether it's a fluke or not lol
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An Observation:
This is only from a single instance of stumbling upon one, mind you, but... I think one of the really great things about Hazbin Hotel is that it's nearly impossible to even tell the difference between leaks and High End Fanart because if you find any artist who knows what they're doing with something like Hazbin or Helluva, it's pretty much always the same quality every time, so even if you stop and realize you're in the middle of being spoiled for a moment, because you think you're looking at fanart, you can always stop what you're doing and let yourself be surprised later? As it only dawns on you just how good all the fanartists making fanworks for this show actually are?
And I think this is because the majority of fanartists making High End Fanworks for Hazbin and Helluva ether already know that their work is High Quality enough to the point where they can make uniquely interesting often one of a kind fan merch to sell to pick up Shark Robots (understandable, Adult Cartoon don't really *NEED* to make High Quality Marketable Plushie when they're On A Budget...) slack. And I love them for that.
...Or, the rest of the artists making High End, High Quality Fanart, were so good that they already got recruited and hired to work on Hazbin and Helluva respectively, which is kind of in turn how we ended up with a lot of the fanon we now have for the show. And I love them for that.
This is mostly because the bitches who get Hazbin, and Helluva, get it. And the ones that don't, don't.
So yes, if you're posting leaks for Hazbin and Helluva, doom on you, there's a special place in hell for you and I'm blocking you.
Though, on the bright side, if you're confused and thinking you're just looking at fanart, even for a second, you technically cannot be spoiled from that.
And this is just to say: I think that the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Fandom(s) might just have THE GREATEST (albeit small) cluster of Actually Good Fanartists out there of all time [because most of them work(ed) on the show(s) to begin with.]
And for every obnoxious force in the universe trying to turn the broader reputation of these Fandom(s) into some disgusting fusion of Steven Universe and Five Night's At Freddies, I'm especially grateful to these handfuls of Hazbin and Helluva fanartists for just keeping the actual, core spirit of these shows Alive and keeping me sane.
That's all.
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nyan-bynary · 10 months
I think it would be nice if he like loses it and yells like one time though fjdjfjddjj
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illgiveyouahint · 1 year
oh boy wish us luck 1st round of our presidential elections has started
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