#yeah I’m not doing myself because I’m sleepytired nd I got work tomorrow
not-a-birb · 2 months
i want answers for both your oc(s) AND you!!! 1, 2, 8, 13 💙
Girl imma be real I have no idea how to go about this so I’m just gonna wing it
1. Heck yeah she’s got stuffed animals. She has a little bear from like elementary named Red, but he’s not even red he’s like a grayish blue? She was a strange kid
2. Plant? No. Her thumbs are the farthest color from green, whatever that is. A kid? She’s always wanted one, but maybe in a few years, and she’ll figure it out from there, and she’ll be the best mom (angst time. she finds out she can’t have kids and is devastated. She and her husband adopt a little girl later, but we don’t have time to unpack all of that)
8. They frustrate her so much, but she will bulldoze her way through those puzzles and problems until they fit right. She doesn’t like being wrong and she won’t give in now.
13. Her mom was so insistent she knew she has worth. Being Latina and a woman in the sixties came with hardships and such, but her mamá made sure she held her head up and she could make it in whatever career she wanted. (ok so little about this, I can’t decide if I want to keep her a cis woman or gender fluid because they both have compelling options. But like. self insert much? (She started as one shhhh))
Okay now I wanna write about Astoria and you can’t stop me
1. Nope! She hates things touching her when she sleeps. If it’s not the pillow she sleeps on and the blanket around her she can’t sleep. Plus at this point of the apocalypse having a stuffed animal seems…frivolous. (we sort her out dw)
2. She likes succulents, sue her. She can tolerate animals if they don’t touch her, can probably take care of one but her team doesn’t want to take that risk. Also keep her 1000 feet away from kids, she doesn’t know how to interact with them and will end up freaking them out by telling them the best way to kill someone with a knife (harder than you think! humans don’t like dying of stab wounds, the nerve of them)
8. You can’t be second in command to the leader of an entire rebellion force without being really good at problem solving. She’s got those puzzle boxes in her quarters she messes with in her spare time for funsies. Yeah they’re intriguing, like maybe a little bit /s
13. It’s not necessarily a good thing her father taught her, but showing feeling is a weakness. She shunned this lesson at first, but with all of her mistakes she made by following her heart taught her he was right. After she (accidentally Kevin come on) caused the apocalypse she feels she doesn’t have the right or the privilege of showing or having complex feelings except to get revenge and fix her world, or die trying
And that’s all she wrote folks! This was fun actually, I didn’t know some of these things about my own characters before I started writing this; muses work through mysterious ways
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