metalcatholic · 2 years
surprised I haven’t heard people talking about that woman, Yareni Rios-Gonzalez. She was pulled over by the cops for suspected road rage. They put her in the back of the police cruiser and searched her car for weapons. Except the cop car was parked on train tracks. The cops happened to just not hear an oncoming train (?) so this poor women was trapped in the back of a car as the train collided with vehicle. Miraculously she lived with serious injury. The footage is awful and I have no idea if the cops will face any charges or disciplinary action.
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midnightfunk · 2 years
As the officers searching the truck discussed whether or not Rios-Gonzalez might have tossed a gun out a window before she pulled over, a train’s horn can be heard in the distance. But it took the two officers at least 15 seconds to notice it, the video footage shows.
One officer screamed an expletive as they realize a Union Pacific train is coming toward the parked patrol vehicle. The other yelled for his colleague to “stay back,” the footage shows.
The other Fort Lupton officer, who was standing near the Platteville patrol vehicle with Rios-Gonazlez inside, turned back and forth a couple of times as the train approached, police camera footage shows. He ultimately turned and ran for cover behind a Fort Lupton police car.
The footage shows the train slam into the Platteville police vehicle — its front passenger-side door still open — and push it several yards. The officers immediately called for help, saying a patrol car had been struck by a train.
If you have the stomach, there’s video footage.
Cops aren’t just bastards, they’re straight DUMBASSES
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tubymblr · 1 year
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Dibi yosun tutan denizlerle ilgilenme, sen dağları seyret. Yenik düşüyorsan özlemlerine aldırma, kalbindeki o uçsuz bucaksız sevgiyi hisset. Işıklar sönmüşse ve karanlıksa; ona da aldırma, ay ışığını seyret. Sabret.. sabret ki her şey hissettiğin kadar derin ve sonsuz olsun. Sabret ki her şey gönlünce olsun💙🫶🏻
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goldenguillotines · 10 months
If I posted an open.. anyone that people would wanna see?
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existingtm · 2 years
Holy shit
Why are so few people talking about what happened to Yareni Rios-Gonzalez??
It’s amazing she survived holy shit
Payed leave when those officers parked a police car on fucking train tracks with a cuffed woman inside and she ended up getting hit by the fucking train because of their unbelievable negligence
The video actually makes me sick
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
Sure looks like attempted murder to me.  There is zero reason to park on train tracks.
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rusruletti · 1 year
Hırkam hırkan olsun.
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barefootbaltimore · 2 years
They let a handcuffed woman get hit by a train while they watched.
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the-happy-man · 2 years
Video shows train hitting Colorado police car with person handcuffed inside
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piksel · 6 days
asker yareni olmama cok az kaldi siz de benimle birlikte aglar misiniz
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ephemeral-lace · 1 year
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The Queen's Court: Rococo Extravaganza
Reported by Chai Latte
We sat in tables at the garden, with friends from around the country. I was especially happy to see Yareni and Moemi at my table, friends I met when I went to Animex and Le Masquerade, along with many familiar faces from CDMX, Puebla, León and many more.
The evening began with a series of fun games which included Disney Karaoke, a Lolita Rap showdown, and a few others while we waited for the food to be served. The food was delicious, with both mixed and vegan options for the guests, unfortunately the kitchen was very far from where we were sat so it was cold and the flavors couldn’t be appreciated properly.
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tubymblr · 1 year
Sen tüm dünyaya başkaldırdığım bir dönemde teslim olduğum en güzel yenilgiydin.
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naefsunkar · 7 months
*🌹❤️🌹O GELİYOR🌹❤️🌹*
İçim içime sığmıyor....
Açıp penceremi bir şeyda bülbül gibi
Haykırasım geliyor...
🌧Ey yağan yağmur,
💨Ey esen rüzgar
🌹Sizlerden onun kokusu geliyor…
🌴Ey ağaçlar,
🕊Ey kuşlar
Kendi lisanınızca selam verin.
🤲🏻İbrahim'in (as) duası
✨İsa'nın (as) müjdesi,
🌙Hz.Amine'nin rüyası geliyor
🌿SIDDIKI EKBER'in Yareni geliyor.
🌿Osmanı Zinnureynin Kayınbabası geliyor.
🌿Ebu Turab'ın Ahiret kardeşi geliyor.
❤️Hz. Hatice'nin sevdası geliyor.
🌹Hz. Fatıma'nın babası geliyor.
🌹Hz. Hasan ve Hz. Hüseyin'in dedesi geliyor...
🔃Çıkıp sokaklarda dolaşasım geliyor..
İçim içime sığmıyor...
İnsanların kulaklarına fısıldayarak,
Diyesim geliyor.
❤️Bakışlarından deli divane demelerini umursamayarak ,
🌷Sen olmasaydın alemleri yaratmazdım diyen Allah'ın (cc) habibi geliyor...
Vallahi bir elime Ay'ı 🌙bir elime Güneş'i ☀️verseniz ben davamdan vaz geçmem diyen Peygamber geliyor..🌹
❤️Alemlere Rahmet Geliyor...
Gel ki ...
🌹kokun heryanı sarsın.....
Gel ki ...
🌹mansurun gülleri açsın ....
Gel ki ...
☺️yetimlerin yüzü gülsün...
Gel ki ....
😌mazlumların çileleri bitsin.....
Gel ki ....
ayağının tozuyla kavlü mekan şerefgah bulsun....
Gel ki ...
Namus-u Ekber yeryüzüne insin.....
Gel ki ....
Allah (cc) sana vasıflarından versin...
Hoşgeldin Ya Rasulullah...🌹
Hoşgeldin Ya Habiballah...🌹
Hoşgeldin Ya Nebiallah...🌹
Selatu selam olsun sana...🌹
Umutlarım tükeniyor ...
Sonra kalkıp buldunduğum yerde secdeye kapanıp...
Allah'la aramızda hiçbir perde bırakmadan secdedeyim...
Sonra şehadet parmağımı kaldırıp tecdidi iman niyetiyle...
🌿Diyerek umutlarımı yeşertiyorum...
Gel ey gönüller sultanı gel....🌹
Sonra içime hüzün çöküyor...
Omuzlarım düşüyor...
Sesim kısılıp...
Olduğum yere yığılıyorum...
İçime baktıkça...
Kibir ve gururdan örmüş olduğum kisranın sarayını ...
Şehvett, arzu ve isteklerimle doldurmuş olduğum save gölünü ...
İçimde yanan mecusinin ateşini...
Putlaşan nefsimi görüyorum...
🌹Gel ki ...
içimizdeki kisranın sarayı nurunla yıkılsın....
🌹Gel ki ...
save gölü kurusun ...
Semave deresi taşsın...
🌹Gel ki ...
mecusinin ateşi sönsün...
Aşkın ateşi yansın...
🌹Gel ki ...
putlaşan nefsimiz yıkılsın...
🌹Es Salatu Ve’s-Selamu Aleyke Ya Rasulallah!
🌹Es Salatu Ve’s-Selamu Aleyke Ya Habiballah!
🌹Es Salatu Ve’s-Selamu Aleyke Ya Nûre Arşillah!
🌹Es Salatu Ve’s-Selamu Aleyke Ya Hayra Halgillah!
🌹Es Salatu Ve’s-Selamu Aleyke Ya Seyyidel Evveline Vel Ahirin!
Amin velhamdülillahi rabbil’alemin🤲🏻
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basedandhygienic247 · 2 years
Tw for graphic video.
An American police officer parked his car on train tracks, and a woman was near fatality injured. He is on paid administrative leave.
Here are people's thoughts.
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Most of the comments are along the lines of 'how stupid','how reckless', 'how negligent'.
Why do people find it so difficult to open their eyes and see how cruel men are ? He clearly did it on purpose. He was trying to scare her. He wanted to hurt her. How can people know that men especially police officers, disproportionately use their power to abuse people and not have a light bulb go off in their brain.
Wake the fuck up. Stop trying to rationalise male cruelty and violence against women.
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cirkinkurbagaprenses · 8 months
Bi askeri kurgu okumuştum. Kızın sevgilisi asker, sürekli uzun süreli görevlere gidiyor. Kız sürekli dönülmeyeceğini bilsede mesaj atmayı bırakmıyor. Bunu sadece kitaba özel sanıyordum. Kendim yaşayınca anladım. Gerçekten askerler ansızın habersiz ortadan kaybolabiliyormuş. Sizde eliniz yüreğinizde bekleyeduruyormuşsunuz. Sırf bi iyiyim mesajı gelsin diye. Ama kızın sevgilisiydi benim değil. Ben neyi bekliyorum bilmiyorum. Asker yareni olmak çok zor üzmeyin onları..
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lizdana06 · 3 months
Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976, in Cupertino, California. The company's initial goal was to develop and sell personal computers. Over the years, Apple has evolved into one of the most influential and successful technology companies globally. With a commitment to innovation and design, Apple has expanded its product range to include iconic devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Macintosh computers, and Apple Watch. The company's present perfect journey has seen it revolutionize the consumer electronics and software industries, setting new standards for user experience and technological integration.
Important Achievements:
• Apple has revolutionized its product lineup by transitioning from Intel processors to its custom-designed Apple Silicon chips. This strategic move, initiated in 2020, has allowed Apple to exert greater control over the integration of hardware and software, resulting in impressive performance improvements and energy efficiency across Mac devices.
• Implementation of App Tracking Transparency: In 2021, Apple implemented App Tracking Transparency in iOS 14.5, a significant achievement that reflects the company's unwavering commitment to user privacy. This feature empowers users to control and manage which apps can track their activities across various platforms, setting a new standard for digital privacy within the technology industry.
Recent Achievements:
• Apple has been advancing its Apple Silicon technology, with ongoing efforts in designing and optimizing custom processors. The company has been progressively enhancing performance, power efficiency, and overall user experience through iterative updates, reinforcing its commitment to pushing the boundaries of hardware innovation.
• Iterating iOS with Privacy Enhancements: In recent years, Apple has been consistently iterating its iOS operating system with a focus on privacy enhancements. The company has been actively refining and introducing features that give users more control over their personal data, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to fostering a secure and private digital environment.
López moreno Yareni Dessiré.
Téllez Vazquez Claudia Tonantzin.
Torres Rodríguez Lizeth Danae.
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