#yandere mard geer tartaros
animeyanderelover · 1 year
I have two requests, one were the generation of miracles plus kagami were reader think’s the boys are cheating on them, how the reader reacts is up to you. The second one is a headcanon of Tartaros from fairy tail. If only one interest you, you can ignore the other.
So, I wasn’t sure if you meant Mard Geer Tartaros or the guild but to be safe, I decided to go with the guild. Only the ones who’re actually more human though. Everything else would make me uncomfortable. Most of them are sadistic anyways.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, manipulation, isolation, degradation, touchiness, blackmailing, sabotage, violence, sadism, abduction, torture, death
Yandere Tartaros Hc’s
Mard Geer Tartaros
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📖Mard Geer has thrown away his own emotions for the sake of prioritizing his intellectual and collected side first. He shouldn't be able to feel anything anymore. He's thrown out of his composure though when an unexpected factor manages to make it's way into his life. This unseen variable happens to be a human who successfully stirs up the emotions inside his chest he thought he had freed himself from. Mard Geer exhibits shock, awe and even anger as he has a short outburst, lashes out and dangers are that he ends up torturing some of his subordinates out of rage. Chances are that he considers killing you but something inside of his chest aches when he imagines your corpse. He can't go through with that so instead he just decides to take you. He's possessive and very prideful, doesn't let anyone in Tartaros insult him for essentially keeping a human as his lover as he refers to you as his personal toy or pet. Most of the time you're solely kept away for his own pleasure and eyes though, isolated.
📖 Mard Geer is also rather sadistic and often likes to play with you. He finds your belief in hope amusing and probably has his fun feeding you with false hope only to see the crushed look on your face when you realize that all has been according to his plans. He enjoys inflicting physical and mental pain on you and has no doubts to punish you when you did something wrong. Without a doubt he's a rather controlling individual as he keeps you most of the time on a tight leash and has a set of rules for you which he expects you to follow. He can be very degrading if he wants to be as he belittles you for your humanity. The Etherious views you because of your humanity as a being under him, convinced that he's superior and expects you to know of your worth too.
📖 The founder of the guild is unwilling to show any sort of impulsive emotions nor any indication that he feels genuine affection. He refuses to let others think that he has a soft spot for a human and is probably not used to experiencing jealousy. He's essentially more possessive than jealous though as something irritates him deeply when one of his subordinates tries to get in contact with his darling. He punishes subordinate and his darling though. To avoid any triggers, he tends to keep his s/o locked away from others with him as the only one who looks out for them. If he's feeling jealous than it is because his hidden desire to experience a bit affection from you shows itself when he catches you being nice to someone else. He's in a sour mood afterwards, possibly irritated enough to kill someone if the person doesn't hold too much value for his plans.
📖 He has no consideration for others, humans are just insects in his eyes and the demons of his guild listen to him since he's one of the strongest from them, basically their leader. If someone gets too close to his s/o, he either kills them immediately or tortures them. It all depends on how much he needs the person for his plans. Mard Geer doesn't hesitate to take lives though, something he lets you know of too. It's a way to blackmail you into behaving, especially since he threatens to remove your friends and family if you don't dance after his music. He isn't joking and you are aware of that.
📖 If he can't kill you, he'll take you. It's as easy as that. You're kept in the Cube, a place from which you can't escape as it is about impossible for you. It doesn't mean that Mard Geer sometimes plays mindgames and lets you believe that you can. You're most of the time stuck and isolated from the other Etherious though with Mard Geer as your only source of social interaction. The man is basically your caretaker since you can't take care of your basic needs whilst being locked away in a room. There's sick enjoyment over that fact for him and he likes to remind you that he provides anything for you if you act up a bit too much for his liking.
📖 He uses his Thorn Curse when you try to run away and makes sure to wound you physically enough so that you won't be able to try anything for a few weeks. He likes to brag in front of you when he's feeling extremely arrogant and secretly hopes that you'll show him any sign of awe. He occasionally shows his intelligence when he has conversations with you and mentions here and there pieces of knowledge to you. He tends to get motivated and more talkative when he notices that you're actually listen to him. On rare occasions when he feels very full of himself, he actually has you tagging along and shows you off to the other demons in Tartaros. That doesn't mean that any of them are allowed to touch or hurt you though.
Silver Fullbuster
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☃️ Actually one of the tamer Yandere to have from the Tartaros guild which is mainly thanks to his jovial and calm personality. Silver is rather lucid about his obsessive feelings and it’s likely that he harbors guilt for it. His life style isn’t exactly suited for his darling, he knows that he’d only involve them into unnecessary troubles. Silver is very protective though since he already lost his wife to Deliora during the attack so many years ago. The Dark Mage wants to at least guarantee that no such demise will befall his darling so he definitely stalks them and patrols the region they live in to make sure that nothing dangerous comes even near their place. Silver never mentions you to others for good reasons and tries to be as casual as he can about his increased absence.
☃️Mard Geer is probably one of the first to find out. Silver has a switch in personality if one of the demons tell him that they might take a look at you out of curiosity, he becomes incredibly intimidating and threatens them. Silver is quite good in hiding his obsession if he happens to get in contact with his darling. He’s amicable and charming, expresses a chivalrous side to you that is sure to flatter you. He’s most of the time relatively easygoing and relaxed, has no interest to interfere greatly with your life. Silver is much more possessive than he lets on though so whilst he probably isn’t in a rush to pursue you and court you, he won’t let anyone else have you either. So if you wonder why possible admirers suddenly avoid you, it’s his doing. He knows that he’s doing the wrong thing but Silver just can’t help himself.
☃️Making Silver jealous is a rather unpleasant thing to witness, at least for the person who pokes around his patience. Silver likes to act like an adult instead of falling into petty jealousy but that mindset doesn’t help him when it happens. He doesn’t lash out or anything like this but he produces a very cold aura which is sure to scare the average person. He’s even a bit condescending with his words which are harsher than necessary. His darling most likely ends up scolding him for his attitude later on and he might actually feel a bit guilty for the poor soul since he frightened them out of their skin. Most who had this experience don’t dare to approach you carelessly again though.
☃️Silver is definitely protective enough to justify murder when it comes down to it. He has already spent years avenging the death of his family after the attack of Deliora and now he spends his time additionally to protect you, a person who is still alive. The Ice Mage is ruthless when it boils down to the point of your safety. He goes easier on humans but the scare he gives them is already quite harsh and sure to leave lasting nightmares. That doesn’t protect them from Silver freezing them solid though. He’s rational enough to cover up his tracks though so you never know that he’s the one behind the murder.
☃️He’d like to avoid the option of kidnapping but if it ever comes down to it, he won’t keep you in the Cube. Silver is likely to kidnap you if you find out his true identity since he’s afraid that Mard Geer will let you have killed if you’d ever find out the truth. At the same time he wants you as far away from the other Tartaros members as possible so he will find an isolated place where he can keep you. He’s likely to use his Ice Magic to barricade the place so you won’t be able to leave. He doesn’t tie you down to the house though so you’re still allowed to walk around freely within the created limit of his magic. Silver is surprisingly nice and considerate, makes sure to give you whatever object you want.
☃️His darling is the one pure thing Silver has in his life now, he knows that he actually doesn’t deserve them with how soiled he is. They’re the person who makes his life after his resurrection worth something though so they’re very precious to him. Silver would actually be able to have a semi-normal relationship with his darling if he doesn’t kidnap them. He’s a good partner, somewhat playful and overall just really caring. He's often away though since he has his missions he needs to do for the Tartaros guild but he tries to make up for it with quality time when he comes back.
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🟢Like most other members of Tartaros, Kyoka has a sense of superiority since she’s an Etherious which is why she’s quite angered when she discovers the attachment she feels for a certain human. She’s likely to try to ignore it or even kill you in order to strengthen her feeling of being above humans. But as much as she enjoys torturing her s/o, she can’t manage to give them the last push that would be needed to kill them. So she decides to keep you. Kyoka is very possessive over her s/o, she constantly tells them that she owns them and that they’ll have to listen to her every demand if they want to avoid any punishment from her. Kyoka is still cruel enough to torture them for no reason since she’s just that sadistic. There’s no reassurance that she patches her darling usually up since it just means that she’ll be able to torture them very soon again.
🟢She’s very strict and has a tight set of rules for you and not following them means immediate punishment, Kyoka is unforgiving when it comes to her rules. If she asks you something, you have to answer honestly and it doesn’t matter to her if her questions make you uncomfortable. You’re kept a good portion of the day in a cell, all chained up and completely forced to rely on the female demon to take care of you. That said though, Kyoka will actually present you to other members of Tartaros if Mard Geer tells her to do so since she cares for the guild and their goals. She also has a fairly good relationship with Seilah so next to her, Seilah is highly likely to spend time with you. Although no one says that this time will be pleasant for you.
🟢Kyoka will definitely never admit to others that she feels jealous but it doesn’t change her more agitated mood and the sadistic side she shows primarily to you afterwards. Unless the other person is a subordinate of lesser worth, she can’t do much besides threatening other demons of Tartaros since most of her comrades are a part of the strongest. There’s no guarantee that she won’t attack if someone touches her possession too closely though. Her darling might learn to stick closer to the demon over time out of fear of her possessive jealousy since Kyoka hates when others think they can touch what is hers.
🟢Say goodbye to everyone who makes a wrong move on you and isn’t someone overly important to the plans. Kyoka tends to act before she thinks which shows that she tends to be more impulsive. She has no such thing as hesitation when it comes to taking lives either and it happens that she tortures someone for hours on end and forces you to witness everything. Her Pain Amplification is definitely used and you know best how gruesome and terrible her magic is since she uses it on you too.
🟢She definitely takes you after discovering that she doesn’t have it in her to kill you since she doesn’t want you to remain free. She’s so bitter and won’t grant you the privilege of living a carefree life whilst she has to live with the humiliation of harboring attachment for a human. She’s spiteful the first few days, probably denies you the healthy amount of nutrition and water just to make you suffer even more. When she calms down, things become the tiniest bit better but your living conditions are still absolutely terrible.
🟢Kyoka at least becomes more rational when her emotions don’t cloud her judgement as much anymore. Pain Amplification is only used on you when you did something wrong, for example breaking a rule. She rarely shows affection, most likely only lets an ounce of a tender side shine through when she thinks that you’re unconscious or asleep. Caressing you shortly before pulling shocked away when she realizes what she’s just done. The Etherious doesn’t want to acknowledge her feelings of affection for you yet it’s surprisingly Seilah who ends up trying to convince her that showing affection every once in a while to you isn’t that bad.
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💥Jackal shares the low respect for humans so he is anything but thrilled when he comes to the realization that he can’t kill his human darling. He’s prone to lashing out and letting his curse wrack havoc in the surroundings, not caring for the casualties he is bound to cause. At the same time Jackal is incredibly stubborn which ends in a gross possessive side as soon as he has made up his mind to just keep you then. The Etherious is cruel though which stems from his sadistic side. He enjoys toying around with his s/o physically and emotionally and has no qualms to admit that he loves their tearful and frightened expression. He has a weird fascination with you though, exhibiting a very obsessive curiosity which normally results in him asking you very intrusive questions. Whether you answer them or not doesn’t matter because in the end Jackal forces it all out of you.
💥He’s uncannily touchy and clingy though since Jackal enjoys being near you. I dare to say that he is the borderline of nice when he’s like this. The moment someone points that out though, he bristles against their claim and starts acting more rude and sadistic again. He’s too prideful to hear anyone mentioning that it seems like he has a soft spot for you. His softer side is expressed in his protective behavior too. He’s very quick to hiss and growl as soon as someone else from the Nine Demon Gates starts making sadistic remarks about you. He doesn’t want someone else hurting his darling and threatens everyone who even mentions on harming you. He’s not above attacking his own comrades either, especially Lamy might have been nearly killed by him due to her jealousy against you.
💥Jackal is jealous but Zeref forbid that he’s ever going to mention that. He won’t admit it out loud but he enjoys it when his darling is paying attention to him. On the other hand, his mood turns very fast sour when they pay attention to someone else and he isn’t one to even try to control his temper. He’s just snarling at you and the person you’re interacting with. Worst is that Jackal is prone to hold grudges for a long time so he needs time until he’s forgiven you somewhat. Time in which he might lash out on you with his sadistic side and his relationship with whoever provoked his jealousy is rather tense for a while after too.
💥Has literally no qualms to dabble in the cause of great casualties as he’s just in general a highly sadistic person. Jackal enjoys killing and torturing his opponents and due to him being possessive, everyone who threatens to take you away from him becomes automatically his opponent. He doesn’t even limit himself to the physical aspect of yours. If Jackal finds out that you have a human lover or crush, he is guaranteed to use his Bomb Curse on them too so there is no one in your heart either. He wants your heart to only have space for him even if that doesn’t necessarily have to be out of love at first. He shows pride when he ends lives all for his eerie obsession over you and isn’t shy to present you the dead body, or whatever is left after his explosions.
💥He’s going to take you and he’s going to keep you. There isn’t much to talk about in here. It's a simple and not so sweet abduction Jackal will put his darling through. The concept of being considerate and holding a bit back has yet to be learned from him so he'll definitely will be rougher with you than he needs to be. You can't avoid the scratches, bruises and the painful bump on your head. Jackal keeps his lover fairly isolated too and that is partly really just because of his terrible jealousy. He can probably be more nice about things but that all depends on his mood in that moment.
💥Jackal wishes for his darling to worship and adore him at least a bit at one point though so he can feel smug and arrogant about himself. He definitely enjoys physical affection and touches a lot but don't expect him to admit that anytime soon out loud. Even if Jackal tries to be tender though, he ends up being rougher anyways since he still has to fully understand that as a human you're more fragile than he is. Sometimes he just leaves bruises and marks on you simply as a way to show that he has already claimed you though.
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🌪️No matter how often Tempester might be revived by Lamy, there always will always be the knowledge that he needs to search for someone since otherwise he'll never be able to seal the hole inside of him. Congratulations, you are that one person Tempester is infatuated with so much to the point where his love is engraved in his body and not only his memories. Due to this indescribable longing, the Etherious is possessive over his darling and tends to keep them always in a place he knows. He'd probably like to keep them with him all of the time, doesn't necessarily trust the other Demon Gates when it comes to his human so he just locks them away for their own safety. Tempester, despite his upbringing, shows surprisingly much affection and protective feelings. He's actually one of the nicer demons to have even if he's still isolating you and keeps you for his own egotistical emotions.
🌪️Tempester is highly obsessive though, especially if he's revived and basically forgets everything. Only the deep knowledge that you're the person who makes him complete remains and the rest has to be brought back to him. Even without the revival story though you can expect him to express a somewhat disturbing curiosity when it comes to you. Your every interest and dislike interests him and he's so often staring at you, observing you, that you at one point think that you feel his eyes on you without even seeing him. He's a rather quiet individual so sometimes you don't even notice him standing somewhere which doesn't bother the demon too greatly as long as he knows that you're fine. A little bit of stalking hasn't hurt anyone after all.
🌪️He's quite the mysterious man, even his darling has problems reading him. Due to him keeping this stoic facial expression on him most of the time, it's also hard to tell when exactly someone starts annoying him. Honestly, Tempester himself doesn't even seem to know that he's jealous. All he knows is that there is this irritating itching somewhere deep inside his chest with the catalyst always involving you expressing affection or a slice of fondness for someone. He acts before he thinks most of the times, still half-confused about what it is he's even experiencing in that moment. There is a cold and ruthless nature about him so it isn't likely that he acts violently. He goes rougher on you, even if it's just to make you stop acting affectionate or even talking fondly of someone.
🌪️Tempester might not be quite as sadistic and cruel to others but that doesn't mean that he's more of a saint than his other comrades. He has his fair share of corpses behind him and some of them might just be there because they interfered with his obsession. He doesn't kill people for fun or anything like this, but if someone tries to rescue you or he finds out that you have someone else you like, he will shed blood and ambush someone. He might also threaten to go after people dear to you if you reject him too much. It's mostly used as a warning, a way to blackmail you but since you can't fully predict him you're afraid that he's really going to do it.
🌪️He shows signs of patience since this demon doesn't instantly go for the option of kidnapping his darling. He's still confused what exactly he's feeling and decides to observe and analze first before taking any other course of action. It's game over though when he acknowledges that he harbors obsessive affection for you since he stays true to his promptness and abducts his darling. He could cause casualties but that isn't in his interest so at least no innocent bystanders get involved when he takes you. He keeps you somewhere in the Cube in a room that at least has all the necessary things you need. He's suspiciously nice, tries to cater to your needs when he can do so.
🌪️Tempester actually tries to be a good lover for his darling, not fully aware how messed up the situation must be for them. He just kind of seems to think that feelings like love will eventually blossom over time between you two and that he just needs to have some patience. He even tries to pick up some hobbies you have so he has something in common with you. With his general calmness though it doesn't mean by a long shot that Tempester will spare you punishment. If you push your luck enough, he will make sure that you learn to pay consequences for your behavior. Starvation, chains and in the worst case broken bones that force you to rely on him more. It's not like he doesn't enjoy catering to your needs when you're physically restricted.
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◼️Seilah is delusional when it comes to her obsession. Whilst she isn't all that jovial at first either when it becomes clear that she has started a growing obsession over a human, she quickly becomes infatuated enough to start justifying everything she does. She likes to force the relationship on her darling, claims it as a way for you to grow quicker comfortable to the truth of her being your new lover from now on. The female demon views herself as the perfect option as your lover and remains thick headed to any objection from your side or from rude comments of the other Demon Gates. In the worst case she lashes out, more likely on the other demons than on you though it doesn’t mean that you should feel safe either.
◼️Seilah is a very obsessed woman too, if you have any diary at home she devours what is written inside and is also willing to coerce you into telling her more about you. You can deny her answers as much as you want, at the end of the day Seilah has found a way to tickle the information out of you. It isn’t wrong for her as your lover to do so, right? Her curse is literally the worst thing that could have happened to you since it only amplifies her use of manipulation. If you refuse her, she can easily just force you into engaging in the acts of affection which are normally reserved only for your significant other. Seilah on the other hand can control your body and your movements with ease and get you to show her affection too. It is that easy for her.
◼️Seilah feels easily jealous though despite her claims of you two being lovers. She thrives with your attention and affection, tends to blush when she thinks about it or tells Kyoka excitedly about it. She’s fine with having you pay attention to Kyoka and if you disrespect her, she will definitely snap out of her infatuation for a while and punish you since she highly respects Kyoka. Kyoka is the only exception for Seilah though as her mood is spoiled quickly when it’s anyone else that occupies your attention currently. If you don’t react to her signaling you to return to her side, she just uses her curse to have you move over to her. And if you stray away too often from her, she’ll never allow you to go outside the place you’re kept without her using her curse on you.
◼️Going back to the part of her justifying everything with her infatuation and a future with you together, this also plays a part when it comes to her killing people. Seilah is as one of the Nine Demon Gates already merciless and cold as she is. Even if she dearly loves you, she has no problems killing family and friends of yours when it comes down to it. Sure, she’d like to avoid going that far since she knows that you’d be upset and cry over them, something she doesn’t want. If she believes though that killing such people will ensure a happy future for you too, she won’t blink an eye though. She’s calculating when she kills someone since Seilah isn’t just a brute, especially her curse is quite practical in here.
◼️Abduction is yet another thing to add to the long list of things she justifies with her delusional side to her. She definitely goes the hardest when it comes to all of that though. Seilah wants her privacy with you so whilst she prepares for emergencies a room in the Cube only for you, she searches for a cute, little house where she can keep you. A place where only the both of you can be and if she knows what you prefer and like, she makes sure to design it specifically to ensure your comfort. From the outside this looks scarily much like some sort of freshly wed couple moving into their adorable dream cottage together if it wouldn’t be for the fact that this demon is pushing the domestic relationship down your throat.
◼️Seilah dotes a lot on her darling, basically acting like she really is your devoted wife. Her delusional side leaves no room for arguments though as she is pretty much deaf when it comes to your protests and pleads to be let free. It’s either serenely ignored or she stops you by using her body control curse on you. She is still part of Tartaros so she often has to be away for missions which makes her all the more clingy once she returns, wanting to spend every second she has with you. If the demon misses you terribly, she tends to take you with her into the room she has in their basement for you.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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Team Natsu Hc's (Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza)
Lamia Scale Hc's (Lyon, Sherry, Jura, Sherria)
Yandere Alphabet (Natsu, Erza)
Yandere Ur Hc's
Yandere Fairy Tail Hc's (Gajeel, Juvia)
Yandere Alphabet (Erza)
Loke Hc's
Jellal Hc's
Laxus + Thunder Legion Hc's (Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow)
Yandere Fairy Tail Hc's (Hibiki, Eve, Ren)
Wendy Hc's
Twin Dragons Hc's (Sting, Rogue)
Holding hands (Juvia)
Fairy Tail Hc's (Midnight, Cobra)
Purely platonic (Lyon)
Zeref Hc's
Strauss sibling Hc's (Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna)
Minerva Hc's
Prompt 34 (Natsu)
s/o is a Pokemon Trainer (Erza)
Tired of everything (Erza)
Ruined date (Erza)
Yandere is already in a relationship (Gray)
Starter Prompt (Natsu)
Starter Prompt (Natsu) 25
Edolas versions (Natsu, Lucy, Mystogan)
Some Spriggan 12 Hc's (Brandish, Ajeel, Dimaria)
Yandere Irene Belserion Hc's
Yandere Ultear Milkovich Hc's
Dragon Slayer s/o (Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue)
This is fine (Rogue)
Yandere Tartaros Hc's (Mard Geer, Silver, Kyoka, Jackal, Tempester, Seilah)
S/o avoids them to sort out his feelings for them (Lucy, Wendy, Sherry, Sherria)
Love rival (Natsu, Sherry, Sherria, Wendy, Juvia)
Pregnancy (Gray)
If only... (Zeref)
Sharing a s/o (Natsu & Lucy)
Sharing a s/o (Gajeel & Lisanna)
Ice cream cravings (Gray)
Minor Deity s/o (Juvia)
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