#yandere grimora
lovesickletters · 11 months
you write inscryption!? if it's alright, maybe a letter from grimora? sorry if you're not, there's just so little inscryption content that i got so excited when i saw it on your list. i love all your work so far, your letters are really captivating and all distinct!
💜𝒢𝓇𝒾𝓂ℴ𝓇𝒶 | ℒℴ𝓋ℯ𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓀 ℒℯ𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇💜
I do indeed! Excellent choice, I simply adore Grimora, the goth old lady💜 Sorry for the delay my love but here you go!
{Item Description: A wax-sealed parchment stamped with the insignia of a skull that crawls with the scent of death, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable…? Like a warm hug drowning out a bone-chilling shiver shot down your spine. The calligraphy is practiced and perfected, with not a smudge nor blot.}
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Hello my dearest, I admit I am quite enlivened to be using my quill for purposes aside from noting down the epitaphs of those that have passed to be transformed into cards, to be writing something far more optimistic in nature is quite a refreshing alteration. They do say a change is as good as a rest.
I admit I had no particular urgent reason for writing to you, the mood struck me all of a sudden and I found my quill itching to be used. Perhaps I find inspiration in the variety you bring to these death-ridden halls with your life. Magnificus the dear geezer doesn’t seem to quit going on and on about how death and life don’t mix well but I think you and I know better. Do come visit some time, would you? I could do with a change from the tedium, and we could chat over a cup of green tea perhaps?
All my love,
Grimora, Scrybe of the Dead.
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
I was the sadistic po3 ask and you are so right. I honestly hadn't thought about it for very long its the vibe he gives off initially but the more I think on it the more I realize hes the type to fall little by little and then all at once. The type to call you an idiot and give you advice in the same statement, to notice immediately when you change your hair style or a new shirt. The moment he realizes hes the type to do the oh. oh. oh no. Like thats his vibe. hes a dick but a loving one.
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Okay FIRST OF ALL anon that post is almost two years old at this point so. Welcome back. I'm sorry I was so harsh to your Sadistic Yandere P03 concept.
SECOND P03 acts of service Tsundere type is so funny I love that for him. He will deny he did that for you, or if he accepts it he expects gratitude of the highest caliber.
This doesn't feel very Yandere to me though this is very base P03 affection to me. But that's because to me P03 is the least Yandere out of the Scrybes.. and I think that's why the polycule broke up before you arrived??
He was the object of their obsessions, and it was smothering and toxic and terrifying. He hated it, he was scared, he was cadged, he could never do anything on his own or go anywhere without checking in on someone. He never had his own space, never had control...
Yandere P03 would then push that cycle of abuse onto you, take control from you, not forcefully, but just a little bit at a time. Manipulate your space slowly so you have fewer and fewer options on where to go, like shortening a leash on a dog. It takes time. It takes routine.
This though, the acts of service and catering to your comfort, is Post Recovery P03. A P03 who's had time, a LOT of time, to himself, to his space, and found loneliness. He wants you to want to come back, because deep down he needs you, but doesn't want to admit that, because to him it's wrong to need someone. It hits too close to home, make him feel too much like the other scrybes.
He'll give you reasons to want to come back, and it'll remind him of how Grimora would always lend him things so he'd have reason to return. How she'd gift him everything he'd wanted so he'd come back, how she'd loose several matches in a row, and only win the one he'd said was his last game, so he'd stay and challenge her to a rematch
He'll follow on your heel as you wander around his factory because it's dangerous and maze like, and it'll remind him of the feeling of being followed, of being watched, by Magnificus everywhere he went. The suffocating feeling of never being anywhere alone, of eyes that saw his every possible future always on him. He'll deny his affections to you and remind himself of Magnificus doing the same when he'd stumbled into a room covered wall to wall in paintings of himself, in situations he knew Magnificus was not with him
He'll spend time tailoring his game to your play style, making sure cards you like are more plentiful, making sure the puzzles are engaging and challenging, and he'll remind himself of Leshy, the worst of them all, and that cabin full of intrigue. Of story and hard fights and difficult puzzles and nights of "Just one more round" turned three and four. When he floats just above you to feel superior he'll be reminded of the wall that use to be a door that he'd pressed himself against Leshy towered above him, a man who'd say one thing and feel another, who'd played the hero over and over in their games, and revealed himself the villain when P03 attempted to leave
He doesn't want to need you in the same way the other Scrybes had needed him
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Infodumppp!! :D
Based off of a hyena
Their talk sound in-game would be something akin to a hyena’s laugh
Dark colors, dirty. Stinky, if you will. (Mostly from stuff like dried blood, so it’s more of a metallic scent than a bad scent.)
Probs like a head shorter than Grimora (Or half a head)
Idk how to draw it bc I’m bad at art, but Zhen’s legs are sliightly bent and she slightly leans forward which probably makes her look shorter.
Don’t be fooled, she’s ready to pounce
If you’d lose to a game to her, there’s a 85% chance that she’ll eat you
But fret not! You can avoid that!
That’s easy, offer her your friendship
They’re very attention-starved, so once you’re friends you’ll have their respect and 100% loyalty
Perhaps they have yandere-like tendencies, but shh we don’t talk about that
Almost all her cards are cannibalistic to some extent
She inscribes by using something akin to a chisel and just carving patterns onto stuff
“My my, look at those little things! All this battling must’ve tired them out. I bet they’re just starving right now.” —BATTLE PHASE 2
“Huh, who would’ve thought. Still, that was a great duel, I’ll remember this moment. Now, friend, do with me what you will.” —WHEN LOSING A BATTLE
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
👉👈 can we have the link to the fic? i would also love some soft leshy brain rot hours
Did you know I was top Leshy simp for the first three months of 2022? What did I do with that title you ask? Why, I wrote All of This Shit:
The OG Trilogy: Story Telling Break, Bonfire, and Resting Place
Cleaning Up
Tiny Hands
Shadowy Figure
~Rain Rain~
The Rule of Beasts
Winter Weather (implied part of a larger Scrybe Polycule series)
Pocket Monsters
Just Say the Word and I'll Lasso the Moon (the one you actually asked for)
Kissing Leshy Headcanons from Before the Above Fic
Leshy Yandere Headcanons (+the other scrybes)
Thought dumps that make you feel emotions One, Two, Three, and Four
General Leshy Headcanons One, Two, and Three
I did a smaller handful of Magnificus X Readers, two P03 X readers, and one general Grimora headcanon post as well, and I still have more thoughts, more prompts, and more requests to post.
I hope if you like what you see you'll stick around, or shoot a request of your own some time! Thankyou for being patient with me.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
I saw you mention how fascinating a yandere type Leshy would be and honestly I'm kinda intrigued by how far you think he'd be willing to go or heck maybe even your ideas on how all scribes might behave?
God fucking bless you anon I was so worried no one was going to ask me this ever and all my thoughts were gonna be locked in my head forever jesus christ blessed.
I want to talk about all the Scrybes' Yandere types, I do, and maybe it's because I'm crazy, but I cannot think of P03's type. I cannot. I don't think he is one? He doesn't seem as emotionally attached and invested in the player. He doesn't... He doesn't care as much about you the player, more the concept of a player in general, someone who plays his game, not you a gamer he is playing with.
If someone else has P03 Yandere type concept hit me up. Send me the post, send me an ask, DM me, do not care, just lemme know.
This might get long so everyone else is under the cut. Fair warning for obsession and stalkerish behaviors. Typical Yandere stuff, other than harming of reader.
We'll start easy because he's the one I've talked about before.
Leshy is obsessed with you from the moment you sit down at his table. You are his player, and he loves his player, and his mind will tell him you love him back.
He may be the only one with any sense that how he feels and how he acts is wrong, that he's wrong for loving you so wholly so quickly knowing so little about you. He knows his sense of love is twisted, that keeping you here, in his cabin, alone, to play his games with him forever is not correct, that how tightly he grips onto you as his saving grace is terrible.
But he can't stop loving you so much with ever game.
Leshy wants to know everything about you. Everything. Every minor detail, every minute little aspect of you, he wants to commit to memory.
By your third game he knows your favorite card. He knows your least favorite card. He knows your strategy and favorite sigil and how you react to a losing match. But it’s not enough, it’s never enough knowledge, not for him, not if it’s you.
He loves you and he's so scared to love you but he loves you so much so quickly all he wants is for you to stay with him and play with him and never progress, and he knows that's not fair and that's not right, but it doesn't stop him from trying.
At the end of the day, he won't do anything to upset you, his player, the light of his life who could never, ever do anything even remotely wrong. You are the greatest thing to ever walk this earth and you deserve only the ease of every step.
If you wanted to leave, he wouldn't stop you. If you wanted to talk to the other scrybes, or even date them instead of him, he would say nothing. If he is not good enough for you then there is nothing that can be done.
He put his everything into you, and if you were to leave him, he would collapse without the support. He's self destructive, he'd put everything for you, he starves to play his game with you, to keep aesthetics perfect, to keep the scene ever so wonderful. Everything for you.
If you didn't want it, he would not force it on you, but he also would not recover. Without a player he would sleep... sleep and sleep and sleep, never moving or eating or even basking in the sun. He'd sleep. And wait. Alone in the dark. Until another player would come.
Grimora is calm. Grimora is smart. But most of all, Grimora is patient. She's caring and nice and unassuming, and she LOVES you, and she is willing to wait for you to love her too.
She's honey sweet, if you want her to be. She's feisty and loud and energetic, if you'd prefer. She can be quiet, she can be calm, she can be rough, she can be loud.
And Grimora is, at her core, patient. An army is not built in a day, love is not won in an hour. She is willing to wait for you to come to her in your own time, solve the puzzle of her crypt and take your seat at her table, whenever you see fit.
She loves her players, for they're just so entertaining, like a pet or a childhood toy kept perfectly mint for years. She'd love to mess with them, watch them struggle in her game, or throw them off guard with flirts followed by teas and jokes.
It's all a game to her, and you her most enriching chess piece.
She'll play the roll you wish for her; A cassanova girlboss to swoop you off your feet. A docile loving grandma to make you teas and wrap you in a blanket. She's a shifter, she can be anything you wish her to be, so long as you stick around with her.
You'd never bore her, though she may think of you no more highly than the knight on her chess board, you're still her FAVORITE and you'll be her favorite so long as she has you playing.
She'd love you dress you up, keep you pretty and clean and well groomed. New clothes every day, brush your hair, wash your face, keep you spick and span and ever so perfect, like a precious doll.
If you wanted to leave, she wouldn't stop you, but she also wouldn't allow you to make it permanent. She'd dress you in something borrowed. Perhaps its cold, so she'd wrap you in her shall, her FAVORITE shall, and oh don't worry about it just bring it back next time you visit. Oh you're going to see Magnificus, well why don't you invite him back for dinner? If you're going to go out, you're going to have a reason to come back. It would be IMPOLITE not to.
She allows social expectations to do her ensnaring for her. She would never keep you locked up, simply remind you to be home on time for supper before you even realized the crypt was your home.
You're her precious little player, and if for some reason you never came home, that'd be quiet all right. Toys are lost all the time. A new one will arrive, eventually. She'll be sure to have plenty of enrichment prepared for her new pet.
Mags feels himself above his own feelings. He seems himself as better than love, better than attachment, better than adoration.
That doesn't stop him from filling his sketches with you, lovely, lonely you, sitting oh so very calmly at his table, before his easel, on his tower and in his land, oh so breath takingly you.
He'd be overwhelmed with his desire to see you. He'd use his vision to see where you would be, and if he would be there, which of course he would always be, right by your side, wherever you were to go.
He'd scrawl you in the margins of his notes, every paper he got his hands on would become you, you you you, until his hand cramped and your visage was burned into his vision.
As far as an actual relationship would go... There wouldn't be one.
He's too prideful to admit his obsession, his ego preventing him from lowering himself to affection. He simply wouldn't do it. Even if you liked him back, spoke out about your feelings, made the move yourself, he would reject you.
And yet he'd never leave you alone.
He doesn't need to know about you, you don't need to know about him, no words need to be said no connection needs to be made, he just needs to be near you, always.
If he could keep you in his tower, he would. Like one of his students, locked away, where you could be alone, where he could see you. His little cadged bird, just for him to witness. His drawings would be nothing compared to having the real thing.
But that would involve facing his feelings, admitting that he needed you by his side to feel whole, feel complete and finished and alive, to truly breath. So he won't. He'll just keep "accidentally" running into you, off island, in the other scrybe's realms, and walk by your side ever so quietly, soaking in your form.
If you were to leave, and never come back, he would go mad slowly forgetting your face. He would destroy all his paintings and morn their loss. He would attempt to recreate him, but his memory would fail. Every vision of the future without you in it would burn and ache like no pain he'd felt before.
And eventually, when another challenger would come, he would tell himself he is better than this. That he is above these feelings of fondness, of adoration and love. And he would not be.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Aight the Yandere P03 results are in and
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This anon is wrong. Point blank. Nothing against you anon, you may have your yandere thoughts all you want, but a sadistic yandere who does not care what their darling feels and only keeps them around to toy with them is not what we do in my house. I’m here for the obsession, the compulsion, wrong love. It needs to be a STRONG feeling.
I do agree, unlike the other scrybes, he didn’t love the second you were at his table. Quiet the opposite, even, I bet he hated you the second he laid eyes on you. Seethed in hatred. Loathed you. Wanted nothing more than for you to leave. This would change, of course.
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Now these I love. My main problem with Yandere P03 is he relies HEAVILY on being a sentient game character within a video game, so we’ll start with that one, and idk I’ll see if I can make him more real world as we go;
P03 is unique in that he’s playing with the code before he has full control. He takes the place of the scrybe you are supposed to fight at the end of act 2, who’s to say he couldn’t do more? Who’s to say he couldn’t Monika around in the codes, maybe move NPCs around, block off path ways to the other Scrybe’s areas, delete dialogue boxes to make it impossible to see certain lines of text, perhaps even delete assets that you need in order to progress.
Maybe he’ll mess around with the in-game check that says you already did his boss fight. Oh and it looks like finishing that puzzle didn’t save, just do it again, it’ll only take a moment, unless you’re an idiot. Better make sure the other puzzles saved too while you’re at it. Did you actually get that secret? Are you sure?
He’s doing this to annoy you, clearly. He doesn’t know you, he couldn’t love you, but he can hate you. Hate’s easy. He hates the other scrybes, so he must hate you just as much. Watching you re-do puzzles and beating you over and over and being beaten by you over and over. It’s because he hates you.
The problem is, you clearly like him. Hell, you clearly LOVE him. You keep coming back. Playing his game, smiling at your monitor as you play his games over and over. He can’t blame you, he supposes. His game is much more fun, and honestly he may be bottom of the barrel, but the other three are MUCH worse. He’s the best of the worst, he’d think.
So he’s not going to turn you away, but he’s not going to be nice either. He’s also not going to be mean. Well. Meaner than he already is. He’s going to set up his game and call you stupid and you’re going to laugh, over and over, until it becomes routine.
Do not. Break. The Routine.
As anon said, if you were speak of the others, he’ll talk down on them, harshly and full of hate at first, but the more you’re around him and the more his hate lessons the more his critiques sound real, sound SCARY.
At first he hates Leshy, that stinking BEAST, for being so damn WEIRD. For his flesh and blood and the mess he makes with his filthy animals and his guts and gore. Then he hates Leshy for being so cruel, believing in fighting for one’s life, believing he knows what’s best and imparting that upon someone without their consent. Then he doesn’t trust Leshy, and that’s when it feels real, when he admits he doesn’t feel safe around Leshy. That Leshy scares him. That Leshy is strong, and imposing, and keeps so many things to himself, hushed quiet secrets kept hidden among the bones along the ground. He hurts people. Why? He’s sadistic, he thinks it’s a game worth playing so long as SOMEONE is having fun. P03 doesn’t like Leshy, you should be careful around him.
Maybe you stop talking to the scrybes, slowly, less and less you see them. Even when you go to see them, they’re often busy, not around, somewhere... else. Perhaps even the subordinates will begin to flicker away, the NPCs unrelated to other aspects of the world, pathways and bridges and islands alike seem to leave one by one.
In a cold, musty, dimly lit factory is the Scrybe of Technology, a robot surrounded by people he feared for so long, until you. You oh you oh glorious you with your stupid stupid face and laugh and smile. You’ll stay. You’ll play. After all
you have no where else to go
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Aah I really like your yandere headcanons omg do you think if they fell for the same challenger they'd try to compete or maybe even work together to ensnare them if that makes sense?
This is such a good ask and I do not have one exact answer for it because like.
One half of my brain is OBSESSED with the Inscryption Divorced Polycule, and as a poly person, wants to run with the idea of the four scrybes obsessed with in love with the same person, and that one person slowly pulling them back together by loving them all and having them all love them back. Mutual love, building, as if the player is like the central island in act 2.
At the same time, each of the Scrybes, as far as loving you goes, are desperate to gain and keep your attention on them for as long as possible. Keep you close, keep you coming back, have the most enriching game so you keep playing with them instead of the other scrybes.
And on top of that, I can't see them like. Fighting.
Okay P03 would, if we want to include him, but this ask is from before I figured out what kind of Yandere he is, and also he'd just win because. Again I can't see them fighting?
If Leshy isn't good enough to warrant all of your attention, that's just it. He's just not good enough. He's putting his everything into it, and if that just wasn't enough, he's not going to force you to like him over the others. You deserve the best, and if he's not it after giving his EVERYTHING to you, then that's just how it is.
Magnificus is already too prideful to admit he even loves you in the first place, he's not going to argue a point he doesn't believe in. He doesn't WANT to be romantically involved. So long as he can be near you, see you, walk just a few steps behind you, he will be fine. He may give the other scrybes and NPCs rather intense stares while you're speaking to them, but he'd never do anything actively.
Grimora's the most likely to put forth an effort to detour you from the other's, but not like. Actively. If you were showing an interest in someone else, she'll invite them over, and she'll smile and do her usual little pranks of leaving a tack in their chair or putting hot sauce in their tea. She thinks it's funny, you're use to this behavior, but to the other scrybes it's clearly an act of aggression. A pleasant smile to you, a mark of a spider protecting her territory to others. But again, if at the end of the day you leave for someone else, she'll just remind you to be home before dark and send you on your way.
Does any of this make sense? No clue. I would LOVE to do more Poly stuff, but I couldn't tackle it with Yandere also in the mix, it gets muddy.
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lovesickletters · 2 years
𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒 𝑅𝓊𝓃
💜Yandere Red Velvet Cookie x Reader | Seeing Red
💜Yandere Red Velvet x Reader Drabble | Blame Gluttony
💜Angst Hanahaki Herb Cookie x Reader | Morning Glory
💜Yandere Alchemist Cookie x Reader | Catalyst
💜Yandere Milk Cookie | Yandere Subcategories
💜Yandere Alphabet - Frost Queen Cookie | Raspberry Cookie | Dark Choco Cookie | Kumiho Cookie | Affogato Cookie | Parfait Cookie | Twizzly Gummy Cookie | Espresso Cookie | BlackBerry Cookie | Madeleine Cookie
💜Yandere Alphabet - Espresso Cookie
💜Yandere Alphabet - Red Velvet Cookie ⚛️Yandere Bouquet Prompts - Black Pearl Cookie
⚛️Yandere Bouquet Prompts - Almond Cookie
⚛️Yandere Bouquet Prompts - Parfait Cookie 💟Raspberry Cookie | Yandere Edits
💟Red Velvet Cookie | Yandere Edits
💌Almond Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Chilli Pepper Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Clotted Cream Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Cream Unicorn Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Dark Cacao Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Dark Choco Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Espresso Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Herb Cookie | Lovesick Letters 💌Hollyberry Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Kumiho Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Latte Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Lilac Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Liquorice Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Madeleine Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Milk Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Oyster Cookie | Lovesick Letters 💌Parfait Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Pastry Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Pitaya Dragon Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Pure Vanilla Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Purple Yam Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Red Velvet Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Rye Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Sparkling Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Vampire Cookie | Lovesick Letters
💌Werewolf Cookie | Lovesick Letters
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𝒟𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓋𝑒
💜Yandere Willow/Wilson x Reader (Rewrite) | Sanity
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃 𝐼𝓂𝓅𝒶𝒸𝓉
💜Zhongli x Reader (𝓃𝓈𝒻𝓌)| Sleeping Beauty
💜Amber | Beidou | Yae | NSFW Alphabet
💌Diluc x Reader | Lovesick Letters 💟Amber | Yandere Edits
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💌Grimora | Lovesick Letters
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𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓀𝒾𝑒 𝒦𝒾𝒹
💜Macaque | Wukong NSFW Alphabet
💟Macaque | Wukong | Red Son | Yandere Edits
💟Macaque | Wukong | Princess Iron Fan | Spider Queen | Yandere Edits
💟Wukong | Scorpion Queen | Chang’e | Lady Bone Demon | Yandere Edits
💟Macaque | Wukong | Yandere Edits
💌Macaque | Lovesick Letters
💌Sun Wukong | Lovesick Letters
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𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒰𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒
💜Spinel x Reader (𝓃𝓈𝒻𝓌) | Serene
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓁𝑒𝓎 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒
💌The Narrator | Lovesick Letters
💜Yandere Narrator x Reader | Tragedy
💟Lovebug!Narrator | Sketch
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