#yandere classmate (yearbook guy)
allurilove · 17 days
Yan classmates kink list.
What are these greasy guys into?
Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Kink list with links for every single one of my characters!
Submissive to Switch to more of the Dominant Characters! I will update this as I go post more fics!
“Kenny” | Kendrick
If you really want a submissive guy, he’s your man. Well he’s your husband really. He’s afraid to talk back to his wife, and he does everything around the house. He stays at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. In a AU where women rule the world and men go to The Husband Program to learn to be good husbands, being submissive comes naturally to him. He can be a bit mischievous and a rebel, especially when he was young, but a good little humiliation will put him back into place. So, I guess he’s a masochist.
Loves to eat you out, and likes to be praised afterwards.
Favorite sex position might just be when you’re sitting on his face. Or the classic missionary.
Yandere Prodigy
He is definitely more on the submissive side. He pretends that he hates you and that he’s cold hearted, but the moment you touch him he melts.
Is the type to get a nosebleed at the sight of your bare skin.
He would definitely want to hear your praises, and how much you love listening him play violin.
favorite position might be anything that has him on the bottom.
Yandere Neighbor
He’s done everything to be close to you, and he even bought the space next door to your apartment. He loves to be choked, ordered around, spanked, will love it if you rode him, and he’ll go anything really. He’s the most dedicated man I’ve ever written for the readers.
He would fuck you anywhere. I mean he literally masturbated and licked your door knob for gratification.
Phone sex ?
Favorite sex position maybe doing it while standing up. He can hold you close and press you against the wall.
Yandere Best Friend
He’s quite new to sex so he doesn’t know much. But he does have a praise kink, and loves it when you call him a “good boy.”
I’m sure he would love to have you teach him new things, and would be pretty open minded.
Favorite sex position is probably cow girl or reverse cow girl.
Yandere Stalker | Survivor
He cut his dick off for you to eat, I mean damn. He sacrificed his whole life because he wanted your attention to be solely on him. Before the apocalypse, he did have the occasional hook ups. He would mostly be a bottom and let people do their thang on him.
Most likely to call you “master” or “mistress”
Before the apocalypse he has had his fair share of hookups, and would occasionally love to bite on ears.
Yandere Classmate
He’s literally a damn loser. He steals your cups, your underwear, and he would follow you around the world. He likes to have his hair pulled, or pull your hair.
He is pretty vocal during sex and would like to hear you too.
Choke him !
Loves to beg and loves for you to beg him
Loves it when you ride him or are just desperate for him as he is for you. but his fave sex position is doing it from the side, or missionary.
Yandere “Blood bag”
Has a knife kink and blood fetish.
He likes to mark his lovers, and bite down on their shoulder as he cums.
He would love it if you drank all of his blood and leave him almost to the brink of death.
Yandere Yearbook guy
All he needs is a photograph of you. Which he has plenty of.
Savior complex? the thought of you all hopeless or stuck somewhere- you know he’s just going to take advantage of that.
Loves to trigger your senses, and he would drip melted candle wax on you or please you with an ice cube
Pegging is fine with him too. As long as you know what you’re doing.
Favorite position: 69 or missionary with one leg over his shoulder
Yandere Professor
Your professor has an oral fixation for sure. He would stick his fingers into you after they’ve been soaked in your essence, and shove it down your throat.
Has a thing for when you call him “sir” or “professor”
Would have you bend over and spread your legs wide for him, and he’s an adrenaline junkie so would fuck you in public just for fun.
Yandere Chaebol
Your boss is into your little maid outfit he gave you. And he realized he just likes role play. He also loves to make you crawl to him, and pull you around on a leash.
Loves to sneak around and would probably have threesomes if he could.
Yandere Husband
Would be into bondage: tying you onto the bed, and trying your limbs together so you can’t move.
A bit of a sadist.
Breeding kink
So favorite position might be the mating press. And he also likes to fuck you in front of a mirror.
Yandere Dad’s Best Friend
Voyuerism (idk if i spelled that right). I mean he did fuck you outside during the fourth of July block party.
Is into cock warning and just being close to you.
Squirting. And also dumping his load on your face after you give him a blowjob.
Slapping and spanking.
Would bend you over whenever he could.
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imaginedanganronpa · 7 years
Hello there! It's always nice to see another Danganronpa blog around, I'm sure excited for more of your writing! ^^ If it isn't a bother, may I ask for ndrv3 guys as a yandere? Though, it's perfectly fine if you're not comfortable with this ask, feel free to turn it down if you want to! Also, I wish you the best of luck with this blog!
Thank you so much! I won’t turn it away, and I appreciate all of the kind words! Please enjoy! I tried my best.
V3 Yandere Boys 
Note: Violence and mentions of blood/death under the cut.
Saihara Shuichi
He seemed innocent enough, at first. He appeared to be gentle and kind. Normally, he was very shy around most people but whenever he saw you, he’d do whatever it takes to get to you.
When he’d be around you, though, is when he’d start to shy away and hide his face under his hat whilst dropping his head.
He never quite knew what to say to you. Most of the time, instead of speaking to you, he’d admire you from a distance. He also liked to communicate from a distance as well, smiling at you from across the room, passing notes, or waving at you from the end of the hall.
It didn’t start to bother you until he started taking pictures.
He was discreet about it at first and it slipped under your radar more than once. This made you wonder how many photos did he have saved that you didn’t even know existed? Saihara would hide his phone in his sleeve and press the button on the side to take a photo, then store it away back in his sleeve. 
This only lasted for a short time. He got more and more blatantly obvious about it as time went on, eventually he stopped taking the time to even hide his phone and sometimes posted the pictures he took onto social media, with his captions saying how attractive you looked and how much he loved you with hearts and kissing faces.
Through social media, he also discovered that you had feelings for someone else.
How could you do this to him? Didn’t you know how much he loved you?
Saihara would not accept this. He did all his research, extensively tracking this boy from your school. How long had you loved him?
It didn’t bother you until your crush stopped coming to school for a few days, which turned into weeks. He was filed as a missing person. You came to him and asked if he could use his Ultimate talent to find them, which only made him angry. You shouldn’t care about someone like that..!
Of course, luckily for Saihara, he was a detective and knew exactly what the police would be looking for, which made hiding the body a breeze.
He mentioned that very briefly and nonchalantly once, which sent chills all over your back and goosebumps down your arms. You didn’t fully understand what he was capable of, but it’s okay, because Saihara knew there was no one else standing in between you two, and would make sure it stays that way.
Ouma Kokichi
He didn’t get crushes often, nor did he ever feel the way he did about you. Something about you was different, though. The way your hair bounced and flowed behind you, the way you walked, the way your eyes shine in the sunlight.
Everything about you was breathtaking, and from the day he met you, he knew he needed to talk to you. He craved to make you his, and more importantly, he craved you.
He asked everyone who came in contact with you all about you, did his research online, and everything he could to learn every last detail there was to know. He went to extreme measures to find your old accounts on all forms of social media, and he wouldn’t be stopped by any means.
He liked to claim what he felt was his, so when he went around the school telling everyone how much he loved you and that you belonged to him, no one was particularly surprised. Those who questioned or corrected him would be met with fists and screams in their face.
“How could you EVER question mine and (S/O)-Chan’s love?!”
First, he got close with your classmates, and then your friends, and then he made his way to you.
When he finally started speaking to you, his heart felt like it was going to burst and he could hardly contain himself. You began to see him everywhere you went, whether he was invited or not, and whether you told him your whereabouts or not. He was always there.
He monitored your friends and made sure you stayed loyal to him. Eventually, that wasn’t enough, and he grew fiercely jealous of your friend group.
They’ve known you for so much longer, got to have so many experiences and made memories with you by now. They were so selfish, they’ve had enough time spent with you and it was his turn now. You were his, after all, in his mind at least. He was a leader, he knew how to control people.He’d discovered a party you decided to throw with only you and your group of close-knit friends, but none of them showed up. In fact, none of them had answered any of your texts either.Your doorbell rang and you sprang up, knowing it had to be one of them. Maybe they just wanted to scare you and they were going to show up later. But… when you opened the door, it was just the face of the boy who you noticed had been following you around town. Even more shocking was the fact that he was covered in blood.
Rantaro Amami
He was a naturally cool-headed person and it was easy for him to dismiss his true emotions. That all changed, though, the day he laid eyes on you.
No one has ever managed to make him sweat and his heart to race, he could feel each and every single one of its beats hitting the inside of his chest and echoing throughout his body.
He could easily approach you and did his best to not stutter. The way you talked, the way you moved your hands and brushed past him all made him even more giddy. He wished he wasn’t acting too strange and that you wouldn’t think he’s weird.
You began to see him in places you shouldn’t. Like, he’d coincidentally meet you in a grocery store, or in classes you didn’t have together. It only got alarming when you saw him on a walk once, in your neighborhood. You asked if he lived close by, and his face turned pale and his hands were shaking, butt he forced out a “Y-yes…”
You could tell when he was lying. If so, why was he in your neighborhood? There were so many coincidences all close together with him, it was a little bit strange.
Secretly, he only wanted to spend time with you. He loved you, and he knew you loved him back. It could be considered an unhealthy obsession, but he didn’t care, he’d never loved someone so hard.
He cut out your yearbook photo and blew it up, lighting candles around it and making a shrine in his bedroom. He also began collecting things. A pencil you’d lend him, the wrapper of the gum that you chewed, he even stole one of your bracelets that you sat on your desk very briefly, stealing it away from you when you weren’t looking.
He cared so deeply about you.
That’s why he got intense and angry when you opened up to him and told him you didn’t feel that way about him.
He tensed and he didn’t want to scream at you or hurt you, but it only got worse when you told him how you were already seeing someone else. The way he said, “Who?!” was a little bit frightening because this wasn’t the calm Amami you knew.
Then, he insisted that he’d ‘take care of this.’ Which, you had no clue what that meant, but you couldn’t stop him when he stormed off.
The next time you saw him, he’d been carrying around something behind his back and walking along the wall. You couldn’t see it, but you thought it could be a kitchen knife. Why was he carrying a knife?
It made a little bit more sense when the boy you were interested in ended up in a ditch.
He had no idea he could even feel this way, he was a robot and that should be impossible, robots don’t feel emotions. Certainly not ones as strong as what he was feeling right now.
The robotic equivalent to blushing was their systems overheating, and his entire body felt as hot as fire. It was a strange thing, something he thought he’d never have to feel and yet, here he was.
He doesn’t realize that it’s a romantic feeling at first, since he’s not used to these types of emotions. It takes him a while to begin to obsess over you as well.
More than once he caused himself to crash just from excitement or nervousness when he was around you. It got to the point where you had to tell him to cool down and relax, which hurt just a little bit. But, at least you were talking to him.
Since he’s a robot, he doesn’t feel many emotions. Due to this, he has no shame in pushing himself into your daily life. It seemed innocent at first. Little did you know, he used his body to record you while he spoke with you and he’d re-watch the videos from that day over and over again, until he could memorize what was said and done perfectly.
He’d take pictures and store them in his hard drive, so he always had them in the back of his mind and could keep a literal mental image of you with him forever. He never got embarrassed so he had no issue joining you whenever you were with someone else, and he always came between you and your friends.
Jealousy was another emotion that he didn’t think robots could feel.
Eventually, though, the people you hung out with started to tell him to leave you two alone. This pissed him off, and he would screech and fight, and get in their face, insisting that that was discrimination and that he just wanted to spend time with the person he loved.
These people were taking you away from him, and he wouldn’t stand for it. He began to get hot again and he’d plotted his way to keep you to himself for months now. There was no way he’d let his love get stolen away
People underestimate the brute strength of robots. He may look and act innocent, but Kiibo is extremely strong, and he proved his strength to everyone who ever told him to leave you alone. They found out by ending up crushed to death in an alley somewhere, and when the news broke to you, he was always there to comfort you.
Their deaths were always ruled as accidents. Kiibo was the only one who knew that it wasn’t an accident at all, but being your shoulder to cry on made him feel more fulfilled than ever before. He finally had you to himself.
Kaito Momota
You’re the only person to ever make him feel less confident than what he actually is. Around you, his hands got clammy and he stuttered like no other, he couldn’t handle himself and he fumbled over his words.
Even before speaking to you, he already felt responsible and wanted to protect you no matter what. He’d go to any length it took to make sure you were safe.
He would follow you everywhere you went, always saying he was just being a watchful eye. He always monitored your actions and closely examined everyone you interacted with. When he did get close to you and speak to you, he played himself off as a confident and flirty guy who was interested in you.
In reality, he was breaking down on the inside, and it was so much more than just an interest in you. He was absolutely head over heels for you and wanted to always be with you, and to love you for the rest of his life.
That’s why, when he got a bad feeling about someone, he insisted that they weren’t good for you and that you should leave them out of your life. It was always for your best, wasn’t it? 
He was only looking out for you.
When the people he warned you about started to vanish, you just assumed that they got tired of you, and that Kaito was right. 
He always acted like an overprotective older brother.
You had no idea that he built a basement into his house and was keeping those whom he told you to stop associating yourself with locked down there. It got a little suspicious when they stopped coming to school, and when you brought it up to him, he simply avoided the comments or told you he had no idea what could have happened to him.
It was very obvious that he was hiding something, but he kept a neutral and relaxed face, which only made him difficult to read. However, he it was as if he forgot about all of them. He no longer reacted to their names being said, and you had no idea how he could just forget about the people he was threatening just a few weeks ago, as if they never even existed.
Regardless, it made you depressed that your friends stopped hanging out with you. Kaito offered to cheer you up, take you out and try to lift your spirits. He also gave you his jacket to keep, to remind you of him, so you could always have it to make you smile when you were upset.
The jacket had dried blood on it.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
His love didn’t come out of nowhere, nor did it develop right away. He was intrigued and astonished by the way you moved, the sound of your voice and your laugh. The first time he heard you laugh, his heart started racing and he felt himself tremble. Goosebumps rose all over his body.
He was always fascinated by humans, but this was an entirely different level. You single handedly put the rest of the human race to shame.
For a while, he kept his distance. He found out your name, which became the name that he would always hear in his dreams. He kept a journal where he wrote your name in the corners of the pages and kept a track of your daily activities. He always wrote what you were wearing, looked like, did, and said that day, so he would never forget.
All of his studies on humans turned towards you, he even began drawing you, and he wasn’t truly an artist. Your charm was too much for him to handle and he fell in love.
He kept himself calm and didn’t reveal his true obsessive side to you, acting laid back and relaxed. He walked alongside you swiftly and his voice sounded like butter, but it was all part  of his act.
Something about him, though, always seemed a little bit off. Like, he stared at you too intensely and he had a sort of piercing gaze that cut through you. The things he said felt a bit too forceful. Never aggressively, but they were definitely… off.
It scared you a bit. Every time you looked over, he seemed to be staring at you. While most people would turn away and stop, he would keep looking at you when you caught him. Sometimes, he’d wave.
You knew he liked you, you simply didn’t know the extent of it. How he pinned his drawings of you into the wall and now had journals full of writings about you. However, you didn’t know how to break it to him that you were already seeing someone else.
But, he found out. Oh, he’s known for a long time now. He’s been plotting to make you his for as long as he can remember. It’s no surprise that when you found your partner’s body, dead inside your home, with blood covering the walls and candles being the only thing lighting the room, you screamed.
Then, an all too familiar voice emerged from a dark corner of your room, and suddenly the boy who has been staring at you every day for months now was in front of you, consoling you and admitting to his crimes.
He couldn’t contain himself. Truly, he didn’t want it to get as messy as it did, but he wasn’t expecting them to fight back like they did. He didn’t mind. All that was important is that you were his now.
Gonta Gokuhara
The thing you loved about Gonta was his standards. He was always so kind to everyone he met and he valued being a gentleman, it wad admirable.
You never thought twice when he held the door for you, or complimented you, or asked to walk you to and from your destinations. You always figured he was just being sweet, but it was something much darker than that.
Ever since he first laid eyes on you, Gonta hasn’t been able to truly contain himself, and his more primal urges have been rising since. He spent so much time with you and always assisted you throughout your day, not because he was being a gentleman, but because he was trying to manipulate you and force you into his life.
Being a gentleman went completely out the window with him once he begun to obsess over you.
He was charming and kind and everyone figured he was a soft hearted individual. No one expects him to keep pictures of you hanging along his walls, for him to write poems and collect trash you leave behind after you eat or things you leave behind. He’s even gone so far as to make a shrine for you.
In his mind, you love him back just as much as he loves you, and you know how deeply he cares. It isn’t like that at all, though. You weren’t interested in a relationship with anyone at the moment, and he couldn’t seem to accept that.
In Gonta’s mind, he pretended like you two were together. That’s why he’d go out of his way to act like your partner, because mentally, he told himself that he was.
His childhood primal instincts kicked in when you began to spend more time with your friends than you did with him. He felt abandoned, because the person he loved was leaving him out and giving him the cold shoulder.
This made him very angry.
He got angry with you, and that never happened. When you two were alone, he grabbed your shoulders and pinned you back, getting in your face and barking about how, “You need to spend more time with me! Gonta only wants you to love him like you do them. You are mine.”
It terrified you, because you’d never seen him act like this. You had no idea how scary he could be, or how violent he could get. He was a big guy, but you always thought he was just a gentle giant.
You began to distance yourself from him more, avoiding him out of fear of him hurting you. Little did you know, he’d already started hurting your friends, going through them one by one and ridding them from your life. How dare they try to steal you away from him?
Don’t you dare get close to (S/O). That’s what happens when you begin to ignore Gonta.
Ryoma Hoshi
His whole motto is to stay away from him and for people to not get close. That’s because he knows he’s dangerous, and people don’t seem to realize that. He refuses to involve himself romantically with anyone because he knows the consequences that can come of that.
But… then again, he’s never felt what he feels when he’s with you.
It’s hard for him to stay away from you. Even when he tries not to, he’s thinking about you 24/7. You have no idea what his past is like, and if you did, he knows you’d be afraid of him.
He couldn’t have that.
He needed you in his life. It wasn’t just a simple want. He craved you, and he’d do whatever it takes to have you.
Even little pieces of you. Locks of hair, dropped pieces of fabric or accessories, he held them all close to his heart. Hoshi dreamed of what it would be like to hold you close many times, and he knew he’d be able to protect you better than anyone else ever could.
All he needed was for you to be his forever.
You found him to be a little strange. He couldn’t form thoughts straight and he didn’t have any friends, so what was so special about you? Why did he want to be a part of your life so badly?
In a way, you were flattered, but every time you felt like someone was watching your back, you were always met with his serious and intense gaze. It was a little startling. He seemed to be around every corner and his voice made you jump sometimes when he spoke to you out of turn.
You had a lot of friends, and you began to develop feelings for one of them. Hoshi noticed you looking at them the same way he looks at you, and that made him very… upset. That isn’t something he can allow to happen.
You loved him, and he loved you, and nothing would change that. Scratch that, no one would change that.
His past was riddled with dark things. He’s killed people before, and he wasn’t afraid to do it again. Sure, he’s never killed in the name of love, but you were worth it. That’s what love is right? Dying for someone, having someone die for you. He was only protecting you.
He wasn’t so discreet. He was never messy when he killed, and he was always careful, but he slipped up and you saw him dragging the body away and dumping them on the side of the road.
You screamed, and his heart sank. This couldn’t happen… he couldn’t lose you. He did his best to calm you down, but nothing seemed to work.
He thought that this is what love was.
- Mod Rantaro
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allurilove · 17 days
I admire how fast you write fics lol
Can we get part two of the rejecttion of our classmates lol? Like how is the rest of the summer. I imagine us having to go back to school.
Yandere Classmate’s
For the rest of the summer, they are both pretty miserable. Yearbook guy hasn’t been rejected before, and usually he does that, so it’s a weird change for him. He would just mope around in private, being able to express his true feelings by shoving his face into his pillow. But he’s not a crier, if anything it makes him more determined to become the best man for you. He’s already got the looks, house, and all the superficial stuff to win you over, and now he just had to work on impressing you.
Your phone blows up a couple of times, and when you look over, you see an insta request from yearbook guy. And when you continue to ignore, and don’t accept within a minute, he continues to keep asking. You reluctantly accept in the end, scrolling on his feed to see a couple of pictures of him working at a dog rescue shelter- the pics already garnering quite the likes. Yearbook guy continues to volunteer, do amazing social work, and on his downtime he plays golf at his country club. And of course, he’s teaching little kids how to play sports. He gets frustrated when you don’t respond to any of his posts and stories, and he ignores the text messages from anyone else.
When school finally starts, he might just confront you about not interacting with his posts, and make you feel bad about not caring for the poor dogs or his charity work. But really, he’s hesitant to come up to you. Knowing you absolutely despise him, he doesn’t know what to do really. So he’ll leave you alone for now, maybe if he gave you space, you would realize how much you actually do like him.
Yandere classmate is definitely more stressed out. He has a bunch of these jobs he signed up for- just so he could see you, but now it was going to be awkward since you rejected him. He goes to work everyday, hoping you wouldn’t show up, and when his shift ends he has to quickly run to his next one. He’s making decent money at least, being able to buy more stuff of his favorite sanrio character. He holds his plushie tight when he goes to sleep, his eyes closing and he dreams of you that night.
It doesn’t help that his feet automatically follows you wherever you go. Your schedule is already ingrained in his head that he is at the place you would go to for fun. He sighed as he realized he walked into the same arcade you were in, and he hides in the corner to see you smile, and to see the way your eyes sparkle underneath the artificial lights. When you aren’t able to get the stuffed animal you wanted from the claw machine, he starts to fish out a couple of coins and subtly drops it your way. He keeps doing that until you were able to get the prize you wanted.
When he has to go back to school he tried to catch up on all his homework. His grades were pretty bad since he skipped a lot to see you, and now he was suffering from the consequences. And every math question seemed to lead to you. Soon enough, his paper was just scribbles of your name.
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allurilove · 17 days
Yan classmates dick hcs
I would love telling them their cocks are too small
Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Okay. Let me try to think about this realistically. I legit gotta pull out a ruler.
Yandere classmate is a bit more meaty? Idk if that’s the right term. But I would imagine five or six inches, he’s cut, and girth wise… around four cm. His is pretty veiny, with a nice pink tip.
And yearbook guy would be about seven inches in length, he’s also cut, and 3 cm girth? not sure. And his, idk yall I think his dick would be pretty niceeeee just saying
and for fun here are their body count.
yearbook guy is around… four. He’s still young, not really hooking up with a lot of people, because he doesn’t want to be called a promiscuous man from his peers.
I think sigh yandere classmate would be a virgin or at least one.
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allurilove · 17 days
Imagining becoming friend with yearbook guys ex and collectively talking shit about him
Oh there is a yandere guy i wrote that would be a horrible boyfriend, but im not gonna say who.
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allurilove · 17 days
PLEASE PLEASE I need to tell yearbook guy I hate narcissistic assholes and we will never be together 😭
I don’t like blonde men tell him that to
All he heard was that you love him and his blond hair. Oops.
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allurilove · 17 days
I’m really trying to get into the imagination here so how big would you say yearbook guys house is?
Also what loser *cough* classmates family net worth?
Hmmm. It would be in a very nice affluent area, somewhere that’s like near the beach, and his garage could hold like around three cars. Which is perfect for their three person family household. And likeeeeee, I’ll say his house is around 10 mill for now. They have a lot of bedrooms that are mostly empty or filled with yearbook guys trophies. Nice backyard, he has a tennis court where he can practice and he sometimes teach kids how to play. It is tastefully decorated, and it’s not like those grey monotone and modern houses.
For yandere classmate…. I would just say middle or working class. ?
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allurilove · 17 days
So both of the classmates are limp dicked losers and yearbook guy is a ran through whore…… good to know.
So… is no one gonna give shit to my other characters? it’s just gonna be these two that’s always getting heat 😭😭
Yearbook guy had like one serious relationship, and then three hookups after that. For yandere classmate idk. I’m still on the fence about him. Reader could be his first, or he loses it to someone else idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
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allurilove · 18 days
I have deep beef with yearbook guy
would you hate me if i said that he was originally gonna be the submissive one, and the other is actually a dominant/ switch? 😭
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allurilove · 18 days
“So what if you’re richer than me? That just gives me more of a reason to be with you, I mean think of the life we can build together.” Your classmate raised his brow, “Say, why don’t you let me formally meet your parents. How about that, hmm?”
Why is that a better reason for us to be together? 🤨 because you think in some twisted way that now you have the chance to inherit my wealth? You think you’ll give me your last name and take over my family?
(I’m convinced you have beef with him 😭)
“I never said that at all.” Your classmate responded, his hands folding in his lap. “In fact it would be nice for me to have your last name.”
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allurilove · 18 days
Yearbook guy physical description 🫶
I love how we don’t have names we’re just like thing one and thing two
Yandere Classmate
(Yearbook guy)
This is just how I would imagine him! You can imagine whatever!
Broad shoulders. Besides being in the yearbook club, he is on the swim team. He’s pretty built, and likes to take care of himself. He’s well groomed, and “humble.” He knows he looks good, but he doesn’t post gym pics on his socials. He mostly posts him and his dog.
He has beauty marks on his face, one near his right eye and on his upper lip. Pretty smile, straight teeth and has pretty privilege.
He’s around 6’2” or 6’3” so he’s a bit taller than the other yandere classmate who is 5’11”
No body hair, and wears the tiniest suit while swimming. Has a little tattoo near his v-line. Veiny hands, and big thighs.
He has blond hair, hazel eyes, and is pretty tan.
He likes to wear regular straight up and down jeans, none of that skinny jeans though. A clean pressed shirt, or on his off days he likes to just put on a hoodie or a zip up. He wears neutral colors and dark blue. He likes to match his shoes to his clothes. He likes wearing rings, but he doesn’t have any piercings or necklaces.
He actually wears glasses, but puts on contact lenses instead.
He has those dimples on his lower back, idk how to explain it.
While yandere classmate likes pompompurin, yearbook guy likes cinamonroll! He likes bunnies in general.
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allurilove · 16 days
I’m on tumblr 25/8 so I’m going to come out and say this..
I like Yearbook yandere, (only when he doesn’t talk though LIKE BRO SHUT YOUR BITCH ASS TRAP)
Yearbook yandere fans exist ?!!?!?? Well now he knows to just stand there and look pretty.
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allurilove · 17 days
Who was yearbooks serious relationship 🤨 why did they break up 🤨 what did she look like 🤨
Honestly I think she left him. Which is great for her tbh, cause even I know when my characters are shitty. Some characters are intended to be, and I really didn’t think people would like them… cough cough yandere x zombie you. I thought people would be weirded out that he cut off his dick-
But she’s a girl that goes to the country club with him. They got along and golfed together for awhile, and started to date. Appearance wise? she was tall, real pretty and way out of his league 😭
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allurilove · 17 days
Telling yearbook guy that I’m only into men that let me peg them
😏he would love that though. He’s pretty adventurous when it comes to… doing stuff in the bedroom.
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allurilove · 17 days
“In fact it would be nice for me to have your last name.”
I smell a rat…. What’s he up to honestly
I think it’s more of a uhhhh- I’m finally claimed by you and you accept me- sort of thing. I mean what’s the harm anon? marry him and find out 😭
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allurilove · 3 days
Yearbook guy would probably just fuck someone
true 😭😭😭😭
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