#yall arent the next matpat chill out
stressedjester · 2 years
I hate aoex fan theorists now that I'm older because they literally ignore canon and 90% of their theories revolve around pseudo incest or turning the story into a shitty creepypasta and it's weird
Like. Shiemis mom has had her backstory explained. She's not secretly some goddess or whatever. She was literally just another descendant of Shiemihaza
Shiemi is not secretly one of the demon kings kids, she's rins love interest and it'd be fucking weird theorizing she's his cousin for no reason. Her power comes from being a "true" vessel (imo I think its solely bc of her strong personality. Kato constantly makes that a point)
No, other than Abel Franken (even that's debatable bc he could just be a clone), not every bg character is secretly Mephisto's kid with some secretly huge purpose in the story. That would be bad writing
No, Yukio is not secretly someone else's son other than Satan. Did you forget thats the whole reason his body can be used as a portal? That his insecurities literally come from being Satan's kid?
And Mephisto/other demon kings are not fallen angels especially when it is EXPLICITLY STATED demons and angels are essentially the same thing and it's literally only humans making the distinction
Like. It pisses me off. There's so much explained, and WAY more parallels that could add to more interesting theories (like parallels between Rin and Yukio and Mephisto and Lucifer, or between Rin and Arthur and shit about the Order), but everyone who makes theories in this fanbase just tosses in "info" that doesn't even exist in universe because they think confusing or twisted = better
Just write a damn fanfic and make ocs instead of acting like your weird theories are canon and looking down on fans who dont believe all your theories. There's no harm in it as a hobby but when you try to enforce it as canon in fan spaces, treat other fans as stupid, or literally just use it for writing out your thinly veiled fetishes it's irritating
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