#xxxholic shunmuki
does anyone know where i can watch xxxholic shunmuki & also rou???? i feel like i have looked everywhere. (english subs)
i found one place that has it but i have to make an account and be a premium member, and really don't want to give my info to a sketchy website lmao.
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spuddy-potat · 2 months
Watanuki Kimihiro Whump List (xxxHOLiC)
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its finally here!!! i know i said i would make this months ago but i finally got around to finishing it!! its my first whump list so i may have missed a few things (let me know if i should add anything!!) but i hope you find this helpful <3
note: Watanuki is affected by the presence of certain types of negative energy which make him feel ill (often shown by coughing, covering his mouth/nose, or gagging)–he reacts to it numerous times throughout the series so it will be referred to as "ghost energy" in this list.
includes some Doumeki whump as an added bonus!!
SEASON 1 1.01: chased, knocked down by spirits (comedic), trips 1.02: cooking mishap (comedic) x2, ghost energy 1.03: ghost energy, accosted by spirits, briefly unconscious(?) after nearly falling off the roof Doumeki bonus: dislocated shoulder 1.04: reference to parents' death 1.05: chased by spirits 1.06: freaked out by Yuuko's shortcut, ghost energy (coughing 1.07: bonked by umbrella (comedic) x2, dragged under hydrangea, ghost energy, unconscious Doumeki bonus: bonked by umbrella (comedic), tired from waiting/digging in the rain for hours, Yuuko mentions that his injury is aggravated by the rain 1.08: ghost energy x2 1.09: "strangled" by Kudagitsune (comedic), yanked around by Kudagitsune x2, Doumeki-induced collapse (comedic) 1.10: freaked out by ghost stories, slapped by Yuuko (comedic), freaked out by spirits, grabbed/restrained 1.11: falls from the sky, bonked by umbrella (comedic)         Doumeki bonus: soul removed, passes out (10:00), head bonked, unconscious for most of the episode 1.12: carries heavy luggage (comedic), hurts wrist trying to turn a handle (comedic), freaked out by spirit, grabbed 1.13: arm slashed 1.14: ghost energy (dizzy(?)) x2, Himawari-induced half-collapse (comedic) 1.15: none         Doumeki bonus: tea spilled on arm 1.16: bothered by Kudagitsune (heavy), nearly collapses(?) after chase 1.17: slapped with bouquet of flowers 1.18: slams face into wall youkai, falls from the sky 1.19: smacks face on tree (comedic) 1.21: trips, nightmare, body feels heavy, collapses, freaked out by spirit, childhood flashback, reference to parents' death 1.22: reference to parents' death x2, coughing x8, not eating as much (small detail), passes out x2 (16:15)(22:00), weak, childhood flashback, coughing up blood 1.23: weak, passes out x3 (3:30)(5:00)(15:25), coughing x4, nightmare, crying x3, nearly collapses, heavy breathing, worsening cough 1.24: childhood flashback [freaked out by spirit, reference to parents' death, loss of friend]
SEASON 2 (POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING) 2.01: strange dream, blindness in right eye, split vision         Doumeki bonus: eye pain, collapse (7:00), eye sealed shut 2.02: split vision x2, smacked by Karasutengu 2.03: ghost energy x2 (weak, nearly collapses), collapses (4:52), cuts hand with glass, split vision, restrained x2, choked, eye swallowed, passes out x2 (15:30)(20:25) 2.04: grabbed/restrained, unconscious, passes out (8.55) 2.06: hopelessly bad at mahjong (collapses numerous times in defeat–comedic) 2.07: pinky hurts, trips 2.08: pinky hurts/spills tea on hand 2.09: hot tea thrown at face 2.10: cold water thrown at face 2.11: pinky hurts x3 (worsening pain), freaked out, falls out window (15:17), almost dies, sees parents in a dream/hallucination(?)–appears as a child, crying 2.12: unconscious for 6 days         Doumeki bonus: blood loss
SHUNMUKI (OVA) ep 1: Doumeki-induced freak-out (comedic), flashback [lonely], embarrassed x3 ep 2: passes out (offscreen), wakes up on the floor
ROU (OVA) ep 1: crying ep 2: wakes up on the floor
MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM (MOVIE) bothered by spirits, embarrassed (kinda cute), ghost energy (gags, has to leave the room), strange dream, falls from a balcony, smacked by a piece of wood, nearly falls off a ledge
2022 LIVE ACTION MOVIE* (POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING) chased by spirits, stands on the roof (WHY?????), bumps into Doumeki and falls like a moe girl, stabbed in the shoulder/neck, collapses (32:30), tries to stand up and collapses like a moe girl (34:24), carried bridal-style by Doumeki, falls down a stairwell (but its ok he got better), eye stolen, dragged into pond, nightmare [witnesses mother's death], wakes up on the ground, time loop, pushed down, arm twisted, choked, dragged, restrained x2, sexually harrassed by Jourogumo (too many times, i refused to keep count), crying
*im gonna be honest watching this movie was kind of a nightmare, its super out of character and condenses/rewrites the story in weird ways (dont even get me started on Jourogumo). i dont recommend this movie if you care about the integrity of these characters and story tbh. however, i thought i should include it for the sake of completion 😔. cool visuals tho.
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
{xxxHOLiC} x "Leave Out All The Rest" {A.M.V.} ~ Shizuka Dōmeki x Kimihiro Watanuki {DOUWATA} / {WATADOU}
Happy Birthday, Watanuki & C.L.A.M.P Day, {Watanuki & Dōmeki}! (Apr. 1st in J.S.T!!)
This was an A.M.V. I originally meant to make a long, long time ago, basically around 2k10's 'Holic' fanbase era, but it got put on hold for many years for various reasons, including the fact my video editor basically half-stopped working very well during that timeframe. Since then, I saw "Rou: Adayume", and was inspired to finally try an A.M.V. for them! {This is a preliminary version/1st drafted attempt, and a 'finalized' version may be shared some day down the road.} This A.M.V. in total took about 1~2 hours to make, but a literal 10+ years of planning off and on in my head!!
{With bonus appearances from: - Haruka Dōmeki [1st verse] {briefly} - Yūko Ichihara [2nd verse] {minimal} - Yōkai Boy (Watanuki's childhood 'friend') - Yōkai Woman [Final sections] - C!Sakura, C!Syaoran, and R!"Syaoran" (All as Friendship) - There is a scene at the end with audio from Shunmuki.}
Warning: Some minimal blood. "Character 'death'" of a supporting character {Yōkai Woman}
(Note: If the A.M.V. does not display properly on Tumblr for any reason, try the Vimeo link directly, and it should work! If you still have trouble displaying it, Please feel free to ping me in comments or tags and let me know!)
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hellionosphere · 3 years
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volfoss · 3 years
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good-anime-food · 3 years
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anime-captures · 3 years
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yuukibutterfly · 5 years
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faith-gigliorosa · 5 years
watanuki & syaoran - [i feel i'd be better off dead]
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i ACTUALLY finished xxxholic (i hadn't finished all of kei, shunmuki, and rou) and NOW I CAN OFFICIALLY SAY THIS IS ONE OF MY TOP FAVORITES EVER <3
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yogito · 7 years
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settana · 7 years
Doumeki’s Lust in xxxHOLIC Rou Adayume (Selfish Dream)
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Cages wanting to trap him, hands wanting to grab him, mouths trying to devour him, shadows wanting to possess him…  Dreams are a reflection of innermost desires of your mind.
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Yes, we know Haruka.
I’ve recently re-watched xxxHolic Rou Adayume (literally translated as xxxHolic Cage: Selfish Dream) and noticed how I felt more disturbed during Doumeki’s nightmare scene than the first time I watched it. At first, I thought it had been Watanuki trying to run from danger but that didn’t fit why he looked quite disturbed when talking to Haruka afterwards. Also, why was the OAD titled ‘Selfish Dream’? That could only mean Doumeki’s dream was selfish. But Doumeki and selfishness don’t go together, right? 
For me, the initial talk Haruka gave about selfish human hearts and the nightmare scene revealed the whole picture: Doumeki lusted after Watanuki but he knew his desires were selfish since acting upon them would be detrimental to Watanuki’s future. So, the later had to enter his nightmare and free himself from Doumeki’s selfish desires.
Allow me to explain why I believe it was ‘lust’.
At the start of the OAD, Haruka (out of the blue) says the following:
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“Human hearts are selfish. They prioritize what they want over everything; even reason”. We can be sure Haruka told this to Shizuka when he was little and at the start of the dream he remembers how his grandparent often told him things he didn’t understand because of his immaturity. 
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It would be safe to deduct that Haruka knew about his grandson’s fate encountering Watanuki and how it would affect him. I won’t go into details about the scenes with Watanuki but rather what he desired.
Doumeki and Watanuki (despite their fighting) are close and they do care for each other but it appeared as if Doumeki wanted more. However, if he were to have a relationship with Watanuki, he would die and Watanuki would remain alone. He knows Watanuki needs not only a human companion but also his spiritual energy and having descendants would solve the problem. 
This moment in xxxHolic Shunmuki was so precious because we can see both Doumeki and Kohane worried for Watanuki and promising themselves that they won’t let him be alone:
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So, problem solved. Doumeki can still see Watanuki at the shop, hang out with him, tease him, eat his delicious cooking, and so on, and he will bring descendants that will take care of his friend. Doumeki knows what needs to be done and how to do it, so everything should be alright.
Except that it isn’t because that’s not what he wants.
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The dream ends with Yuuko telling Doumeki not to hesitate. Then, we can see the following:
- A black viscous liquid flowing down 
Tears? Maybe I might be looking too much into it, but that could be a subconscious and metaphorical representation of sad, bitter tears. Maybe Doumeki was suppressing his tears.
- The black liquid forming a cage
It wants to trap something…
- The buildings breaking down
Doumeki’s walls are breaking down, his inner self is breaking down, the barrier he built up to hold himself is breaking down. Doumeki himself is breaking down. Note that before this scene, we see the black liquid on tree trunks, which represent a person’s stability.
- The remnants of the broken building trying to trap down Watanuki
He wants him for himself.
- Two moons aggressively joining together
This was subtle but disturbing when you see that after joining a window is broken. Joining together… something breaking…Something dripping out of where it broke… Do I need to be explicit here?
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- A timid hand suddenly turning ferocious trying to grab him
This is where things stopped being so subtle. It appears as a strong desire to touch him. Which is disturbing considered what happened above. 
- A wall trying to trap Watanuki and a hand grabbing him
Once again, the desire to possess and touch him. This hand is more straightforward than the first one. After being grabbed, he is observed by two red eyes. Red is the color of lust, so it is possible that he is been seen with that desire. 
- Another hand trying to grab him
This is the third attempt. This time, this hand is much more aggressive. 
- A mouth trying to devour him
We’ve seen hands, now a mouth with fiery teeth. In foreplay, touching and kissing are essential parts, so now that we’ve seen desire to touch, we can see sexual desires linked with the mouth. I won’t go into many details since I want to keep it PG13. Also, the sharp teeth and the fact that he swallowed Watanuki can be seen as possessiveness as well.
- A mouth and deformed hands trying to grab him
Doumeki’s entire him wanting to possess Watanuki.
- The color ‘black’ through the entire dream
You don’t need to go through a spiritual school to know that black represents the opposite of purity when talking about energy. I am not going to tell you that sexual desire is bad, hence, it is black, since it is an essential part of human nature. However, Doumeki’s desire was shown as black, the most dangerous color of all.
This is because Doumeki has a pure aura and tries to do whatever is the right thing to do. We’ve seen how selfless he is through the entire series. We know that if he were to feel something for someone, he would like his beloved to be safe even if he himself is unhappy. 
Remember this?
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Doumeki chose to “kill” her because Watanuki would be safe, even if Doumeki himself would be unhappy since Watanuki would hate him.
This is the kind of person Doumeki is: noble and purer in heart than most human beings but still not a saint.
So, we knew during xxxHolic that Doumeki cared about Watanuki but what we didn’t expect was for him to have other desires. He knows he must get rid of them, because acting upon his desires would be selfish and would make Watanuki unsafe. 
So now what Haruka said at the start of the OAD makes more sense:
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So, it is not about Doumeki feeling regret of loving Watanuki and having to hold that feeling due to marriage. You can marry but love another person and be close to them, and we know that Doumeki and Watanuki are close as they spend a lot of time together. Or, Doumeki could love Watanuki as his closest friend. But this is not the case.
In Horitsuba Gakuen Drama CD 4, Doumeki grabs Watanuki’s chest under his shirt and claims that it was subconscious, while Kurogane wonders if it is ok to broadcast such a scene. Even if it is another universe, we are talking about the same Doumeki. And while that scene might have been played for laughs, it is still a weird “joke” to do for someone as Doumeki.  
This is why I believe the love Doumeki wants is the one belonging to a couple, which involves intimacy in both body and soul. Once married, Doumeki knows that he won’t have that kind of relationship as he must respect marriage vows and is his duty to keep Watanuki safe regardless of his own happiness. After all, he has given so much to keep Watanuki safe. His life revolves around him.
He knows his human heart is selfish, he knows his desires are wrong, so this is why they are painted in black and shown as vicious spirits. When Watanuki frees himself, he is finally able to move on with his duty, probably the one that was destined for him since birth that Haruka wanted to make sure his grandson properly fulfilled: keep Watanuki safe.
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birdylists · 7 years
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xxxHOLiC Shunmuki
Kobato.: Hajimete no Kobato.
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xxxHOLiC Rou
Blood-C: The Last Dark
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hellionosphere · 3 years
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good-anime-food · 3 years
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phone-nit · 7 years
XXXHOLic: Shunmuki - Zenpen (2009 Video)
XXXHOLic: Shunmuki – Zenpen (2009 Video)
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