#xwp fanfiction rec
mylesficfavs · 1 year
I haven't read any new Xena f/f fanfiction in years. Still, I dare say that this is the best Xena Conqueror story there is 🥰!
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XWP Lockdown Fic Rec #2: “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained”, by Tonya M
Original Publication Date: Late 1998, probably Summary: From the author’s description: “This is a story based off of Remember Nothing and assumes that Xena didn't choose to kill when she did in the episode. It also refers to A Solstice Carol (in a round about way), Sacrifice II, A Family Affair, and Crusader … I think that's it.” Xena frees Gabrielle and helps her with the fallout of her life as a slave. Hurt/comfort at its finest.  Genre: Alt Length: 26K words Sex?: Yes Warnings: References to sexual assault; violence; major character death Link: http://www.ausxip.com/fanfiction/n/nothingventured.html
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