#xena doesn't make it with him again either
marley-manson · 18 days
Xena season 4 finale(ish) post, warning for spoilers for certain mutuals who are currently watching the show, or anyone else.
FANTASTIC climax to Gabrielle's arc this season, good god. When she throws that fucking spear... chills. This is another contender for favourite Xena scene of all, it's so incredibly effective. The way these last few episodes have really hammered down Gabrielle's pacifism with her arguments with Amarice, her choice to let Brutus go instead of having him executed, her stupid powder and non-lethal fight shenanigans, the return of Eli in this episode - and it's all there just to make the moment where she picks up that spear as impactful as possible, and it works. Even her first kill and that fallout all the way back in season 3 now feels like it exists just to set up the emotional impact of this scene, it's that good.
And god the scene itself is amazing to watch. The way she mows down soldier after soldier as brutally and efficiently as possible, the way she visibly shifts from fighting to protect Xena to lashing out in frustrated rage as she realizes that escape is impossible, her lack of regret afterwards. The cheffest of kisses.
This episode was fantastic in other ways as well. I love that the show makes it clear that Xena only lost here because Callisto is a fucking cheater lmao. She would've killed Caesar when she intended to if Callisto hadn't intercepted her chakram, and she would've escaped the prison if Callisto hadn't broken her back. Caesar didn't defeat Xena, Callisto did, and only because Callisto has ghost magic going on. And that's very fitting too, because if it was just Xena vs Caesar it might've felt a little thin for an epic conclusion - but with true fan-beloved archnemesis Callisto involved, it feels appropriately impactful. Also love that Xena intended to just quietly assassinate Caesar lol. Circumstances are a little different than The Debt, since Caesar did declare his murderous intentions first, but the vibes are similar and I love them.
Also Caesar's sexualized vulnerability in this ep sure was a choice, but a good one imo - the sex nightmare (including a prolonged shot where they're positioned to mimic gender-reversed missionary) as well as Callisto getting handsy with him. And again like, idk exactly what the intent was here, but the vibes do feel like a call-back to his dubconny sexual encounter with Xena, and the fact (? taking their exchange in When Fates Collide into account, when Xena says she must've been his worst nightmare) that he was/is afraid of her. Idk, it adds a nicely complex layer to their interactions and mutual enmity, not quite undermining Xena's resentful hatred, but suggesting it's a two-way street, and for a good reason, especially with v traumatized Callisto drawing a parallel between the two of them in how Xena fucked them up. And given that they both simultaneously die by each others' hands-by-proxy in a pair of intercut scenes at the end, it does fit this story nicely. Both achieve a cathartic, and arguably deserved, vengeance.
Idk if I can say that was the intent definitively, I mean, the show also just has a hard-on for dominant women lol, it doesn't frame Xena as an actual rapist at any point, and it certainly hasn't made an impression on fans either based on the fact that I've like, never seen this dynamic between them discussed before. But Caesar waking up in terror after dreaming about Xena fucking and then stabbing him - in a context that suggests this is a recurring nightmare, given Caesar saying "dreams" plural and the fact that he hasn't even seen her recently - sure is a striking image to start us off with and contextualize Caesar's obsessive hatred, yk?
Oh man and finally I adore Callisto in this ep, and not just because she looks good with short hair lol. Also like, that shot when Xena and Gabrielle are being brought out to the crosses and she catches a snowflake on her tongue like a delighted child might be my favourite Callisto moment of all <333 And speaking of that moment, the direction and editing of this episode was also just amazing. Beautiful, many striking images, excellently paced.
Basically this was a nearly perfect episode, extremely satisfying and poignant and engaging and intriguing, and if it had actually been the end of the series it would've been a very fitting end. In some ways seasons 5 and 6 almost feel like bonus seasons lol, take them or leave them, with this as the true thematically resonant and emotionally satisfying ending.
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep7
Oof, Callisto AGAINNNN XD
Sneaky Xena and Gabrielle
Gabrielle does NOT like Callisto
Theodorus? Her second in command?
MUM? SPIRIT? Ares again ffs... URGH
"A chance you never gave Callisto"
She's seeing things? Oh it was a dream.
Eepy Gabrielle
Well. "You can't go on like this" 😭
She has PTSD :(
URGH Can these dreams stooooop
She sees Gabrielle's face and is relieved :<
Not Joxer AGAIN 🙄
Jumps thru wooden wall
"Don't worry, I cleared the place out for you"....
HA she dropped him on purpose. As she should
"And I wish she'd never been born" oop
Oh she's hallucinating isn't she
"Oh, how I've missed you" 😌
"Dreams are the fine line between the real world and the underworld"
Oh god... The sexual tension between those three...... 😂
OH SHIT. Callisto took over Xena's body.The HORSE KNOWSSSS
Oh Callisto wants to make Gabrielle kill...
Gabrielle definitely feels something is off
Hi there, Hades
(feverishly writes down more fanfic plans for other ships)
Oh. So Xena as Callisto has to convince Gabrielle she's Xena
Omfg don't bring back traumatic memories 😭 My poor Gabrielle
Oh now she knows, doesn't she.
PLEASE HELPPPPP T_T Callisto and Ares are so horny for each other... I'm uncomfortable with this energy
"I scared him off" sjdfjjd with your BOOBS?
Xenaaa <3
Oh she's foraging to help Argo
The bloody X 👀
"Where's Gabrielle?"
The acting is brilliant btw
"Come on, you can kill her with the blade. Either way, I win."
Omgggg she's amazing "Gabrielle hasn't dreamed anything"
"Understand?" "No, but it'll be done" T_T
"Guess I used you" lowkey icon beha
Is that tar? Are they making the soldiers panic.
"My soul is clean, because it's all on you"
"How many of your victims had faces, Callisto?"
Holy shitttt...
AHHH, Callisto pointing fingers at Xena who's wearing Callisto's face rn...
Oh god. Is Xena stuck like this now..... 😂
"Gabrielle, this can't be easy for you" XENA STUCK IN SOME OTHER BODY? YEA
Oh for Perticus..... Suuuure... 😂
Aww, they set off againnn
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olddirtybadfic · 1 year
The Sad Saga of James Morgan and Company: My Writing Style Was Goblin Mode
Imagine being an eleven-year-old girl who is obsessed with Xena: Warrior Princess (and ripping off the dark plots from it) and Pokémon. Imagine being this kid who, after acting out her fanfics (that involve way too much human sacrifice and crucifixion) with her Barbies, decides she should actually write them down in a form other people can read.
Add a dose of repressed anger issues and you get this.
This fic contains: Colorful language; general angst; possible out-of-character moments for Jessie, James, and Meowth; violence; convoluted occult lore; blood; murderous, occult-powered Jessiebelle; attempted murder; Jessiebelle wants to honor-kill James(?!); Jessiebelle slut-shames James a lot; character death and resurrection; ellipses abuse; Jesus Hades Christ eleven!me tortured James a lot in fic (I don’t know why; he was and still is my favorite Pokémon character); James has bottlecap powers
*Imagine that Jessie, James, and Meowth have been trying witchcraft to do better at their job. It doesn't work for Jessie and Meowth, but it works for James. So he's a witch now. Imagine Jessiebelle is trying to kidnap James and is also a witch. Since James is a witch (whose powers are not supposed to be used for evil) and Team Rocket is an evil organization, the mismatch makes his powers go insane, weakening him.
*Jessiebelle sneaks up behind James while he's sitting at camp. He screams, but Jessiebelle puts a rag with knockout potion over his mouth. He passes out. Meowth comes on the scene.
Meowth: What did you do to him?! Jessiebelle: If he won't marry me, I'll have to marry him. I made him unconscious with a potion. I'll do the same with you.
*Meowth screams. Jessiebelle knocks him out with the potion and runs off with James, who is still unconscious.
*When Meowth comes to, Jessie is there.
Jessie: What happened to you? Where's James? Meowth: Jessiebelle used a potion to knock him out. She did that to me, too. I guess she took James away.
*They go out looking for James. Meanwhile, James comes to. He's chained to a wall. Jessiebelle is standing in front of him.
Jessiebelle: Did you have a nice nap?
*James magically screams so loud, Jessie and Meowth can hear him.
Meowth: That sounded like James!
*Back at the dungeon…
James: What are you trying to do to me? Jessiebelle: If you won't marry me, I'll just have to marry you. By force. And I know you're a witch, so those chains are witchcraft-proof.
*James tries to break the chains with his powers but it doesn't work. He screams. Jessiebelle puts her hand over his mouth.
Jessiebelle: Don't make me use the potion again.
*Jessie and Meowth climb through the window.
Jessie: You can't force him to marry you! Meowth: He doesn't love you!
*James looks relieved to see them.
Jessiebelle: I'll kill him if you two try anything.
*James's eyes widen. Jessiebelle turns to him.
Jessiebelle: You have dishonored your family, you know. If you resist marrying me, I'll have no choice but to kill you.
*James's widened eyes focus on the noose Jessiebelle is holding.
Jessiebelle: Either tie the knot or tie the noose. James: Why should I have to die because I don't want to get married? Jessiebelle: Shut up, or I'll blast you to pieces!
*Jessiebelle takes out a bulky wand that looks like a shotgun. James puts his head down.
Jessiebelle: And don't you dare try to scream again because I've got a really sharp dagger I'd like to test out on some flesh. (pulls out a really sharp dagger) Jessie: Stop threatening him! It makes no damn sense, killing him just because he doesn't want to get married. Jessiebelle: So you want to be killed with him? I can arrange that. James: Don't kill her! Jessiebelle: I told you to shut up, you insolent trollop! (takes out a needle with black liquid in it)
*James can't help it. He struggles against his chains. Jessiebelle pimp-slaps him across his face.
Jessiebelle: I told you, that's useless! Now, stop it! (kicks James) Meowth: You stop it! Quit trying to marry or kill him. I think you just want to marry him to kill him. Jessiebelle: That's not true. If he resists, I kill him. If he accepts, he lives. James: Why would I marry a murderer? Are you going to sacrifice me? Jessiebelle: That's it! I'll make you suffer, little witch! James: No, you won't! I'm not that same weak little child I was before. Jessiebelle: I can trigger your powers to go insane, you know. Jessie: I challenge you to a Pokémon battle, Jessiebelle! Jessiebelle: Fine. If you win, you can keep the little whore. If I win, I keep him. And possibly sacrifice him. Jessie: Don't call him a whore.
*They start the match. Jessie's Arbok wins the match and knocks Jessiebelle's Vileplume out. Jessie, James, and Meowth escape the dungeon. They look for a place to camp out.
Meowth: (to James) Are you okay? James: Why wouldn't I be? Meowth: You're not usually so quiet. James: I'm just tired.
*They find a place to camp out.
*Imagine Jessiebelle has a new way to kill James if he doesn't marry her. She makes him suffer and beg for death.
*Jessie, James, and Meowth are trying to think of a new plan for stealing Pokémon. Jessiebelle comes out of nowhere and grabs James inconspicuously.
Jessie: Where did James go? Meowth: I don't know. I think I saw him get grabbed by somebody.
*Jessiebelle is running off with James, who is magically screaming as loud as he can so Jessie and Meowth can track him.
Jessiebelle: Will you shut up, you harlot?
*Jessiebelle shuts James up with her knockout potion. When she gets to the dungeon, James wakes up.
Jessiebelle: All right. No more Miss Nice Warlock. James: What do you mean, "no more?" You were never Miss Nice Warlock. Jessiebelle: You're going to suffer until you beg for death. I'll be glad to fuck you up until you die. James: It'll be a cold day in hell before I beg for death. Jessiebelle: Well, I guess you'll be there in hell on that cold day.
*Jessie and Meowth set their tent up right next to the dungeon. Even though it's next to it, Jessiebelle can't see it because James left them a camouflage potion spray.
*Jessiebelle drags James outside (it's a really hot day) and ties him to some dead leafless tree that's in the sun. The sun is right on him and it's "no shadow time." He almost faints. Next, Jessiebelle throws rocks at him, but doesn't kill him with them. Then she makes him carry heavy bricks, barely clothed, through mud on a rainy day. That's his breaking point. James faints and the bricks are cutting his arms and legs, so now he's covered in mud and blood.
*Jessie and Meowth are unaware of all this happening until they find James's limp body lying there. He's not dead. When they take him into their tent, he wakes up.
James: What happened? (tries to sit up, but is still dizzy from the torture in the sun) Jessie: I don't know what she did to you. We just found you lying in the mud. James: I don't know if I remember all of what happened. (tries to sit up again, winces, clutches head) Meowth: Lie down. What happened to you?
*James tells them what he remembers.
James: I don't care what she does to me, I'm not marrying her. Meowth: If that bitch ever tries that again, I don't know what I'm gonna do, but it won't be good. Jessie: So what you're saying is, a fucking-up is in the question. Meowth: Yeah. Pretty much.
*Jessiebelle glances out the window. She squints through a magic scope and sees the tent.
Jessiebelle: Whoever's in that tent, you're squatting on private property and I have a right to shoot! (cocks wand)
*Jessie and Meowth tell James to stay inside. They get out of the tent.
Jessiebelle: Not you bastards again! What'd you do with James? Jessie: He's not with us right now. Jessiebelle: My ass! (jumps out window onto tent)
*Jessiebelle lands next to James.
Jessiebelle: I'm locking you up and throwing away the key!
*James screams. Jessiebelle puts her hand over his mouth. He bites her hand. It doesn't faze her. She takes James inside the dungeon and locks the door behind them.
Jessiebelle: You know what happens now? First, I'll get your little friends.
*Jessiebelle drags Jessie and Meowth in with a sucking wind and chains them to the wall with witchcraft-proof chains.
Jessiebelle: Next I'll test out my new dagger on their necks. James: Don't kill them, kill me. Jessiebelle: What was that? James: I said, kill me instead. Jessiebelle: Fine. (walks over to James and stabs him)
*James slides down the wall, leaving a trail of blood. Jessiebelle unchains Jessie and Meowth.
Jessiebelle: You can't help him now, so I might as well let you free. (leaves in a cloud of red smoke) Meowth: No….(walks over to James) No….he's not dying….we can save him.
*James isn't quite dead yet.
James: I'm sorry. It's true. I am dying. Meowth: No, you're not. I can help you. I'm sorry we didn't save you in time. James: (coughs up blood) She moves too fast. Nobody can stop her. At least she won't bother you now I'm dying. Meowth: You're not dying. Just don't talk, save your strength, maybe you'll live. James: (painfully) Nobody can live through being (breathes with difficulty) mortally wounded. Meowth : Is this goodbye?
*James's eyes close. They don't open again. Meowth holds James's hand in his paw. James's hand is cold.
Meowth: He's dead. Jessie: I guess it was too much for him. The suffering was, I mean.
*Meowth starts to cry. Jessie holds him.
Jessie: Maybe we could try one of those rituals to bring him back. Meowth: But how? The powers didn't come to us. Jessie: Then we'll steal some of Jessiebelle's.
*They find Jessiebelle's spell books and supplies. They find a cauldron and start trying to mix the potions. They sacrifice three Spearow, prick their fingers, and add their own blood to the cauldron. Then they drip their own blood on the floor, making markings, and place James's body in the center. They pour some of the potion on James. He comes back to life.
James: I'm alive. (gasps) Meowth: Don't get worked up. We don't want you fainting when you've just come back to life. James: I'm not worked up. I'm happy.
*The three of them hug and get out of there.
Meowth: I managed to grab this. (pulls out a bottle of potion) But I don't have anything to cover it.
*James zaps a bottle cap out of the air and puts it on the potion bottle. Team Rocket walks into the sunset.
Moral of the story: Eleven!me knows way too many synonyms for "whore." Also, James's powers are magical screaming, conjuring bottlecaps, and mixing potions.
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keyofjetwolf · 2 years
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And just like that, Xena’s betrayed again. Don’t get me wrong, though, SHE HAD IT COMING. I can’t remember the finer details for how she takes this, but I think we can safely sum them up as “not well”. I’m particularly interested to see it in context of what happened with Caesar and will come to happen with Gabrielle. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE
As Xena lies barely conscious on the ground, Ming Tien is transfixed by her.
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It’s impossible to know exactly what he’s thinking and feeling, but let’s give it a stab. At minimum, he appears to take no particular satisfaction from seeing Xena brought low. There’s no anger toward her here, nor any relief at his father’s rescue. He’s without pity or remorse either, though. Things taking a bad turn for Xena is just another plot point, which Ming Tien notes but seems otherwise disconnected from, as though it’s happening in someone else’s story rather than his own. 
And I think, in a way, that’s true for him. What happens to Xena now is ultimately irrelevant to him. Whether she lives or dies, he’s already taken everything he cares to from her. Xena’s taught him about strength and cruelty, but she’s also now taught him about weakness and compassion. Xena held all the cards, but by inviting Borias back to the table, she fucked herself over.
What we see in this moment, I think, is Ming Tien taking this all in and vowing that he won’t make the same mistake.
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sapphicanarchist · 4 years
I have no idea how my tumblr keeps getting dragged even further into snapedom/anti-James Potter. Though I do love Snape and while I no longer detest James, I still do not like him very much. I generally can't be anti-a character for long as it takes way more effort than I can canonly exert to detest a fictional character.
I am merely a depressed gay potato, and wouldn't mind dearly if writers stop screwing over my faves.
And if the people I hate stop suffering as well, that would be cool, I guess.
Anyways, I have other loves:
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I don't know how that picture got there...
Yes, other loves that aren't Harry Potter.
Teen Wolf. I do not talk about this show enough, but just so it's clear: Lydia Martin is my love, life and soul. Like, I am not even messing, I will happily relent to be screwed by her in any shape or position. And Sterek is bae. I adore their relationship dynamic, and the constant bickering. It was comforting.
Freya Mikaelson. Uggggghhhhhh, *lesbian sigh* I have a thing for blonde witches, sue me. Honestly though, my thing for blonde witches started when I saw Freya Mikaelson in passing on my sister's T.V screen, and I just...
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How can you not love her?? Look at her.
I don't much care for either Vampire Diaries or The Originals, I just love Freya. Tbh, I don't really remember much of the plot.
(I should probably indicate this is not a thirst list although it might read as such.)
Merlin. First show I ever watched, Merlin was literally my childhood. And I just always wanted to hug Morgana, you know? She was just so sad all the time. And angry... so angry. Anyways, Merlin pulled me in as a child and it became my go-to for comfort. There's just something about watching Arthur hit Merlin over the head and hearing the phrase, 'your royal prattishness' that makes me feel young and warm and loved. There's probably a reason why I liked Sterek so much lol.
Xena: The Warrior Princess. Okay, scratch above, this was the first show I ever watched. Powerful women kicking ass, yes please. I feel quite alone in this fandom cause people just write it off as old (It is) but it played a vital role in my life, I wanted to both be Xena and Gabriella. Xena, cause... Xena. And Gabriella cause... I got to be with Xena. Would honestly have been my go-to for comfort, but Xena is harder to get a hold of than Merlin (I actually watched it on a CD. Yeah, an old-timey relic)
Sherlock. Yes. I offer you no other words in explanation but Yes. Yes to the high-functioning sociopath, yes to the adrenalin-addicted veteran, yes to the consulting criminal, yes to the British government, yes to Mrs. Hudson, yes to Not My Division. Yes to all of it.
She-Ra: POP. This is a... quite recent obsession but it is very up there. See, I will kill for Scorfuma and Entrapdak. Scorpia and Hordak deserve to be happy, dammit! And Entrapta deserves someone who is there with her and doesn't judge her ffs! Anyways, not a popular ship but it is my opinion. And I like the representation of valid LGBTQ+ culture, I appreciate how it wasn't made into a big deal, and I will definitely be raising my kids on this show and shows like this.
(But then again, I don't even want kids so last statement ain't valid, I guess. Should have said babysitting kids on shows like this.)
All the Marvel movies. I just... adore Marvel, I guess. Been called a fake fan a number of times, cause I haven't read the comics. But I have watched all the movies and have started on the Venom comics, as well as the Spideypool comics. I just really like Marvel's characters... anyway...
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