dogtccth · 25 days
❝ i'm not going to stand here and argue with you about how much you need to get some rest. if i find you passed out on the floor i'm leaving you there. ❞ for roman
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" That's what espresso and coke is for . " It's been a few days now since he's gotten some real sleep . The thing about Roman's ambition was once he got something on his mind he'd push himself to the limit to attain it .
But mention of leaving him passed out on the floor like some fucking bum catches his attention and he look toward Domino with narrowed gaze . " Are you fucking serious ? " And he wants to scream but he's too exhausted for that and exhales deep . " C'mere -- " Gestured with finger for him to come close .
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soldiersscream · 27 days
@x1968 x
"I'm aware" Erwin nodded, his hand settled softly on Domino's waist, "I am also aware that you can't dance with the one person I know you want to dance with" he winked.
Erwin left Domino's hands resting on his shirt as his own found their way to the small of Domino's back, drawing him closer in a tender embrace. "And you don't get to be the princess when you're the one leading the dance," Erwin remarked with a playful wink, inviting Domino to fully surrender to the moment as they moved together in a gentle rhythm
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witchofthewalls · 3 months
he trailed a row of kisses down her back. "tell-a me what is-a wrong, fiore."
She enjoyed his affection, as always. But even all the kisses could not cheer her up as she wished for.
"I ... I don´t know" she whispered. "It´s just a lot. Everything" With "Everything", she meant everything that was going on in her life. Concerns about her future came up. How and if she could keep up this way of living. The constant pressure of being "good enough" for him and his family. His mental state, and the risk of him dying early. It all just eats her up inside.
She felt unstable for a while. Bottling up her emotions, working in their garden to distract her. But at night, when she can´t find any sleep, it all just comes up again.
"I´m just confused. I don´t know what to do. How to continue."
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bruz3r · 20 days
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There’s been conflicting information in the streets. Different facets to a man that wears a mustache like a mask ; distinguished and demeaning all at the same time. And somehow ─ for THE BAT to understand, it has led him here. 
Sitting across THE DON, his cape draped along the back of the chair, one leg over the other and a small smirk under his cowl. 
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     “ You see ─ my way usually involves pain. Violence. Quite a lot of punching. “ He started, folding his hands onto a staple over his thigh. “ I figured it might do me some good to try something different with you. “ Talking. Studying. Unearthing fact from fiction. Getting to the bottom of the illusion of this man.
[1] And maybe a little bit of flirting would do. 
“ Oh. Don’t be surprised. I’m not a very good boy. “ If at all. Not by any standard of normal.  Hardly even a man. “ Although, I think you would know that. “
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cont : @x1968 .
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the27percent · 10 months
various underground events were some of the more interesting affairs that atieno had attended in their travels. and it was fun, to take the purposeful time to put on a subtle front- play around with elegance and the hidden, the subversive in their presentation.
and who knows the kind of individuals they had the chance to interact with here too - that was yet another motivation for their interest.
their willingness to converse for a little while. "glad to hear it. it's my first time in this particular locale. but i find gatherings like this to be truly fascinating places.. a very in-between kind of space in many ways." they sipped from their own drink as they studied the movements of varying passerby.
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nvrcmplt · 10 months
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
Who was your first muse?
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I believe it waaaaaaaaaaas from around 2014? When I started properly taking Tumblr serious u wu I was on here in 2012 but I didn't use it much since I was in rp chatrooms instead. Way back machine remembers me!
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Jiyuna! My Red Bird boi, I've had him siiiiince 2011. Chatroom days to now and still going stronk. u Wu
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sayonaradumbass · 11 months
❝ my my... ❞ he said, pointing the gun at badou ❝ ...so this is how we a-finally meet again. i have-a been waiting for this moment for quite some time. ❞ a self-secure chuckle on his face as his body guards surrounded the young man. and by "body guards" i mean people who agreed to help him while in prison.
❝ come va, badou nails? ❞  
-- from domino
Badou should’ve looked over his shoulder especially well these days. Everything’s just been more crazy than usual, it’s a little hard to think about the past when the city’s trying to devour you from below your feet. 
The redhead lifts his hands above his head. 
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“You’re a little too obsessed with me, man. I’m not interested. Thought you figured that.” 
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dogtccth · 5 days
why can’t i have a normal boyfriend? (while taking a line) - @ roman
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" Oh , is that what you want ? " Laughable to say while taking a line . Roman watches , waits till Domino raises head to lean in . Thumb dragged over mustache before pulling it back to lick residue off digit . And he hums . " I don't think normal could keep up with you very well . Besides , it's fucking boring . "
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soldiersscream · 4 days
@witchofthewalls || x
He knew she wasn't okay, he watched people all day every day, took in their mannerisms and saw the tells. Even if she thought she was covering them up, it was like a beacon to him. It's how he knew to bring supplies. Erwin took a seat beside her, quiet and stoic, looking forward so she didn't feel the piercing gaze of his blue eyes.
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"The boss can be --" he paused in his words, it didn't matter what he was to Domino, who she was in this weird set up, she needed comforting and that's all that matters. "Difficult at times" he decided, leaning forward, an arm on each of his thighs as his hands clasped together.
"Did you want to talk about it?" he questioned, still giving her the choice in the matter, keeping his gaze on his own skilled hands.
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witchofthewalls · 2 months
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"so you're the new "woman" in my brother's life huh? tell me, where exactly are you from? and how did you meet domino in the first place? i'm very curious.♥" - danielo
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How much disgust can one person have towards another?
Since she had to flee underground, Kuchel was more or less used to being called all sorts of insults. Whore, cunt, stupid woman, were just a few of them.
But this situation was different. This man was way more eloquent with his words, but they were just as hurtful and he was way more dangerous than the random stranger she met in the brothel. This man had power, and he knew it. Perhaps not as much power as his brother - but definitely more power than her. He made her feel that she doesn´t deserve to be here, and that he didn't even see her as human.
I know you don´t see me as a woman, but as a disposable object. You wanted to call me his bitch, his broodmare, right? she thought. She would never speak out like that, even if it's damn hard for her to keep her mouth shut. Instead, she swallowed the anger and fear and put on a friendly smile. One thing that helped her to deal with fear and anger, were her mothers words that were still in her head:
"Most "great men" are nothing but average men with a great ego."
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"Why, yes I am~" she said with her usual cheerful, soft voice.
"I'm very pleased to meet you," she purred. "The Don has already told me a lot about you, about his dear brother~"
She stood rock solid in front of him, as expected of a Donna.
"I am the firstborn daughter of a jeweler and his wife. We come from a place far away from here, and unfortunately my family doesn't live here. My family was here for vacation, and I was out for an late afteroon walk. I was lucky that I caught the Don´s attention this evening. And I was lucky enough … to be accepted into your family~"
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bruz3r · 30 days
"why would an established man like-a you ask a criminal like-a me how he feels about a-being called 'good boy'?" he says. cigarillo in his hand and casually gazing at the other man. a hint of a smug smile on his face. bruce doesn't know what he unravels by asking that.
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" Curiosity, mostly. “ Intrigue is the other half but he keeps that to himself for now. Studying the man across from him, an obvious hum of playful mischief in the air with the barest hint of danger. As the man leans closer, hunched over knee and thigh, a surreptitious smirk forming on his lips. “ Are you ─  “ A sultry pause. His hawk like gaze fixed on the criminal's features; inspecting every minute expression that telegraphs on it. “ A good boy, Don? “
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@x1968 .
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the27percent · 11 months
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"for a little while now." it's hard to ignore the large wound mihai had.. and not wonder what was going on with him.
"i uh.. really figured i should double check with you. cause that doesn't seem like it should be left like that for a long time."
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mauerfrau · 8 months
@x1968 from x
Liliane slid from her stool and walked over gracefully to the one he had gestured to. Without looking at them, she could feel the eyes of the two body guards following her. It was cute, that they thought she would have anything to fear from them. She had her own crew in place, although they were hidden much better than these two chucklefucks. And besides, she’d taken out meat heads like them on her own plenty of times.
Ignoring the guards as she sat down, she smiled at the man before her. “You looked like you could use some company,” she softly, putting her cheek in her hand and propping it up on her elbow on the bar. “Or maybe, I thought I could use some. Either way, I’d say it’s a win for us both, don’t you think?”
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skxrbrand · 7 months
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
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Kha'xanzyr probably does, or would if his partner wanted to. Coincidentally, he's the only one who has like...real lips.
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dogtccth · 26 days
"because it-a makes me look at you in ways dat i shouldn't."
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" And who said you shouldn't ? "
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soldiersscream · 6 months
The underground: derelict, ruined, and captivating, much like the diverse array of individuals who inhabited its shadows. Concealed from those who deemed themselves too good to venture below, it thrived for those who embraced the raw pulse of life beneath the surface.
Erwin found solace in this secret world, discovering it after his forced departure from the forces. Having sacrificed everything, even his right arm, for his country, he now navigated the hidden underbelly of society. It was here that he honed his skills, taken under the wing of a mentor whose life was tragically cut short. Erwin meticulously completed his list of kills, preparing himself for the impending moment of revenge.
In a familiar bar, cold and unyielding, Erwin settled into the atmosphere that was both unforgiving and strangely entertaining, particularly when bets were placed on the inevitable brawls that erupted. Friendliness was a rare commodity; everyone had their reasons for being there—to beg, to sell whatever possessions remained (even their bodies), to fuel their drug addictions, or simply to escape.
Erwin found his escape in occasional drug use, allowing the chemicals to coax his body into relaxation, to momentarily let go and find respite in the midst of the gritty underworld that had become his refuge.
As he sipped at his whiskey, he surveyed the cast of characters populating the dimly lit bar, absorbing the unique energy that pulsed through the atmosphere. His gaze lingered on a familiar face, prompting Erwin to lick the remnants of whiskey from his lips. A decision grew within him – tonight, he'd craft his own amusement.
The Don, in the underbelly of society, appeared without his usual entourage. An intriguing deviation. Did his loyal shadows even know that their esteemed leader ventured this far beneath his usual district?
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Ordering another round of the same drink, Erwin instructed the bartender to deliver it to the scrawny man with the distinctive mustache. Seated with his back turned, Erwin awaited the moment when curiosity would prompt the man to question the unexpected gesture, setting in motion his self-fashioned entertainment for the evening.
Closed starter for @x1968
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