#wttt fairbanks
dailymothanon · 10 months
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Utqiaġvik!! Or, formerly known as Barrow. Ive been thinking about him recently cuz they’re very interesting, and honestly somehow a little eery, being so casually isolated and cold and dry and vast, and despite that around 5,100 people live there, it’s interesting!
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And such, Utqiagvik is a little eery himself I like to imagine. Because it can be fun u_u unfortunately Portlock’s reaction to being startled was a fight response. Sorry Utkpik, it will happen again.
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Also, Utqiaġvik has an alternate spelling, Ukpiaġvik, adopted by the Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation. The alternate spelling comes from the word Ukpik, which means “snowy owl” so. Little baby owl friend it is. And calling Utqiagvik “Ukpik” for short, technically
(They do look like a sickly ghostly child in the last sketch but that’s on everything being so damn expensive up in there 🙄 and projecting willow.)
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my wttt ships as song lyrics
JersYork: Hold Me Like A Grudge - Fall Out Boy
you put the fun into dysfunction hold me, hold me like a grudge (…) i can't do it on my own part-time soulmate, full time-problem
FloriDC: Talk Too Much - COIN
you know i talk too much honey, come out your lips on mine and shut me up we can blame it on our human nature stay cool, it's just a kiss why do you gotta be so talkative?
Maineska: Fairbanks, Alaska - The Front Bottoms
and i haven't checked my time and i haven't checked my mind 'since i saw the northern lights in fairbanks, alaska
Hawai'i/Alaska: Online Love - Conan Gray
you only pass through my city every once in a million seconds on a broken clock yet we talk like we're living only miles, only minutes from each other
WiscIowa: I DONT WANT 2 B UR FRIEND - Devon
and i don't wanna be some weekend fling i wanna be with you sunday morning (…) i don't wanna be your friend i wanna be lovers
CaliAustin: It's Always Sunny With You - {Parentheses}
you were warm when everything was cold on you, i have been sold (…) and i've been waiting for a pretty face to walk right through the door but now i've found, you came in through the window
CaliYork: Ily - HARBOUR
i'll never admit that i ever really wanted you i'm never fallin' head over heels again i'll never wear my heart on my sleeve again i'm swearing to myself that i'll never fall in love again (…) i don't know what else i'm meant to do i never meant to fall for you
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dailymothanon · 9 months
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Fairbanks finally getting all the donut they want… because there has been a shortage of that lately. Or more like, a shortage of shops that bake them 🤔 whatever the case whatever atrocities they cause please excuse them they just want donuts 😞
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Finally clarify, serenity and peace. Fairbanks has donut now 🤧 now hopefully Fairbanks doesn’t keep adding a bunch of street lights in one single spot just because he can (you get it if you get it, it’s a long story) Portland doesn’t know that he just saved the world form imploding tbh
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dailymothanon · 10 months
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No, Portland he didn’t just drink straight from the source. Y’all just are seeing things actually. Fairbanks and Anchorage? Power duo. Er, “duo”, yknow, they’re actually canon, military husbands cough cough cou when me and my girlfriend made the goobers sometime last year 🫣 I cannot rip them apart cuz the world will explode btw trust me
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Also when Fairbanks was designed they didn’t really have a defined hairstyle, but they make me think of wolverines. So that’s how my brain works for him, and I was gonna color Fairbanks in this but it’s really late so I didn’t finish it u.u
I’ve got more Fairbanks ideas coming along so, unfortunately, you all will have to handle my obsessions and ideas
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dailymothanon · 10 months
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Fairbanks and Anchorage dragged Portland outta his work because lord knows when he saw daylight last. What a sad sulky man, he will be fed a sandwich and given a juice box (orange juice because he is not getting enough vitamin d. We all know it.) Fairbanks once hit him square in the face with a bug zapper because they were trying to get a mosquito. Sorry, it will happen again Also my hand has been cramping pretty badly so ☝️ I may need to take a break from drawing idk
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dailymothanon · 11 months
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Portland, Maine, but I used small descriptions from @crazedstoryteller cuz I thought it’d be silly fun stuff B) Portland regardless, makes me think of Fairbanks somehow 🤔 but anyways. Portland’s got a fat ZERO in the self-care compartment, how does he make it out there… I couldn’t firgure out where his tattoo would be btw
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For no reason in particular I just think Fairbanks just can NOT handle it, maybe not blood either but not as bad as that stuff 😵‍💫 got them feeling nauseous and woozy and lightheaded, got damn…
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Fairbanks, what a folk… did you know Bob Ross was stationed in Alaska for the Air Force and that’s where he began his painting career?? I think it’s very cool. Also the heart on Fairbanks’s shirt is cuz their city nickname is The Golden Heart City (which is their nickname cuz it was a combination of good luck, bad luck and gold that lead to the establishment of the community— I don’t know why but I like that meaning to the nickname)
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I also only just recently found this out while doing research and it made me realize like man. Alaska’s been under the rule of so many different… societies?? And not one of them has ever really been good and or eventually gave up on Alaska. There was the Russian empire, who got bored and tossed it over to the Russian American Company to use Alaska; Spain who crawled up the panhandle to the south central and ruling for a little bit before deciding it was too taxing; Lichtenstein refusing the offer for Alaska, Japan invading and holding native hostages in the Aleutian Islands (also not to mention America “fixing” that issue in a way that was totally destructive and unnecessary to Alaskan natives), America begrudgingly accepting the purchase just because Russia was an really big ally at the time, dumping martial law onto Alaska and calling it a day, missionaries throughout since the Russian missionaries to American missionaries.. etc etc, like just leave this man alone at this point damn 😭
I just made this scheduled post at 2:30 am so I’m sorry if it’s rough and my thoughts are everywhere again, I need to sleep better <//3
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