#wtnv ep 110
desert-bluffs-and-me · 3 months
WTNV quick review - 110 - Matryoshka
Staring Hal Lublin as the voice of Steve Carlsberg.
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I once was lost, but now am fine with that. Welcome to Night Vale.
In this episode, Cecil's usual segments are interjected with Steve speaking to a crowd at the Hall of Public Records to help validate the existence of the angels.
He says that he heard the broadcast from Huntokar (although apparently noone else did instead hearing static over inhuman screaming) and has been trying for years to get people to acknowledge the reality of the charts in the sky to no avail.
He encourages the acknowledgment of the angels and says that he knows people believe him they just don't want to actually acknowledge anything which scares them.
Steve suggests that if people stopped trying to ignore what was happening, starting with the angels, it would help process the rifts in reality (he's right). He mentions that he finally stood up to Cecil and told him that all the mean jokes and comments hurt and needed to stop. Cecil in turn opened up about his childhood and why he felt it was easier to keep Steve at a distance than to risk getting hurt by more people again. This marked a turning point in their relationship.
The meeting ends with the angels being declared legally real.
Weather: "Everyone I Know Will Die" by Four Eyes
The many rips in the sky have merged into one big rip in reality, merging many realities all together with many citizens choosing to abandon their reality for another which is easier/better. When the angels are acknowledged, a part of the sky returns.
Hiram returns to NV to encourage the dragons to leave. Dana returns from the other reality and acknowledges the mistake that was made killing Violet. A piece of the sky returns.
Alondra Ortiz is moved by the angels passion for her mother and has decided to only take some personal items and heirlooms, negotiating the rest with the angels and perhaps staying in NV longer. A piece of the sky returns.
They acknowledge that it's not normal to be followed by agents all of the time. A piece of the sky returns.
They acknowledge that most towns are not run by monsters and heavily armed 16 year olds. A piece of the sky returns.
Cal (muttering about 'the bomb' and clearly dying of radiation sickness more so than ever) disappears and Dana acknowledges and accepts that her father is dead. Many people do similar acknowledgments and the sky fully returns.
Cecil speaks passionately about his new found respect for Steve. He says that Abby and he only started to get close again after their mother died and during Janice's infancy. Even though it was stressful, he saw Steve coming into the picture as making him useless and unfairly resented him for it. He now acknowledges that Steve is a good person that he loves.
Cecil also states that their reality was fragile because they were pretending it was something that wasn't, and by acknowledging it they will prevent rifts.
Stay tuned next for eye contact and breathing in unison. And as always, and for as long as I can keep saying it. Good night, Night Vale. good Night.
Proverb: "If you only read one book this year, then you have reached your approved book quota."
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imjustexistingtbh · 1 year
I asked my other brother-in-law [carlos] who’s a scientist, and he said the arrows and lines were probably a bunch of comets or solar flares or possibly an aurora. Then he got really excited about talking about space, and skipped away while laughing and clutching his hands to his chest.
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Night vale finally acknowledging it's weirdness and the sky returning 🥺
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wtnv ep. 110 (matryoshka) made me cry SO HARD.
I think Year 5 story arc is my fav (along with Year 2 because i was so scared for Cecil when Strex came in town !!! i love anti-capitalism. Year 3 was rad bc of Carlos also)
It was so emotional, and we now know who’s Huntokar !!! I can also say now that there are angels in my garden !!!!!!!
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I did not realize how much I needed to hear the message of ep 110 of WTNV, but having just listened to it I feel so much better about the chaos of my life than I did half and hour ago. So thankful for this kooky lil podcast 💜
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artisticmenace · 7 months
I reccomend filtering wtnv spoilers tag if you havent already and dont want to see spoilers
Although i dont know how many facts correlate between normal night vale and tiny nightvale soo. BUT STILL! ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A ONE OFF BIT BEING LORE! BUT MAN THEY WENT HARD WITH WHY HE HATES STEVE LIKE IM IN TEARS
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v0id-bl0gs · 11 months
Ep 110 of WTNV was beautiful and the best episode ever no one is allowed to argue with me
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squeeneypod · 1 year
my specific personal opinion on wtnv is that it has good episodes throughout but ep 110 matryoshka is where I mentally end it as an ongoing story (bc i love Steve)
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i finished matryoshka and i am literally crying,, this episode had no right being this emotional i can't deal with this
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void-star · 3 years
We are the ones who tore apart our realities by refusing to see them for what they were. Our years of denial, carefully cultivated, has made our reality fragile.
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petewentzdickpick · 7 years
Maybe the real Night Vale is the friends we made along the way
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sajwho · 7 years
This episode was wonderful in so many ways but it didn’t feel like this arc’s finale? Like there should be more.
I don’t think the broken reality and the very spacetime can be fixed with the power of friendship and acceptance. The Woman from Italy and the Distant Prince (and presumably other gods) are still out there. And I hope we’ll hear Huntokar again once. Plus, Cecil seems to be important for some reason, as the very god of Night Vale spoke about him specifically on multiple occasions (’ ...Cecil. Whose life lies directly on the fault lines of this broken reality’. I mean,,,,..,), and we still don’t know why.
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idobooks · 4 years
this wonderful thought occurred to me as I was listening to ep 110, Matryoshka, and as Cecil was describing how, in the absence of [old woman Josie's] will, the estate should go to the next of kin, [her daughter]. however, the angels who cared for Josie in her final years have claimed that they have joined ownership and stake in Josie's assets.
do y'all remember AIDS epidemic in the beginning of 1980s in the United States ld America, and how that time has fueled the fight for gay marriage rights enormously? do you remember why? BECAUSE PEOPLE WITH AIDS (PWAs) WOULD DIE, AND THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES, WHO MIGHT HAVE PREVIOUSLY REJECTED THEM, CAME BACK FOR MONEY, ESTATE, FUNERAL RIGHTS. people would be buried under dead names, people would be buried under wrong genders, people would be buried under the wrong stories by the wrong people, and their s/os would have no say in this at all because gay households were not officially legal.
Cecil then continues to say that the angels' biggest hurdle so far in this ugly battle is that they legally don't exist as they are angels. does this...does it sound familiar now?
the Hall of Public Records is holding a hearing today to determine the validity of the angels' existence and whether to officially recognize their being. does this?
P.S.: and I do understand that LGBTQs are perfectly accepted in night vale and literally no one minds at all but that isn't the point. you don't need to deny someone's existence in the story to make a point, and gosh, do I LOVE this way of handling it.
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kindcolors · 3 years
nightvales going through it first an evil demon beagle is there and everything is falling apart damn
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60kg-of-nothing · 7 years
I feel guilty for saying I only listened to the latest WTNV episode half an hour ago, but I do have to say
I did cry
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sl1me · 7 years
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This new episode has me shook
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