#wtf is up with my country and why is everyone so extremely conservative
fuck politics btw <3
#why is the most horrible political party expected to get so many votes???#like they want to take away people's rights#they are racist#they actively and publically hate on everyone who isnt a straight white christian conservative cis man#they hate our neighbouring country and would love to start an actual war#they claim that “the homogeneity of our nation is our biggest strength”#just say youre a racist nationalist and shut up#yes we have been having more immigrants#yes we are becoming waaaay more racially diverse#nobody cared about the immigrants until they werent white#racial diversity is a GOOD THING#sharing out culture is a GOOD THING#people from around the world moving here is a GOOD THING!!!!!#and yes women and lgbtqa+ people DESERVE FUCKING EQUAL RIGHTS#its 2024 and gay people still cant have families here!!! thats outrageous#how are thes people getting SO MANY VOTES???#wtf is up with my country and why is everyone so extremely conservative#the election is in 2. days.#im so terrified#gotta start learning german and just fucking run#like im genuinely terrified of loosing my basic human rights#we have the highest rent/household prices in the EU#78% of people are MIDDLE AGED when they can finally afford to move out of their parents house#we have huge inflation#our food prices are higher than germany and belgium but our min wage is around €600 a MONTH#the amount of violence on women has gotten up#we have the worst corruption and worst justice system in the EU#our education system is starting to fail#the medical system is horrible and we have the 2nd highest mortality rates in the EU#theres men protesting for the “submission of women” EVERY WEEK. AND THEY'RE PLANNING TO SPREAD THE PROTESTS TO MORE CITIES
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clairenovac · 7 years
I find it hilarious when people say that minorities, sexual or racial, cannot be bigoted because they are minorities, when that milo yianwhateverthefuck guy exists 🤔🤔🤔
SERIOUSLY i mean ok i…. do not think he really qualifies as a poc, he is ¼th greek and some fully greek people consider themselves white. also look at him, he is totally white-passing even if he doesn’t consider himself white
that set, in general, you are SUPER right. like no one is excused for voting for trump and other bigots but it ESPECIALLY makes zero sense how people from virtually all oppressed groups in america voted for him. like caitlyn jenner wtf???? (horrible woman and horrible representative of the trans community (that said, misgendering her as a joke is not ok because all people have the right to have their gender respected) and um she got away with manslaughter sooooo) and like 20% of latinx americans voted for trump????? holy um what??? i was actually just discussing this with @radiant-sam (lovely gal and proud latina goddess and one of my closest tungle friends everyone go follow her) that it’s probable the majority of latinx americans who voted trump are white/white-passing and/or wealthy and/or have been in the US for multiple generations and/or for whatever reason have not experienced much discrimination in their life
lastly i. i’m shook. that so much of my jewish side of the family is/was staunchly republican. i’m not 100% sure who my grand uncle voted for but i suspect (tho i wish i didn’t) it was trump and my cousin said yeah probably. i’m hecka lucky my dad became a liberal and moved out the the most liberal area of the whole country (bay area, california) but his dad loved rush limbaugh, he never voted for a democrat his whole life. his parents too. my grandma is a moderate republican who voted for hillary. but when you put it in perspective, my ashkenazi (european jews (iberian peninsula being more or less an exception)) family members have been in the country for 5+ generations, they are EXTREMELY wealthy (said great uncle didn’t retire til he was 84, but for the last decade or so of his career he was one of Those Rich Old White Dudes who golfed twice a week and made six figures somehow) right from the get-go my immigrant ancestors were conservatives and considering they must’ve at least somewhat experienced persecution in germany (well it was prussia then) that’s. so weird. that said, i know recent generations experienced oppression. my grandma and her mother were both not allowed in most sororities (so they joined Alpha Epsilon Phi which still exists but it’s not all jewish it’s quite diverse, at least at my school) so why did they not stand up for rights of oppressed people??????? baffling. that they never used their social advantages to support members of other oppressed groups who were less fortunate.
sorry that was long lmfao it’s just on my mind a lot cause i want to like, honor and love my relatives even if i never met them (i mean my sister’s middle name is the name of the great grandmother i mentioned earlier, a lifelong conservative) but i cannot make a special exception when i say “all far-right conservatives and/or trump supporters are endorsing and participating in oppression, bigotry, and violence against virtually every oppressed group in our society”
ok to conclude THE WILDEST EXAMPLE OF ALL IS AZALEA BANKS AND WHAT THE FUCK she was like “yeah i’m voting for trump cause who cares america is fucked anyway” and she called zayn a “sand n*****” and she supported bill cosby like oh my god how on earth can she consider herself a social justice activist
SORRY THAT WAS SO LONG lol i just have Opinions ya feel???
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
February 18, 2019 Part I
WTF is going on in England? MPs splitting from their party due primarily 2 things: brexit and antisemitism. Now, I’m not the most up on British politics, but my understanding is that labor is the equivalent of the dems in the US. So, if that is correct, to hear that the major party of liberals in a fairly socially liberal country has a problem with antisemitism, well that is quite concerning. I swear I’ve said it every year for at least a decade now, but I will say it again, and keep saying it - how, in 2019 do we still have rampant antisemitism (around the world)?!?!?! How?????? Bringing it back to my own damn country, I see no major problems caused to the US that are the result of anyone being Jewish. So why are people so irrationally blaming them for things? On the other hand, the issue with Israel and Palestine, a lot of people are all-in for Israel. Too many people. But be that as it may, how can you be okay with the political but not okay with the people? And also, saying this as someone who is cool with the people but not okay with the political, Jewish people are not a monolith, so not everyone has the same political beliefs. I don’t know know where I’m going with this right now. Trying to feel nuance, but I can’t right now. It’s been thousands of years with literally no justification. I’m just fucking sick of it. I’ve lived around and gone to school around and worked around Jewish people my entire life. Normal people just like everyone else. Some good, some bad individuals. Some super-religious, some super non-religious. Some with tight family bonds, some with no family bonds. I could go on but I see reason to, since there is no reason for there to need to be a point made. Hating Jews for being Jewish is just wrong. It’s illogical, irrational, unreasonable. I just want to scream.
 I have to laugh. I work in a department that is mostly staffed with Jews. I found myself wondering why they felt a need to bunch up and work together in this day and age. Well funk my stupidity. This shti is why.
Antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-every other religion that isn’t ‘christianity.’ Christians in the aggregate are the most un-christ-like people, I swear.
I don’t even know what I can do in my daily life. I mean, I’m extremely lucky to be in an area that is safe and friendly or at least neutral to Jews, etc....I feel like it’s not safe around me for someone to be blatantly racist or antisemitic or whatever. I have no public incidents to decry. I’m not anywhere near an out and proud nazi, so I have no one to punch. Or pretend that I would punch; I’m not really the physical type.
Anyway, following the jussie thing and it’s a mess. It feels like there was skepticism in the media from the get-go, and I don’t know if it’s b/c there was something fishy in his story from the start, or just racism. I guess I’m just not comfortable believing anything at this point. But the allegations against him just don’t make sense to me.
I was thinking last night about why I’m struggling to make myself apply for jobs. At this point, the only thing I can think of is that I don’t want to be one of those stodgy misses sitting at the front desk in some c-suite. If I can’t be a player, and it seems obvious to me that I can’t, I don’t want to be quiet and conservative and bland and non-threatening, or whatever they call the way they want women to behave. I mean, I walk into the dean’s offices and it’s like a tomb in there it’s so silent. Everyone dressed so formally, sitting erect, no ear buds that I can ever see. And the people I work with, they seem so put-upon, so unseen, lots of relatively-important work, but it’s important scut work. Are they even allowed to weigh in on anything? Basically, a fancier version of most of what I do now. I don’t wanna do that for the rest of my life. There’s nothing wrong with that type of environment per se, but I just don’t feel comfortable. And it’s not that i couldn’t do it, I can and have, but living in that type of environment 40hrs (or more) per week for the rest of my life? I’d have to stifle my personality. I mean, being around my current boss, who rarely smiles or jokes or is casual (around me) has had a huge effect on me. And yes, I know it’s because he didn’t want me and doesn’t like or even respect me, but it’s had pretty much the same effect on me as working in the c-suite. I keep my mouth shut (as much as I can), my head down (as much as I can), and get my work done (as much as I can).
I wouldn’t call myself a loud person in general, or say that I have much of a personality, but in those spaces I definitely come across as a bit much. It’s all good as long as I have meaty work to sink my teeth into - then I come across as intense or whatever - but without meaningful (to me) work, I’m just miserable.
I guess this means I need to temper my expectations and figure out more personality-appropriate jobs to apply to. This will also mean tempering my expectations of salary or job growth. No corporate high-life for me.
I swear I was taught that giving a cat or dog only wet food was bad. I don’t know if I was told, or if I extrapolated that to mean that wet food at all is bad. Or a treat. Since my girl’s gotten older, and she has so many freaking hair balls, I have decided to give her some wet food (I read it somewhere). Knock on wood, I’m doing okay at remembering to give it to her once a week. It’s a treat, but it’s a regular treat.
I’ve been doing dou langua. Turns out you can test out of levels. I’ve been testing super hard. But then I found out that there’s a ceiling to how many you can test out of before you have to pay. So yeah, super boring. I’m not learning a lot, but I’m learning how much I actually know, and how much I actually forgot. What I am learning better is how to ‘hear’. And less so, how to speak. I really want to learn navajo, irish, and klingon, but I figure I should learn how to be fluid in the languages I’ve spent time on already.
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automatismoateo · 6 years
Christians Are The Biggest Hypocrites via /r/atheism
Submitted December 07, 2018 at 09:45PM by throwthemchristians (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2Urlhnz) Christians Are The Biggest Hypocrites
My whole family is Christian. I've been raised as one but I am not at all after years of witnessing bs. Living with a whole family of them has showed me how hypocritical they are. I made a throwaway for this post and changed my location with VPN because my family is crazy as hell and would murder me if they find out that I'm not actually Christian. I've had enough with their crap recently, so I hope I can vent here with a few examples of my two special family members, Aunt and Cousin.
My aunt is the Christianist Christian you can find. She lives in an extremely affluent town in the swampy south and works as the church mom. That's literally her full time job. If you go on her facebook, and you will see church fundraising events and corny messages such as "love thy neighbor" with a background completely unrelated to the message. However, this lady sent an anonymous letter to the HOA equivalent of her town about "thugs" moving into such a "lovely" town of hers, thus potentially lowering the property value or something like that. It was just a young black couple (I think that husband had tattoos) with a cute little kid. This is the same lady who used to lock the car doors when we drove by black people.
That aunt has a daughter who's my age. She is part of the young conservatives of 'Murica. You'd find her protesting with other Pro-Life church members of hers and posting statistics of "murdered children" on her instagram story. She also complained on twitter about unfaithful followers unfollowing her on social media. Gee. Maybe it's because you post random ass uncomfortable stats that can't be backed up (one time there was literally a fetus in the background of her stats post but I told myself that it was voldemort from the last movie to get less grossed out). I googled one of her stats about murdered unborn children and asked my friend to verify it. Even Christian Science Monitor couldn't support it. Last year, she got knocked up by that hillbilly boyfriend of hers and might have gotten preggo. My aunt drove her one and a half state over to planned parenthood (that's literally all my parents told me). I'm assuming that her all-american girl image would be ruined and my aunt's church reputation would be gone. My aunt would gossip terrible things at family reunions about girls in her OWN CHURCH who are gaining weight and other girls who have sex before marriage, but try to sweep the fact that her own daughter did the same goddamn thing under the rug. I don't care if you support or don't support abortion, as it is your choice. But why the hell would you protest the same service that was there to save your ass from humiliation?
Also, why would you preach kindness when all you do at church (i'm talking to all you moms at my church, including mine) is gossip about others? Why would you do good work and go on service trips to help the "poor unfortunate children of [some third world country]" (my cousin went to Ecuador this summer and posted pictures of her essentially exploiting those kids for photos. She spent max 10 hours doing service and the rest of those two weeks tanning on the beach and probably getting knocked up by the guys in her group) when you can be a kind person by your own morals and not just for getting into heaven? (if these hoes go to heaven I'm staying in hell)
I posted a picture of my boyfriend giving me a kiss on the cheek at prom. Pretty innocent. Cousin went on a twitter rant about modesty and decency and how it is baaaaad to show these kinds of nasty PDA before marriage. In 2016, she posted a picture of herself on the beach in a bathing suit with her boyfriend grabbing her ass while she made a shocked face. She's lucky that her mom does not follow her on Instagram or I'm pretty sure the ninth level of hell would be opened up by that photo. Poor girl is so brainwashed.
Thankfully, my family believes in vaccination but my aunt's side does NOT believe in evolution. She told my cousin to disregard evolution and only believe creationism or some weird concept, and my cousin totally flunked that biology unit. She vented to me on snapchat about how unreliable her useless biology teacher is and how the whole entire curriculum is trying to brainwash the unsaved or something and shouldn't have his teaching degree because he can't teach and fails "everyone". WTF. I'm sure that only she failed. She was really mad because her grade dropped from an A- to a B.
My cousin wants a good looking resume for college, so she participated in a bunch of service projects not to be genuinely helpful, but to look good for college and her church (which she told me in a very condescending manner). Her face was used for the church kindness poster. I was really disgusted but my mom just told me that I should be more like her. Typing this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
If you have VSCO, you might've seen a very republished photo of a man flipping off a woman holding a sign that says "WOMEN BELONG IN THE KITCHEN" while the protester next to her holds a sign about abortion being murder or something (my memory is failing me but I will post the picture if I find it). My cousin calls herself a feminist but went on a twitter rant about how rude that guy was and how the woman was exercising free speech and that she isn't wrong because men should be the breadwinner. The poor girl is so brainwashed. When we were younger, she wanted to be a president but I'm sure that now she just wants to be a trophy wife or Melania. I told her that her message is the antithesis of feminism but she messaged me to shut up and accept it. She's rude but preaches kindness. Ugh.
This is the BS I have to sit through and watch in not only the church, but my own family. I have more stories about my cousin and aunt so I'll share them if anyone wants more but I don't want to bore everyone to death.
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