aubreyprc · 2 years
when and what inspired you to start your hotchniss blog?
mental illness and wsne. because for some reason i was reading it on tumblr and was scared i’d miss an update so i made this lol. i was an og wsne stan and i’m proud.
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machinedalal · 1 year
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write-and-buried · 2 years
aca and wsne. you know what i’m talking about
also mirror
I do very much know what you're talking about 💚
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
A very pointless, fluffy, and short little piece for the lovely @sequinsmile-x 💓 Set in the WSNE universe, a little snippet inside the Hotchner family vacation, featuring a few old friends and Aaron in a pair of swim trunks (you're welcome for the visual).
Nora’s excited shrieks can barely be heard over the calming crash of the ocean waves just a few yards away. Her daughter, a spitting image of herself even at seven years old, is covered head to toe in sand with a shovel in one hand and a plastic bucket in the other. “Mommy, come look at the sand castle Daddy and Uncle Shane are making!” Nora nearly trips over her own two feet as she dashes through hot sand toward the ocean, tangled dark hair flying behind her.
Emily smiles and exchanges a knowing look with Allison. Her friend holds a sleeping baby to her chest - their third, just five months old- and balances a beer bottle in the other. She’d always been an efficient multi-tasker. “I’ll go this time.” Emily checks to make sure Leo is still sleeping peacefully on the blanket under the massive umbrella, relieved he wasn’t woken by Nora’s enthusiasm. “You went last time.”
“Thanks,” Allison sighs with relief, shifts the baby on her chest. “Send Jude up here if you can.” She already has a bottle of sunscreen in her free hand. “He’s going to fight me on this sunscreen. I just know it.”
Nora meets her closer to the waves, dragging her by the hand to where Aaron and Shane are hard at work, surrounded by even more beach toys. They’re also covered in sand, exchanging laughs as they work. In the forty five minutes they’ve been gone, they’ve managed to construct one of the biggest sand castles Emily has ever seen, much to Nora’s delight. Shane and Allison’s daughter Harper is persistently asking Shane to make the towers taller, and Shane obliges, his mild annoyance overpowered with adoration for her. Nora chatters on about princesses and dragons, which princess lives in which tower, how much they have left to build. It’s a chaotic mess, but a sight that makes Emily’s heart swell with joy. Family vacations were the one luxury she never experienced as a child. It isn’t their first trip, but one they desperately needed, one full of memories she’ll hold dear.
“Look, Mommy! Daddy even made a moat around the castle.” Nora points to it - it’s already been lined with shells, undoubtedly from the massive collection she’s accumulated in the last few days of vacation. Some big, others small, but all carefully selected from her high standards.
“How do we break it to her that she can’t take home all five buckets of shells?” Aaron had asked Emily the day before.
“You’ll just have to win her a stuffed animal at the amusement park,” Emily had quipped in response. “She saw an elephant there the other night. Trust me she hasn’t forgotten about it.”
“You know who else doesn’t forget a thing?” Aaron had murmured, lovingly bumping his hip into Emily’s. “She learned from you.”
Emily appeases her daughter, allowing Nora to pull her in a circle around the castle. She points out every tower, every detail, and for a moment it’s like looking at a younger version of herself. She winks at Aaron, who heaves another shovel full of sand to begin the much anticipated second layer of the castle. It’s a stark contrast from his usual every day suit, to see him in dark blue swim trunks and nothing else, the muscles in his shoulders and back flexing with each dig. The kid-sized shovel looks miniature in his hands. “Working hard I see?”
“You have no idea.” Aaron winks back, a smile breaking on his face when he sees his wife. He told her earlier that morning, but he’s fairly certain vacation-mode Emily might be his favorite - hair in a loose bun at the nape of her neck, the sleek black swimsuit hugging her body, not a trace of makeup on her face. “Grab a shovel,” he jokes. “Start helping.”
“In your dreams.” Emily brushes some sand from his shoulders, his hair. “Daddy looks like he needs a break. Uncle Shane too.” Emily laughs as Shane starts corralling Harper and Jude, swinging each of them into his arms towards their chairs.
“Daddy definitely needs a break,” Aaron pulls himself to his feet, wiping sand from his hands. “Let’s get a snack, Nora. Ask Uncle Shane to help you find the goldfish. And don’t wake your brother from his nap.”
“Okay, Daddy!” She beams, and runs off with beach toys in each hand. “Uncle Shane! Can you help me find the goldfish?!”
“She’s definitely going to wake Leo,” Emily says softly as Aaron wraps an arm around her waist.  “She’s always had a knack for that.” They’re close enough to the ocean that waves lap softly at their ankles, the water cold. She jumps a little; Aaron tightens his grip around her. “Where’s Jack?”
“He met a bunch of kids playing paddle ball a little while ago. They’re in the ocean now.” Aaron points out their son right before a huge wave crashes over his head, sending him under.  “I’m keeping an eye on him.”
“He’s having fun.” Emily smiles, rests her head against Aaron’s bare shoulder. “You are covered in sand, you know.”
“Oh, trust me, I know. It’s everywhere.” He kisses her, quick and discreet, then takes her hand.
“You’re the one who insisted on a beach vacation. It’s going to be everywhere for weeks, you know.” Emily sighs, breathing in the scent of him. A mix of sunscreen and salty sea air. Even slightly disheveled, she’s never loved him more than she does right then.
“Worth it though, right?” He squeezes her hand, pulls her against him. “Look how happy they are.” He gestures to their children - Nora and Leo, now awake, happily sitting on a beach blanket with Harper and Jude - and then Jack, laughing and carefree.
“Absolutely.” Emily follows his gaze around. Every once in a while, she wonders just how she ever got this lucky. Even years later, she sometimes has to stop and take it all in - how far they’ve come, how much they’ve been through. “Just maybe next time a bit less sandy.”
Aaron is about to answer before a familiar voice interrupts them yet again - Nora, ever insistent, barreling towards them with an entirely different set of sand toys in her hands. “Daddy! You said we’d finish the castle after my snack!”
Aaron presses a kiss to Emily’s cheek, smiling apologetically as he turns toward their daughter, lifts her into his arms and tosses her in the air, sand flying everywhere. Emily looks away out of habit, even though she knows Aaron will catch her every time. “I did?”
“Put me down, Daddy! It’s castle time!” Nora giggles, her face lit up with joy. “You promised!”
“I did, honey. You’re right.” He sets Nora down on both feet. “Go get us started. Pick the shells you want for the next part. I’ll be right there.” They both watch her run away, only speaking once she’s out of earshot.
“You’re in high demand,” Emily smirks with amusement. “Glad I could steal you away for a few minutes.”
Aaron laughs, low into her ear, draws her in with a hand on her back. “I have a few plans for you and me later, sweetheart.” He holds her just a few seconds longer, his eyes dark and full of want. “Just the two of us.”
Emily’s eyes sparkle, another smile twisting on her lips. “Care to share?” She murmurs, digging her nails lightly into his arm.
Aaron grins devilishly. “I would, but I have a sand castle to finish.”
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vikashkanojia · 4 years
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facts about Google
Google search happened First in 1998.
When Larry Page and Sergey Brin have explained the accuracy of Google compared to other search engines.
Google Headquarter situated at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California, United States, near San Jose.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s startup was initially called BackRub.
In 1994 they decided to Rename their Start-up. The idea was to come up with a name that would evoke just how much data they were Indexing.
The Name “Googolplex“ came up in the meeting and Larry Page countered with the shorter “Googol”, Which denoted the digit 1 followed by 100 zeros.
An employee checked to see if that domain name was taken but Accidentally searched for “Google” instead of “Googol.com”.
Larry Page liked that name even better and registered the domain name for his Company.
Thus, Google owes its name to a simple typo.
The information is given above I have found with the help of the website of WSNE Consulting Pvt ltd. Here you find a lot of information about different topics like Consulting, Jobs recruitment, Web development, Digital Marketing and many more.
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wsneconsulting-blog · 5 years
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WSNE Consulting is a born global enterprise having rich experience and provide best services across the globe. We provide jobs all around the world. Our motive is to provide best jobs for the candidates future. 
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ssa-emilyhotchner · 3 years
5x03 ~ 
First of all, Emma → Emily 🙄Please, it couldn't be more obvious.
When Rossi mentioned that after meeting Emma, he knew she was the one; I got major WSNE vibes @jetaime-jespere​ ✨It bears a resemblance to Hotch and Emily when they met years before, while she was still in college and he was working for her mother.
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Then, he started talking about destiny, soulmates, the what-ifs. And at that moment, I just knew this scene had to be about Hotchniss. It would make sense with what I wrote in some earlier posts. How in the last seasons of CM, Emily spent half of her time talking about those same things: soulmates, parallel universes, reconciling with the past, etc.
For this scene, they created a lot of emphasis on the what-ifs. Rossi talked about two souls destined to wonder what might have been. Does that sound familiar?
Hotch & Emily were doomed to wake up every single day and think about all those endless possibilities the results of their actions might have had on their relationship. If Emily had confided in Hotch, would they have caught Doyle in time? If she hadn't left for London, would she had resumed her relationship with Hotch at some point? If Hotch had returned to the BAU after the Peter Lewis incident, would Emily had stayed? 
Would they now be living the life they both wanted? Together? Away from all those what-ifs? My answer to all of these questions is yes.
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It's clear what Rossi's implying here. He's telling Hotch to step up his game. 
It's no coincidence that in most of the previous episode, Rossi was in the field with the two of them. He saw twice how Hotch yelled at Emily. With everything that was going on with Foyet, Hotch was pushing her away instead of confiding in her. Which would explain why in 5x01, when Emily asked him if he wanted to talk about what had happened, he lied and told her he didn't remember anything after the first stab. 
Also, it's really subtle, but in that second b&w gif, when Rossi steps closer to them, he lifts his eyebrows and stares at Hotch as if not believing what his eyes were seeing. That crappy way in which he was treating Emily, after everything she was doing for him.
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Rossi knew that Haley was a goner. She wasn't going to change her mind about their relationship. Not while Hotch remained at the BAU. So he was trying to nudge him in the right direction. Towards a future, he knew Hotch deserved. With someone that would understand him and his work. 
And it makes even more sense after watching 4x17. When Emily confided in Rossi with something so personal that I'm sure she never even told her closest friends. Rossi now knew her story, her background and felt confident that she was the perfect match for Hotch. 
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I'm not afraid to admit that I replayed this scene more than ten times, trying to figure out what my fellow Hotchniss nerds were talking about. And finally, I saw it. There's a moment when Hotch's eyes move slightly to his right as if he was unconsciously looking for someone.  
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And who was on that other end of the jet, just in his line of sight? He certainly could've been looking at Emily 🤭
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svuxocmcmulti · 3 years
Ok I just finished WSNE and let's just say that it's one of my favorite fics and would totally read it again and again.❤
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prentissinred · 3 years
21 and 48
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
There are so many incredible writers in the CM fandom, but I have to call out @jetaime-jespere. WSNE was one of the first fics I’d read in this fandom, and it’s like a masterclass for me in writing Hotchniss. I find myself going back to it often to try and learn how to pace a chapter and move it forward, how to balance exposition and emotion. If I’m sitting down to write and I need to get myself in the frame of mind of Hotchniss, I pretty much always start with reading a chapter or two of their fics ☺️
48) What’s your favorite trope to write?
I’ve enjoyed writing Aaron and Emily’s friends to lovers progression. And the whole hidden relationship, but everyone knows is always fun to write too! 
As a reader, I’m a sucker for anything that has to do with enemies to lovers, amnesia/re-falling in love, and accidental pregnancy/secret child 😄
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laurensprentiss · 3 years
what is WSNE??
Hi! WSNE is the name of a beautifully written Hotchniss series by @jetaime-jespere, their AO3 is purpleplasticpurse!
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aubreyprc · 3 years
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arunranaposts-blog · 4 years
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WSNE Consulting offer the best services to their clients at affordable rates. We provide various services like web development, Digital Marketing, Email marketing, Seo, Smo, Google Ads etc. To know more please contact us at http://wsneconsulting.com/
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omgikareena-blog · 4 years
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It is important or we can say it’s been a necessary for an organization to consider all of the components in their business .So to get hire for this services in top mnc’s companies you should contact consulting companies to get a job in a more effective way. Contact WSNE Consulting for futher inquireies.
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noncyowen · 3 years
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View On WordPress
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
The brilliantly wonderful addieanatomy on instagram made this edit of We See No End and I am just speechless over how utterly perfect it is. How someone could create something so beautiful and perfectly on point with what I envisioned throughout the story is just ... I have no words. I may have stopped what I was doing to watch this, and will continue to for the rest of 2021. I am so ... speechless (which doesn't happen often. LOL). I cannot thank them enough for making this - I am just ... oh so floored.
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vikashkanojia · 4 years
Amazing facts about Google
Google: - Google is a search engine that is a multi-national and publicly trading organization built a hugely popular search engine. Google's other enterprises include Internet analytics, cloud computing, advertising technologies, and Web app, browser and operating system development.
facts about Google
Google is a search engine which is developed by Google LLC.
Google is found in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Google is found when Larry Page and Sergey Brin are Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California.
Google is the platform that is most used the search engine on the World Wide Web any other platforms like -Bing, Yahoo, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and etc.
More than 3.5 billion searches each day.
Google search happened First in 1998.
When Larry Page and Sergey Brin have explained the accuracy of Google compared to other search engines.
Google Headquarter situated at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California, United States, near San Jose.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s startup was initially called BackRub.
In 1994 they decided to Rename their Start-up. The idea was to come up with a name that would evoke just how much data they were Indexing.
The Name “Googolplex“ came up in the meeting and Larry Page countered with the shorter “Googol”, Which denoted the digit 1 followed by 100 zeros.
An employee checked to see if that domain name was taken but Accidentally searched for “Google” instead of “Googol.com”.
Larry Page liked that name even better and registered the domain name for his Company.
Thus, Google owes its name to a simple typo.
The information is given above I have found with the help of the website of WSNE Consulting Pvt ltd. Here you find a lot of information about different topics like Consulting, Jobs recruitment, Web development, Digital Marketing and many more.
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