writingmetier · 2 years
🎃 Boooo, students!!! Happy Halloween with 20% off for any type of academic writing at Writing Metier Don’t know where to start? The teacher has provided you with a topic, and you have no clue about it? Have a tough deadline? A professional copyrighting service is here to help you Get help from expert writers: https://writingmetier.com/order Type promo code: boo2022 (valid till 4th of November)
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writingmetier · 2 years
The path to success is to take massive, determined action
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The path to success is to take massive, determined action. — Tony Robbins
WritingMetier.com team wishes you to get everything you want ASAP ;)
#famousquotes #motivationpost #success #tgif
#quoteoftheday #writingmetier #tonyrobbins
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writingmetier · 2 years
Interview with our co-founder Vitalii Anufriiev. 
This talk will be interesting for those curious about e-commerce and how copywriting services like WritingMetier.com can be helpful for the e-commerce sector.
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writingmetier · 2 years
The IB diploma is one that many students all over the world undertake. As part of this program, they must take the internal assessment and submit an extended essay. In this article, you will get to know all about what these two are and what is the significant difference between IB Internal Assessment and IB Extended essay.
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writingmetier · 2 years
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. — Walt Disney
WritingMetier.com wishes you to get everything you want ASAP ;)
#famousquotes #motivationpost #success #disney
#quoteoftheday #writingmetier #waltdisney
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writingmetier · 2 years
IB Writing Service
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For the last four years in a raw Writing Metier has been helping hundreds of IB students write their IB assignments. We have created a separate team that focuses exceptionally on writing International Baccalaureate papers, such as TOK essays, Extended Essays, Internal Assessments, TOK Exhibitions, PPD, and more. 
Writing Metier's team is working hard each day to continue helping students get rest from the academic pressure and have time for their personal issues. In our opinion, this is what we are doing pretty well.
Yes, we want to brag a little here, as the percentage of satisfied customers is higher than 96%. You can check the proof by reading our customers' reviews online. This achievement is all thanks to the work of all our team, starting from client support and up to IB experts who assist our clients in writing their papers and other integral parts of the company. 
If you want to get assistance in writing any IB assignment or other types of academic papers, feel free to check the list of our services by following the link: https://bit.ly/39j48sD
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writingmetier · 1 year
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Hey everyone!
Are you an IB student feeling like you're drowning in Internal Assessments? Don't worry, because WritingMetier.com is here to throw you a lifeline!
We have a team of highly skilled writers who are experts at creating top-quality Internal Assessments for IB students. So whether you need help with your Economics IA, your Biology IA, or any other subject, we've got you covered.
But don't just take our word for it - check out our customer reviews and see for yourself how we've helped so many students sail through their IB programs with ease.
So if you're feeling overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel on your IA, give us a try. We promise you won't regret it.
Thank you for choosing WritingMetier, and happy (and less stressful) writing!
#internalassessment #ibiahelp #ibia #ibproblems #writingmetier
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writingmetier · 4 years
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At Writing Metier, love is in the...whole working process, at each step!
There is love from the moment when someone is interested in hiring our expert writing team until the final project is sent to the customer. Because Writing Metier believes that LOVE rules the WORK ;)
Our team is doing their best and ready to rock the world if there is such a need from our regular and potential customers. We love our customers, and we do believe that this love is mutual.
That is why we have a high percentage of returning customers who say that they love our services and we are happy to hear that. That makes us work harder and harder each day and broaden our horizons.
If you need assistance in writing ANY type of content, be it a professional speech, the backstory of your company, website content, or even a love letter; if you understand the importance of mutual love during the working process - we already love you. Believe us - WritingMetier.com is the option to choose.
Writing Metier - We Write Hard When You Play Hard
#LoveRulesTheWORK #customerslove #weloveourcustomers #love #writingmetier
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writingmetier · 2 years
The main idea behind the IB extended essay is to promote research and writing skills. While students can choose the research topic themselves, they have to be in touch with a supervisor who guides them throughout. There are many other aspects and criteria for the IB extended essay that students have to follow. We have collected all those key moments you should focus on in this article.
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writingmetier · 2 years
how long does it take to write an IB extended essay?
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writingmetier · 2 years
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I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. — Nelson Mandela
WritingMetier.com wishes you to have a super productive week ;)
#quoteoftheday #writingmetier #nelsonmandela
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writingmetier · 2 years
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writingmetier · 2 years
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writingmetier · 2 years
What is a TOK essay? A TOK essay is also known as a theory of knowledge essay. It is usually written when doing an IB diploma. The essay is a comparative one that discusses problems using various different sources of knowledge. If you’re wondering how to write a TOK essay, then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind for it.
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writingmetier · 2 years
When working on an International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment (IA), the most important thing is to select the right topic. You can only write well when you have a topic you are interested in. Not just that, but you should also have ample information on it to be able to work. There are so many IB economics IA topics that you can choose from based on what you are good at.
This article will give you ideas of what topics to choose and from where to start:
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writingmetier · 2 years
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We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. — Barbara De Angelis
WritingMetier.com wishes you to get through hard times and get to the happy days ASAP!
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