#wow really channelling all that suppressed sarcarm there huh
padfootastic · 2 years
Jegulus baffles me but as long as they treat Sirius fine and there is no wolfstar , the enemy turned lovers trope can be interesting to read. Because otherwise they just copypaste sirius and his troubles onto his brother to make him sympathetic to readers which why??it just ends up being James with a younger slytherin sirius lol while villainising the actual Sirius . I feel they want prongs to be gay but not gay with padfoot because wolfstar would be in serious danger then lmao
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(combining these bc they’re in a similar vein and i don’t wanna clog people’s feeds w too much ship hate lol)
i think i’m not a jegulus person first & foremost bc the enemies to lovers trope isn’t my cup of tea but also that’s the only way i can see them work so it’s just not my ship in general ykno? i don’t mind talking about/discussing it but i don’t think i can read proper fic where this whole thing plays out in detail.
also no, anon, how can james be gay with sirius, that’s i n c e s t didn’t u know 😒 it’s ok if it’s regulus tho (even if they’re in the same family tree) bc no one ever described them as being as close as brothers (and ofc remus hugging sirius like a brother was just harry being oblivious 🥰) so yah. prongsfoot is really not okay, alright? 😤
and i’m gonna be honest, that dumb jock stereotype was so prevalent in jily fics too my god. it’s one of the reasons i developed such an aversion for both jily & lily (altho i think it’s gotten much, much better now?). it was rly just a doubly whammy bc u had both jily and wolfstar (neatly fitting boxes 🥰) and both of them fully defanged both my fav boys. it was the most annoying stuff ever. i’m seeing something similar w the jegulus + wolfstar fics too but like. yah. can’t say much there bc the former isn’t my thing and i’m too biased w the latter.
also (warning: this is tipsy pen speaking henceforth so don’t expect coherence) i just think sirius and james are inherently more equal & balanced than literally any other couple on earth. and like,,,i’m not saying i don’t like fucked up dynamics (bc some of my ships would vehemently disagree lmao) but it’s just. so. uncomplicated so fucking simple. and so good to read ykno? and it never feels like you’ve to demean one to prop up the other (what i mean by balanced) because like. for one thing, if you’ve ever written anything, u know how dominant ur characters can be. so do any of us rly think that james or sirius would be ok with their best friend/partner being undermined like that? they’d literally burst out of the page to smack u in the face if u tried like that lol and that’s not something i can say for r/s tbh
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