#would it be cool if there was a huge decepticon who was also a speedster
callsign-relic · 20 days
I see one (1) piece of fan art and get an oc idea from it
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crownofhearts · 4 years
Transformers OC Asks
This list of questions was submitted by @helliontwins
Thanks for the inquiries about my babies! I hope I was able to answer them well enough!
Why that name? I understand the wing cus she’s a birb and all.
Hyperwing got her name from the speed at which she flies, as well as her overall personality. She is very outgoing, so I figured “Hyper” was a good connection between her speed and sense of self.
How old is she? From what I’ve seen she’s kind of young seeming but old enough to drink. Would you say she is the equivalent of a 20 year old or…?
She was born/Forged right before the start of the war. This makes her younger than many of the original fighters and a few others, but she got to spend time with Optimus while he was still Orion Pax. However, she spent a long while in stasis, after receiving an injury that nearly destroyed her Spark. Optimus placed her in stasis in an attempt to keep her safe during her recovery, but due to the war her awakening was delayed for a long time. A part of it was Optimus’ hesitation to bring her back online with a war going on, since she is not a combatant. She missed about half of the war, and still has the mental state, capacity, and physical state from before. She is technically old enough to drink, but Ratchet tries to keep her away from it due to the aforementioned time gap. She drinks to mess with him, mainly. Hyperwing was mad at first for missing out on everything, but she cooled down and forgave Optimus eventually. (She has some intense shock after waking up. New people, old friends lost… a whole lot to take in)
How small is she? I see that she kinda itty bitty.
She is smol. She comes up to Bumblebee’s mid-thigh. Hyperwing can sit on Optimus’ Shoulder freely, and while in her alt mode she can perch on the arms and servos of other bots
Is she any good at fighting?
Absolutely not. Mainly due to her size, she is at a serious disadvantage. She usually chooses to defend and fly away. If that is impossible, she attempts to peck at optics or other weak points.
As a courier and with her size does she even really fight?
She never throws the first stone. She is basically forbidden from joining the front lines by Optimus. Does she always listen? Absolutely not and it is giving Ratchet and Optimus helmaches. Hyperwing never wants to leave a bot behind, so if she sees someone in trouble, she will try to cause a distraction for a retreat or to buy time for backup to arrive.
Does she crush on anyone? 
Nope! She doesn’t quite understand the whole “romance” thing. Not saying she wouldn’t fall in love eventually, but she was basically raised in a war zone. Not really on her mind.
She seems to love Optimus but is it in the love love way, fatherly, brotherly, or best friend?
He is like her father. Back when he was Orion Pax and she was new to the world, he took her in. Having a beast alt-mode made her an easy target to mistreatment and prejudice, so Hyperwing would have most definitely not lasted long on her own. Since he raised her and taught her to stand tall on her own (as tall as she can with her size), she sees him as a parent. Or the Cybertronian equivalent of a parent.
I think i saw you mention how red just didn’t suit him, care to expand what you meant?
Rapidstrike is shy. His self-esteem is extremely low and he hates being the center of attention. Paint jobs that would make him too flashy might give him a heart attack. Red is a walking “hit me” signal. Is softer demeanor contrasts harshly with the war, so the more he can do to avoid attention the better it will be for him. But, I wanted people to look at him and think he was outgoing, which would also contrast his personality. That is why I gave him the colors he has. Monochrome shades with blue and orange is still sleek and looks open, but then you get to the mask and it is grey and purple. Rapidstrike is a walking conundrum, in essence.
How often do people ask if he and HW are related?
Right so this question and the last question are related to a certain anon as I got the other day. However, I recently deleted that answer because I felt like I came off too harsh and I didn’t want to be rude to that anon. That is the first time anyone has asked if they were related, though Rapidstrike was made very recently so there was a short time window to make a connection. But yeah no they have no relation
Why the mask? (I love it btw!)
I won’t go into too much detail right now, but it has to do with his low self-esteem. He was trained with another mech under a polearms master. The Master was very aloof and rarely gave positive feedback, and was not emotionally available. The mech he trained with, who later becomes a Decepticon, had a huge superiority complex and constantly put Rapidstrike down. His self-image was shattered, so he hides behind the mask since he sees himself as disposable, ugly, and weak.
NVM I just found the answer to three. Instead why the design? How did you come up with it?
I went ahead and gave a bit more info anyway J I looked at existing characters for a basis. I chose a Speedster like build, so I studied Drift and Rodimus. I wanted a smooth flow between his different parts so I looked at Chromia and Prowl. Then, I looked at futuristic or high-end motorcycles for the minor details to tie in with his alt form. His mask has the look it does because of the tear-like markings. Because he is a sad boi and since he hides his face, it reflects his inner feelings.
Why is Tangle (Deer Bot Boi) Green? Was it to match scenery? A favorite color of his? Or something else?
I wanted to tie in his design with the plants he loves so much. Also in an old D&D campaign our Ranger befriended a green deer from the Faewild, and when I was designing Tangle, it came back to mind.
Do you have any more info on Nightbright? They are an amazing pallet and I’m curious what they transform into and more about them.
Nightbright is unfortunately still in development! He is an astronomer before the war, but transition to being a dispatcher for the Autobot forces during the war.
If anything has been answered before Sorry for asking a second time! I’m just so in love with all of your Oc’s!
I am glad you like them so much! These questions are actually some of the firsts I have ever gotten for my Transformers characters, so this was really fun to do!
Also do you write about them in fics or rp as them?
Yes to the fics. As for the rp… I have been considering starting an ask/rp blog for Hyperwing and Rapidstrike, as they are the most developed. It would have to be a shared side blog for the two, since I work full time and if I gave them separate blogs I would lose track of everything lol.
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