#would have included the rui and nene convo about nene having fun with emu in the nene Halloween event 2* but that would
apotelesmaa · 1 month
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As an apology for tsukasa posting here’s more emunene. Would like to emphasize that this is before the “dear friend” thing so emu said all of this and nene STILL didn’t realize emu loves spending time with her & wants to always be around her. Nene Kusanagi peak lesbian moments “you’re so amazing being around you makes me happy” (cut to nene with her head in her hands 2 hrs later) “what did she mean by that… does she even like me…”
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dumping-ideas · 6 months
hi ! i really like your analysis ! thanks for great analysis on tsukasa and WxS. tbh, i'm really exited about how WxS World Link Event could be ?! like, it will effect the SEKAI somehow. i would like to hear if you have any opinion on WxS World link ! it's always fun to read your opinion and analysis.
Ooooh! WxS World Link Event!!
One thing I have been curious about Wonderland SEKAI and the plot for WxS is how much WxS is all about the future (goals, dreams) and yet their (or Tsukasa's SEKAI) is about the feelings that he have held since he was young, which is "wanting to make others smile". But now that Tsukasa is striving higher (world-level star) and it's not only a dream but something he could realistically aim for, where in the SEKAI is his ambition reflected in?? I mean, in one of the area convos Nene and Rui said that Wonderland SEKAI is so big they thought there are areas they haven't known yet. So, maybe rather than a new location appearing, the VS just decided to show them said area because now they're working towards the same goal as an independent troupe and not just a bunch of friends working together, and they also think that it'll help Tsukasa in the long run if he knows about it too...?
Soooo I think World Link Event will open up an area that will reflect his ambition one way or another. My evidence for that is:
The above about how Wonderland SEKAI reflects Tsukasa's wish to make everyone happy but not his current goal which is to become world-class star--something that has been his main plot point ever since Pop in My Heart. Also, we need to clear it up that WxS is created from Tsukasa's feelings alone because unlike how intertwined Mafuyu's plotline with Empty SEKAI is, people who didn't read WxS main story thought that Wonderland SEKAI is WxS' collective SEKAI or even Emu's because of how whimsical it is and how it doesn't reflect the current Tsukasa.
The many contents for WxS!MEIKO recently (cards and com songs). I have a running theory that she represents(?) Tsukasa's ambition and boldness because most her appearance are always in events about the future (she first appeared in the Christmas event where WxS got their first 'rival'; Island Panic, Pop in My Heart, Phoenix Sky, and Our Happy Ending events are also related to the future of WxS).
There's a JP twt post about how the new stamps for 25 are related to their World Link Event story (Mafuyu thinking about how she wanted to be with everyone still, Mizuki about how they also needed to think about what they'd do after running away, Ena decided to face her struggles head on now that she knew she could help, and I haven't read Kanade's yet but probably about how she wishes for Mafuyu to be happy), so I believe all groups' (including WxS) are also related to their world link story as well
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With that in mind, I want to guess that the chapters will go Tsukasa -> Emu -> Nene -> Rui. Maybe it'd be obvious that the feelings that create whatever-the-new-location-is is not from the feeling of wanting to make everyone smile. So when confronted with such a location in SEKAI, Tsukasa is confused about what it means for him (and finally accepts that it's his feelings ALONE that created Wonderland SEKAI) because he doesn't understand why whatever-it-will-be is in his SEKAI in the first place. And then Emu comes to the rescue, telling Tsukasa not to think about his own feelings alone and that they'll figure it out together as WxS. They talk and then come to the conclusion that the new location is a reflection of Tsukasa's ambition to aim for a world-level stage. So Nene renews her resolve again, because she thinks of Tsukasa as a fellow rival and she doesn't want to lose to him in terms of feelings. And lastly, Rui promises Tsukasa that he will draws out Tsukasa's potential as the best director Tsukasa can ask for, now that he knows how big Tsukasa's ambition is.
So... I guess the short version of the what I think WxS World Link event would be is: Tsukasa reflects on his present feelings, Emu and Rui resolve to support Tsukasa (and Nene), and Nene resolves not to lose against Tsukasa.
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