#workplace environment
dig-jules · 10 months
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kkthanks · 2 years
Unfairness in the Workplace & Hiring Process
Off my usual topics, but I need your help!
It’s hard to navigate the workplace and hiring process. Office politics and behind the scenes secrets make it seem like those who get the jobs, promotions and raises know something other hard working professionals don’t. But we can combat these unfair advantages together.
I strive to do just that with “The Employee’s Advocate,” where I’ll collect all the tools and information for a successful #career so everyone has a fair chance.
I can’t do this all on my own though. That’s where you come in. Step one is this anonymous survey about unfair and unequal experiences in the workplace and hiring process. The results will help me gather the preliminary information and determine the next steps.
Getting as many people as possible to participate means a lot to me. We all have valuable information in our experiences. Let’s help each other out. Please take my survey and pass it along to others. Thanks!
Please take this anonymous survey; it’s quick and easy. PLEASE share it to help me out! Thanks so much
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creative-anchorage · 1 year
Part of the “stress management industry”, which was worth a reported $2bn in 2022, anger management courses have proliferated since the mid-1970s, when the psychologist Raymond Novaco began to publish widely on the origins and forms of anger and to promote relaxation skills and techniques that might prevent aggressive outbursts.
Novaco’s work built on a therapy called “stress inoculation” – as if one can immunize oneself against external pressures – to develop the concept of anger management. Now, such courses are frequently ordered by courts as a condition for probation or by employers faced with unruly employees, or sought out by those struggling in their relationships. ... Anger management courses focus on a participant’s triggers, offering a standardized set of guidelines for coping with situations in which they feel the rage rising. Such an approach glosses over the sources of anger – particularly those that might spring from unfair or imbalanced social dynamics – and places responsibility for anger squarely on the shoulders of the angry individual, seeking to treat the symptoms rather than addressing the disease.
As essential as such techniques may be, in particular for those prone to physical aggression, I can’t help but wonder who else might be benefiting from the “management” of all this anger.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the boom in anger management courses dovetails neatly with the historical moment in the early 1980s in which a new economic model began to restructure lives at work and in the home. That model of neoliberalism – favored first by the west and today’s dominant global ideology – gave rise to a new social sphere in which government support shrank and inequality grew, and competition became the key tenet of the social order. Since then, wages have stagnated, the cost of living has soared, and the workplace has become king. And nowhere is maintaining control over anger more crucial than in the workplace.
As early as the 1940s, child-rearing manuals in the US explained why an “anger-free personality” is so important at work. As anyone who has witnessed workplace bullying will testify, an explosively angry colleague can do a lot of harm. But what about anger that might be legitimate? What about wages that are too low, or hours that are too long? By the 1980s, efficiency experts were recommending anger management to combat unionization, and to keep the workers calm. Calm workers, so the thinking goes, are good workers. They are productive and keep the business ticking over. Angry workers disrupt things and lower productivity. They unionize and demand higher wages.
In this context, anger management begins to look like something that doesn’t have the good of the individual at heart, but instead plays an important supporting role in molding acquiescent employees and submissive citizens. ... The majority of the women in the class profess that they almost solely go into rages with their partners, and sometimes their children. “I don’t want my kids to grow up hating me,” one woman says. 
But in a society where to be Muslim or Black is to be disproportionately targeted by police, and where to be a woman entering motherhood is still to shoulder the majority of the housework and childcare, and to be left abandoned at a time when social connections and support are most vital, is it really any wonder that people are angry? And why does such an essential feeling – and one that has far-reaching ramifications in all areas of life – need to be managed rather than, say, addressed?
Listening to the impossible pressures faced by everyone in the group is a wake-up call. We are from all walks of life, and yet we are all on the brink. Every week is a bad week. Jobs are invariably exhausting. Family time is not so much quality time as a race to get things done, provoking arguments between exhausted partners. Support systems are absent. If our competitive economic and social model is pushing us all to breaking point, it has at the same time removed the critical structures that might have helped counter these symptoms – social support, time outside of work spent within our community. People are lonelier than ever before. Work more, work harder, get paid less, the motto seems to go. And if you’re angry about that, deal with it.
But anger does not take place in a void. It is largely a moral emotion, most frequently triggered by perceived injustice, and profoundly important for social change. 
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introvertbard · 2 years
Today in workplace happenings: Finally got back to the shop now that construction is finished, and my coworkers noted that they’ve apparently been open for two weeks already.
They were quite resigned when I mentioned that I’ve been texting the higher-ups for about a week because I saw the shop finally had a grand opening sign up.
Rest assured that they ALSO were barely told anything, and at least one of them needed to keep bugging the higher-ups about getting back to work similarly to my situation, so it’s less an “I’m the unfavorite employee” problem and more a “people can’t group-text their employees” problem.
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safeday · 17 days
Examples of guideline relative to air pollution.
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Numerous technical guidelines have been produced by International and national OSH bodies and authorities addressing workplace hazards related to climate change. Guidelines cover topic such as sun safety, extreme weather events and water borne diseases. "Climate change and safety and health at work." World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, April 28th.
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digitalkrost · 3 months
How Proper Storage Enhances Efficiency and Unlocks Office Productivity
In the fast-paced world of modern workplaces, productivity is the name of the game. From juggling deadlines to collaborating with team members, employees are constantly striving to maximize their efficiency. While technological advancements and innovative workflows play crucial roles in this quest for productivity, one often overlooked factor is the physical workspace itself. In this blog post, we'll explore the underestimated impact of proper workspace storage on maintaining, improving, and maximizing employee efficiency. So, let's dive into the cluttered world of office spaces and discover the transformative power of organization.
Organizing the Workspace One of the primary ways proper storage enhances efficiency is by organizing the workspace. A clutter-free environment promotes clarity of thought and reduces distractions, allowing employees to focus more effectively on their tasks. With designated spaces for documents, supplies, and equipment, employees can quickly locate what they need without wasting time rummaging through piles of clutter. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also minimizes stress, creating a more conducive environment for productive work.
Time-Saving Benefits Time is a precious commodity in any workplace, and proper storage can help employees make the most of it. By having everything neatly arranged and easily accessible, employees can shave valuable minutes off their daily routines. Whether it's finding a file, retrieving a tool, or setting up for a meeting, having an organized workspace eliminates the need for unnecessary searching and streamlines workflow processes. Over time, these time-saving benefits can add up, allowing employees to accomplish more in less time and increasing overall productivity.
Reducing Distractions A cluttered workspace can be a breeding ground for distractions, pulling employees' attention away from their work and hindering productivity. Proper storage helps mitigate this issue by providing a designated place for everything, eliminating visual clutter and creating a more focused environment. With fewer distractions vying for their attention, employees can maintain better concentration and stay on task for longer periods. This enhanced focus not only boosts productivity but also improves the quality of work produced.
Enhanced Morale and Well-being A tidy workspace isn't just beneficial for productivity—it also contributes to employee morale and well-being. A clutter-free environment promotes a sense of order and control, reducing feelings of overwhelm and stress. When employees feel comfortable and organized in their workspace, they're more likely to approach their tasks with a positive attitude and a sense of purpose. This positive mindset can have ripple effects throughout the organization, leading to higher levels of engagement, satisfaction, and overall well-being among employees.
Safety Considerations In addition to its productivity benefits, proper storage also plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe work environment. Cluttered and disorganized spaces increase the risk of accidents and injuries, such as trips, falls, or strains from lifting heavy objects. By implementing effective storage solutions and keeping walkways clear, employers can minimize these hazards and create a safer workplace for their employees.
In conclusion, proper storage is a powerful yet often overlooked tool for enhancing efficiency in the workplace. By organizing the workspace, saving time, reducing distractions, and promoting employee morale and well-being, effective storage solutions can have a profound impact on productivity levels. From decluttering desks to implementing storage systems, there are countless ways employers can invest in office storage for organization to support their employees' success. So, whether you're tidying up your own workspace or revamping the entire office layout, remember that a little organization can go a long way in unlocking productivity potential.
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equalstrategy · 4 months
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of background music for dining and restaurants, explore the different types of music that are suitable for such settings, and provide practical tips for selecting and playing the right music in your restaurant.
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lovelyscot · 5 months
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this is about like cups and plates and silverware, not things that may need soaking.
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hrtechcube1 · 8 months
Employers are neglecting important elements in employee experience that can have the biggest impact on the bottom line. Here’s what leaders need to know.
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sreehari28 · 10 months
Every company needs a dedicated manager to administer their HR software due to several important reasons. HR software, also known as human resources management systems (HRMS) or human resources information systems (HRIS), plays a crucial role in managing various aspects of an organization's workforce, from recruitment and employee onboarding to performance management and payroll processing. Having a dedicated manager responsible for administering this software ensures its effective implementation, maintenance, and utilization within the company. A dedicated HR software manager brings expertise, organization, and efficiency to the administration of HR software within a company. Their role encompasses system optimization, data management, user support and training, integration and upgrades, compliance management, and vendor relationship management. Having a skilled professional in charge of HR software administration ensures that the system functions effectively, supports HR processes, and contributes to the overall success of the organization.
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kateally · 10 months
Work Boots in Maitland in Different Industry and How to Maintain Them from Worn Out When it comes to on-the-job protection and comfort, few things are as crucial as work boots. These sturdy companions are designed to provide safety and support across various industries. Work boots play a vital role in enhancing safety and comfort in various industries. They provide protection against workplace hazards, support proper foot biomechanics, and contribute to overall productivity.
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reginafasold · 10 months
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Large organizations and MNCs have a diverse workplace where people belonging to diverse cultures and backgrounds get to meet and interact with each other. However, there are times when this sharing of opinions and beliefs might turn acrimonious and lead to workplace conflicts which are difficult to manage by the higher leadership. As a manager, you are responsible for managing any workplace conflict. Have a look at the infographics to know the tips that can help you in managing workplace conflicts.
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idigitizellp21 · 11 months
Signs Of A Toxic Workplace Environment And Ways To Deal With It
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Are you working in a toxic workplace environment? Do you ever feel like crying or getting sick whenever you have to go to work?
There might be a scientific reason for that. Toxic work environments can cause a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, including stress, depression, loss of focus, decreased confidence, stomach pain, headaches, and an impaired immune system. This is because toxic work environments can trigger the “fight or flight” response, which causes the body to release hormones that can lead to stress and anxiety.
Signs Of A Toxic Workplace Environment
A toxic work environment is one where employees feel stressed, anxious, and unhappy and can be caused by a number of factors, including:
Poor leadership: A toxic work environment is often caused by poor leadership. This can include a manager who is abusive, micromanaging, or who creates a hostile work environment.
Lack of communication: When there is a lack of communication in the workplace, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and stress.
Lack of trust:In a toxic workplace, there is a lack of trust between employees and management. This can be evidenced by employees feeling like they cannot speak up without fear of retaliation, or by management constantly monitoring employees’ work.
Unrealistic expectations: Employees in a toxic workplace are often expected to work long hours, meet unrealistic deadlines, or take on too much work. This can lead to burnout, stress, and anxiety.
Bullying and harassment: Bullying and harassment are never acceptable in the workplace. They can create a hostile work environment and lead to anxiety, depression, and physical health problems.
Discrimination: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or other protected categories is illegal and can create a toxic work environment.
Ways to deal with it
If you are in a toxic work environment, there are a few things you can do:
Talk to your manager: If you feel comfortable doing so, talk to your manager about the problems you are experiencing. They may be able to help resolve the situation.
Document the problems: Keep a record of the problems you are experiencing, including dates, times, and what happened. This will help you if you need to take further action.
Talk to HR: If you are not comfortable talking to your manager, you can talk to HR. They are responsible for creating a safe and healthy work environment and may be able to help resolve the situation.
Seek professional help: If the situation is causing you significant stress or anxiety, you may want to seek professional help. A therapist can help you cope with the stress and develop strategies for dealing with the situation. You can also check if your company provides you with Employee Assistance Programs or if they have an in-house therapist for the employees.
Set boundaries: It is important to set boundaries between your work life and your personal life. This means managing your time efficiently like not checking work emails or taking work calls outside of work hours.
Self-care: Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. These things will help you to manage stress and anxiety.
Find a support system. Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about what you are going through. Having a support system can help you to feel less alone and more supported. Reach out to us on this link if you need a therapist.
And if nothing works:
Remember that you have options. You are not stuck in a toxic workplace. There are things you can do to improve the situation, and if the situation is not improving, you can always find a new job.
Look for a new job. If the toxic work environment is making you miserable, it may be time to start looking for a new job. There are many great companies out there with positive work cultures.
Don’t take it personally. It can be difficult not to take things personally when you are in a toxic workplace, but it is important to remember that the behaviour of others is not a reflection of you.
– Urveez Kakalia and Sakshi Merai.
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safeday · 1 month
Vision Zero Fund Strategic priorities 2024-2028.
The overall objectives of the session will be to provide the audience with an overview of the Fund's new strategy, including achievements, challenges, and strategic priorities.
Vision Zero Fund Strategic priorities 2024-2028
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mspi · 1 year
Toxic warning
Not saying that this is a norm in corporate, but there are some butts out there who you shouldn't feel bad about turning down.
📝 Advice: If you recognize that the small office where the interviewee left sweating stressed from their experience is followed by an employee begging for another chance from an earlier oops then heads out for a smoke... It's a stress level indicator.
No joke, I was so overjoyed to be offered the position that I didn't recognize that the entryway was a stop of fresh air for the employees "needing" a 🚬. That's everyone in the small office including HR, lawyers, managers, and execs who swung by.
Gathering from what I did from that experience, I can say that it's a toxic environment. NOT including all the curses throughout the day from management. Oh yeah, after 3mo I said bye.
Alright I stayed there during a recession in 2000. All to be followed up with a healthier job which provided fresh air and full benefits. Didn't job hop. Gave them a full year until I got a call to head back to corporate in better conditions.
Things eventually work out, keep working hard, with some patience.
-- dnagirl
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