#wor leatherbounds
lamaery · 4 months
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Boots! In 2022 Brandon Sanderson's art director Isaac Stewart asked me if I could redo an illustration of the scene I made two years prior for the leather bound edition of the Words of Radiance
So I tried for a new framing that would keep or even up the antics of everyone‘s expression, but would feel a bit more cinematic. The horse, of course, was the most difficult one to get to feel right and a lot of it gets swallows by the gutter in print. 😅 And I tried so hard to make it offended by Shallan‘s (loudly uttered) demands. Kaladin’s expressions also took a lot of altering until it sat right. I am very happy with this Tyn. 😁
The crowdfunding campaign for the Edition starts on the 5th of March on Backerkit. It’ll be very pretty with loads of additional art! (There’s also a probability of more art by me in there… 😉)
The ID for the illustration in the book is by the great @priscellie The IDs for the rest is by me
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valerieofavonlea · 2 months
No one asked for my opinion, but here it is anyway.
Here's how I would improve the cosmere/Brandon Sanderson subs on reddit, in no particular order:
1. Pinned FAQ and reading order posts, and crack down on other reading order posts, including "what should I read next" and asking for non Brandon recs. Keep it all in one thread
2. Have daily/weekly mega threads for simple posts and questions. I'd do two, one for questions and one as more of a "what are you reading right now?" thread where newbies can post simple reactions, rereaders can post simple observations, and we can see what other books sanderfans are enjoying. These threads can be moderated for spoilers
3. Stop using all the post flairs for spoiler policing. We need content category flairs like: question, review, theory, fanart, events, discussion, wob, etc etc. the subs are a pain to search through for specific content and this would help a ton
4. On that note, stop being so anal about spoilers period. You're completely stifling any real discussion, and alienating established fans. People who haven't read the books or aren't caught up and who care about spoilers can take some responsibility for themselves. Post titles also suck because of spoiler policies and I can barely tell what anything is about without clicking on the actual post. Also protip: flairs don't work on the reddit home page
5. Require that individual posts have some kind of real effort put behind them
6. Cross post a few of the best memes from r/cremposting every week. It'll be fun
7. Prepare event thread ahead of time. The mega threads for the WoR leatherbound campaign should have gone up the day before to consolidate discussion and questions, and it should be edited as more information becomes available so everyone has one place to look for info
8. Lead community posts, fun discussions, games, etc. And you can also lead community reads/rereads
9. Actually moderate? There was a discussion today with some criticism of the mods as far as how discourse and rudeness and general jerk behavior is handled, and the mod response was this:
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Like, you don't have to step into every single conversation, but at least pay attention to the subs you manage? Stop letting the sub users do all of your work for you and maybe try to help de-escalate when you can see that a discussion is getting heated?
10. Hold more than one opinion poll a year. The fandom is growing at a crazy pace and keeping a closer eye on things would be beneficial. Also one a year is easy to miss
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thestormlightnetwork · 4 months
i looked at the fan bundles on sando's site and it's all so pretty and so fucking cute and i want the hoid for president shirt with the khriss pin and the cosmere posters and the spren plushies from the yet to be released wor leatherbound thank you
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magnusbae · 2 months
the way i simply turned off my higher brain functions when i saw the price for the wok+wor leatherbound on the backerkit campaign and proceeded to pledge for it anyways
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Me: no I can't buy the row ebook it makes no sense to waste 10 dollars on a book I already own
Also me: pledges for a wor leatherbound
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shatteredsnail · 5 months
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kingjasnah · 2 years
You know how we're getting Sigzil novel next year? Yeah. And then remember how we're getting the Rock novella, Horneater, next year too (probably) for the WoR leatherbound kickstarter? And then SA5 a little while after all that too? Yeah, there's a lot happening.
oh jeez im realizing the sigzil novel is probably coming out like RIGHT before SA5....just from the kickstarter rollout schedule. this is gonna be like the dawnshard -> rhythm of war release sched all over again especially if preview chapters are going to come out next summer. and i totally forgot about the purelake novella......listen if I don't have time for all of this how on earth does sanderson
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afternoonpoppy · 4 years
Your Turn Now
Intended to get something written for Thanksgiving a couple weeks ago, but I ended up going a bit off topic with that piece and also made some continuity errors that need some fixing up if I am going to put that on here.
In the meantime, Allister’s not much better than Wolfram sometimes when it comes to overeating, oops.
Allister had been surprised to find out that the topic of studying magic was not as different and otherworldly a pursuit as he’d originally imagined. In fact, it was quite familiar and reminiscent of his time spent studying in college. If only he hadn’t suffered all throughout college.
In his attempt to be of some help to Wolfram with studying magic, Wolfram had instructed Allister to begin memorizing the sigils that functioned as the written language for magic. Allister had initially assumed that to mean it would be a fairly easy step like learning an alphabet. As it had turned out, it was far more work than that.
“This particular symbol represents the concept of light, and is pronounced as ’vetru,’” Wolfram said, drawing a symbol consisting of multiple jagged lines on a stray piece of paper. “In this form, it can refer to the light given off by the sun or by fire, anything that might be considered to be ‘warm’ light. If you were to write it this way, however,” Wolfram redrew the sigil, inverting a line on top and curving it more, “- then this would refer to 'cold’ light such as the moon and stars.”
“Uh… Right,” Allister scribbled the sigil - to the best of his ability - along with some hasty notes in his notebook. He felt like he should have been using a hefty leatherbound tome and a quill pen of some sort for this, but a college-ruled composition notebook and a dollar store pen that threatened to leak ink over the pages if pressed too hard would have to do. “When you say stars are, uh, 'cold’ light…”
“Uh… Never mind.” Allister thought better of derailing the conversation into the gaseous makeup of stars. Besides, maybe stars worked differently in Wolfram’s world.
“You should ask questions if you have any, it’s essential to learning new topics,” Wolfram lectured.
“No, really, it’s unrelated.” Allister shifted position in his chair and one of his feet kicked aside a book that had somehow made its way to the floor. He looked around, suddenly realizing just what a mess the study had become over the past while. Paper and books were beginning to clutter the floor as space was lost on the desk. Granted, that was bound to happen quicker than usual since both Allister and Wolfram were sharing desk space. A second chair had been dragged up the stairs from the kitchen, something Allister hadn’t realized would be more of a hassle than simply studying in the kitchen until after he’d already made it most of the way up the stairs. “Hey, Fram, should we clean some of this stuff up?”
Wolfram glanced away from the desk long enough to see the floor and say, “Oh, I had forgotten.” He paused, then looked at Allister with a raised eyebrow. “Am I supposed to be ‘Fram?’”
Allister grinned a bit. “What? I thought it sounded cute, you don’t like it?”
Wolfram thought over it for a moment. “It is… different, but I don’t dislike it.” With a hand gesture and a string of 'magic words’ as Allister had continued to dub the arcane language, a mote of light appeared in Wolfram’s hand. Wolfram gently spoke a command to it and it leaped to the ground in the form of a weasel.
Allister watched the spirit scurry over to some of the books and begin pulling them to the bookshelves. “You make that look so easy. Do they alphabetize the books, too?”
Wolfram conjured two more spirits before setting them loose into the room, then said, “No, of course not. They can’t read.”
“Oh. Well, they’re still helpful. Can you teach me to do that?”
“Eventually, yes,” Wolfram looked out the study window where the sun was beginning to lower and the sky was dimming. “Perhaps not today, if that is what you meant.”
Allister flipped through the few pages he’d filled over their study session, unsure if he should be taking more thorough notes on this. “No, I didn’t think so. We’ve been at this for a while already, though. Should we take a break?”
Wolfram looked back at Allister. “Oh. Is this still a lot for you?”
“Well, uh,” Allister fumbled with the notebook in his hands, laughing nervously. Mostly, he was just tired and not keeping up with Wolfram’s method of marathon learning, but Wolfram wasn’t wrong, either. “I just figured, maybe we should get something to eat.”
Wolfram nodded slowly, then leaned himself against Allister’s shoulder. “I understand if this is difficult for you. I will not mind or judge you if you need to slow down.”
Allister smiled and reached his arm around Wolfram’s waist. “I know I’m not the supreme sorcerer that you are. But this is important to you, so I’m going to try my best.”
“I appreciate that.” Wolfram sat up and looked Allister in the eye. “However, I will not object if you think now is a good time for a meal.”
Allister opted to place an order for pickup, rather than let a delivery driver wander the wooded backroads to the house. Wolfram had objected to the idea of food cooked by anyone other than Allister, but there was no way Allister was doing anything else on his day off other than a thirty-minute round trip for food if he was already studying magic of all things. So, dinner would be Chinese takeout instead, complete with whatever movie seemed like it would make a good change of pace to watch on TV. Allister didn’t know How It’s Made had so many seasons.
Despite Wolfram’s objections about the food, he seemed to quickly take a liking to it and had cleared his plate of dumplings and fried rice before the movie had really even gone anywhere. Allister had half a mind to suggest Wolfram not eat so fast before he realized his own plate wasn’t fairing much better, being nearly devoid of food. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was before, nor how full he was starting to feel now. He placed his plate on the living room coffee table, figuring it would be a good idea to separate himself from the food before he overate. Allister leaned back on the couch, hand resting on his stuffed stomach. Maybe it was too late to avoid the overeating part.
Once Wolfram was done with his own food, he settled in closer to Allister, pressing up against him.
“I never would’ve thought you’d be so cuddly when we first met, you know,” Allister observed.
Wolfram rested his head on Allister’s shoulder. “And I hadn’t expected you would make such a good pillow.”
Allister chuckled, but he was becoming increasingly aware of Wolfram’s arm pressed up against his sensitive stomach. “Good to know, Fram, but my stomach’s not as happy about that right now.”
“Oh?” Wolfram pouted for just a moment before straightening his posture and lifting himself off of Allister. “Is that better?”
Allister had intended to answer, only to be interrupted by a loud HIC that cut him off. He clasped a hand over his mouth just in time to muffle a second hiccup into a still-loud HMPH sound. “Ugh, crap…”
Wolfram looked startled at the sudden appearance of Allister’s hiccups, but quickly switched to a more amused expression. “It’s good to see I am not the only one of us who gets them.”
“Yes, we - HIC - well you wouldn’t - HUC-UP - get them so - HUC - so mu - HIC -” Allister gave up on talking despite his intent to point out Wolfram’s poor eating habits. It was clear his hiccups weren’t going to let him make that point.
Wolfram watched Allister struggling with the nonstop chain of hiccups bouncing through his chest and stomach. “Are they always this… aggressive when you have them?”
Allister nodded. “Don’t get - HIC - get them oft - HIC-UP - often, but - HYUC - but -”
“Right, I understand,” Wolfram said, holding up a hand so Allister didn’t need to finish the sentence. “Should I get a glass of water for you?”
“M-may - HIC - maybe,” Allister said. On the one hand, it may help, but the thought of filling his stomach with anything else, especially with how his hiccups were constantly bouncing through his stomach and shuffling around everything he’d eaten, was less than an appealing idea.
Wolfram seemed to key into that same thought, seeing how Allister pressed a hand against his stomach. “Or… perhaps holding your breath would be a better option?”
Allister shook his head, knowing that was definitely a terrible idea. “Makes - HIC-UP - makes 'em wor - HIC - worse.”
Wolfram raised an eyebrow. “They have room to be worse? Love, fate is cruel to you. I’m going to fetch you a glass of water as I think you’ll suffer less if your hiccups at least stop.”
Allister grimaced but was in little position to argue with his hiccups still interrupting him every other word. When Wolfram returned from the kitchen shortly after, Allister opted to get it over with, taking the glass of water he was handed and gulping it down as quickly as his body would allow.
“Well?” Wolfram asked expectantly once Allister had finished the water.
Allister had to catch his breath at first while the sudden influx of cold water settled in his stomach. Much like he’d expected, forcing the extra liquid into his stomach had not ended well as he noticed how bloated and tight his stomach was by the end of it. On the bright side, at least, not a single hiccup had forced its way through him. “I… I think they stopped…”
Wolfram made something of a victorious “hmph” sound and smiled, sitting back down next to Allister. “Much better. Are you feeling alright?”
Allister rubbed a hand over his stomach and groaned as he became aware of the growing ache in his stomach. “Maybe I should have gone slower with the water…”
“Here, let me make it up to you. Lie down.” Wolfram gently pulled Allister closer, lying him down across his lap. “Comfortable?”
“Mm…” Allister nodded. It was as comfortable as he was going to get, anyway. “Does this mean it’s your turn to take care of me?”
“I imagine it’s only fair, isn’t it?” Wolfram traced his hands over Allister’s stomach, commenting, “I always thought you were the more restrained between us.”
“For your information, I was holding up alright before you made me drink all that water. Besides, do I hear you admitting to your own gluttony?”
“Don’t make me use your precarious position against you, Allister,” Wolfram poked a finger against the side of Allister’s stomach. Gently, though.
Allister rolled his eyes. “You don’t have a mean enough bone in your body for it, Fram. But, uh… Thanks for this.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
“Yeah, but, I know you’re… probably not used to this stuff, right?”
“Hm… Not with most people, no. But you’re my lo…” The confidence in Wolfram’s voice suddenly wavered as if that last word got caught in his throat, a hesitant expression coming over his face. He cleared his throat and poorly faked some composure as he shakily whispered, “M-my lo-lover… So - so, this is the least I can do for you, isn’t it?”
The term threw Allister off a bit and brought a blush to his face. He had thought 'boyfriend’ was fine enough, but he realized terminology probably varied a bit between his and Wolfram’s worlds. Despite the more intense sound of it to Allister’s ears, though, it was wonderful to hear that. “I appreciate it, Fram. I’m really happy you’re here with me.”
Allister glanced over to the TV, realizing neither had been paying any attention to it, and reached for the remote on the coffee table to hand it to Wolfram. “Here, if you keep massaging my stomach, you can put on whatever you want.”
Wolfram’s eyes lit up at the offer. “Gladly.”
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They are really spending money on those ads for the end of this campaign aren’t they? I’ve gotten ads for the wor leatherbound over 10 times in the last 48 hours, across both instagram and facebook
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kingjasnah · 3 years
Blasian anon again. I think you missed my point but I also think that's because I didn't explain myself properly. Redzit and Shart I think are a lost cause (except that the mods of shart are actually pretty chill from the interactions I've had) but on here, things aren't great either. Tumblr artists see the whitewashing and over-correct, erasing the biracial aspect of a lot of characters. I'll keep using Shallan as an example bc we're the closest ethnicity wise, but so many artists straight up ignore she's supposed to look biracial. Inspo boards might only take her mixed race into account when it comes to her hair, but ignore that she might have a Japanese nose and white people lips (either in shape or color or both). And this is maybe kind of minor, but using Korean faces as her blueprint maybe isn't great. I don't know a lot of Koreans who would be happy with people thinking they are interchangeable with Japanese (because the history between us is not great). We do look similar, but we're also different.
Not enough tumblr artists are looking at biracial japanese faces when they're crafting their Shallan. And her biracial aspect can't be erased when plucking her from Roshar and putting her in modern Earth aus. She would deal with intense racism and othering. Some hyper sexualization and infantization, people here ignore all of that when taking her into account. And in doing so, contribute to this "pick an ethnicity" bs that a lot of us biracial people deal with all the time. But I think people here are more open to taking that criticism and changing than on other platforms.
As for Sanderson, I'm actually working on a letter to send to him outlining how important it is to double down on the fact that most of roshar isn't white. I've found more private interactions regarding race are more productive, so this isn't something I'd be posting on one of the other popular sites. But like, it would be nice if with the WoR leatherbound, we got an improved Kaladin cover and Shallan endpapers that better reflect her mixed race appearance. Pairing that with something in the acknowledgements about why it was important to correct this, that could go a long way, since not all the fans who purchase that merch are super active on the forums. But if anyone has suggestions of points to include in this letter I'm working on, I'd love to see them.
......okay i see what you are saying. so i absolutely agree with you that when using references for shallan people should look to biracial models but I think it's difficult to declare overcorrectness in fanart cause of how varied those models actually look. i also think im kinda out of my lane here? so grain of salt I guess if anyone who is mixed wants to weigh in on this
i will say that there's a bit of a thing with shallan (and renarin) where people have pointed out their epicanthic folds are respected but they're not for a lot of darker skinned characters who also are supposed to have them...and for renarin I think a lot of that has to do with the east asian infantilization you mentioned. with shallan I feel like this is the case because shallan not being white has been very present on tumblr for years to the point where people are more likely to call out a whitewashed shallan than anyone else.
now ive not seen any modern aus talk about real life racism at all but then again: i don't read fic and i do agree writing a modern shallan shouldn't erase her race
i think a letter is a smart idea though. he is relatively receptive to crit imo and he's So online here definitely seen some of this stuff but.....yeah it's not super fun posting crit that's about both something personal and something systematic on a public forum when you know it's gonna get blasted. id kill for a proper kaladin wor cover
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