#woop. finishing up some old asks. hello. welcome!
mychlapci · 28 days
It's like TFP! Optimus is a business husband and TFP! Ratchet is the sweet, talented wife that drop off college and work and a bright future to got no attention from his husband.
Optimus is always goes like "No, not right now honey, I'm busy" or "No honey, I need to work today" that it make Ratchet tired to waiting for his husband to take a move on him and Ratchet ended up with Optimus's field rival, Megatron, in a club and has a hot, sexy night with Megatron fulfilled everything Optimus has forgotten in his marriage with Ratchet. Ratchet know it's wrong but he feel the attention he has long craved for and ended up still sticking out with Megatron after.
First they got from the bar then come to the hotel, then take a step on the entrance of Optimus and Ratchet's house door then straight to the marrital bed. Optimus never find out Ratchet cheated behind his back. And Ratchet doesn't feel wrong anymore.
He feel happy and he feel the supportive from Megatron when he told Ratchet that he still has the skill on his medication talent. And with that Ratchet goes to college again to finish his dream and Megatron just SUDDENLY, ACCIDENTALLY, move into the apartment just next to Ratchet's flat. Then they fuck like bunny day and night until Ratchet graduated and find out that he got pregnant, the baby's father is clearly Megatron and Ratchet doesn't know what to do when everything has already happened. Optimus is still waiting for him after he know that Ratchet want to finish his study and Megatron still doesn't know about the baby's existence.
Ratchet stuck between two hot man he know that he won't have the chance to lie to them.
mhmmm I can get behind this, oh yes.
Ratchet forced to give up his medical degree because now he's the Prime's conjunx and everything had happened so fast he had no time to protest... Optimus tries but he's busy, and Ratchet is alone and doesn't see the point in building a future when everyone tells him he's so lucky to be conjunxed to the Prime and how he's made it... And then Megatron shows up. Maybe he's just trying to stick it up to Optimus, trying to hit him where it hurts, Ratchet doesn't really care because at least someone's paying attention to him... fulfilling needs that have gone unsatisfied for ages now. Megatron fucks him good and hard, making Ratchet squirm in the marital bed.
Megatron ends up being the push Ratchet needed to go back to medical school after all that time, saying he's wasting his talents trying to domestic and good for his conjunx. Ratchet hates to admit it, but he knows Megatron is right. Optimus doesn't even know he went back to school until at least several days after it happened, and only because he'd finally paid enough attention to notice the text-books accumulating around the house... He's supportive, of course, I don't think Optimus is necessarily pushy regarding Ratchet staying at home, it's always been more of a peer pressure issue.
It's very stressful when Ratchet finds out he's pregnant and it's definitely Megatron's - Optimus will happily believe their contraception failed during their rare nights together, for a while at least, but Megatron is harder to deal with. Ratchet isn't sure if it would be worse if he desperately wanted to be involved, or if he didn't want to have anything to do with the sparkling at all...
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theblueskyphoenix · 5 years
Grid Ghost Chapter 9: Coming Together
Obake's personal home lab was just like how he remembered it. Not a single thing out of place.
An assortment of tools, homemade tech, three main work tables, perfect lighting and all the thinking room he could ask for.
His sanctuary.
Sure, it wasn't large like some of the labs SFIT had, but it was just big enough for him and it had all he needed.
Including good company.
"Alright, testing range of motion. Ready, Trina?"
Trina nodded, holding up a hand.
"Ready, Dad."
Obake closed his eyes, the left side of his face glowing a faint purple, his ears tuning into the electromagnetic sounds that resided in the robotic skeletal framework that stood before him.
I need this to be just right. No rush jobs this time.
Walk to Trina and shake hands with her.
The framework shook a bit before it stood up straight, leaving its stand, walking right over to Trina, offering a hand to her. Trina giggled, grasping its hand, giving it a firm shake.
"Nice to meet you, O-bot-kae."
"Ha ha, very funny." Obake chuckled. "I'm not calling him that though."
"Awww why not?"
"How many crooks are going to take the name O-bot-kae seriously?"
"... Okay, but I'm still gonna call him that in private."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
Now, return to your stand.
The framework moved back to it stand, going slack as Obake disconnected from it. The glow from Obake's face faded, the man rubbing his left temple a little.
"Well… the framework is stable and my technokinesis still works. Only downside is a mild headache. Probably need to calibrate it better so it doesn't require as much focus. Once I have the old bot that'll be easy to do."
Trina frowned at this, going over to Obake, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe you should take a break though. We've been at this for awhile and… Dad, you're still wheelchair bound. In fact, last I checked, Mom insisted you stay in bed."
"I would, but I wouldn't be able to sleep." Obake had a serious look in his eyes. "We need to solve this Dragoness issue now before it gets worse and I can't do that if I'm stuck in bed just lying there. I'm not going to let that woman ruin Tadashi's life. He's already been through enough and the least I can do is make the effort to help him so he doesn't wind up somewhere worse."
Trina squeezed his shoulder.
"You're not gonna be much help to him if you're plastered to the floor."
Obake sighed, looking up at Trina, concern written in her features.
"... Alright. 15 minutes then we're getting right back to work."
"Good enough."
Trina wheeled him out of the lab to the patio they had in the backyard of their house. Trina sat down on the ground next to his wheelchair, stretching a bit.
"Nothing like fresh air to help clear out of the head."
He smirked.
"I could think of a few-"
"Nope. You used up your puns involving tumors in the hospital."
"... Darnit." He ruffled her hair, his gaze softening. "I'm glad to be home. I missed you."
"Missed you too." She reached a hand up, taking his into hers. "Your head isn't bothering you too much, right?"
"Not as much as it was back in San Fransokyo." Obake squeezed her hand. "I'd go days without resting because it hurt so much. But during that time I didn't really think of it as pain. I thought of it as motivation to keep working."
Trina frowned, squeezing back, concern in her eyes.
"Dad, that's awful."
"I know… and that was my problem. I didn't know anymore what was right or wrong - even when it came to resting."
"Well, that's not flying here. You're resting whenever we tell ya to. Got it?"
Obake chuckled, giving her a gentle look.
"I promise I'll be more careful now. Besides… I can actually sleep now."
"And I'll make sure you'll get as much as you need."
Obake ruffled her hair again.
"Thank you, Little Star."
"Nawww, how touching."
Both jumped, looking behind them to see Eboni and Tadashi present, leaning against the doorways of the sliding glass door, both wearing gentle smiles on their faces.
"You're adorable, ya know?" Eboni chuckled.
"Not exactly something I hear often." Obake chuckled, facing them fully as Trina turned him around. "Did you find the robot?"
"Sure did. We already moved it to your lab and it's ready to be worked on… Though, one small request."
Eboni narrowed her eyes.
"PLEASE let me oversee the reworking of this robot. What I found is just a disgrace to robot craftsmanship."
"... Honestly, I can't even deny it. I'm well aware he was basically trash. Hiro and his companion thrashed him particularly well." Obake shrugged. "I created him in a manic state. There was no real testing process involved."
"Well, no excuse." Eboni smirked. "You're an SFIT genius, right? Show me what you REALLY can do."
He grinned.
"Gladly. Trina to-"
"After you're done resting!"
"Help me."
Tadashi turned to go inside.
"How about lunch THEN we can get to work, hm? I'll make Arroz con Gandules."
Obake's stomach growled… as did Trina's.
"... That sounds wonderful actually."
Trina jumped up.
"Can I help?"
"More the merrier."
"Come on then. We got work to do."
It was late when Kim got home. Not out of the ordinary for her. Just the life of being a doctor or any medical profession for that matter. Work long shifts, come home tired. Though honestly her mind was still processing what was now "normal" to come home to.
As she entered the house, she could hear activity in Obake's personal lab. She smiled. She had missed that. She always loved coming home to hear Obake and Trina cheering over an experiment gone well or them laughing over something that might've gone horribly wrong. Regardless, they were sounds she welcomed back.
Though Bob better have been resting like I asked. He shouldn't be up and about too much. He just got back from the hospital two days ago and those incisions haven't completely healed yet.
She poked her head in the lab, seeing what was going on.
Obake and Eboni were working on the head of a robot, while Trina and Tadashi were working on the limbs of said robot, all chatting about progress of their respective jobs.
It's like he never left. He just has more assistants now.
Obake looked up, taking note of Kim.
"Ah, Darling. Welcome home."
Everyone looked up, waving at Kim.
"Hey Dr. A/Kim/Mom!"
Kim smiled, leaning against the doorway.
"I see you four have been busy. Care to share?"
Trina looked to Obake.
"Think you can do that technokinesis trick again?"
"I think so." Obake looked to Eboni. "The brain of the robot should be fully functional, yes?"
"Yeah and the face isn't ugly looking anymore so you won't scare the daylights out of your wife."
Obake shook his head.
"Well, let's get it attached and then everyone backs away so I can show our progress."
Everyone nodded, Eboni and Obake reattaching the head while Trina and Tadashi rolled away from the work table. Once Eboni was done helping reattach the head, she backed away as well.
Obake took a deep breath, the left side of his face glowing purple as he connected with the robot's brain.
Let's say hello to Kim. Just sit up and talk for me.
It was a moment before the robot shook to life, sitting up slowly, waving to Kim.
"Hello, Darling."
Kim stumbled back a bit at the robot bearing a perfect resemble to her husband.
"G-Goodness I was not expecting that!"
"Woops, guess you still scared the daylights out of her anyway." Eboni shrugged, a smug grin on her face. "Then again, it's a robotic twin. Guess anyone would be surprised."
The robot gave a sheepish look.
"Sorry, Darling. Hope it wasn't a bad surprise."
Kim took a deep breath, composing herself, before going closer, examining the bot with her eyes.
"... It's incredible. You're experiencing every bit of feedback the robot gets?"
"As much as I can handle. As well as simply moving on its own."
Kim narrowed her eyes, turning to Obake, raising an eyebrow.
"You better not have gotten out of that chair, bub."
Both he and the robot held up their hands in an "I surrender." pose.
"No, no, no need to worry about that, Darling! I didn't get up except maybe twice, I swear."
Kim sighed in relief before a sneaky grin came to her face.
"Then… can I do a test of my own?"
"Hm? If you wish."
She cupped the robot's face in her hands before kissing it's forehead quickly, her eyes locked on her husband.
Obake's cheeks immediately turned red at this.
"You just kissed metal without hesitation."
"Now, now, no need to get jealous of yourself."
Tadashi, Eboni and Trina all broke down laughing.
"Careful, it might snatch her up in the night!" Trina banged her hand on a table. "And take her for a joy ride!"
"O-Or out for a romantic bar run for oil!" Eboni laughed, leaning on Tadashi a little.
"Oh, ha ha!" Obake rolled his eyes. "Verrry funny."
Kim giggled before going to his side, kissing his cheek.
"I like your warmth better anyways."
He grinned, kissing hers.
"Oh, you."
Eboni had to cover her mouth.
"Hey, Bob, might wanna disconnect from the bot. It tried to kiss thin air."
Obake straightened up at this.
"One second."
The glow from his face faded as the bot lied back down, its eyes closing.
"There we are. Was a little too in sync."
"Ya sure about that?" Eboni snickered.
"You want to try a throw?" He grinned.
Trina leaned over.
"He knows how to do it. Don't tempt."
"Oh, I ain't risking that. Nope."
Obake shook his head.
"Regardless, we're almost finished with refurbishing. Just need a few finishing touches and then…" He eyed Tadashi. "Bait."
"... I hate whenever you say that and look at me like that."
Kim gave a flat look, giving Obake a pinch on the shoulder, causing him to flinch.
"Call him bait again and no shoulder rubs for a month."
"B-But, Darling! I'm still healing!" He protested.
"My dearest… the patient card stopped soon as we brought you home." She smiled… a very chilling smile that made him wince.
"Y-Yes, Darling…"
"Good. Now, that aside." Kim's look turned serious. "How are you going to lure her out? I doubt she's going to come waltzing out without a tip of where Tadashi is."
"That's where I come in." Obake looked to the robot. "My robotic twin will be on the lookout for her. She's bound to come out of her little hiding hole at some point. He'll be staging a capture. We figure she's possibly tracking Tadashi by heat signature since he does run on a higher temperature than the average human being. Can't confirm but it's the most likely possibility. Either way, she'll come, I'll bargain with her, then she'll lead us right back to her base."
"Then we get the jump on her." Trina grinned, pounding a fist into her hand. "And wreck everything in sight."
"Not everything. Gotta keep some things intact for evidence and for possible info we might need." Eboni folded her arms. "Then again, I'll be handling all that with my little bot, Anubis. Plus, she might have some tools that could be useful."
"And that's basically the plan." Obake leaned back in his chair. "It's going to be long and elaborate but anything to put a dent in Liv's research is worth it enough for me." Obake eyed Tadashi. "And anything to help the brother of Hiro Hamada."
Tadashi lowered his gaze a little.
"Anything to help me get home sooner… Might not be a speedy way but we're getting her off the streets. That's the important part."
"And getting her off the streets means less people watching you for Liv." Obake gave him a gentle look. "I promise, you won't be in danger."
"Right." He took a deep breath. "This is still gonna suck though, isn't it?"
"Oh, I'm not even going to hide the fact it might."
"But, you have a few days to prepare since we're not going in guns blazing." Eboni patted his shoulder. "Gotta get this bot finished then set up our little heist."
"Wait." Kim gave a confused look. "But won't Dragoness still be looking for him anyway? If she is tracking by heat signature then she has to be on the prowl."
"We thought of that." Eboni grinned. "And we have a solution." She brought her hand to a necklace that was around Tadashi's neck. It was a simple black cord necklace with a charm that was shaped like a flame. "Bob and I built Tadashi here a scanner disrupter that fits into this tiny little necklace. It'll keep Dragoness from reading his heat signature. He'll just read as a normal person."
"Ah, I see. Thought of everything, huh?"
"We've had to." Obake rested his chin on his hands. "You have to with these kinds of things. I especially did when I was still running around as a crime lord."
Trina gave Obake a weirded out look.
"Do we want to know?"
"You don't." Obake closed his eyes. "That aside, we begin our mission in a few days. The bot should be ready and then we take the Dragoness off the street."
"And after that?" Kim asked.
Obake opened his eyes.
"We move forward onto the next threat."
Till we finally get to Liv.
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kaleidopewrites · 7 years
Aussie Slang
Summary: After finally touching down in Australia, there’s one last thing your boyfriend Sebastian needs to know about your homeland; the various lingo
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Aussie!Reader
Word Count: 1246
Warnings: none, just aussie fluff, few swear words
A/N: This is just a short piece, mostly in dialogue because i wanted to try something new :) 
Drop a request, anything Marvel or Sebastian Stan based
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You knew, as soon as you inhaled that beautiful Australian air, that not only would the strong, bogan accent return, but you’d be swarmed with memories.
And swarmed you were.
You couldn’t help your beaming face as you walked your boyfriend, Sebastian Stan, through the airport, like you knew the place better than the back of your hand.
It had been a constant year of filming for Captain America: Civil War and finally everything was done. All the interviews, all the cast meet-ups, all the Cons and live signings, all of it. It was all finished. And after months of debate, you had managed to convince Sebastian to take a week with you to the homeland.
You and Sebastian have been dating for almost two years now. And while most of that time was spent filming, considering the pair of you were actors, you had yet to take the Romanian down to outback country.
After so long, that dream had finally become a success.
And to say you were excited was an understatement.
You couldn’t wait to show Sebastian your old street you grew up in, and the University you attended. You were excited to be on a property with him, sleeping in a bungalow you hadn’t used since you start Uni.
You wanted to give him the full experience of Australia. That meant visiting Melbourne and eating parmas from the local pub. Watching a few movies in the local cinema, but only paying for one. Surfing in the waves, eating ice cream and chips on the beach. Everything.
And eventually, you got Sebastian excited too.
He attempted to do his research. He looked up as many things about Australian stereotypes as he could, occasionally running a few of the more absurd ones by you. You’d laugh at most of them, having already been aware of their existence.
You’d kept silent about some of the things he could only experience by actually attending Australia. Like shortening words and eating vegemite on toast. And when he tried to ask about it, you’d just giggle with a shake of your head, refusing to say.
So, like you, he was ecstatic when you both climbed off the plane.
He was amazed by the not-so-stereotypical accents of some of the locals and workers in the airport. He would stare at the airport as if it was significantly different to every other airport he’d ever seen.
But you couldn’t take your eyes off him, not while he looked like a kid at Christmas.
He loved all the Australian merchandise, the stuffed roos and dot painted boomerangs. You almost regretted explaining to him that boomerangs aren’t actually designed to return to the owner, much like most people believe.
After collecting your bags, you and Seb walk hand in hand to the pickup bays, where you expected to find either your Mum or Dad. You didn’t expect to see the old Toyota bomb sitting, restored, in one of the parking spaces.
Both your parents greeted you with a smile and a hug, before they did the same ritual to Seb. He had met your parents during the first year of dating. It had taken him a while, but he finally managed to relax around them, finding common ground.
You were excited to be driving the yellow Toyota. You dad had been working on it for a few years now, being that it wasn’t a priority on his list of things to do.
With your glee, you drove Sebastian out to the rolling hills and big properties of Pakenham, referring to it mainly as ‘Paky’. He was extremely nervous that you had been ‘driving on the wrong side of the road’, but it came easily to you, like riding a bike.
You pointed the old suburb you used to live in and a few fun facts about Australia as you drove, listening to the radio and eating supplied chips.
Sebastian asked constant questions, some of which you weren’t too sure on the answer. You were happy he was taking such a strong interest in your home country, and you soon couldn’t wait for the day he takes you to Romania, as was another item on your bucket list.
Parking outside the bungalow about ten metres from the main house on your parent’s property, you shouldered your way into the old place, realising that your mum had cleaned her way through the place.
You sorted out your bags and organised sleeping arrangements before noticing you’ll have to food shopping sometime soon. Your mum had only stocked up on the necessities in the kitchen and bathroom.
But you already had dinner plans.
With a quick tour of the property and a small sit down with your parents to say hello, you and Sebastian were eventually on the road again. You drove to the nearest lively pub in Paky, thankful that the AFL weren’t on that night.
In fact, the pub wasn’t too busy for it being close to the usual dinner time. After sitting down and taking one look at the menu, you were ready to order. Sebastian took a little longer to decide before handing his own menu back.
After ordering a parma with chips, Sebastian looked like he had a change of heart, and asked for two of them. You grinned as you ordered your drinks as well, chinking them across the table before smiling and settling into a pleasant conversation.
“So, what slang do I have to look out for?” Sebastian asked sometime during your meal. You look up at him, pausing for a moment to swallow your mouthful.
“Uh, well, G’day is the main one. Fair dinkum, bloody oath; we use fuck and fucking a lot in our sentences as well,” You laugh, slowly joined in by your boyfriend.
“Autumn instead of fall. Crocs, roos, thongs, stubbie, dunny, though, that last one isn’t used as often now. Arvo, barbie, bathers, bloke, mate, we also end most words with -o, shortening them,”
“Thongs?” You laugh, realising they use the word thong differently in America.
“Flip flops, not g-strings,”
“What was the thing after stubbie?”
“Yeah, that,”
“Bathroom, usually one outside.”
Seb couldn’t help his laughter at the new words and phrases he was learning, shaking his head. You were more than happy to teach him, considering you’d grown up around the slang.
“How would you shorten my name?”
“Sebbo,” You laughed and he did too, earning the attention of the waitress near the bar.
“I’ve heard ‘fair dinkum’ before,”
“Means that something is true or genuine,”
“Ah, right,” You both fell into silence again, finishing off the last of your meal before ordering another round of drinks.
“What’s the phrase for when you’re in the middle of somewhere?”
“No, there was an Australian version,”
“Oh, Woop Woop,” You laugh.
“You shorten McDonald’s, don’t you?”
“Yeah, Maccas,” You hum, nodding your head.
“Walkabout is one of my favourites, one I use often,”
“What’s that one?”
“Means somethings gone missing. Kinda like, ‘my phone’s gone walkabout’,” You both laugh again.
“I’ll probably start using ‘mate’ again, as well as swearing a little more,”
“Well, I welcome it,” Sebastian smiled softly, tilting his head slightly. You smile back up at him before having to remind yourself that you were in Paky, having just finished eating a pub meal with him in an Australian pub.
You wanted to stay there forever, listing the various Australian lingo you use and don’t use.
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