#wood spindles
bleeblu · 8 months
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Mediterranean Wine Cellar Medium-sized tuscan wine cellar image with display racks and a beige floor.
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ladyamira · 10 months
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Mediterranean Wine Cellar Medium-sized tuscan wine cellar image with display racks and a beige floor.
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okkuisul · 1 year
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Open Living Room Living room - mid-sized craftsman open concept light wood floor living room idea with brown walls, a standard fireplace, a tile fireplace and no tv
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milkweedman · 9 months
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Whittled a spindle from a birch stick I found at a park earlier. First time getting to work with birch--it's really nice although I think this piece was a little old and had dried slightly too much for whittling, as it chipped a lot. But it spins in the palm well and I'm pretty happy with how it looks. Obviously the spalting is really nice although largely that's not something I have a hand in, other than trying to preserve it rather than cut it away. Every random stick I pick up to whittle has its own thing going on that I have to figure out how to work with if I can to make into a spindle. This one was hard, that's why I'm happy with it even though it's quite a strange and crooked spindle.
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The reason I'm holding it in these angles is because it can't rest at these angles, it would roll or fall. This is often the case with my spindles because they are whittled, not lathed. Lathed spindles are uniform on all sides, whereas whittled spindles can be totally different shapes from each angle. So, the cross section of this one is an oval instead of a circle. It also twists at the midsection. I'm fairly certain I got the tip and point aligned, which is what's absolutely key. It will never spin balanced if they aren't aligned, the rest of it is of varying importance as far as I can tell xD. I've been spinning a little on it--it only tolerates very fine yarn (not something I have noticed with my other spindles) but spins incredibly fast and isn't particularly wobbly. I'll try to remember to update whether it becomes unstable with a significant cop on it--if so, that would make this more of a decorative piece. That's okay though, random sticks are free and I enjoy whittling, so occasionally making a spindle that I think is beautiful but not very functional isn't a problem.
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The holes in it are from fire ants. Or at least, fire ants were living in them. I'm glad I didn't leave this in the car very long, they don't seem to have started leaving the stick before I disturbed them with my knife and then started knocking them out. I feel kind of bad for relocating them like that. I usually knock stuff out before I leave with it, I guess these ones were very deep, or I forgot.
Anyway, I hardly ever name my spindles but this one is the Crooked Steeple of The Fire Ants
Steeple for short.
Here is what it looked like initially, and much earlier in the day:
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spindle-and-nima · 4 months
If you have the energy for another tier list could we get a Spindle & Nima toy tier list?
Oh I love this absolutely!! In no particular order I'll give u the favs first:
1. Bulrush bunches
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Spindle is obsessed. It makes a huge mess but clearly has a very satisfying cronch easily 5 stars. He chews it and spits it out but he looks delighted so it's ok
2. Seagrass mats
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I usually weave in some hay or some dried bamboo sticks in there and it's a HITT spindle and Nima adore it and spend a lot of their day playing and chewing with this
3. This ball thing
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Spindle and Nima like to pick it up and toss it around and I've seen spindle running around a room with it in his mouth it's SO cute. Will be chewed to bits tho so it gets messy
4. Old paper towel tube stuffed with hay
This is a classic diy toy bunnies just love this highly recommend.
5. Wooden forage toy
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Ignore the lame Photoshop but I just put a portion of their pellets in there and they ADORE rummaging for the snacks. So much so they ignore the food bowl and go for this first
Ok now for the stuff I bought that totally was a miss!!
1. Scrunchy ball
I think it's made of corn leaf
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I thought it would be a delight to chew but both bunnies hate it lol
2. Shaky toy
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Hard pass. I thought this too would be a sensory delight but nope. They avoided it and spindle grunted at it. Much fear. Much hate.
3.trapped ball toy
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This induced fury. Nima nudges it away and spindle just refuses it. They do not like this at all.
4. Any woven hay thing shaped like a carrot
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Idk why spindle hated this so much like he visibly got upset about it. Maybe the hay is not yummy???
Anyway I do have a few new toys I bought that I absolutely will experiment with but for now this is what I got!!
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melanielocke · 1 year
Book recommendations: Retellings part 2
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As I said in my previous book recommendations about retellings, there were far too many to put into one post, so I made a second also featuring retelling. Remember how the first one featured a sapphic Sleeping Beauty retelling? This post features two sapphic sleeping beauty retellings. And yet the three different sapphic sleeping beauty retellings are all very different and unique stories.
I'll start with Briar girls, the first of the sleeping beauty retellings
This one is not well known, I think, but I did enjoy it and it's sapphic. I'm honestly not sure if the characters are people of color but the author is.
Lena was cursed before she was born, and her touch is deadly. Interestingly, there's another book on his list that starts with the same premise. Lena has lived in fear and isolation her entire life and because of a mistake she recently moved to a new village. In the village, people are disappearing into the forest called the Silence and sometimes go back having gone mad. One night, Miranda appears from the forest, a girl from Gather, a city in the Silence where magic exists. She's on a quest to defeat the tyrannical rulers of the city, and offers to help Lena break her curse in exchange for help against the tyrannical rulers. To defeat these rulers, they'd need to wake the sleeping princess, which is where the sleeping beauty part comes in. This is a less traditional retelling, the major characters don't really follow the sleeping beauty characters, but the sleeping princess is a pretty major plot line.
Also by this author: Shatter the Sky duology
The Bone Spindle is the second sleeping beauty retelling, and follows two main characters in the first book.
Fi is a treasure hunter who loves books, ancient ruins, and mysteries. She goes on adventures alongside her sometimes partner Shane, a tough warrior axe lesbian.
During their explorations of old ruins, Fi pricks her finger on the bone spindle, which connects her to the ancient sleeping prince Briar Rose. Now she has no choice but to go on a quest to find and wake the prince, with magic, witch hunters and bad exes trying to stop her. And there's a mysterious witch that shows up sometimes, but they can't trust, and Shane might just end up falling in love with her.
This is the first in a trilogy, with book 2 coming out in February, and I'll have to reread book 1 before book 2 comes out because I don't remember enough. I think there's a cw for past abusive relationship for Fi, with the ex playing a big role in one section of the book.
Now for something completely different, Pride by Ibi Zoboi
This is a contemporary retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in a modern day afro latine community.
Zuri Benitez lives in "the hood", but the neighborhood she knows is rapidly gentrifying. The newest inhabitants are the Darcy family, a wealthy Black family with two teenage sons. Darius Darcy is this book's version of mr. Darcy, whereas his brother Ainsley is based on Mr. Bingley. Zuri instantly hates the Darcies, even as her older sister Janae is falling for Ainsley, but she and Darius are forced to find common ground.
This book is a hate to lovers romance, especially Zuri really hates Darius at first, but also deals with themes like gentrification and cultural identity. I loved how all the different P&P characters appear in this one and how many plot points are adapted to fit a modern day afro latine story.
Next up is Dark and Deepest Red by Anna Marie McLemore
In the Netherlands we have a big theme park called the Efteling which is based around stories and primarily fairytales. The oldest part is the fairytale forest, which has buildings and talking and moving statues and puppets depicting various fairytales. As a child, I loved the dancing red shoes, which is based on a fairytale that I didn't know at the time, but is about a girl who puts on red shoes and then can't take them off and is forced to keep dancing.
This book is a retelling of that fairytale. It is split up in two parts, one set in modern US and one set in Strasbourg in 1518.
In 1518, a strange sickness starts affecting the women of Strasbourg. A dancing plague that forces women to dance until they drop dead. Lala is a Roma woman hiding her cultural heritage in a time where it was legal to kill Roma. In public, she goes by the name Lavinia and explains her darker features by telling people she has Italian heritage. When the plague worsens and rumors of witchcraft arise, Lala becomes a suspect.
In the modern day story, Rosella comes from a latine family of shoe makers known for their red shoes. When she puts on a pair of red shoes, she can't take them off again. The only person who could help her is Emil, a Roma boy whose ancestors were blamed for dancing the plague in Strasbourg.
I love this author's writing, and have read two other books by them, both of which are magical realism. I think this one might count as magical realism too. Not all the strange events and magical happenings are explained in the end, so that might leave readers unsatisfied, but I think it was a conscious choice here. At its root, this is a story about racism, both in the 1500s and modern day. I also really liked that Lala's love interest Alifair is a trans boy who lives in the 1500s. Alifair is sort of adopted by Lala's aunt, whom Lala also lives with, so if you don't like those kinds of relationships, I wouldn't recommend this one.
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust starts out a bit similar to Briar Girls
The protagonist, Soraya, was cursed and her touch is deadly. This book has been mentioned as sleeping beauty inspired, which would give us a fourth sapphic sleeping beauty retelling, but very loosely, and I couldn't really see it. It is, however, a retelling of a few stories from the Shahnameh, the Persian book of kings.
Soraya is the princess of Atashar and twin sister of the Shah, but she has spent her life in isolation, scared that she might hurt someone by accident if they came too close.
When her mother was young, she found a girl trapped in a net, and freed the girl. Then she encountered a div, a demon who told her she'd just freed his prisoner and as a punishment he would curse her daughter.
When the Shah's army captures a demon, Soraya sees an opportunity to find out if there's a way to break her curse, and learn more about why she is the way she is.
She makes some decisions that lead her to paths she never could have imagined, discovers the truth behind what really happened to her, and that her curse might really be a gift.
This story is about loneliness, and the early part especially feels heavy with how lonely Soraya is, and how much her curse weighs on her. Her complicated relationship with her mother, who may not have told her the truth about her curse, was very interesting and I loved Parvaneh, the div girl who was captured by army.
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas is a retelling of Peter Pan, set in a small coastal town in I think Oregon
Five years ago, Wendy Darling and her brothers disappeared. Several months later, Wendy turned up again with no memory of what happened to her, but her brothers stay gone. Now, children start disappearing and it might be connected to what happened to Wendy.
One night, she almost runs over an unconscious boy who turns out to be Peter Pan, a boy she told stories about but never realized was real. Peter tells her he needs Wendy's help to find the missing children, or they might disappear forever like her brothers.
This was an interesting take on Peter Pan, focusing primarily on Wendy and Peter Pan, with Peter's shadow as an antagonist. Wendy was a soft but strong main character, and I think the trauma of losing her brothers and not knowing what had happened was handled very well with lots of care and compassion.
Also by this author: The Sunbearer Trials, Cemetery Boys, both of which I covered before
The last book on this list is In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens
Prince Tal has spent most of his life hiding away in the palace to keep his forbidden magic secret. At sixteen, he finally gets to go out on a coming of age tour across the kingdom. After two days, they discover a burning ship abandoned on the sea, and on it a prisoner.
Tal instantly feels a connection to the boy, Athlen, but not longer after his rescue Athlen jumps into the sea and disappears. But a few days later he runs into Athlen again on land, very much alive. Then Tal is kidnapped by pirates holding him for ransom, and Athlen migh be his best chance of escaping.
This is a romantic fantasy retelling of the little mermaid, with Tal as the prince from the fairytale. It's not very long and the world could have been more developed, but the focus is mostly on the adventure and romance between Tal and Athlen.
Also by this author: So this is Ever After, which I covered in retellings part 1
Upcoming: Spell Bound, which will be about rival magicians with an m/nb romance, coming april 2023
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biologicalfandomhippo · 5 months
Love that I can just make yarn happen. I have a pile of raw wool and soon it will be yarn
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danedear · 2 years
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a wood elf druid named Naomhán, who loves their turkish drop spindle more than people or pottery🌿🧶
my highschool bff is finally going to be playing dnd!!! so she let me draw one of her fantastic characters 🐸
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momoppi · 11 months
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Traditional Porch massive, magnificent front porch image
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rachelsfindings · 1 year
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Deck Roof Extensions Deck - mid-sized coastal backyard deck idea with a roof extension
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daichisamas-icons · 1 year
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Backyard (DC Metro)
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cordrickcreations · 2 years
Stained Spinning Bowl
Hand turned oak bowl.
Measures 4.5" in diameter, 1.75" tall.
This bowl is made from White Oak. It is turned to shape with a small divot in the bottom center to be used as a spinning bowl. However, it works great for holding jewelry, keys, coins, or other small objects.
After turning the bowl, I sanded it smooth and used red, green, and yellow stains to accent the outside of it. The top rim of the bowl is slightly textured and wood burnt. It is finished with a custom wax.
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riverofrainbows · 2 years
I have a new spindle!!
It's a nice dark wood, and much lighter than my other two spindles for ease of spinning thin thread. It runs really well, it's probably the highest quality spindle i own, not that I don't appreciate the other ones or they don't work, but it's the first high quality spindle i bought from a proper spindle maker, and it's genuinely noticeable and really cool
Here's a picture with a bit of testing out yarn already on it:
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(description in alt text)
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milkweedman · 1 year
Need everybody to look at this sickass mini spindle i just whittled.
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It's from a small stick i found that had worms in the bark (hence the shapes at the base), dried sap (red streak) and then some incredible spalting (gray streaks, early sign of decay but doesnt affect functionality). And then on the inner rings little speckles, which i'd guess are vascular structures but im not an arborist so i cant say for sure. The wood was also obligingly easy to carve, so i was able to do some delicate shaping on the bulb even though it's a very small spindle.
Haven't used it yet, hoping it spins as well as the other mini spindle. Even if it doesnt that would be ok tho, im so happy with the form and the beauty of the wood that it would make a good art piece.
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mothmiso · 2 months
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vicino casa / near home (2) (3) by Gianluca Iocolano
Via Flickr:
(1) colori improbabili (2) into pinzago     
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