#wood book cases
clockward · 8 months
Toronto Library Family Room
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Family room library idea with beige walls, no fireplace, and a tv stand in a mid-sized eclectic enclosed room with medium-tone wood flooring.
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thegorgonist · 2 years
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Which book will they pick, and what story will it hold? Prints
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electrosweaters-arts · 5 months
Sigh....sigh... when I actually design book! Poole and Hyde and draw Poole cradling Hyde's dead body in his arms like mary holding jesus begging for his son's forgiveness in not being able to save him it's gonna be OVER for you hoes :/
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cabinetman229 · 7 months
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A piece I am working on, I am not sure if I am going to color it or not (featuring Garfield, a spray bottle, and the in case I make it album art)
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noodlepals · 1 year
I'm sure I've said this before ,but I love that Big City Greens has a relatively small and overall chill fandom.
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forgor to put something really expensive and cool on my wishlist for my weirdly money-having relatives that forget we exist unless they’re buying christmas presents (we don’t even do christmas lmao) or trying to convert us to christianity (we’re too cynical for religion lmao. it just doesn’t stick) so for christmas i got 10 usb drives. yippee. i’m going to keep 10 copies of my tumblr blog and all the fanfic i’ve saved and all the things i’ve totally legally downloaded so that i can keep them around the house and on my body at all times
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flickerintwilights · 9 months
(*slides onto main with my niche progression fantasy book fandom*) listen why I’ve become so gay for thelys after eotw is just like. the AA1 flashback shows therin sacrificing herself for ria and the others. she tells them to go, to run, and she faces vaelien alone. (and for the first and last time, she falls.) that was there before eotw, and I assumed, to stay as close to our therin crumbs as possible, that it meant therin was dutiful and serious and kind and selfless, a guardian, a protector. (and she loved ria selys. that was never in doubt.)
and then I read eotw, and the smiling sword saint happened, this beautiful piece of shit with sharp words and uncaringly rough edges and the capacity to tear apart a landmass with a motion of her lips, who was glad to hear that she ended in a two-sun blaze of glory, who was eager for a good fight and fully confident she would win because she always does. because there are blades in her breath and in her skin.
and she wielded a sword with a handle of white stone. she never transitioned from the body she was born in, the one she shouldn’t have had. the sword of her rival-killer was marked with golden runes for every life it took. he stood in part shadow.
so she was therin.
and that changed things. that meant that this fucking asshole was the person who stayed behind and gave her life to give the people she cared about a chance. this was the person who held ria close and ran her fingers through her hair. this was who loved her.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
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mycriminalcasefiles · 2 years
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Court Room Sessions Collection: Honorable Dante Edition 1
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starswallowingsea · 10 months
oops 11pm typing up a review for What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
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I got this as my book of the month back in January and after reading the first chapter, kinda put it off because it felt too much like the Slenderman Stabbing case which is a bit too close to home. Picked it up again recently after my wifi went out again and I needed something to read and ended up enjoying it (although my gut feeling was kinda proven right at the end unfortunately). 4/5 stars, full review under the cut, spoilers ahead.
So first things first, this is supposed to be an adult thriller, but it very much reads like YA which doesn't bother me that much but it does for other people so just a heads up on that.
Now to the meat and potatoes. This book follows Naomi Shaw, a mid-30s woman from a middle of nowhere town in Washington state who survived a stabbing attempt when she was 11 while her two best friends watched on. It left her permanently scarred and brought the three of them closer together during the recovery process.
Our story begins when the person they accused of being the one who stabbed them and also of being a serial killer with at least 6 other victims dies in prison from cancer. Naomi gets a call and returns to her hometown for the first time in years and meets up with her two friends who survived the attack with her and one of them says she's tired of hiding their secret.
Oh yeah. When they were 11, they found a skeleton in the woods and began worshiping her as a goddess based on this bead bracelet on her wrist that read Persephone. They had 7 rituals to complete to show their dedication to the goddesses of varying degrees of severity, up to and including self mutilation. Typical 11yo things.
It's not too long after this that the friend who wants to tell their secret winds up dead in the same woods with a gunshot to the head, ruled a suicide despite no weapon being found at the scene and a lack of gun powder on her hands that would indicate self infliction of the wound.
At this point, Naomi suspects there's something going on and decides to look into it more with the help of this podcaster that's been snooping around about the case. There's a lot that begins to happen around this time in the book that gets everything going and makes it a much easier and quick read.
I will say that a lot of the ensemble cast, even the best friends of Naomi, weren't always super well defined but we do have an unreliable narrator in the first person so her biases color a lot of things with regards to the Mayor's family especially. The pieces come together pretty quickly too once you start unraveling the threads of the story and I personally wasn't really gotten by any of the twists all that much. They made logical sense when they were revealed regardless of if I had predicted them or not.
Is it the best thriller out there? No. Is it a good read for the end of summer? I think so. I've been in kind of a reading slump and needed a quick easy read like this to help pull me out and it was still pretty enjoyable. Though I'm still not sure how I feel about any potential parallels with real world cases (again, the slenderman stabbing seems awfully close to what happened here, just without the false accusation of another person as the attacker).
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carduelism · 2 years
Theo is repeating the cycle. He is repeating the cycle of being a shitty partner and a cheating drunkard with a drug addiction. He is so much like his father.
Sorry, Become the Lastnames by Will Wood is hitting hard whilst reading
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
Being a very unfit and moderately small person trying to build bad quality flatpack furniture is like do I take the lower back pain from trying to bend myself into bizarre positions or ask for someone else to help, bearing in mind that it will end in a lot of shouting
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Massive traditional study room concept Study room - huge traditional study room idea
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erickavila · 4 months
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Rustic Home Office - Home Office Home office library - huge rustic built-in desk laminate floor and gray floor home office library idea with white walls
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sushiprincessgame · 8 months
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Transitional Family Room in San Francisco Family room - mid-sized transitional enclosed light wood floor and beige floor family room idea with beige walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
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runwalk · 8 months
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Study - Traditional Home Office A large, elegant study room
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