#wolverine's home for immortal fools
davidmann95 · 3 years
Sooo… Superman and the Authority?
magnus-king123 asked: Your thoughts on Superman & the authority Give it to me...lol
Anonymous asked: Seeing Bezos take his little trip into space the same day Morrison puts out a Superman comic that touches on how far we’ve fallen from the days when we dreamed of utopian futures where everyone explored the stars was a big gut punch. Not used to Superman being topical in that way.
Anonymous asked: What'd you think of Superman and the Authority#1?
This is far beyond what I can fit in the normal weekly reviews, so taking this as my notes on the first six pages, with this and this as my major lead-in thoughts:
* Janin's such a perfect fit for Morrison - the scale, the power, the facial expressions selling the character work, the screwing around with the panel formatting as necessary to sell the effect, the numinous sense of things going on larger than you can fully perceive amidst the beauty and chaos. It's a shame he wasn't around 25 years ago to draw JLA, but I'll take him going with Morrison onto other future projects.
* His intro action sequence is such a great demonstration of why Black actually does have something to offer, and also how he's such a dumbass desperately needing Superman to save him from himself.
* While Jordie Bellaire didn't legit go with an entirely monochromatic palate the way early previews suggested, it's still an effect frequently and excellently deployed here. And glad to see Steve Wands carry into this from Blackstars since there's such an obvious carryover from its work with Superman.
* "Gentlemen. Ladies. Others." Great both because of the obvious - hey, Superman's nodding at me! - and because it's a phrasing that reinforces that this take on him (and let's be real Morrison) is old as hell.
* I'm mostly past caring about whether this is an alt-Earth Superman until it becomes indisputable one way or another, this and Action both rule so what does it really matter? But while there are still a couple signs in play suggesting some kind of division (the Action Comics #1036 cover, Midnighter up to time-travel shenanigans) the "lost in time" quote clearly thrown in after the fact to explain how he could have met Kennedy outside of 5G that wouldn't be necessary for an Elseworlds, the assorted gestures towards Superman's current status quo, the Kingdom Come symbol appearing in Action, and that Morrison would have had to completely rewrite the ending if this wasn't supposed to be 'the' version of Clark Kent going forward as was the intent when they first planned it all say to me that no, no fooling around, this is our guy going forward one way or another.
* Janin and Bellaire making the first version of the crystal Fortress ever that actually looks as cool as you want it to.
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Anonymous asked: I like that Superman and The Authority is basically the anti-All-Star; instead of the laid back, immortal Superman who is supercharged, we have a stressed, ageing Superman whose tremendous powers are fading. The former will always be there to save us, but the latter is running out of time and needs to pull off a Hail Mary. Also, he mentions in his monologue to Black that he was "lost in time" when he met JFK, so maybe he is the main continuity Clark. Or he's the t-shirt Supes from Sideways.
* You're absolutely right - the power reversal is obvious and the ticking clock in play seemingly isn't for his own survival but everyone around him as he wakes up and realizes all the old icons grew complacent with the gains they'd made and he's not leaving behind the world he meant to. Both, however, are built on the idea of preparing the world to not need them anymore - it'll still have a Superman in his son, but that'll only work because of the others he empowers and inspires. The question is what happens to Clark if he's not going to live in the sun for 83000 years.
* Clark's 'exercise' here does more to sell me on the idea of Old Man Superman as a cool idea than however many decades of Earth 2 stuff.
* Intergang being noted alongside Darkseid and Doomsday speaks to how much Kirby informed Morrison's conception of Superman.
* This isn't exactly the most progressive in its disability politics but at least it makes clear Black's being a piece of shit about it.
* It's startling how much Clark can get away with saying stuff in here you'd never expect to come out of Superman's mouth. "I made an executive decision" "Privacy, really...?" "You have nowhere to go, Black. Nothing to live for." "There are few people in my life who I instinctively and viscerally dislike, and you've always been one of them." It only works because there's zero aggression behind it, he's just past the point of niceties and being totally frank while making clear none of these assessments preclude that he cares and is going to unconditionally do the right thing every time. He is absolutely, per Morrison, humanity's dad picking us up when we're too drunk to drive ourselves home.
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* The story doesn't put a big flashing light over it, but it's not even a little bit subtle having the material threat of the issue be a ticking timebomb left by the carelessness and hubris of generations past.
* Manchester keeps trying to poke the bear and prove his hot takes about Superman and it's just not working. The front he put up under Kelley is gone after decades of defeats, and as Morrison understands what actually conceptually works about him as a rival to Superman underneath the aging nerd paranoia he's exposed as what he absolutely would be in 2021: a dude with a horrific terminal case of Twitter brainworms. I was PANICKED when I heard there was an 'offensive term' joke in this, I was braced for Morrison at their well-meaning worst, but it's such a goddamn perfect encapsulation of a very specific breed of Twitter leftist who uses their politics first and foremost as a cudgel and justification to label their abrasive, judgmental shittiness as self-righteousness (plus it's a killer payoff to a joke from way back in his original appearance). Cannot believe they pulled that off when they're so very, very open about basically not knowing how the internet works.
* @charlottefinn: Manchester Black using his telekinetic powers to force someone he hates to fave a problematic tweet so that he can screenshot it and start a dogpile
@intergalactic-zoo: “Once they cancel Bibbo, Superman won’t be *anyone’s* fav’rit anymore!”
* Friend noted this issue had to be fully the conversation because the whole premise stands on the house of cards of these two somehow working together, and with three 'silent' inset panels the creative team pulls off that turning point.
* So much of this feels on the surface like Morrison bringing back the All-Star vibes with Clark, but when he drops a "That's all you got?" in a brawl you realize what's underlining that bluntness and confidence in the face of failure is that deep down this is still the Action guy too. This dude ain't gonna get wrecked in his Fortress while the other guy chuckles about him being A SOFT WEE SCIENTIST'S SON!
* Bringing up Jor-El made me realize that Morrison already spelled out that this is the final threat to Superman, what he faces at the end of the road:
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"Now it's your turn, Superman."
* A l'il Superman 2000/All-Star reference with the Phantom Zone map!
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* There's so much intertextuality going on here even by Morrison standards - Change or Die with the old hero putting together a team of morally nebulous folks out to 'fix' everything, Flex Mentallo with the muscleman trying to redeem the punk, Doomsday Clock with the fate of the world hinging on whether Superman can get through to a meta stand-in for an idea of 'modern' comics cynicism, DKR and New Frontier and Kingdom Come and Multiversity and Seven Soldiers and What's So Funny and All-Star and Action and the last 5 years of monthly Superman comics and Authority and probably Jupiter's Legacy and Tom Strong - but none of that's needed. You could go in with the baseline pop cultural understanding of the character and not care about any of the inside baseball shit and get that this is a story about a leader of a generation that let down the people they made all their grand promises to as inertia and day-to-day demands and complacency let him be satisfied with the accomplishments they'd made long ago, looking at a new era and seeing the ways its own activists are dropping the ball. The only thing that fundamentally matters in a "you have to accept you're reading a superhero story" sense is that because he's Superman he's willing to own up to it and listen to people who might know better about some things and try to set things right while he and those who'll take his place still have a chance. And yes, the oldster looking back on their legacy with a skeptical eye and hoping for better from the next generation, hoping most of all that their little heir apparent can fulfill the promise inside of him instead of being a provocating little shitkicker, is obviously also autobiographical.
* The overlaying Kennedy reprisal is such a great visual of a sudden intrusive thought.
* The Kryptonite secret is the obvious "This is going to matter!" moment, but "He lied about his son" is a bit that doesn't connect to anything going on right now so maybe that's important here too? More significantly, the Justice League can't actually be the villains here but that Ultra-Humanite's crew are in an Earth-orbiting satellite makes pretty clear what's up.
* I've said before that between Superman, OMAC, and a New Gods-affiliated speedster this was going to use all of Morrison's favorite things. King Arthur playing a role isn't exactly dissuading me.
* Love the idea that all the antiheroes have their own community in the same way as the capes and tights crew. They definitely all privately think the rest are posers though and that they alone are Garth Ennis Punisher in a mob of Garth Ennis Wolverines.
* Manchester's fallen so far he's gone from trying to convince Superman to kill to convince him to dunk on people for their bad takes and Clark just doesn't get it. Official prediction of dialogue for upcoming issues:
"According to these bloody Fortress scans, the only thing that can restore your powers is an unfiltered hit of dopamine. Don't worry, Doctor Black has a few ideas."
"Hmm. Maybe I'll plant a nice tree?"
"...fuck you."
* Ok I already talked about how great the Fortress looks in here but LOVE this library.
* A pair of pages this seems like the right spot to discuss from Black's original appearance that underlines both his and Superman's inadequacies up to this point:
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Responding to the problem of "the government and penal system are hopelessly corrupt" neither of them has any actual notion of what to do about it in spite of their respective posturing beyond how to handle individual outside actors - each is in their own way every bit as small-minded and reactionary as the other. Clark's coming around though, and he's holding out hope for the other guy.
* Superman: Have a lovely mineral water :) proper hydration is important :)
Manchester Black: *Is a dude who can get so mad he vomits and passes out. At water.*
* That last page is the one to beat for the year, and does more to put over the idea of this as an Authority book than that Midnighter and Apollo are literally going to show up. It also feels like Morrison tacitly acknowledging all the ways the premise could go or at least be received wrong - from Superman saying 'enough is enough' to who he's bringing into the fold to go about it - in the most beautifully on-the-nose fashion imaginable. Maybe they'll save us all! Or maybe they'll drown us in their vomit.
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
12 Favorite Superhero movies
So there is this weird backlash to superheroes ,that I dont get.That could be because I love superheroes  and as such wanted to highlight some of my favorite Superhero movies
1.Superman The Movie and Superman II
These movies were the first attempt to approach a comic book relatively seriously ,though still maintaining a sense of humor .I kind of view them as one big movie,the first half being the orgin story and setting up the key characters,while the second half explores them .and places a great threat against them in the form of the Kryptonian Criminals .I flip flop on which one I prefer,as Superman the Movie is more solid but Superman II is more fun,and overall I love both movies so why not give them the same spot .The cast is pretty spot on ,the villains are great in both films ,they tell the tale of Superman well  and capture the wonder and whimsy I associate with him 
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When I was a kid the Batman movies were the definitive superhero movies,and while I personally love Batman returns,the best of them has to be the original Batman .While it’s not the best adaptation of Batman as it changes a lot (Batman kills,Batman and Joker are connected, we know Jokers backstory,etc )I think what Tim Burton captures is the feel of Batman ,with the gothic atmosphere of Gotham ,and the brooding Batman in conflict with the loud and colorful Joker .Apart from the aesthetics and Danny Elfmans score,Jack Nicholsons take on the Joker is really the highlight 
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3.The Captain America Trilogy
I love all three films in the trilogy ,I couldnt pick one.The First Avenger is a great  tribute to the Golden age of comics ,Winter Soldier  is a spy thriller that explores interesting ideas and Civil War sets our heroes against eachother ,for both political and personal reasons .I like all three for diffrent reasons,but I think it is just a very solid trilogy with my favorite character in the MCU 
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4.Wonder Woman
So I love a good super hero period piece .I saw this film when I was having a real bad day ,and It brightened my day .Diana is such a hopeful character ,and setting her against the gloomy backdrop of WWI was brillaint.The supporting cast is fun ,Wonder Woman herself is a great lead and the battle in No Mans Land is fantastic 
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5.The Crow
My favorit movie based on a comic book .A story of grief and revenge. It is darker then most superhero fare that you kind of forget it is one ,heck I have seen people argue its more of a horror film ,but I’d say it’s a gothic superhero film,with our undead hero returning from the grave to take vengence on the  criminals responsible for his and his fiance’s death.We have a costumed hero,a rather theatrical supervillain in the form of the crimelord Top Dollar ,and elements of the supernatural.This film is just cool,the soundtrack,the look,the action,the hero and villain are just  so cool to me 
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6.The Mask of Zorro
Film was cool when I was young but even cooler now that I am older.It is the tale of Zorro having escaped prision training a successor,it’s basically Batman Beyond BEFORE Batman Beyond.It has AMAZING fight scenes ,the romance is amazing ,it’s really funny ,and it’s just a cool update of Zorro 
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Hugh Jackman had an interesting 17 year journey as Wolverine and goes out with a hell of a bang .It’s almost a western,with Logan and Professor X having to go on a journey with this mysterious child.This is a brutal film,in terms of both violence and emotions,with fantastic performances by Hugh Jackman,Patrick Stewart ,Daphnee Keen and Stephen Merchant ,a pretty good villain in the form of Boyd Holbrook as Donald Pierce and is a good finale for the Wolverine character
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8.Spider-man Into the Spider-verse
The best Spider-man movie .It focuses on Miles Morales,as he must take up the mantle of Spider-man ,learn to control his powers, help Spider-people from other dimensions go back home and save reality from the Kingpin .The animation is gorgeous ,the story is great,the characters are fun (Especially Nicholas Cage as Spider-Man Noir ) and it is very emotional
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9.Batman the Movie
I LOVE THIS MOVIE .It is legit one of my favorite Batman movies,and a solid Silver Age romp with Batman and Robin fighting against their four arch enemies :Penguin,Catwoman,Riddler and Joker .We get a romance between Bruce Wayne and Catwoman that is oddly sad ,Penguin is the big bad (Which is refreshing cause normally Joker would take that role ),and a lot of funny moments including the immortal”Some days you just cant get rid of a bomb”
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10.Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame
The two part epic is a finale of sorts for the MCU ,at least of the Avengers saga which started with Iron Man.We have an intriguing villain in the form of the Mad Titan, Thanos,great action,heartbreak ,and just a grand scale ,these movies feel BIG 
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11.Batman Mask of the Phantasm
Probabbly my favorite Batman movie,that is both a mystery with a mysterious killer targeting gangsters and a peak into Batmans past ,of the life he couldve lead .This film is all about Batman’s struggle with identity ,and is a terrific tragedy .
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12.The Mark of Zorro
So I may be cheating here,as Diego is actually not Zorro all that much in this movie,but I think it counts.I adore this movie ,showing really how cunning Zorro is ,seeming to just be a rich idiot but  making a fool out of his foes ,.Plus it has one of the best fight scenes of any movie ever,as the sword fight against Diego and Captain Pasquale is truly epic
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@cinefantastiquemitho​ @filmcityworld1​ @inevermetapenguinididntlike​
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banjodanger · 4 years
X-Men 3:The Last Stand(2006). This Is The Worst One, Right?
Like, this was bad. I knew it was going to be bad, like over the years when I revisited this movie it got worse. It was never as good as it was seeing it in the theatre, I knew that. I told myself this. But I was not prepared for how much my opinion would change.
I’m going to tear this movie apart pretty hard, but I’m going to be mature and admit that there were parts of this movie I liked, and that I thought worked, because there were things I enjoyed. I’m examining movies and not just shitting on them.
First off, Beast really struck a nostalgia chord with me. I’m not saying Kelsey Grammar turns in an Oscar-worthy performance, but man it touched that little kid part of my brain that used to light up when I watched the nineties cartoon. If you told me they ripped his character off of old episodes of Cheers, I’d believe you. The speech patterns, his mannerisms, every time he was on screen I was enjoying it. Nicholas Hoult is a great actor and he really made the character his own, but this Beast is ripped straight from the comics and it was a delight.
You know, in a dumb way, I enjoyed Vinnie Jones too, but in a different way. I don’t think he was a good Juggernaut, but he’s a specific actor who plays a specific role and I don’t think he tries to stretch beyond that. So this is basically Bullet-Tooth Tony running around smashing shit up. If it sounds like I’m struggling to find things to compliment, well, I am. But I’m nothing if not a raging masochist so let’s try for one more.
This film is called The Last Stand, and I don’t think this film lives up to that title, even a little. However, it does a pretty fair job of changing the team. Xavier and Cyclops are dead, Magneto, Rogue, and Mystique are all depowered, so in chronological order it sure looks like, whatever happens in the next movie, it’s going to be a different team and a different villain.
I guess if this post has a theme, it’s that time makes fools of us all.
There’s a lot wrong with this movie. That Juggernaut meme line, the way this movie introduces characters just to forget about them(go ahead, tell me how this movie would be any different without Angel.), the lab on Alcatraz. The X-men defend people that tried to cure them and then...nothing? There’s never a teaching moment, unless you count Angel saving his dad which...no. That’s not a teaching moment, the film practically treats this cure as a good thing. They’re keeping a mutant child under lock and key, distilling his power through god knows what means, and somehow they’re not the villains of this film. We’re just supposed to assume they stopped processing it, because now Leech is smiling next to Kitty instead of locked in what’s arguably a kinda rad room. Where the fuck did they get him? Is he an employee’s kid? They’re cool turning their kid out into a lab rat? I guess it doesn’t matter if they want that employee-sponsored health insurance.
Quick side-note, capitalism is destroying us all.
But what’s taking me so long to get at is I was struggling with this blog post for a while. I know this movie hates women. I’m not holding myself up as a paragon of feminism, not even close. I have a lot to learn and unlearn. But I think it is painfully clear that this movie treats just about every woman in this flick poorly. Take a gander.
Rogue: Despite that very emotional speech from Wolverine, Rogue takes that cure for a boy. She leaves after watching Bobby skate with Kitty, and he’s the first person she sees after she’s cured.
Kitty: Jesus, this movie might as well put a red A on everything she wears. She openly flirts with Bobby in front of Rogue, she argues for mutants being above morality with Xavier. Kitty Pryde in this movie is never anything more than a romantic rival. Oh, and I guess she gets called a bitch by Juggernaut. So there’s that.
Mystique: Here is a character that believes in mutant supremacy one hundred percent, she might even believe it more than Magneto. Her own family hated her so much they tried to kill her. She is a mutant and that is a huge part of her identity. It’s why she’s followed Magneto for years. She even takes a bullet(dart?) for the guy, and he thanks her by tossing her aside like garbage. He leves her naked and alone on a hijacked prison convoy and at least ten dead cops. So she wants revenge, and you know what? That’s absolutely in character, Mystique is not one to turn the other cheek, of course she’d go over and help the X-Men, they preach working with humans and surely they’d have sympathy-oh, she decides to work with the people that locked her up? The ones that arguably hold heavy responsibility for her current predicament? Well, that’s a decision too.
So this all leads us to Jean Grey. The Phoenix. They’ve been building up this transformation since the first movie. This is a plot that has been building up for six years. And this movie almost completely disregards it.
After Jean destroys her childhood home, a weird decision that I think only appears in this movie as a callback to the comics, or maybe because someone didn’t have enough confidence in that opening scene. She basically disappears until the movie is done cramming the cure plot down our throats. She threatens Magneto with a cure gun and Wolverine pays her a visit while apparently traveling across the entire contiguous United States in thirty minutes. Which is weird, because if the Phoenix is all “Pain and rage” like Xavier, then the wholesale slaughter that occurs directly in front of her should be driving her nuts. Hundreds of people are killed or depowered in front of her and her reaction is like watching paint dry. Just for the record, her reaction to making out with Cyclops is to evaporate all the water in a lake and disintegrate a human being. Her reaction to the collective agony of hundreds of humans and mutants and ripping up a major landmark is to wonder what is taking McDonalds so long to make a Big Mac. Her meltdown is literally timed to happen directly after Magneto is out of the way and Leech is safe.
But while all that is bad, and shows some definite plot holes, unfamiliarity with the source material, and maybe a knowledge that this movie was going to hit number one at the box office if they just filmed Hugh Jackman reading Wolverine fanfiction. But after giving this movie some thought, I realized what was really bothering me about this movie as a whole, but Jean Grey in particular.
Ok, so the whole thing about these X-Men movies up to this point is that they’re grounded in reality. They don’t wear colorful costumes and they call each other by their real names. They don’t have superhero names, they have nicknames. And, unlike the X-Men of the comic books, they don’t go to outer space. So it makes sense that they’re not going to make the Phoenix an immortal space bird from beyond the stars. Phoenix doesn’t eat planets in this movie, and honestly that’s a good decision. After two movies that more or less take place in our reality, why would you introduce a bunch of fantastical elements all of a sudden(Asking you, Spider-Man 3)? The answer is, you don’t. You make the Phoenix another, higher manifestation of Jean’s powers. The next step in her evolutionary process.
But, by doing that, isn’t the Phoenix a mental illness?
Follow my logic, Jean is losing control of her powers. Her powers are mind-related. Jean Grey is losing her grip on her abilities and her grip on reality, and as a result is a danger to herself, her friends and family, and others. Jean needs help.
Or she needs a guy that has an unrequited crush on her to stab her in the abdomen.
That’s how this movie solves mental illness. Violence. No real attempt to help their friend, just Wolverine saying a line that wouldn’t be out of place in bad romantic poetry and then stabbing her. Because she asked him to. In the comics, she kills herself as a heroic sacrifice. In the movie, a man has to do it, because even though she might be the most powerful mutant on the planet, she’s still got two xx chromosomes and according to Brett Ratner that means she’s weak.
I could talk about all the ways this movie fails its characters but honestly I feel like I’ve typed enough. Fuck this movie. Bring on X-Men Origins because I refuse to believe it is any worse than this.
(For the record, if you or a friend is suffering from a mental illness, please get them help. Don’t call the cops, call a doctor or a trained mental health professional.)
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1256
Monday April 1, 2019
 Call me an April fool. I thought that the pure joy of comic book collecting was going the way of the Dodo bird but judging from the attendance of yesterday's Capital Comic Book Convention I'm glad to say I am mistaken. No celebrities. No cosplay. No special events. Just a room full of vendors who also love the hobby and collectors looking for unique and fun comics. I want to thank my partner Chris for all his hard work. He made Jee-Riz's booth a standout in the room. "You don't see this sort of stuff very often" was heard more than once.
 Archie #703 - Nick Spencer (writer) Sandy Jarrell (artist) Matt Herms (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). So much going on. We find out who attacks Jughead in the woods and why. I want to be a roadie for Josey and the Pussycats. Betty and Veronica enlists the aid of Cheryl Blossom to ferret out if Archie has a new girlfriend. As long as it's not Betty I'm not jealous of the ginger bonehead.
 Avengers #17/LGY #707 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This issue has some of the cheesiest dialogue I have ever read. I really hope that the Vampire War is over. This Avengers team is a bit too goody two shoes for me.
 Batman #67 - Tom King (writer) Lee Weeks & Jorge Fornes (art) Lovern Kindzierski (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Knightmares part 5. Batman's in his Batman: Year One costume chasing a masked killer. You'll feel like you're watching a Roadrunner cartoon. The guy in the mask is William Ernest Coyote. You're in for a shock when Batman unmasks him.
 Savage Sword of Conan #3 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Ron Garney (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Conan is captured by the evil wizard Koga Thun but manages to escape to continue his search for treasure. It looks like he's got to fight zombies to get to the treasure. I got all excited when I saw the cover showing Conan fighting alongside Belit but nothing like that happens at all inside. I'm not reading any more of these. I don't like being played for a sucker.
 Immortal Hulk #15 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I love this couch session with Doc Samson and the Hulk, sans couch. The two talk it out after a sniper shoots Betty and the Hulk. Some of the stuff they talk about is quite insightful. You think they're trying to find Betty but they're not. Their final destination is a surprise.
 Thor #11 - Jason Aaron (writer) Lee Garbett (art) Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Thor goes looking for his best friend thinking he's going to need all the help he can get in the coming War of the Realms. The Lady Freyja has to make her son stop his foolish search. I like the little snippets showing characters we haven't seen in a while and I can't wait to see what their roles are in the war. Get ready true believers, Malekith is about to invade Midgard.
 Avengers LGY #714: No Road Home #7 - Jim Zub, Mark Waid & Al Ewing (writers) Paco Medina (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This issue features Monica Rambeau/Spectrum. Who better to fight the Queen of Darkness than a being of light. The last page made up for the disappointment I felt reading Savage Sword of Conan #3.
 Heroes in Crisis #7 - Tom King (writer) Clay Mann (art pages 1-6, 11, 17,-19, 23-24) Travis Moore (art pages 8-10, 13, 14-16, 20-21) Jorge Fornes (art pages 7, 12, 22) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). You could read this one issue and it wouldn't make a lick of sense unless you've read the previous 6. I even had a hard time understanding what's going on and I've read every issue. I think the only reason I'm going to read the last two issues is to find out if anything makes sense in the end.
 Hulkverines #2 - Greg Pak (writer) Guiu Vilanova (art) Morry Hollowell with Chris Sotomayor (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). We go from Hulkverine, the Hulk and Wolverine fighting each other to the three of them teaming up. Meanwhile the Leader and Doctor Alba, who created Hulkverine, do the super villain equivalent of what the three super heroes did. The result is going to be very interesting. This is the first I've seen of Guiu Vilanova's art and I think it's great.
 Ironheart #4 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Luciano Vecchio (art) Geoffo (layouts) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's a rematch with Midnight's Fire. This new super villain reminds me of Miles's uncle Aaron AKA the Prowler. I hope there isn't too much overlap between these two young super heroes, otherwise I will get bored with one of them.
 The Avant-Guards #3 - Carly Usdin (writer) Noah Hayes (art) Rebecca Nalty (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The team has their first practice and play their first game. Major points to Noah for showing the players following through on their shots. I used to love playing basketball but never made my high school team. So I ended up managing both junior and senior teams and got to practice with them. I would love to find someone my own age to shoot some hoops with right now.
 Black Widow #3 - Jen & Sylvia Soska (writers) Flaviano (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Natasha's mission to shut down an online pay-per-view torture site goes horribly wrong. I can't wait to see how she gets out of this predicament.
 Sabrina the teenage witch #1 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Veronica Fish & Andy Fish (art) Jack Morelli (letters). This new comic book is more like the TV show than the gritty ghoulish title that was on the racks a while ago. I liked the old show but haven't seen the new one. I had a crush on Melissa Joan Hart. I really like the writing and art in this so it's going on my "must read" list.
 Dial H for Hero #1 - Sam Humphries (writer) Joe Quinones (art) Dave Sharpe (letters). I mainly bought Marvel comics when I got more spending money and could afford new comic books but I did buy this DC title because I liked the concept. Robby Reed was this nerdy kid who finds a rotary telephone dial that changed him into a different super hero whenever he dialled H-E-R-O. he always had different powers and a different costume. This updated version has a kid named Miguel who is an adrenaline junky. An old timey telephone, the whole thing with handset this time, appears before him as he's plummeting towards certain death and he changes into Monster Truck. The Monster Truck pages are quite Kirbyesque. Throw in a page with Damian/ Robin, Lobo, Snapper Carr, Angel and the Ape, Harley Quinn and Alfred and I am hooked. I liked the town troublemaker Summer too. I am looking forward to seeing their further adventures.
 Doctor Strange #12 - Mark Waid (writer) Barry Kitson (pencils) Scott Koblish (inks) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Herald Supreme part 1. Stephen Strange is bored but he won't be for long. An alien from a warrior race of mystics comes to Earth to ask Doctor Strange how he defeated Galactus. I guess there's no Marvel comics where this guy is from. Seems the world eater is fixing to eat his planet. The super aggressive Zoloz manages to steal all of Doc Strange's mystical power and banishes Galactus in the Mystic Realms. Read this issue to find out why that's a bad idea. Now it's up to Stephen to keep the big purple planet eater from feeding and destroying our universe too.
 Action Comics #1009 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Steve Epting (art) Brad Anderson (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Leviathan Rising part 3. Lois is pissed at Amanda Waller but she reigns in her anger to come up with a plan to find out what Leviathan is. We get to see what Gold Kryptonite does, which is kind of cool. It's fun when something new gets added to a story. Superman's transformation surprised me.
 Sharkey the bounty hunter #2 - Mark Millar (writer) Simone Bianchi (art & colours) Peter Doherty (letters). This one's a fun space romp. The hunter finds his prey but she's not going to come along quietly.
 The Superior Spider-Man #4 - Christos Gage (writer) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I hope this change is permanent but it's going to take some getting used to calling Otto but his new identity Elliot. I like how Anna Maria is the woman behind the man. She teaches him a lesson in humility in this issue. Now I have a craving for Polish sausage.
 Shazam #4 - Geoff Johns (writer) Dale Eaglesham & Marco Santucci (art) Mike Atiyeh (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Yay, my wish came true. We meet Tawky Tawny the tiger in the first 6 pages. This version is quite dapper. The kids get separated with two in the Wildlands, two in the Gamelands and Mary and Billy in the Funlands, contrary to what the cover shows. Who's going to rescue the Marvel Family? The last page will enlighten you. I'm not excited about the movie hitting theatres on April 5 but if it's as good as this comic book, I might go see it.
 Fantastic Four #8 - Dan Slott (writer) Aaron Kuder, Stefano Caselli, David Marquez & Reilly Brown (art) Matt Yackey (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Did someone forget to tell cover artist Esad Ribic that Victorious was female? Doctor Doom has captured both Galactus and the Fantastic Four. He's siphoning off the former's cosmic power and is going to execute the latter. Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny are sure in a pickle. I can't wait to see how they get out of it.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #18 - Nick Spencer (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Hunted part 2. There's a spectre of danger hovering over Mary Jane in the side story. That's always a good plot twist to keep a Spider-Man fan hooked.
 Daredevil #3 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Sunny Gho (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Know Fear part 3. Daredevil's been shot and is about to be arrested for murder. Detective Cole North aims to bring the suspect in no matter what it takes. I wonder if Canadian Chip Zdarsky picked that name as an inside joke? Just when the "tough-as-nails" ex-Chicago cop is about to succeed, Daredevil is rescued. I chuckled when I saw who it was, and it's not Man-Thing.
 Detective Comics #1000 - Is this worth $9.99 US? You bet your sweet bippy it is. I might even buy one for myself, but which cover to pick? Here are the choices.
 Main cover by Jim Lee (pencils) Scott Williams (inks) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1930s by Steve Rude (art)
1940s by Bruce Timm (art)
1950s by Michael Cho (art)
1960s by Jim Steranko (art)
1970s by Bernie Wrightson (art) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1980s by Frank Miller (art) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1990s by Tim Sale (art) & Brennan Wagner (colours)
2000s by Jock (art)
2010s by Greg Capullo (art) & FCO Plascencia (colours)
 We get 3 pin-ups by:
Mikel Janin (art)
Jason Fabok (art) & Brad Anderson (colours)
Amanda Conner (art) & Paul Mounts (colours)
 Then there's all the terrific stories inside that not only shows Batman as a crime fighter but more importantly for this title as a consummate crime solver. You will find all of Batman's family and rogues gallery in here. I loved how this issue was a feast for the eyes too. I'm just going to list the titles of the stories and their creative teams. If you don't buy a copy for your comic book collection then you're missing out on what will be a classic. With a line up like this you can't lose.
 Longest Case by Scott Snyder (writer) Greg Capullo (pencils) Jonathan Glapion (inks) FCO Plascencia (colours) & Tom Napolitano (letters).
Manufacture for Use by Kevin Smith (writer) Jim Lee (pencils) Scott Williams (inks) & Alex Sinclair (colours) & Todd Klein (letters).
The Legend of Knute Brody by Paul Dini (writer) Dustin Nguyen (pencils) Derek Fridolfs (inks) John Kalisz (colours) & Steve Wands (letters).
The Batman's Design by Warren Ellis (writer) Becky Cloonan (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) & Simon Bowland (letters).
Return to Crime Alley by Denny O'Neil (writer) Steve Epting (art) Elizabeth Breitweiser (colours) & AndWorld Design (letters).
Heretic by Christopher Priest (writer) Neal Adams (art) Dave Stewart (colours) & Willie Schubert (letters).
I Know by Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art & colours) & Josh Reed (letters).
The Last Crime in Gotham by Geoff Johns (writer) Kelley Jones (art) Michelle Madsen (colours) Rob Leigh (letters).
The Precedent by James Tynion IV (writer) Alvaro Martinez-Bueno (pencils) Raul Fernandez (inks) Brad Anderson (colours) & Sal Cipriano (letters).
Batman's Greatest Case by Tom King (writer) Tony S. Daniel & Joelle Jones (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) & Clayton Cowles (letters).
And finally Medieval by Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Jaime Mendoza & Doug Mahnke (inks) David Baron (colours) & Rob Leigh (letters).
 That last story introduces a new (at least to me) Gotham City crime fighter named the Arkham Knight. His story continues in Detective Comics #1001 and I'm going to snag that issue off the racks to find out who he is.
0 notes
mellonmarsh042-blog · 7 years
ManOU, MinOs, Mises, MOses 
JOseph, JesUs, 
“O” Words:  GOd, LOrd, gOds, gOdesses, Old, JehOvah, CristO, ChOsen, GOne, One, ALOne, LOnely, Only, WOn, WOrLd, WOrd, SwOrd, VOice, COntainer, COntained, SpOken, ChOke, TOday, SwOrn, WOrn, MissiOnary, MissiON, PermissiOn, SOrry, SOft, CeremOny, COntact, PrOvidence, PrOphecy, JOan Of Arc, PrOphet, TraditiOnal, AdditiOnal, SOn, HOspital, BOrn, LOck, VOw, SwOre, COvenant, RainbOw, Ordained, Order, ChaOs, Organize, COmmitment, COmmit, COmment, CO-(ed), Ordinary, ExtraOrdinary, PrescriptiOn, WOman, BrOad, ROyalty, POwer, POwerful, BOdy, BOne, BOLd, PersOn, PeOple, BOard, WhOre, HOe, ShOvel, HOse, BrOthel, HerO, HerOin, NOn, cannOn, IrOn, IrOny, FOrward, TOward, DirectiOn, COntrast, ZerO, HOLe, HOLy, CrOss, ArrOw, VisiOn, HOrn, HOrny, HOrdes, HOLLy, DOnkey, GOlden, LOve, ErOs, ROse, ArOse, TOast, MemOry, COde, COdex, SOlved, ResOlved, COt, COtTen, COrn, COrner, HOme, HOtel, POrtal, POrt, POrtland, Oxygen, HydrOgen, FOrth, COmmand, MOrtal, ImmOrtal, AtOmic, AtOm, BOmb, BOmbsheLL, BOmbard, ArmeggedOn, AnnihiLatiOn, WOw, Ow, LOst, LOsing, MOney, COst, DOLLars, COins, StOne, DiamOnd, COincide, FreedOm, MacrO, MicrO, MicrOw, MicrOwave, TheOry, COven, Oven, StOve, COLLege, COver, COrrect, HOney, POwer, PLOw, Owned, CrOwned, SLOwer, ShOw, ShOwer, FLOw, Over, COver, HOver, ON, Off, NO, NOrth, NOt, KnOt, NOte, SOng, WrOng, LOng, LOnging, LOdge, TrOt, TerrOr, TerrOrism, StatiOn, WOOd, LOg, ALLOw, ALLOwed, HaLLOwed, ShaLLOw, LOw, BeLOw, BeyOnd, CLOthes, Origin, Original, POcket, ConstellatiOn, NatiOn, CivilizatiOn, ExpressiOn, SLOw, Oh!, BOise, IdahO, JerOme, New YOrk, CalifOrnia, CalifOrnicatiOn, ChicagO, MexicO, AppOintment, CancellatiOn, SOda, DOS, Operating, OS, TaO, COme, GO, StOp, GO, HOt, COld, FrOzen, DOwn, DrOwn, Own, FrOnt, TOp. AtOp, TOtal, FOrever, FOnt, DOes, SOng, ROck and ROLL, ROLL, ROLe, TOne, ALLegrO, ChOir, ChOrd, Orchestra, TempO, TOnal, AtOnal, TenOr, SaxaphOne, PianO, KeybOard, BanjO, CellO, ObOe, TOm TOm,  NOva, MOre, LOcate, FOrce, COpe, HOpe, NOpe, COre, MiLLiOn, BiLLiOn, ZiLLiOn, SpOt, PrO, COn, COngress, COck, Ostrich, MOnkey, FOx, GOat, WOLf, CrOw, COLLie, WOLverine, WerewOLf, ALLigatOr, LiOn, DOg, HOrse, POny, FOx,  DOve, OwL, FOwL, COw, LivestOck, POrk, HOg, BacOn, HOwl, FLOwer, Oats, COward, MOnday, NOvember, TObber, COp, POlice, DemOn, DaemOn, DemOnstrates, FOretell, Oath, MarjOrie, FLOat, MOtel, MOnster, MOre, MOvie, ShOw, RadiO, StereO, IgnOre, IgnOrance, SnOr, SnOt,  COmbat, PrObLem, PrOgrammed, PrOgrammer, LOse, VenOm, FOrty, BOx, BLOck, BOxing, SpOrt, TOLd, StOry, HistOry, BOnd, BLOnd, StrOng, LOng, HOld, MOld, BOld, RatiO, RatiOnal, ALmOst, AwesOme, MOst, MOist, POpe, POp, VOwel, IOn, RadiatiOn, ThOr, ROme, ROam, ROman, MegaphOne, TOmb, MOlest, SOviet, Over, TOss, POssess, Obsess, Observe, MOve, RemOve, DrOve, TOe, PrOverb, PrOverbial, COat, COte, COLt, ROcket, SOlve, AbsOlve, Olive, WrOng, SnOw, FrOst, NOw, NOel, ExpeditiOn, ROad, SchOlar, POrtal, Open, CLOse, CLOth, CLOthes, SOcks, COmpact, NOse, NOstril, ThrOat, IvOry, ThOse, TOes, DO, DOn’t, DOes, DOesn’t, DOing, SO, TO, Or, GrOss, DepOsit, RepositOry, ROck, ROLL, COntext, BLOw, BLOwn, BOw, BOwel, BOwl,  BrOwn, CrimsOn, ViOLet, ViOLence, CinnamOn, Orange, Ox, AffOrd, FOr, FOrty, FeLon, FeLOny,  ELabOrate, Orate, Ornate, IncantatiOn, WOrk, JOb, SOrcerer, SOrcery, SOre, SOar, Oar, WOre, LeprOsy, Odd, Odyssey, WhOle, Odin, Osiris, DragOn, COmb, COmbine, ChOice, TOgether, TOad, SOme, SOnnet, SOnic, SOnar, WOrry, SOap, Opera, NOah, MOses, JOhn, JOe, BOb, Obese, JOin, GhOst, HOst, HOstile, MeLOn, LOnely, LOan, Ocean, IcOn, IdOL, DOLL, AndrOid, DrOne, CLOne, CybOrg, AndrOmeda, CLock, CLOak, JOke, JOker, VOLt, RevOLt, ByrOn, AmbrOsia, BrOther, Other, AnOther, Offering, MatrimOny, MOther, POke, NOne, NOise, POint, AppOint, AnnOinted, HarmOny, FrOm, FOrm, InfOrm, POverty, Overt, DOpleganger, Orgy, Ogre, DOck, ROt, MaggOt, FaggOt, BOat, MOat, ROmance, InnOcent, HirOshima, GOdziLLa, WOrst, ShOrt, LOng, PerfectiOn, SOciety, SOcial, POrt, POrtland, KnOw, KnOwledge, WhO, HOw, AnatOmy, CLOset, FLOck, LOcket, LOcker, Object, Okay, OK, PrOmise, PrOcreate, FOrnicate, MethadOne, NarcOtic, SOmething, NOthing, GnOme, LOt, WeapOns, EOn, NeOn, TOnight, BOy, SaLvatiOn, ELation, RedemptiOn, AttentiOn, Omen, MirrOr, DeceptiOn, COexist, TOrn, LessOn, StOrm, NeOphyte, DefinitiOn, ScOre, PrisOn, POise, POse, POser, PastOr, COttage, CathOLic, MethOdist, EpiscOpalian, TelepOrt, InvasiOn, EvOLve, InvOLve, COLLar, InvestigatiOn, ImaginatiOn, NOrth America, ApOstle, ImpOssible, POssible, PrOtein, CarrOt, LOad, ReLOad, AmmO, DeveLOpe, ELOpe, WrOte, ROte, WindOw, WidOw, NegrO, Oriental, Orient, AdOre, AmOre, BeLOved, SmOke, TOke, DOpe, WOrthLess, TwO, HedOnistic, MOnastic, POLygamy, Once, SecOnd, DestrOyer, WeapOn, StOmach, ReligiOn, GOvernment, DemOcracy, POLOtics, DemOcrat, PLatO, AristOtle, GenOcide, Official, POLand, NOrway, HOLLand, FOreign, SeasOn, ReasOn, TreasOn, InvasiOn, HarbOr, MOnths, POst, Offensive, ShadOw, VictOry,  BOth, BOther, COmplex, RecOrder, RepOrter, BrOken, TOy, COma, COmma, PeriOd, COmply, FOrnicate, SymbOL, ErectiOn, StOckings, TOLe, TOLL, Oak, YeLLOw, RibbOn, HeLLO, COncave, CONvex, MOtive, SeniOr, FictiOn, MOment, VOmit, VibratiOn, ElatiOn, DistOrt, TelevisiOn, DimensiOns, ReceptiOn, DeceptiOn, MOde, MOLe, AcceleratOr, AcceleratiOn, NOwhere, SOmewhere, VapOr, VapOrize, PrOper, ExOrcist, RadiOactive, SeniOr, MOrning, WOrms, POd, SelectiOn, DetectiOn, GrOw, GrOans, MOans, AbandOn, MeditatiOn, DevOte, ApparitiOn, WOnder, WeLcOme, FOrmat, PrOgress, AttentiOn, Offspring, AnalOgy, MOdify, MOdified, ExpLOde, ImpLOde, Ode, ManifestatiOn, WisdOm, IntentiOns, FissiOn, ReactOr, ReactiOn, DetOnate, BOast, NOde, CLOnazepam, MethadOne, TOwn, EscOrt, TestimOny, WhOa!, LiberatiOn, CannOt, PerfOrm, InfectiOn, COmic, COmedian, COmely, HOmely, BOnd, Oil, PrOfit, COmpetative, POverty, PrisOn, BigOtry, Offensive, SOciety, PrOject, JOy, ArrOgant, CherOkee,
 “OO” Words:  GOOd, COOL, FOOL, VOODOO, BOOst, SchOOL, BLOOd, COUpLe, COntrOL, COOk, MOOn, HOrrOr, POisOned, COnsOlidatiOn, OperatiOn,  DOctOr, DetOnatiOn, RObOt, EcOnOmics, OvercOme, FOretOLd, CartOOn, BOOb, COOperate, COrrespOndence, COrpOratiOn, NeighbOrhOOd, EpisOde, MicrOscOpe, COrpOreality, SpOOf, OctOber, DOgsbOdy, OverLOrd, GOOgle, POOr, POOp, OriOn, OniOn, CrOOk, CrOOked, HOLLOw, EmOtiOn, HOLOgraphic, LOOk, LOOse, ZOOm, BOOm, SOmehOw, BLOOm, CacOOn, FOLLOw, PrOOf, POOL, SnOOp, FOOt, TOOth, FOOd, TOmatO, POtatO, NOOn, MicrOphOne, BOOk, PhOnOgraph, PhOtOgraph, COmpOser, MOnO, POrnO, ShOshOne, NOOdle, POOdle, HydrOcOdOne, KLOnOpin, MOOr, SOOthsayer, PrOtO, LOOp, LOOphOLe, SOrrOw, TOmOrrOw, COnsOnant, COmmOn, COmmOnplace, COOrdinate, COOrdinates, CrOssbOw, OverdOse, COLLabOrate, TOO, ChOOse, POsitiOn, POtiOn, MOtiOn, LOtiOn, POseidOn, MOnOgamy, AlcOhOl, KangarOO, MOOse, GOOse, MOOd, MOOdy, SpOOn, ApOstrOphe, COnsideratiOn, HOrizOn, InfOrmatiOn, PrOtOtype, PrOtectiOn, PrOtectOr, PrOmOtiOn, AstrOnOmy, AncestOrs, AstrOLOgy, PrOcreatiOn, PsychOLOgy, TelepOrtatiOn, COLLabOratiOn, APOLLO, ApOLOgy, POLiO, BOttOm, OdOr, TOOL, ROOt, RebOOt, SpOOf, ALOOF, ROOf, FLOOr, DOOr, BrOOm, ROOm, GLOOm, DOOm, SOOn, SOOner, ZOO, TOrsO, AnglO-SaxOn, MOngOLOid, MOngOlia, StOOd, COLLabOratiOn, EcOnOmy, TrOOps, OppOsite, BOOth, COLOr, FOrnicatiOn, OverLOad, NOn-fictiOn, DistOrtiOn, POrtiOn, MOLestatiOn, VapOrizatiOn, PrOcreatiOn, PrOpOse, DevOtiOn, COmfOrt, DiscOmfOrt, KLOnOpin, COmpetitiOn, TechnOLOgy, COnditiOns, LOOt, LOOting, BOngOs,
“U” Words:  QUeen, ZeUs, PerseUs,  DaUghter, SUn, TrUth, TrUe, GUard, GUardians, GUide, RULer, ILLUminate, LUnar, JerUsalem, MUslim, MUst, ReqUired, PersUade, EqUaLity, QUality, CUp, RetUrn, TUrn, SUpernatUral, SUperhUman, Unimaginable, BULL, AssUmed, HOcUs-POcUs, NatUre, NatUral, HaUnt, RegULar ThUnder, TUnnel, SatUrated, FUnnel, CUnt, ShUt, HUt, SLUt, JUnk, TrUnk, JUgs, FUck, SUck, SpUrt, ActUal, MinUte, ErUpt, ErUpted, CrUsh, CrUelty, HUnk, DUke, AbUndance, FUnk, ULtimate, NUn, PUre, PUrity, DUst, BUry, BUrial, AttitUde, StUff, ApplaUse, FigUre, PaUse, HUnt, HUnter, BUnk, BUnker, PUssy, BUrn, BLUrred, BUrned, BUrns, BUrnt, AdjUst, Church, RepUblican, RepUblic, UntiL, HUrt, Umber, Um, Uh, DUmp, DUmpster, MUm, NUmb, NUmber, QUarter, MUrder, Unarmed, CUrse, CUrtain, CUrtail, CUre, VersUs, BUs, StUpid, DUmb, SUccUbUs, IncUbUs, SUrge, SUrgical, LUggage, TrUck, HUb, HUh, HUge, TrUst,  AnnOUnce, CULtUre, TrOUnce, TrUmp, VacUUm, GUy, CrUd, ThUd, FUzz, AbsUrd, AUnt, Uncle, IssUed, AssUaged, PLUg, BUd, NUts, BUy, SecUrity, CPU, CirUit, BULb, InpUt, RUin, JanUary, FebrUary, JUne, JULy, AUgUst, PaUL, FrUit, HUmingbird, BUt, FUtUre, BrUsh, InsinUate, InsULate, EmascUlate, FUn, FUnny, HUmor, HUman, HUmane, VaLUes, VirtUes, EvaLUate, DrUid, BeaUtiful, BeaUty, MaUdLin, Uber, Use, Used, FUse, FLUsh, PUnch, NaUght, NaUghty, LaUnch, LUnch, AUdience, AdventUre, Under, BUddha, JesUs, JUdas, U.S., Us, United, Unity, PUblic, Pubic, University, StUdent, StUdy, PUberty, DUal, DUality, DUet, DUel, DUdes, DUds, SpUd, SpUtnic, SUds, DUes, HUndred, BUcks, TUb, GUt, LUng, BUtt, SUicide, SUpper, CrUst, MUmmy, SecUre, InstrUment, MUse, MUsic, SUng, ALbUm, BLUes, BLUegrass, TUne, TUba, TrUmpet, GUitar, FLUte, LUte, DrUm, TUrn, PUt, RaptUre, RUptUre, Fur, DrUgs, PUnk, PUke, SUit, SUite, NUit, MUg, MUgger, SkULL, Underling, LangUage, CaUse, Fury, NUisance, BUg, RUg, PLUme, SUbmarine, SUbway, FLUke, LUcky, TUna, SaUce, BUrger, PLUm, LettUce, SaUcer, CUt, Up, AUdible, FUn, FUnny, LaUgh, UnpLUg, LUcid, SUcculent, MUtiny, MUck, CUte, VUlgar, PLUck, CUm, Urine, Urinate, Urinal, TUrd, DUng, FraUd, PLUck, DUck, JUice, DUke,  DrUnk, PUrple, BLUe, TUmble, RUmble, StUmble, AssUme, ResUme, SUb, StUb, SnUb, SnUg, NUtrients, SUpply,  Universe, MUlti-Verse, JUpiter, SatUrn, MercUry, VenUs, UranUs, TUesday, SUnday, ThUrsday, SatUrday, BUiLd, RebUiLd, BUiLt, Dupe, MULe, PlagUe, FLU, VirUs, StatUe, EnUciate, ExecUte, ExecUtive, AccUmULate, UraniUm, NUclear, ExcUsed, SULLen, MUndane, SUpra-mUndane, CULtUre, GUest, GUess, QUest, ReqUest, QUeer, MarijUana, AUthentic, SUper, SUper NOva, SUpreme, SUrprise, LiqUid, SqUid, SqUirt, UniqUE, BUsted, BUst, AUstralia, QUiet, QUit, QUiLt, Unitary, AqUariUm, AquariUs, PlanetariUm, SanitariUm, HaLLUcinate, PLeasUre, SUre, AssUre, Um, Urn, SUpplant, SUrvey, SUrreal, SUbmit, SUmmit, SUmmer, MUtants, VULgar, QUe, TUmble, Uber, JUstice, JUst, UnJUst, JUdge, HUng, JUry, SUrrender, CaptUred, DUty, DULL, FULL, PUsh, PULL, PULse, FUeL, CULL, CaUght, SpiritUal, RitUal, Bi-LingUal, AngUish, DistUrbing, Unthinkable, GradUate, GradUaLLy, GUiLty, QUakers, JUvenile, PUnish, ArgUe, GUiLe, BegUiLe, GeniUs, GUns, HUrry, RUn, AbUndance, StrUctUre, PrejUdice, HUnger, SUffering, 
“OU” Words: SOUL, YOU, YOUr, YOU’re, COnsciOUs, UncOnsciOUs, SUbcOnsciOUs, ResUrrectiOn, SUbAtomic, YOUng, YOUth, IntUitiOn, QUestiOn, SUrvivOr, TOUch, COUntry, PrOstitUte, AssUmptiOn, COUntry MUsic, COUnty, COmpUter, COmpUtatiOn, MUtatiOn, ExpLOsiOn, COmmUtatiOn, EnOrmOUs, InnOcUOUs, AmmUnitiOn, JUniOr, PrOdUced, PrOcedUre, COmmUne, COmmUter, ResOUrce, InstrUctiOn, MiracULOUs, COmmUnicate, COmmUnicatiOn, COM, StUbbOrn, BrUtaL, ShOtgUn, MOnUment, COmply, COnstrUctiOn, OUtward, SitUatiOn, HOrUs, VirtUOUs, COmpUtation, ROUte, SOUth, SOUthern Baptist, UnknOwn, AUthOR, AUthOrize, POUr, SOUnd, ArrOUnd, FOUnd, PrOfound, JOUrnalism, OUt, WOUnd, SOUnd, FOUL, MOUth, SnOUt, LOUd, DUngeOn, PrOUd, HOUse, BOUnce, BOUnd, AbOUnd, WOnderOUs, JOUst, WOUld, COUld, ShOUld, OUch, POUch, SOLUtiOn, ThOUsand, AUtObiOgraphy, AUtOmObiLe, AUtOmatic, SOUr, SOUp, HOUr, cOntrOLLed SUbstance, MeasUre, DevOUr, POpULatiOn, ViciOUs, VenOmOUs, FUriOUs, DeleriOUS, InnOccUlate, OccUpy, ReligiOUs, COmpOUNd,  FOUr, FOUrth, PrOnOUNce, PronOUn, PrOnUnciatiOn, RenUnciatiOn, EnUnciatiOn,  RUmOrs, TUmOrs, RenOUnce, COUrt, COUrting, NOUn, RebOUnd, CaUtiOn, MOUse, LOUse, BLOUse, UndO, UndOne, FLOUnder, NauseOUs, SUbcUtaneOUs, AUdiO, FamOUs, MOUse, IbUprOfen, MOUnt, MOUntain, FOUntain, POUnd, OUnce, BOgUs, TrOUbLe, BOUght, ThOUght, ThOUgh, ALthOUgh, BrOUght, COncLUsiOn, ILLUsiOn, POdiUm, ShOULder, BOUlder, HUmOr, HUmOrOUs, AmOrphOUs, ArOUse, PLUtO, COnstrUct, COnstrUctiOn, SUrrOUnd, ArOUnd, ArOUse, PerniciOUs, DrOUght, FOUght, OUgt, SOdiUm, PLUtOniUm, OUtbreak, MOULd, HOUnd, MOUnd, FOUnd, VariOUs, NefariOUs, HilariOUs, ROUtine, SOviet UniOn, RUssia, POLygamOUs, MOnOgamOUs, DangerOUs, COUnt, COUnter, AccOUntant, ObLiviOUs, LasciviOUs, POUt, GOUt, OUtpUt, PUrpOse, PUrpOsed, GhOUL, MysteriOUs, DeliriOUs, DeliciOUs, PreciOUs, NOUrish, FLOUrish, RidicULOUs, BUttOn, OdiOUs, ROsebUd, HarmOniOUs, GlOriOUs, SagitariOUs, COmmUniOn, UniOn, RighteOUs, COmmUne, FOUnder, InstitUtiOn, COmmUnists, InvOLUntary, PsychOLOgy, BiOLOgy, NeurOLOgy, PhiLOsOphy, FLOUnder, OminOUs, COntinUes, UnLOck, SeriOUs, WarLOck, SpOUt, RevOLUtiOn, EvOLUtiOn, MiracULOUs, UnifOrm, CUneifOrm, EUrO, EUrOpe, AstrOnaUt, COstUme, ROUgh, PrOcUre, PrOdUce, PrOdUctiOn, ObscUre, MOUrn, TOUgh, OccULt, AstOUnding, NUmerOLOgy, EdUcatiOn, ALOUd, UFO, PetrOLeUm, HippOpOtamUs, ManipUlatiOn, COrrUptiOn, SUperstitiOns, ResOUrces, COmmUnity, POmpOUs, ManitOU, 
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