#wilf gibson
bilbao-song · 8 months
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longliverockback · 5 months
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Electric Light Orchestra On the Third Day 1973 Warner Brothers ————————————————— Tracks: 1. Ocean Breakup • King of the Universe 2. Bluebird is Dead 3. Oh No Not Susan 4. New World Rising • Ocean Breakup (Reprise) 5. Daybreaker 6. Ma-Ma-Ma Belle 7. Dreaming of 4000 8. In the Hall of the Mountain King —————————————————
Michael de Albuquerque
Bev Bevan
Mike Edwards
Wilf Gibson
Mik Kaminski
Jeff Lynne
Richard Tandy
Colin Walker
* Long Live Rock Archive
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chad-jeff-lynne · 7 months
Jeff when Wilf asked him to pay him more than 5 pounds an hour (he’s homeless and starving)
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Peripheral (2022)
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dietrocksoda · 1 year
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I’m sorry, Wilf.
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Ages of each actor in their first appearance as a companion (new who edition):
Bernard Cribbins (Wilf) : 79
Bradley Walsh (Graham): 58
John Bishop (Dan): 55
Alex Kingston (River): 45
Matt Lucas (Nardole): 41
John Barrowman (Jack): 38
Catherine Tate (Donna): 37
Noel Clarke (Mickey): 30
Pearl Mackie (Bill): 30
Mandip Gill (Yaz): 30
Freema Agyeman (Martha): 28
Arthur Darvill (Rory): 28
Jenna Coleman (Clara): 26
Tosin Cole (Ryan): 26
Billie Piper (Rose): 23
Karen Gillan (Amy): 23
Millie Gibson (Ruby): 19
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Gary Carr
Using Peripheral Vision
by Jay S. Jacobs
The new futuristic action drama The Peripheral on Amazon Prime Video either takes place in a futuristic London and North Carolina, or in a virtual reality video game, or perhaps in just a very strange mind trip.
Based on the novel by William Gibson, it tells the story of Flynne Fisher (Chloe Grace Moretz), a young waitress and gamer who is given an experimental VR headset, which brings her into the middle of an extremely realistic (but also surrealistically different) city of London, a place that looks similar but also has many differences. For one thing, the city is dotted with huge, unfinished statues. Also there are very few people at any given space.
Flynne quickly learns that the new headset and “game” is abnormally realistic. She feels pleasure and pain and fatigue and anything else she would if she were really experiencing things. She finds herself dropped into the middle of a political quagmire, which leads to danger not just in the new simulation, but also in her real small town.
Flynne’s guide through this new world is Wilf, played by Gary Carr. Of course, he knows much more than he is telling her, leading her to wonder if he is an ally or an opponent in the intrigue which she finds herself submersed into. Wilf is another interesting role for the London-born actor Carr, who has been making a name in movies like 21 Bridges and Bolden, as well as such TV series as The Deuce, Trigonometry, Death in Paradise and Downton Abbey.
The day before the first season finale of The Peripheral, we caught up with Gary Carr on Zoom to discuss the series.
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What was it about The Peripheral that intrigued you and made you want to be a part of it?
The first thing was the team. I’m a massive fan of [executive producers] John [Nolan], Lisa [Joy], and Athena [Wickham]. All their work, especially John has worked with feature films, not just television. So, before they even pitched the project to me, I had already said yes in my mind. (laughs) Then once they pitched the project and told me about the concept, I thought it was super cool. I then read the novel straight after meeting with the team. I was super excited after reading the novel. I think William Gibson is a brilliant writer. I'd never read a science fiction novel before. I don't know why it took so long, but I'm really grateful that that was my introduction. That's pretty much all the reasons why. Then after reading the scripts, I thought they did a great job of adapting the novel. I was wary about the character Wilf, because in the novel, he's very passive. I wasn't too excited about playing a character that is so passive, but I think in the adaptation in the series, it's deeper than that. There are more layers. I found that there was a human being that I could portray, and I thought that was really cool.
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He is a very fascinating character. To a certain extent, like you said, he is passive. In what ways were you most comfortable playing him? And what parts of Wilf’s character did you find hardest to get a handle on as an actor?
I find the whole thing challenging because I've never played a character that was so still, whose main job in every scene is to not show any emotion. You never know what his thought pattern or process is. You never know what his opinion is unless he says. Even if when he does say, you're not sure if he's being truthful. I thought that was really intriguing, but also very challenging to play. But I like challenges as an actor. I do love the character. I love the way the character fits within the world. Because he’s in this like really crazy… the audience don't really discover what world he's living in until I guess like episode seven, really, when things start to land. Then it clicks on me. I'm like, wow, this is kind of crazy, this reality. Then you do get a bit of his backstory, as well, his history. When you compare that to how he presents, I think that's really interesting. It's like, wow, this guy's so still. He really doesn't give much away. I thought that was really cool and interesting to play.
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Was it interesting playing in so many different London areas with very few people around? Was the desolation a little bit weird in these places that are normally so crowded?
(laughs) It definitely worked for the piece. But London's my home, so I've seen London like that many times. Like going home, after maybe drinking too much. (laughs again) Or early hours of the morning. Even when I was on my grind, and I was working and had to get up super early and work two jobs. I've seen London in all in all these different forms and states. So it wasn't strange to me at all. But one thing I was really happy about was that it did work for the show. The whole point is that the population has decreased hugely. It was great to be in these central parts of London, that are usually generally populated and there was no one there. It was eerie. It really added to the tone of the piece. So, I was happy about that actually. I wasn’t happy that it was during COVID, but I was happy about [the sense of isolation].
What was it like filming during COVID? That obviously must have affected the set.
Yeah, it affected the set, in terms of the dynamic because it becomes quite militant. There are all these protocols that you'd have to follow. You also have to wear masks constantly and so interactions are different. One thing about any project is that you become a family after a few weeks. You're all on this thing together. You mean so much to everyone. Everyone's all in it and committed. One thing that before COVID which is really nice is that you spend a lot of time with crew and cast off the set. You get to know each other. There's all that camaraderie and everything. There was none of that. It was literally like jump in the car, go home. That was strange, but again, in a weird way it helped. It helped the dynamic and it helped the tone and the pitch of the show. It worked in our favor, I think, but it definitely was challenging shooting during COVID.
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Yeah, I think so too. What was Chloe like to work with? She and you had some really interesting scenes together.
Chloe is the biggest sweetheart. She's so cool. She's so chill. So down to earth. We geek out on a lot of the same things. We're both foodies. We both love music. We love film. Even though we're actors, we're big fans of film as well. We spoke a lot about all that stuff all day. She's a geek for most things, actually. She's so well studied and so interested in so many things. So, we’re really wired, and I really enjoyed working with her. We have a lot of chemistry offset, which is really interesting. Because I think our characters, there's chemistry there, but because of Wilf and his character, he's never going to let you know that. That's really interesting. We actually do we like [each other]. We really got on and had a great time shooting. It's been really great getting to know her and work with her and watch her work as well. I think she's awesome. She's so great.
It's a fantastic cast in general, who are some of the other people that really were incredible to work with?
Definitely, like the characters that play Ash (Katie Leung) and Ossian (Julian Moore-Cook) and Lev (JJ Feild). I think they're all great. Julian Moore-Cook, he's fantastic. And Alexandra Billings (who plays Inspector Ainsley Lowbeer). Actually, everyone that I share the screen with I thought was fantastic. Yeah, I love to work with everyone. The cast is so strong. The team did a great job of casting these roles. There are people that I didn't act with, but I've been able to watch their performances and I think they've done a great job. I think everyone's so strong. There isn't, in my opinion, a weak link. Even if there was, I would never say, but I do think this is a great cast. I'm really grateful to be part of it.
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The season finale is coming up. Without giving away any spoilers, what can people expect from that last episode?
The really vague answer, I guess, is they can expect some answers to some of the questions that I imagine they have. They can also expect way more questions (laughs) to arise because new things are presented. Like any good series, I think the last episode should leave you thinking [about] what's yet to happen, what's going to happen, what will develop. Maybe more of the same in terms of cool science fiction stuff and action sequences. Although, I know lots changed since I read the final draft. We did additional shooting and all that stuff. So, actually, I really don't know what happens in the last episode.
Is there any word about whether there might be a second season coming up? Or is that still too early to say?
I promise you; I'm telling you the truth; I have no idea. No one's told me and I've definitely asked. No one's hinted or said anything. I would love if we did another series. Especially for me as an actor, I feel like the first season of anything is really everyone just finding it. Finding their groove and finding the character. Trying to root everything, make it grounded. But sometimes it does take a whole series to do that. Now we can apply everything that we've learned into another series, hopefully. I hope so. It'd be great to do a few more seasons of this. I think it's a really cool show.
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 2, 2022.
Photos by © 2022 by Andrew Timms, Matt Winkelmeyer, Chris Frawley and Sophie Mutevelian. Courtesy of Amazon Prime Video. All rights reserved.
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
Questo fine 2022 invece dei soliti post dedicati ai libri natalizi o ai riassuntoni di cosa si è letto durante l’anno, siccome per me questo è stato un anno horribilis da dimenticare, ho deciso di regalarvi una serie di post e video dedicati ai LIBRI CON VIAGGI NEL TEMPO.
Cosa c’è di meglio per fuggire alla realtà che viaggiare nel tempo?
Spero queste lista vi saranno utili e vi intratterranno, e come sempre vi invito ad aggiungere i vostri titoli preferiti di questo genere.
Ogni lista è specifica di un genere per agevolarvi e suddividere il LISTONE che altrimenti sarebbe stato lunghissimo.
Il primo video è dedicato a:
- Inverso,  William Gibson (serie di 2 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/3gtEd5j
Trama: America, futuro prossimo. Flynne Fisher vive in una zona rurale  dove il lavoro è scarso per chi sceglie di non dedicarsi alla produzione  di droghe sintetiche, l'unica attività remunerativa. Dopo un periodo in  cui è stata ingaggiata per combattere in un gioco online, Flynne ora  cerca di mantenersi facendo l'assemblatrice in un negozio locale di  stampa 3D. Ma arrivare a fine mese è difficile. Suo fratello Burton, ex  Marine, non è in una condizione migliore, e come unica forma di  sostentamento ha il denaro che gli viene passato dall'esercito in quanto  veterano di guerra con gravi lesioni neurologiche riportate sul campo.  Inghilterra, settant'anni dopo. Wilf Netherton vive a Londra. È un  professionista affermato e un uomo potente all'interno di una società in  cui i ricchi sono la maggior parte e i poveri sono stati eliminati  quasi interamente. Una realtà in cui tornare indietro nel tempo è solo  un hobby come tanti. America, futuro prossimo. Flynne e Burton accettano  un lavoro come parte della sicurezza occulta nel prototipo di un nuovo  gioco online ambientato in una Londra simile a quella che conoscono, ma  con alcune distorsioni. In questa piattaforma non si spara, ma i crimini  a cui Flynne assiste sono molto peggiori. Flynne e Wilf sono destinati a  conoscersi in una terra di mezzo. Un incontro che cambierà per sempre  il modo di vedere il presente e il futuro di ciascuno di loro.
 In un futuro ancora molto lontano l'uomo ha imparato a viaggiare  nel tempo, spostandosi con disinvoltura da un secolo all'altro e  organizzando traffici commerciali tra ere diverse. Il viaggio nel tempo  permette anche di tenere l'umanità sotto rigido controllo, modificando  tutto ciò che potrebbe provocare gravi turbamenti nella storia. A  effettuare i cambiamenti sono delegati gli analisti e i tecnici della  chiusa casta degli Eterni, gli unici in grado di manipolare passato e  futuro. Un giorno però Andrew Harlan, un giovane Eterno, si trova di  fronte a una scelta atroce: salvare l'eternità o il suo amore, e non  avrà dubbi.
-Hyperion, di Dan Simmons (serie di 4 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/3ir9d22
Link al post che ho dedicato alla serie: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/654156471593041920/i-canti-di-hyperion
In  un lontano futuro nel quale tutti i pianeti sono ormai riuniti in una  pacifica federazione una nuova e pericolosa minaccia si profila per  l'umanità. Sul pianeta Hyperion, l'unico che non ha aderito alla  federazione, una creatura dotata di poteri divini, fra cui quello di  viaggiare nel tempo, lo Shrike, è pronto per sferrare il suo attacco.  Alla vigilia dell'Armageddon, che costituirà la fine dell'intera  Galassia, sette pellegrini si mettono in viaggio alla ricerca di una  soluzione ad un terribile enigma.
- La Compagnia del Tempo, di  Kage Baker   (serie di 11 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/2LOeCob
Nel  Ventiquattresimo secolo la Dr. Zeus,  Inc. (altrimenti nota come la  Compagnia) offre l'immortalità fisica e la possibilità  di viaggiare nel  tempo: i suoi agenti continuano a scandagliare i secoli  per recuperare  antichi tesori d'arte e materiale genetico indispensabile  alle  ricerche. Mendoza, una specialista in botanica che la Compagnia ha   prelevato dalla Spagna del XVI secolo, deve raccogliere alcuni esemplari  di  rare specie ormai estinte. Ma sul suo cammino incontrerà  l'Inquisizione, un  amichevole cyborg e soprattutto la sconfinata  ingordigia della Compagnia,  il cui vero scopo è arricchirsi a spese del  passato…
-La luce del passato, di Arthur C. Clarke
Link: https://amzn.to/3hVBNbP
2037.  OurWorld è un centro di tecnologia avanzata ideato da Hiram  Patterson,imprenditore spregiudicato. Non soddisfatto di avere il  monopolio delle telecomunicazioni planetarie, Patterson convince il  figlio David, coadiuvato dal fratellastro Bobby e dalla giornalista  Kate, a realizzare la WormCam, una macchina che può sorvegliare chiunque  in qualsiasi momento. La WormCam può inoltre viaggiare nel tempo e  visualizzare il passato. Se da un lato tale invenzione porterà molti  vantaggi all'umanità, dall'altro si potrà frugare nella vita intima  delle persone, ledendone le libertà fondamentali.Consapevoli di tale  pericolo Bobby e Kate cercheranno di sfuggire allo sguardo implacabile  della prodigiosa macchina e a rimediare ai loro errori..
-La macchina del tempo, di G. H. Wells
Link: https://amzn.to/38Z0KA0
Un gentiluomo inglese, scienziato dilettante, annuncia una sera ai suoi  amici di aver costruito una macchina in grado di viaggiare attraverso il  tempo, sia nel passato che nel futuro, e di essere in procinto di  partire per la sua prima esplorazione. Dà  loro appuntamento a casa sua  per la settimana successiva. Al loro arrivo, gli ospiti del Viaggiatore  nel tempo (così è denominato nel romanzo) lo vedono tornare, piuttosto  malconcio, da un viaggio nel lontano futuro. Il Narratore, che era uno  degli ospiti, riporta fra virgolette il resoconto del Viaggiatore. Egli  racconta di essere montato sulla sua macchina per il viaggio di collaudo  e di essersi subito spinto fino all’anno 802701. In una Terra che della  passata civiltà umana conserva solo rare vestigia, ma che per opera  delle precedenti generazioni è stata interamente liberata dalle  malattie, dagli animali nocivi e anche dalle asperità climatiche, il  Viaggiatore è venuto a contatto con due future razze umane: gli Eloi e i  Morlock. I primi vivono in quella sorta di ospitale e confortevole  giardino che è diventata la superficie terrestre, e sono d’aspetto  grazioso, miti e gentili, ma la loro intelligenza è pari a quella dei  bambini. I secondi vivono sotto terra, sono astuti, infidi e d’aspetto  repellente. Il Viaggiatore ritiene che i Morlock siano i discendenti,  totalmente abbrutiti, delle attuali classi lavoratrici; gli Eloi  sarebbero invece i discendenti delle classi dominanti, rammolliti e  istupiditi da secoli di benessere materiale.
- L’ Incognita del tempo, di Stephen Baxter
Link: https://amzn.to/3qCFSEH
Ideale  seguito del libro di Wells, La macchina del tempo. Il Viaggiatore del  Tempo nel grande capolavoro di H.G. Wells “La macchina del tempo” pensa  con rimpianto a “come sia stato breve il sogno dell'intelletto umano”.  Ma Stephen Baxter sa quello che Wells non poteva sapere, cioè  proiettandosi nel tempo il Viaggiatore ha cambiato il futuro e sarà  destinato a cambiarlo ancora. Svegliandosi nella casa di Richmond, al  ritorno dal suo primo viaggio, il Viaggiatore non riesce a soffocare i  rimorsi. Ha abbandonato la bella e indifesa Weena, del mite popolo degli  Eloi, alle brame cannibalesche dei Morlock, la razza umana degenerata  da cui è stato costretto a fuggire. Decide così di ripartire prontamente  per un nuovo viaggio nell'anno 802.701 d.C., ma scopre con sgomento di  essere entrato in un “altro” futuro…
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netmassimo · 2 months
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The novel "Agency" by William Gibson was published for the first time in 2020. It's the second book in the Jackpot trilogy.
Verity is a beta testing expert and is hired to conduct a test of Eunice, an advanced model of digital assistant that appears to be included in specially built glasses. However, she finds it incredibly advanced, with characteristics that cause to her perplexities and fears.
Ainsley Lowbeer is working on a project connected to Verity and Eunice and her intervention in the past generates a new timeline. She tasks Wilf Netherton with intervening in that timeline, where some bad events were averted but the threat of atomic war remains.
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bilbao-song · 8 months
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not entirely sure what's going on here but i support it
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longliverockback · 1 year
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Electric Light Orchestra The Essential Electric Light Orchestra 2003 Legacy Recordings ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Evil Woman 02. Do Ya 03. Can’t Get It out of My Head 04. Mr. Blue Sky 05. Strange Magic 06. Livin’ Thing 07. Turn to Stone 08. Sweet Talkin’ Woman 09. Telephone Line 10. Shine a Little Love 11. Hold on Tight 12. Calling America 13. Rock ‘n’ Roll Is King 14. Don’t Bring Me Down 15. Roll over Beethoven —————————————————
* Long Live Rock Archive
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viralnews-1 · 2 years
Prime Video Sci-Fi Series The Peripheral: Showrunner Interview
Prime Video Sci-Fi Series The Peripheral: Showrunner Interview
Wilf (Gary Carr) and Flynne (Chloë Grace Moretz) meet in future London.Image: Prime Video Prime Video’s new William Gibson adaptation, The Peripheral, is produced by Westworld’s Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan and follows the high-stakes, high-tech tale of a young woman (Chloë Grace Moretz) who realizes the virtual world she’s been visiting in a video game is actually the future—a very bleak future,…
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Peripheral (2022)
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dietrocksoda · 1 year
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siblings + childhood
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ELO + text posts(?) inspired by this lmao
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prog-violinists · 7 years
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Electric Light Orchestra’s string section in 1972 - Wilf Gibson, Colin Walker, and Mike Edwards
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