nylilcosmos · 4 years
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☆○o。akemi using his quirk 。o○☆
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orchidhues · 4 years
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When you fall asleep with your quirk active
third prompt of the oc prompt list i’m doing!
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blackswanndraws · 5 years
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it tobi!!!!
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cannibalgremlin · 5 years
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“She drank the poison, she did. Never said that she died, poor thing, she lived but it made her weak in the head”
Bnha villain oc~
Name: Kaede Kobayoshi
Villian name: SugarBaby
Quirk: Amaikinesis
Ability: able to create, manipulate, and shape sweet foods and candies. Also able to permit a sickly sweet smell that can cause others to go unconcious
Downsides: most creations are limited to what sweets she ate that day
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moldygraylasagna · 5 years
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made another bnha oc, because im weak
Their name is Shiro Kuro, and they probably only had 2 hours of sleep at any given time
Their quirk is called Energy Sap, they can take anyone’s energy as long as there’s skin contact. Energy can differ, like Bakugou’s angry energy. Drawbacks include exhaustion and a ‘buzz’, much like coffee. It screws up their sleeping.
I love them so much and want to draw so much more of them.
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whaticandofornow · 6 years
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[ Howdy! I’ve had most of my OCs on here and it was kinda tough deciding who I’d like to go into further detail on but I finally made up my damn mind so here we go! (It’s @/Kurrodraws in case anyone wants to ask anything else abt him or any of my other OCs….. please I beg of you I just wanna talk about them. ]
Basic Info:
Name: Eteru Yūrei (枝照幽霊) / Evgeniy Mikhailov* Age: 18 Height: 6"7 / 200.66 cm Birthday: October 7th Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: Russian  Class: 3H (Support)
Power: 2/5  Speed: 3/5 Technique: 4/5 Intelligence: 4/5 Cooperativness: 3/5
Qurik: Ecto-Limbs Eteru can make any part of his body into an orange, semi permeable, ‘ghost’ version that he can control telepathically. He can have multiple versions of the same limb and multiple different body parts out at once (though it gets harder to control with each additional one and the form of the limb appears to become less defined). He will Usually use them to assist him in his work in order to hold equipment or just lend a hand (I’m funny). Eteru can feel everything that happens to these limbs often to his determent as they seemingly get cut, burnt or trapped a lot.  Family: He’s currently an only child, the son of two wealthy Russian business owners who moved to Japan in order to make Eteru happy as he pursued his dream of helping heroes with their gear and better society in general in the most hero oriented country in the world. His mother and father, unfortunately, detest one another however they both love him to the end of the Earth and are willing to stay together in order to keep him unaware of their disputes and loved. History: During Junior high back in Russia (before they moved to Japan so Yūrei could pursue his dream) Eteru was extremely narcissistic, vain and utterly obsessed with how he looked. Near the end of the second year (and after he had been thoroughly rude to the quirk’s user on account of the previously mentioned narcissism as well as the status his family name brought him) he was hit by a perception altering quirk which made him believe that his face had been completely changed (see 1st pic). This was incredibly humbling for him as he was suddenly set on hiding his face entirely to cover over what he believed had happened, meaning that he could no longer rely on his looks to get what he wanted. Over the past few years, he’s become almost a completely different person, learning to be polite to others and learning the value of strong interpersonal relationships. Eteru is still overly cautious about others seeing his face though no longer is it out of vanity but rather out of fear of what others may think. – On another note, he’s incredibly into Hatsune Miku and has gone as far as to dye his hair to try and mimic her and (in his free time alongside Keikō Fudo (A classmate / another OC of mine) has made a custom DDR machine for their dorms that is loaded only with Vocaloid songs, much to the chagrin of some of his other classmates. 
wow! there’s so much here! I love him as a support Hero, he looks like someone who’s always ready to lend a hand lmao. but on a serious note there’s so much someone can do with an extra pair of hands his quirk is so versatile I love it. 
now is he still under the quirk that makes him look like an eldritch super model or is he just emotionally scared from it? because I fully believe that would happen. its very beauty and the beast tbh. 
I think if he could keep up with Hatsumi, which he seems likely to be able to do, they would get along great. 
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naty-js · 6 years
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Artemis and Zander ~
Characters belong to @shield-of-hard-knocks-322
Want to do a commission? Check my info page!
Lunar Illusions Info
Artemis is capable of generating illusionary constructs out of lunar energy her body naturally produces. These illusions can be solid and real, becoming more so with age and practice/use, and poses great cold and certain attributes seemingly mystical in nature. Such as embedding objects with its cold without causing them to outright shatter and allowing for telekinetic like movement or control. Or bitting sharp daggers of cold that bust. Or can influence others auras and track them. Because stronger/ sensitive to them depending on lunar cycles. 
Drawbacks: - Overuse can cause blood loss like symptoms, become over chilled, sore and experience painful numbing and hurting joints and limbs if overused or underused, sensitive to the auras and emotions of others, which can give her headaches.
Solar Illusions Info
Zander is capable of generating illusionary constructs out of solar energy his body naturally produces. These illusions can be solid and real, becoming more so with age and practice/use, and poses great heat and certain attributes seemingly mystical in nature. Such as embedding objects with its heat without melting them outright and allowing for telekinetic like movement or control. Or explosive orbs of heat and energy that can help plant life flourish depending on the season. 
 Drawbacks: - Overuse can cause blood loss like symptoms,overheated, sore and experience burning and hurting joints and limbs if overused or underused. Is sensitive to electric and magnetic fields, which can give him headaches.
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quantumfizz · 6 years
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Name: Millie Jones
Nationality: American and Japanese
Quirk: Toon Force! Millie is able to change how physics and natural laws apply to her like a cartoon character. She can fall from a great height and will fold up like an accordion (with sound effects) and be completely fine. Her Quirk has an almost infinite number of applications, and makes her a very versatile hero
Weakness: Millie can only apply her Quirk if the resulting action will be funny (kind of like Roger Rabbit in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", where he could only escape a pair of handcuffs when it would be funny to do so). This means she has to be creative in how her Quirk is applied--if she's about to take on a traumatic injury, she has to apply her Quirk in a way that's comedic or else it won't activate. Because her attacks follow Toon Logic, any injuries she causes someone won't last very long and won't be life-threatening (eg. If she shoots someone out of a cannon, they may be singed all over and be put out of commission but they CANNOT die from their injuries). Her Quirk also requires a lot of energy, since she's actively breaking the laws of physics and defying reality. So if she expands too much of her energy, she can tire herself out/not be able to use her Quirk for a while and be defeated (usually in a cartoonish way, like an anvil falling on her head)
Hero Name: Blanc Slate, the Cartoon Hero!
Personality: Very zany and energetic. Never likes to sit still unless she's watching TV in bed, and is very bouncy. It's difficult to make her feel upset or sad, and she's a natural optimist. Very punny and joke-y, and has a joke for every situation.
Likes: Looney Tunes, Disney movies, weird looking stuffed animals, polka music, carrots, sweets and soda, newspaper comics, comedy specials, Weird Al Yankovic, Ms. Joke
Dislikes: People who take themselves too seriously, complicated strategies, dramatic TV shows, getting sand between her toes, uncreativity
Miscellaneous: Got into UA based off recommendations, but she took the entrance exam test anyway for fun. She distracted a robot by dancing with them until they became a tangled mess of circuitry and fell over, and destroyed another one with a giant Acme-brand magnet.
She's in the same year as the Big Three and Chumani!
As much as she enjoys being at UA, she wishes that Ms. Joke was a teacher there. Ms. Joke is her favorite Pro Hero, and applied for her agency to work as a sidekick. She was so excited when she was accepted that she turned into a giant firework and zoomed around her room.
She has trouble taking things seriously, even when a situation is dire. This isn't because she's callous or ignorant, but because her Quirk is entirely based off silliness and not taking the rules of reality seriously. Like if she interacted with someone like Stain or Overhaul, she would be psychologically incapable of taking them seriously. She CAN take things seriously, but because it makes her Quirk less effective she just naturally avoids doing so.
She fought Twice once, and has a bit of a crush on him. They have a similar sense of humor and energy, but she doesn't understand that Twice's personality stems from his trauma and mental illness, and it's more complicated than "Oh, he's naturally wacky like me!" If she ever found out, she'd have a rare instance of taking it seriously and try to help him.
She's met Bakugo before, and he HATES whenever she's around him. She loves messing with him and making him explode (figuratively and literally).
Watches cartoons with Pony (and occasionally Chumani will join in too) every Saturday. Pony invited the rest of 1-B to join them, and now it's a weekly thing with half the class piled in Millie's room with blankets and a shit ton of sugary cereals.
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glitched-lullaby · 6 years
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Decided to finally add some color to Chikuzu so I could make him my Discord icon. Was kinda motivated ‘cause @bokumacademia​ might be making a server and I wanted my son as my icon if it becomes a reality.
The first is his actual costume as Devilist: The Gaseous Hero, while the second has the lenses removed as a color ref for his eyes. The differing bgs is just so I can quickly tell the files apart lol
Edit: corrected who might be making the server (I thought it was @whaticandofornow​ but their post about it was just a reblog)
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thermojam · 6 years
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I made one of those UA Files for Hazumi. God I need photoshop, Paint is not the optimal lettering program
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nylilcosmos · 5 years
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Akemi is a gentle boy, who tries to rely on the healing aspects of his quirk rather than combat!
His school uniform left sleeve is customized to be longer due to his insecurity of the left ambered arm
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blackswanndraws · 5 years
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(also ft. Business Guy)
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whaticandofornow · 6 years
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Sorry for the bad foto But I managed to make it look clear! Hope it looks good 🤗
Yuro Tsuki Quirk: Scythe Reaper, she summons a scythe that can deactivate peoples quirks for a certain amount of time depending on the wound inflicted. 
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naty-js · 6 years
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Mizu - Quirk ~
Character belong to @shield-of-hard-knocks-322
Want to do a commission? Check my info page!
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nylilcosmos · 5 years
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wanted to do a fullbody on my #bnhaoc Akumu ✨
Quick Info:
Age: 19
Villain | Code Name "Mole"
Quirk: Mole (Mutation)
grants user with mole claws that can be used to create "escape tunnels" or generally dig through (almost) any kind of texture, the antennas attached to them are like a light source (when entering dark areas)
though this quirk may handle almost any texture to dig through, it is in fact not combat made (idk what kind of logic that is but-) akumu is silent and seems friendly when not entering her villain persona.
likes coffee a lot and has almost like 0 sleep (Im still working on her villain story) .
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blackswanndraws · 5 years
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based off this X by @incorrectocquotations
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